Learn Hebrew the Fun Way iHebrew™ - a series of interactive rapid Hebrew study kits My Hebrew Experience Hebrew Orientation Kit (includes audio content) Orly & Yoel Ganor אורלי ויואל גנור Copyright © 1998-2012 by Orly & Yoel Ganor כל הזכויות שמורות All rights reserved to Orly Ganor No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission from Orly Ganor. Catalog No. ULP-TD1012-2S-RA http://www.ulpanor.com Introduction This orientation kit provides Hebrew translations using both text in Hebrew and phonetic pronunciation, so that those of you, who don't yet know the Hebrew alphabet, can read and pronounce the words. The audio recordings further guide you with proper pronunciation of the Hebrew text providing additional confidence. In most cases the phonetic pronunciation is straight-forward, however it is worth mentioning the following: We chose the phonetic "KH" to imitate the sound CH as in Scottish "LOCH". Ulpan-Or Rules The following rules are part of our unique RLA – Rapid Language Acquisition method, which we have developed after many years of research. Please adhere to these rules to achieve best results during your learning process. 1. Listen to your assignments on the CDs three times a day. CD tracks are listed on the respective pages. 2. Read the assigned texts at least once a day. 3. Practice Ulpan-Or Flash Cards. 4. In order to properly practice various translated texts and dialogues in this book, first listen to them several times on the CD. Then cover the Hebrew portion, read the English portion and translate into Hebrew aloud. In addition, you can translate from Hebrew into English and check yourself with the book and the CD. 5. Repeat your affirmation statement twelve times a day. 6. * If you are participating in our GDL (Guided Distance Learning) program, you must make an effort to be present in all of the scheduled tele-lessons with your teacher. * In our experience, if you speak with your guiding teacher regularly, the progress will be outstanding. CD 1, Track 1 To listen to the audio portion in this eBook, click on the corresponding track number indicator window. Affirmation Statement I enjoy studying Hebrew. I understand and speak Hebrew easily and fluently. I progress rapidly in Hebrew. Please repeat this statement when relaxed, as many times a day as possible. Repeating this statement will condition your mind to overcome any barrier in studying Hebrew and will facilitate the studying process tremendously. Below is the Hebrew version of the affirmation statement. You will soon be able to read and say it in Hebrew. Masculine: .אֲ נִ י נֶהֱ נֶה לִ לְ מוֹד עִ בְ ִרית .ּומדַ בֵ ר עִ בְ ִרית בְ ַקּלּות ְ אֲ נִ י מֵ בִ ין .אֲ נִ י ִמ ְת ַקדֵ ם מַ הֵ ר בְ עִ בְ ִרית Feminine: .