SAP BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Guide SAP BusinessObjects XI 3.1 Service Pack 3 Copyright © 2010 SAP AG. All rights reserved.SAP, R/3, SAP NetWeaver, Duet, PartnerEdge, ByDesign, SAP Business ByDesign, and other SAP products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP AG in Germany and other countries. Business Objects and the Business Objects logo, BusinessObjects, Crystal Reports, Crystal Decisions, Web Intelligence, Xcelsius, and other Business Objects products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Business Objects S.A. in the United States and in other countries. Business Objects is an SAP company.All other product and service names mentioned are the trademarks of their respective companies. Data contained in this document serves informational purposes only. National product specifications may vary.These materials are subject to change without notice. These materials are provided by SAP AG and its affiliated companies ("SAP Group") for informational purposes only, without representation or warranty of any kind, and SAP Group shall not be liable for errors or omissions with respect to the materials. The only warranties for SAP Group products and services are those that are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services, if any. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. 2010-05-24 Contents Chapter 1 Start Here 5 What's New..................................................................................................6 Chapter 2 Deploying the BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample 9 Deploying the Portal Sample web application using BusinessObjects web services in a .NET environment ................................................................10 Prerequisites .......................................................................................10 Deploying the BusinessObjects web services Portal sample in a J2EE environment ..............................................................................................12 Deploying the BusinessObjects web services Portal sample on Tomcat .............................................................................................................1 3 Configuring the web services ..............................................................13 Deploying the BusinessObjects web services Portal sample with Tomcat on UNIX................................................................................................18 Deploying BusinessObjects web services Portal sample on WebLogic .............................................................................................................1 8 Deploying BusinessObjects web services Portal sample on WebSphere .............................................................................................................2 2 Chapter 3 Using the BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample 25 Accessing the sample through a web browser..........................................26 Viewing document lists .............................................................................27 Viewing documents ...................................................................................28 Refreshing documents ........................................................................29 Viewing documents in different modes ................................................29 Viewing Multiple documents ................................................................29 Drilling on documents ..........................................................................31 SAP BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Guide 3 Contents Working with prompts...........................................................................33 Track Data Changes............................................................................33 Disconnecting from a web service.............................................................34 Accessing the sample through Visual Studio.............................................35 Accessing the sample through a JSP editor..............................................35 Chapter 4 BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Architecture 37 The BusinessObjects web services Portal sample classes ......................38 The BusinessObjects web services Portal frameset ................................44 Handling actions ..................................................................................49 Appendix A More Information Index 4 SAP BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Guide 57 61 Start Here 1 1 Start Here What's New This online help describes how to install and configure the Business Objects web services portal sample. It outlines how to prepare your system environment and steps through the procedure for installing and configuring the Business Objects web services portal sample. The sample serves as a starting point to develop a portal web application using Business Objects web services. Who should use this online help Installing and deploying the Business Objects web services portal sample in a .NET and J2EE environment requires knowledge of: • Operating System administration (such as Windows 2003 or UNIX) • Application Server administration (such as WebLogic/WebSphere or IIS) Start using the portal sample Deploying the BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Deploy the Business Objects web services Portal sample in a .NET and J2EE environment. Using the BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Configure and use the Business Objects web services Portal sample. BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Architecture Learn the architecture of the Business Objects web services Portal sample. What's New This section provides a brief summary of the new features and enhancements that are offered with Business Objects Web Services Portal Samples. Support for Visual Studio 2005 and the .NET Framework 2.0 The BusinessObjects Web Services Portal samples is fully compatible with the .NET Framework 2.0 and Visual Studio 2005. Drill bar The drill bar allows the user to set filters while drilling the document. 