3. Complete the3.enclosed Completesample the enclosed submission sample form. submission this information form. this tellsinformation the laboratory tellswho the laboratory owns the sample who owns andthe sample and what tests are required. what tests are required. NSW NSW DepartmeNt of ofiNDuStrieS primary iNDuStrieS NSW DepartmeNt DepartmeNt of primary primary iNDuStrieS NSW DEPARTMENT NSW DEPARTMENT OF OFand INDUSTRIES PRIMARY NSW DEPARTMENT OF PRIMARY INDUSTRIES 4.DepartmeNt Package and 4.dispatch. Package put and the dispatch. sample and putPRIMARY the submission the formsubmission into theINDUSTRIES reply formpaid intopost the reply bag andpaidsend posttobag theand send to the thesample NSW NSW DepartmeNt of primary of iNDuStrieS primary iNDuStrieS NSW DepartmeNt NSW DepartmeNt of of iNDuStrieS primary iNDuStrieS NSW DepartmeNt ofprimary primary iNDuStrieS NSW DepartmeNt of primary iNDuStrieS Primary Primary feeD QuaLity feeD SerViCe QuaLity SerViCe feeD QuaLity SerViCe NSW DepartmeNt NSW DepartmeNt of primary of iNDuStrieS primary iNDuStrieS NSW DepartmeNt of primary iNDuStrieS FEED QUALITY FEED SERVICE QUALITY SERVICE FEED QUALITY SERVICE feeD QuaLity feeD SerViCe QuaLity SerViCe feeD QuaLity feeD SerViCe QuaLity feeD QuaLity SerViCe feeD QuaLity SerViCe Industries Industries laboratory. laboratory.SerViCe feeD QuaLity feeDSerViCe QuaLity SerViCe feeD QuaLity SerViCe FEED SAMPLE FEED SAMPLE SUBMISSION SUBMISSION FORM FORM FEED SAMPLE FEED SAMPLE SUBMISSION SUBMISSION FORM FORM FEED SAMPLE FEED SAMPLE SUBMISSION SUBMISSION FORM FORM FEED SAMPLE FEED SAMPLE SUBMISSION SUBMISSION FORM FORM SamplesCOLLECTING with high Samples moisture withcontent high moisture (fresh pasture, content fresh (freshmown pasture, pasture freshand mown silage) pasture mustandbe silage) frozen,must in thebeplastic frozen, in the plastic COLLECTING FEED SAMPLES FEED SAMPLES inner sample bag,inner before sample sending bag, tobefore the laboratory. sending to once the laboratory. frozen, theonce sample frozen, will the remain sample stablewillduring remaindelivery. stable during the delivery. the SUBMITTER SUBMITTER SUBMITTER SUBMITTER SUBMITTER SUBMITTER SUBMITTER SUBMITTER SUBMITTER the theonly laboratory determine can only the determine ofofthe thesample qualityaccording of the sample totothe condition which condition ititisisreceived. in whichitititisisistherefore received. it is therefore thelaboratory laboratorycan can only determine thequality quality the sample according theaccording conditiontoininthe which received. therefore sample inner bagsample shouldinner be well bagwrapped should beinwell dry wrapped newspaper,in dry justnewspaper, prior to sending, just prior to minimise to sending, defrosting. to minimise Senddefrosting. the Send the Name Name Company Company Nameimportant Company very very you sub-sample you collect, and dispatch andsample dispatch totothe your laboratory. sample to the laboratory. very importanthow howimportant youcollect, collect,how sub-sample andsub-sample dispatchyour your sample the laboratory. Name Name Company Company Name Company Company Name sampleName Company Name Company to the laboratory sample tointhethelaboratory green reply in the paidgreen post reply outer bag paidprovided. post outer bag provided. postal address postal address postal address 1. Collect your bulk Collect samples. your bulk Collect samples. your sample your early bulk ininsample the early so in the ititcan week that it can and processed received and processed 1. Collect your1. bulk samples. Collect yourbulk bulkCollect sample early theweek week sothat that canbe besoreceived received andbe processed postal address postal address postal address address postal addresspostal postal address by bybefore the laboratory weekend. before the weekend. that the bulk sample that the represents bulk sample the represents the feed testing (see you aredeteriorate. testing (seeNever bythe thelaboratory laboratory before the weekend. ensure that the bulk sample represents thefeed feed that you are testing (see must not Samples bethe allowed must tonotheat beensure allowed during storage tofax heatensure and during transport storage andmail totransport testing, prior asthat theytoyou testing, willare deteriorate. asthatthey will Never mail fax prior How you How totoreceive do you your wish report? to receive email your report? email fax mail Howdo doSamples youwish wish receive your report? email below), and isto below), from and contamination isreport? free from from contamination soil and from and soil so and on. leaves for baled and sohay on.and forsilage baledwe hayrecommend and silage we that below), and isHow free from contamination from soil and leaves and sofax on. formail baled hay and silage we recommend thatrecommend that fax fax mail mail fax mail How you wish to do you your wish to receive email your report? email How do you wish How receive