Using Technology to Increase Reading and Writing Achievement Jim Harmon Secondary English Teacher Euclid City Schools Euclid, Ohio 11th Annual Michigan Charter Schools Conference, 2008 Digital Tableau Jim Harmon Secondary English Teacher Euclid City Schools Euclid, Ohio 11th Annual Michigan Charter Schools Conference, 2008 OMAM Exam: 10th Grade English - AIID - Mr. Harmon Choose two of the following options to demonstrate your knowledge of the book. Each option is 150 points. Group options: 1. Act out and videotape a critical scene in the book that you feel is important to understanding the story. Use costumes and props to enhance your presentation. Your presentation should reflect your understanding of the motivations of the characters. Edit this video into a finished product with titles, sound effects and background music. 2. Create a PowerPoint presentation to be delivered in class that examines how modern-day Salinas honors and remembers John Steinbeck. Graphics/pictures are a must and you should not read the presentation to the class. 3. Complete the OMAM WebQuest contained in Mr. Harmon’s network shared folder and design a brochure that convinces migrant workers to come work in Salinas, California. 4. Research migrant workers across the last 100 years and create a memorial that captures your understanding of migrant workers lives and the hardships they faced, as well as their contributions to America. Create a model and present and explain your work to the class. Consider interviewing one of our art teachers regarding restrictions that govern public art. Individual Options: 5. Create an epilogue that describes in great detail what George experiences after he shoots Lennie and leaves the Soledad and the ranch. You decide how life will treat him. Remember to provide significant details. 6. Complete a take-home essay exam. 7. Write a brief 3-4-paragraph essay that compares and contrasts the migrant workers of The Great Depression and The Dust Bowl with modern day migrant workers. 8. Write a poem or rap that expresses Crooks’ frustrations, borrowing text from the actual play. 9. Create a soundtrack on CD with at least 8 songs that are appropriate for school, but yet reflect the mood and tone of OMAM, or the personality of a specific character(s). The CD should be in a case with cover art, copies of each song’s lyrics, and liner notes that help the listener understand the connection to the songs you’ve chosen. 10. Create a fake MySpace page and blog using iWeb for one of the characters in the book. The main page can be in casual register, but the blog must be in formal register and respond to three chronological events in the book. What are the characters inner-most thoughts about each particular incident? 11. Examine George, Lennie, Curly’s Wife and Curly’s actions in the novel as related to William Glasser’s research on human needs. Your findings should be presented in the form of a brief paper (one to two pages) or PowerPoint presentation. You must inform Mr. Harmon of your choice by October 27, 2008. All finished projects are due by November 14, 2008 at 2:40 pm. Effort will be weighed heavily on your grade for this exam. Mr. Harmon will schedule lab time in his classroom for individuals wishing to work on these options after school. Limited class time will be allowed for the completion of these projects. All written work MUST be word-processed (unless otherwise agreed upon) and submitted via email or Mr. Harmon’s drop folder! AIID/Sophomore English/Harmon Fall 2008 OMAM Group Options Rubric Exceeds Teamwork Research/ Content Time Management Meets Approaches Attempts The group has evidence of working well together and this partnership shows in the final product. Everyone contributed equally and the group’s effort played a significant role in the excellence of the project. The group feels it worked well together, however they are unable to provide evidence that shows they did. Individuals worked harder than others to complete the project. The group tolerated each other to get the project done but some members may have done more than others. No effort was put into the group and therefore, the group was unable to function in completing the assignment. 30 20 10 0 The research used in the project is thorough, comes from reliable sources and is documented appropriately. Content is based on real information (ie: the book itself, a credible website, etc…) The research used in the project is thorough, although sources and/or documentation is questionable. Content is unclear or is not aligned to factual information. Minimal research was conducted with little attention to facts and or documentation. No research was conducted and/or content is inaccurate. 