6 SAP BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Guide Start Here What's New For more information, see Drill bar Optional prompts The Optional prompts feature allows the user to define a prompt as optional and decline filling it when the document is refreshed. For more information, see Optional prompts Track Data Changes Track Data Changes is a feature that allows user to view the differences between two states of data: Reference State and Last Refresh. For more information, see Track Data Changes SAP BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Guide 7 1 1 Start Here What's New 8 SAP BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Guide Deploying the BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample 2 2 Deploying the BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Deploying the Portal Sample web application using BusinessObjects web services in a .NET environment This chapter explains how to deploy the BusinessObjects web services Portal sample in a .NET and J2EE environment. Deploying the Portal Sample web application using BusinessObjects web services in a .NET environment Download the BusinessObjects web services Portal sample from the location given in the related topics. Related Topics • Prerequisites Before deploying the Business Objects web services Portal sample, the Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.X and the .NET Framework 1.1 or .NET Framework 2.0, must be installed on your server machine. Note that the IIS must be installed before you install the .NET framework. If you do not see Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 or Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 in the list of currently installed programs, you can install it using the Windows Update. To install the Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1: 1. Go to the Microsoft web site at: 2. Click Scan for updates. 3. Click Windows on the left panel of Windows Update. 4. Scroll down in the list of Windows updates and find Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1. 5. Click Add. 6. Click Review and Install Updates. 7. Click Install Now. 8. Reboot your machine. 10 SAP BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Guide Deploying the BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Deploying the Portal Sample web application using BusinessObjects web services in a .NET environment Note: Installing the .NET Framework requires you to reboot your machine. After your machine has rebooted, look in the Add/Remove Programs section of the Windows Control Panel to validate that the .NET Framework is installed. Deploying the Portal Sample using Business Objects web services on IIS This section describes how to deploy the Business Objects web services Portal Sample on IIS. To deploy the Portal Sample on IIS: 1. Download the from suite.htm and extract it to a folder on your machine. 2. Select the Windows Start menu, select Programs > Administrative Tools > Computer Management. 3. In the Computer Management window, expand the Services and Applications node. 4. Expand the Internet Information Services. 5. Right-click on Default Web Site and select New > Virtual Directory. 6. Click Next on the Virtual Directory Creation Wizard. 7. Enter dswsportal in the Alias field in the Virtual Directory Alias window and click Next. 8. Browse to the folder where you have extracted the wssdk_net_por . 9. In the web site Content Directory window, click Next. 10. Select Read and Run scripts (such as ASP) options in the Access Permissions window and click Next 11. Click Finish. Type http://localhost/dswsportal in a web browser where the sample is deployed. Once the Business Objects web services Portal sample is deployed you need to configure the dsws.config file to enable the sample to access one SAP BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Guide 11 2 2 Deploying the BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Deploying the BusinessObjects web services Portal sample in a J2EE environment or more Business Objects web services. For information on configuring dsws.config and using the Business Objects web services Portal sample, refer to the Configuring the web services . The configuration process is same for both IIS and Tomcat. Enabling parent path In the Portal Sample code, the relative paths are used to refer a particular file. Hence, to work on Portal Sample with IIS, you must enable parent path. To enable parent path: 1. Click on Start and select Control Panel. "Control Panel" Window appears. 2. Double click on Administrative Tools icon. "Administrative Tools" Window appears. 3. Double click on Internet Information Services. "Internet manager " Window appears. 4. Under Internet Information Services, expand Local Computer 5. Expand Web Sites and right-click on Default Web Site and select Properties. 6. In the Default Web Site Properties dialog box, select Home Directory tab. 7. In the Application Settings frame, click Configuration button. 8. In the Application Configuration dialog box, select Options tab. 9. Select Enable Parent Paths check box. 10. Click OK. Deploying the BusinessObjects web services Portal sample in a J2EE environment Download the BusinessObjects web services Portal sample from the location given in related topics. The sample must be deployed on an application server. The following section describes how to deploy the BusinessObjects web services Portal sample 12 SAP BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Guide Deploying the BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Deploying the BusinessObjects web services Portal sample in a J2EE environment on the Tomcat 5.X application server. This guide assumes you have Tomcat installed and running on your server. The machine on which BusinessObjects web services Portal sample is deployed must have network access to an application server running the BusinessObjects web services provider. For more information on installing BusinessObjects web services, see the BusinessObjects web services Administrator's Guide at the location given in related topics. Related Topics • Deploying the BusinessObjects web services Portal sample on Tomcat To deploy the BusinessObjects web services Portal sample on Tomcat, you must generate and deploy the