PUBLICATIONS Spitz, M.R., Gorlov, I.P., Amos, C.I., Dong, Q., Chen, W., Etzel, C.J., Gorlova, O.Y., Chang, D.W., Pu, X., Zhang, D., Wang, L., Cunningham, J.M., Yang, P., and Wu, X. August 25, 2011. Variants in Inflammation Genes Are Implicated in Risk of Lung Cancer in Never Smokers Exposed to Second-hand Smoke. Cancer Discovery Paez, D., Pare, L., Espinosa, I., Salazar, J., Del Rio, E., Barnadas, A., Marcuello, E. and Baiget, M. May 18, 2010. Immunoglobulin G fragment C receptor polymorphisms and KRAS mutations: Are they useful biomarkers of clinical outcome in advanced colorectal cancer treated with anti-EGFR-based therapy? Cancer Science Chu, X. Song, H.D., et al. August 14, 2011. A genomewide association study identifies two new risk loci for Graves’ disease. Nature Genetics Sagreiya, H., Berube, C., Wen, A., Ramakrishnan, R., Mir, A., Hamilton, A., Altman, R.B. May 3, 2010. Extending and evaluating a warfarin dosing algorithm that includes CYP4F2 and pooled rare variants of CYP2C9. Pharmacogenetics and Genomics K. Shitara, S. Ito, K. Misawa, Y. Ito, H. Ito, S. Hosono, M. Watanabe, K. Tajima, H. Tanaka, K. Muro, and K. Matsuo. June 20, 2011. Genetic polymorphism of IGF-I predicts recurrence in patients with gastric cancer who have undergone curative gastrectomy. Annals of Oncology Chan, M., Chan, M.W., Loh, T.W., Law, H.Y., Yoon, C.S., Than, S.S., Chua, J.M., Wong, C.Y.,Yong, W.S., Yap, Y.S., Ho, G.H., Ang, P, and Lee, A.S.G. May 2011. Evaluation of Nanofluidics Technology for High-Throughput SNP Genotyping in a Clinical Setting. Journal of Molecular Diagnostics P. J. Maughan, S. M. Smith, D. J. Fairbanks, and E. N. Jellen. March 16, 2011. Development, characterization and linkage mapping of single nucleotide polymorphisms in the gram Amaranths. The Plant Genome Habicht, C., Seeb, L. W., Myers, K. W., Farley, E.V., Seeb, J. E. 2010. Summer-Fall Distribution of Stocks of Immature Sockeye Salmon in the Bering Sea as Revealed by Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society Pushkarev, D., Neff, N.F., Quake, S.R. 2009 Aug 10. Single-molecule sequencing of an individual human genome. Nat Biotechnol Pharoah, P.D.P, Palmieri, R.T., Ramus, S.J. et al. March 8, 2011. The Role of KRAS rs61764370 in Invasive Epithelial Ovarian Cancer. Clinical Cancer Research/ American Association of Cancer Research Lo, Y.M.D. 2009 Jan. Noninvasive prenatal detection of fetal chromosomal aneuploidies by maternal plasma nucleic acid analysis: a review of the current state of the art. BJOG 116:152-157 Domingo, S., Cabeza, C.M., Pruvost, A., Torres, F., Salazar, J., del Mar Gutierrez, M., Mateo, M.G., Fontanet, A., Fernandez, I., Domingo, J.C., Villarroya, F., Vidal, F., and Baiget, M. January 31, 2011. Association of thymidylate synthase gene polymorphisms with stavudine triphosphate intracellular levels and lipodystrophy. American Society for Microbiology Seeb, J.E., Pascal, C.E., Ramakrishnan, R., Seeb, L.W. 2009. SNP genotyping by the 5’-nuclease reaction: advances in high-throughput genotyping with nonmodel organisms. A. Komar, editor. Methods in molecular biology, single nucleotide polymorphisms, 2d edition. Humana Press P. 277-292 Baak-Pablo, R., Dezentje, V., Guchelaar, H., & van der Straaten, T. September 16, 2010. Genotyping of DNA Samples Isolated from Formalin-Fixed ParaffinEmbedded Tissues Using Preamplification. Journal of Molecular Diagnostics Pander, J., Wessels, J. A. M., Gelderblom, H., van der Straaten, T., Punt, C.J.A. & Guchelaar, H.-J. August 17, 2010. Pharmacogenetic interaction analysis for the efficacy of systemic treatment in metastatic colorectal cancer. Annals of Oncology SNP GENOTYPING Wang, J., Lin, M., Crenshaw, A., Hutchinson, A., Hicks, B., Yeager, M., Berndt, S., Huang, W.,Hayes, R.B., Chanock, S.J., Jones, R.C., and Ramakrishnan, R. 2009 Nov 28. High-throughput single nucleotide polymorphism genotyping using nanofluidic Dynamic Arrays. BMC Genomics HIGH SAMPLE THROUGHPUT SNP GENOTYPING © 2011 Fluidigm Corporation. All rights reserved. Fluidigm, the Fluidigm logo, BioMark, Dynamic Array, EP1, FC1, and SNPtype are trademarks or registered trademarks of