20 15 10 0 The group can account for all time spent on the project and are finished within the allotted time frame. The group may have managed its time well but submitted the project late. The group did not manage its time well and submitted the project late. The group wasted its time and was unable to submit a finished project. 15 10 5 0 15 10 5 0 70 50 35 0 MUGS (Mechanics, Usage, Grammar, Spelling) Less than 3 MUGS errors 3-5 MUGS errors 5-7 MUGS/logic errors MUGS/logic errors detract from readability Product/ Presentation The finished product shows effort and familiarity that goes above and beyond the assignment listed on the OMAM Exam handout. Presentation is clear, organized and creative and demonstrates thorough knowledge of the story. The finished product shows significant effort and familiarity with the assignment listed on the OMAM Exam handout. Presentation is clear and organized and demonstrates thorough knowledge of the story. The finished product shows minimal effort and familiarity with the assignment as listed on the Crucible Exam handout. OMAM is unclear or disorganized creative and demonstrates little knowledge of the story. The finished product does not follow the assignment as listed on the OMAM Exam handout. Presentation is not completed. Demonstrates no knowledge of the story. Names: __________________________________________________________________ Comments: Grade: _________ Score Points: __________/150 Crucible Exam: 10th Grade Honors English - AIID - Mr. Harmon Choose two of the following options to demonstrate your knowledge of the play. Each option is 150 points. Group options: 1. Act out and videotape a two-page section of the play that you feel is critical to understanding the story. Use costumes and props to enhance your presentation. Your presentation should reflect your understanding of the motivations of the characters. Edit this video into a finished product with titles, sound effects and background music. 2. Create a Keynote or PowerPoint presentation to be delivered in class that examines how modern-day Salem honors and remembers the witch trials and victims. Graphics/pictures are a must and you should not read the presentation to the class. 3. Research the life of a person who was blacklisted in the 1950s. Pretend that you are a descendant of that person. Write a business letter to Senator Joseph McCarthy that explains what happened to your ancestor, what your ancestor’s life was like for the last fifty years, and what impact this event had on you as the relative of someone who had been blacklisted. This letter should reflect your research of the era and of the person who was blacklisted. If possible, interview someone who lived through the Red Scare and who remembers that period, who watched the hearings on television, or who had some personal involvement with it. 4. Research the Salem Tercentenary Memorial dedicated to those who died as a result of the Salem Witch Trials. Design a new memorial that captures your understanding of the events. Create a model and present and explain your work to the class. Consider interviewing one of our art teachers regarding restrictions that govern public art. Individual Options: 5. Complete a take-home essay exam. 6. Write a brief 3-4-paragraph essay that compares and contrasts the Salem Witch Trials to McCarthyism and the actual Red Scare. 7. Write a poem or rap that expresses John Proctor’s frustrations, borrowing text from the actual play. 8. Create a soundtrack on CD with at least 8 songs that are appropriate for school, but yet reflect the mood and tone of the Salem witch trials, or the personality of a specific character(s). The CD should be in a case with cover art, copies of each song’s lyrics, and liner notes that help the listener understand the connection to the songs you’ve chosen. 9. Create a fake MySpace page and blog using iWeb for one of the characters in the play. The main page can be in casual register, but the blog must be in formal register and respond to three chronological events in the book. What are the characters inner-most thoughts about each particular incident? 