dswsportal.war file. To do this, download the BusinessObjects web services Portal sample ZIP file ( from the online Developer Library and extract the content in your machine. The wssdkJ2EEPortal directory is created with ant_scripts and src folders and dsws.config and WSPorta lAssemblyScripts.bat files. Related Topics • Configuring the web services The configuration file dsws.config file contains the XML code needed to connect to a BusinessObjects web services provider. The dsws.config file defines the list of web services you can access from the sample as well as the proxy server if necessary. To define a provider, edit the parameters according to the settings of the provider(s) that you want to make available in the sample. SAP BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Guide 13 2 2 Deploying the BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Deploying the BusinessObjects web services Portal sample in a J2EE environment The dsws.config contains URL of the Session consumer. The Session consumer allows to use Connection object. This object is used to link all consumers together. Open the dsws.config file and you can see the following code: <configuration version="1.0"> <WebService Name="BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.x" Icon="image/java.gif"> XI 3.0 Web Services <Connection URL="http://localhost:8080/dswsbobje/services/Session" Proxy="0" /> </WebService> <Proxy Name="Outside" URL="" /> </configuration> The configuration file contains information about the BusinessObjects Enterprise service and a proxy connection. Each WebService tag contains a Connection tag. You need to edit the dsws.config file if you want to change the server and port in the URL. You can connect to more than one web services by providing the corresponding connection URL and all the connected web services are listed on the home page of Portal sample. The dsws.config file has the following structure: <WebService Name="Web Service Name" Icon="image/file name.gif"> Web Service Description <Connection URL="URL of Web Service" Proxy="0" /> </WebService> The WebService tag includes the following parameters: 14 SAP BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Guide Deploying the BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Deploying the BusinessObjects web services Portal sample in a J2EE environment Parameter Description Option Web Service Description A description of the web service that is displayed Optional in the connection page of the sample. Connection The Connection parameter defines the web Mandatory service location. The WebService tag includes the following attributes: Attribute Description Option Name The name of the web service. Mandatory Icon The path and name of the image for the icon that appears next to the Optional web service name in the sample connection page. The Connection tag includes the following attributes: SAP BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Guide 15 2 2 Deploying the BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Deploying the BusinessObjects web services Portal sample in a J2EE environment Attribute Description Option URL The URL of the web service. Mandatory Proxy Specifies whether the web service uses a proxy server. If it uses a proxy server, set the Optional value to 1. If it does not require a proxy, set the value to 0. The Proxy tag includes the following attributes: Attribute Description Option Name The name of the proxy. Optional URL The URL of the proxy server. Login User name for the proxy Optional server. Password Password for the proxy Optional server. Optional You need to modify the Web Service Description Parameter, Connection, and Proxy tags to match your Business Objects web services deployment. 16 SAP BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Guide Deploying the BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Deploying the BusinessObjects web services Portal sample in a J2EE environment For example, if your proxy tag is 1, you can change the dsws.config file as follows: <Connection URL="http://localhost:8080/dswsbobje/services/Session" Proxy="1"/> <Proxy Name="Outside" URL="" /> Generate the BusinessObjects web services Portal WAR file After you have configured dsws.config file, run the WSPortalAssem blyScripts.bat script using one of the following methods: • double-clicking WSPortalAssemblyScripts.bat in Windows Explorer OR • run the WSPortalAssemblyScripts.bat from the command line You get the BUILD SUCCESSFUL message in the command prompt and dswsportal.war is created in the same directory that contains WSPorta lAssemblyScripts.bat. Deploying the BusinessObjects web services Portal web application To deploy the dswsportal.war archive on the application server: 1. Stop Tomcat. 2. Copy the dswsportal.war to the $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps directory. 3. Start Tomcat. To check that the BusinessObjects web services Portal sample is deployed, type the following URL the web browser: http://hostname:Port/dswsportal where hostname is the name of the server on which you deployed the BusinessObjects web services Portal and Port is the port number for which the installed application server is configured. The default port number for Tomcat is 8080. SAP BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Guide 17 2 2 Deploying the BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Deploying the BusinessObjects web services Portal sample in a J2EE environment If the sample connection page is not displayed, check that dswsportal.war has been deployed. To check if the dswsportal.war is deployed, browse to $TOMCAT_HOME\webapps and verify that the dswsportal directory containing the BusinessObjects web services Portal sample files has been created. If the sample page is displayed, click the Check Web Services URL at the bottom of the page. It leads you to the Available Web Services Status page. In this page you can see name of the web services where the BusinessObjects web services Portal deployment is connected. By default, the following message is displayed: Available Web Services Status Service Web Service BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.x: OK. Ver sion 12.0.0 Deploying the BusinessObjects web services Portal sample with Tomcat on UNIX To deploy the BusinessObjects web services Portal sample with Tomcat on UNIX: 1. Copy the extracted Web Services Portal Sample folder in your machine. 