אֲ נִ י נֶהֱ נֵית לִ לְ מוֹד עִ בְ ִרית .ּומדַ בֶ ֶרת עִ בְ ִרית בְ ַקּלּות ְ אֲ נִ י ְמבִ ינָה .אֲ נִ י ִמ ְת ַקדֶ מֶ ת מַ הֵ ר בְ עִ בְ ִרית CD 1, Track 2 Unit 1 - Basic Pronouns ENGLISH PHONETIC I, I am ANI I am David ANI DAVID You (m.), you are ATA You (f.), you are AT ִע ְב ִרית אֲ נִי אֲ נִ י דוִ יד ַאתה ַאת Note: in Hebrew we don't have equivalent connecting words such as "am", "are", "is" etc. We just use the pronouns, which connect directly with the next word . CD 1, Track 3 Now we will see how to create questions in Hebrew. Note that in order to create a question in Hebrew, we just change the intonation. ENGLISH PHONETIC ִע ְב ִרית You are Adam. ATA ADAM. .ַאתה ָאדם Are you Adam? ATA ADAM? ?ַאתה ָאדם You are Sara. AT SARA. .אַ ת שרה Are you Sara? AT SARA? ?אַ ת שרה CD 1, Track 4 Situation Adam meets Sara ENGLISH ִע ְב ִרית PHONETIC Hi Sara, HI SARA, What's up? MA HAMATZAV? Great, cool. SABABA. How about you, Adam? MA ITKHA, ADAM? Great. ME’ULE. ,הַ י שרה ?מה הַ מַ צב .סַ בבה ?ָאדם ַ ,מה ִאתָך .מ ֻעלֶּה CD 1, Track 5 Additional important vocabulary ENGLISH PHONETIC ִע ְב ִרית Yes KEN כֵּן No (not) LO ֹלא Excuse me, I'm sorry SLIKHA סלִ יחה CD 1, Track 6 Situation Several guys meet; among them are Orly and Yoel. Hi guys, Good morning! I am Orly. Are you Yoel? Yes, I am Yoel. Excuse me, are you David? No, I am Michael. Michael, what's up? Everything is good. How about you Sara? Fine. Pg. 6 HI KHEVRE, BOKER TOV! ANI ORLY. ATA YOEL? KEN, ANI YOEL. SLIKHA, ATA DAVID? ,הַ י חֶּ ב ֶּרה !ב ֶֹּּקר טוֹּב .אֲ נִ י אוֹּרלִ י ?אַ תה יוֹּאֵּ ל . אֲ נִ י יוֹּאֵּ ל,כֵּן ? אַ תה דוִ יד,סלִ יחה LO, ANI MICHAEL. MICHAEL, MA KORE? HAKOL TOV. MA ITAKH SARA? BE'SEDER. . אֲ נִ י ִמיכאֵּ ל,ֹלא ? מה ק ֹּו ֶּרה,ִמיכאֵּ ל .הַ ֹּכל ט ֹּוב ? שרה,מה ִאתְך .בסֵּ ֶּדר Copyrighted and owned by Ulpan-Or. Any usage without express permission from Ulpan-Or is prohibited . העתקה והפצה אסורים, כל שימוש.אור-כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן E9 CD 1, Track 7 Unit 2 - Basic Conversations A few additional expressions ENGLISH PHONETIC ִע ְב ִרית ?מה פִ תאוֹּם Are you kidding? MA PIT'OM? Sure! BETAKH! !בֶּ טַ ח Really? BE'EMET? ?בֶּ אמֶּ ת No kidding! WALLA? ?וַ אללה Wow! Really? CD 1, Track 8 Conversation Trying to identify someone ,סלִ יחה Excuse me, SLIKHA, Are you George Bush? ATA GEORGE BUSH? ?אַ תה ג' ֹּורג' בּוׁש No, are you kidding?! LO, MA PIT'OM?! !? מה פִ תאוֹּם,ֹלא I am not George Bush. ANI LO GEORGE BUSH. I am Yoel. ANI YOEL. .אֲ נִ י ֹלא ג' ֹּורג' בּוׁש .אֲ נִ י י ֹּואֵּ ל ?אַ ת גֵּ'נִ יפֵּ ר לוֹּפֵּ ז Are you Jennifer Lopez? AT JENIFFER LOPEZ? No, are you kidding?! LO, MA PIT'OM?! !? מה פִ תאוֹּם,ֹלא I am not Jennifer Lopez. ANI LO JENIFFER I am Orly. LOPEZ. .אֲ נִ י ֹלא גֵּ'נִ יפֵּ ר לוֹּפֵּ ז .