Ruth Chapter 1 ָארֶ ץ ָָ֑ טים ו ַי ִ֥ ְִּהי ָר ָ֖ ָעב ב ִּ ִ֔ פ ְ ֹּׁ מ ֙י שְ ֹ֣פ ֹּׁט הַש ֵ הי בִּי ִּ ִ֗ ְ ו ַי1 It was in the days of the judgment of the judges, and there was a famine in the land. ְהּודה לָגּו ֙ר בִּשְ ֵֹ֣די ָ ִ֗ לחֶם י ֶ ֹ֣ ִּבית ֵֵּ֧ איש מ ִּ ִ֜ ו ֵַּ֨י ֵל ְֶך And a man went from the house (Beth) of bread (-lehem) of Judah to ב ָנ ָֽיו ָ אב ִ֥הּוא וְאִּשְ ָ֖תֹו ּושְ ֵנִ֥י ָ ִ֔ מֹו reside in the fields of Moab, he, his wife, and his two sons. מי ו ְִֵ֥שם ִּ ִ֜ ע מל ְֶך ו ְשֵ ם אִּשְ ֵּ֨תֹו נ ָ מ ֶ ָאיש אָֽל ִּי ִּ ֹ֣ ו ְֵֹ֣שם ה2 And the name of the man was Elimelek, and the name of his wife Naomi, and the name of his two sons, Maxlon and Chilion, Ephratites from Bethִּבית ִֵ֥ תים מ ִּ ִ֔ אפ ְָר ֶ כל ְיֹו ֙ן ִּ ְ מח ְ֤לֹון ו ַ ב ָנֹ֣יו ׀ ָ שְ ֵנ ָֽי־ lehem of Judah. ְהּודה ָָ֑ לחֶם י ֶ ָ֖ ְיּו־שָֽם ָ י־מֹואב וַיִָּֽה ָ ָ֖ ֵו ַי ִָ֥ב ֹּׁאּו שְ ד And they came to the fields of Moab, and there they were. ממי ִּ ָ֑ איש נָע ִּ ֹ֣ ִּימל ְֶך ֶ ָ֖ וַיִָ֥מָת אל3 And Elimelek died, Naomi's man. And she was bereft and her two sons. ה ָ ב ֶנ ָֽי ָ היא ּושְ ֵנִ֥י ִּ ָ֖ תשָ ִֵ֥אר ִּ ַ ו ֙שם הָ ַָֽאחַת ֵ ֤ ביִֹ֔ות ִּ א ֲ ֹּׁ מ ָֽ ֙הם נ ָשִּ ים ֶ ִ֗ ָ ו ַי ִּשְ ֹ֣אּו ל4 And they fetched for themselves Moabite wives, the name of the one Orpah, and the name of the second Ruth. פה ו ְִֵ֥שם הַשֵ ִּנָ֖ית ָ֑רּות ָ ִ֔ ְעָר And they lived there for ten years. שם כ ִ֥ ְֶעשֶ ר שָ ִּנ ָֽים ָ ָ֖ וַיִֵ֥שְ בּו כלְיָֹ֑ון ִּ ְ מח ְֹ֣לֹון ו ַ ֵיהם ֶ ָ֖ ו ַי ִָ֥מּותּו גַם־שְ נ5 And they died, even the two of them, Maxlon and Chilion. And she was bereft, the woman, of her two boys and of her man. ִּישָּֽה ָ מא ֵ ה ּו ָ א ֙ר הָ ָֽא ִִּ֔שָ ה מִּשְ ֵנִ֥י יְל ָ֖ ֶָדי ֵ ָתש ִּ ַ ו ֹואב ָָ֑ ה ו ָ֖ ַָתשָ ב מִּשְ ֵֹ֣די מ ָ תי ֶ ִ֔ ו ֤ ַָתקָ ם הִּיא֙ וְכַֹּל6 And she arose, she and her daughters in law to return from the fields of Moab. אב כִּ ָֽי־פ ֤ ַָקד י ְהו ָה֙ אֶת־ ָ ִ֔ מעָה֙ בִּשְ ֵֹ֣דה מֹו ְ ש ָֽ ָ כי ִּ ֤ For she had heard in the fields of Moab that Yahweh had visited his peoע ִַ֔מֹו ל ִֵָ֥תת ל ָ֖ ֶָהם לָ ָֽחֶם ple to give to them bread. ה־שָ מָה ּושְ ִֵ֥תי ִ֔ ֲָשר הָי ְת ֶ ֹ֣ המָקֹום֙ א ַ צא מִּן־ ֵ ִ֗ ת ֵ ַ ו7 And she came out from the place where she was and her two daughtersin-law with her, ִּמּה ָָ֑ ה ע ָ ַֹּלתי ֶ ָ֖ כ and they went on the way to return to the land of Judah. ְהּודָֽה ָ ֶל־א ֶרץ י ֶ ִ֥ כנ ָה ב ִ֔ ֶַדרֶ ְך ל ָָ֖שּוב א ְ ל ַ ֹ֣ ת ֵ ַו בנ ָה ְ ֹּׁ כנ ָה ִ֔ש ְ ל ֵֹ֣ ה ָ תי ֶ ִ֔ מ ֙י ל ִּשְ ֵֹ֣תי כַֹּל ִּ ע ו ַ֤ת ֹּׁאמֶר נ ָ מ8 And Naomi said to her two daughters-in-law, Go - return - each to the house of her mother. ִּמּה ָָ֑ ִּשה ל ְֵֹ֣בית א ָ ָ֖ א May Yahweh deal with you kindly as you have dealt with those who died יתם עִּם־ ֶ ֶ֛ ֲִּשר עֲש ֶ ֵּ֧ כא ַ חסֶ ד ֶ ִ֔ ֙מכֶם ָ ע ִּ יֹ֣ ַעַש י ְהוָ֤ה and with me. עמ ִָּדָֽי ִּ ְ ֵתים ו ִּ ָ֖ המ ַ ִּשה ֵֹ֣בית ָ ָ֖ חה א ָ ִ֔ ְצאן ָ מְנּו ֶ ֹ֣ כם ּומ ֶ ִ֔ ָ י ֤ ִֵּתן י ְהו ָה֙ ל9 May Yahweh give to you and may you find rest each in the house of her man and she kissed them and they lifted up their voice and wept. ִּישּה ָָ֑ א קֹולן ו ַתִּ בְכֶ ָֽינ ָה ָ ָ֖ שאנ ָה ֶ ִ֥ ת ִּ ַ הן ו ֶ ִ֔ ָשק ל ַ ֹ֣ ת ִּ ַ ו ָה־לּה ָָ֑ אמרְ נ ַ ָ֖ ֹּׁ ו ַת10 And they said to her, For with you we will return to your people. ַמְָֽך ֵ ִּתְך נ ָָ֖שּוב לְע ִָ֥ כִּי־א כנ ָה ְ ל ַ ָ֖ ת ֵ למָה ִָ֥ בנ ָה בְנ ֹּׁ ִ֔תַ י ְ ֹּׁ מ ֙י ֹ֣ש ִּ ע ו ַ֤ת ֹּׁאמֶר נ ָ מ11 And Naomi said, Turn back my daughters. Why would you go with me? ִּמי ִּ ָ֑ ע Are there yet to me sons in my body that they might become adults for ָשָֽים ִּ אנ ֲ ַהיִּ֥ו ל ָ֖ ֶָכם ל ָ ְ עי ו ַ ִ֔ מ ֵ ָֽ ְבנ ִּים֙ ב ָ לי ִּ ֤ הַ ָֽעָֹֽוד־ you? 12 Turn back my daughters - go for