2. Open the WSPortalAssemblyScripts.bat file. 3. 4. 5. 6. Delete all the lines except "call %ANT HOME%..." line. Replace "call %ANT HOME%" section with your ANT path location. Save the .bat file as the file. Run the .sh file. A dswsportal.war is created. 7. Copy the .war file to Tomcat/webapps folder. Deploying BusinessObjects web services Portal sample on WebLogic To deploy the BusinessObjects web services Portal sample with WebLogic on Windows or UNIX, you must deploy the dswsportal.war file. 18 SAP BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Guide Deploying the BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Deploying the BusinessObjects web services Portal sample in a J2EE environment This section describes how to deploy the BusinessObjects web services Portal sample with WebLogic 6.1 SP2 on Windows and UNIX. To deploy the Portal Sample with WebLogic 6.1 SP2: 1. Copy the dswsportal directory to the WebLogic Installa tion\wlserver6.1\config\mydomain\applications directory. 2. In the WebLogic Installation\wlserver6.1\config\mydomain directory, open the Config.xml file. 3. Add an application definition for dswsportal as shown below: <Domain Name="mydomain"> <CustomRealm ... /> <Application Deployed="true" Name="dswsportal" Path=".\config\mydomain\applications"> <WebAppComponent Name="dswsportal" Targets= "myserv er" URI="dswsportal"/> </Application> ... The Application tag defines the web application and the WebAppComponent tag defines the application's components. The table below describes the attributes in each tag: Tag Application Attribute Description Deployed Specifies whether the web application is deployed. If true the web application is deployed. Name The name of the web application. Path The path to the web application. SAP BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Guide 19 2 2 Deploying the BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Deploying the BusinessObjects web services Portal sample in a J2EE environment Tag Attribute Description WebAppComponent Name The name of the web application component. Targets The server to be used with the web application. URI The name of the web application root directory. 4. Save the Config.xml. 5. Start WebLogic. To check that the BusinessObjects web services Portal sample is deployed, type the following URL in the web browser: http://Server Name:Port/dswsportal/Connection.jsp ServerName is the name of the server on which you deployed the BusinessObjects web services Portal and Port is the port number for which the installed application server is configured. The default port number for WebLogic is 7001. You can also deploy the Portal sample with WebLogic 6.1 SP2 on Windows and UNIX with the following way: 6. Generate the dswsportal.war on Windows/UNIX platform. For information on generating the dswsportal.war, see Generate the BusinessObjects web services Portal WAR file 7. Log in to Portal Sample through the Administration Console. 8. Click on the Web Application Module . 9. Click on Deploy a Web Application Module and dswsportal.war is added in the folder structure of the location where you have installed WebLogic, as shown in the following image: 20 SAP BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Guide Deploying the BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Deploying the BusinessObjects web services Portal sample in a J2EE environment 10. Select dswsportal.war and click Target Module button. The BusinessObjects web services Portal sample is deployed on your machine. Once the BusinessObjects web services Portal sample is deployed, you need to configure the dsws.config file to enable the sample to access one or more BusinessObjects web services Portal. For information on configuring dsws.config and using the BusinessObjects web services Portal sample, see Using the BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample . SAP BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Guide 21 2 2 Deploying the BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Deploying the BusinessObjects web services Portal sample in a J2EE environment Deploying BusinessObjects web services Portal sample on WebSphere To deploy the BusinessObjects web services Portal sample with WebSphere on Windows or UNIX, you must deploy the dswsportal.war file. To deploy the Portal Sample with WebSphere: 1. Open the WebSphere Advanced Administrative Console. 2. Right-click Enterprise Applications and select Install Enterprise Application. The Install Enterprise Application Wizard is displayed. 3. On the Install Enterprise Application Wizard, select Install stand-alone module (*.war, *.jar). 4. Click Browse and navigate to the dswsportal.war file. If dswsportal.war is located in a remote system, then specify the path of the remote file system. 22 SAP BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Guide Deploying the BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Deploying the BusinessObjects web services Portal sample in a J2EE environment 5. In the Application name box, specify dswsportal. 6. In the Context Root for web module box, specify /dswsportal and click Next. 7. Click Next on each of the following pages until you reach the last page of the Wizard and then click Finish. The message Command "EnterpriseApp.install" completed successfully is displayed when the installation is complete. After you get the message, you must restart the BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample. To restart the Portal Sample: 1. Right-click Enterprise Application > dswsportal and click Stop. The message Command "dswsportal.stop" completed successfully is displayed when the BusinessObjects web services Portal sample is stopped. 