10. Examine Parris, Abigail, Hale, Abigail and John Proctor’s actions in the novel as related to static versus dynamic characters. Your findings should be presented in the form of a paper (one to two pages). You must inform Mr. Harmon of your choice by October 24, 2008. All finished projects are due by Friday October 31, 2008 at 2:30 pm. Effort will be weighed heavily on your grade for this exam. Mr. Harmon will schedule lab time in his classroom for individuals wishing to work on these options after school, during lunch or study hall. Limited class time will be allowed for the completion of these projects. All written work MUST be word-processed and emailed to Mr. Harmon (unless otherwise agreed upon)! Euclid HS / Academy of Intellectual & Interpersonal Development Mr. Harmon – Sophomore Honors English Digital Tableau Assignment – worth 150 group work points Your group will be assigned One Act and must create a digital tableau for each of two critical scenes to be photographed by Mr. Harmon. o Each person in your group must appear at least once in a scene o You must have the posing complete and ready-to-go for each character represented in the scene o You must have written thoughts for each character represented o Props are encouraged, but not necessary o You must go BEYOND the obvious for the characters: what are their deepest thoughts at the very moment in the scene that is photographed? o You have until our class tomorrow to be ready for me to photograph your group o I will provide the resulting images in my shared network folder based on your assigned act You will import the image into iPhoto, make any adjustments needed, and then insert the image into ComicLife and create a description of the scene, note the Act #, scene description, page # and include thought bubbles for each character included in the scene. My Group members are: ________________________________________________________________________________ My Act # is ____________ My due date is: _____________________________________________________ Euclid HS / Academy of Intellectual & Interpersonal Development Mr. Harmon – Sophomore Honors English Digital Tableau Assignment – worth 150 group work points Your group will be assigned One Act and must create a digital tableau for each of two critical scenes to be photographed by Mr. Harmon. o Each person in your group must appear at least once in a scene o You must have the posing complete and ready-to-go for each character represented in the scene o You must have written thoughts for each character represented o Props are encouraged, but not necessary o You must go BEYOND the obvious for the characters: what are their deepest thoughts at the very moment in the scene that is photographed? o You have until our class tomorrow to be ready for me to photograph your group o I will provide the resulting images in my shared network folder based on your assigned act You will import the image into iPhoto, make any adjustments needed, and then insert the image into ComicLife and create a description of the scene, note the Act #, scene description, page # and include thought bubbles for each character included in the scene. My Group members are: ________________________________________________________________________________ My Act # is ____________ My due date is: _____________________________________________________ (Carlson)… That’s what that yella belly frog gets! I hope he kicks his God damned head off. (Whit)… Ha-ha! These guys are idiots… Hope Lennie snaps his neck… (Lennie)… Why is he hitting me? Where’s George? What will Curly do next? Should I let go? (Candy)… Hahahahaha… go Lennie, go! This is the most action I’ve seen in a long time! (Slim)… Wow, it’s about time, that’s what he deserves! Why won’t George let me stop this? (George)… I bet Curly won’ mess with Lennie anymore. Get ‘im Lennie. Here we go again… I hope he don’t kill ‘im. (Curly)… God dammit, he’s stronger than I thought! I made a mistake. My hand hurts, I wish he’d let go! Somebody help me! OMAM Ch. 4 Sophomore English/Mr. Harmon 5th Period Digital Tableau (Curly’s Wife)… I need someone to talk to. Why are these guys all here? Why is my husband always at the whorehouse? I hope I get lucky with one of these guys to make Curly jealous. (Candy)… ewww, why is this slut always here? She disgusts me. She thinks she’s better than everybody. (Lennie)… She’s purdy. Would I get in trouble for touching her dress, like in Weed… Where’s George? I love rabbits! Where are the puppies? (Crooks)… My back hurts! Now that she’s here, my head hurts too! First these honkeys, now this slut! OMAM Ch. 4 Sophomore English/Mr. Harmon 5th Period Digital Tableau (Curly’s Wife)… I know… I’m all that… All I want is to flirt with these guys! (Candy)… I’d love to slap her… What a whore! Her attitude thru out here. (Lennie)… Oooooohhhhh. She’s pretty! I wanna touch her scarf! Hmmmm…. Rabbits! (Crooks)… Boy I oughta… She’s such a B… my back really