Missoula Urban Demonstration Project 629 Phillips Street, Missoula, MT 59802 406.721.7513 info@mudproject.org www.mudproject.org Included in this packet: Letter of introduction RFP Ad as Printed in the Independent Copies front & back of related MUD fliers: 1. MUD General Information Flier 2. Tool Library and Truck Share Relocation Project Flier Description of Missoula Urban Demonstration Project (MUD) Job Description of Architect/Engineer for the Relocation Project Criteria by which A/E will be chosen Missoula Urban Demonstration Project 629 Phillips Street, Missoula, MT 59802 406.721.7513 info@mudproject.org www.mudproject.org MUD Board of Directors Lindsey Aull Lauren Caldwell Laura Churchman Beth Hayes Brandon Jackson Matt Jones Anne Little Nathan McCleod Kaylan Minor John Rettenmayer Tim Skufca MUD Personnel AmeriCorps*VISTA: Ann Quirk October 31, 2011 Dear Potential MUD Architect, Thank you for your interest in submitting a proposal to create MUD’s architectural designs for our new Missoula Tool Library and Truck Share facilities. As the first major capital campaign in MUD’s 30-year history, this is an exciting moment in time, and our Board of Directors, Staff, Residents, and Volunteers are very proud and humbled by the incredible amount of good will the community has shown our little non-profit over the past year. As with all MUD’s innovative programs to simultaneously address economic and environmental needs, we are hoping that this new facility for the Tool Library and Truck Share can serve as a model for innovative concepts in Missoula and throughout the State and Nation. We are looking forward to your response – one that hopefully shows an understanding of these goals and how you believe you can best meet them – and one that takes MUD’s status as a 501(c)3 non-profit organization with limited finances into account. Thank you again for your interest in MUD and the future design of this next phase in MUD’s development. Tool Library: Michael Manhardt Christopher Preston Yvonne Sorovacu Youth Education: Rhian Clark Office Assistant: Randall Orton Lauren S. Caldwell, Board President Missoula Urban Demonstration Project 629 Phillips Street, Missoula, MT 59802 406.721.7513 info@mudproject.org www.mudproject.org REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS / STATEMENTS OF QUALIFICATIONS The Missoula Urban Demonstration Project (MUD) is requesting Statements of Qualifications for architectural/engineering services to assist MUD in designing and supervising the construction of a new Tool Library and Truck Share facility in compliance with all applicable requirements under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. Construction is expected to commence in February 2012. MUD exists to create a replicable model of urban sustainable living through education, demonstration, and celebration in the Missoula community. To this end, MUD encourages the use of recycled materials, sustainable technology building practices, and in-kind donations in all phases of design that are in compliance with CDBG requirements. MUD encourages all architectural service providers including women and minority-owned businesses that would like to be a part of this community building project to acquire and review the Request for Proposals. Payment terms will be negotiated with the selected respondent. The Request for Proposals (RFP) includes a description of all services to be provided by the respondents, the minimum content of responses, and the factors to be used to evaluate the responses. RFP documents can be obtained by contacting MUD, 629 Phillips Street, Missoula, MT 59802, (Ph) 406-721-7513. The RFP can also be obtained via the MUD website:www.mudproject.org. All responses to the detailed RFP must be submitted by 5pm, Dec. 2, 2011 to the MUD office at 629 Phillips Street, Missoula, MT 59802. Missoula Urban Demonstration Project 629 Phillips Street, Missoula, MT 59802 406.721.7513 info@mudproject.org www.mudproject.org MUD Tool Library and Truck Share Relocation and Expansion Project 2011 Background for design and construction work: The Missoula Urban Demonstration project (MUD) exists to create a replicable model of urban sustainable living through education, demonstration, and celebration in the Missoula community. MUD values urban sustainable living - a way of living that embraces low-impact, small-budget, do-it-yourself, resource-sharing practices that foster healthy communities and ecosystems now and for generations to come. MUD’s origins as a grass-roots organization in Missoula date back to 1976, and have seen many transformations over the years. MUD was formed at a time of economic downturn when Missoula’s population was decreasing. Bill McDorman purchased a home at 629 Phillips Street, known as Wild Willy’s Chicken Farm. MUD focused on community, a commitment to neighborhoods and sustainability. The Down Home Project (DHP), MUD’s predecessor, was formed in 1981, and became a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization in 1984. To