2. When dswsportal is stopped, right-click Enterprise Application > dswsportal and click Start to restart the enterprise application. The message Command "dswsportal.start" completed successfully is displayed when the BusinessObjects web services Portal sample is started. SAP BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Guide 23 2 2 Deploying the BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Deploying the BusinessObjects web services Portal sample in a J2EE environment To check that the BusinessObjects web services Portal sample is deployed, type the following URL in the web browser: http://ServerName:Port/dsws portal/Connection.jspServerName is the name of the server where you have deployed the BusinessObjects web services Portal, and Port is the port number for which the installed application server is configured. The default port number for WebSphere is 9080. Once the BusinessObjects web services Portal sample is deployed, you need to configure the dsws.config file to enable the sample to access one or more BusinessObjects web services Portals. For information on configuring dsws.config and using the BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample, see Using the BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample . 24 SAP BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Guide Using the BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample 3 3 Using the BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Accessing the sample through a web browser This chapter explains how to use the BusinessObjects web services Portal sample. The sample has been created using BusinessObjects web services Portal functions. It enables you to view BusinessObjects Enterprise documents through a portal. You can use the sample to access any BusinessObjects web services provider. You can also use it as the basis for your own development. This chapter describes how to access the sample from a web browser and through Visual Basic .NET or a JSP editor. Accessing the sample through a web browser To access the sample from your web browser: 1. Enter one of the following URLs in the address bar of your browser: If the sample is installed in a .NET environment: http://ServerName/dswsportal/ If the sample is installed in a J2EE environment: http://ServerName/dsws portal/ The following page, which lists the available web services providers, is displayed: To check the status of the provided web services, click Check Web Services . If a web service is accessible, a message providing the name of the web service, the status, and version of the web service is displayed. 26 SAP BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Guide Using the BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Viewing document lists If you encounter an error message, you should contact the BusinessObjects web services Portal administrator. 2. Select the check box for the web service you want to access. 3. Enter your BusinessObjects Enterprise login and password , then click Login . The following page is a e yd :p sld i Viewing document lists The list of documents, which you are allowed access according to the rights of your user profile, are displayed in the left panel. You can change the order of the web service document lists as well as minimize or maximize a list, using the Minimize and Maximize buttons. You can also hide the document list by using the Hide button in the sample top bar. SAP BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Guide 27 3 3 Using the BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Viewing documents Viewing documents To view a document, click its name in the left panel. The document is displayed in the right panel. By default, the documents are opened in HTML format. 28 SAP BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Guide Using the BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Viewing documents Refreshing documents To refresh a document, click the Refresh button in the top bar of the document. The prompts that are associated with the document are also displayed with the corresponding lists of values. Viewing documents in different modes You can view the documents in the following two modes: Draft Mode: Draft Mode displays entire report in one page. You can use draft mode to analyze results, to add calculations/formulas/breaks, and sorting tables. Page Mode: Page Mode displays the report in different pages, with page numbers, header, and footers. You can use page mode to format tables and charts. Viewing Multiple documents You can view up to four documents simaltaneously in the sample. When you open more than one document, the documents appear as tabs in the top bar. You can also view documents horizontally or vertically using the Align Horizontal or Align Vertical buttons in the sample top bar. The following image shows vertically aligned four documents: SAP BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Guide 29 3 3 Using the BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Viewing documents To return to a tabbed view, click the Tabbed View button. When you open four documents, the Dashboard button appears in the sample top bar. Click the Dashboard button to display the documents in the Dashboard view. The following image shows four documents opened in the Dashboard view: 30 SAP BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Guide Using the BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Viewing documents Drilling on documents Portal sample also allows you to open a drillable document. You can drill down to analyze the data from different angles and on different levels. You can drill down/drill up in a document using the drill bar or the hyperlinks on the data. SAP BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Guide 31 3 3 Using the BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Viewing documents Drill bar The drill bar is enabled when the document is switched to drill mode. The drill bar allows the user to set filters while drilling the document. When the user performs drill down action on the dimension, the corresponding dimension is added to the drill bar as a combo box along with its values and the drill up action removes the corresponding dimensions' combo box from the drill bar. When the drill filter icon is clicked, the contextual menu is displayed with the associated dimensions in the hierarchy. Note: When you remove an object from the drill bar, it is automatically removed from the report filter. 