hurts. I wish they’d get outta my room, but it is nice to have company. OMAM Ch. 4 Sophomore English/Mr. Harmon 3rd Period Digital Tableau (Candy)… Ha-haha! I bet that hurts! Shoulda brought my Kodak! That’s what that sonofabitch gets! (Whit)… What is going on? Hope he broke Curly’s hand! (Lennie)… I’m scared… Hmmm… puppies. (Carlson)… What’s that cracklin noise? Ha-ha! What you get… (Slim)… Oh my God, why is he doing that? Should I break it up? (George)… Get him, Lennie! OK, maybe I better stop this now… (Curly)… Owwwww! That hurts! Get offa me! Please let go… OMAM Ch. 4 Sophomore English/Mr. Harmon 3rd Period Digital Tableau (others) Yeah, it's nice... so take a picture, it'll last longer! (servant) It better look nice, it took me a week to make this place spicn-span! (Lady macbeth) What beautiful scenery! But things are about to get ugly! (Banquo) Yes, this is very exquisite! Act 1 Scene 6... King duncan and his party arrive at Inverness, Macbeth's castle. Lady macbeth acts the perfect host despite the murderous plot. (King Duncan) Whoa, this view is absolutely monderful! I've never seen anyhting like it. (Three Witches) Oh, how macbeth has been fooled! (Macbeth) I can't believe what's happening! How unreal> I am going to be KING!!! (Banquo) My bloodline will be kings?! Hmm... we'll see. Act 1 Scene 3... (angus) Finally! That back-stabbing thane is out of power! (Ross) I am so Honored to be with the new thane of cawdor! Who is the strong one in this relationship? I am twice the man he is! What a big wus... I cannot handle the pressure. ghosts, blood, murder... what will come next? What did i get myself into?! MacBeth Act 3 Scene 4: MacBeth begins to question his own sanity after beginning his murderous path to the throne, while lady macbeth continues to manipulate him. Fake MySpace Pages Jim Harmon Secondary English Teacher Euclid City Schools Euclid, Ohio 11th Annual Michigan Charter Schools Conference, 2008 About Me Blog Crooks the stable buck CROOKS’ DETAILS Name: Crooks Age: 29 Orientation: Straight College: None Location: Salinas, CA Status: Single Here For: I need somebody Zodiac: Leo (grrrrrr!) Favorite Color: black Favorite Book: California Penal Code Favorite Movie: They don’t let me watch no movies Life is Good! Favorite Food: Peach Cobbler Favorite Quote: "A guy goes nuts if he ain't got nobody!" Whatup playas? It’s me, yo boy Crooks. Holla! I am straight trippin on this MySpace gig. It’s raw with a capital R! I hope you like the “Kodak moment” of me above. Check it. My favorite songs Brother can you spare a dime? My crib, quite frankly, stinks. No, for real. These folks got me sleepin’ out in the barn with the damned horses! Hobbies: pitchin’ horseshoes Check out my blog, yo. I’m writing about all kinds of whack dudes here in Salinas. They be cappin’! About Me Blog Crooks’ Blog That’s right party people! The Crooks has a blog. I am so 21st century it scares me. I think I’m gonna pick up a Blackberry so I can keep this sucker updated on a daily basis. Lots to tell so look below for the dirt. Leave the damned puppies alone! Thursday, August 21, 1930 So today this new fella, Lennie, comes into the barn to mess with Slim’s new pups. That fella had no business messin with em and if Slim finds out, he’ll put a whoopin on the new guy. I don’t have any... Read more... The new guys Tuesday, August 19, 1930 Some new bindlestiffs arrived yesterday. They got here so late and the boss was not happy, no sir. The shorter guy, I think his name is George, looked OK. But the other guy, Lennie, I think, looks... Read more... Go to archive What if the characters of had pages? Students were given the assignment to create a fake MySpace page for characters in the book The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, as a means of better understanding characters in the novel. As a class, we analyzed the components of common MySpace pages and identified the content that should be included on the assignment. Students were also responsible for writing a 5-entry blog (like an online journal or diary) that got into the character’s head in ways the novel did not. These pages are examples of the best work completed by Mr. Harmon’s junior English classes. We hope you enjoy them! index.htm 10/30/08 10:04 AM About Me Blog The One and Only: Jay Gatsby! GATSBY’S DETAILS Name: Jay Gatsby Age: 24 Orientation: Straight College: Oxford (The one in England) Location: Long Island, NY Status: Single (sort of) Here For: Friends and fun Zodiac: Leo (grrrrrr!) Favorite Color: Pink Life is Good! Favorite Book: Simon Called Peter by Robert Keable Whatup playas? It’s me, yo boy Jay. Holla! I am straight trippin’ on this MySpace gig. It’s raw with a capital R! I hope you like the “Kodak moment” of me and my beautiful ride (above). I had it pimped at West Coast Customs. Did you know they left MTV? For real. Favorite Movie: Anything with Charlie Chaplin Favorite Food: Scotch on the Rocks Hobbies: Polo, tennis, swimming, looking across the water for that “special someone” Favorite Quote: "Can’t repeat the past?