Research Branch DP15 Section-by-Section Guide & Sample Application Form AUSTRALIAN RESEARCH COUNCIL Discovery - Projects Proposal for Funding Commencing in 2015 PROJECT ID: DP151000001 DP First Investigator: Prof Example Example Admin Org: The University of Example Total number of sheets contained in this Proposal: 18 Information on this form and its attachments is collected in order to make recommendations to the Minister on the allocation of financial assistance under the Australian Research Council Act 2001 and f or post award reporting. The information collected may be passed to third parties for assessment purposes. It may also be passed to the National Health and Medical Research Council and any other Australian Government Department or Agency for the purpose of checking eligibility. In other instances, information contained in this Proposal can be disclosed without your consent where authorised or required by law. DEMO DP151000001 (In draft) Prof Example Example PDF Created: 14/01/2014 Page 1 of 18 Summary of Comments on DP15 Section by section guide and sample application form.pdf This page contains no comments CERTIFICATION Certification by the Deputy/Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research) or their delegate or equivalent in the Administering Organisation I certify that— • I have read, understood and complied with the ARCFunding Rules for schemes under the Discovery Program for the years 2014 and 2015, read in conjunction with Part C - Scheme-specific rules for Discovery Projects for funding commencing in 2015, and to the best of my knowledge all details provided in this Proposal form and in any supporting documentation are true and complete in accordance with these Funding Rules. • Proper enquires have been made and I am satisfied that the Participants and the organisations listed in this Proposal meet the requirements specified in the ARC Funding Rules for schemes under the Discovery Program for the years 2014 and 2015, read in conjunction with Part C - Scheme-specific rules for Discovery Projects for funding commencing in 2015. I will notify the ARC if there are changes to any named Participant or organisation after the submission of this Proposal. • To the best of my knowledge, all Conflicts of Interest relating to parties involved in or associated with this Proposal have been disclosed to this Administering Organisation, and, if the Proposal is successful, I agree to manage all Conflicts of Interest relating to this Proposal in accordance with the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research (2007). • I have obtained the agreement, attested to by written evidence, of all the relevant participants and organisations necessary to allow the Project to proceed. This written evidence has been retained and will be provided to the ARC if requested. • This Proposal is not substantially aimed at understanding or treating a human disease or health condition (as per the ARC definition of Medical and Dental Research located on the ARC website). • This Proposal does not duplicate Commonwealth-funded research including that undertaken in a Commonwealth-funded Research Centre. • If this Proposal is successful, I am prepared to have the Project carried out as set out in this Proposal and agree to abide by the terms and conditions of the ARC Funding Rules for schemes under the Discovery Program for the years 2014 and 2015, read in conjunction withPart C - Scheme-specific rules for Discovery Projects for funding commencing in 2015 and the ARC Discovery Projects Funding Agreement for funding commencing in 2015. • The Project can be accommodated within the general facilities in this organisation and, if applicable, within the facilities of other relevant organisations specified in this Proposal, and sufficient working and office space is available for any proposed additional staff. • All funds for this Project will only be spent for the purpose for which they are provided. • The Project will not be permitted to commence until appropriate ethical clearance(s) has/have been obtained and all statutory requirements have been met. • I consent, on behalf of all the parties, to this Proposal being referred to third parties, who will remain anonymous, for assessment purposes. • I consent, on behalf of all the parties, to the ARC copying, modifying and otherwise dealing with information contained in this Proposal. • To the best of my knowledge, the Privacy Notice appearing at the top of this form has been drawn to the attention of all the Participants whose personal details have been provided at the Personnel section. DEMO DP151000001 (In draft) Prof Example Example PDF Created: 14/01/2014 Page 2 of 18 This page contains no comments PART A - Administrative Summary (DP151000001) A1. If this proposal is successful, which organisation will it be administered by? Administering Organisation Name The University of Example A2. Proposal Working Title (Provide a short descriptive title of no more than 75 characters (approximately 10 words). Please refer to the Instructions to Applicants for further information.) A3. Person Participant Summary Person number Family name First name Current organisation 1 1 Example Example The University of Example 2 2 2 Example Example The University of Example 2 Relevant organisation for this proposal Role 1 Chief Investigator 2 Partner Investigator A4. Organisation Participant Summary O r g a n i s a t i o n Short name number Name Role DEMO 1 1 The University of Example The University of Example A d m i n i s t e r i n g Organisation 2 2 The University of Example The University of Example O t h e r 2 2 Organisation 3 3 The University of Example The University of Example Other Organisation 3 3 Eligible A5. Proposal Summary (Provide a written Proposal summary of no more than 750 characters (approximately 100 words) focussing on the aims, significance and expected outcomes and benefits of the project. Please refer to the Instructions to Applicants for further information.) A6. Impact Statement (In no more than 500 characters (approx 75 words), please outline the intended impact of the project. Refer to the Instructions to Applicants for further information.) DP151000001 (In draft) Prof Example Example PDF Created: 14/01/2014 Page 3 of 18 Page: 3 Author: Research Branch Subject: note Date: 7/02/2014 4:24:53 PM Author: Research Branch Subject: note Date: 7/02/2014 4:26:44 PM This will auto-populate from the ‘Draft Proposal Summary’ page The Project Title is used to establish the significance of your project. Ensure that it attracts attention to your study but also adequately describes it. Remember that this must be done in approximately 