Staff HANDBOOK 2 8 0 0 2 007 OFFICE OF SPECIAL EDUCATION AND PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida Mr. Agustin J. Barrera, Chair Dr. Martin Karp, Vice-Chair Mr. Renier Diaz de la Portilla Ms. Evelyn Langlieb Greer Ms. Perla Tabares Hantman Dr. Robert B. Ingram Ms. Ana Rivas Logan Dr. Marta Pérez Dr. Solomon C. Stinson Dr. Rudolph F. Crew Superintendent of Schools Ms. Antoinette Dunbar Deputy Superintendent Curriculum and Instruction Ms. Brucie Ball Assistant Superintendent Office of Special Education and Psychological Services Mr. Will Gordillo, Administrative Director, Division of Special Education Mr. Joseph L. Jackson, Administrative Director, Division of Psychological Services This product is funded by the State of Florida, Department of Education, Division of Public Schools and Community Education, Bureau of Exceptional Education and Student Services, through federal assistance under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Part B, Special Projects, and state general revenue funds. It is developed by the Office of Special Education and Psychological Services, Miami-Dade County Public Schools. INTRODUCTION The Staff Handbook for the Office of Special Education and Psychological Services was developed to provide all staff easy access to information on the operation of this office. This manual sets forth the procedures by which this office can function smoothly and efficiently. Staff members are asked to familiarize themselves thoroughly with its contents. To be in alliance with all district directives, please access the Electronic Staff Reference Guide and M-DCPS Acceptable Use Policy for the Exploration and Utilization of the Internet as a Tool for Learning at the website. These guides have been established to provide district employees with pertinent information necessary to ensure compliance with policies, procedures, board rules, and contractual issues. All M-DCPS employees have the major role to ensure the quality education of our youth. We are ambassadors, public relations persons, marketing persons, and tone setters for the district. We are all part of a professional team. The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida adheres to a policy of nondiscrimination in the educational and work environments. School Board Rule 6Gx13-4A-1.32 Discrimination/Harassment: Complaint Procedures for Employees and School Board Rule 6Gx13- 4A-1.01 Equal Opportunity Employment and Assignment address these issues. In addition, the Discrimination/Harassment and Anti-Discrimination Policy documents are provided. TABLE OF CONTENTS Office Hours…………………………………………………………………………………….………… 1 Professionalism in the Work Place…………………………………………………………………… 1 Telephone Etiquette…………………………………………………………………………………….. 1-2 Call Forwarding within the 995 exchange…………………………………………………………… 2 Call Forwarding outside the 995 exchange…………………………………………………………. 3 Instructions for Recording Audix Messages……………………………………………………….. 3 New Employees………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3 Reporting Attendance…………………………………………………………………………………… 4 Payroll Procedures………………………………………………………………………………………. 4 Vacation…………………………………………………………………………………..………….……. 4 Files………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4 Furniture, Equipment, and Facilities…………………………………………………………………. 4-5 Purchase Requests……………………………………………………………………………………… 5 Duplicating and Printing…………………………………………………………………………..…… 5 Hospitality……………………………………………………………………………………….……….. 5 Referrals………………………………………………………………………………………….………. 6 Correspondence for Signature of the Administrative Director………………………….……… 6 Correspondence for Signature of the Assistant Superintendent……………………….……… 6-7 Correspondence for Signature of the Associate Superintendent……………………………… 7-8 Correspondence for Signature of the Deputy Superintendent…….……………………….…… 7-8 Correspondence for Signature of the Superintendent…………………………………….……… 8 Contact with the Superintendent or Board Members……………………………………………... 8 Preparation for Agenda Preparation Meeting………………………………………………………. 8 Preparation for Professional Services Contracts………………………………………………….. 9 Staff Follow-Up to Board Meetings…………………………………………………………………… 9 Recognition at School Board Meeting……………………………………………………………….. 9 Communication with School Board Members…………………………......…………….………… 9-10 Guidelines for Program Introductions of School Board Members……………………………… 10-11 Manual Administrative Personnel Procedures (MAPP)…………..…………………….………… 11 Educational Specialist Guidelines…………………………………………..…………………….….. 11 Secretarial/Clerical Personnel Guidelines………………………….…………………………..…… 11-12 Early Dismissal/Breaks…….………………………………………..………………..……………...…. 12-13 Performance Review………………………………………………………………………….………… 13-14 Sunshine Law……………………………………………………………………………………….…… 14 Benefits and Responsibilities of Employees Injured in the Line of Duty………………….…. 14-15 Advertisements at the District Office Complex………………………………………………….… 15 Fund-raising Drives and Selling of Merchandise or Services ………………………………… 15 Purchase Requisitions…………………………………………………………………….…….……… 15 Travel Guidelines……………………………..…………………………………………….…….……... 