I am too old to have a man. היֹֹ֣ות ל ָ֑ ְִּאיש ְ מ ִּ כי ז ָ֖ ַָקנְתִּי ִּ ִ֥ ָ בנ ָה בְנֹּׁתַ ֙י ִ֔ל ֵכְן ְ ֹּׁ ֤ש For had I said I am expecting, even if there was tonight a man, and even ֙הלַ֙יְלָה ַ היִּ֤יתִּי ָ ק ִָ֔וה ֹ֣ ַגם ְ ת ִּ לי ִּ ֹ֣ ת ֙י י ֶש־ ִּ ְמר ַ ֙ כי ָא ִּ ֤ if I gave birth to sons, ב ִּנ ָֽים ָ איש ו ְ ָ֖ ַגם י ִ֥ ַָלדְ תִּי ִּ ִ֔ ְ ל ה ֙ן ֵ ָ הל ֲ ֲשר יִּג ִ֔ ְָדלּו ֶ ֹ֣ עד א ַ ַ֚ ברְ נ ָה ֵ ִ֗ ַתש ְ הל ֵָֹ֣הן ׀ ֲ 13 as if you could wait until they had grown up, as if you would remain shut up without there being a man. בל ָ֖ ְִּתי היֹֹ֣ות ל ָ֑ ְִּאיש ִּ ְ ע ִ֔גֵנ ָה ל ָ ת ָֽ ֵ No my daughters, for my bitterness is greater than yours. For the hand כם כִּ ָֽי־יָצ ְִָ֥אה ָ֖ ִּבי ֶ ִ֔ מ ִּ ד ֙ ֹּׁ לי מְא ִּ ֤ ֹ֣ ַאל בְנ ֹּׁ ִ֗תַ י כִּ ָֽי־מַר־ of Yahweh has come out in me. י ַד־י ְהוָָֽה ְכינ ָה ָ֑עֹוד ֶ ָ֖ תב ִּ ַ שנ ָה קֹו ִ֔לָן ו ֶ ֹ֣ ת ִּ ַ ו14 And they lifted up their voice and wept further. And Orpah kissed her mother-in-law but Ruth stayed close to her. ֲמֹותָ ּה ו ְָ֖רּות ִָ֥דבְקָ ה בָ ָּֽה ִ֔ שק עָרְ פָה֙ לַח ַ֤ ת ִּ ַ ו ַמּה וְאֶל־ ָ ָ֖ תְך אֶל־ע ֵ ִ֔ מ ְ ב ִּ ְ שבָה י ָֹ֣ ֙הנ ֵה ִּ ו ִַ֗ת ֹּׁאמֶר15 And she said, Behold your sister-in-law returns to her people and to her God. ה ָ ֹלהי ֶָ֑ א You return following your sister-in-law. ְתְָֽך ֵ במ ִּ ְ ָ֖שּובִּי ַאח ֲִֵ֥רי י בי לְעָז ָ֖ ְֵבְך ל ָֹ֣שּוב ִּ ִ֔ פגְעִּי־ ְ ת ִּ ו ַ֤ת ֹּׁאמֶר רּות֙ ַאל־16 And Ruth said, do not force me to forsake you, to turn back from following you. ח ָָ֑רי ְִּך ֲ מֵַא For where you go I go, and wherever you stop over I stop over, your ֲשר תָ לִּ֙ינ ִּ ֙י ָא ִ֔ל ִּין ֶ ֤ בא ַ א ִ֗ל ְֵך ּו ֵ כי ִּ ִ֜ ְ תל ֵ כי אֶל־א ֲֵּ֨שֶ ר ִּ ִּ֠ Translation by Bob MacDonald page 1 Ruth ֵאֹלהי ְִּך אֹלהָ ָֽי ַ ָ֖ מי ו ִּ ִ֔ ע ַ ַמְך ֵֹ֣ ע ָאמּות ו ָ֖ ְָשם אֶקָ ֵָ֑בר ִ֔ ת ֙י ִּ ֲשר תָ מ֙ ּו ֶ ֤ בא ַ מו ֶת ָ ִ֔ ה ַ כי ִּ ֹ֣ סיף ִּ ִ֔ ֹּׁ כֹּׁה יַע ֲֵּ֨שֶ ה י ְהוִָ֥ה ל ִּ ֙י ו ְֹ֣כ ֹּׁה י יַפ ָ֖ ְִּריד בֵי ִּנִ֥י ּובֵי ֵנ ְָֽך ִּתּה ָָ֑ היא ל ֹ֣ ֶָלכֶת א ִּ ָ֖ ַמצֶת ֶ ִ֥ תא ְ מ ִּ תרֶ א כִּ ָֽי־ ֵ ֵּ֕ ַ ו ה ָ תח ָ֖ ְַדל ל ְדַ ִֵ֥בר אֵלֶ ָֽי ֶ ַו לחֶם ָָ֑ הם עַד־ב ֹּׁ ָ֖ ָאנ ָה ֵֹ֣בית ֶ ִ֔ כנ ָה שְ תֵי ְ ל ַ ֹ֣ ת ֵ ַו העִּי ֙ר ָ אנ ָה֙ ֵֹ֣בית ִ֔ל ֶחֶם וַת ֵ֤ה ֹּׁם כָל־ ָ ֙ ֹּׁ הי כְב ִּ ִ֗ ְ ו ַי אמרְ נ ָה ה ֲִ֥ז ֹּׁאת נָעממִּ ָֽי ַ ָ֖ ֹּׁ הן ו ַת ֶ ִ֔ על ֵי ֲ ממי ִּ ָ֑ לי נָע ִּ ָ֖ תק ִ֥ ְֶראנ ָה ִּ הן ַאל־ ֶ ִ֔ אל ֵי ֲ ו ַֹ֣ת ֹּׁאמֶר לי מְאָֹּֽׁד ִּ ָ֖ ֵמר שַ ֶ֛ ַדי ַ ִ֥ ק ֤ ְֶראן ָ ל ִּ ֙י מ ִָָ֔רא כִּי־ה יבנ ִּי י ְהוָָ֑ה ַ ֹ֣ ִּיקם הש ָ ָ֖ ֵכתִּי ו ְר ְ ַה ִ֔ל ָ מל ֵָֹ֣אה ְ אנ ִּ ֙י ֲ בי ו ְשַ ָ֖ ַדי ִּ ִ֔ מי וַָֽיהו ָה֙ ָֹ֣ענ ָה ִּ ִ֔ ע תק ֤ ְֶראנ ָה ל ִּ ֙י נ ָ מ ִּ למָה ָֹ֣ ל ָֽי ִֵ֥ה ַרָֽע ִּ מּה ָ ִ֔ ע ִּ ֙כלָתָ ּה ַ ביָ֤ה ִּ א ֲ מי ו ְֵּ֨רּות הַמֹו ִּ ִ֗ ע ו ַָֹ֣תשָ ב נ ָ מ מֹואב ָָ֑ ַשבָה מִּשְ ֵֹ֣די ָ ָ֖ ה ְציר שְ ע ֹּׁ ִּרָֽים ִּ ִ֥ ִּלת ק ַ ָ֖ תח ְ ב ִּ באּו ֵֹ֣בית ִ֔ל ֶחֶם ָ ַ֚ המָה ֵ ִ֗ ְ ו 17 18 19 20 21 22 people my people, your God my God. Where you die I die, and there I will be entombed. Thus Yahweh do to me and add more, for only death will separate me and you. And she saw that she was sure to go with her, and she left off speaking with her. And the two of them went till they came to Bethlehem. And it was as they came to Bethlehem that all the city was excited concerning them, and the women said - is this Naomi? And she said to them, Do not call me Naomi. Call me Mara, for bitter is the Sufficient to me - excessively. I myself full went away, and empty Yahweh has returned me. Why call me Naomi, for Yahweh has answered me, and the Sufficient brought trouble to me. So Naomi returned, and Ruth the Moabite her daughter-in-law with her. She returned