2012-2013 Student Enrollment Policy Packet Instructions & Fax Cover Sheet PLEASE COMPLETE AND RETURN THE FOLLOWING ATTACHED DOCUMENTS Student enrollment agreement Student Service Intake Information form Home Language Survey form Schools Previously Attended sheet Family Income form FERPA Acknowledgement, Student Info & Photo Release * All REQUIRED signatures are denoted by an arrow ADDITIONALLY, YOU MUST PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING Copy of student’s state approved birth certificate Copy of student’s Immunization Record Most recent unofficial transcript or report card for student Proof of residency For minor student – current utility bill OR current mortgage/lease statement/agreement in parent/legal guardian’s name matching address given on enrollment application For adult student – current utility bill OR current mortgage/lease statement/agreement in student’s name matching address given on enrollment application Three ways to return your completed forms and documents Scan and Email: epp@provostacademy.com Fax: 866-422-9027 (Complete the bottom portion and use this as your cover sheet/checklist) Mail: Enrollment Service Center Provost Academy 900 S. Gay Street, Ste 1000 Knoxville, TN 37902 STUDENT NAME: DOB: PHONE NUMBER (For Confirmation/Questions): sc.provostacademy.com | Enrollment office 888-871-1133 | Enrollment fax 866-422-9027 © 2012 Provost Academy All Rights Reserved Page 1|Rev 9/2012 Student Enrollment Agreement I understand that I am enrolling (student name) _________________________________ in a school that operates in a “virtual” environment. Enrolling in this school means that your student will be attending a public school that has no physical classroom but still must meet all requirements for public schools in South Carolina. These requirements include but are not limited to: meeting compulsory attendance requirements, participating in mandatory state standardized testing, communicating regularly and professionally with school staff. I understand that while there is more flexibility than in a traditional school, students are still expected to attend school five days a week for an average of 5-7 hours per class, per week. I understand that participation in state standardized tests may require travel. Additional expectations are posted in the Parent/Student Handbook. I understand that students are expected to log in daily to the Provost Academy system. According to the South Carolina Code of Regulations, students are considered truant when the student has three (3) consecutive unlawful absences or a total of five (5) unlawful absences. Students will be dropped from enrollment at Provost Academy when the number of unlawful days absent exceeds ten (10) consecutive days. I understand that students and their parents or legal guardian(s) are subject to school-based truancy policies and practices. I also understand that students are required to participate in all state and school standardized testing and to comply with the terms of the Parent/Student Handbook. State law provides that parents/legal guardians are responsible for ensuring that their student attends school. I understand that students must complete assigned lessons, submit specified assignments to their teachers online, and complete assessments. Students and/or their parents/legal guardians or designated representative are expected to participate in regular telephone, e-mail, web conferencing, or if required, in-person contact with an academic advisor. High school students are expected to perform their school work independently. While students may not need adult supervision during the school day, they must still be in a safe and secure environment. I understand that by enrolling in an online school, I will need to provide my child with a computer that meets the school’s minimum technical requirements as well as reliable internet access. I understand that not having access to a working computer or internet does not excuse absences. Student/Adult Student Printed Name (REQUIRED)__________________________________________________________________________________ Student /Adult Student Signature (REQUIRED)_____________________________________________________________________________________ Parent/Legal Guardian Printed Name (REQUIRED IF STUDENT IS A MINOR)____________________________________________________________ Parent/Legal Guardian Signature (REQUIRED IF STUDENT IS A MINOR)_______________________________________________________________ sc.provostacademy.com | Enrollment office 888-871-1133 | Enrollment fax 866-422-9027 © 2012 Provost Academy All Rights Reserved Page 2|Rev 9/2012 Student Service Intake Information Provost Academy is fully committed to providing quality education to all of our students, including those with special needs. We need your help, so please complete this page with care. STUDENT NAME: DOB: SECTION 1 Check Yes or No as applicable Yes No Has your child ever been evaluated for special education? If yes, what was the evaluation date and what school/facility conducted testing: Does the student have a current IEP or 504 or does she/he currently qualify for one? If yes, please complete section 2 of this form. Does the student have an expired IEP or 504? If yes, please provide evaluation and expiration dates: Does your student take medication for any medical reason (ADHD, Diabetes, etc.)