10 words. Don’t use unnecessary capitalisation, and avoid acronyms and quotation marks (same for A5 and A6). Author: Research Branch Subject: note Date: 7/02/2014 4:28:08 PM This section will mostly auto-populate from information held in the participants’ Personal Details. ‘Relevant Organisation’ will auto-populate once each participant has completed Part F11. You need to indicate the role of each person involved in the grant through the ‘Add Person Participant’ function on the Draft Proposal Summary page. This will be either: CI - Chief Investigator (limit of being named on 2 Discovery schemes receiving funding in 2015, but check the Funding Rules and FAQs) or PI – Partner Investigator. Ensure that all participants have selected the correct role. If you’re unsure about eligibility you can email If you list a PI ensure you explain their role at E2 in terms of what their institution will provide and provide a role for them in C1 ‘Project Description’ Author: Research Branch Subject: note Date: 7/02/2014 4:28:19 PM Author: Research Branch Subject: note Date: 7/02/2014 4:28:56 PM Author: Research Branch Subject: note Date: 7/02/2014 4:29:01 PM Auto-populated by RMS In no more than 750 characters state: - the aims/s - the significance - the expected outcomes of the project. If you’re selecting a priority area at B1, then reflect this here. This is the first introduction to your project, so keep it jargon-free and easy to understand. No more than 350 characters. This is used for publicity purposes so keep it jargon-free and easy to understand. Do not simply repeat the A5 Summary. PART B - Classification and other statistical information (DP151000001) B1. Strategic Research Priorities Does this proposal fall within one of the Strategic Research Priorities? (Refer to the Instructions to Applicants for further information.) Strategic Research Priority Selected Select which of the Strategic Research Priorities the proposal falls within, and one or more of the relevant Priority Goals for the designated Strategic Research Priority. Strategic Research Priority Area Strategic Research Priority Goal 1 2 B2. Field of Research (FOR) Field of Research (FOR) Field of Research (FOR) Percent 1 2 3 B3. Socio-Economic Objective (SEO-08) DEMO Socio Economic Objective (SEO) Socio Economic Objective (SEO) Percent 1 2 3 B4. Keywords Keywords 1 2 3 B5. If the proposed research involves international collaboration, please specify the country/ies involved. International Collaboration Country Name 1 2 DP151000001 (In draft) Prof Example Example PDF Created: 14/01/2014 Page 4 of 18 Page: 4 Author: Research Branch Subject: note Date: 7/02/2014 4:29:55 PM If your project can be justified as being within the National Priority Areas, you should nominate this here. You also need to indicate why this is so at C1 Research Project. You should justify this by indicating how the outcomes will contribute to the National Priority Area/s. Author: Research Branch Subject: note Date: 7/02/2014 4:30:52 PM For B2 & B3, ensure you accurately describe your project when selecting these, as FOR Codes are the main tool used to identify and assign suitable assessors. A maximum of 3 FOR and SEO codes can be entered per proposal. The ARC recommends only using ...99 when there’s no other appropriate code within the classification. Ensure codes are listed in descending order by percentage (ihighest to lowest). Author: Research Branch Subject: note Date: 7/02/2014 4:32:02 PM Choose carefully – keywords (like FOR codes) are important in identifying and assigning assessors. It’s therefore important that keywords indicate the broad disciplinary or interdisciplinary research context of the proposal, not just specific outcomes. A maximum of 3 keywords can be entered per proposal. Multiple or hyphenated-word keywords are permitted. Hint: Stuck for keywords? Think of whom you would like to assess this, and use the keywords you think they would use to describe their research. Also look at the membership of the ARC College: Author: Research Branch Subject: note Date: 7/02/2014 4:33:05 PM You should indicate later at C1 (Research Project and Role of Personnel) exactly how this international collaboration will work and why it is necessary for the project. Hint: This could also be part of your national benefit argument as you create a greater contribution by Australia to international debates about an issue. PART C - Project Description (DP151000001) C1. Please upload a Project Description as detailed in the Instructions to Applicants in no more than 10 A4 pages and in the required format. Proposal Description PDF attachment not submitted C2. Medical and Dental Research Statement (If applicable, in no more than 750 characters (approx. 100 words), please justify why this Project does not constitute Medical and Dental Research as defined on the ARC website. Refer to the Instructions to Applicants for further information.) DEMO DP151000001 (In draft) Prof Example Example PDF Created: 14/01/2014 Page 5 of 18 Page: 5 Author: Research Branch Subject: note Additional Text Section (PDF to be uploaded on RMS) Date: 10/02/2014 3:37:49 PM In your source ‘Project Description’ document, you must: · Use 12 pt font, preferably Times New Roman (very important to the ARC); · Have minimum 0.5 cm margins on all 4 sides of each A4 page; · Have a maximum of ten (10) pages; · Use the sub-headings in the Instructions to Applicants. The information provided under these headings should address the Selection Criteria given in the Funding Rules. · Your References can be in 10 pt font. Use numbers for referencing as this saves space in the main body of the text. · The PDF should be directly generated rather than scanned, if possible, to maximise the quality of reproduction. A PDF conversion facility can be accessed at: http:// · Your proposal shouldn’t reference the Internet (whole proposal, not limited to just Part C) · We have received advice to keep this section as straightforward as practicable so that the full range of assessors (many of whom will not be specialists in your field) can read and understand your approach. Therefore, limit the use of unnecessarily abstruse jargon and technical language, including unexpanded acronyms that may not be understood by all assessors. · When drafting this section, use a level of detail closer to a “New Scientist” article than to a refereed journal article. Provide sufficient, but not excessive, detail. · We recommend you format your text so it isn’t too ‘blocky’ and is well spaced (i.e. left-aligned text is better than justified). Use bullet points, bolding, and linespaces to break up the text. You can also use a few simple tables, graphs and/or figures, but they must be simple as the fine detail and colour of complex diagrams and images may be lost by the ARC process e.g. they may be reproduced in black and white. · Make your project description compelling and attention-grabbing, and show you have a fresh approach to the problem/topic. Project Title - may now differ from A2, and exceed 10 words Aims and Background · This section is the first introduction of your project to the assessors, so make it concise, punchy and interesting. 