doreceive you your wish report? toreport? receive email your report? email faxleaves mail fax mail How do you wish to receive your report? email How dodo you wish tofree receive your email leave samples inleave vehicles, samples particularly in vehicles, on(( aparticularly hotaacorer day.sample. a)available day. take aasample be a sample used collect beyour used sample. to isison not ifhot a corer istake notaaavailable ‘grab’ from take deep a ‘grab’ within from the bale ororpit. sample corer be used collect your sample. corer ‘grab’ from deep within thedeep balewithin pit. the bale or pit. phone (( ))corer phone ( toto ) corer fax )if)ifyour fax (notavailable email email phone faxcollect email phone phone (( (( )) )) phone phone ( () ) fax (( (( )) )) faxfax ( () ) email email email email phone fax email phone faxfax email 2.2. Thoroughly 2. Thoroughly the mix theand bulk sub-sample. sample anduse sub-sample. the coning the and mixing, coning technique and dividing shown technique on Thoroughlymix mix thebulk bulksample sample and sub-sample. use themixing, mixing,use coning anddividing dividing technique shown onthe the shown on the SAMPLE SOURcE SAMPLE DETAILS SOURcE DETAILS SAMPLE SOURcE DETAILS back of this page back to obtain of this the page quantity to obtain of sample the quantity indicated of sample on the indicated sampling on bag. the sampling bag. back of this page to obtain the quantity of sample indicated on the sampling bag. SAMPLE SOURcE SAMPLE DETAILS SOURcEDETAILS DETAILS SAMPLE SOURcE SAMPLE DETAILS SOURcE SAMPLE SOURcE DETAILS SAMPLE SOURcE DETAILS HOw TO COLLECT HOw yOur TOsample COLLECT SAMPLE yOur SAMPLE property owner property owner property identification property Code identification (piC) Code (piC) property owner property identification Code (piC) 3. Complete the 3. enclosed Complete the enclosed submission sample form. submission this form. this tells information the laboratory tells who theCode laboratory owns the who owns and the sample and 3. Complete the enclosed sample submission form. thisinformation information tells theidentification laboratory who owns thesample sample and property owner property owner property identification property Code identification (piC) Code (piC) property owner property owner property property identification (piC) Code (piC) property owner property identification Code (piC) property owner property identification Code (piC) what are required. what tests are required. whattests tests areproperty required. property address address town town property address town property address property address town town property address property address town town property address town property address town 4.4. PASTurE Package 4.dispatch. Package put and the dispatch. sample and put the sample submission and the form into formpaid intopost the reply bag paidsend posttotobag the Packageand dispatch. the sample andthe the submission formsubmission intothe thereply reply paid post bagand and send theand send to the –and PASTurE AND –putFrESH MOwN AND FrESH MOwN PASTurE – FrESH FrESH AND FrESH FrESH MOwN SAMPLE IDENTIFIcATION SAMPLE IDENTIFIcATION SAMPLE IDENTIFIcATION laboratory. laboratory. laboratory. SAMPLE SAMPLE IDENTIFIcATION IDENTIFIcATION SAMPLE SAMPLEIDENTIFIcATION IDENTIFIcATION SAMPLE IDENTIFIcATION SAMPLE IDENTIFIcATION • Sampleatrandombytakingbetween15and20 • Sampleatrandombytakingbetween15and20 ‘grab’samplesacrossapaddock. ‘grab’samplesacrossapaddock. your Sample identification your Sample (sample identification number, (sample name, collection number, site, collection site, etc) your Samplewith identification (sample name, number, collection site,etc) etc) Samples high Samples moisture with content highname, moisture (fresh pasture, content fresh (fresh mown pasture, pasture freshand mown silage) pasture must be frozen, ininthe frozen, in the plastic Samples with high moisture content (fresh pasture, fresh mown pasture and silage) mustand besilage) frozen,must thebeplastic plastic your Sample identification your Sample (sample identification name, number, (sample name, collection number, site, etc) collection site, your Sample identification your Sample (sample identification name, number, (sample name, collection number, site, etc) collection site, etc)etc) your Sample identification (sample name, number, collection site, etc) your Sample identification (sample name, number, collection site, etc) inner inner before sample sending bag, to before sending to once the frozen, sample frozen, will remain sample stable willduring remaindelivery. stable during the innersample samplebag, bag, before sending tothe thelaboratory. laboratory. oncelaboratory. frozen,the theonce sample willthe remain stable during delivery. the delivery. the • Grabtograzingheightortothefulldepthoftheswathorwindrow. •should Grabtograzingheightortothefulldepthoftheswathorwindrow. sample inner sample inner be