…Why of course you can!" My favorite songs Speaking of MTV, don’t be a hater, but my crib is one of the hottest on Long Island! The design was based on Normandy's Hotel de Ville. Anyhow ol’ sport, I am having another p-a-r-t-y this weekend and due to popular demand, I’ve file:///Users/jharmon/Documents/Euclid/Gatsby/Fake%20My%20Space%20Pages/Gatsby/index.htm Page 1 of 2 index.htm 10/30/08 10:04 AM My favorite songs 1. Hello, Beautiful 2. One of These Days 3. One Funky Cat My favorite cars 1. Lamborghini Gallardo Spyder 2. Ferrari 612 Scaglietti 3. Ford Mustang Super Cobra Jet this weekend and due to popular demand, I’ve invited the Black Eyed Peas back to spit it out all night long. Hey! Fo Shizzle! (At least, that’s what my gardener keeps saying...) Check out my blog, yo. I’m writing about all kinds of whack dudes here on the Eggs. They be cappin’! My favorite links LeChateau De Gilly International Sailing Organization Mr. Stephens’ Homepage If you like rides, check the horses in my stable on the left. file:///Users/jharmon/Documents/Euclid/Gatsby/Fake%20My%20Space%20Pages/Gatsby/index.htm Page 2 of 2 blog.htm 10/30/08 10:05 AM About Me Blog Gatsby’s Blog! The Original Ol’ Sport! June 21, 1925 A new neighbor moved in the other day... His name is Nick Carraway. From what I understand, he is Daisy Buchanan’s cousin! I can’t believe it! What a stroke of luck! I will make it a point to go over and introduce myself. Perhaps I won’t have to Hello Ladies! and he’ll just wander over to my next big bash... That would be too perfect. Note to self: order more crates of lemons and oranges. MMmmmmmmm... fresh squeezed juice: there’s That’s right party people! The J-dawg has a blog. I am so 21st century it scares me. I think I’m gonna pick up a Blackberry so I can keep this sucker updated on a daily basis. Lots to tell so look below for the dirt. nothing quite like it. I went out to the water’s edge last night. I could see her dock from my property. There’s a green light on the end of her dock and it makes it easy to pick it out from across the bay. I wonder if she was looking out and thinking of me. I don’t know what came over me, but I felt as if I could just reach out and touch her. Soon, Jay... soon. __________________________________________________ Blog Entry #2 June 21, 1925 Highlight this block of text and replace it with your second blog entry... His name is Nick Carraway. From what I understand, he is Daisy Buchanan’s cousin! I can’t believe it! What a stroke of luck! I will make it a point to go over and introduce myself. Perhaps I won’t have to and he’ll just wander over to my next Page 1 of 4 file:///Users/jharmon/Documents/Euclid/Gatsby/Fake%20My%20Space%20Pages/Gatsby/blog.htm blog.htm 10/30/08 10:05 AM Perhaps I won’t have to and he’ll just wander over to my next big bash... That would be too perfect. Note to self: order more crates of lemons and oranges. MMmmmmmmm... fresh squeezed juice: there’s nothing quite like it. I went out to the water’s edge last night. I could see her dock from my property. there’s a green light on the end of her dock and it makes it easy to pick it out from across the bay. I wonder if she was looking out and thinking of me. I don’t know what came over me, but I felt as if I could just reach out and touch her. Soon, Jay... soon. __________________________________________________ Blog Entry #3 June 21, 1925 Highlight this block of text and replace it with your third blog entry... His name is Nick Carraway. From what I understand, he is Daisy Buchanan’s cousin! I can’t believe it! What a stroke of luck! I will make it a point to go over and introduce myself. Perhaps I won’t have to and he’ll just wander over to my next big bash... That would be too perfect. Note to self: order more crates of lemons and oranges. MMmmmmmmm... fresh squeezed juice: there’s nothing quite like it. I went out to the water’s edge last night. I could see her dock from my property. there’s a green light on the end of her dock and it makes it easy to pick it out from across the bay. I wonder if she was looking out and thinking of me. I don’t know what came over me, but I felt as if I