אֲ נִ י אוֹּרלִ י ANI ORLY. Pg. 7 Copyrighted and owned by Ulpan-Or. Any usage without express permission from Ulpan-Or is prohibited . העתקה והפצה אסורים, כל שימוש.אור-כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן E9 CD 1, Track 9 Now let's assume you are meeting with one of the celebrities below. Dialogues Meeting Tom Cruise Excuse me, are you SLIKHA, ATA Tom Cruise? TOM CRUISE? Yes, sure, I am Tom KEN, BETAKH. Cruise. ANI TOM CRUISE. Really?! Are you Tom BE'EMET?! ATA Cruise?! TOM CRUISE?! Yes, really! KEN, BE'EMET! No kidding!!?? WALLA!!?? ? אַ תה טוֹּם קרּוז,סלִ יחה . בֶּ טַ ח! אֲ נִ י טוֹּם קרּוז,כֵּן !?בֶּ אמֶּ ת?! אַ תה טוֹּם קרּוז ! בֶּ אמֶּ ת,כֵּן !?וַ אללה CD 1, Track 10 Meeting Katie Holmes Excuse me, are you SLIKHA, AT Katie Holmes? KATIE HOLMES? Yes, sure! KEN, BETAKH! I am Katie Holmes. ANI KATIE ? אַ ת ֵּקיי ִטי הוֹּלמס,סלִ יחה ! בֶּ טַ ח,כֵּן .אֲ נִ י ֵּקיי ִטי הוֹּלמס HOLMES. Really?? BE'EMET?? You are Katie AT KATIE Holmes?! HOLMES? Yes, really. KEN, BE'EMET. No kidding!!?? WALLA!!?? Pg. 8 ??בֶּ אמֶּ ת ?אַ ת ֵּקיי ִטי הוֹּלמס . בֶּ אמֶּ ת,ֵּכן !?וַ אללה Copyrighted and owned by Ulpan-Or. Any usage without express permission from Ulpan-Or is prohibited . העתקה והפצה אסורים, כל שימוש.אור-כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן E9 The next structure we can easily study is: Where are you from? We already know the following pronouns: ENGLISH PHONETIC ִע ְב ִרית You (m.) (You are) אַ תה ATA (Are you?) You (f.) (You are) אַ ת AT (Are you?) CD 1, Track 11 The only thing we need to add is "where from?" ENGLISH PHONETIC ִע ְב ִרית ?מֵּ אֵּ יפֹּ ה Where from? ME'EIFO? Where are you from (m.)? ME'EIFO ATA? Where are you from (f.)? ME'EIFO AT? I am from … ANI MI'…. I’m from Canada ANI MI’CANADA אֲ נִ י ִמקנדה I’m from Israel ANI MI’YISRAEL אֲ נִ י ִמיִ שראֵּ ל I’m from America ANI ME’AMERICA Too, also GAM ?מֵּ אֵּ יפֹּ ה אַ תה ?מֵּ אֵּ יפֹּ ה אַ ת ..... אֲ נִ י ִמ אֲ נִ י מֵּ ָאמֶּ ִריקה גַם Usage of "GAM" I am from Israel ANI MI'YISRAEL Really? BE'EMET? I am also from Israel. GAM ANI MI'YISRAEL. Pg. 9 אֲ נִ י ִמיִ שראֵּ ל ?בֶּ אמֶּ ת .ַגם אֲ נִ י ִמיִ שראֵּ ל Copyrighted and owned by Ulpan-Or. Any usage without express permission from Ulpan-Or is prohibited . העתקה והפצה אסורים, כל שימוש.אור-כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן E9 Let's assume now you are meeting some new people and would like to introduce yourself. Offer your hand and tell your name as follows: Dialogue CD 1, Track 12 Yoel meets Orly Person ENGLISH PHONETIC ִע ְב ִרית . עֶּ ֶּרב טוֹּב,ׁשלוֹּם Yoel Shalom, good evening. SHALOM, EREV TOV. Orly Good evening. EREV TOV. Who are you? MI ATA? .עֶּ ֶּרב טוֹּב ?ִמי אַ תה I am Yoel. ANI YOEL. .