bagwrapped should beininwell dry newspaper, in dry just prior just prior totominimise to sending, defrosting. to minimise Send the Send the sample innerbag bag should bewell well wrapped drywrapped newspaper, justnewspaper, priortotosending, sending, minimise defrosting. Senddefrosting. the sample totothe laboratory sample toininthe the green in the paid post outer paid post outer bag provided. sample theSample laboratory thelaboratory greenreply reply paidgreen postreply outerbag bagprovided. provided. Sample type type Date Date of sampling Sample type Dateofofsampling sampling Sample type Sample type Date sampling Date sampling Sample type Sample type Date ofofof sampling Date of of sampling Sample type Date of sampling Sample type Date sampling • Combineall ‘g•rabs’ Combineall inabucketandmixwell. rabs’ inabucketandmixwell. Samples must Samples be allowed must to not be allowed during storage to heatand during storageprior andto transport as to testing, will as they will Never deteriorate. Never Samples mustnot not be allowed to‘gheat heat during storage andtransport transport prior totesting, testing,prior asthey they willdeteriorate. deteriorate. Never leave samples ininleave vehicles, samples particularly in vehicles, on hot day. on a hot day. leave samples vehicles, particularly onaaparticularly hottiCk day.box) TESTS REqUESTED TESTS (pLeaSe REqUESTED tiCk (pLeaSe box) TESTS REqUESTED (pLeaSe tiCk box) TESTS REqUESTED TESTS (pLeaSe REqUESTED tiCk (pLeaSe box) tiCkbox) box) TESTS REqUESTED TESTS (pLeaSe REqUESTED tiCk (pLeaSe box) TESTS REqUESTED (pLeaSe tiCk box) tiCk TESTS REqUESTED (pLeaSe tiCk box) SMALL SquArE SMALL bALES SquArE bALEShay, SMALL SquArE bALES Standard Standard (Nir) pasture, –forage, pasture, silage, hay,straw, forage,Dm, silage, ash, crude Dm, ash,neutral crude protein, &&acid neutral &fibre, acid detergent DmD fibre,me DmD & DomD Standardpackage package (Nir)––package pasture,(Nir) hay,forage, silage, straw, Dm, ash,straw, crudeprotein, protein, neutral aciddetergent detergent fibre, DmD&&DomD, DomD, me Standard package Standard (Nir) –pasture, pasture, (Nir) hay, forage, –forage, pasture, silage, hay, straw, forage, Dm, silage, ash, straw, crude protein, Dm, ash, neutral crude &acid detergent neutral &fibre, acid detergent DmD &DomD, fibre, me DmD & DomDm Standard package Standard (Nir) ––package pasture, (Nir) hay, forage, –forage, pasture, silage, hay, straw, forage, Dm, silage, ash, straw, crude protein, Dm, ash, neutral crude protein, &&protein, acid detergent neutral &fibre, acid detergent DmD &&DomD, fibre, me DmD & DomD, Standard package (Nir) –package pasture, hay, silage, straw, Dm, ash, crude protein, neutral &acid acid detergent fibre, DmD &DomD, DomD, me Standard package (Nir) hay, silage, straw, Dm, ash, crude protein, neutral detergent fibre, DmD me HOw TO HOw yOur TO COLLECT SAMPLE yOur SAMPLE HOw TO COLLECT COLLECT yOur SAMPLE package Silage ––package Standard (Nir) package – Standard plus package pH silage silage ammonia-nitrogen pH & silage ammonia-nitrogen Silage package•(Nir) (Nir) Standard plussilage silage pH&&plus silage ammonia-nitrogen •Silage Select10–20balesatrandom. Select10–20balesatrandom. Tpackage akeonecorefromeachbale,through Takeonecorefromeachbale,through Silage package (Nir) Silage –Standard Standard (Nir) package – Standard plus silage package &silage silage silage ammonia-nitrogen & silage ammonia-nitrogen Silage package (Nir) Silage ––package Standard (Nir) package – Standard plus silage package pH &&plus silage silage ammonia-nitrogen pHpH & silage ammonia-nitrogen Silage package (Nir) –package Standard package plus silage pH &plus silage ammonia-nitrogen Silage package (Nir) package plus silage pHpH ammonia-nitrogen PASTurE –– FrESH PASTurE AND FrESH – FrESH MOwN AND MOwN PASTurE FrESH AND FrESH MOwN Grain/concentrate Grain/concentrate package (Nir) –FrESH package Standard (Nir) package –the Standard plus package fat/ether plusextract total fat/ether extract Grain/concentrate package (Nir) –the Standard package plustotal total fat/ether extract the ‘butt’ and at the right ‘butt’ angles and to at right surface. angles to surface. Grain/concentrate Grain/concentrate package (Nir) –Standard Standard (Nir) package – Standard plus total package fat/ether plus extract total fat/ether extract Grain/concentrate Grain/concentrate package (Nir) ––package Standard (Nir) package – Standard plus total package fat/ether plus extract total fat/ether extract Grain/concentrate package (Nir) –package Standard package plus total fat/ether extract Grain/concentrate package (Nir) package plus total fat/ether extract •• Sampleatrandombytakingbetween15and20 Sampleatrandombytakingbetween15and20 ‘grab’samplesacrossapaddock. Sampleatrandombytakingbetween15and20 ‘grab’samplesacrossapaddock. total total package mixed (Nir) ration special (Nir)‘grab’samplesacrossapaddock. – special for