15 APPENDICES: APPENDIX A: Daily Payroll Attendance Sheet (MIS-10657) Payroll Verification Documents for 9615 and 9731 APPENDIX B: Purchase Order Request Purchase Order Worksheet APPENDIX C: Transmittal Memorandum Format Letter Formats Memorandum Formats Routing Approval Forms APPENDIX D: Board Agenda Timeline APPENDIX E: Out-of-County Travel Follow-Up Report-Intra Office Request for Out-of-County Travel Approval APPENDIX F: Purchasing Credit Card Request APPENDICES Continued: APPENDIX G: APPENDIX H: Contracted Forms 2007-08 Contract Request Procedure 2007-08 Contract Approval Request 2007-08 Late Contract Memorandum Sample RCM Screen RQ1 Screen RQH Screen Credit Card Procedures 2007-08 Available Funds Screen Credit Card Unauthorized Purchasing 2007-08 Purchase Authorization 5707 Purchasing Credit Card Procedure 2007-08 Purchasing Credit Card Request 2007-08 APPENDIX I: Purchasing Forms and Procedures 2007-08 Available Funds Screen Procedures for Purchase Order Request and Worksheet 200708 Purchase Order Request 2007-08 Purchase Order Worksheet 2007-08 RQH Screen LINKS TO WEBSITES: Anti-Discrimination Policy Board Members Electronic Staff Reference Guide Meeting Announcements Worker's Compensation Manual M-DCPS Travel Policies & Procedures Manual M-DCPS Acceptable Use Policy for the Exploration and Utilization of the Internet Must be on M-DCPS server to have these links open FM 0148, Voucher for Reimbursement of In-County Travel FM 0875, Department of Graphics and Materials Production Work Request FM 1104, Request for Travel Expense Advance/Reimbursement FM 2378, Compensatory Time Report FM 2380, Approval of Off-Campus Use of School Board Property FM 2452, Transmittal for Agreement Form for Contracted Services FM 2453, Agreement Form for Contracted Services FM 2454, Payment Request for Contracted Services FM 2821, Employee Reimbursement FM 3090, Exempt/Confidential Personnel Evaluation FM 3882, Evaluation of Office Personnel FM 4192, Planning Form FM 4193, Non-School Site Administrator Progress Form FM 4194, Non-School Site Administrator Evaluation Form FM 5255, Request for Hospitality Services (Form A) FM 5256, Request for Hospitality Services (Form B) FM 5707, Purchase Authorization FM 5852, Travel Expense Worksheet FM 6435, Annual Evaluation School Support/Resource Personnel (SSRP) FM 6641, Payroll Leave/Documentation Recommendation/Approval Form School Board Rule 6Gx13- 1A-1.09 School Board Rule 6Gx13- 1A-1.16 School Board Rule 6Gx13- 1A-1.161 School Board Rule 6Gx13- 1C-1.05 School Board Rule 6Gx13- 1C-1.051 School Board Rule 6Gx13- 1C-1.09 School Board Rule 6Gx13- 3C-1.091 School Board Rule 6Gx13- 3C-1.10 School Board Rule 6Gx13- 3C-1.11 School Board Rule 6Gx13- 3C-1.111 School Board Rule 6Gx13- 3C-1.15 School Board Rule 6Gx13- 3C-1.16 School Board Rule 6Gx13- 3F-1.021 School Board Rule 6Gx13- 4-1.08 School Board Rule 6Gx13- 4-1.09 School Board Rule 6Gx13- 4A-1.01 School Board Rule 6Gx13- 4A-1.32 School Board Rule 6Gx13- 4C-1.07 School Board Rule 6Gx13- 4E-1.13 Additional School Board Rules Office of Special Education and Psychological Services Miami-Dade County Public Schools giving our students the world VISION The Office of Special Education and Psychological Services provides necessary resources and services for students to become successful in school, work, and in life. MISSION The Office of Special Education and Psychological Services, through collaborative partnerships, promotes and supports the educational, personal, social, and career development of all students. CORE VALUES All students can learn and have the right to maximize their potential. All students are entitled to an educational program that provides appropriate opportunities to learn and achieve individual outcomes. All students are entitled to programs and services that prepare them for lifelong learning and to become contributing members of society. A quality education requires the collaborative involvement of the entire community. A quality education requires an environment and resources conducive to teaching and learning. All individuals will be treated with respect and dignity. Office of Special Education and Psychological Services Office Telephone Directory 4th Floor ANNEX and OFF-SITE Locations SPED Information - ext:1799 / DIV. SPED - ext:1796 NAME EXT. RM Alegret, Marisol Ansoleaga, Jacqueline Arango, Syliva Arias, Viviana Autism Support Staff Bader-Tables, Roni BALL, BRUCIE Barbery, Jorge Bergeron, Bonnie Berman, Martha Boza, Cinthya Bradshaw, Gloria Brookner, Jill Bullard, Chykimberly Buslinger-Clifford, Sue Calvo-Chebbi, Esther M. Catalano, Sharon Clay, Sonja (PROGRAMS) Clifford, Henry Concepcion, Norka CONFERENCE ROOM Derby, Fifi Dodard, Guirla Dressler, June Ekhator, Jasheena Fain, Judi Fedor, Sharon Finley, Deborah Francis, Tawanna Gallo, Rosalia (ext:1794) Gomez, Tatiana Gonzalez, Cielo Gordillo, Will Gordon, Beth Greer, Diane Graves, Kimberly Halfaker, Diane (SEDNET) Hameroff-Cohen, Wendy Hernandez, Michelle Hoffman, Dennis Howell, Tabitha Jackson, Joseph Johnson, Yolonda Karch, Debbie Lacroix, Phyllis La Torre, Gabriela LD Support Staff Leary, Claudia Louis, Emmanuela Lozano, Lizzette Marmorstein, Tobe Marshall, Deidre Martinez, Melissa Melendez, Aurora Mendoza, Dolores Midy-Placide, Yverose Moore, Pat Moorer, Katreen Morrison, Robin Obregon, Angela Orlando, Catherine (CURR/INT.) Padron, Ivonne 7384 2035 4280 1242 409 409 407W 409 7565 409 271-5701 1721 3022 1257 1417 7482 2122 2168 2321 2735 2759 1122 4259 4510 523-0572 Pre-K 407P 409 407R 409 407 409 409P 409 407V 407K 407 409N 407 407 7431 409K 2055 1266 1779 4280 1742 1892 1290 1894 274-8889 2372 1724 4254 2527 2717 7243 598-2436 1775 2701 2524 2531 1792 1911 7099 1720 4844 409 407F 407A 407W 407N 409 407S 409 