Fluidigm Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Fluidigm recommends that you only purchase licensed PCR assay reagents from authorized sources. FOR RESEARCH USE ONLY. 100-4590 1/2012 Corporate Headquarters 7000 Shoreline Court, Suite 100 South San Francisco, CA 94080 USA Toll-free: 1.866.FLUIDLINE | Fax: 650.871.7152 Sales North America | +1 650.266.6170 | Europe/EMEA | +33 1 60 92 42 40 | Japan | +81 3 3555 2351 | Asia | +1 650.266.6170 | INDUSTRY CHALLENGES The Fluidigm high sample throughput genotyping solution requires dramatically less manual manipulation and saves time and money over traditional 384-well plate applications. The microfluidics architecture does the work of automatically combining samples and primer-probe sets into 2,304 to 9,216 PCR reactions Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping is a powerful tool in human genetics and agricultural biotechnology, with applications ranging from the discovery of human disease modifier regions to sample identification and tracking to marker-assisted breeding of livestock and crops. As SNP discovery accelerates through next-generation sequencing and genome-wide association studies, there is a critical need for high throughput, flexible, and cost-effective SNP genotyping solutions to validate and apply these polymorphisms. 384-well plate AGBIO GENOTYPING Agricultural biologists aim to accentuate valuable traits in plants and animals for disease resistance, robustness, and profitability. Wildlife managers work to attain ecological balance by maintaining the genetic fitness of wild migratory species. Both fields require low cost, highthroughput SNP genotyping. Our genotyping solution allows you to quickly and efficiently associate a SNP combination with a favorable trait for directed breeding of high yield dairy cows, validate seed populations, or manage the fitness of a wild salmon population. OUTSTANDING DATA QUALITY INCREASED PRODUCTIVITY WITH MICROFLUIDICS HUMAN GENOTYPING SNP combinations have been associated with human traits varying from longevity and obesity to metastatic and autoimmune disease, resulting in a better understanding of human metabolism, disease etiology, and population variation; driving new pharmaceutical development, and aiding in the advent of personalized medicine. Our genotyping solution enables you to quickly and efficiently identify these causal SNP combinations. THE FLUIDIGM SOLUTION FOR SNP GENOTYPING GENOTYPING ASSAYS 46 mL 240 µL 480 µL 576 µL Primer-probe (20X) 4.6 mL 240 µL 480 µL 72 µL Plates 24 1 4 2 Time 8 days 4 hours 8 hours 2 hours Pipette steps 18,432 192 384 432 BIOMARK™ HD SYSTEM The BioMark HD System sets a new standard for highthroughput real-time gene expression analysis and endpoint genotyping with benefits that are impossible to reproduce using many other conventional PCR systems. The IFC technology both prepares and performs thousands of reactions in nanoliter volumes, saving both time and money, as well as reducing pipetting steps by 95%. The system streamlines workflows for applications demanding sensitivity and dynamic range at an extremely high throughput. EP1™ SYSTEM The EP1 System, with the Dynamic Array IFCs, is uniquely suited for a range of applications that require very high sample throughput. These include validation studies in which many thousands of individuals, whether from a single seed lot or human population study, are tested against as many as 1,000 genetic markers. Validated markers can be integrated into an assortment of high-throughput applications such as the following: breeding and selection The EP1™ System offers outstanding data quality—even from lower quality samples—and the most streamlined workflow in the industry. Genotyping results can be obtained in a matter of hours with only minutes of hands-on time. testing Disease resistance Population Parentage Core strengths of the Fluidigm systems is their ability to obtain high call rates and accuracy using standard chemistries. Here, cattle sample data obtained from the USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS) demonstrate the outstanding results achieved on the EP1 