1 to 1.5 pages is about the recommended length. · Start this section by highlighting that you have one coherent and over-arching aim in this proposal (bold or ‘text-box’ it), and then use bullet points to break down this overall aim into no more than 3-4 clear sub-aims. Then ensure it is clear why these Aims are logical objectives arising from a very brief overview of the current state of knowledge. Hint: Think of this as the departure point. What is known to date in this area and where do you hope to take things? Summarise this at the end of this section. Hint: Background: explain why the research to date makes your aims the most important, direct and appropriate to solve the issue/s. Research Project * This section nominally contributes to 45% of your assessment, but is the fulcrum on which your proposal rests, therefore we suggest 4 – 6 pages in length. Make sure you address each of the dot points listed on p14-15 of the DP15 ITA, concentrating on keywords such as ‘significance’, ‘methodology’, ‘new technologies’, ‘expected outcomes’, ‘benefits’, etc. Feasibility & Benefit component: this now considers whether the research will be cost-effective and value for money Methodology: You need to indicate here how you will undertake your study, in sufficient, but not minute, detail Correlate Aims with Tasks: Use your Aims from earlier as sub-headings to break up this section into the particular research tasks and activities you will undertake to achieve these Aims. Correlating the numbering of Aims with numbered Tasks/Activities can be useful in many cases. Or you could correlate your hypotheses or research questions with Tasks. Data analysis: Be clear on anticipated data analysis methods, including any statistical methods, and demonstrate that your proposed tasks will produce meaningful and useful results. Timeframe: Include a timeframe for your research plan (e.g. table with a simple year-by-year breakdown of tasks or a simple Gantt chart). Demonstrate Integration: Set aside a sub-section on how each of your Tasks will combine to provide an integrated solution to the overarching Aim of your proposal (from Aims & Background). Research Training: If the project involves a postdoctoral researcher etc. demonstrate how the project provides research training and show how the intellectual content and scale of the work proposed will be appropriate for these. Hint: There are many ways of doing things so justify why you have chosen your way. Why this sample size? This type of survey, etc.? Demonstrate to your assessors that you know how best to achieve the results you indicated. When describing the Tasks/Activities of the project, ensure that you inter-relate these to the various elements in your budget particularly the CI/PI team and the ARC-funded research personnel. Author: Research Branch Subject: note Date: 10/02/2014 3:37:46 PM If the study is to be conducted at numerous sites, indicate your strategy for project management across sites. National Benefit: Clearly describe how the outcomes of this research project can be practically applied as well as how they will be useful to the nation economically, environmentally, and socially / culturally. Avoid “motherhood” statements (e.g. “This project is important because Australia should…”) or rhetorical statements (e.g. “It is self-evident why this important project is important”). If you have requested a PhD Scholarship then indicate how training in this area will be of value to Australia. Include reference to how this project will contribute to broad national policy/strategic plans/white papers as well as National Research Priorities. Hint: Indications of $$$ cost of problem and/or $$$ saved/benefit of solving it through this research should be included if at all possible. Status Check: -Are your Aims the very first thing that hits the readers’ eyes? -Is it clear why these Aims will solve existing important issue/s? -Is it clear why solving these issues is significant to the research field and to the nation? -Do you show that your research is innovative in the field and for the nation? -Does your Approach clearly inter-relate to your Aims? -Do you demonstrate that your Approach is coherent and the most appropriate to achieve your Aims? -Do you show that you have a clear and achievable timetable for your project? -Do you have a paragraph or two on how the sub-components of your Approach will integrate to achieve your over-arching Aim? -Does your National Benefit section provide detail rather than platitudes? -Is your text punchy, well-spaced, and coherent? Comments from page 5 continued on next page PART C - Project Description (DP151000001) C1. Please upload a Project Description as detailed in the Instructions to Applicants in no more than 10 A4 pages and in the required format. Proposal Description PDF attachment not submitted C2. Medical and Dental Research Statement (If applicable, in no more than 750 characters (approx. 100 words), please justify why this Project does not constitute Medical and Dental Research as defined on the ARC website. Refer to the Instructions to Applicants for further information.) DEMO DP151000001 (In draft) Prof Example Example PDF Created: 14/01/2014 Page 5 of 18 Author: Research Branch Subject: note Date: 10/02/2014 3:37:44 PM Role of Personnel Indicate the role each person, including Chief Investigators/DORA applicants, Partner Investigators, Scholarship holders, research assistants, technical staff, etc. will have in the study. Talk about what each of you will actually do and how you will work as a team. Hint: Include interactions or collaborations with other researchers (i.e. they don’t have to be ‘named’ on the application to be included here), particularly if they will bring significant expertise/mentoring to the project. Research Environment 15% weighting - We suggest 1 to 1.5 pages for this section. Help answering this section can be found here: As much as is possible, personalise the statement to be about your own or your group’s research environment. Describe the existing, or developing, research environment at both Adelaide Uni and any Collaborating Organisation(s) as they relate to the project. Also