20140425a.pdf IR-4 Ornamental Horticulture Program Research Report Cover Sheet Trial: 2013 OR Researcher(s) Joe DeFrancesco Oregon State University Affiliation: 2040 Cordley Hall Corvallis OR 97331 PhoneNumber: 541-737-0718 defrancj@hort.oregonstate.edu Email: ProjectTitle: Protocol #: Amectotradin + Dimethomorph Crop Safety 13-011 PR# Research Target Crop/Plant Product 30909 Phytotoxicity African Daisy Orvego (BAS 651F) Phytotoxicity Osteospermum sp. Ametoctradin + dimethomorp BASF ProjectTitle: Protocol #: EPA Reg. # Production Site - Greenhouse Status C Benzovindiflupyr + Azoxystrobin (A18126B) Crop Safety 13-011 PR# Research Target Crop/Plant Product EPA Reg. # Production Site 31508 Phytotoxicity African Daisy Mural (A18126B) WDG Phytotoxicity Osteospermum sp. Benzovindiflupyr + Azoxystro Syngenta - Greenhouse Status C Orrnamental Horticulture Pro ogram Researc ch Report Form Rese earcher: Project Title: Prottocol #: Joe DeFran ncesco Date: New Diseasee Products Crrop Safety - Drench D 13-011 PRnumb bers: 309099, 31508 p1 9/24/2013 Narrrative Summ mary (Resullts/Discussion) A sinngle drench ap pplication waas made to plaants growing in containers in an unheateed, open greeenhouse structture on 16 May 2013. Plantss were just reaady to begin flowering f at time t of appliccation and maany unopenedd buds were prresent. The treatm ments were ap pplied to moiist soil (irrigatted one day prior) p at the reecommended protocol ratee and volume. Phytootoxicity evalluations (necrrosis, chlorosiis, cupped or twisted leavees, flower num mber, damagee or quality, eetc.) were madee one, two and d three weekss after treatmeent applicatio on. No pphytotoxicity was w observed d in any of thee plants for an ny of the funggicide treatmeents, at any raate, on any evvaluation date. All pphytotoxicity ratings were “zero” “ and co omparable to the untreatedd plants. Plannts treated witth A18126B aat 2 oz. and 3 oz. raates had a significantly hig gher growth in ndex than unttreated plants. Plants treatted with A181126B at 6 oz. rate had a grow wth index simiilar to untreatted plants. Th here were no statistically s ignificant diffferences in pllant growth fo for any of the Orveego-treated plants and untreeated plants. Resu ults Table Phyttotoxicity Evvaluations: S Since no phy ytotoxicity was w observed d for any of the t fungicidee treatments in this studyy (all ratingss were zero),, ttables were not n generated d for these data. d Grow wth Index Evaluations: E Plant Growth (Afrrican Daisy: Osteospermu um ecklonis) PR# Treatment (A1812 26B) Rate/100 gal g water 2 oz. 3 oz. 6 oz. Untreated U Gro owth Index (ccm) z 5/10 0/13 16.7 7 16.9 9 17.6 6 16.9 9 % Increase 6/114/13 3 3.5 3 3.5 3 3.9 2 9.8 31508 102 b y 31508 98 b 31508 94 ab 31508 78 a z Growth Index = (Heigh ht + Width 1 + Width 2) ÷ 3 y Means within w a column n followed by th he same letter do not differ siignificantly baased on Fisher’s protected LS SD (P 0.05) Pllant Growth (African Daiisy: Osteospeermum ecklon nis) PR# Trreatment (A Ametoctradiin + Dimetho omorph) (O Orvego) Rate/100 gal water 14 fl oz 28 2 fl oz 56 5 fl oz Untreated U 30909 30909 30909 30909 z Growth Index = (Heigh ht + Width 1 + Width 2) ÷ 3 y No signifficant differencce between meaans at P 0.05 Growtth Index (cm)) z 5/10/13 6/14/13 % Incrrease 16.8 17.0 17.6 16.9 30.1 31.5 32.8 29.8 80 y 86 87 78 Orrnamental Horticulture Pro ogram Researc ch Report Form Rese earcher: Project Title: Prottocol #: Joe DeFran ncesco Date: New Diseasee Products Crrop Safety - Drench D 13-011 PRnumb bers: 309099, 31508 p2 9/24/2013 Mate erials & Metthods/Reco ordkeeping me(s) of Pers sonnel Conducting Rese earch: Joe DeFrancesco, JJudy Kowalskki Nam Loca ation of Trial (city/state): Aurora, Oreegon Use Site (greenh house/shade ehouse/field container/etc): Unheateed, open Cravo greenhousee structure Crop p History Crop Cultiva ar/Variety: Date of See eding: Date of Emergence: Date of Transplanting: Potting Mix: Pot size & spacing: s Row spacin ng: Osteosp permum ecklonis 'Summerttime Blueberrry' NA NA 04-08-13 33% Fin ne Douglas-fiir bark + 33% % Peat Moss + 33% Pumicee, with starterr fertilizer, bufferin ng materials, trace t elementss, and wettingg agent. 1-gallon n trade-size nu ursery pot. Sppacing as needed. As need ded throughou ut study Prod duct(s) applie ed prior to sttart of experriment: Appllication Product Rate R Typee Osmocote CRF Medium M label rate Top--dressed. 15-9-12 fertiilizer (3-4 month) Peters Professsional Water Soluble 20-20-20 Ferrtilizer 1¾ tsp/2 gal water w (A Approx. 