makes its mission attainable to Missoulians, MUD created a tool lending program and library in 1997. Over the years, the Tool Library’s location has changed and it currently houses nearly 1,000 tools in a number of buildings at the Phillips Street site. MUD launched its Truck Share, Montana’s only car share program, with one pick-up 2007. The Truck Share provides MUD members an opportunity to use trucks for moving, hauling, and any other member needs. This innovative program allows MUD members to further their sustainable living projects without individual truck ownership. MUD won the Transportation Best Practices Award from Missoula-in-Motion for the Truck Share in 2007. MUD members pay a fee to use a truck on an hourly basis, plus mileage costs. MUD currently has 2 pick-ups available. Both the Tool Library (TL) and the Truck Share (TS) are very popular, serving over 200 Missoulians each year, over 70% of whom are low to moderate income (according to HUD guidelines). The TL & TS have reached capacity at MUD’s residential demonstration site and will benefit immensely through the Relocation and Expansion Project. This Project will give the TL & TS increased visibility and accessibility, enabling MUD to bring its mission’s benefits within reach of even more Missoulians. MUD projects that an additional 500 households throughout Missoula will have access to the tools, transportation, and sustainable best practices that make home maintenance and ownership affordable for many. MUD has purchased unimproved land (60’x 130’) in the 1500 block of Wyoming St. near Russell Street to house the TL & TS Programs and, eventually, the MUD office. A mix of storage, workshop, office, gardens, parking, and landscaping will be developed on this site. The site is directly adjacent to the Home ReSource parking lot. Home ReSource is a local building materials re-use retail outlet, workshop, and warehouse. MUD also has the support of many local businesses and plans to partner with them on a day-to-day basis; utilizing plants from Pink Grizzly and Marchie’s Nurseries in the landscaping; encouraging girls from Girls Way to work in MUD’s raised-bed gardens; and adding grounds and chaff from Black Coffee Roasting Company to MUD’s garden compost system. The resulting “Sustainable Living Center” will create a one-stop destination for sustainable living resources. MUD desires an architect who will: -Incorporate appropriate green technology and building practices wherever possible -Use appropriate recycled materials wherever possible -Use MUD’s “Phase One” design ideas as a basis for the final design -Include raised-bed gardens, fruit trees, and native plants in the site design -Include parking for at least 3 Truck Share trucks -Incorporate MUD’s future office space in the site design -Design for simplicity so that much of the work may be done by volunteers -Design for street appeal and consider whimsy wherever possible Missoula Urban Demonstration Project 629 Phillips Street, Missoula, MT 59802 406.721.7513 info@mudproject.org www.mudproject.org MUD Tool Library and Truck Share Relocation Project 2011 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Site: The project is on Lot 6 and the east half of Lot 7 in the Riverside Addition, Phase 2. This is directly west of the current Home ReSource facility in the 1500 block of Wyoming Street. The overall dimensions are 60 feet east/west and 130 feet north/south along the property lines. The site is generally flat and has been given a clean bill of health regarding potential environmental hazards. The property is in Zone C2-4 within the neighborhood character overlay of Southside Riverfront. The specifics on this parcel: front setback: less than60 feet; rear setback: 10 feet; side yard setbacks: zero; height limit: 45 feet. (See Title 20.25.060 for full details on this overlay district.) The site currently has no services but gas, electric, and water are available either in Wyoming Street. or via the parking lot of Home ReSource. The Design: The ultimate goal for this site is to house the expansion needs of the Missoula Urban Demonstration Project (MUD) Tool Library and Truck Share Program as well as eventually housing the MUD offices. Attached to this document is a sketch that generally illustrates these goals. There have been significant changes from the original property dimensions that make the sketch obsolete as the parcel size has been reduced from 80’ wide to 60’ wide. Also, due to budgetary constraints, the immediate project will need to be limited to under 1,000 square feet of tool storage (with consideration for expansion), a Tool Library office, a single-use bathroom, a utility sink, an area for a basic shop, parking spots for three Truck Share trucks, and parking for visiting tool users. The MUD office will be a future addition. The street front will be a designated space for raised-bed gardens until funding for the office is attained. Keep in mind the set-back of less than 60’. Due to the fact that federal funds are being used