calibration feed for mixed feed rations totalmixed mixed•ration ration package (Nir)––package specialcalibration calibration formixed mixed feedrations rations mixed ration package mixed (Nir) ration –special special calibration (Nir) – special mixed calibration feed for mixed feed rations total mixed ration total package mixed (Nir) ration ––package special calibration (Nir) – special for mixed calibration feed rations forrations mixed feed rations total mixed ration package (Nir) –package special calibration for mixed feed rations total mixed ration package (Nir) calibration forfor mixed feed rations •total Combinecoresinabucketandmixwell. •total Combinecoresinabucketandmixwell. by-products by-products (wet package (wet ––Standard chemistry) package – Standard plus package fat/ether plusextract total fat/ether extract by-products package (wetchemistry) chemistry) Standard package plustotal total fat/ether extract •• Grabtograzingheightortothefulldepthoftheswathorwindrow. •package Grabtograzingheightortothefulldepthoftheswathorwindrow. Grabtograzingheightortothefulldepthoftheswathorwindrow. by-products package by-products (wet chemistry) package –Standard Standard chemistry) package – Standard plus total package fat/ether plus extract total fat/ether extract by-products package by-products (wet chemistry) package (wet ––(wet Standard package – Standard plus total package fat/ether plus extract total fat/ether extract by-products package (wet chemistry) –chemistry) Standard package plus total fat/ether extract by-products package (wet chemistry) package plus total fat/ether extract Healthy horse package Healthy – horse standard package package – standard – with package digestible – energy with digestible (De). energy (De). Healthy horse package – standard package – with digestible energy (De). •• Healthy Combineall ‘grabs’inabucketandmixwell. •package Combineall ‘grabs’inabucketandmixwell. Combineall ‘grabs’inabucketandmixwell. Healthy horse package Healthy –standard standard package package – standard –with package digestible –energy energy with digestible (De). energy (De). horse Healthy –rOuND standard package package – standard ––with package digestible – energy with digestible (De). (De). Healthy horse package –horse standard package –with with digestible energy (De). energy Healthy horse package –horse package digestible (De). LArGE rOuND LArGE SquArE bALES SquArE bALES LArGE rOuND Or SquArE bALES Additional tests Additional are available tests ((contact areOr available our (contact service our customer unit aa quotation unit for on quotation 675 on 1800 675 623). Additional tests areOr available contact our customer customer service unit for forservice quotation ona1800 1800 675 623). 623). Additional tests Additional are available tests ((contact are available our (contact service ourcustomer customer unit aquotation unitfor for on a1800 quotation 675 623). on1800 1800675 675623). 623). Additional tests Additional are available tests ((contact are available our customer (customer contact service our unit for service aaservice quotation unit on a1800 quotation 675 623). on Additional tests are available contact our customer service unit for a quotation quotation on 1800 675 623). Additional tests are available contact our customer service unit forfor on 1800 675 623). SMALL SMALL bALES SquArE bALES SMALL SquArE SquArE bALES mineral – nutrient mineral package – nutrient water package soluble carbohydrates water soluble carbohydrates starch acid starch insoluble ash acid insoluble lignin ash mould, lignin toxin mineral – nutrient package water soluble carbohydrates starch acid insoluble ash lignin mould, toxin mould, toxin •mineral Select5–10balesatrandom. •mineral Select5–10balesatrandom. Twater akeonecorefromeachsideofthe Twater akeonecorefromeachsideofthe –nutrient package – nutrient package soluble carbohydrates soluble carbohydrates starch acid starch insoluble ash acid insoluble lignin mould, lignin toxin mould, toxin ––nutrient package – nutrient water package soluble carbohydrates water soluble carbohydrates starch starch insoluble ash acid insoluble lignin ashash mould, lignin toxin toxin mineral –nutrient nutrient package water soluble carbohydrates starch acid acid insoluble ash lignin mould, toxin mould, mineral package water soluble carbohydrates starch acid insoluble ash lignin mould, toxin •• mineral Select10–20balesatrandom.Takeonecorefromeachbale,through • mineral Select10–20balesatrandom.Takeonecorefromeachbale,through Select10–20balesatrandom.Takeonecorefromeachbale,through nitrite, nitrite, prussic nitrate acid urea. acidany urea. tests for please further our Customer pleaseService our Customer unit. nitrite,nitrate nitrate prussic acid prussic urea.for for anyfurther further testsany please ourtests Customer Service unit. Service unit. nitrite, nitrate nitrite, prussic nitrate acid prussic urea. for acid any