? If yes, what medication? What is the date of the student’s last hearing screening? Does the student wear glasses? What is the date of the student’s last vision screening? Does the student use a hearing aid? SECTION 2 – FILL OUT ONLY IF YOUR CHILD HAS A CURRENT IEP OR 504 PLAN What type of plan does your student have? IEP - Expiration Date: ________________ 504 Plan – Expiration Date: ___________________ If your student has either of these, Provost Academy must receive a copy in order to process your enrollment Diagnosis (check all that apply): Learning Disability in Reading Math Written Expression Mental Retardation Traumatic Brain Injury Other Health Impairment Emotional Disturbance/Behavior Disorder Speech/Language Impairment Visual Impairment Hearing Impairment Orthopedic (Physical) Impairment Child with a Developmental Delay Autism Other: sc.provostacademy.com | Enrollment office 888-871-1133 | Enrollment fax 866-422-9027 © 2012 Provost Academy All Rights Reserved Page 3|Rev 9/2012 Home Language Survey The Office of Civil Rights (OCR) and the Department of Education require that school districts and charter schools identify English Language Learner (ELL) students in order to provide appropriate language instructional programs for them. Provost Academy has selected the Home Language Survey as the method for determining if the student is a language-minority student. STUDENT NAME: DOB: What is the student’s first language? Does the student speak a language fluently other than English? YES NO YES NO If yes, specify the language(s) What language(s) is/are spoken in your home? Has the student attended school in the United States in the past 3 years? If yes, complete the following Name of school state Years attended Name of school state Years attended Name of school state Years attended Parent/Legal Guardian/Adult Student Signature (REQUIRED)_____________________________________________________________ Provost Academy has the responsibility under the federal law to serve students who are limited English proficient and need English instructional services. Given this responsibility, Provost Academy has the right to ask for the information it needs to identify English Language Learners (ELLs). As part of the responsibility to locate and identify ELLs, Provost Academy may conduct screenings or ask for related information about students who are already enrolled in the school as well as from students who enroll in the school in the future. Provost Academy uses the ELDA as its screening tool. The school must administer the ELDA to a student during the enrollment process so that a student’s enrollment status can be determined. sc.provostacademy.com | Enrollment office 888-871-1133 | Enrollment fax 866-422-9027 © 2012 Provost Academy All Rights Reserved Page 4|Rev 9/2012 Schools Previously Attended Please list most recent school attended first. Please fill out all fields to better assist us in obtaining records STUDENT NAME: DOB: Former School: Dates Attended: Grade(s) Attended: School Address: City: State: School Phone Number: School Fax Number: Zip: Reason For Leaving: Former School: Dates Attended: Grade(s) Attended: School Address: City: State: School Phone Number: School Fax Number: Zip: Reason For Leaving: Former School: Dates Attended: Grade(s) Attended: School Address: City: State: School Phone Number: School Fax Number: Zip: Reason For Leaving: Former School: Dates Attended: Grade(s) Attended: School Address: City: State: School Phone Number: School Fax Number: Zip: Reason For Leaving: sc.provostacademy.com | Enrollment office 888-871-1133 | Enrollment fax 866-422-9027 © 2012 Provost Academy All Rights Reserved Page 5|Rev 9/2012 Family Income Form In order to determine if Provost Academy will receive federal Title I funds for reading and/or mathematics or other services, certain information is needed. Please complete this form and submit it with your enrollment documents. List only those students enrolling in Provost Academy. This form will also be used to determine if the student may be eligible for use of a loaned laptop and/or internet reimbursement. No determination of eligibility may be made until this form has been returned. Student Information Name DOB Gender Grade District of Residence Indicate if child is a foster child, ward of court, or food stamp recipient* *Please provide Food Stamp Case # Calculating Household Income In order to determine if In order to determine if Provost Academy will receive Title I funds, you will have to calculate the total amount of income in your household. Include all income for all household members (including yourself, all children in the home, your spouse, grandparents, and all others related and unrelated in your household). See lists below of the type of income to report. Earnings from work: Wages / salaries / tips; Strike benefits; Unemployment compensation; Worker’s compensation; Net Income from self-owned business or farm Pensions/Retirements/Social Security: Pensions; Supplemental Security Income; Retirement income; Social Security Public Assistance/Child support/Alimony: Public assistance/Welfare Payments; Alimony/child support payments Other Income: Disability benefits; Interest dividends; Estate/trusts/investments; Regular contributions from person(s) not living in household; Net royalties/annuities/net rental income Household Income Total number of all household members, whether they receive income or not: ____________ Total of household members’ gross monthly income before taxes or anything else is taken out. Fill in one that is easiest for you to calculate $_______________________________ Annually OR $_________________________ Monthly OR $__________________________ Weekly Certification and Signature I certify that all of the above information is true and correct and that all income is reported. I understand this information is being given for the receipt of federal funds and that school officials may verify the information on the form. Parent/Legal Guardian/Adult Student Printed Name __________________________________________________________________________________________ Parent/Legal Guardian/Adult Student Signature _____________________________________________________________________________________________ sc.provostacademy.com | Enrollment office 888-871-1133 | Enrollment fax 866-422-9027 © 2012 Provost Academy All Rights Reserved Page 6|Rev 9/2012 FERPA Acknowledgement and Student Information & Photo Release Form The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords parents and students certain rights and responsibilities regarding the student’s education records. Provost Academy’s FERPA policy can be found on the subsequent form and may be retained for your records. Provost Academy and its designated curriculum provider, EdisonLearning, Inc., have found that to best serve the student’s education needs, it is necessary to disclose a student’s name and address to the classes of vendors identified in the subsequent policy document that provide important services related to your student’s education. In all cases, these vendors will have agreed to ensure the confidentiality of the student’s name and address and not to use the information for purposes other than that contracted for the student’s educational needs. Please review the policy and sign the below acknowledgement. FERPA Acknowledgement (required for all students) To best serve the student, Provost Academy requests the following consent to disclose the student’s name and address to the specified class of contractors. I hereby agree that my student’s name and address be provided to the above identified contractors to ensure that Provost Academy can best meet my student’s education needs. STUDENT NAME: DOB: Parent/Legal Guardian/Adult Student Signature (REQUIRED)_____________________________________________________________ Photo Release Opt Out (optional, complete only if wishing to opt out) Provost Academy likes to celebrate our students and their successes and achievements. From time to time our school staff and marketing departments may take photographs or videos at school activities and events and we ask for your permission to use any images of your student for commercial and non-commercial purposes including print, digital/electronic, via the Internet and otherwise. If this limited and defined use is acceptable, no other action is required. If it is not acceptable you have the right to deny such a request in the area below. I DO NOT release limited use of my student’s image and likeness for commercial and non-commercial use. Student Signature ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Parent/Legal Guardian Signature (IF STUDENT IS A MINOR)__________________________________________________________________________________ Date____________________________________________________ sc.provostacademy.com | Enrollment office 888-871-1133 | Enrollment fax 866-422-9027 © 2012 Provost Academy All Rights Reserved Page 7|Rev 9/2012 Provost Academy FERPA Policy – For Your Records Annual Notice of Rights under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Provost Academy protects the confidentiality of personally identifiable information regarding its eligible, thought to be eligible, and protected handicapped students (if not protected by IDEA) in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) and implementing regulations as well as IDEA and its implementing regulations. Education records are records that are directly related to the student, including computer media and videotape, which are maintained by an educational agency or by a party acting for the agency. “Educational agency”, for purposes of this notice, means Provost Academy. For all students, the educational agency maintains education records which include but are not limited to: Personally identifiable information is confidential information that includes but is not limited to the students’ name, name of parents and other family members, the address of the student or student’s family, and personal information or personal characteristics which would make the student’s identity easily traceable. Directory information is information contained in an education record of a student which would not generally be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed. It includes but is not limited to, the student’s name, address, telephone number, electronic mail address, photograph, date and place of birth, major field of study, grade level, enrollment status (e.g., undergraduate or graduate, full-time or part-time), participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, degrees, honors and awards received, and the most recent previous educational agency or institution attended. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) afford parents and students over 18 years of age (“eligible students”) certain rights with respect to the student’s education records. They are: Parents have the right to inspect and review a child’s education record. Provost Academy will comply with a request to inspect and review education records without unnecessary delay and before any meeting regarding and IEP or any due process hearing, but in no case more than 45 days after the request has been made. Requests should be submitted in writing, indicating the records the parents wish to inspect, to the school principal or other designated school official. Parents have the right to a response from the school to reasonable requests for explanations and interpretations of the records. Parents have the right to request copies of the records. While Provost Academy cannot charge a fee to search for or to retrieve information, it may charge a copying fee as long as it does not effectively prevent the parents from exercising their right to inspect and review the records. Parents have the right to appoint a representative to inspect and review their child’s records. If any education record contains information on more than one child, parents have the right only to inspect and review the information relating to their child. If parents think information in an education record is inaccurate, misleading or violates the privacy or other rights of their child, they may request amendment of the record. Requests should be in writing and clearly identify the part of the record they want changed, and specify why it is inaccurate or misleading. Provost Academy will decide whether to amend the record and will notify the parents in writing of its decision. If Provost Academy refuses to amend a record, it will notify the parents of their right to a hearing to challenge the disputed information. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the parents or eligible student when notified of the right to a hearing. Provost Academy will inform parents when personally identifiable information is no longer needed to provide educational services to a child. Such information must be destroyed at the request of the parents. Parents have a right to receive a copy of the material to be destroyed. However, a permanent record of a student’s name, address, and telephone number, his or her grades, attendance record, classes attended, grade level completed, and year completed may be maintained without the limitation. “Destruction” of records means physical destruction or removal of personal identifiers from information so that the information is no longer personally identifiable. The school will provide, upon request, a listing of the types and locations of education records maintained, the school officials responsible for these records, and the personnel authorized to see personally identifiable information. Such personnel receive training and instruction regarding confidentiality. The school keeps a record of parties obtaining access to education records, including the name of the party, the date access was given, and the purpose for which the party is authorized to use the records. Parents have the right to consent or refuse to consent to disclosure of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. “Consent” means: the parent(s) have been fully informed regarding the activity requiring consent, in their native language or other mode of communication; they understand and agree in writing to the activity; and they understand that consent is voluntary and maybe revoked at any time, information may be disclosed without consent to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the school, supervisor, instructor, or support staff member (including health or medical staff and law enforcement unit personnel); state agency representative, person or company with whom the school has contracted to perform a special task (such as an attorney, auditor, medical consultant, or therapist); or a parent or student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility. Directory information may be released without parent consent. Parents have the right to refuse to let an agency designate any or all of the above information as directory information. Upon written request, Provost Academy discloses education records without consent to officials of another school district in which a student seeks or intends to enroll. Parents have a right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by Provost Academy to comply with the requirements of FERPA. Complaints may be filed with the Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20202-4605. Provost Academy and its designated curriculum provider, EdisonLearning, Inc., have found that to best serve the student’s education needs, it is necessary to disclose a student’s name and address to the following classes of vendors that provide important services related to your student’s education. In all cases, these vendors will have agreed to ensure the confidentiality of the student’s name and address and not to use the information for purposes other than that contracted for the student’s educational needs. • Suppliers of computers and educational materials for purposes of shipping to/from the student’s home • Customer care providers that handle overflow calls for Provost Academy • Internet service provider • Companies that enter the student information into a computer database for use by school officials • Other contractors and subcontractors that Provost Academy or EdisonLearning, Inc. identifies as necessary to providing education service sc.provostacademy.com | Enrollment office 888-871-1133 | Enrollment fax 866-422-9027 © 2012 Provost Academy All Rights Reserved Page 8|Rev 9/2012
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