3334-T3 409 407 409C 409 407C 409 SEDNET 407A 407H 409 409 407T 407 407L 407 409 4544 1859 1791 1806 5956 2732 1721 4184 271-5701 2719 1722 1262 1733 1345 4781 7382 409 409G 407 407 409 407L 407 407 Pre-K 409 407 407 407J 409 409D 409 NAME Pagliaro, Ana (Payroll 9615 ext:2739 / 9731 ext:3086) Paz, Mary (COMPLIANCE) Penaranda, Noslen Perez, Zulma Phanord, Martine Ramsay, Lina Regalado, Michael Reyes-Gavilan, Terry (MEDICAID) Robinson, Keisha Rosen, Joanne Sasseville, Ann Marie Sasseville, Rick Schmitt, Louise Smith, Liane Stewart, Isis Sullivan-Cuellar, Leslie Taylor, Karen Toyos, Isabel Tracy, Mary Ellen Ubinas, Anny Vaccaro, Terry Valdes, Rebecca Vega, Evelyn Ventura, Julio C. Waxman, Edna Welsh, Carmen Yancoskie, Delsey Young, Candance L. Young, Lavinda Bader-Tables, Roni Ball, Brucie Brookner, Jill Gordillo, Will Jackson, Joseph Morrison, Robin PT/OT TBA Reyes-Gavilan, Terry Robinson, Keisha Sasseville, Ann Marie Yancoskie, Delsey Superintendent's Office Ms. Antoinette Dunbar's Office EXT. RM 1449 1816 1782 2121 1693 4182 1796 2798 754-4081 4697 1293 1360 1267 7580 2027 2123 3197 1736 2709 3114 1764 7419 1735 1715 2766 1864 274-3501 2167 4280 409 409E 409 409 407 409 409 407M FDLRS 409 409Q 409 407E 409 409 407M 409 407 407A 407 407U 409 407 407 409H 409 FDLRS 407 407W FAX FAX FAX FAX FAX FAX FAX FAX FAX FAX FAX FAX 598-5253 2053 3094 1790/1760 2049 7577 1169 1719 2595 754-4875 3097 598-7752 1430 SBAB 912 Carmen Fernandez Maria Garcia FAX 7594 1451 2073 Ms. Valtena Brown's Office Ms. Vanessa Byers 1456 7062 Nouchka Placide FAX Dr. Lourdes C. Rovira's Office Alina Romero Mary Corujo FAX Ms. Ava G. Byrne Brenda Zelada FAX Please Email for any changes SBAB 929 SBAB 931 1880 358-8705 2432 4202 1983 2037 2403 Annex 327K SBAB 921 7/27/07 Mr. Freddie Woodson, Associate Superintendent Carol Neal, Administrative Secretary Office: 305-995-4242 Fax: 305-995-4175 SBAB Room 923 REGIONAL CENTER I Office: 305-687-6565 WL: 9575 REGIONAL CENTER II Fax: 305-685-2498 Office: 305-624-8802 WL: 9571 Fax: 305-620-8891 Dr. Marcos Moran, Superintendent Sonia Stevens & Maria Osorio, Secretary Ms. Enid Weisman, Superintendent Carol Spangler, Secretary Mr. Richard M. Vidal, Advocacy/SPED Fran Howe, Secretary Ms. Jennifer D. Andreu, Business/Personnel Raquel Diaz, Secretary Mr. Jose L. Dotres, Curriculum Ileana Roman, Secretary Dr. Nereida Smith, Professional Development Marietta Mont, Secretary Ms. Kathryn Cadieux, Instructional Supervisor SPED Sacha L. Almuina, Secretary Mr. Paul J. Greenfield, Advocacy/SPED Karin C. Logan, Secretary Ms. Marie F. Harrison, Business/Personnel Linda Perez, Secretary Ms. Lourdes P. Gimenez, Curriculum Tayloria Hankerson, Secretary Ms. DanySu F. Pritchett, Professional Development Martha L. Escobar, Secretary Ms. Deborah Swirsky-Nuńez, Instructional Supervisor SPED Rosana Brown, Secretary REGIONAL CENTER III REGIONAL CENTER IV Office: 305-883-0403 WL: 9572 Fax: 305-882-1640 Office: 305-642-7555 WL: 9573 Fax: 305-642-5531 Mr. George A. Núñez, Superintendent Sonia Mendez-Perera, Secretary Dr. Essie S. Pace, Superintendent Rebeca Selesky, Secretary Ms. Verdell D. King, Advocacy/SPED Keesha Carter, Secretary Mr. Robert Kalinsky, Business/Personnel Jessika Abdalah, Secretary Dr. Maria De Armas, Curriculum Karelys Hernandez, Secretary Dr. Edith Hall, Professional Development Marina Prieto, Secretary Ms. Udyss Romano, Instructional Supervisor SPED Barbara M. Fernandez, Secretary Mr. Albert Payne, Advocacy/SPED Theresa Vazquez, Secretary Mr. Jorge L. Garcia, Business/Personnel Eunice Morales, Secretary Ms. Vanessa Washington, Curriculum Constance McGill, Secretary Ms. Vivian M. Santiesteban-Pardo, Professional Development Aracelis Calderon, Secretary Ms. Arlene Exelbert, Instructional Supervisor SPED Lisa Bailey, Secretary REGIONAL CENTER V REGIONAL CENTER VI Office: 305- 595-7022 WL: 9574 Fax 305-595-3198 Office: 305-246-5934 WL: 9576 Fax 305-245-6552 Mrs. Janet S. Hupp, Superintendent Lucy Garcia, Secretary Ms. Neyda Navarro, Superintendent Susie Triay, Secretary Mr. Carlos Fernandez, Advocacy/SPED Gloria Rivera, Secretary Dr. Melanie M. Fox, Business/Personnel Maria-Cristi Fogarty-Peli, Secretary Dr. Kenneth Wheeler, Curriculum Leonor Hurtado de Mendoza, Secretary Ms. Kristal Hickmon, Professional Development Andrea King, Secretary Ms. Kathy Maguire, Instructional Supervisor SPED Mary Ribeiro, Secretary Dr. Alex Martinez, Advocacy/SPED Kathy Gentile, Secretary Dr. Janice Cruse-Sanchez, Business/Personnel Nancy Roberts & Georgia London, Secretary Mr. Jeffrey J. Hernandez, Curriculum Yolanda Mendez, Secretary Dr. Donald Hoecherl, Professional Development Addys Lopez, Secretary Ms. Cory Rodriguez, Instructional Supervisor SPED Doris Viso, Secretary Update 8/2/07-mm Public Lists (owned by extension 1720) 10# - All Secretaries 2# BB Direct Reports Brucie Ball Will Gordillo Sonja Clay Mary Paz Cathy Orlando Roni Bader-Tables Joseph L. Jackson Terry R-Gavilan 6# Specialists 2707 4254 4259 1816 4781 1793 1792 2798 1720 Martha Berman Jackie Ansolega Chykimberly Bullard June Dressler Judi Fain Sharon F Friedman Diane Greer Mary E. Tracey Wendy H-Cohen Autism Team Claudia Leary Joanne Rosen Yverose M-Placide Lena S. Ramsey Deborah Karch Deidre Marshall Inclusion Dennis Hoffman Esther C-Chebbi Josephine Derby E/BD Candance Young 4# Instr.Supv. 1212 2035 2321 1779 1742 1892 2717 2709 1775 7565 1859 4697 2719 4182 7099 2732 7256 2524 2759 2055 1693 2167 1720 Deborah Finley Robin Morrison Anne M Sasseville Rosalia Gallo Jill Brookner Sue B. Clifford Guirla Dodard LD Programs Lou Schmitt Dolores Mendoza Edna Waxman Delsey Yancoski TBA Terry Vacarro 8# Secretaries to BB D/Rs 1290 1733 1293 1794 2168 2735 1266 1295 1267 1795 2766 1816 Sharon Catalano Phyllis Lacroix Isis Stewart Kim Graves Ivonne Pardon Bonnie Bergeron Evelyn Vega Cinthya Boza Marisol Alegret 1122 1720 2027 7243 7382 1257 1735 7482 7384 1764 1720 My Documents / Forms / Audix Directories RECORD AND SEND MESSSAGES 1. 