System. Typical cluster plots are displayed and call rates achieved on the Dynamic Array IFC are 99.9%. Allele map with corresponding scatter plots Comparison of materials and pipetting steps between conventional microplates and Dynamic Array IFCs; 96 samples against 96 assays Seed to target species with available sequence information 96.96 48.48 192.24 Dynamic Array IFC Dynamic Array IFC Dynamic Array IFC Master mix Marker-assisted SNPtype™ Assays provide a high-throughput, lowcost SNP genotyping solution which enables rapid assay design and polymorphism screening. The assays are based on allele-specific PCR and combine the advantages of minimum experimental setup time and flexible assay choice with the reliability of Dynamic Array™ Integrated Fluidic Circuit (IFC) technology. using 200-fold less master mix than traditional systems. Each microfluidic plate generates 24-fold more data than that produced by a 384-well plate. This radical advance in experiment density is fully leveraged through a hardware/software system that automates setup and data analysis. The system integrates thermal cycling and detection of PCR assays for all Dynamic Array IFCs, and acquires data for each reaction chamber on the IFC simultaneously and can operate in either real-time or end-point detection mode for genotyping experiments. The BioMark™ HD System significantly improves productivity by enabling the simultaneous performance of PCR reactions in nanoliter volumes, collects more data points per day at less cost than 384-well systems, and enables the use of multiple reagents and different sample and assay configurations. genetics studies Designed EASY WORKFLOW WITH THE EP1 SYSTEM EASY WORKFLOW WITH THE BIOMARK HD SYSTEM Three- to four-week design and turnaround time with customer-provided sequences (minimum of 24 assays per order) 1 Access to loci-specific primer sequences assures reproducibility Compatible with Specific Target Amplification (STA) protocol for improving results from samples of low quality and/or concentration, or from species with large genome sizes (>human); necessary STA primers provided 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Call map view for 48 cattle samples and 48 SNPtype™ Assays (left); cluster plot for a typical SNPtype Assay (right). Pipette samples and SNPtype Assays into the IFC. Place the IFC onto the IFC Controller to automatically set up genotyping experiments. Thermal cycle the IFC on the FC1™ Cycler. Read the IFC on the EP1 Reader in a matter of minutes. Pipette samples and SNPtype Assays into the IFC. Place the IFC onto the IFC Controller to automatically set up genotyping experiments. Thermal cycle the IFC on the BioMark HD Reader. View and analyze results with the data analysis suite. INDUSTRY CHALLENGES The Fluidigm high sample throughput genotyping solution requires dramatically less manual manipulation and saves time and money over traditional 384-well plate applications. The microfluidics architecture does the work of automatically combining samples and primer-probe sets into 2,304 to 9,216 PCR reactions Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping is a powerful tool in human genetics and agricultural biotechnology, with applications ranging from the discovery of human disease modifier regions to sample identification and tracking to marker-assisted breeding of livestock and crops. As SNP discovery accelerates through next-generation sequencing and genome-wide association studies, there is a critical need for high throughput, flexible, and cost-effective SNP genotyping solutions to validate and apply these polymorphisms. 