from the fields of Moab. And they came to Bethlehem at the commencement of the harvest of barley. Chapter 2 חי ִּל ַ ִ֔ איש ג ִֹּ֣בֹור ִּ ַ֚ ִּישָ ּה ִ֗ מֹודע לְא ַ ֹ֣ מי ִּ ִ֞ ע ּוָֽלְנ ָ מ1 Now for Naomi there was an acquaintance of her man, a man of valor and ability from the family of Elimelek, ִּימל ְֶך ֶָ֑ ממִּשְ ָ֖ ַפחַת אל ִּ and his name was Boaz. ב ֹּׁעַז ָֽ ּושְ ָ֖מֹו מי אֵ ָֽלְכָה־ ָנ֤א ִּ ִ֗ ע אבִּיִָ֜ה אֶ ָֽל־נ ָ מ ֲ ו ַתֹּׁאמֶר ֵּ֨רּות הַמֹו2 And Ruth the Moabite said to Naomi, Let me go please to the field and glean among the stalks of grain following that I may find favor in his ֲשר ֶ ִ֥ חר א ַ ֵּ֕ ַאב ִ֔ל ִּים בַשִּ מטה ָֹ֣ אלַקמ ֲ ַ הַשָ דֶ ה֙ ו eyes. בעֵי ָנָ֑יו ְ ָא־חן ֵ ָ֖ מצ ְ א ֶ And she said to her, Go my daughter. לּה ל ִ֥ ְִּכי בִּתִּ ָֽי ָ ָ֖ ו ִַ֥ת ֹּׁאמֶר תל ֵַֹ֣קט בַשָ ִ֔ ֶדה ַאח ָ֖ ֲֵרי הַקֹּׁצ ָ֑ ְִּרים ְ ַ ו ֤ ֵַתל ְֶך ו ַתָ בֹוא֙ ו3 And she went and she came and she gleaned in the field following the reapers. ֲשר ֶ ָ֖ חל ֤ ְַקת הַשָ דֶ ה֙ ל ְִ֔ב ֹּׁעַז א ֶ ה ָ וַיֹ֣ ִּקֶר מִּקְ ִ֔ ֶר And she chanced by chance on the part of the field belonging to Boaz ִּימל ְֶך ָֽ ֶ ממִּשְ ִ֥ ַפחַת אל ִּ who was of the family of Elimelek. ִּבית ִ֔ל ֶחֶם ו ַיִֹּׁ֥אמֶר לַקֹוצ ָ֖ ְִּרים ֵֹ֣ בא מ ָ ַ֚ ֵה־ב ֹּׁעַז ִ֗ הנ ִּ ְ ו4 And behold Boaz came from Bethlehem. And he said to the reapers, Yahweh be with you. ָכם ֶָ֑ עמ ִּ י ְהוָֹ֣ה And they said to him, Yahweh bless you. ו ַיִֹּׁ֥אמְרּו ָ֖לֹו יְבָרֶ כ ְִ֥ך י ְהוָָֽה הקָֹֽוצ ָ֑ ְִּרים ַ הנ ָ֖ ִָּצב עַל־ ַ ע ֙ז לְנַע ֲִ֔רֹו ַ ֹּׁ ב ֙ ו ַיֹּׁ֤אמֶר5 And Boaz said to his lad who was stationed over the reapers, Whose is that lass? הנַע ֲִָ֥רה הַז ָֹּֽׁאת ַ ל ָ֖ ְִּמי אמר ַָ֑ ֹּׁ הנ ִִָּ֥צב עַל־הַקֹוצ ָ֖ ְִּרים ו ַי ַ ה ֶ֛ ַנעַר ַ ו ִַ֗י ַעַן6 And the lad set over the reapers answered and he said. She is the Moabite lass, she who returned with Naomi from the fields of ממי מִּשְ ִֵ֥דה ִּ ָ֖ שבָה ִּעָֽם־נָע ִָ֥ ה ַ היא ִּ ִ֔ ֙אבִּי ָה ֲ נַע ֤ ֲָרה מָֹֽו Moab. מֹואָ ָֽב עמ ִ֔ ִָּרים ַאח ָ֖ ֲֵרי ְתי בָ ָֽ מ ִּ ֹ֣ אלַקמ טָ ה־נ ָא֙ ו ְָאסַ פ ֲ ו ִַ֗ת ֹּׁאמֶר7 And she had said, please let me glean and gather among the bales following the reapers. הַקֹוצ ָ֑ ְִּרים And she came and she stood from then, the morning, and till this miעתָ ה זֶֶ֛ה ַ ִ֔ ק ֙ר וְעַד־ ֶ ֹּׁ ַב ֙ ֵאז ה ָ ֤ ו ַתָ ֹ֣בֹוא וַָֽתַ ע ֲִ֗מֹוד מ ְעָֽט ָ ַבי ִּת מ ַ ָ֖ ְתּה ה ִָ֥ שִּ ב nute, resting in the house briefly. תי ַאל־ ִּ ִ֗ ב ִּ ת ְ ע ַ ֶל־רּות ה ֲֵּ֧לֹוא שָ ֹ֣ ַמ ִ֜ ו ַיֹּׁאמֶר ֵּ֨ב ֹּׁעַז א8 And Boaz said to Ruth, Do you not hear, my daughter? Do not go to glean in the field of another and also do not pass beyond this one, ֲבּורי ִּ ָ֖ חר ו ְ ֶ֛ ַגם ִֹ֥לא תַ ע ֵ ִ֔ כ ֙י לִּל ְקֹּׁט֙ בְשָ ֹ֣ ֶדה ַא ִּ ְ תל ֵ but stay close here with my lasses, מזֶָ֑ה ִּ ב ָ֖ ִּקין עִּם־נַעֲר ֹּׁ ָתָֽי ָ ְו ְִ֥כ ֹּׁה תִּד הן ֶ ִ֔ חרֵ י ֲ ַאת ִּ כ ְ ל ַ ֹ֣ ה ָ ְ קצֹּׁרּו ֙ן ו ְ ִּ עֵי ִ֜נ ַי ְִּך בַשָ ֤ ֶדה אֲשֶ ר־י9 your eyes on the field where they reap and you go behind them. Have I not commanded the lads not to touch בל ֹ֣ ְִּתי נָג ְֵָ֑עְך ִּ ְ הנְע ָ֖ ִָּרים ל ַ צּוִֶּ֛יתִּי אֶת־ ִּ ה ֲִ֥לֹוא you? ֲשר ֶ ִ֥ מא ֵ תית ִּ ֵּ֕ ָכ ִ֔ל ִּים ו ְש ֵ ה ַ ת אֶל־ ְ֙ כ ְ ַ הל ָ ְ מת ו ִּ ִ֗ צ ָ ְו When you thirst, you go to the vessels הנְע ִָּרָֽים ַ י ִּשְ א ֲָ֖בּון and take your drink from what the lads have drawn. Translation by Bob MacDonald page 2 Ruth תחּו ָָ֑ארְ צָה ַ ָ֖ ְתש ִּ ַ ה ו ָ פ ִ֔נ ֶי ָ וַתִּפֹּׁל֙ עַל־10 And she fell on her face and prostrated herself to the earth, and said to him, Why do I find grace in your eyes that you would recogך ֙ בעֵי ֙נ ֶי ְ צאתִּי ֤ ֵחן ָ ֵּ֨ מ ָ ע ַ א ִ֗לָיו מַדּו ֵ ו ַֹ֣ת ֹּׁאמֶר nize me, but I am an