outline the adequacy of your department’s/school’s/ research group’s research environment. Describe how the project fits with Adelaide Uni’s strategic Research Plan or other strategic developments, if applicable. Communication of Results Outline your plans for communicating research results. We suggest no more than ½ a page on this particular portion of the question, but recommend that you include aspects regarding engaging with the broader community as well as normal academic/scholarly avenues. Think of something different to include in addition to the standard requirements of journal and conference publishing: · Consider in-house seminars for training in the University for undergrads? · What about media interest? What about outreach? (e.g. talks in Schools, etc). · What about the potential products/changes that may arise due to the study? · Talk about possible commercialization? Hint: If you have argued earlier that your project is of National Benefit, argue how the dissemination of outcomes of your research will be of benefit to the population, the wider scientific community, etc. including scholarly and public communication and dissemination. Management of Data See the University’s guide to Research Data Management: Discuss your plan to make study data openly available. You might consider: What data will be stored and where? Which accompanying metadata? Who has ownership and IP (e.g. students, collaborators)? Details of storage and access (secure, backed-up)? How long will it be retained and with whom will it be shared (e.g. deposit in public repository)? Note on References: References should be included either under their own heading or throughout Section C as required. These references/footnotes can be included in 10-point size Times New Roman font or equivalent. PART D - Project Cost (DP151000001) D1. What is the proposed budget for your project? (Please provide details of the budget proposed for your project.) Proposal Funding Summary Total requested budget: $124242 Year 1 Description ARC AdminOrg Other Eligible Organisation Cash Cash In-kind Direct Cost Other Organisation Cash In-kind Cash In-kind 124242 95500 0 18000 0 0 0 82242 89000 0 12000 0 0 0 CI (Prof Example) 0 89000 0 0 0 0 0 PI (Dr Example) 0 0 0 12000 0 0 0 Research Associate 64802 0 0 0 0 0 0 Teaching Relief (Prof Example) 17440 0 0 0 0 0 0 5000 2000 0 2000 0 0 0 Microscope 5000 2000 0 2000 0 0 0 Maintenance 8000 4000 0 4000 0 0 0 8000 4000 0 4000 0 0 0 3000 0 0 0 0 0 0 3000 0 0 0 0 0 0 Personnel Equipment Microscopy charges Travel Prof Example, Syd - New York Return Other Other Example DEMO International Collaboration Award First Name Family Name 2000 0 0 0 0 0 0 2000 0 0 0 0 0 0 20000 0 0 0 0 0 0 20000 0 0 0 0 0 0 4000 500 0 0 0 0 0 4000 500 0 0 0 0 0 Fieldwork Expenses Example Fieldwork Expenses Other Eligible Organisation Summary Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Cash In-kind Cash In-kind Cash In-kind Cash In-kind Cash In-kind The University of Example 2 18000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18000 Other Organisation Summary Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Cash In-kind Cash In-kind Cash In-kind Cash In-kind Cash In-kind The University of Example 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DP151000001 (In draft) Prof Example Example PDF Created: 14/01/2014 Page 6 of 18 Page: 6 Author: Research Branch Subject: note Date: 10/02/2014 3:41:34 PM Budget Details An example budget is included in this sample application. Ensure all investigators listed at A3 are listed in the budget. Use a separate line for each investigator. Ensure your funding requests are reasonable, and what you need for the project. The ARC’s Instructions to Applicants (p16 – 21) provide detailed guidance on filling in the budget. Please use them! Personnel Note that the only in-kind contributions which should be shown in Part D1 are the dollar values of CI and PI (non-ARC) salaries. If there will be other in-kind contributions to the project e.g. an organisation giving access to equipment, these should just be described in Part E2. You must include what cash contributions each Other Eligible Organisation or Other Organisation will be providing in the appropriate columns. NB: Salaries for CIs and PIs MUST NOT be requested from the ARC. A named CI or PI cannot be paid from funds awarded to a Research Associate or other ARC-funded position. Hint: If you add a PI then you must place $ amounts under ‘Other (Eligible) Organisation’ showing what they bring to the project and then indicate at E2 why this is necessary. It is recommended to also say how this will all work together in Part C under 'Role of Personnel'. Our “Salary Spreadsheet for ARC Budgets” can be found at under Discovery Projects 2015 | Related Links and Documents. You can use this spreadsheet to find the exact figures to put in your budget for positions of different levels and steps, various %FTEs, etc. The UA on-costs figure is 29.5%. The ARC pays 28% on-costs, so enter the additional 1.5% on-costs for ARC-funded positions as ‘Admin Org’ cash contributions e.g. for Research Associates. Special note on computers: the ARC will not fund standard computers/laptops, but they may fund specialised computers and software essential to the Project. You will need to explain and justify in E1 why your request is not basic, broad use equipment. Equipment is for hardware and software items, Maintenance is for consumables but all items should be required for this project, not general use. Travel: The following link should assist in the costing of any travel that is associated with your application: http:// OtherInternational Collaboration Awards (ICAs): these can only be added once the relevant person has indicated “Yes” at F12. Publication, dissemination and outreach costs should be in the budget, if required for the Project. PART E - Budget Justifications (DP151000001) E1. Justification of funding requested from the ARC (In no more than five A4 pages fully justify in terms of need and cost, each budget item requested from the ARC (use the same headings as in the ARC Request Budget Column).) Justification PDF attachment not submitted E2. Details of non-ARC contributions (In no more than two A4 pages provide an explanation of how non-ARC contributions will support the proposed project (use the same headings as in the non-ARC contributions Budget Column).) Attached PDF PDF attachment not submitted DEMO DP151000001 (In draft) Prof Example Example PDF Created: 14/01/2014 Page 7 of 18 Page: 7 Author: Research Branch Subject: note Date: 10/02/2014 3:45:45 PM Justification of ARC funds - PDF to be uploaded on RMS In your source document, you must: · Use 12 pt font (Very important to the ARC); · Have minimum 0.5 cm margins on all 4 sides of each A4 page; · Have a maximum of FIVE (5) pages; · Use the same Project Cost sub-headings as in part D (Personnel, Equipment, Maintenance, Travel and Other) You must fully justify all items requested from the ARC in terms of need and cost. Do not simply restate in prose what you have written in figures in DI. In justifying your budget, it is not sufficient to claim that certain equipment or personnel costs $X. Rather, you should state, for example, that a full-time technician with a specific level of expertise is required to effectively carry out a certain role in the project. For all personnel, briefly mention here what they will do, and expand on this in C1 'Role of Personnel'. You need to justify why you are requesting a person at the given level. If you are requesting a Scholarship, justify in terms of qualifications, skills and experience required to carry out the tasks. You should allude to the fact that you believe that there is a strong research training experience to be gained by the postdoc, research assistant, student, etc. within the requested project. The same detailed explanation should be provided for ALL items requested, i.e. explain specifically what you need and why to properly conduct the project. Equipment/Maintenance Supplies requested should correspond with the methods/experiments. Requests for equipment that might be expected to be available or that is standard must be justified in terms of the amount of time it is required for the study and thus not available from the host School. Note that the ARC will consider funding only specialised computers essential for this project, and they will need good justification. Resources requested from either the ARC or provided by UA and other organisations should underpin the Approach & Methodology statements in section C1. Author: Research Branch Subject: note PDF to be uploaded on RMS In your source document, you must: · have a maximum two (2) A4 pages; · use 12pt font; · have 0.5cm margins every side; · use the same Project Cost sub-headings as part D Date: 10/02/2014 3:47:02 PM Where you indicate personnel are contributing their time their role should be explained in C1, but a justification for the $ calculation must be provided here (e.g. “CI Example will contribute 0.5 FTE over the life of the project = $89,000 pa over three years. 0.5 FTE is required to successfully oversee the survey aspect of this collaborative project”). You must also indicate what the University will provide. If you are using labs or equipment this should be explained, especially if this is not evident elsewhere. Please note that it is very likely that many assessors will not know the research facilities at UA. If your research relies heavily on facilities provided by UA, or elsewhere, describe them in detail. In the case of a Scholarship the arrangements for hosting this person in the School must be referred to as well. Hints: - Describe all non-ARC contributions recorded in the budget at Part D - Be sure to mention the1.5% additional on-costs for ARC-requested personnel salaries. - Details of PI contributions must be included. For PIs’ contributions, you need to stress in justifying the Partner commitments how these items will interact with the study so as to illustrate that there is a strong interaction between the parties. - If you are using specialist equipment or facilities off-campus remember to mention details here. Reminder: Remember the logic of your arguments. Have you described something in Part C1 about what you will do and left anything out here? PART F - Personnel (Prof Example Example) F1. Personal details (The personal details will be filled out for you automatically. To update any of your personal details in this form, please update your profile accordingly and your details will update automatically in this form.) Title Professor Family Name Example First Name Example Person identifier 51373760 Role Chief Investigator F2. Postal address DEMO (The postal address will be filled out for you automatically. To update your postal address, please update your profile accordingly and your postal address will update automatically in this form.) Postal Address Line 1 Postal Address Line 2 Locality State Postcode DP151000001 (In draft) Prof Example Example PDF Created: 14/01/2014 Page 8 of 18 Page: 8 Author: Research Branch Subject: note Date: 10/02/2014 3:48:26 PM F1 & F2 These sections will be auto-populated based on responses provided in your Personal Details in RMS. General Separate Part Fs will be provided for all investigators who have accepted to be participants in the proposal via RMS. All CIs and PIs need their own RMS ID. If you do not have RMS access then you must get it as soon as possible. Request a new account here: Country F3. Are you a current member of the ARC or its selection or other advisory committees? (This relates only to College of Experts or Selection Advisory Committee members for National Competitive Grants Program funding schemes.) Current Member of Advisory Committee Yes F4. Please name any Commonwealth-funded Research Centres that you will be associated with as at 1 January 2015. Full Legal Name of Centre Start Date Cessation Date Centre Role 1 2 Centre Role if Other 1 2 F5. Are you an Indigenous Participant? Indigenous Participant F6. PhD Qualification DEMO F6.1. Do you hold a PhD or expect to be awarded a PhD qualification in the near future? PhD Yes/No F6.2. If you hold a PhD or expect to be awarded a PhD qualification in the near future, please enter the date your PhD has been awarded or the date your thesis will be submitted, respectively. Date of Award Date of Submission F7. Qualifications Degree/Award Year Discipline/Field Organisation Name 1 PhD 1984 DP151000001 (In draft) The University of Example 2 Prof Example Example PDF Created: 14/01/2014 Page 9 of 18 Page: 9 Author: Research Branch For completion by CIs only. Subject: note Date: 10/02/2014 3:49:10 PM If there is an association with a Centre as 1 Jan 2015, the Research Branch will require an email from the relevant Centre Director advising that there is no duplication with the proposed research. It is your responsibility to have this email sent to the Branch as soon as possible. Author: Research Branch Subject: note Date: 10/02/2014 3:49:15 PM Author: Research Branch Subject: note Date: 10/02/2014 3:49:55 PM Author: Research Branch Subject: note Date: 10/02/2014 3:50:09 PM This question must be answered. The date of PhD award is the date of conferral recorded on your parchment or transcript. You must at least include the month and