384-well plate AGBIO GENOTYPING Agricultural biologists aim to accentuate valuable traits in plants and animals for disease resistance, robustness, and profitability. Wildlife managers work to attain ecological balance by maintaining the genetic fitness of wild migratory species. Both fields require low cost, highthroughput SNP genotyping. Our genotyping solution allows you to quickly and efficiently associate a SNP combination with a favorable trait for directed breeding of high yield dairy cows, validate seed populations, or manage the fitness of a wild salmon population. OUTSTANDING DATA QUALITY INCREASED PRODUCTIVITY WITH MICROFLUIDICS HUMAN GENOTYPING SNP combinations have been associated with human traits varying from longevity and obesity to metastatic and autoimmune disease, resulting in a better understanding of human metabolism, disease etiology, and population variation; driving new pharmaceutical development, and aiding in the advent of personalized medicine. Our genotyping solution enables you to quickly and efficiently identify these causal SNP combinations. THE FLUIDIGM SOLUTION FOR SNP GENOTYPING GENOTYPING ASSAYS 46 mL 240 µL 480 µL 576 µL Primer-probe (20X) 4.6 mL 240 µL 480 µL 72 µL Plates 24 1 4 2 Time 8 days 4 hours 8 hours 2 hours Pipette steps 18,432 192 384 432 BIOMARK™ HD SYSTEM The BioMark HD System sets a new standard for highthroughput real-time gene expression analysis and endpoint genotyping with benefits that are impossible to reproduce using many other conventional PCR systems. The IFC technology both prepares and performs thousands of reactions in nanoliter volumes, saving both time and money, as well as reducing pipetting steps by 95%. The system streamlines workflows for applications demanding sensitivity and dynamic range at an extremely high throughput. EP1™ SYSTEM The EP1 System, with the Dynamic Array IFCs, is uniquely suited for a range of applications that require very high sample throughput. These include validation studies in which many thousands of individuals, whether from a single seed lot or human population study, are tested against as many as 1,000 genetic markers. Validated markers can be integrated into an assortment of high-throughput applications such as the following: breeding and selection The EP1™ System offers outstanding data quality—even from lower quality samples—and the most streamlined workflow in the industry. Genotyping results can be obtained in a matter of hours with only minutes of hands-on time. testing Disease resistance Population Parentage Core strengths of the Fluidigm systems is their ability to obtain high call rates and accuracy using standard chemistries. Here, cattle sample data obtained from the USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS) demonstrate the outstanding results achieved on the EP1 System. Typical cluster plots are displayed and call rates achieved on the Dynamic Array IFC are 99.9%. Allele map with corresponding scatter plots Comparison of materials and pipetting steps between conventional microplates and Dynamic Array IFCs; 96 samples against 96 assays Seed to target species with available sequence information 96.96 48.48 192.24 Dynamic Array IFC Dynamic Array IFC Dynamic Array IFC Master mix Marker-assisted SNPtype™ Assays provide a high-throughput, lowcost SNP genotyping solution which enables rapid assay design and polymorphism screening. The assays are based on allele-specific PCR and combine the advantages of minimum experimental setup time and flexible assay choice with the reliability of Dynamic Array™ Integrated Fluidic Circuit (IFC) technology. using 200-fold less master mix than traditional systems. Each microfluidic plate generates 24-fold more data than that produced by a 384-well plate. This radical advance in experiment density is fully leveraged through a hardware/software system that automates setup and data analysis. The system integrates thermal cycling and detection of PCR assays for all Dynamic Array IFCs, and acquires data for each reaction chamber on the IFC simultaneously and can operate in either real-time or end-point detection mode for genotyping experiments. The BioMark™ HD System significantly improves productivity by enabling the simultaneous performance of PCR reactions in nanoliter volumes, collects more data points per day at less cost than 384-well systems, and enables the use of multiple reagents and different sample and assay configurations. genetics studies Designed EASY WORKFLOW WITH THE EP1 SYSTEM EASY WORKFLOW WITH THE BIOMARK HD SYSTEM Three- to four-week design and turnaround time with customer-provided sequences (minimum of 24 assays per order) 