סטודנטים יקרים, סטודנטים הנרשמים ללימודים או לכל פעילות אקדמית אחרת ב

‫סטודנטים יקרים‪,‬‬
‫סטודנטים הנרשמים ללימודים או לכל פעילות אקדמית אחרת באוניברסיטה העברית‪,‬‬
‫שאינם אזרחי מדינת ישראל‪ ,‬מכוסים בביטוח בריאות על ידי האוניברסיטה העברית‬
‫(רצ"ב עיקרי הכיסוי הרפואי)‪.‬‬
‫לידיעתכם‪ ,‬שכר הלימוד יכלול את עלות הביטוח‪ .‬כל סטודנט יחויב בהתאם לתקופת‬
‫הלימודים אליה הוא נרשם (שנתית או סמסטריאלית)‪.‬‬
‫חשבונות סטודנטים‬
‫למינהל תלמידים‬
‫‪Account Section‬‬
‫‪Students Administration‬‬
‫להלן הנחיות ההרשמה לביטוח‪:‬‬
‫‪ .1‬הנך מתבקש‪/‬ת למלא את טופס ההרשמה הכולל בתוכו את הצהרת הבריאות‪ ,‬לחתום‬
‫ולהעביר את הטפסים בדחיפות (לא יאוחר מ‪ 14-‬יום מיום ההרשמה) למדור חשבונות‬
‫סטודנטים באחת מהדרכים הבאות‪:‬‬
‫א‪ .‬באמצעות פקס‪+972-2-5881143 :‬‬
‫ב‪ .‬צרפו את הטופס הסרוק לפנייה ושלחו‪ ,‬דרך אתר האוניברסיטה העברית‬
‫באינטרנט‪.http://pnyot.huji.ac.il/mador_scl :‬‬
‫‪ .2‬סטודנט אשר חולה באחת המחלות המוחרגות‪ ,‬חייב להציג מסמכים רפואיים‬
‫ולהעבירם לחיתום רפואי באופן פרטני‪ ,‬לפי פרוטוקול החיתום והתנאים המיוחדים‬
‫בחברת הביטוח‪.‬‬
‫‪ .3‬במידה ויש בידך ביטוח רפואי מארץ מוצאך‪ ,‬הנך מתבקש להציגו במדור לחשבונות‬
‫סטודנטים ולחתום על הצהרה המשחררת את האוניברסיטה מאחריות רפואית עבורך‪.‬‬
‫רק לאחר הצגת הביטוח מארץ מוצאך וחתימתך על ההצהרה‪ ,‬תוחזר לך הפרמיה שנגבתה‬
‫בגין ביטוח בריאות‪.‬‬
‫‪ .4‬לשאלות ובירורים ניתן לפנות ל‪:‬‬
‫א‪ .‬מדור חשבונות סטודנטים‪ ,‬ל‪-‬יואב כהן‪-‬מלמד‪ ,‬בטלפון‪02-5882865 :‬‬
‫ב‪ .‬משרדי "הראל‪-‬ידידים" המטפלים בביטוחי הסטודנטים‪ ,‬בטלפון‪03-6386216 :‬‬
‫במייל‪y_health@yedidim.co.il :‬‬
‫הר הצופים‬
‫ירושלים ‪91905‬‬
‫טלפון‪20-2330880 :‬‬
‫פקס‪20-2338888 :‬‬
‫האגף למנהל תלמידים‪.‬‬
‫‪Mount Scopus‬‬
‫‪Jerusalem 91905 , Israel‬‬
‫‪Tel. 972-2-5882342‬‬
‫‪Fax. 972-2-5881143‬‬
‫קבלת קהל‪:‬‬
‫א'‪,‬ב'‪,‬ד'‪,‬ה' ‪11::: - 13:::‬‬
‫יום ג' ‪10::: – 10:::‬‬
Application Form - Platinum Care
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Institution ___________________ Faculty or Department ______________________
A. Member’s Personal Details (Please print)
Last name
Address in
Student No.
Passport number
First name
Number Town
Number Town
Period of From
Date of birth
Zip code
Zip code
Total number
of days
B. Declaration of Health
Please answer the following no/yes questions by checking the appropriate box and provide any relevant details in the section below.