3. 5. 6. 7. Press 1. 2. Speak message Press 1 to stop 4. Press *# to approve Use as necessary: a. address to individuals: b. Enter address, then press # c. Listen to address d. Address with list created e. Press *L f. Enter list owner’s address or press # if you own list g. Enter list name, then press # Repeat step 5 7 Press **# to send now without filing a copy General Office Procedures OFFICE HOURS Normal office hours for all administrators and office personnel are 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. However, administrators must be prepared to accomplish priority tasks even though this may require working outside regular office hours. Administrators who leave during office hours to conduct official business elsewhere must leave a contact telephone number where they can be reached. PROFESSIONALISM IN THE WORK PLACE Staff must project a professional image through appropriate dress, good grooming, job knowledge, and a friendly, but business-like manner. All staff members are professionals and must convey a professional attitude. Staff members are expected to: • • • • • • • • • • • • • greet co-workers and visitors courteously; respect the space of others; maintain a clean and organized work area; ensure that all displayed items are attractive, in good taste, and complement the décor of the office; (Normally, advertisements for sales and events of other organizations are not appropriate.) announce where they are going and how soon they will return; reduce volume on radios when requested to do so by others; not use speaker phones in open office areas except for conference calls; use the local buttons on their telephones to communicate interoffice, as opposed to shouting across the room to others; not eat at their desk in the open area under any circumstances; (Should workload dictate a change in lunch schedule, staff may be asked to eat in, but in a designated area away from the office.) use time effectively; follow directions when given by a supervisor; work cooperatively with coworkers; and take personal responsibility for the cleanliness and functionality of common areas such as the workroom, duplicating machines, and restrooms. School Board Rules 6Gx13- 4.108, Violence in the Workplace and 6Gx13- 4-1.09, Employee-Student Relationships address other issues regarding professionalism in the workplace. TELEPHONE ETIQUETTE The only contact that many callers have with M-DCPS is through a telephone conversation. In all cases, these contacts should be positive and helpful in every way. The same cheerful and constructive approach is also needed for walk-in visitors. 1 Voice mail should only be used when the administrator and secretary are not in the office. Before using voice mail, select a secretary in the same office suite to answer the telephone. Telephone calls should be replied to promptly and professionally. First impressions are very important; frequently setting the tone for all that follows. The answer should include a friendly greeting, identification of the office, and the name of the staff member (first and last name or Ms., Miss, Mr., and last name). Examples: • • • "Good Morning. Office of Special Education and Psychological Services, Jane Doe speaking." "Good Morning, Division of Special Education, David Smith speaking." "Hello. This is Miss Lopez of the Division of Special Education. May I help you?" Keep calls short. If it is necessary to put a call on hold, go back frequently to reassure the caller that he or she has not been abandoned. If there will be a long delay, make arrangements to call back - and do so. Keep a log of calls made and received. Calls should be returned as soon as possible, but within 24 hours. Accurate, complete telephone messages should be taken when the administrator is unavailable, including the name and telephone number of the person calling. Staff is reminded that telephone lines should be kept open for business calls. Personal calls should be limited to an absolute minimum. All charges and other long-distance calls should be reported immediately to the work location supervisor and recorded on the phone log. Under no circumstance should a telephone go unanswered. Each administrator, in conjunction with his or her fellow administrators, should ensure that telephones are covered during regular working hours, including lunch time. In order for employees to receive their calls at an alternate work site, their telephone will need to be forwarded: CALL FORWARDING YOUR PHONE EXTENSION FROM WITHIN THE "995" EXCHANGE • • • • Pick up the handset and wait for the dial tone Press *122 When you hear the dial tone, enter the 4 digit extension you would like the calls forwarded to Hang up the receiver to complete the forwarding process To disable the forwarding feature, pick up your handset and press #122. This will send all your calls back to your phone set. 2 CALL FORWARDING YOUR PHONE EXTENSION OUTSIDE THE "995" EXCHANGE Due to security concerns, Systems User Support (SUS) strongly recommends against forwarding calls outside the "995" exchange. • SUS recommends that you record a message on your Audix voice mail box that will provide the calling party with a message and the number where you may be reached. INSTRUCTIONS FOR RECORDING AUDIX MESSAGES • • • • • • • • • • • Dial ENTER PRESS ENTER PRESS PRESS PRESS ENTER PRESS PRESS PRESS 2000 - Welcome message Extension number Pound sign (#) Password for the extension Pound sign (#) 3 - to administer personal greeting 1 - to create, change, or delete a greeting Greeting number to be recorded (1,2, or 3) 1 - to record the message 1- to review message after recording Pound (#) to activate the recording If you have any questions regarding this process, please call SUS at 305-995-3705. CURRENT FEATURE ACCESS CODES (FAC) Feature Access Codes SUNCOM Abbreviated Dialing List 1 Abbreviated Dialing List 2 Abbreviated Dialing List 3 Call Forwarding Activation All: Call Forwarding De-activation Call Pickup Last Number Dialed Send All Calls Activation (SAC) Send all Calls Deactivation SAC) New Access Codes 8600 *177 *188 *199 *122 #122 #144 #111 *133 #133 SBAB ITS C/M Toy's ITS Annex 600 *77 *88 *99 *22 #22 #44 #11 *33 #33 8600 *77 *88 *99 *22 #22 #44 #11 *33 #33 8600 *77 *88 *99 *22 #22 #44 #11 *33 #33 8600 *77 *88 *99 *22 #22 #44 #11 *33 #33 *1 #8 #9 *2 #2 *7 *9 *3 #3 NEW EMPLOYEES The first day on a new job can be stressful and confusing. New employees are to be helped through this period by making sure they are shown where things are and informed about important procedures. New employees should be told, rather than be left to learn by trial and error, about the rules, practices, and procedures of the office. Supervisors should ensure that new employees are added to locator and emergency notification lists. They should also be introduced to co-workers and supervisors, including the Assistant Superintendent. 3 REPORTING ATTENDANCE By 8:30 a.m. daily, administrators who report directly to the Assistant Superintendent must notify one of her administrative secretaries (Ms. Sharon Catalano or Ms. Phyllis Lacroix) if they will be absent (full-day or half-day) and the reason (sick leave, vacation, temporary duty). All 9731 and 9615 employees must call the payroll clerk to notify her if they will be absent and the type of absence. District employees who conduct business away from the base must call-in to report place of business and when necessary, a contact telephone number. Staff on the 9615 payroll should call Ms. Ana Pagliaro at 305-9952739. Staff on the 9731 payroll should call Ms. Pagliaro at 305-995-3086. PAYROLL PROCEDURES The MIS-10657, Daily Payroll Attendance Sheet (APPENDIX A) is one of the most important documents in the payroll process. It is the tool available to the administrator when certifying that the payroll information is correct. Full-time employees must indicate their attendance by personally writing their initials on the sheet. Part-time (hourly) employees must sign in by indicating the actual time they start and end their work day. 9615 and 9731 employees may also be asked to complete a Payroll Verification Document (APPENDIX A). Each administrator is responsible for ensuring that all payroll procedures have been adhered to for all members of his or her unit, including signing in and out. All staff members MUST sign in daily. VACATION Vacation days are accrued and granted for 12 month employees. Please submit to your supervising administrator a leave card and FM 6641, Payroll Leave/Documentation Recommendation/Approval Form at least two weeks in advance. Administrators requesting a vacation in excess of 10 consecutive work days require the supervisor's recommendation and Assistant Superintendent's approval. FM 4643, Payroll Processing Schedule is used to fill all processing and payment dates for the entire fiscal year. The pay dates for the fiscal year are provided on this form. FILES Filing space is limited; therefore, periodically screen the files and purge outdated material in accordance with the records retention schedule. FURNITURE, EQUIPMENT, AND FACILITIES All staff members are responsible for observing the rule of not moving equipment and furniture from the current location in offices without prior approval from the Assistant Superintendent's office. When an item in any area is approved to be moved, notify the appropriate office's Assistant/Associate Superintendent, so property control records can 4 be kept up to date. Complete FM 1670, Outgoing Controlled Equipment for any outgoing equipment and submit it to the appropriate office. Furniture and/or equipment that is no longer needed or is not working should be reported to the appropriate supervisor to arrange for disposition or repair. Property Control procedures are: (1) the administrator of each pay location/division is directly responsible for all equipment and materials assigned to his or her work location on the Property Accounting printout, and (2) should a piece of equipment be temporarily taken off campus, FM 2380, Approval For Off-Campus Use of School Property must be completed. PURCHASE REQUESTS Staff is reminded that purchasing equipment and materials for individual students and classrooms remains a priority for this office. Purchase requests need to be authorized by your immediate supervisor prior to seeking approval by the Assistant