200 pp pm N) Dren nch/foliar D Date of Application A 44-12-12 Crop Groowth Stage Actively growing A Application V Volume 12g/pot 44-16-13 44-23-13 44-30-13 5-06-13 Actively growing E Enough to saaturate m media Orrnamental Horticulture Pro ogram Researc ch Report Form Rese earcher: Project Title: Prottocol #: Joe DeFran ncesco Date: New Diseasee Products Crrop Safety - Drench D 13-011 PRnumb bers: 309099, 31508 Expe eriment Info ormation E Experimenta al Design: N Number of Reps: R p3 9/24/2013 Completely Randomiized Design 10 M Materials & Methods: M O On 8 April 20 013, Osteospeermum ecklonis 'Summertim me Blueberryy' 1½” plugs ((trade size 128) were potteed into 1galloon standard nu ursery pots ussing a potting media consissting of 33% fine Douglas--fir bark + 333% peat mosss + 33% pumiice with an ad dded fertilizerr starter packaage including g buffering aggents, trace miinerals and w wetting agent. Starter plantss were acquired from m a local Willlamette Valleey nursery gro ower. Potted plants were pplaced onto laandscape clothh covered graveel pads, in a retractable r roo of greenhousee structure, fo or the durationn of the studyy. The retractaable roof was open for mostt of the study only closing for excessivee rain/cold eveents. Weatherr information is attached. By eaarly May, plaants had grow wn sufficiently y and were heeavily buddedd, with a few fflowers just bbeginning to oopen. A singlee drencch application n was applied d on 16 May 2013. 2 Drench hes were appllied to each poot using a graaduated cylindder to ensure accurracy and to deeliver the corrrect amount to t entirely weet the potting m media with m minimal leachhate seepage fr from the bottoom of the pot. All pots werre irrigated on ne day prior to t treatment aapplications soo soil was mooist at time off application. No irrrigation was applied to thee pots on the day of the dreench applicattions. Regularr overhead irrrigation was sscheduled throuughout growin ng season, as needed, baseed on the flucttuation of thee weather. A Application Equipment: E 2-liter 2 nalgenee container fo or mixing bulkk solution; naalgene graduaated cylinder for measuring g aapplication vo olume. P Product(s) applied during g experimen nt (including treatments, fertilizers, e etc.): Product Rate((s) Application Type Date of Applicationn Orvego (ametoctradiin +dimethomo orph) 14 fl oz/100 gal 28 fl oz/100 gal 56 fl oz/100 gal Drench 5-16-13 A18126B 2 oz/100 gal 3 oz/100 gal 6 oz/100 gal Drench 5-16-13 Crop Growth Stage Active; juust beginningg to flower (many budds present) Active; juust beginningg to flower (many budds present) Applicaation Volumee 1.73 mll in 1584 ml w water 3.46 mll in 1584 ml w water 6.93 mll in 1584 ml w water Each poot received approx.132 ml of soluttion. 0.24 g iin 1584 ml waater 0.36 g iin 1584 ml waater 0.71 g iin 1584 ml waater Each poot received approx. 132 ml of soluttion Orrnamental Horticulture Pro ogram Researc ch Report Form Joe DeFran ncesco Rese earcher: Project Title: Prottocol #: Date: New Diseasee Products Crrop Safety - Drench D 13-011 PRnumb bers: 309099, 31508 p4 9/24/2013 Phottos AAll treatmentts; 29 May 20013 (13 DAT); No Phyto All trreatments; 113 June 2013 (28 DAT); No o Phyto ********************** ***************************************************** ** No phytoto oxicity or other damage n oted at any o of the evaluation dates. Foliage e and flowers on all treatments looked d indistinguisshable from tthe UTC grou up. Pho oto taken 6‐119‐13 Orrnamental Horticulture Pro ogram Researc ch Report Form Rese earcher: Project Title: Prottocol #: Joe DeFran ncesco Date: New Diseasee Products Crrop Safety - Drench D 13-011 PRnumb bers: 309099, 31508 p5 9/24/2013 Data a Collected Phyttotoxicity, in ncluding chlo orosis, stuntiing, flower damage, d or oother growthh effects, wass evaluated uusing a scalee of 0 to 10 (0 = no effects; 10 0 = completeely effected) at 7, 14, andd 21 days aft fter treatment. Evaluatioons were comppleted on thee following dates in 2013: 23 May, 30 3 May, andd 6 June. Heigght (H) and two t width measurements m s, one taken at the plant’’s widest poiint (W-1) annd the other m measured at 90 degrees from the first wid dth (W-2), of each plant was recordeed on 10 Maay 2013, six ddays prior too the first treattment applicaation, and on n 14 June 20 013, eight daays after the last evaluatiion. A growtth index num mber was geneerated from these t measurrements [(H + W-1 + W-2) ÷ 3] andd used for com mparison. Raw w Data Raw data, in Exceel format, for plant growth ratings only (no phytotoxiicity data; nonne noted throoughout experriment) and have been submittted as an attacchment via em mail. Enviironmental conditions during the experiment Weaather data hav ve been subm mitted as an attachment via email. N No unusual w weather condditions occurrred during the ccourse of thee experimentt.
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