1. Have you been hospitalized at any time? If so, when and for what reason?
2. Have you ever suffered or are you suffering now from: heart disease, cancer,cerebral disorder, nervous disorder, respiratory
illness, digestive disorder, liver disease, kidney or urinary disorder, metabolic disorder, eye disease, ENT disease, dermatological
or sexual disease or any other medical problem?
3. Have you at any time required an operation?
4. Have you at any time suffered an injury as a result of an accident?
5. Have you at any time suffered from any form of disability?
6. Have you suffered from any illnesses or are you aware of any health condition?
7. Are you on medication for any medical disorder?
a. Are you pregnant?
8. For
b. Women’s diseases: menstrual cycle disorders breast disease (including lumps in the breast), uterus, ovaries,
examinations for detection of a cancerous growth, mammography? Please specify.
Details about the existing conditions. If you responded “yes” to any of the above questions, please note the question number, followed by details
(including the date) of the condition. In addition, please attach a letter from your physician stating the current status of the condition.
I declare and confirm that I have read the Terms & Conditions
of the policy and its exclusions.
I hereby declare that I am not suffering from any illness or accident.
I am not handicapped. I am not undergoing any medical treatment
of any kind. I do not, nor have I in the past suffered from any chronic
medical condition (such as heart disease, high blood pressure, disability,
etc. or a congenital disability, or a malignant disease). I am not aware
of any need for medical treatment, hospitalization or surgery.
I am aware that the coverage for worsening of a present illness under the
Platinum Care policy is subject to the terms and exclusions of the policy.
Renunciation of Medical Confidentiality: I, the undersigned, hereby
give my permission to the health service provider and/or its medical
institutions, as well as to all the doctors and other medical institutions
and hospitals and/or to all the insurance companies and/or to any institute,
other body and/or individual to provide Harel Insurance Company Ltd.
(hereinafter "the Requestor") with all the details, without exception, and
in the manner required by the Requestor regarding my state of health
and/or any disease that I have suffered from in the past and/or that I am
currently suffering from and/or that I will suffer from in the future, regarding
the Harel policy, and I hereby release you from any obligation to safeguard
medical confidentiality and renounce this confidentiality toward the
Requestor. This Declaration of Renunciation binds me, my estate and
my legal delegates and anyone who will come in my stead. This
Declaration of Renunciation shall also apply to minors.
D. Details of Health Insurance in Home Country – please check
and/or complete the appropriate statement.
Insurance company ______________________________________
policy number ____________________
†I have health insurance in my home country, but do not remember
the details.
†I have no health insurance in my home country.
E. I hereby certify that all the information I have provided on this form is
accurate and true.
F. I am aware that the validity and scope of this insurance policy are
determined by the health declaration that I have completed and signed,
as well as by other factors.
By signing this document, I am hereby responsible to inform the Harel
Insurance Co. immediately of any change in my medical condition that
occurs during the period between the date of my signature on the health
declaration and the beginning of the insurance policy.
Furthermore, without derogating from any legal right held by the Harel
Insurance Co. in accordance with the terms of the policy, I am aware
that this policy will in no event cover any new medical condition that
occurs during the period between the date of my signature on the health
declaration and the beginning of the insurance policy.
Contact Center: Harel-Yedidim, Division for Overseas Visitors and Students
Beit Hakristal, 12 Hahilazon St., 8th Floor, Ramat Gan 52522 µ Tel: +972-3-6386216 µ Fax: +972-3-6874534 µ E.mail: y_health@yedidim.co.il µ www.yedidim-health.co.il
C. Personal Declaration
Question No.
‫חשבונות סטודנטים‬
‫למינהל תלמידים‬
Account Section
Students Administration
I HEREBY confirm that I am covered in Israel by the
following Health Insurance/Medical Plan:
and have chosen not to purchase the health insurance
policy offered at the Hebrew University.
‫הר הצופים‬
91905 ‫י רושלים‬
20-2330880 :‫טלפון‬
20-2338888 :‫פקס‬
Student No.
Name (print clearly)
Mount Scopus
Jerusalem 91905 , Israel
Tel. 972-2-5882342
Fax. 972-2-5881143
10::: – 10::: '‫יום ג‬
11::: - 13::: '‫ה‬,'‫ד‬,'‫ב‬,'‫א‬
:‫קבלת קהל‬