אֲ נִ י יוֹּאֵּ ל Who are you? MI AT? I am Orly. ANI ORLY. .אֲ נִ י א ֹּורלִ י Nice to meet you. NAIM MEOD. .אד ֹּ נעִ ים מ Yoel Pleased to meet you, Orly. NAIM MEOD, ORLY. Orly Where are you (m.) from? ME'EIFO ATA? Yoel I am from Canada. ANI MI’CANADA. .אֲ נִ י ִמ ַק ַנדה Where are you (f.) from? ME'EIFO AT? ?מֵּ אֵּ יפֹּ ה אַ ת Orly I am from Israel. ANI MI'YISRAEL. Yoel Really, no kidding? WALLA, BE'EMET? Orly Yes, really. KEN, BE'EMET. Yoel Great. YOFI. Orly OK, see you. TOV, LE'HITRAOT. Yoel OK, bye. YALLA, BYE. Yoel Orly Pg. 10 ?ִמי אַ ת . אוֹּרלִ י,אד ֹּ נעִ ים מ ?מֵּ אֵּ יפֹּ ה אַ תה .אֲ נִ י ִמיִ שראֵּ ל ? בֶּ אמֶּ ת,וַ אללה . בֶּ אמֶּ ת,כֵּן .ֹּיפִ י . ל ִהתרא ֹּות,ט ֹּוב Copyrighted and owned by Ulpan-Or. Any usage without express permission from Ulpan-Or is prohibited . העתקה והפצה אסורים, כל שימוש.אור-כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן . בַ י,יַאללה E9 CD 1, Track 13 Let's now learn additional pronouns He, he is HOO הּוא She, she is HEE ִהיא Now let's use all the new vocabulary in one big concluding dialogue. Dialogue CD 1, Track 14 Who is he? PHONETIC ִע ְב ִרית Excuse me Yoel, who is he? S'LIKHA YOEL, MI HOO? ? ִמי הּוא,סלִ יחה י ֹּואֵּ ל He is Brad Pitt. HOO BRAD PITT. Really? BE'EMET? Yes, sure. KEN, BETAKH. . בֶּ טַ ח,ֵּכן No kidding! WALLA?! !?וַ אללה Is she Angelina Julie? HEE ANGELINA JULIE? ?ִהיא ַאנ ֵּג'לִ ינה ג'ּולִ י No, are you kidding?! LO. MA PIT'OM?! She is Britney Spears! HEE BRITNEY SPEARS! !? מה פִ תאוֹּם.ֹלא !ִהיא ב ִריטנִ י ספִ ירס OK, good. OK BE’SEDER. ENGLISH Pg. 11 .הּוא בראד פִ יט ?בֶּ אמֶּ ת . בסֵּ ֶּדר,א ֹּו ֵּקיי Copyrighted and owned by Ulpan-Or. Any usage without express permission from Ulpan-Or is prohibited . העתקה והפצה אסורים, כל שימוש.אור-כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן E9 CD 1, Track 15 Song - "LIF'AMIM ANI…" "Sometimes I am…" Sometimes I am sad LIF’A’MIM ANI ATZUV And sometimes I am happy VE’LIF’A’MIM SAME’AKH Sometimes I remember LIF’A’MIM ANI ZOKHER לִ פע ִמים אֲ נִ י ז ֹּוכֵּר And sometimes I forget VE’LIF’A’MIM SHOKHE’AKH ַ ׁש ֹּוכֵּח- ולִ פע ִמים Sometimes I am full LIF’A’MIM ANI SAVE’A ַלִ פע ִמים אֲ נִ י שבֵּ ע And sometimes I am hungry LIF’A’MIM RA’EV Sometimes I am angry LIF’A’MIM ANI KO’ES לִ פע ִמים אֲ נִ י כוֹּעֵּ ס And sometimes I love VE’LIF’A’MIM O’HEV אוֹּהֵּ ב- ולִ פע ִמים But I always remain myself (true to myself) Sometimes I am big AVAL ANI TAMID NISH’AR ANI LIF’A’MIM ANI GADOL And sometimes I am small VE’LIF’A’MIM KATAN קטן- ולִ פע ִמים Sometimes I am a hero LIF’A’MIM ANI GIBOR לִ פע ִמים אֲ נִ י גִ בוֹּר Sometimes I am a coward VE’LIF’A’MIM PAKHDAN Sometimes I am together LIF’A’MIM ANI BE’YAKHAD And sometimes I am alone LIF’A’MIM LEVAD Sometimes I am in the middle And sometimes I am on the side But I always remain myself (true to myself) LIF’A’MIM ANI BA’EMTZA לִ פע ִמים אֲ נִ י עצּוב ַ שמֵּ ח- ולִ פע ִמים רעֵּ ב- ולִ פע ִמים אֲ בל אֲ נִ י ת ִמיד נִׁשַאר ….אֲ נִי לִ פע ִמים אֲ נִ י גדוֹּל פַ חדן- ולִ פע ִמים לִ פע ִמים אֲ נִ י ביַחַ ד לבַ ד- לִ פע ִמים לִ פע ִמים אֲ נִ י באֶּ מצַ ע LIF’A’MIM BA’TZAD AVAL ANI TAMID NISH’AR ANI בצַ ד- לִ פע ִמים אֲ בל אֲ נִ י ת ִמיד נִׁשַאר ….אֲ נִי CD 1, Track 16 On track 16 you have an explanation to the song. You can listen to the song again on track 15. The full version of this song can be found on a CD of Datya Ben Dor songs. Pg. 12 Copyrighted and owned by Ulpan-Or. Any usage without express permission from Ulpan-Or is prohibited . העתקה והפצה אסורים, כל שימוש.אור-כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן E9 CD 1, Track 17 Unit 3 – Numbers (0-10) and Money Introduction to Numbers in Hebrew During your trip, from time to time, you will have to buy lunch on your own. To do so you will need a few basic elements: To know numbers To know how to ask for something To know to ask "how much is it?" To know how to thank people In Hebrew the numbers have different masculine and feminine forms. In Israel most people do not pay accurate attention to the numbers and mostly use just the numbers in feminine form. For counting we use the feminine form. The numbers in the following chart are presented in feminine. In order to avoid confusion, masculine form is shown just for numbers 1, 2 and is omitted for the rest. Pg. 13 Copyrighted and owned by Ulpan-Or. Any usage without express permission from Ulpan-Or is prohibited . העתקה והפצה אסורים, כל שימוש.אור-כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן E9 CD 1, Track 17 (Cont.) Numbers )0-00( ִמ ְספָ ִרים Feminine form ִמספר Number MISPAR Zero EFES One * two … Three AKHAT (f.) EKHAD (m.) SH’TAIM (f.) SH'NAYIM (m.) * SH'TEY …/ SH'NEY… SHALOSH Four ARBA ַארבַ ע Five KHAMESH חמֵּ ׁש Six SHESH ֵּׁשׁש Seven SHEVA ֶּׁשבַ ע Eight SH’MONE Nine TESHA תֵּ ַׁשע Ten ESSER עֶּ ֶּשר Two אֶּ פֶּ ס ַאחַ ת אֶּ חד ׁשתַ יִ ם ׁש ַניִ ם ... ׁש ֵּני/ ... * ׁש ֵּתי ׁשֹלׁש ׁשמ ֹּו ֶּנה * For number 2, it slightly changes from SH'TAYIM to SH'TEY and from SH'NAYIM to SH'NEY when followed by a noun. To exercise the numbers, let's ask each other "what's your phone number?" One will ask and the other will answer. Fill in the numbers of your friends (after hearing them in Hebrew and verifying) in the chart on the following page. Pg. 14 Copyrighted and owned by Ulpan-Or. Any usage without express permission from Ulpan-Or is prohibited . העתקה והפצה אסורים, כל שימוש.