alien? כי ִּ ָ֖ ֹּׁ ִּירנ ִּי וְאָנ ֵ ִ֔ הכ ַ ְ לנָכְרִּ יָָֽה ה ִ֜גַד ִ֗ל ִּי ֤כ ֹּׁל אֲשֶ ר־ ֻ ה ֵּ֨גֵד ֻ ע ֙ז ו ַיֹֹּׁ֣אמֶר ִ֔לָּה ַ ֹּׁ ב ֙ וַי֤ ַעַן11 And Boaz answered and said to her, It has been clearly evident to me all that you have done for your mother-in-law after the death of your man. ִּישְך ֵָ֑ תְך ַאח ָ֖ ֲֵרי ֹ֣מֹות א ֵ ִ֔ עָשִּ ית֙ אֶת־חֲמֹו And you forsook your father and your mother and the land that gave ָביְך ִּ ֹ֣ בי א ִּ ִ֞ ְ ַתעַז ָֽ ַ כי ו ִּ ִ֔ ְ תְך ו ֵַֹ֣תל ֵ ִ֔ ְארֶ ֙ץ מָֹֽול ַד ֶ ֙ ְ מְך ו ֵ ִ֗ א ִּ ְ ו you birth and went to a people that you did not know before in times ת ת ְִ֥מֹול שִּ ל ְשָֽ ֹום ְ ע ַ ֲשר ֹלא־י ָ֖ ַָד ֶ ִ֥ עם א ַ ֵּ֕ אֶל־ past. 12 Yahweh make full payment for your work, מלְך ֵָ֑ פע ָ לם י ְהוָָ֖ה ִֵ֥ ַי ְש and let your wages be full payment from Yahweh the God of Israel to ֹלהי ֵֹ֣ מ ֤ ִּעם י ְהו ָה֙ א ֵ מה ָ ִ֗ ֵ תְך שְ ל ֵ ִ֜ ְהי מַשְ כֻר ִּ ֵּ֨ ת ְ ּו whom you came to take refuge under his wings. כנ ָפָ ָֽיו ְ תחַת־ ָֽ ַ ר־באת לַח ֲִ֥סֹות ָ ָ֖ ֶאל אֲש ֵ ִ֔ י ִּשְ ָר חמ ְִ֔תָ נ ִּי ַ ָֽ כי ִּנ ִּ ֹ֣ בעֵי ֶנ֤יך אֲדֹּׁנ ִּ ֙י ְ חן ֵ ֵּ֨ מצָא־ ְ א ֶ ִּ֠ו ַתֹּׁאמֶר13 And she said, Let me find grace in your eyes my lord, for you have comforted me, ָתך ֶָ֑ פח ְ ִַּל־לב ש ֵֹ֣ ו ִ֥ ְִּכי דִּ ָ֖ ַברְ תָ ע for you have spoken to the heart of your handmaid and I myself am not תָֽיך ֶ ֹּׁ ְַאחת שִּ פְח ַ ָ֖ כ ֙י ֹֹ֣לא אֶ ָֽה ְִ֔י ֶה כ ִּ ֹּׁ ו ְָאנ one of your handmaids. ֙שָֽי הֲֹלם ִּ ֹּׁ ו ַיֹּׁאמֶר ֵּ֨לָה ִ֜ב ֹּׁעַז ל ְֵֹ֣עת ה ִָ֗א ֹּׁכֶל ֤ג14 And Boaz said to her, At the time of eating come close here and eat of the bread and dip your piece in the vinegar. ִּתְך ב ַָ֑ח ֹּׁמֶץ ֵ ָ֖ ת פ ְ ְ ה ִ֔ל ֶחֶם ו ְטָ ִ֥ ַבל ַ ת מִּן־ ְ ְ ְָאכל ַ ֹ֣ ו And she herself sat at the side of the reapers and he plied her with ָט־לּה קָ ִ֔ל ִּי ָֹ֣ צב ְ ִּ הקָֹֽוצ ִ֔ ְִּרים ו ַי ַ ִּצד ַ ֹ֣ ב מ ֙ ֶתש ֵ֙ ַ ו תָֽר ַ ֹּׁ תשְ ָ֖ ַבע ו ַת ִּ ַ ו ִַ֥ת ֹּׁאכַל ו parched grain and she ate and she was sated and had leftovers. ו ָ֖ ַָתקָ ם לְל ֵַָ֑קט15 And she arose to glean and Boaz commanded his lads, Even between the bales let her glean, עמ ֶ֛ ִָּרים ֵאמ ֹּׁר ֹ֣ ַגם ֵֵּ֧בין הָ ָֽ מ ִ֗ ו ַיְצַו ֵּ֨ב ֹּׁעַז אֶת־נְע ִָָ֜ריו ל and do not humiliate her. ה ָ כל ִּימָּֽו ְ ַתל ָ֖ ֵַקט ו ְִֹ֥לא ת ְ ָתים ִּ ָ֑ צב ְ ה ַ לּה מִּן־ ָ ָ֖ ו ְ ֶ֛ ַגם שֹּׁל־תָ ִ֥ש ֹּׁלּו16 And even pilfer - pilfer for her from the bundles, and discard them and let her glean, and do not rebuke her. תגְעֲרּו־בָ ָּֽה ִּ ְטה ו ְִֹ֥לא ָ ָ֖ ְתם וְלִּק ֶ ִ֥ וַעֲזַב ָע ֶרב ָָ֑ תל ִֵַ֥קט בַשָ ָ֖ ֶדה עַד־ה ְ ַ ו17 And she gleaned in the field till evening. And she threshed what she had gleaned, and there was about an ephah ֵיפה ִָ֥ כא ְ ו ַתַ חְבֹּׁט֙ ֵֹ֣את אֲשֶ ר־ל ִִּ֔קֵ טָ ה ו ַי ָ֖ ְִּהי of barley. שְ ע ֹּׁ ִּרָֽים ֲמֹותּה ֵֹ֣את אֲשֶ ר־ ָ ָ֖ עיר ו ִֵַ֥תרֶ א ח ִּ ִ֔ ה ָ תשָ א֙ ו ַתָ ֹ֣בֹוא ִּ ַ ו18 And she lifted it up and came to the city and her mother-in-law saw what she gleaned. ל ִֵָּ֑קטָ ה And she brought out and gave to her ר־הֹות ָרה מִּשָ ב ְָעָּֽה ִּ ָ֖ ֶתתֶן־ ִ֔לָּה ִֵ֥את אֲש ִּ ַ ו ַתֹוצֵא֙ ו what she had left over after she was sated. ת הַיֹום֙ ו ְָֹ֣אנ ָה ְ ט ְ ֵיפ ֹּׁה ל ֤ ִַּק ֵּ֨ ֲמֹותָ ּה א ִ֜ ו ַתֹּׁאמֶר ֵּ֨לָּה ח19 And her mother-in-law said to her, Where did you glean today and how did you make out? May the one who recognized you be blessed. ִּירְך ב ָָ֑רּוְך ֵ ָ֖ מכ ַ ע ִָ֔שִּ ית י ִ֥ ְִּהי And she made clear to her mother-in-law ֲמֹותָ ּה ֤ ֵאת אֲשֶ ר־עָשְ תָ ה֙ ע ִִּ֔מֹו ִ֗ ו ַתַ ֵֹ֣גד לַח היָֹ֖ום ַ ָשיתִּי ע ִֶּ֛מֹו ִּ ֵּ֧ ש א ֲֵּ֨שֶ ר ע ֙ האִּי ָ שם ֵ ֤ ו ִַ֗ת ֹּׁאמֶר that she had made out with him. ב ֹּׁעַז ָֽ And she said, the name of the man