1 Access to loci-specific primer sequences assures reproducibility Compatible with Specific Target Amplification (STA) protocol for improving results from samples of low quality and/or concentration, or from species with large genome sizes (>human); necessary STA primers provided 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Call map view for 48 cattle samples and 48 SNPtype™ Assays (left); cluster plot for a typical SNPtype Assay (right). Pipette samples and SNPtype Assays into the IFC. Place the IFC onto the IFC Controller to automatically set up genotyping experiments. Thermal cycle the IFC on the FC1™ Cycler. Read the IFC on the EP1 Reader in a matter of minutes. Pipette samples and SNPtype Assays into the IFC. Place the IFC onto the IFC Controller to automatically set up genotyping experiments. Thermal cycle the IFC on the BioMark HD Reader. View and analyze results with the data analysis suite. INDUSTRY CHALLENGES The Fluidigm high sample throughput genotyping solution requires dramatically less manual manipulation and saves time and money over traditional 384-well plate applications. The microfluidics architecture does the work of automatically combining samples and primer-probe sets into 2,304 to 9,216 PCR reactions Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping is a powerful tool in human genetics and agricultural biotechnology, with applications ranging from the discovery of human disease modifier regions to sample identification and tracking to marker-assisted breeding of livestock and crops. As SNP discovery accelerates through next-generation sequencing and genome-wide association studies, there is a critical need for high throughput, flexible, and cost-effective SNP genotyping solutions to validate and apply these polymorphisms. 384-well plate AGBIO GENOTYPING Agricultural biologists aim to accentuate valuable traits in plants and animals for disease resistance, robustness, and profitability. Wildlife managers work to attain ecological balance by maintaining the genetic fitness of wild migratory species. Both fields require low cost, highthroughput SNP genotyping. Our genotyping solution allows you to quickly and efficiently associate a SNP combination with a favorable trait for directed breeding of high yield dairy cows, validate seed populations, or manage the fitness of a wild salmon population. OUTSTANDING DATA QUALITY INCREASED PRODUCTIVITY WITH MICROFLUIDICS HUMAN GENOTYPING SNP combinations have been associated with human traits varying from longevity and obesity to metastatic and autoimmune disease, resulting in a better understanding of human metabolism, disease etiology, and population variation; driving new pharmaceutical development, and aiding in the advent of personalized medicine. Our genotyping solution enables you to quickly and efficiently identify these causal SNP combinations. THE FLUIDIGM SOLUTION FOR SNP GENOTYPING GENOTYPING ASSAYS 46 mL 240 µL 480 µL 576 µL Primer-probe (20X) 4.6 mL 240 µL 480 µL 72 µL Plates 24 1 4 2 Time 8 days 4 hours 8 hours 2 hours Pipette steps 18,432 192 384 432 BIOMARK™ HD SYSTEM The BioMark HD System sets a new standard for highthroughput real-time gene expression analysis and endpoint genotyping with benefits that are impossible to reproduce using many other conventional PCR systems. The IFC technology both prepares and performs thousands of reactions in nanoliter volumes, saving both time and money, as well as reducing pipetting steps by 95%. The system streamlines workflows for applications demanding sensitivity and dynamic range at an extremely high throughput. EP1™ SYSTEM The EP1 System, with the Dynamic Array IFCs, is uniquely suited for a range of applications that require very high sample throughput. These include validation studies in which many thousands of individuals, whether from a single seed lot or human population study, are tested against as many as 1,000 genetic markers. Validated markers can be integrated into an assortment of high-throughput applications such as the following: breeding and selection The EP1™ System offers outstanding data quality—even from lower quality samples—and