32 SAP BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Guide Using the BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Viewing documents Working with prompts Prompt is a condition in a query which requires user input. It is displayed with the List Of Values (LOVs) when you refresh a document. When you run a query, an updated document is displayed based on the selected value. Optional prompts The Optional prompts feature allows the user to define a prompt as optional and decline filling it when the document is refreshed. If the user do not select any value for an optional prompt then the document is displayed based on all LOVs. Track Data Changes Track Data Changes feature allows the user to view the differences between two states of data: a reference state and last refresh. It saves time during analysis and reduces the time spent in exploring the irrelevant data. The SAP BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Guide 33 3 3 Using the BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Disconnecting from a web service track data changes feature compares the current data with the data that is set as a reference. It highlights any data that is added, removed, updated, increased, or decreased. To view the data changes, the user should activate the track data, set the data as reference and refresh the document. Disconnecting from a web service To disconnect from web service: 1. Click Connection in the sample top bar. 2. Select the web service(s) from which you want to disconnect and click Logout. 34 SAP BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Guide Using the BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Accessing the sample through Visual Studio Accessing the sample through Visual Studio To access the sample in Visual Studio: 1. Double click on the DSWSPortal.csproj . The Visual Studio is launched displaying the project. 2. In the Web Reference panel, right click dswsportal and select Update Web Reference. 3. Compile the sample. Once it has compiled, you can run the sample and examine how it is built. Accessing the sample through a JSP editor To examine how the BusinessObjects web services Portal sample is built, you can open any JSP file from the dswsportal directory in any JSP editor. SAP BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Guide 35 3 3 Using the BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Accessing the sample through a JSP editor 36 SAP BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Guide BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Architecture 4 4 BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Architecture The BusinessObjects web services Portal sample classes This chapter explains the architecture of the BusinessObjects web services Portal sample. The BusinessObjects web services Portal sample is a demonstration web site used in conjunction with the consumer API to access several WebIntelligence and CrystalReports servers via BusinessObjects web services providers. This chapter also describes the portal sample folder structure in the .Net and J2EE environments. For more information on BusinessObjects Platform Web Services SDK, see The BusinessObjects web services Portal sample classes The BusinessObjects web services Portal sample contains classes that maintain the sample's state. The classes are contained in the • dswsportal assembly in the BusinessObjects web services Portal sample for .NET • dswsportal package in the BusinessObjects web services Portal sample for J2EE. The following figure illustrates the relationship between the BusinessObjects web services Portal sample classes: 38 SAP BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Guide BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Architecture The BusinessObjects web services Portal sample classes The following table provides description of each class: SAP BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Guide 39 4 4 BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Architecture The BusinessObjects web services Portal sample classes Class Description This is the base class for FrameworkManager and FrameworkManagerStandalone classes. AbstractFrameworkManager It serves as a factory for the FrameworkManagerStandalone. Per session, the framework manager is either a FrameworkManager (portal context) or a FrameworkManagerStandalone (standalone context). 40 ActiveDocument Defines an open document and the document's status. An ActiveDocument is basically a Portlet containing a document. DocManager Defines a list of ActiveDocument objects. This list can contain a maximum of four open documents simultaneously. Defines also a list of DocumentAdapter objects. Those are linked to ActiveDocuments with a 11 relationship. Manages the layout (view mode) of documents (tab view, dashboard, etc.) in the portal. DocManagerStandalone Manages documents in a standalone context (using the viewer outside of the portal). SAP BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Guide BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Architecture The BusinessObjects web services Portal sample classes Class Description Encapsulates the calls to the consumer (the reportengine web service). DocumentAdapter Each instance of this class represents a document and is stored in a IDocManager specialized instance (depending on the context). It is used by the viewer pages. Some tasks such as displaying a report and actions in a report are done using Viewer.DocumentAdapter object defined in the DocumentAdapter.cs. DocumentAdapter offers a simplified interface to ReportEngine consumer. FramedPortlets Defines a set of inherited Portlet objects. A FramedPortlets object creates its own frameset. SAP BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Guide 41 4 4 BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Architecture The BusinessObjects web services Portal sample classes Class Description The FrameworkManager is the main container for the application (portal). One FrameworkManager object is instantiated and stored for each web session. It contains two inherited FramedPortlets objects. A FrameworkManager object stores: FrameworkManager A list of available web services. The FrameworkManager retrieves this information from the dsws.config file stored at the root level of the BusinessObjects web services Portal sample. A DocManager instance that contains the list of ActiveDocument objects and a list of associated DocumentAdapter objects. A LeftFrameManager instance that maintains a list of connected web services. The FrameworkManagerStandalone is the main container for the application in standalone mode (without the portal). FrameworkManagerStandalone A FrameworkManager object stores a DocManagerStandalone instance that contains the list of DocumentAdapter objects (1 per viewer). 