that I made out with today is Boaz. כל ִָ֗תָ ּה ב ִָ֥רּוְך הּוא֙ לַיה ִָ֔וה ַ ְ מי ל ִּ ִ֜ ע ו ֵַּ֨ת ֹּׁאמֶר נ ָ מ20 And Naomi said to her daughter-in-law, Blessed be he from Yahweh who has not forsaken his kindness for the living and the dead. חיִָּ֖ים וְאֶת־ ַ ה ַ עזַֹ֣ב חַסְ ִ֔דֹו אֶת־ ָ אֲשֶ ֙ר ֹלא־ And Naomi said to her, Near to us is the man and our redeemer is he. ֵתים ִּ ָ֑ המ ַ ֲלנּו ֵ ָ֖ איש מִּ ָֽגֹּׁא ִּ ִ֔ ה ָ מי קָ ִ֥רֹוב לָ֙נ ּ֙ו ִּ ִ֗ ע לּה נ ָ מ ָֹ֣ ו ֵַּ֧ת ֹּׁאמֶר הָּֽוא בי ָָ֑ה ִּ א ֲ ו ַָ֖ת ֹּׁאמֶר ֹ֣רּות הַמֹו21 And Ruth the Moabite said, For he even said to me, with my lads stay close till they even devour all הנְע ֤ ִָּרים אֲשֶ ר־ל ִּ ֙י ַ א ִ֗לַי עִּם־ ֵ ִּי־ָאמר ַ ֹ֣ ֹ֣ ַגם ׀ כ my harvest. קין ֹ֣ ַעד אִּם־כ ִִּ֔לּו ִֵ֥את כָל־הַקָ ָ֖ ִּציר אֲשֶ ר־ ִּ ִ֔ ב ָ ְתִּד ל ָֽי ִּ כל ָָָ֑תּה ַ ֶל־רּות ִּ ָ֖ ו ִַ֥ת ֹּׁאמֶר נָע22 And Naomi said to Ruth her daughter-in-law, ֹ֣ ממי א It is good, my daughter, to go out with his lasses, that none force you פגְעּו־ ְ ִּ ֲרֹותָ יו ו ְִֹ֥לא י ִ֔ א ֙י עִּם־ ֹ֣ ַנע ִּ צ ְ ת ָֽ ֵ כי ִּ ֤ תי ִּ ִ֗ ב ִּ ֹ֣טֹוב into another field. ָ֖ ָבְך בְשָ ִ֥ ֶדה ַאחֵ ָֽר ע ֙ז לְל ִַ֔קֵ ט עַד־כ ְִ֥לֹות ַ ֹּׁ ב ֙ בנַע ֲִ֥רֹות ְ בק ַ ִ֞ ְ וַתִּד23 So she stayed close with the lasses of Boaz, to glean till the consummation of the barley harvest and the wheat harvest. ִּטים ִּ ָ֑ ְציר הַ ָֽח ִּ ֹ֣ קְצִּ ָֽיר־הַשְ ע ָֹּׁ֖ ִּרים ּוק And she lived with her mother-in-law. ֲמֹותָּֽה ָ ו ָ֖ ֵַתשֶ ב אֶת־ח Translation by Bob MacDonald page 3 Ruth Chapter 3 ֲמֹותּה ָָ֑ ממי ח ִּ ֹ֣ לּה נָע ָ ָ֖ ו ִַ֥ת ֹּׁאמֶר1 And Naomi her mother-in-law said to her, My daughter, do I not seek for you rest ֲשר יִָּֽיטַ ב־לָ ְָֽך ֶ ִ֥ ח א ַ ש־לְך מָנָ֖ ֹו ֶָ֛ ק ֶ ב ַ א ֲ תי ה ֲֵֹּ֧לא ִּ ִ֞ ב ִּ that it may be good for you? היִָּ֖ית אֶת־ ָ ֲשר ֶ ִ֥ ע ֙ז מָֹּֽׁדַ ע ְִ֔תָ נּו א ַ ֹּׁ ב ֙ וְע ִַ֗תָ ה ה ֲִֹ֥לא2 And now is not Boaz of our acquaintance with whose lasses you were, ֲרֹותיו ָָ֑ נַע behold he himself winnows, threshing-floor, barley, tonight. השְ ע ָֹּׁ֖ ִּרים הַלָ ָֽיְלָה ַ ֶת־ג ֹּׁרֶ ן ִ֗ הנ ִּ ִ֥ ֵה־הּוא ז ֶֹּׁ֛ ֶרה א ת ְ ְָלי ְִּך ו ְי ֹ֣ ַָרד ַ ָ֖ ְֹלתי ְִּך ע ַ ֶ֛ ת שִּ מ ְ מ ְ ת ו ֵּ֧ ְַש ְ כ ְ ַת ׀ ו ִָ֗ס ְ צ ְ ח ַ ֹ֣ ו ְָר3 So wash yourself and anoint yourself and put your shawl on you, and descend to the threshing-floor. ה ַָ֑ג ֹּׁרֶ ן Do not be known to the man till he finishes eating and imbibing. ַֹּלתֹו ל ֶא ִ֥כ ֹּׁל וְל ִּשְ תָֹֽות ִּ ִ֔ ָתּו ָדְ ֹ֣ ִּעי ל ִּ ַאל־ ָ֖ איש ִ֥ ַעד כ ֲשר י ִּשְ כַב־ ֶ ֹ֣ המָקֹום֙ א ַ ת אֶת־ ְ֙ ע ַ ֙ ִַּיהי בְשָ כ ְִ֗בֹו ו ְי ָד ִּ ֹ֣ ו4 And let it happen when he lies down. You know the place there where he lies down. And you come and uncover his feet and you lie down. ת ְ ב ְ ְֹלתיו ו ְשָ ָָ֑כ ָ ָ֖ לית מַרְ ג ִּ ִ֥ ִּּובאת וְג ֶָ֛ ִ֔שָ ם And he himself will make clear to you what you will do. ַשָֽין ִּ ֲשר תַ ע ֶ ִ֥ ו ְהּוא֙ י ַ ֹ֣ ִּגיד ִ֔לְָך ָ֖ ֵאת א ה ָ ֵלי ֶָ֑ ו ַָ֖ת ֹּׁאמֶר א5 And she said to her, All you have said to me I will do. שָֽה ֶ ֵלי אֶ ָֽע ַ ָ֖ ֶ֛כ ֹּׁל אֲשֶ ר־תֹּׁאמ ִ֥ ְִּרי א ו ָ֖ ֵַתרֶ ד ה ַָ֑ג ֹּׁרֶ ן6 And she descended to the threshing-floor, and she did everything just as צּוַָ֖תָ ה חֲמֹו ָתָּֽה ִּ ו ֵַּ֕תַ עַש כ ְִ֥כ ֹּׁל אֲשֶ ר־ her mother-in-law commanded. יטב ל ִִּ֔בֹו ו ַי ֵָּ֕ב ֹּׁא ל ִּשְ ָ֖ ַכב ַ ֹ֣ ִּ ת ו ַי ְ֙ ְ ו ַיֵֹּּׁ֨אכַל ֤ב ֹּׁעַז ו ַי ֵש7 And Boaz ate and imbibed and his heart was merry and he came to lie down toward the end of the pile. העֲרֵ ָָ֑מה ָ ְצה ֵֹ֣ בק ִּ And she came in quietly, and uncovered his feet and lay down. ְֹלתיו ו ַתִּ שְ כָ ָֽב ָ ָ֖ ת ִ֥ ַגל מַרְ ג ְ ַ ב ִ֔לָט ו ַ ו ַתָ ֹ֣ב ֹּׁא ָאיש ו ַיִּל ֵָָ֑פת ִּ ָ֖ ה ִ֔לַיְלָה ו ַי ֶח ִ֥ ַרד ה ַ ֲצי ִּ ֹ֣ בח ַ ה ֙י ִּ ְ ו ַי8 And it was in the middle of the night and the man was apprehensive and tossed and turned, ְֹלתָֽיו ָ ה ֵנֹ֣ה א ִִּ֔שָ ה ש ֹּׁ ָ֖ ֶכבֶת מַרְ ג ִּ ְ ו and behold a woman lying at his feet. ִּי־את ָָ֑ ו ַיָֹּׁ֖אמֶר מ9 And he said, Who? And she said, I am Ruth your maidservant, so spread your wings over ך עַל־ ֙ פ ֶ ֙ ָ כנ ְ תך ּופ ַָרשְ ֤ ָת ֶ ִ֔ מ ָ א ֲ כ ֙י ֹ֣רּות ִּ ֹּׁ ו ִַ֗ת ֹּׁאמֶר ָאנ your maidservant for the one redeeming is you yourself. כי ג ֹּׁ ָ֖ ֵאל אָ ָֽתָ ה ִּ ִ֥ ת ִ֔ך ְ ֲמ ָֹ֣ א ת ְ ב ְ ֵיט ַ ֶ֛ תי ה ִּ ִ֔ ב ִּ ֙ת לַ ָֽיהו ָה ְ כה ֤ ַא ָ ֵּ֨ ו ַיִֹּׁ֗אמֶר בְרּו10 And he said, You are blessed of Yahweh, my daughter, you have made good your mercy, the last from the first, אשֹון ָ֑ ִּחַסְ ִֵ֥דְך הַָאח ֲָ֖רֹון מִּן־הָר that you did not go after choice, whether weak or rich. ִּם־דל וְאִּם־ ַ ָ֖ חּורים א ִּ ִ֔ ַב ַ ֹ֣ בלְתִּי־ ִ֗ל ֶכֶת ַאחֲרֵ ֙י ה ִּ ְ ל ָשָֽיר ִּ ע אי ִ֥כ ֹּׁל אֲשֶ ר־תֹּׁאמ ָ֖ ְִּרי ִּ ִ֔ ְַאל־תיר ִּ ֹ֣ ת ֙י ִּ ב ִּ וְע ִַ֗תָ ה11 And now my daughter have no fear. All that you say I will do for you, for all my people of the gate know ה־לְך ָָ֑ ֶאֶ ָֽעש that you are a woman of ability. ת ְ ָֽ ָחי ִּל א ַ ָ֖ כי ִֵ֥אשֶ ת ִּ ֶ֛ מי ִּ ִ֔ ע ַ ָל־שעַר ַ ֹ֣ עכ ַ ֙ ֙ ֵכי יֹוד ִּ ֤ ָאנ ֹּׁכִּי ִּ ִ֥ מ ִ֔נ ָם ְ כי ָא ִּ ֹ֣ ֙ וְעַתָ ה12 And now because truly, because if I am redeemer ... ָ֑ כי אם ג ֹּׁ ָ֖ ֵאל but moreover there is a redeemer closer than I. ִּמנ ִּי ָֽ ֶ ו ְ ֶ֛ ַגם יִֵ֥ש ג ֹּׁ ָ֖ ֵאל קָ ִ֥רֹוב מ ב ֙ ְָאלְך טֹו ִֵ֥ ק ֙ר אִּם־יִּג ֶ ֹּׁ ַב ֙ היָ֤ה ב ָ ְ ה ִ֗לַיְלָה ו ַ לינ ִּי ׀ ִּ ֹ֣ 13 You stop over tonight, and it will happen in the morning. If he will redeem, good, let him redeem, and if he is not delighted to redeem you, ָאנ ֹּׁכִּי ֵֶ֛ ִּם־ֹלא יַח ְֵּ֧פ ֹּׁץ ל ְ ָגָֽא ֵּ֨ אל וְא ָ ִ֔ ְיִּג ָ֖ מלְך ּוגְַאל ִ֥ ְִּתיְך then I myself will redeem you, as Yahweh lives. חַי־י ְהוָָ֑ה קר ֶ ֹּׁ ַב ָֽ ְבי עַד־ה ִּ ָ֖ שִּ כ You lie down till the morning. ְט ֶרם ֶ ֶ֛ עַד־ה ִַ֔ב ֹּׁקֶר ו ֵַּ֕תָ קָ ם בתשְ ֤ ַכב מַרְ גְלֹותָ י ֹ֙ו ִּ ַ ו14 And she lay down at his feet till the morning and she arose before a man could recognize his friend. איש אֶת־רֵ ֵָ֑עהּו ִּ ָ֖ י ִ֥ ִַּכיר And he said - let it not be known that the woman came to the threshing ִּשה הַגָֹּֽׁרֶ ן ָ ָ֖ הא ָ ִּי־בָאה ִָ֥ מ ֙ר ַאל־יִּּו ִ֔ ַָדע כ ֶ ו ַיֹּׁ֙א floor. 15 And he said - provide the cloak that is on you and hold it, and she held ִּי־בּה ָ ָ֖ ָלי ְִּך ו ְאֶ ָֽחמז ַ ֶ֛ ְפחַת אֲשֶ ר־ע ַ ֵּ֧ מט ִּ ה ַ הבִּי ָ ִּ֠ ו ַיִֹּׁ֗אמֶר it. חז ָָ֑בּה ֶ ו ַֹ֣ת ֹּׁא And he measured six sweeps and put it on her and she went to the city. ה ו ַי ָָ֖ב ֹּׁא הָעִּ ָֽיר ָ ע ִ֔ל ֶי ָ וַי֤ ָמָד שֵ ש־שְ עֹּׁרִּ ים֙ וַיָֹ֣שֶ ת ִּתי ִּ ָ֑ ת ב ְ ִּי־א ַ ֹ֣ ֲמֹותָ ּה ו ַָ֖ת ֹּׁאמֶר מ ִ֔ ו ַתָ בֹוא֙ אֶל־ח16 And she came to her mother-in-law and she said, Is that you, my daughter? ה־לּה הָאִּ ָֽיש ָ ָ֖ ֲָשר ָעָֽש ֶ ִ֥ ו ֵַּ֨תַ גֶד־ ִ֔לָּה ֵֶ֛את כָל־א And she made clear for her all that the man had done for her. 17 And she said, he gave me these six sweeps. לי ִּ ָ֑ ָאל ֶה ָנֹ֣תַ ן ֵ ָ֖ ו ֵַּ֕ת ֹּׁאמֶר שֵ ש־הַשְ ע ִֹּׁ֥ ִּרים ה Because he said to me, You may not go ֲמֹותְָֽך ֵ יקם אֶל־ח ָ ָ֖ ֵא ִ֔לַי ַאל־תָ ִ֥בֹואִּי ר ֵ ָאמר ַ ֹ֣ כי ִּ ַ֚ empty to your mother-in-law. Translation by Bob MacDonald page 4 Ruth עין ָ֖ ֵאיְך י ִֹּ֣פ ֹּׁל ִּ ִ֔ ְֲשר ֵתָֽד ֶ ֹ֣ עד א ַ ַ֚ תי ִּ ִ֔ ב ִּ מ ֙ר שְ ֹ֣ ִּבי ֶ ַת ֹּׁא ֙ ו18 And she said, Sit tight my daughter until you know how a thing will fall out, דָ ָָ֑בר because the man will not be quiet. In this case, he will consummate the ִּלה הַדָ ָ֖ ָבר ִָ֥ איש כִּ ָֽי־אִּם־כ ִּ ִ֔ ה ָ ֙כי ֹ֤לא י ִּשְ קֹּׁט ִּ ֹ֣ thing today. הַיָֹֽום