the most streamlined workflow in the industry. Genotyping results can be obtained in a matter of hours with only minutes of hands-on time. testing Disease resistance Population Parentage Core strengths of the Fluidigm systems is their ability to obtain high call rates and accuracy using standard chemistries. Here, cattle sample data obtained from the USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS) demonstrate the outstanding results achieved on the EP1 System. Typical cluster plots are displayed and call rates achieved on the Dynamic Array IFC are 99.9%. Allele map with corresponding scatter plots Comparison of materials and pipetting steps between conventional microplates and Dynamic Array IFCs; 96 samples against 96 assays Seed to target species with available sequence information 96.96 48.48 192.24 Dynamic Array IFC Dynamic Array IFC Dynamic Array IFC Master mix Marker-assisted SNPtype™ Assays provide a high-throughput, lowcost SNP genotyping solution which enables rapid assay design and polymorphism screening. The assays are based on allele-specific PCR and combine the advantages of minimum experimental setup time and flexible assay choice with the reliability of Dynamic Array™ Integrated Fluidic Circuit (IFC) technology. using 200-fold less master mix than traditional systems. Each microfluidic plate generates 24-fold more data than that produced by a 384-well plate. This radical advance in experiment density is fully leveraged through a hardware/software system that automates setup and data analysis. The system integrates thermal cycling and detection of PCR assays for all Dynamic Array IFCs, and acquires data for each reaction chamber on the IFC simultaneously and can operate in either real-time or end-point detection mode for genotyping experiments. The BioMark™ HD System significantly improves productivity by enabling the simultaneous performance of PCR reactions in nanoliter volumes, collects more data points per day at less cost than 384-well systems, and enables the use of multiple reagents and different sample and assay configurations. genetics studies Designed EASY WORKFLOW WITH THE EP1 SYSTEM EASY WORKFLOW WITH THE BIOMARK HD SYSTEM Three- to four-week design and turnaround time with customer-provided sequences (minimum of 24 assays per order) 1 Access to loci-specific primer sequences assures reproducibility Compatible with Specific Target Amplification (STA) protocol for improving results from samples of low quality and/or concentration, or from species with large genome sizes (>human); necessary STA primers provided 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Call map view for 48 cattle samples and 48 SNPtype™ Assays (left); cluster plot for a typical SNPtype Assay (right). Pipette samples and SNPtype Assays into the IFC. Place the IFC onto the IFC Controller to automatically set up genotyping experiments. Thermal cycle the IFC on the FC1™ Cycler. Read the IFC on the EP1 Reader in a matter of minutes. Pipette samples and SNPtype Assays into the IFC. Place the IFC onto the IFC Controller to automatically set up genotyping experiments. Thermal cycle the IFC on the BioMark HD Reader. View and analyze results with the data analysis suite. PUBLICATIONS Spitz, M.R., Gorlov, I.P., Amos, C.I., Dong, Q., Chen, W., Etzel, C.J., Gorlova, O.Y., Chang, D.W., Pu, X., Zhang, D., Wang, L., Cunningham, J.M., Yang, P., and Wu, X. August 25, 2011. Variants in Inflammation Genes Are Implicated in Risk of Lung Cancer in Never Smokers Exposed to Second-hand Smoke. Cancer Discovery Paez, D., Pare, L., Espinosa, I., Salazar, J., Del Rio, E., Barnadas, A., Marcuello, E. and Baiget, M. May 18, 2010. Immunoglobulin G fragment C receptor polymorphisms and KRAS mutations: Are they useful biomarkers of clinical outcome in advanced colorectal cancer treated with anti-EGFR-based therapy? Cancer Science Chu, X. Song, H.D., et al. August 14, 2011. A genomewide association study identifies two new risk loci for Graves’ disease. Nature Genetics Sagreiya, H., Berube, C., Wen, A., Ramakrishnan, R., Mir, A., Hamilton, A., Altman, R.B. May 3, 2010. Extending and evaluating a