could just reach out and touch her. Soon, Jay... soon. __________________________________________________ file:///Users/jharmon/Documents/Euclid/Gatsby/Fake%20My%20Space%20Pages/Gatsby/blog.htm Page 2 of 4 blog.htm 10/30/08 10:05 AM Blog Entry #4 June 21, 1925 Highlight this block of text and replace it with your fourth blog entry... His name is Nick Carraway. From what I understand, he is Daisy Buchanan’s cousin! I can’t believe it! What a stroke of luck! I will make it a point to go over and introduce myself. Perhaps I won’t have to and he’ll just wander over to my next big bash... That would be too perfect. Note to self: order more crates of lemons and oranges. MMmmmmmmm... fresh squeezed juice: there’s nothing quite like it. I went out to the water’s edge last night. I could see her dock from my property. there’s a green light on the end of her dock and it makes it easy to pick it out from across the bay. I wonder if she was looking out and thinking of me. I don’t know what came over me, but I felt as if I could just reach out and touch her. Soon, Jay... soon. __________________________________________________ Blog Entry #5 June 21, 1925 Highlight this block of text and replace it with your fifth blog entry... His name is Nick Carraway. From what I understand, he is Daisy Buchanan’s cousin! I can’t believe it! What a stroke of luck! I will make it a point to go over and introduce myself. Perhaps I won’t have to and he’ll just wander over to my next big bash... That would be too perfect. Note to self: order more crates of lemons and oranges. MMmmmmmmm... fresh squeezed juice: there’s nothing quite like it. file:///Users/jharmon/Documents/Euclid/Gatsby/Fake%20My%20Space%20Pages/Gatsby/blog.htm Page 3 of 4 blog.htm 10/30/08 10:05 AM I went out to the water’s edge last night. I could see her dock from my property. there’s a green light on the end of her dock and it makes it easy to pick it out from across the bay. I wonder if she was looking out and thinking of me. I don’t know what came over me, but I felt as if I could just reach out and touch her. Soon, Jay... soon. __________________________________________________ file:///Users/jharmon/Documents/Euclid/Gatsby/Fake%20My%20Space%20Pages/Gatsby/blog.htm Page 4 of 4 Where I’m From Poems Jim Harmon Secondary English Teacher Euclid City Schools Euclid, Ohio 11th Annual Michigan Charter Schools Conference, 2008 Where I’m From iPhoto/GarageBand Project Sophomore English – Mr. Harmon Turn this sheet in with your completed project: do not lose it! Name: ____________________________________ Period: ________ Due Date: May 28 (no exceptions) Complete the checklist below to make sure you’ve performed all of the following requirements: ❏ I word processed and revised my poem and saved it to my EHS network folder ❏ My recorded voice in GarageBand is clear, understandable and is my best spoken work possible ❏ If I used background music, it has no vocals and does not compete with my spoken words ❏ I imported at least one photograph for each line of my poem into iPhoto. ❏ I used high-resolution images from the Internet or high resolution scans/digital camera images ❏ I included at least three photographs that I can logically defend as abstract or symbolic ❏ I exported my video to a Large (640x480) Movie file for maximum quality and gave it to Mr. Harmon ❏ I completed the self-assessment writing in formal register on the back of this sheet ❏ I included a photo of myself (15 extra credit points) Feedback (rewrite and respond with detail to the following statements on the back of this paper): One thing I thought worked well on this project was… One thing that was confusing about this project was… One thing that I learned while doing this project was… The grade I deserve on this project is _________ because… The grade you earned: Comments/Feedback: /300 = ❏ Extra Credit ❏ Deduction for losing rubric Where I’m From Feedback Harmon/Sophomore English Name: __________________________________ Date: ________________ Period: _______ Part 1: Take your partner’s poem and read it carefully. Respond to the following statements: I liked (a word, idea, line, feeling, etc…) ____________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ because: ______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ I wonder about (a word, idea, line, feeling, etc…) _____________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ The poet responded to this by saying: _______________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Identify one noun, one verb, and one adjective that could be more clear: Noun: __________________ Verb: ___________________ Adjective: ___________________ Part 2: Now trade partners with another group and have your new partner read their poem to you. Respond to the following statements: I liked (a word, idea, line, feeling, etc…) ____________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ because: ______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ I wonder about (a word, idea, line, feeling, etc…) _____________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ The poet responded to this by saying: _______________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Identify one noun, one verb, and one adjective that could be more clear: Noun: __________________ Verb: ___________________ Adjective: ___________________ Writing Our Own “Where I’m From” Poems Name: __________________________ What kinds of items, verbs, and describing words seem to make the best “Where I’m From” poems? Let’s brainstorm… Other kinds of items, verbs, and describing words to consider when creating your own poem: Items found around your home: Items found in your yard: Items found in your neighborhood: Names of relatives, especially ones that link you to the past: Sayings (e.g., “If I’ve told you once…”): Names of foods and dishes that recall family or friendly gatherings: Names of places where you keep your childhood memories: Strengths and weaknesses: Sophomore English: Mr. Harmon Sophomore English – Mr. Harmon The 10 “Read-Around” Rules for Where I’m From poems 1. The class will be seated in a circle. 2. Each person in the class will complete three feedback cards. 3. Each person will write the reader’s name on a separate feedback card. 4. Sitting in the “Chair of Honor”, each person must read their entire poem. 5. Each member of the class must complete responses to three reader’s writing, responding to three of the following questions as guides and noting responses on a feedback card: a. What is a specific compliment you might offer the reader on her/his writing? b. What did you like in this person’s writing? Think especially about the writing style—the word choice, the alliteration, rhymes, repeating words, or humor? c. What worked in this person’s writing? (specific details, like emotion, voice, ideas, word choice, imagery) d. What particular writing strategies did this person use? e. What sentence or word did this person use that you appreciated? f. What ideas in this person’s writing might you use in your own “Where I’m From” poem? g. At what point did you have a question about what the reader shared? h. What did you learn from the reader’s poem—about this person, about the topic at hand, about yourself? i. What is one memory that surfaced for you based on what the reader shared? Provide this in a complete, coherent thought, such as “I remember when my brother spilled fruit punch on my Mom’s white couch. Boy, was he in trouble!” 6. Each feedback card must include at least one compliment for each reader. 7. We will ALL applaud after each person reads and show the respect and support we each deserve. 8. Each “feedbacker” will verbally share at least one comment from their feedback card and must look the reader in the eye when she/he is giving feedback. 9. Each “feedbacker” will sign the feedback cards she/he completed and deliver these to the teacher as you exit the room. Through Students’ Eyes Jim Harmon Secondary English Teacher Euclid City Schools Euclid, Ohio 11th Annual Michigan Charter Schools Conference, 2008 Through students’ eyes HOME 10/30/08 10:30 AM PURPOSE SUCCESS IMPEDIMENTS CURRICULUM ABOUT/CONTACT JOIN THROUGH STUDENTS’ EYES Have you ever wondered why some urban kids get up and come to school every day? How do some urban students excel in spite of an environment that doesn’t value education? Are students aware of the things in their own lives that interfere with their success in school? As urban educators, teacher educators and activists in Cleveland, recently ranked the poorest city in America, dropout (or push-out) rates average close to 60% annually. That means 60% of Cleveland freshmen never graduate from high school with the most basic of tickets to future success: a high school diploma. We asked 100 Cleveland-area high school students to consider these questions and answer them with photographs and text. We offer this site to students, teachers and teacher educators everywhere who are interested in increasing student achievement in urban centers. ©2008 Through Students’ Eyes “The reason why I go to school is to make it. It’s to know one day I will reach my hand out to receive my diploma and know that my