אור-כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן E9 CD 1, Track 18 What's Your Phone Number? In order to ask about phone numbers, let's learn how to say "mine” and “yours". ENGLISH ִע ְב ִרית PHONETIC Mine, my _____ SHELI ֶּׁשלִ י Yours, your _____ (m.) SHELKHA ֶּׁשלָך Yours, your _____ (f.) SHELAKH ֶּׁשלְך What’s your (m.) phone (number)? What’s your (f.) phone (number)? Q. Orly, what's your phone (number)? ORLY, MA HA’TELEFON SHELAKH? A. 054-256-874 EFES, KHAMESH, ARBA, SH'TAYIM, KHAMESH, SHESH, SHMONE, SHEVA, ARBA. Pg. 15 ?מַ ה הַ טֵּ ֵּלפ ֹּון ֶּׁשלָך MA HA’TELEFON SHELKHA? MA HA’TELEFON SHELAKH? ?מַ ה הַ טֵּ ֵּלפ ֹּון ֶּׁשלְך ,אוֹּרלִ י מה הַ טֵּ ֵּלפ ֹּון ?ֶּׁשלְך 054-256-874 , ַארבַ ע, חמֵּ ׁש,אֶּ פֶּ ס , ֵּׁשׁש, ח ֵּמׁש,ׁש ַתיִ ם . ַארבַ ע, ֶּׁשבַ ע,ׁשמ ֹּו ֶּנה Copyrighted and owned by Ulpan-Or. Any usage without express permission from Ulpan-Or is prohibited . העתקה והפצה אסורים, כל שימוש.אור-כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן E9 Now write down your telephone number HATELEPHON SHELI הַ טֵּ ֵּלפ ֹּון ׁשֶּ לִ י Exercise: Ask people for their telephone numbers using the question: What’s your phone (number)? (m.) What’s your phone (number)? (f.) ?מַ ה הַ טֵּ ֵּלפ ֹּון ֶּׁשלָך MA HATELEFON SHELKHA? MA HATELEFON SHELAKH? ?מַ ה הַ טֵּ ֵּלפ ֹּון ֶּׁשלְך Write down phone numbers (after getting those in Hebrew only) of the people around you: friends, teacher, bus driver, soldier etc.. in the following chart. Read aloud the numbers in Hebrew. Name Pg. 16 Telephone Copyrighted and owned by Ulpan-Or. Any usage without express permission from Ulpan-Or is prohibited . העתקה והפצה אסורים, כל שימוש.אור-כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן E9 CD 1, Track 19 Now, let's practice using some dialogues. ENGLISH Hi, how are you? Everything's good. How about you (m.)? I'm OK. What's your (f.) phone number? 450-074-3912 Thanks, see you. ENGLISH Good morning, how are you (m.)? Good. How about you (f.)? Cool. What's your (m.) phone number? 453-741-3902 Great, see you. Pg. 17 ִע ְב ִרית ? מה נִׁשמַ ע, ַאהלן .הַ ֹּכל ט ֹּוב ?מה ִאתָך PHONETIC AHLAN, MA NISHMA? HAKOL TOV. MA ITKHA? ANI BE'SEDER. MA HATELEPHON SHELAKH? EFES KHAMESH ARBA ARBA SHEVA SHMONE SHTAIM AKHAT TESHA SHALOSH. TODA, LE'HITRAOT. PHONETIC BOKER TOV, MA SHLOMKHA? TOV. EIKH AT? SABABA. MA HATELEPHON SHELKHA? EFES KHAMESH SHTAYIM SHEVA SHMONE TESHA SHTAIM AKHAT ARBA SHALOSH AKHLA, LE'HITRAOT. .אֲ נִ י בסֵּ ֶּדר ?מה הַ טֵּ ֵּלפ ֹּון ֶּׁשלְך 450-074-1239 . ל ִהתרא ֹּות,ת ֹּודה ִע ְב ִרית ? מה ׁשלוֹּמָך,ֹּב ֶּקר ט ֹּוב .ט ֹּוב ?אֵּ יְך אַ ת .סַ בבה ?מה הַ טֵּ ֵּלפ ֹּון ֶּׁשלָך 451-743-1209 . ל ִהתרא ֹּות,אֲ חלה Copyrighted and owned by Ulpan-Or. Any usage without express permission from Ulpan-Or is prohibited . העתקה והפצה אסורים, כל שימוש.אור-כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן E9 ENGLISH Good evening, What's up? Great. How are you (m.)