year of conferral. This section will be auto-populated based on responses you provide in RMS under 'My Details' (Classification Details/Qualifications). It is important that you provide as much date detail as possible, but you should at least include the month and year of conferral. Country 1 Australia F8. Current and previous appointment(s)/position(s) – during the past 10 years Position Organisation Name 1 Department Year Appointed The University of Example 2 Continuity Employment Kind Current 1 Yes F9. Organisational affiliations for eligibility purposes for this Proposal (Name of the organisation you will be associated with for the purposes of satisfying the eligibility requirements for your nominated role in undertaking the proposed research (i.e. for a CI this will usually be the Eligible Organisation at which they will employed or hold an adjunct appointment as at 1 January 2015 and beyond; for PIs it will generally be their main employer as at 1 January 2015).) Organisation Name Type of Affiliation F10. What is your time commitment (%FTE) to this Project? DEMO F11. Are you requesting an International Collaboration Award? (Note: If you are an Australian-based PI, you must choose 'No'. Also, if you are a PI working in an Australian Eligible Organisation overseas campus you must choose 'No'.) International Collaboration Award F12. Research Opportunity and Performance Evidence (ROPE) F12.1. Details on your career and opportunities for research over the last 10 years (Write a maximum of 5250 characters (approx. 750 words). Please detail your career and opportunities over the last 10 years. Please refer to the Instructions to Applicants for the required content and formatting.) F12.2. Recent significant research outputs and ARC grants (since 2004) (Please attach a PDF with a list of your recent significant research outputs and ARC grants most relevant to the Proposal (20 pages maximum). Please refer to the Instructions to Applicants for the required content and formatting.) Recent significant research outputs and ARC grants PDF attachment not submitted DP151000001 (In draft) Prof Example Example PDF Created: 14/01/2014 Page 10 of 18 Page: 10 Author: Research Branch Subject: note Date: 10/02/2014 3:51:12 PM Author: Research Branch Subject: note Date: 10/02/2014 3:57:26 PM Author: Research Branch Subject: note Date: 10/02/2014 3:54:13 PM Author: Research Branch Subject: note Date: 10/02/2014 3:54:23 PM Author: Research Branch Subject: note Date: 10/02/2014 3:55:57 PM This section will be auto-populated based on responses you provide in RMS under 'Personal Details' (Organisation Details tab). Ensure that only positions held in the last 10 years are included. This section will be auto-populated based on responses you provide in RMS under 'Personal Details' (Organisation Details tab). Ensure that only positions held in the last 10 years are included (1 Jan 2004 onwards) Only applicable to CIs. Ensure matches D1 and E2. See ITAs for further information. Complete as per ARC’s Instructions to Applicants (ITAs) * This section will provide the bulk of the information used to assess the investigators “Track Record & Capacity” and contributes to 40% of your assessment* Be truthful, but make sure it demonstrates that you are the best-qualified, best-experienced, best-placed and most productive researcher to do the job. Author: Research Branch Subject: note Date: 10/02/2014 3:59:02 PM RMS allows approximately 750 words to complete this section. If text turns red you have exceeded the word limit. NB: formatting is not retained by RMS – suggest using CAPITALS to break up your answer. Except for part (i), your answers must only refer to the last 10 years (defined as 1 Jan 2004 onwards). Ensure you properly and clearly answer all the questions using the (i) – (vi) format: (i) The number of years it has been since you graduated with your highest educational qualification. Please just give the number of years e.g.“My PhD was conferred in April 2007” or “It has been 15 years since I received my PhD”, and no extraneous information. (ii) The research opportunities that you have had in the context of your employment situation, research component of your employment conditions, and any unemployment or part-time employment you may have had. (iii) Whether you are a research-only, teaching and research, teaching-only, teaching and administration, research and administration, or administration-only academic, giving any additional information (e.g part-time status) needed to understand your situation. Give an indication of what percentage of time you have spent over the last 10 years in those roles. Ensure you give percentages. (iv) Any career interruptions you have had for childbirth, carer’s responsibility, misadventure, or debilitating illness. (v) The research mentoring and research facilities available to you (ensure you discuss what is/has been available to you, not just mentoring you’ve given to others); and (vi) Any other aspects of your career or opportunities for research that are relevant to assessment and that have not been detailed elsewhere in this Proposal (e.g. any circumstances that may have slowed down your research and publications or affected the time you have had to conduct and publish from research.) Hint: USE THIS SECTION. It is a chance to mention anything that may help your case. e.g. mention submitted or in review publications, or details of previous ARC projects that can’t be included in Part G. Author: Research Branch Subject: note Date: 10/02/2014 4:02:15 PM PDF to be uploaded on RMS In your source document, you must: · have a maximum twenty (20) A4 pages; · use 12pt font; · have 0.5cm margins every side. For F12.2(1) – Recent Significant Publications · Do not list anything published before 1 Jan 2004. · Publications should be listed by year of publication in descending date order under 5 sub-headings: Scholarly Books, Scholarly Book Chapters, Refereed Journal Articles, Refereed Conference Papers only when the paper was published in full in the proceedings, and Other · ALL publications must be numbered continuously · Asterisk publications most relevant to the current application. · MUST have acceptance dates (mm/yyyy) for “in press/accepted/forthcoming” publications. · NO “submitted” or “in preparation/review” publications Hints: · Suggest starting this section with 1-2 lines summarising your research field, the field’s average Impact Factors, and noting some of the top-ranked journals. · It can also be useful for the reviewer if the relevant author’s name is in bold or underlined; · Where possible, include Impact Factors and Citations in parentheses after each reference · If