Superintendent. The Purchase Request (APPENDIX B) and the Purchase Request Worksheet form (APPENDIX B) must be used when appropriate. School Board Rules 6Gx13- 3C-1.11, Bidding Process; 6Gx13- 3C-1.111, Bidding Process—Competitive Bidding Requirements; and 6Gx13- 3C-1.16, Emergency Purchases address purchase procedures. Reminder: When paying by credit card, use the Purchasing Credit Card Request form (Appendix F) and FM 5707, Purchase Authorization. DUPLICATING AND PRINTING Staff may elect to use the resources of the Department of Graphics and Materials Production or an outside vendor when mass reproduction is necessary. When materials are to be duplicated in large quantities, it is prudent to compare Graphics with cost estimations from outside vendors. In all cases it is necessary to secure a cost estimate and to ensure the availability of funds to cover reproduction costs prior to requesting the service. FM 0875 Department of Graphics and Materials Production Work Request must be completed when the Department of Graphics and materials is fulfilling the order. The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida is committed to recycling as an effective means of preserving the environment. Currently, some M-DCPS documents continue to be printed on colored paper. This paper is not recyclable through the school district's recycling program and its use must be minimized. White paper with colored print and/or borders is an alternative to colored paper. Any questions pertaining to the district's recycling program should be directed to Mr. Alfredo Sardinas, Supervisor, District Inspections, Operations, and Emergency Management, at 305-995-1550. HOSPITALITY The main purpose of Hospitality is to provide refreshments to district guests. FM 5255, Request for Hospitality Services, Form A or FM 5256, Request for Hospitality Services, Form B are to be utilized when requesting this service. 5 REFERRALS Referrals from the Office of the Superintendent, the Deputy Superintendent, and/or Associate Superintendent must be answered within 3 working days, or earlier, when directed. If a full reply cannot be made within that time, provide an interim answer. When staff members prepare correspondences for others to sign, it is essential that writers "put themselves in the signer's shoes" in order to get the proper perspective and tone. When appropriate, avoid educational jargon, abbreviations, as well as specialized and technical terminology. If letterhead is used, ensure it reflects the correct Board Members and information regarding the person who is going to sign the letter. The correspondence is often sent back to the preparer for changes and/or corrections. Return both the annotated original version and the corrected version. If the item is completely retyped, that fact needs to be noted so the item can be reproofed in its entirety. Be certain to return the original correspondence that generated the referral. CORRESPONDENCE FOR SIGNATURE OF THE ADMINISTRATIVE DIRECTOR The following procedures are to be followed when processing correspondence and responses for the Administrative Director. 1. All letters/memoranda must have an assigned number to be typed below the typist's initials on memoranda. All correspondence should be dated at least two days in advance. 2. All letters/memoranda should include the initials of the Administrative Director and the typist. When appropriate, a paragraph should be included that states that inquiries should be directed to a specified name, title, department, telephone number and email address. 3. After signature, the letter/memorandum will be returned to the originator for distribution. CORRESPONDENCE FOR SIGNATURE OF THE ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT The Assistant Superintendent's administrative secretaries are responsible for the Assistant Superintendent's correspondences. They should be consulted if there are technical questions about preparing a correspondence by the Assistant Superintendent. 1. Any correspondence directed to the Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent, Associate Superintendent, or Regional Superintendent will be prepared for the Assistant Superintendent's signature only, and will be approved by the administrator in charge of the originating work location prior to transmittal to the office of the Assistant Superintendent. 6 2. Correspondence transmitted under the signature of the Assistant Superintendent must include a transmittal number reference issued by either Ms. Sharon Catalano or Ms. Phyllis Lacroix. This number is to be typed below the date on the memorandum and below the referenced initials on letters. All correspondence must be dated at least two days in advance. 3. Memoranda to other work locations that request the expenditure of funds will be prepared for the signature of the Assistant Superintendent, and will be approved by the administrator of the originating work location prior to transmittal to the office of the Assistant Superintendent. 4. Correspondence prepared for the signature of the Superintendent, the Deputy Superintendent, and/or the Associate Superintendent will be approved by the immediate supervisor of the initiator and all Directors in the given reporting structure prior to transmittal to the office of the Assistant Superintendent. 5. Written communications directed to regional center offices and/or schools will provide copies to the Associate Superintendent for School Operations and to corresponding Regional Superintendents and Regional Directors. 