mother will be so proud of me.” -Ebony, 10th Grade “As I watched my friends go to jail and die, it made me think I don’t want that for my family or myself. My family has a lot of hope for me and I don’t want to disappoint them.” -Cortez,10th Grade “I've been doing my own laundry since I was 12. My mom used to have a job where she had to stay overnight with kids, so I couldn't wait for my mom, and I started to do my own laundry.” -Jonnatan, 11th Grade Page 1 of 2 “Through Students’ Eyes: What Urban Youths’ Photographs SHOW Us About the Purposes of School” Kristien Zenkov, George Mason University Jim Harmon, Euclid High School Purposes • What do YOU believe are the purposes of school? • What would your STUDENTS suggest are the reasons to go to school? Supports • What helped YOU to be successful in school? • What supports your STUDENTS’ abilities to engage with and achieve in school? Impediments • What impeded YOUR ability to succeed in school? • What are the obstacles to your STUDENTS’ abilities to show up for, to engage with, and to find success in school? Picturing Our Responses • Which of the pictures to the right could serve as illustrations of any of YOUR OWN or YOUR STUDENTS’ responses to the questions above? • What OTHER pictures would YOU or YOUR STUDENTS take to represent responses to the questions above? “Through Students’ Eyes: What Urban Youths’ Photographs SHOW Us About the Purposes of School” Kristien Zenkov, George Mason University Jim Harmon, Euclid High School Project Description What do city students think are the purposes of school? In addition to the traditional reasons they cite (e.g., because they’re required to attend), why do urban youth go to school? Even more importantly, what do they believe helps them to succeed in school and what gets in the way of this success? Founded in 2004, the “Through Students’ Eyes” (TSE) project has worked with Cleveland, Ohio area high school and middle school youth to address these questions through both photographs and written reflections. TSE was begun by veteran local teachers, activists, photographers, and teacher educators in response to the consistently high dropout rates common in most urban centers in the United States. Using “photovoice” and visual sociology methods, TSE researches and documents urban youths’ and community members’ perspectives on school—our nation’s most important and unifying institution. The project has collaborated with nearly 100 city students, displayed their work at numerous regional and national exhibitions, published articles and catalogues of youths’ images and reflections, and contributed to the dialogue about US schools and their abilities to serve their most diverse and disenfranchised constituents. TSE is interested in addressing these questions using photographs and writing with populations of students from around the United States and beyond. Please contact us if you are interested in more details about our project or about conducting this project with your own students. Publications/References Marquez-Zenkov, K. & Harmon, J. (forthcoming). Seeing the purposes of, supports for, and impediments to urban students’ school success. Theory Into Practice. Harmon, J., Marquez-Zenkov, K., van Lier, P., & Marquez-Zenkov, M. (in press). Picture this: Seeing diverse city students’ ideas about schools’ purposes, impediments, and supports. Multicultural Perspectives. Marquez-Zenkov, K. (2007). Through city students’ eyes: Urban students’ beliefs about school’s purposes, supports, and impediments. Visual Studies, 22(2), 138-154. Harmon, J., Marquez-Zenkov, K., van Lier, P., & Marquez-Zenkov, M. (2007). “If they’ll listen to us about life, we’ll listen to them about school”: Seeing city students’ ideas about quality teachers. Educational Action Research 15(3), 403-415. Marquez-Zenkov, K., & Harmon, J. (2007). Seeing English in the city: Using photography to understand students’ literacy relationships. English Journal, 96(6), 24-30. Contact Information Kristien Zenkov, Associate Professor College of Education and Human Development George Mason University 4400 University Drive Fairfax,Virginia 22030 703.993-5413 Jim Harmon, English Teacher Euclid High School 711 East 222nd Street Euclid, OH 44123 216.797-7915 Website: Funding and Support Funding and support for the “Through Students’ Eyes” project have been provided by the Cleveland Foundation, the George Gund Foundation, the Martha Holden Jennings Foundation, the KnowledgeWorks Foundation, Cleveland State University, and the Euclid City School District
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