further urea. tests for any please our tests Customer please Service our Customer unit. Service unit. nitrite, nitrate acid urea. for acid tests for any please further our tests Customer please Service our Customer unit. Service unit. nitrite, nitrate prussic urea Chloride. for any further tests please our Customer Service unit. nitrite, nitrate prussic acid urea. for any further tests please our Customer Service unit. bale,nitrate probing atprussic bale, right probing angles toatprussic the right surface angles and tofurther the aturea. different surface and heights. atfurther different heights. the ‘butt’ and the right ‘butt’ angles and toacid atthe right surface. angles toany the surface. the ‘butt’ andatatnitrite, right angles to the surface. •• Combinecoresinabucketandmixwell. • Combinecoresinabucketandmixwell. Combinecoresinabucketandmixwell. PAyMENT AUThORISATION PAyMENT AUThORISATION (muSt (muSt be CompLeteD) PAyMENT AUThORISATION (muSt be be CompLeteD) CompLeteD) • Combinecoresinabucketandmixwell. • Combinecoresinabucketandmixwell. PAyMENT AUThORISATION PAyMENT AUThORISATION (muSt CompLeteD) (muStbebeCompLeteD) CompLeteD) PAyMENT AUThORISATION PAyMENT AUThORISATION (muSt be CompLeteD) (muSt PAyMENT AUThORISATION (muSt be CompLeteD) PAyMENT AUThORISATION (muSt bebe CompLeteD) iihereby authorise i hereby NSW Department authorise NSW ofofprimary Department of primary tototest the to test iihave the identified samples have identified totothe above to the above details hereby authorise NSW Department primary industries testindustries thesamples samples have identifiedi according according theaccording abovedetails details LArGE rOuND Or LArGE SquArE rOuND bALES Or SquArE bALES industries LArGE rOuND Or SquArE bALES iand hereby authorise iand hereby NSW Department authorise NSW primary Department industries primary test industries the samples iithe have the identified samples i according have identified according above details to above details iihereby authorise iaccept hereby NSW authorise NSW ofofallof primary Department industries of of primary tototo test industries the samples to to test iitest have identified samples i according have identified tototo the according above details to thethe above details iand hereby authorise NSW Department of primary industries to test the samples have identified according to the above details hereby authorise NSW Department primary industries test the samples have identified according thethe above details agree totoaccept agree all associated to accept charges. associated charges. agree allDepartment associated charges. • Select5–10balesatrandom.Takeonecorefromeachsideofthe • Select5–10balesatrandom.Takeonecorefromeachsideofthe • Select5–10balesatrandom.Takeonecorefromeachsideofthe and agree to accept and all associated to accept charges. all associated charges. and agree totoPELLETS, accept and agree all associated toPELLETS, accept charges. all associated and agree to accept all associated charges. and agree accept allagree associated charges. CubES, CubES, MEALS AND GrAIN MEALS ANDcharges. GrAIN CubES, PELLETS, MEALS AND GrAIN bale, atatbale, right angles atthe rightsurface anglesand to the atatSignature different surface and heights. atSignature different heights. bale,probing probingName rightprobing anglestoto the surface and different heights. Name Date Date Name Signature Date Name Name Signature Signature Date Date Name Name Signature Date Date Name Signature Signature Date Name Signature Date • Take10–15 ‘results g•may rab’ Take10–15 besamplesfromthebulksupplyorfromindividualbags. ‘gmay rab’ samplesfromthebulksupplyorfromindividualbags. results and be and provided findingstoto authorised be provided staff to used staff and used surveillance, for statistical, extension, surveillance, certification extension, and certification purposes and regulatory ininaccordance purposes in accordance results andfindings findings may provided authorised staffand andauthorised usedfor forstatistical, statistical, surveillance, extension, certification andregulatory regulatory purposes accordance •test •testCombinecoresinabucketandmixwell. •testCombinecoresinabucketandmixwell. Combinecoresinabucketandmixwell. test results findings test results may be and provided findings to authorised be provided staff and to authorised used statistical, staff and used surveillance, statistical, extension, surveillance, certification extension, and regulatory certification purposes in purposes in accordance test results and findings test results may be and provided findings totomay authorised be provided staff and to authorised used for statistical, staff andand used surveillance, forfor statistical, extension, surveillance, certification extension, and regulatory certification purposes and regulatory ininregulatory accordance purposes accordance test results and findings may be provided tomay authorised staff and used