6. E-mail may be prepared for the signature of the Assistant Superintendent. If action is required, follow the approval chain and other requirements previously set forth. In the event that there is a need to send an e-mail message and the Assistant Superintendent is not available, the message may be approved by the Administrative Director. 7. All letters/memoranda should include the initials of the Assistant Superintendent and the typist. A paragraph should be included stating that inquiries should be directed to a specific name, title, e-mail and telephone number. 8. After signature, the letter/memoranda will be returned to the originating department for distribution. One file copy should include attachments (when applicable). When providing a correspondence for the Assistant Superintendent, please review the sample Memorandum Format - Assistant Superintendent and sample Letter Format - Assistant Superintendent (APPENDIX C). CORRESPONDENCE FOR SIGNATURE OF THE ASSOCIATE SUPERINTENDENT, CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPORT OR THE DEPUTY SUPERINTENDENT, CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION: Please follow these procedures when writing a correspondence Superintendent: 1. or response for the Associate Superintendent or Deputy All letters/memoranda must have an assigned number (call Ms. Alina Romero at 305-995-2432 or Ms. Matty Corujo at 305-995-4202). All correspondence should be dated at least two days in advance. 7 2. All letters/memoranda should include the initials of the Associate Superintendent and the typist. Include a statement that inquiries should be directed to a specific name, title, department, and telephone number. After signature, the letter/memorandum will be returned to the originator for distribution. 3. Use the appropriate Routing Approval form (APPENDIX C). When providing a correspondence for the Associate or Deputy Superintendent, use the following: Memorandum Format - Associate Superintendent, Letter Format - Associate Superintendent, Memorandum Format - Deputy Superintendent or Letter Format Deputy Superintendent (APPENDIX C). Required File Copies: Listed below are guidelines of file copies required when processing referrals/correspondence from the Deputy Superintendent: • • Referrals from the Deputy Superintendent for Superintendent's signature, two file copies (one copy should include attachments, if applicable) Letters/memoranda for the Deputy Superintendent's signature, three file copies (one copy should include attachments, if applicable). CORRESPONDENCE FOR SIGNATURE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT When providing a correspondence for the Superintendent of Schools, please review the sample Memorandum Format - Superintendent of Schools and sample Letter Format Superintendent of Schools. All items requiring the Superintendents signature should be processed through the Assistant Superintendent's administrative secretaries, unless specifically directed otherwise. Please use the sample Transmittal Memorandum Format for all transmittal memoranda to the School Board. These forms may be reviewed in APPENDIX C. CONTACT WITH THE SUPERINTENDENT OR BOARD MEMBERS Please apprise the Assistant Superintendent of any meetings and/or verbal referrals with the Superintendent or a Board member. It is essential that the Assistant Superintendent be made aware of these referrals/contacts since the Assistant Superintendent is often asked questions about these issues or asked to follow-up. Likewise, the Assistant Superintendent will advise of any matters that concern the specified office. PREPARATION FOR AGENDA PREPARATION MEETING Proposed agenda items are due to the Board Agenda Facilitator (Ms. Judi Fain - ext. 1742) preceding the Agenda Preparation meeting. All proposed agenda items submitted through this office will be subject to agenda preparation editorial and other guidelines. The Board Agenda Timeline chart is provided in APPENDIX D. 8 PREPARATION FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACTS All of the Professional Services Contracts must be reviewed by Professional Services Contacts (PSC). Please review School Board Rule 6Gx13-3F-1.021, regarding the Preparation of Professional Services Contracts and School Board Rule 6Gx13-3C-1.15 regarding General Authorization Requisitions. STAFF FOLLOW-UP TO BOARD MEETINGS Following each Board meeting, a staff follow-up assignment memorandum is distributed to Senior Staff in draft form to confirm the nature of the assignment and the staff member to whom the assignment has been given. Unless otherwise directed, staff follow-up is due to the Assistant Superintendent, no later than the Friday preceding the next School Board meeting. Preparation of staff follow-up includes a memorandum that provides the information, responds to Board direction, or otherwise addresses the issues raised at the Board meeting. Included is a transmittal memorandum from the Superintendent to Members of The School Board. In both the follow-up and transmittal memoranda, the subject includes the agenda item number and the date of the School Board meeting. RECOGNITION AT SCHOOL BOARD MEETING Requests for special recognition at a School Board meeting are processed in the following manner: requests, whether related to students, teachers, or others, including non-school