warfarin dosing algorithm that includes CYP4F2 and pooled rare variants of CYP2C9. Pharmacogenetics and Genomics K. Shitara, S. Ito, K. Misawa, Y. Ito, H. Ito, S. Hosono, M. Watanabe, K. Tajima, H. Tanaka, K. Muro, and K. Matsuo. June 20, 2011. Genetic polymorphism of IGF-I predicts recurrence in patients with gastric cancer who have undergone curative gastrectomy. Annals of Oncology Chan, M., Chan, M.W., Loh, T.W., Law, H.Y., Yoon, C.S., Than, S.S., Chua, J.M., Wong, C.Y.,Yong, W.S., Yap, Y.S., Ho, G.H., Ang, P, and Lee, A.S.G. May 2011. Evaluation of Nanofluidics Technology for High-Throughput SNP Genotyping in a Clinical Setting. Journal of Molecular Diagnostics P. J. Maughan, S. M. Smith, D. J. Fairbanks, and E. N. Jellen. March 16, 2011. Development, characterization and linkage mapping of single nucleotide polymorphisms in the gram Amaranths. The Plant Genome Habicht, C., Seeb, L. W., Myers, K. W., Farley, E.V., Seeb, J. E. 2010. Summer-Fall Distribution of Stocks of Immature Sockeye Salmon in the Bering Sea as Revealed by Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society Pushkarev, D., Neff, N.F., Quake, S.R. 2009 Aug 10. Single-molecule sequencing of an individual human genome. Nat Biotechnol Pharoah, P.D.P, Palmieri, R.T., Ramus, S.J. et al. March 8, 2011. The Role of KRAS rs61764370 in Invasive Epithelial Ovarian Cancer. Clinical Cancer Research/ American Association of Cancer Research Lo, Y.M.D. 2009 Jan. Noninvasive prenatal detection of fetal chromosomal aneuploidies by maternal plasma nucleic acid analysis: a review of the current state of the art. BJOG 116:152-157 Domingo, S., Cabeza, C.M., Pruvost, A., Torres, F., Salazar, J., del Mar Gutierrez, M., Mateo, M.G., Fontanet, A., Fernandez, I., Domingo, J.C., Villarroya, F., Vidal, F., and Baiget, M. January 31, 2011. Association of thymidylate synthase gene polymorphisms with stavudine triphosphate intracellular levels and lipodystrophy. American Society for Microbiology Seeb, J.E., Pascal, C.E., Ramakrishnan, R., Seeb, L.W. 2009. SNP genotyping by the 5’-nuclease reaction: advances in high-throughput genotyping with nonmodel organisms. A. Komar, editor. Methods in molecular biology, single nucleotide polymorphisms, 2d edition. Humana Press P. 277-292 Baak-Pablo, R., Dezentje, V., Guchelaar, H., & van der Straaten, T. September 16, 2010. Genotyping of DNA Samples Isolated from Formalin-Fixed ParaffinEmbedded Tissues Using Preamplification. Journal of Molecular Diagnostics Pander, J., Wessels, J. A. M., Gelderblom, H., van der Straaten, T., Punt, C.J.A. & Guchelaar, H.-J. August 17, 2010. Pharmacogenetic interaction analysis for the efficacy of systemic treatment in metastatic colorectal cancer. Annals of Oncology SNP GENOTYPING Wang, J., Lin, M., Crenshaw, A., Hutchinson, A., Hicks, B., Yeager, M., Berndt, S., Huang, W.,Hayes, R.B., Chanock, S.J., Jones, R.C., and Ramakrishnan, R. 2009 Nov 28. High-throughput single nucleotide polymorphism genotyping using nanofluidic Dynamic Arrays. BMC Genomics HIGH SAMPLE THROUGHPUT SNP GENOTYPING © 2011 Fluidigm Corporation. All rights reserved. Fluidigm, the Fluidigm logo, BioMark, Dynamic Array, EP1, FC1, and SNPtype are trademarks or registered trademarks of Fluidigm Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Fluidigm recommends that you only purchase licensed PCR assay reagents from authorized sources. FOR RESEARCH USE ONLY. 100-4590 1/2012 Corporate Headquarters 7000 Shoreline Court, Suite 100 South San Francisco, CA 94080 USA Toll-free: 1.866.FLUIDLINE | Fax: 650.871.7152 Sales North America | +1 650.266.6170 | Europe/EMEA | +33 1 60 92 42 40 | Japan | +81 3 3555 2351 | Asia | +1 650.266.6170 | PUBLICATIONS Spitz, M.R., Gorlov, I.P., Amos, C.I., Dong, Q., Chen, W., Etzel, C.J., Gorlova, O.Y., Chang, D.W., Pu, X., Zhang, D., Wang, L., Cunningham, J.M., Yang, P., and Wu, X. August 25, 2011. Variants in Inflammation Genes Are Implicated in Risk of Lung Cancer in Never Smokers Exposed to Second-hand Smoke. Cancer Discovery Paez, D., Pare, L., Espinosa, I., Salazar, J., Del Rio, E., Barnadas, A., Marcuello, E. and Baiget, M. May 18, 2010. Immunoglobulin G