for this project there are specifications that must be followed, including but not limited to: Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards (UFAS), HUD regulations 24 CFR Part 8 and the Davis-Bacon Labor Standard Laws. The MUD Board has compiled the following list of important program elements: - Incorporate appropriate “green” technology and building practices wherever possible Use appropriate recycled materials wherever possible Use MUD’s “Phase One” design ideas as a basis for the final design Include raised-bed garden, fruit trees, and native plants in the site design Include parking for at least 3 truck-share trucks in the site Incorporate MUD’s future office space in the site design Design for simplicity so that much of the work may be done by volunteers Design for street appeal and consider whimsy wherever possible Scope of Services: Please include the following in the proposals: 1. Conduct at least two preliminary design phase meetings with MUD 2. Provide a thorough cost estimate 3. Provide reproducible construction documents to MUD 4. Prepare the construction bid/permit package in conformance with applicable CDBG and Davis-Bacon requirements and supervise the bid advertising, tabulation, and award process, including preparing the advertisements for bid solicitation, conducting the bid opening, and issuing the Notice of Award and the Notice to Proceed. The final choice and hiring of the General Contractor is the responsibility of the MUD Board. 5. Conduct the preconstruction conference 6. Conduct on-site supervision of the construction work and prepare inspection reports 7. Conduct regular progress meetings with the MUD Project Management Team 8. Review and approve all contractor requests for payment and submit approved requests to MUD 9. Provide a set of as-built documents at the end of the project 10. Conduct a final inspection 11. Conduct on-site interviews for Davis-Bacon compliance The Budget In keeping with MUD’s mission statement, the organization would like to display innovative sustainable living features as funding allows. A considerable effort should be made in planning how to integrate features like solar PV, solar thermal, geothermal heat pump, wind generation into the overall site plan to be installed at a future date. However, one area that will not be compromised is the shell of the heated spaces. Reducing energy needs by creating a well-insulated structure is critical. Minimizing lighting requirements with day-lighting by incorporating skylights or sun-tubes should be considered. Immediate construction costs must come in under $ 105,000. As the architect/engineering fees are a considerable percentage of this cost, every effort should be made to keep the design work simple and inexpensive. Consideration of MUD’s non-profit status is appreciated. The Submittal Requirements: Each proposal shall include: 1. Letter of Interest including: the principal firm’s legal name, address, telephone number, and email addresses. 2. Statement of qualifications including: a) The names of the principal(s) of the firm and the professional personnel assigned to the project team, their experience and qualifications. b) A description of the firm’s anticipated availability during the term of the design and construction of the project. c) The capability to meet time and project budget requirements. d) A description of the firm’s prior experience, including any similar projects or projects funded by Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program, size of the buildings, location, total construction cost, and name of an owner’s representative with knowledge regarding the firm’s performance. (Please include at least3.) e) A proposed work plan outline and schedule for activities to be performed. f) A description of the firm’s procedure in the selection and hiring of a Contractor g) A description of the firm’s procedure for redesign if the construction bids come in over budget h) A sample of the firm’s typical design contract Responses lacking a dated Statement of Qualifications will not be considered. The Time Schedule Design Proposals due December 2, 2011 Architectural firm selected December 9, 2011 Preliminary concepts presented to MUD January 6, 2012 Final construction documents/distribution of bid package completed by February 6, 2012 Bids due by March 5, 2012 Bid analysis/contract award by April 1, 2012 (Bids to include proposed completion date. An earlier completion will be preferred.) Tool Library functioning by July 30, 2012 Missoula Urban Demonstration Project 629 Phillips Street, Missoula, MT 59802 406.721.7513 info@mudproject.org www.mudproject.org MUD Tool Library and Truck Share Relocation Project 2011 Qualifications Evaluation Criteria Missoula Urban Demonstration Project (MUD) identified the following criteria for architect/engineer selection to ensure open and free competition amongst professional service providers. The selection of finalists to be interviewed will be based on an evaluation of the written responses. The