there are atypical author-order conventions in your field or a particular journal (e.g. alphabetical) then mention these at the start of F12.2; · If your area of research/discipline has limited publishing avenues, say so in section F12.1(vi) For F12.2(2) –ARC Grants awarded in the last ten years on which you have been a CI, PI or Fellow · Use the template table provided in the Instructions to Applicants (p.27) · “awarded in the last ten years” means grants awarded ARC funding from 2004 onwards (e.g. a DP07 grant is awarded funds from 2007 onwards) · Cross-reference the numbered publications from your section F12.2(1) above F12.3. Ten career-best research outputs (Please attach a PDF with a list of your ten career-best research outputs (five pages maximum). Please refer to the Instructions to Applicants for the required content and formatting.) Ten career-best research outputs PDF attachment not submitted F12.4. Further evidence in relation to research impact and contributions to the field over the last 10 years most relevant to this Proposal (Write a maximum of 7500 characters (approx. 1000 words). Please detail further evidence in relation to research impact and contributions to the field over the last 10 years. Please refer to the Instructions to Applicants for the required content and formatting.) F12.5. A statement on your most significant contributions to the research field of this Proposal (Write a maximum of 3750 characters (approx. 500 words). Please refer to the Instructions to Applicants for the required content and formatting.) DEMO DP151000001 (In draft) Prof Example Example PDF Created: 14/01/2014 Page 11 of 18 Page: 11 Author: Research Branch Subject: note Date: 10/02/2014 4:04:46 PM Author: Research Branch Subject: note Date: 10/02/2014 4:06:05 PM Author: Research Branch Subject: note Date: 10/02/2014 4:07:06 PM PDF to be uploaded on RMS In your source document, you must: · have a maximum five (5) A4 pages; · use 12pt font; · have 0.5cm margins every side; · indicate which ARC grants (on which you were a CI or Fellow) contributed to each publication them (if any) · have 30 words about why “best” for each publication · have acceptance dates (mm/yyyy) for publications “in press/accepted/forthcoming” · asterisk publications relevant to this proposal RMS provides you with approximately 1000 words to complete this section. If text turns red you have exceeded the word limit. NB: formatting is not retained by RMS – suggest using CAPITALS to break up your answer. Your answer must only refer to the last 10 years (defined as 1 Jan 2004 onwards). Provide: (1) Research outputs other than publications. This might include consultancies, patents and policy advice, competitive grants and other research support, major exhibitions, compositions or performances, other professional activities, or other outputs; & (2) Evidence for the quality of all your research outputs including those in questions F12.2 to F12.4. Assess the impact of your research for all of your outputs relative to opportunity and in the context of discipline expectations. Include a wide range of research evaluations (e.g. citations, evaluation of the publication-the journal, the book publishing house, the conference etc). Other measures of impact; honours and awards/prizes, other esteem measures, and any other evaluations of your outputs. RMS provides you with approximately 500 words to complete this section. If text turns red you have exceeded the word limit. NB: formatting is not retained by RMS – suggest using CAPITALS to break up your answer. This is where you qualify your research contributions. It should be a statement on what we know because of you. It should be referenced to your publications lists at F12.2 and F12.3. We recommend using punchy dot points to list your 5 or so best research accomplishments to date. This section should NOT just quantify your career by saying that you have so many awards and publications (that is what F15.4 is for). Hint: This section should focus on the significant contributions you have made in the research area to date, rather than your role in this project (this latter aspect can be detailed in C1). PART F - Personnel (Dr Example Example) F1. Personal details (The personal details will be filled out for you automatically. To update any of your personal details in this form, please update your profile accordingly and your details will update automatically in this form.) Title Doctor Family Name Example First Name Example Person identifier 28342661 Role Partner Investigator F2. Postal address DEMO (The postal address will be filled out for you automatically. To update your postal address, please update your profile accordingly and your postal address will update automatically in this form.) Postal Address Line 1 Postal Address Line 2 Locality State Postcode DP151000001 (In draft) Prof Example Example PDF Created: 14/01/2014 Page 12 of 18 Page: 12 Author: Research Branch Subject: note Date: 10/02/2014 4:07:30 PM Each CI and PI will have their own section F in the final application. Country F3. Are you a current member of the ARC or its selection or other advisory committees? (This relates only to College of Experts or Selection Advisory Committee members for National Competitive Grants Program funding schemes.) Current Member of Advisory Committee Yes F4. Please name any Commonwealth-funded Research Centres that you will be associated with as at 1 January 2015. Full Legal Name of Centre Start Date Cessation Date Centre Role 1 2 Centre Role if Other 1 2 F5. Are you an Indigenous Participant? Indigenous Participant F6. PhD Qualification DEMO F6.1. Do you hold a PhD or expect to be awarded a PhD qualification in the near future? PhD Yes/No F6.2. If you hold a PhD or expect to be awarded a PhD qualification in the near future, please enter the date your PhD has been awarded or the date your thesis will be submitted, respectively. Date of Award Date of Submission F7. Qualifications Degree/Award Year Discipline/Field Organisation Name 1 2 DP151000001 (In draft) Prof Example Example PDF Created: 14/01/2014 Page 13 of 18 This page contains no comments Country 1 2 F8. Current and previous appointment(s)/position(s) – during the past 10 years Position Organisation Name 1 Department Year Appointed The University of Example 2 Continuity Employment Kind Current 1 Yes F9. Organisational affiliations for eligibility purposes for this Proposal (Name of the organisation you will be associated with for the purposes of satisfying the eligibility requirements for your nominated role in undertaking the proposed research (i.e. for a CI this will usually be the Eligible Organisation at which they will employed or hold an adjunct appointment as at 1 January 2015 and beyond; for PIs it will generally be their main employer as at 1 January 2015).) Organisation Name Type of Affiliation DEMO F10. What is your time commitment (%FTE) to this Project? F11. Are you requesting an International Collaboration Award? (Note: If you are an Australian-based PI, you must choose 'No'. Also, if you are a PI working in an Australian Eligible Organisation overseas campus you must choose 'No'.) International Collaboration Award Yes F12. Research Opportunity and Performance Evidence (ROPE) F12.1. Details on your career and opportunities for research over the last 10 years (Write a maximum of 5250 characters (approx. 