Chapter 4 ה ֵּ֨נ ֵה הַג ֹּׁ ֤ ֵאל ִּ ְ ע ֮ר וַיֵֹ֣שֶ ב שָ ֒ם ו ַ ַָלה הַש ָֹ֣ ּוב ֹּׁעַז ע ֵּ֨ 1 And Boaz ascended to the gate and sat there, and behold the redeemer passed by ָה־פ ֹּׁה ָ ֶר־ב ֹּׁעַז ו ַיֶֹּׁ֛אמֶר ִ֥ס ִ֔ ֲשר דִּ ב ֶ ֹ֣ ב ֙ר א ֵ ֹּׁ ע ָ֖ ּורה שְ ב which Boaz spoke of, and he said turn aside, sit here. What a coinciפְֹל ִּנֹ֣י ַאל ְמ ֹּׁ ִּנָ֑י וַיָָ֖סַ ר ו ַי ֵֵשָֽב dence! And he turned aside and sat down. ָעיר ו ַיֹֹּׁ֣אמֶר ִּ ָ֖ ק ֵנִ֥י ה ְ ִּ מז ִּ ָשים ִּ ֶ֛ אנ ֲ ו ַי ִִּ֞קַ ח עֲשָ ֵָּ֧רה2 And he got ten adults of the elders of the city, and he said sit here, and they sat. בּו־פ ֹּׁה ְש ָ֑ ו ַי ֵֵשָֽבּו ְָאחינּו ִּ ָ֖ ֲשר ל ֶ ִ֥ חל ְקַ ת֙ הַשָ ִ֔ ֶדה א ֶ אל ֵ ִ֔ ֹּׁ מ ֙ר לַג ֶ ו ַיֹּׁ֙א3 And he said to the redeemer, The part of the field of our brother Elimelek's ִּימל ְֶך ֶָ֑ ל ֶאל which Naomi who returned from the field of Moab is selling, ַשבָה מִּשְ ִֵ֥דה מֹואָ ָֽב ָ ָ֖ מי ה ִּ ִ֔ ע מכ ְָֹ֣רה נ ָ מ ָ קנ ֵה ִ֥ ֶנגֶד ְ ִּ֠ ֵאמ ֹּׁר ִ֗ אג ֵּ֧ ְֶלה ָאזְנ ְֹ֣ך ל ֶ מרְ תִּי ַ ִ֜ א ֵּ֨נ ִּי ָא ֲ ַ ו4 and I myself had said I will disclose in your ear to say, Will you buy before those sitting here and before these elders of my people? If you will אל ָ ִ֔ ְעמִּי֒ אִּם־תִּ גְַאל֙ ג ַ ק ֵנֹ֣י ְ ִּ הַ ָֽיֹּׁשְ בִּים֮ ו ְ ֹ֣ ֶנגֶד ז redeem, redeem and if he will not redeem, make it clear to me and I will כי ֤ ֵאין ִּ ֹ֣ ֙ה ֹ֣ ִּגידָ ה ִ֗ל ִּי ו ְאֵ ָֽדְ עָה ַ אל ַ ִ֜ ְִּם־ֹלא יִּג ֵּ֨ וְא כי ַאח ֲֶָ֑ריך ִּ ָ֖ ֹּׁ ך לִּג ְִ֔אֹול ו ְָאנ ֙ ת ְ ָֽ ָזּול know for there is none except you to redeem and I after you. אגְאָ ָֽל ֶ כי ִּ ִ֥ ֹּׁ ו ַיָֹּׁ֖אמֶר ָאנ And he said, I myself will redeem. ממי ִּ ָ֑ מיַֹ֣ד נָע ִּ ת ִ֥ך הַשָ ָ֖ ֶדה ְ ו ַיֹֹּׁ֣אמֶר ִ֔ב ֹּׁעַז בְיֹום־קְנֹו5 And Boaz said, In the day you buy the field from the hand of Naomi and from Ruth the Moabite, the wife of the dead, המֵת֙ קָ ִ֔נ ִּיתָ ה ַ ביָ֤ה אֵ ָֽשֶ ת־ ִּ א ֲ מאֵת ֹ֣רּות הַמֹו ֵ ִּּ֠ו you buy to raise up the name of the dead for his inheritance. חלָתָֹֽו ֲ ַ ַמת עַל־נ ֵ ָ֖ לְה ִ֥ ִָּקים שֵ ם־ה 6 And the redeemer said, I cannot redeem her כל֙ לִּגְָאל־ ִ֔ל ִּי פֶן־ ַ אל ֹ֤לא אּו ֵ ִ֗ ֹּׁ ו ַיֹֹּׁ֣אמֶר הַג lest I impair my own inheritance. חל ָ֑ ִָּתי ֲ ַ חית אֶת־נ ִּ ָ֖ ְאַש You redeem for you, yourself my redemption ֹלא־אּוכל ַ ָ֖ כי ִּ ִ֥ תי ִּ ִ֔ ָאל ֻ ְגְַאל־ל ְ֤ך אַתָ ה֙ אֶת־ג for I cannot redeem. לִּגְאָֹּֽׁל ְאּולה וְעַל־ ָ ֤ הג ַ אל עַל־ ֵ ִ֜ פ ֵּ֨נ ִּים בְי ִּשְ ָר ָ ְ ו ְזֹּׁאת ל7 And this before, in Israel, concerning the redemption and concerning the exchange to raise any matter, a man would flip off his sandal and איש נַע ֲָ֖לֹו ִּ ֶ֛ לף ַ ִ֥ ָבר ש ָ ִ֔ ְָמּורה֙ ל ְקַ יֵֹ֣ם כָל־ד ָ הת ַ give it to his friend. וְנ ֹ֣ ַָתן ל ְרֵ ֵָ֑עהּו ְעּודה בְי ִּשְ ָראֵ ָֽל ָ ָ֖ הת ַ ו ְִ֥ז ֹּׁאת And this was the attestation in Israel. ֵה־לְך ָָ֑ קנ ְ ו ַיֵֹּּׁ֧אמֶר הַג ֹּׁ ֵֶ֛אל ל ְָ֖ב ֹּׁעַז8 And the redeemer said to Boaz, Buy for yourself, and he took off his sandal. על ָֹֽו ֲ ַ ו ַי ִּשְ ָֹ֖לף נ ֙אתֶם ַ עם ע ֤ ִֵּדים ָ ִ֗ ה ָ ק ִ֜נ ִּים וְכָל־ ֵ ְ ו ַיֹּׁאמֶר ֵּ֨ב ֹּׁעַז לַז9 And Boaz said to the elders and all the people, Witnesses you are today for I have bought all that was Elimelek's and all that was Chilion's and מל ְֶך ו ְֵֶ֛את ֶ ִ֔ ֲשר לֶ ָֽאל ִּי ֶ ֹ֣ ת ֙י אֶת־כָל־א ִּ כי קָ ֙נ ִּי ִּ ֤ היִֹ֔ום ַ Mahlon's, מח ְָ֑לֹון ַ כלְיָֹ֖ון ּו ִּ ְ ֲשר ל ֶ ִ֥ כָל־א from the hand of Naomi. מיַָ֖ד נָעממִּ ָֽי ִּ מח ְִ֜לֹון קָ ִּנֵּ֧יתִּי ַ אשֶ ת ֵ ֵּ֨ אבִּי ָה ֲ ֹּׁ ֶת־רּות הַמ ֹ֣ ו ְ ֹ֣ ַגם א10 And moreover Ruth the Moabite the wife of Mahlon I have bought to me, as wife to raise up the name of the dead for his inheritance so the חל ִָ֔תֹו ֲ המֵת֙ עַל־ ֹ֣ ַנ ַ לי לְא ִִּ֗שָ ה לְה ֤ ִָּקים שֵ ם־ ִּ ֹ֣ name of the dead is not cut off from his brothers and from the gate of ִּשעַר ַ ֹ֣ ֶחיו ּומ ָ ָ֖ ֵעם א ִּ ִ֥ ַמת מ ֵֶ֛ ו ְֹלא־יִּכ ֵֵָּ֧רת שֵ ם־ה his place. ְקֹומֹו ָ֑ מ ַתם הַיָֹֽום ֶ ָ֖ ע ִ֥ ִֵּדים א Witnesses you are today. ק ִּנָ֖ים ֵ ְ הז ַ ְ ַשעַר ו ַ ֶ֛ ָעם אֲשֶ ר־ב ֵָּ֧ ו ַיֵֹּּׁ֨אמ ְִ֜רּו כָל־ה11 And they said - all the people that were in the gate and the elders, Witnesses. Let Yahweh give to the wife coming to your house as to Raע ָ֑ ִֵּדים chel and as to Leah which two built the house of Israel and you make תך ֶ ִ֗ ב ָֹ֣אה אֶל־בֵי ָ ה ַ הא ִִּ֜שָ ה ָ יִּתֵן י ְה ֵָּ֨וה אֶ ָֽת־ wealth in Ephratha and acclaim a name in Bethlehem. ֶת־בית ֵֹ֣ כל ֵָאה֙ א ֲֵּ֨שֶ ר בָנ֤ ּו שְ תֵ יהֶם֙ א ְ כ ְָר ֤ ֵחל ׀ ּו א־שם ֵ ָ֖ אפ ְִָ֔רתָ ה ּוק ְָר ֶ ב ְ ה־חי ִּל ַ ֹ֣ ֵאל וַעֲש ֵ ִ֔ י ִּשְ ָר ב ְִֵ֥בית לָ ָֽחֶם פרֶ ץ אֲשֶ ר־יָל ְִָ֥דה תָ ָ֖ ָמר ֶ ִ֔ ך כ ְֵֹ֣בית ֙ ת ְ ִּיהי בֵ ָֽי ִּ ֤ ו12 And let your house be as the house of Perez which Tamar gave birth to Judah, ָֽיהּודה ָָ֑ ל ִּ Translation by Bob MacDonald page 5 Ruth from the seed which Yahweh will give you from this lass. ה ִ֗ז ֶ ַרע א ֲֵּ֨שֶ ר י ֤ ִֵּתן י ְהו ָה֙ ל ְִ֔ך מִּן־הַ ָֽנַע ָ֖ ֲָרה ַ מִּן־ הַז ָֹּֽׁאת א ִ֔שָ ה ו ַי ָָ֖ב ֹּׁא ִּ ְ ִּי־לֹו ל ְ ַ ו ַי ִֵּּ֨קַ ח ֤ב ֹּׁעַז אֶת־רּות֙ ו13 So Boaz got Ruth and she became his wife ֹ֣ תה and he came to her, ה ָ ֵלי ֶָ֑ א and Yahweh gave her pregnancy and she gave birth to a son. לּה ה ֵָריָֹ֖ון ו ִֵַ֥תל ֶד בֵ ָֽן ֶָ֛ תן י ְהוִָ֥ה ֵ ֵּ֨ ִּ ו ַי ב ֹ֣רּוְך י ְה ִָ֔וה ָ מי ִּ ִ֔ ע הנ ָשִּ ים֙ אֶ ָֽל־נ ָ מ ַ אמרְ נ ָה ַ ֤ ֹּׁ ו ַת14 And the women said to Naomi, Blessed is Yahweh who has not left you without redeemer today. היָֹ֑ום ַ לְך ג ֹּׁ ָ֖ ֵאל ֶָ֛ אשֶ ר ֹֹ֣לא הִּשְ ִ֥ ִּבית ֲ ִּ֠ And may his name be acclaimed in Israel. ָֽו ְי ִּקָ ִֵ֥רא שְ ָ֖מֹו בְי ִּשְ ָר ֵא ָתְך ֵָ֑ כל ָ֖ ְֵכל אֶת־שֵ יב ַ ְ ֵשיב ִ֔נ ֶפֶש ּול ִּ ֹ֣ ְך לְמ ֙ ָ ו ֤ ְָהי ָה ל15 And he will be for you one who restores you and nourishes your grey hair. ְ֙ך יְל ִ֔ ַָדתּו אֲשֶ ר־הִּיא ֙ ת ֶ ב ַ֙ ה ֵ א ֲ אשֶ ר־ ָֽ ֲ כל ֤ ֵָתְך ַ כי ִּ ֹ֣ For your daughter-in-law who loves you and gave birth to him is better ב ִּנ ָֽים ָ ֹ֣טֹובָה ִ֔לְָך מִּשִּ ב ָ֖ ְָעה for you than seven sons. ֵיקָ ּה ִ֔ בח ְ תשִּ ֵֹ֣תהּו ְ ַד ו ֙ ֶ ממי אֶת־ה ַ֙י ֶל ִּ ֤ וַת ִֵּּ֨קַ ח נָע16 And Naomi got the child, and set him in her lap, and became for him his confidante. מנ ֶת ָֽ ֶ ֹּׁ ִּי־לֹו ל ְא ְ ַו ָ֖ תה ַד־בן ֵ ָ֖ ֵאמ ֹּׁר יֻל ִ֔ תקְרֶ אנ ָה ֵּ֨לֹו הַשְ כֵנִ֥ ֹות שֵ ם֙ ל ִּ ַ ו17 And the neighbours called him a name saying, A son is born to Naomi. And they called his name Obed. He is the father of Jesse, the father of ממי ִּ ָ֑ לְנָע David. P ֲבי דָ וִָּֽד ִּ ִ֥ אבִּי־י ָ֖ ִַּשי א ֲ בד ִ֥הּוא ֵ ִ֔ תק ֤ ְֶרא ָנ ָֽה שְ מ ֹ֙ו עֹו ִּ ַ ו פ חצְרָֽ ֹון ֶ ליד אֶת־ ִּ ִ֥ פרֶ ץ ָ֖ ֶפרֶ ץ הֹו ָ ִ֔ אל ֶה֙ תֹול ְֹ֣דֹות ֵ ֙ ְ ו18 And these are the descendants of Perez. Perez gave birth to Hetsron. ליד אֶת־ ִּ ִ֥ ֶת־רם ו ָ֖ ְָרם הֹו ִָ֔ ליד א ִּ ֹ֣ חצְרֹו ֙ן הֹו ֶ ְ ו19 And Hetsron gave birth to Ram, and Ram gave birth to Aminadab. עַמִּ ָֽינ ָָדָֽב ליד ִּ ִ֥ ְשֹון הֹו ִּ ֹ֣ ב הֹו ֙ ָ וְעַמִּ ָֽינ ָד20 And Aminadab gave birth to Nashon, and Nashon gave birth to Salmah. ָ֖ ליד אֶת־נַח ְִ֔שֹון וְנַח אֶת־שַ ל ְָמָֽה ליד אֶת־ ִּ ִ֥ ּוב ֹּׁעַז הֹו ִ֔ ליד א ִּ ֹ֣ ו ְשַ ל ְמֹו ֙ן הֹו21 And Salmon gave birth to Boaz, and Boaz gave birth to Obed. ָ֖ ֶת־ב ֹּׁעַז עֹובֵ ָֽד ליד אֶת־דָ וִָּֽד ִּ ִ֥ ליד אֶת־י ִִּ֔שָ י ו ְי ָ֖ ִַּשי הֹו ִּ ֹ֣ ד הֹו ֙ ב ֵ ֹּׁ ו ְע22 And Obed gave birth to Jesse, and Jesse gave birth to David. Translation by Bob MacDonald page 6
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