fragment C receptor polymorphisms and KRAS mutations: Are they useful biomarkers of clinical outcome in advanced colorectal cancer treated with anti-EGFR-based therapy? Cancer Science Chu, X. Song, H.D., et al. August 14, 2011. A genomewide association study identifies two new risk loci for Graves’ disease. Nature Genetics Sagreiya, H., Berube, C., Wen, A., Ramakrishnan, R., Mir, A., Hamilton, A., Altman, R.B. May 3, 2010. Extending and evaluating a warfarin dosing algorithm that includes CYP4F2 and pooled rare variants of CYP2C9. Pharmacogenetics and Genomics K. Shitara, S. Ito, K. Misawa, Y. Ito, H. Ito, S. Hosono, M. Watanabe, K. Tajima, H. Tanaka, K. Muro, and K. Matsuo. June 20, 2011. Genetic polymorphism of IGF-I predicts recurrence in patients with gastric cancer who have undergone curative gastrectomy. Annals of Oncology Chan, M., Chan, M.W., Loh, T.W., Law, H.Y., Yoon, C.S., Than, S.S., Chua, J.M., Wong, C.Y.,Yong, W.S., Yap, Y.S., Ho, G.H., Ang, P, and Lee, A.S.G. May 2011. Evaluation of Nanofluidics Technology for High-Throughput SNP Genotyping in a Clinical Setting. Journal of Molecular Diagnostics P. J. Maughan, S. M. Smith, D. J. Fairbanks, and E. N. Jellen. March 16, 2011. Development, characterization and linkage mapping of single nucleotide polymorphisms in the gram Amaranths. The Plant Genome Habicht, C., Seeb, L. W., Myers, K. W., Farley, E.V., Seeb, J. E. 2010. Summer-Fall Distribution of Stocks of Immature Sockeye Salmon in the Bering Sea as Revealed by Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society Pushkarev, D., Neff, N.F., Quake, S.R. 2009 Aug 10. Single-molecule sequencing of an individual human genome. Nat Biotechnol Pharoah, P.D.P, Palmieri, R.T., Ramus, S.J. et al. March 8, 2011. The Role of KRAS rs61764370 in Invasive Epithelial Ovarian Cancer. Clinical Cancer Research/ American Association of Cancer Research Lo, Y.M.D. 2009 Jan. Noninvasive prenatal detection of fetal chromosomal aneuploidies by maternal plasma nucleic acid analysis: a review of the current state of the art. BJOG 116:152-157 Domingo, S., Cabeza, C.M., Pruvost, A., Torres, F., Salazar, J., del Mar Gutierrez, M., Mateo, M.G., Fontanet, A., Fernandez, I., Domingo, J.C., Villarroya, F., Vidal, F., and Baiget, M. January 31, 2011. Association of thymidylate synthase gene polymorphisms with stavudine triphosphate intracellular levels and lipodystrophy. American Society for Microbiology Seeb, J.E., Pascal, C.E., Ramakrishnan, R., Seeb, L.W. 2009. SNP genotyping by the 5’-nuclease reaction: advances in high-throughput genotyping with nonmodel organisms. A. Komar, editor. Methods in molecular biology, single nucleotide polymorphisms, 2d edition. Humana Press P. 277-292 Baak-Pablo, R., Dezentje, V., Guchelaar, H., & van der Straaten, T. September 16, 2010. Genotyping of DNA Samples Isolated from Formalin-Fixed ParaffinEmbedded Tissues Using Preamplification. Journal of Molecular Diagnostics Pander, J., Wessels, J. A. M., Gelderblom, H., van der Straaten, T., Punt, C.J.A. & Guchelaar, H.-J. August 17, 2010. Pharmacogenetic interaction analysis for the efficacy of systemic treatment in metastatic colorectal cancer. Annals of Oncology SNP GENOTYPING Wang, J., Lin, M., Crenshaw, A., Hutchinson, A., Hicks, B., Yeager, M., Berndt, S., Huang, W.,Hayes, R.B., Chanock, S.J., Jones, R.C., and Ramakrishnan, R. 2009 Nov 28. High-throughput single nucleotide polymorphism genotyping using nanofluidic Dynamic Arrays. BMC Genomics HIGH SAMPLE THROUGHPUT SNP GENOTYPING © 2011 Fluidigm Corporation. All rights reserved. Fluidigm, the Fluidigm logo, BioMark, Dynamic Array, EP1, FC1, and SNPtype are trademarks or registered trademarks of Fluidigm Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Fluidigm recommends that you only purchase licensed PCR assay reagents from authorized sources. FOR RESEARCH USE ONLY. 100-4590 1/2012 Corporate Headquarters 7000 Shoreline Court, Suite 100 South San Francisco, CA 94080 USA Toll-free: 1.866.FLUIDLINE | Fax: 650.871.7152 Sales North America | +1 650.266.6170 | Europe/EMEA | +33 1 60 92 42 40 | Japan | +81 3 3555 2351 | Asia | +1 650.266.6170 |
© Copyright 2025