750 words). Please detail your career and opportunities over the last 10 years. Please refer to the Instructions to Applicants for the required content and formatting.) F12.2. Recent significant research outputs and ARC grants (since 2004) (Please attach a PDF with a list of your recent significant research outputs and ARC grants most relevant to the Proposal (20 pages maximum). Please refer to the Instructions to Applicants for the required content and formatting.) DP151000001 (In draft) Prof Example Example PDF Created: 14/01/2014 Page 14 of 18 This page contains no comments Recent significant research outputs and ARC grants PDF attachment not submitted F12.3. Ten career-best research outputs (Please attach a PDF with a list of your ten career-best research outputs (five pages maximum). Please refer to the Instructions to Applicants for the required content and formatting.) Ten career-best research outputs PDF attachment not submitted F12.4. Further evidence in relation to research impact and contributions to the field over the last 10 years most relevant to this Proposal (Write a maximum of 7500 characters (approx. 1000 words). Please detail further evidence in relation to research impact and contributions to the field over the last 10 years. Please refer to the Instructions to Applicants for the required content and formatting.) F12.5. A statement on your most significant contributions to the research field of this Proposal (Write a maximum of 3750 characters (approx. 500 words). Please refer to the Instructions to Applicants for the required content and formatting.) DEMO DP151000001 (In draft) Prof Example Example PDF Created: 14/01/2014 Page 15 of 18 This page contains no comments PART G - Research Support (DP151000001) G1. Research support for all participants (For each participant on this Proposal, provide details of research funding (ARC and other agencies in Australia and overseas) for the years 2013 to 2017 inclusive. That is, list all projects/proposals/awards/ fellowships awarded or requests submitted involving that Participant for funding. Please refer to the Instructions to Applicants for submission requirements.) Research support for all particpants PDF attachment not submitted DEMO DP151000001 (In draft) Prof Example Example PDF Created: 14/01/2014 Page 16 of 18 Page: 16 Author: Research Branch Subject: note Date: 10/02/2014 4:15:38 PM PDF to be uploaded on RMS Use the template provided in the ARC's Instructions to Applicants (p.30) THIS IS CRITICAL FOR ELIGIBILITY. This MUST be complete and correct for ALL participants named at A3. We have had proposals ruled ineligible because all relevant grants weren’t included. Ensure list is in descending date order (All Requested grants/fellowships/ awards, then Current, then Past). List only ARC & NHMRC ID numbers but not project codes for other funding applications. Show amounts granted in thousands of Australian dollars. Grants finished before 2013 should not be included. Reminders: · Each grant listed must say “yes” or “no” as to whether in same research area as this current proposal · If you have listed a grant/s at Part I1, ensure those are included here. Note: if you do not have anything to include here we recommend that you upload a PDF with the section title followed by “Not Applicable" PART H - Statements on Progress on ARC-funded Projects (DP151000001) H1. For each participant on this Proposal, please attach a statement detailing progress for each Project/Award/Fellowship involving that participant who has been awarded funding for 2013 under the ARC Discovery Projects, Discovery Indigenous, Discovery Early Career Researcher Award, Linkage Projects schemes or any ARC Fellowship scheme. Project ID First named investigator Scheme Statement 1 2 3 DEMO DP151000001 (In draft) Prof Example Example PDF Created: 14/01/2014 Page 17 of 18 Page: 17 Author: Research Branch PDF to be uploaded on RMS Subject: note Date: 10/02/2014 4:17:33 PM THIS COMPLETE SECTION MUST BE INCLUDED WITH YOUR APPLICATION SUBMITTED TO THE RESEARCH BRANCH. THIS IS CRITICAL FOR ELIGIBILITY. It is your responsibility to obtain all necessary statements from other applicants listed on the application (Research Branch staff cannot do this for you). Note: if you do not need to include a statement/s here we recommend that you type “Not Applicable” in the first cell of the Project ID text box provided on RMS. For the source documents, please ensure: · One (1) A4 page per Statement · 12 pt font with 0.5 cm margins every side. Statements of progress should be a maximum of one page per grant for any Discovery Projects, DECRA, Discovery Indigenous Researchers Development, Linkage Projects or Federation/Laureate/Future/Super Science Fellowships grants receiving funding in 2013 involving one or more of the participants named at A3. The statements are not formal reports, they are “good news” statements…do not dwell on problems with the project, emphasise the positive news. Do NOT just cut and paste your recent ARC progress reports into this document - they serve an entirely different purpose. If you provide a report and the research in that report is related to this current proposal you might want to discuss this in the report. Hint: If this proposal has arisen from previously funded studies then elaborate here. PART I - Additional Details (DP151000001) I1. Other agencies Have you submitted or do you intend to submit a similar Proposal to any other agency? Other Agency Submission If Yes, please select one of the following: Other Agency Name If Other is selected above, please enter the full name of the agency: DEMO DP151000001 (In draft) Prof Example Example PDF Created: 14/01/2014 Page 18 of 18 Page: 18 Author: Research Branch Subject: note Date: 10/02/2014 4:18:05 PM If any related funding request has gone or will go to the ARC or another funding sponsor, then remember to include details of that request at Part G.
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