for statistical, surveillance, extension, certification and regulatory purposes inaccordance accordance test results andand findings may be provided authorised staff and used forfor statistical, surveillance, extension, certification and regulatory purposes accordance with Departmental with policies. Departmental the information policies. assists the information disease and assists residue disease control programs residue and control underpins programs market andaccess underpins for agricultural market access products. forand agricultural the source products. ofofthe source of the with Departmental policies. the information assists disease residue control programs and underpins market access for agricultural products. the source theinthe with Departmental with policies. Departmental information policies. assists the information disease assists residue control and programs control underpins programs market access underpins agricultural market access products. agricultural source of source of the with Departmental policies. Departmental the information policies. assists the information disease and assists residue disease control and programs residue and control underpins programs market andand access underpins for agricultural market access products. forfor agricultural the source products. ofofproducts. the source of the with Departmental policies. the information assists disease and residue control programs and underpins market access for agricultural products. the source ofthe thethethe with Departmental policies. thethe information assists disease andand residue control programs and underpins market access forfor agricultural products. thethe source the information will remain information confidential will remain unless confidential otherwise required unless otherwise by law orordisease regulatory required byresidue policies. law orand regulatory policies. information willwith remain confidential unless otherwise required by law regulatory policies. information remain information confidential will remain unless confidential otherwise required unless by or required by policies. law or regulatory policies. information will remain information confidential will remain unless confidential otherwise unless otherwise by law ororregulatory required bypolicies. law or regulatory policies. information will remain confidential unless otherwise required by law orregulatory regulatory policies. information willwill remain confidential unless otherwise required byotherwise lawlaw regulatory policies. CubES, PELLETS, CubES, MEALS PELLETS, AND GrAIN MEALS ANDrequired GrAIN CubES, PELLETS, MEALS AND GrAIN • Combineall‘g•rabs’ Combineall inabucketandmixwell. ‘grabs’inabucketandmixwell. ONLy USE ONLy USE ONLy •LABORATORy Take10–15 ‘grab’samplesfromthebulksupplyorfromindividualbags. Take10–15 ‘grab’samplesfromthebulksupplyorfromindividualbags. •LABORATORy Take10–15USE ‘•LABORATORy grab’samplesfromthebulksupplyorfromindividualbags. LABORATORy USE LABORATORy ONLy USE ONLy LABORATORy USE LABORATORy ONLy ONLy LABORATORy USE ONLy USE LABORATORy USE ONLy Date accession accessioned Datereceived received Date received accessionnumber numberaccession number accessionedby by accessioned by received received accession number accession number accessioned accessioned Date received Date received accession number accession number by byby received accession number accessioned byaccessioned Date received accession number accessioned byby •Date Combineall ‘grabs’inabucketandmixwell. •Date Combineall •Date Combineall ‘grabs’inabucketandmixwell. Samples checked Samples checked‘grabs’inabucketandmixwell. total number ofof samples total number of samples accessioned testing authorised testing authorised Samples checked total number samples testing authorised Samples checked Samples checked total number samples total number samples testing testing authorised testing authorised Samples checked Samples checked total number ofofof samples total number of of samples authorised testing authorised Samples checked total number of samples testing authorised Samples checked total number samples testing authorised aNy pHoNe aNyour QuerieS? CuStomer pHoNe SerViCe our CuStomer uNit SerViCe 675 uNit aNy QuerieS? QuerieS? pHoNe our CuStomer SerViCe uNit oN oN 1800 1800 675 623 623 oN 1800 675 623 anyquerieS?phoneourCuSTomerServiCeuniTon1800675623 anyquerieS?phoneourCuSTomerServiCeuniTon1800675623 anyquerieS?phoneourCuSTomerServiCeuniTon1800675623 aNy QuerieS? pHoNe aNy our QuerieS? CuStomer pHoNe SerViCe our CuStomer uNit 1800 SerViCe 675 uNit 1800 aNy QuerieS? pHoNe aNy our QuerieS? CuStomer pHoNe SerViCe our CuStomer oN 1800 SerViCe 675 623 uNit 1800 675675 623623 aNy QuerieS? pHoNe our CuStomer SerViCe uNit oN 1800 675 623oNoN aNy QuerieS? pHoNe our SerViCe uNit oNoN 1800 675 623623 FEED qUALITy SERvIcE FEED qUALITy –CuStomer SERvIcE WaGGa aGriCuLturaL –uNit WaGGa WaGGa iNStitute