42 SAP BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Guide BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Architecture The BusinessObjects web services Portal sample classes Class Description IDocManager An interface which inherit DocManager and DocManagerStandalone. Defines the common behavior for managing documents (DocumentAdapter objects). LeftFrameManager Maintains a list of connected web services. Each web service is defined in an OpPortlet object. OpPortlet Defines a connected web service. Each OpPortlet is associated with one instance of a WebServiceInfo Portlet Defines a portlet that contains either a DocsFrame, DocFrame or OpFrame frame. The Portlet representation is a window with a title bar. The HTML representation of a Portlet is contained in a frame. ProxyInfo Defines the proxy information for accessing web services. The information is retrieved from the dsws.con fig file. WebServices Defines a list of WebServicesInfo objects. SAP BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Guide 43 4 4 BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Architecture The BusinessObjects web services Portal frameset Class Description WebServicesInfo Defines the web service information required to connect to a web service. The information is retrieved from the dsws.config file. The BusinessObjects web services Portal frameset This section describes all the pages in the BusinessObjects web services Portal sample and illustrates how they are implemented. The following table lists the pages in the BusinessObjects web services Portal sample. Each page is listed without its extension. Depending on your environment, you need to add one of the following extensions: • for J2EE, add .jsp • for .NET, add .aspx These pages are located in the BusinessObjects web services Portal sample root directory. 44 Page Name Description CheckServices Checks the status of the web services listed in the connection page. SAP BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Guide BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Architecture The BusinessObjects web services Portal frameset Page Name Description Lists the available web services and connects to them. Default To access the BusinessObjects web services Portal sample from a browser, a user first displays the default page. This page connects the user to a BusinessObjects web services Portal. The sample is displayed immediately after a successful connection to a web service is received from the default page. DocFrame Defines the frame in which a document is displayed in dashboard mode. DocList Retrieves a list of the available documents from the selected source and category of a BusinessObjects web services Portal and displays the list within the OpFrm frame. DocsFrame Defines the frame within the TabsFrm frame, in which documents are displayed in tabular mode. DocsFrm Defines the right-hand frame, where documents are displayed. This can contain the TabsFrm frame in tabular mode or four DocFrame pages in dashboard mode. SAP BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Guide 45 4 4 BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Architecture The BusinessObjects web services Portal frameset 46 Page Name Description LeftBar Defines the top bar of the left-hand frame. LeftFrm Defines the left-hand frame, where a list of web services and available documents are displayed. MainFrm Defines the BusinessObjects web services Portal sample interface. This contains the LeftFrm and DocsFrm pages. OpFrm Defines the frame in which the name and list of documents of a web service are displayed. TabBar Defines the tab bar from which you can select a document to display. TabsFrame Defines the frame for viewing documents in tabular mode. ToFrame Redirects HTML query strings to the appropriate page. TopBar Defines the top bar in the right-hand frame. TopDocBar Defines the top bar for a document in dashboard mode. SAP BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Guide BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Architecture The BusinessObjects web services Portal frameset Page Name Description TopLeftPortlet Retrieves and displays the name of the web service within the OpFrm frame. The following figures illustrate where each part of the sample is implemented in tabular and dashboard mode. SAP BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Guide 47 4 4 BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Architecture The BusinessObjects web services Portal frameset BusinessObjects web services Portal sample frameset in tabular mode You can open a document in tabular mode as shown in the following image: BusinessObjects web services Portal sample frameset in dashboard mode 48 SAP BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Guide BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Architecture The BusinessObjects web services Portal frameset If you open four documents, the Dashboard button appears in the sample top bar. Click the Dashboard button to display the documents in the dashboard view. To see how documents can be opened/viewed in dashboard mode, see Viewing documents Handling actions Most of the actions in the BusinessObjects web services Portal are treated as messages that are included in the requested URL. For example, the following URL close the document whose ActiveDocument index (Param1) is 0: http://localhost:8080/DocsFrm.jsp?Ac tion=close&Param1=0 The following table describes the principle actions and lists their parameters as well as the JSP or ASPX pages that fire and catch them: SAP BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Guide 49 4 4 BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Architecture