final award will be made to the most qualified respondent whose qualifications are deemed most advantageous to MUD, all factors considered, following successful negotiations of the contract for services. Unsuccessful respondents will be notified as soon as possible. Respondents will be evaluated according to the following criteria: 1. PROFESSIONAL STANDING (30 POINTS) A. Is the respondent a licensed architect or engineer – Y/N? (10 points) B. Is the respondent an independent party above suspicion of having a real or apparent conflict of interest – Y/N? (10 points) C. Is the respondent included on HUD’s Debarment and Suspension List – Y/N? (10 points) SCORE FOR PROFESSIONAL STANDING: _____BEST (30 PTS) _____AVER (20 PTS)_____POOR (10 PTS) 2. QUALITY OF THE PROPOSAL (60 POINTS) A. Does the proposal comprehensively incorporate the program elements identified by the MUD Board of Directors in the request for qualifications? (10 points) B. Does the proposal reflect an understanding of sustainable building practices and incorporation of strategies and site design that reflect those practices? (10 points) C. Does the proposal indicate understanding of the requirements placed on Community Development Block Grant recipients by the Department of Housing and Urban Development and other governmental agencies? (10 points) D. Is there a clear description of how the work will be managed and coordinated with MUD? (10 points) E. Is there a step-by-step timetable for the work with milestones indicating when key tasks will be performed and by whom? (10 points) F. Does the proposal reflect an understanding of aesthetics that are consistent with MUD’s mission? (10 points) SCORE FOR QUALITY OF PROPOSAL: _______ BEST (49-60 POINTS) _______ ABOVE AVERAGE (37-48 POINTS) _______ AVERAGE (25-36 POINTS) _______ BELOW AVERAGE (13-24 POINTS) _______ POOR ( 0-12 POINTS) 3. RESPONDENT QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE (100 POINTS) A. Does the respondent have experience with and/or the ability to work on CDBG or similarly federally financed projects? (10 points) B. Does the respondent have experience in designing projects of similar size and scope? C. Will senior staff be available to supervise project staff or volunteers on-site? (10 points) D. Does the respondent demonstrate knowledge and experience with applicable state and local building principles and regulations? (10 points) E. How do previous clients rate the respondent’s overall performance? (10 points) (20 points) F. What is the respondent’s track record on similar projects for timely performance within original budgets? (20 points) G. Are the reference checks supportive of the respondent’s technical abilities and ability to work cooperatively with MUD? (10 points) H. Does the respondent present evidence of comprehensive liability and errors and omissions insurance? (10 points) SCORE FOR RESPONDENT QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE: _______ BEST (81-100 POINTS) _______ ABOVE AVERAGE (61-80 POINTS) ______ _ AVERAGE (41-60 POINTS) _______ BELOW AVERAGE (21-40 POINTS) _______ POOR (0-20 POINTS) 4. AVAILABILITY AND CAPACITY TO RESPOND: (60 POINTS) A. Given the current and projected workload of the respondent, will the respondent have sufficient time available to devote to the project? (10 points) B. How willing is the respondent to meet on a regular basis and work closely with the MUD Project Management Team at all stages of the project? (10 points) C. Is the respondent capable of meeting the time and budget requirements for the project? (20 points) D. What is the respondent’s solution when bids come in higher than expected? (10 points) E. On previous projects designed by the respondent, what is the percentage of change orders experienced? (<5% -10 points; <10% -5 points; >10% - 0 points) SCORE FOR AVAILABILITY AND CAPACITY TO RESPOND: _______ BEST (49-60 POINTS) _______ ABOVE AVERAGE (37-48 POINTS) _______ AVERAGE (25-37 POINTS) _______ BELOW AVERAGE (13-24 POINTS) _______ POOR (0-12 POINTS) TOTAL SCORE: _____________(250 POINTS POSSIBLE) _____________________________________________________________________________________ Questions and Responses: Questions should be addressed to Anne Little at 406-493-1745 or 406-721-7513. All responses must be received no later than 5: 00 PM, Friday, December 2, 2011. Please submit 2 copies and state “MUD TL & TS relocation Project” on the outside of the response package. Information about the Missoula Urban Demonstration Project, the Relocation Project, and Request for Architectural Services can be found on the MUD website at www.mudproject.org. This solicitation is being offered in accordance with federal and state governing procurement of professional services. MUD reserves the right to negotiate an agreement based on fair and reasonable compensation for the scope of work and service provided, as well as the right to reject any and all responses deemed unqualified, unsatisfactory or inappropriate.
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