aGriCuLturaL iNStitute FEED qUALITy SERvIcE – WaGGa WaGGa WaGGa aGriCuLturaL iNStitute anyquerieS?phoneourCuSTomerServiCeuniTon1800675623 anyquerieS?phoneourCuSTomerServiCeuniTon1800675623 anyquerieS?phoneourCuSTomerServiCeuniTon1800675623 FEED quALITy SErvICE–WaGGaWaGGaaGriCulTuralinSTiTuTe quALITy SErvICE–WaGGaWaGGaaGriCulTuralinSTiTuTe FEED quALITy SErvICE–WaGGaWaGGaaGriCulTuralinSTiTuTe FEED qUALITy SERvIcE FEED qUALITy –– WaGGa SERvIcE WaGGa aGriCuLturaL – WaGGa WaGGa iNStitute aGriCuLturaL iNStitute FEED qUALITy SERvIcE FEED qUALITy ––FEED WaGGa SERvIcE WaGGa aGriCuLturaL – WaGGa WaGGa iNStitute aGriCuLturaL iNStitute FEED qUALITy SERvIcE WaGGa WaGGa aGriCuLturaL iNStitute FEED qUALITy SERvIcE WaGGa WaGGa aGriCuLturaL iNStitute form fQS 11FEED form –– VerSioN fQS Sub No. 12-01/11/07 – VerSioN No. 2-01/11/07 paGe paGe 1 of 2 formquALITy fQS Sub SubSErvICE–WaGGaWaGGaaGriCulTuralinSTiTuTe VerSioN No. 2-01/11/07 paGe 11 of of 22 FEED quALITy SErvICE–WaGGaWaGGaaGriCulTuralinSTiTuTe FEED quALITy SErvICE–WaGGaWaGGaaGriCulTuralinSTiTuTe form fQS Sub –VerSioN Sub No. – VerSioN 2-01/11/07 paGe 11 of paGe 1 of form fQS Sub 11form ––11form VerSioN fQSfQS Sub No. 12-01/11/07 –12-01/11/07 VerSioN No.No. 2-01/11/07 paGe 11 of 22 22 paGe 1 of 2 2 form fQS Sub – VerSioN VerSioN No. 2-01/11/07 paGe of form fQS Sub No. 2-01/11/07 paGe of FormColleCT1–verSionno.2-01/11/07 FormColleCT1–verSionno.2-01/11/07 paGe1oF2 paGe1oF FormColleCT1–verSionno.2-01/11/07 paGe1oF2 FormColleCT1–verSionno.2-01/11/07 FormColleCT1–verSionno.2-01/11/07 paGe1oF2 paGe1oF2 FormColleCT1–verSionno.2-01/11/07 paGe1oF2 3. Complete the enclosed sample submission form. this information tells the laboratory who owns the sample and what tests are required. 4. Package and dispatch.SUBMISSION put the sample and the submission form into the reply paid post bag and send to the FEED SAMPLE FORM NSW DepartmeNt of primary iNDuStrieS FEED SAMPLE SUBMISSION FORM FEED SAMPLE SUBMISSION FORM FEED SAMPLE SUBMISSION FORM laboratory. feeD QuaLity SerViCe COLLECTING FEED SAMPLES pLeaSe aSSiSt reSearCH by CompLetiNG tHiS SeCtioN: Samples with highbyby moisture content (fresh pasture, fresh mown pasture and silage) must be frozen, in the plastic pLeaSe aSSiSt reSearCH CompLetiNG tHiS SeCtioN: pLeaSe aSSiSt reSearCH CompLetiNG tHiS SeCtioN: inner sample bag, before the laboratory. once frozen, the sample will remain stable during delivery. the INFORMATION ABOUT yOURsending FEED to SAMPLE INFORMATION ABOUT yOUR FEED SAMPLE INFORMATION ABOUT yOUR FEED SAMPLE the laboratory can only determine the quality of the sample according to the condition in which it is received. it is therefore sample inner bag should be well wrapped in dry newspaper, just prior to sending, to minimise defrosting. Send the Whatimportant is the source yourcollect, sample? very howofyou sub-sample and dispatch your sample to the laboratory. What is the source your sample? What issample the source of your sample? toofthe in theabove green replypurchased paid post outer bag provided. produced on yourlaboratory property listed elsewhere 1.produced Collect your bulk samples. Collect your bulkpurchased sample early in the week so that it can be received and processed onon your property listed above elsewhere produced your property listed above purchased elsewhere by the laboratory weekend. the bulk represents feed as that testing (seeNever What will you use thebefore feedbethe for? Samples must not allowed to heatensure duringthatstorage andsample transport prior tothe testing, theyyouwillaredeteriorate. What willwill youyou useuse the feed for?contamination What the feed for? below), and is free from from soil and leaves and so on. for baled hay and silage we recommend that beef cattle dairy cattle particularly sheep on a for sale/export other – specify: leave samples in vehicles, day. is not available beef cattle cattle forfor sale/export other –take specify: beef cattle dairy sheep other – specify: a sample corer bedairy used tocattle collect sheep your sample. ifhot asale/export corer a ‘grab’ from deep within the bale or pit. 2. Thoroughly mix the bulk sample and sub-sample. use the mixing, coning and dividing technique shown on the STANDARD PAckAgE OR SILAgE PAckAgE (Nir) back of PAckAgE thisPAckAgE page toOR obtain the quantity of sample indicated on the sampling bag. STANDARD PAckAgE (Nir) STANDARD ORSILAgE SILAgE PAckAgE (Nir) HOw TO COLLECT yOur SAMPLE forage orthe pasture straw silage 3. Complete enclosed hay sample submission form. this information tells the laboratory who owns the sample and forage or or pasture forage pasture hayhay straw straw silage silage what tests are required. maize pasture – legume dominant pasture – grass dominant cereal lucerne maize – legume dominant – grass dominant maize pasture pasture dominant pasture pasture – grass dominant cereal cereal lucerne lucerne 4. PASTurE Package dispatch. putwinter theMOwN sample form into the reply paid post bag and send to the –forage FrESH AND– legume FrESH summerand crop forageand cropthe submission other – specify: summer forage crop forage crop – specify: summer forage crop winter winter forage crop other other – specify: laboratory. major 1. 