The BusinessObjects web services Portal frameset Action Minimize Maximize 50 Param1 Other parameters Fired by LeftBar LeftBar SAP BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Guide Caught by Result MainFrm Minimizes the lefthand frame. MainFrm Maximizes the lefthand frame. BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Architecture The BusinessObjects web services Portal frameset Action Param1 Other parameters Fired by Caught by Result WebSearcviceInfo index. ViewDoc This is assigned according to the position in which the web service is listed in the dsws.con fig file. The first web service listed receives a WebServiceInfo index of 0, the second one receives 1 and so on. Document's unique ID, document's DocList type, document's name DocsFrm Displays a document in the righthand frame. SAP BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Guide 51 4 4 BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Architecture The BusinessObjects web services Portal frameset Action ActiveTab 52 Param1 Other parameters Fired by TabBar SAP BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Guide Caught by Result DocsFrm Activates the selected document BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Architecture The BusinessObjects web services Portal frameset Action Param1 Other parameters Fired by Caught by Result ActiveDocument index This is assigned to the document according to the position in which it is displayed. In tabular mode the document on the lefthand side receives an ActiveDocument index of 0, the second document receives 1 and so on. In dashboard mode the document on the: top left receives 0 top right receives 1 SAP BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Guide 53 4 4 BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Architecture The BusinessObjects web services Portal frameset Action Param1 Other parameters Fired by bottom left receives 2 bottom right receives 3 54 SAP BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Guide Caught by Result BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Architecture The BusinessObjects web services Portal frameset Action Param1 Other parameters Fired by Caught by Result A view mode. The possible values are: • Hor = Hori zontal mode • Ver= Verti cal mode • Dash board = Dash board mode Arrange Close • Tabs = Tabu lar mode • Connec tion s= The connec tion page ActiveDocument index TopBar DocsFrm Changes to the selected view mode. TabBar DocsFrm Closes the selected document SAP BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Guide 55 4 4 BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Architecture The BusinessObjects web services Portal frameset 56 Action Param1 Minimize ActiveDocument index ToRight ActiveDocument index ToLeft ActiveDocument index ToTop ActiveDocument index ToBottom ActiveDocument index Other parameters Fired by Caught by Result TopDocBar DocsFrm Minimizes the selected document TopDocBar DocsFrm Moves the selected document to the right. TopDocBar DocsFrm Moves the selected document to the left. TopDocBar DocsFrm Moves the selected document up. TopDocBar DocsFrm Moves the selected document down. SAP BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Guide More Information A A More Information Information Resource Location SAP BusinessObjects product information Select > SAP BusinessObjects. You can access the most up-to-date documentation covering all SAP BusinessObjects products and their deployment at the SAP Help Portal. You can download PDF versions or installable HTML libraries. SAP Help Portal Certain guides are stored on the SAP Service Marketplace and are not available from the SAP Help Portal. These guides are listed on the Help Portal accompanied by a link to the SAP Service Marketplace. Customers with a maintenance agreement have an authorized user ID to access this site. To obtain an ID, contact your customer support representative. > Documentation • • SAP Service Marketplace Installation guides: guides Release notes: The SAP Service Marketplace stores certain installation guides, upgrade and migration guides, deployment guides, release notes and Supported Platforms documents. Customers with a maintenance agreement have an authorized user ID to access this site. Contact your customer support representative to obtain an ID. If you are redirected to the SAP Service Marketplace from the SAP Help Portal, use the menu in the navigation pane on the left to locate the category containing the documentation you want to access. Developer resources 58 SAP BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Guide More Information Information Resource Location SAP BusinessObjects articles on the SAP Community NetThese articles were formerly known as technical papers. work Notes These notes were formerly known as Knowledge Base articles. Forums on the SAP Communi ty Network Training From traditional classroom learning to targeted e-learning seminars, we can offer a training package to suit your learning needs and preferred learning style. Online customer support The SAP Support Portal contains information about Customer Support programs and services. It also has links to a wide range of technical information and downloads. Customers with a maintenance agreement have an authorized user ID to access this site. To obtain an ID, contact your customer support representative. sulting Consulting Consultants can accompany you from the initial analysis stage to the delivery of your deployment project. Expertise is available in topics such as relational and multidimensional databases, connectivity, database design tools, and cus tomized embedding technology. SAP BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Guide 59 A A More Information 60 SAP BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Guide Index B D Business Objects web services framework accessing from Visual Studio 35 disconnectiong 34 installing with .NET 11 Developer Suite Web Services framework deploying with Tomcat on UNIX 18 deploying with WebLogic 19 SAP BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Guide 61 Index 62 SAP BusinessObjects web services Portal Sample Guide
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