? Good. What's your (f.) phone number? 454-747-1533 Good, see'ya. Pg. 18 PHONETIC EREV TOV, MA HAMATZAV? ME’ULE. MA SHLOMKHA? TOV. MA HATELEPHON SHELAKH? EFES KHAMESH EFES SHEVA SHMONE SHESH TESH CHAMESH SHTAIM SHTAIM SABABA, LE'HIT. ִע ְב ִרית ? מה הַ מַ צב,עֶּ ֶּרב ט ֹּוב .מ ֻע ֶּלה ?מה ׁשלוֹּמָך .ט ֹּוב ?מה הַ טֵּ ֵּלפ ֹּון ֶּׁשלְך 454-747-3511 .' ל ִהת,סַ בבה Copyrighted and owned by Ulpan-Or. Any usage without express permission from Ulpan-Or is prohibited . העתקה והפצה אסורים, כל שימוש.אור-כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן E9 CD 1, Track 20 Useful Vocabulary ENGLISH ִע ְב ִרית PHONETIC מ ַדבֵּ ר Speak (m.) MEDABER Speak (f.) MEDABERET Do you speak Hebrew? (m.) ATA MEDABER IVRIT? ?אַ תה מ ַדבֵּ ר עִ ב ִרית Do you speak Hebrew? (f.) AT MEDABERET IVRIT? ?אַ ת מ ַדבֶּ ֶּרת עִ ב ִרית Do you speak English? (m.) ATA MEDABER ANGLIT? ?אַ תה מ ַדבֵּ ר ַאנגלִ ית Do you speak English? (f.) AT MEDABERET ANGLIT? ?אַ ת מ ַדבֶּ ֶּרת ַאנגלִ ית I speak a little Hebrew. (m.) ANI MEDABER K'TZAT IVRIT. I speak ANI MEDABERET a little English. (f.) K'TZAT ANGLIT. A little K'TZAT מ ַדבֶּ ֶּרת אֲ נִ י מ ַדבֵּ ר .קצת עִ ב ִרית אֲ נִ י מ ַדבֶּ ֶּרת .קצת ַאנגלִ ית קצ ת Conversation: Do you speak Hebrew ENGLISH ִע ְב ִרית PHONETIC Excuse me, do you speak (m.) Hebrew? SLIKHA, ATA MEDABER IVRIT? Yes, I speak a little Hebrew. Do you speak (f.) English? KEN, ANI MEDABER K'TZAT IVRIT. ? אַ תה מ ַדבֵּ ר עִ ב ִרית,סלִ יחה . אֲ נִ י מ ַדבֵּ ר קצת עִ ב ִרית,ֵּכן AT MEDABERET ?אַ ת מ ַדבֶּ ֶּרת ַאנגלִ ית ANGLIT? No, I do not speak (f.) English. LO, ANI LO MEDABERET ANGLIT. Ah, you are not from AH, AT LO America? ME'AMERICA? Are you kidding? I am from Israel. MA PIT'OM? ANI MI’YISRAEL. Oh, OK. AH, BE'SEDER. Pg. 19 . אֲ נִ י ֹלא מ ַדבֶּ ֶּרת ַאנגלִ ית,ֹלא ? אַ ת ֹלא מֵּ ָאמֵּ ִריקה,ָאה ?מה פִ תאוֹּם .אֲ נִ י ִמיִ שראֵּ ל Copyrighted and owned by Ulpan-Or. Any usage without express permission from Ulpan-Or is prohibited . העתקה והפצה אסורים, כל שימוש.אור-כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן . בסֵּ ֶּדר,ָאה E9 CD 1, Track 21 Israeli Money – KESEF – כֶ ֶסף The basic monetary unit is the New Israeli Shekel – NIS. It is divided into 100 fractions - "Agorot". Coins 5 Agorot KHAMESH AGOROT 10 Agorot ESER AGOROT 50 Agorot - 1/2 Shekel KHATZI SHEKEL 1 Shekel SHEKEL EKHAD 5 Shekels KHAMESH SHEKEL 10 Shekels ESER SHEKEL Bills 20 Shekels ESRIM SHEKEL 100 Shekels MEA SHEKEL 50 Shekels KHAMISHIM SHEKEL A.T.M. Pg. 20 200 Shekels MA'ATAYIM SHEKEL KASPOMAT כַספוֹּמט Copyrighted and owned by Ulpan-Or. Any usage without express permission from Ulpan-Or is prohibited . העתקה והפצה אסורים, כל שימוש.אור-כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן E9
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