2. • species Sampleatrandombytakingbetween15and20 ‘grab’samplesacrossapaddock. Samples with major species 1. 1. high moisture content (fresh pasture, fresh mown 2. 2. pasture and silage) must be frozen, in the plastic major species inner sample bag, before sending to the laboratory. once frozen, the sample will remain stable during delivery. the STAgE OF gROwTh •OFGrabtograzingheightortothefulldepthoftheswathorwindrow. sample inner bag should be well wrapped in dry newspaper, just prior to sending, to minimise defrosting. Send the STAgE gROwTh STAgE OF gROwTh early vegetative late vegetative boot flowering dough stage seed development sample to the laboratory invegetative the green reply paid post outer bag provided. early vegetative latelate boot flowering dough stage development early vegetative vegetative boot flowering dough stage seed seed development 2 3 4 5 maize silage only, milkline score (please tick) 1 • silage Combineall ‘grabs’ inabucketandmixwell. 2 2and transport 3 3 4prior 4 to 5testing, 5 as they will deteriorate. Never maize silage only, milkline score (please tick) maize only, milkline score (please tick)1 1storage Samples must not be allowed to heat during leave samples in vehicles, particularly on a hot day. gRAIN / cONcENTRATE PAckAgE (Nir) SMALL SquArE bALESPAckAgE gRAIN / cONcENTRATE gRAIN / cONcENTRATE PAckAgE(Nir) (Nir) HOw gRAINS TO COLLECT yOur SAMPLE •gRAINS Select10–20balesatrandom.Takeonecorefromeachbale,through gRAINS oats barley wheat triticale faba beans peas lupins maize PASTurEoats FrESH AND MOwN the–oats ‘butt’barley and atFrESH rightwheat angles surface. triticale faba beans barley wheatto the triticale faba beans peas peas lupins lupins maize maize sorghum other – specify: • Sampleatrandombytakingbetween15and20 ‘grab’samplesacrossapaddock. sorghum – specify: sorghum other other – specify: • Combinecoresinabucketandmixwell. • Grabtograzingheightortothefulldepthoftheswathorwindrow. By-PRODUcTS PAckAgE (Wet CHemiStry) By-PRODUcTS By-PRODUcTS PAckAgE(Wet (WetCHemiStry) CHemiStry) • CombineallPAckAgE ‘grabs’inabucketandmixwell. LArGE SquArEgrain bALES citrus pulp cottonseed (whole) protein meals other – specify: graperOuND marc Orbrewer’s grape marc brewer’s grain citrus pulp (whole) meals – specify: grape marc brewer’s grain citrus pulp cottonseed cottonseed (whole) protein protein meals other other – specify: SMALL SquArE bALES • Select5–10balesatrandom.Takeonecorefromeachsideofthe • Select10–20balesatrandom.Takeonecorefromeachbale,through TOTAL MIxED RATIONS (tmr) bale, probing at right angles to surface. the surface and at different heights. the ‘butt’ and at right angles to the TOTAL MIxED RATIONS (tmr) TOTAL MIxED RATIONS (tmr) primary ingredients 1. 2. 3. • Combinecoresinabucketandmixwell. primary ingredients 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. primary ingredients •other Combinecoresinabucketandmixwell. – specify: other – specify: other – specify: LArGE rOuND Orother SquArE bALES nitrogen (NpN) source? yes No Contains urea or non-protein Contains urea or or other non-protein nitrogen (NpN) source? Contains urea other non-protein nitrogen (NpN) source? yesyes NoNo • CubES, Select5–10balesatrandom.Takeonecorefromeachsideofthe PELLETS, MEALS AND GrAIN bale, probing at right angles to the surface and at different heights. 4. 4. 4. 5. 5. 5. ADDITIONAL cOMMENTS ADDITIONAL cOMMENTS ADDITIONAL cOMMENTS • Take10–15 ‘grab’samplesfromthebulksupplyorfromindividualbags. • Combinecoresinabucketandmixwell. SEND TO:FEED QUALITY SERVICE DEPT OF PRIMARY INDUSTRIES CubES,• PELLETS, MEALS GrAIN Combineall ‘grabs’AND inabucketandmixwell. LOCKED BAG 701 • Take10–15‘grab’samplesfromthebulksupplyorfromindividualbags. WAGGA WAGGA NSW 2650 • Combineall‘grabs’inabucketandmixwell. aNy QuerieS? pHoNe our CuStomer SerViCe uNit oN 1800 675 623 anyquerieS?phoneourCuSTomerServiCeuniTon1800675623 aNyaNy QuerieS? pHoNe ourour CuStomer SerViCe uNit oN oN 1800 675675 623623 QuerieS? pHoNe CuStomer SerViCe uNit 1800 FEED qUALITy SERvIcE – WaGGa WaGGa aGriCuLturaL iNStitute anyquerieS?phoneourCuSTomerServiCeuniTon1800675623 FEED quALITy SErvICE–WaGGaWaGGaaGriCulTuralinSTiTuTe FEED qUALITy SERvIcE – WaGGa WaGGa aGriCuLturaL iNStitute FEED qUALITy SERvIcE – WaGGa WaGGa aGriCuLturaL iNStitute formquALITy fQS SubSErvICE–WaGGaWaGGaaGriCulTuralinSTiTuTe 1 – VerSioN No. 2-01/11/07 paGe 1 of 2 FEED form fQSfQS SubSub 1 –1VerSioN No.No. 2-01/11/07 form – VerSioN 2-01/11/07 FormColleCT1–verSionno.2-01/11/07 FormColleCT1–verSionno.2-01/11/07 paGe 1 of 2 2 paGe 1 of paGe1oF2 paGe1oF2
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