persons, are formally submitted to the Assistant Superintendent through her direct reports meeting. The Assistant Superintendent will review the requests and as appropriate, submit them to the Associate Superintendent of Curriculum and Instructional Support for possible inclusion at a Board meeting. COMMUNICATIONS WITH SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS On several occasions, Board Members have not been informed of public meetings, school system functions, or community events in which other elected officials took part. This kind of oversight causes Board Members public embarrassment. A list of Board Members is available online. The following procedure is to be adhered to in the future to avoid such omissions: 1. Administrators who are planning future events are directed to provide the Assistant Superintendent with a copy of invitations at least three weeks prior to an event, followed by the program/agenda once the event is finalized. 2. The Assistant Superintendent will forward this information to the Superintendent of Schools. 3. The Superintendent's office will then communicate with the Chairperson of the Board, Board Members, and their administrative assistants. 9 It will be the responsibility of the Bureau of Community Services and Career Preparation to prepare transmittal communications for School Board members regarding internal and external events of major importance, or other events dealing with policy issues. GUIDELINES FOR PROGRAM INTRODUCTIONS OF SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS Staff members are directed to adhere to the following guidelines: 1. Any time a School Board Member is in attendance at a district function, the Board Member should be introduced publicly at the beginning of the program, unless the Board Member has a published role within the program. 2. Depending on the nature of the occasion, you are encouraged to invite an attending Board Member to speak. Do not, however, surprise a Board Member by publicly inviting him or her to speak if you have not previously expressed an intention to do so. 3. When the Chair, Vice Chair, or another Board Member has a role in a program opening, he or she should be provided an opportunity to introduce any of his or her peers on the Board who are present, and/or any administrative assistants who may be in attendance. 4. Any time a School Board Member and his or her administrative assistant are in attendance, both should be introduced. In a case where there is more than one Board Member, introduce all Board Members first and then introduce the administrative assistants. 5. In the event a Board Member is not present but his or her administrative assistant is, the administrative assistant should be introduced as "representing" his or her Board Member. 6. Do not list a Board Member's name on a printed program unless it has been discussed with the Board Member or administrative assistant first. Then, when he or she is listed, call a day or two in advance of the event to confirm the Board Member's attendance and participation. If at all possible, it is best to provide the Board Member with an advance copy of the printed program. 7. If a Board Member has a part on a printed program and is not in attendance, but his or her administrative assistant is present, the administrative assistant will assume responsibility for the role that the Board Member was to play unless the Board Member has previously indicated otherwise. 8. Introductions of Board Members and/or administrative assistants should be done in the following order: Chair, Vice Chair, and Board Members in alphabetical order. In the absence of Board Members or following the introduction of Board Members present, the introduction of administrative assistants should be completed in the order of their respective Board members. 10 9. If the Student Advisor to the Board is in attendance at a district function, he or she should be introduced after all Board Members and administrative assistants. MANUAL ADMINISTRATIVE PERSONNEL PROCEDURES (MAPP) The MAPP addresses all the Public Employees Relation Commission's (PERC) approved managerial exempt positions. The plan includes employment policies, guidelines, provisions, and regulations governing the classification, compensation, and performance appraisal systems for exempt managerial personnel. A copy of the plan is sent directly to individuals of the MAPP from Personnel Management and Services. EDUCATIONAL SPECIALIST GUIDELINES Educational specialists are governed by the terms and conditions set forth in the contract negotiated between M-DCPS and UTD. Work Hours: The workday for district or regional center educational specialists shall be 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., unless a work assignment leads to an employee to be at an alternate work location at the beginning or end of the day. If no pending assignment requires a return to the base work location, the employee, for the purpose of safety, may assume the work hours of the alternate location. Compensatory Time: The M-DCPS/UTD contract states, "In the event an employee is required to work on a holiday or the day it is observed, the employee shall be entitled to a compensatory day off." No other compensatory time for teachers is provided for by the rule or contract. Filling of Educational Specialist Positions: All educational specialist positions are filled on an annual basis. All educational specialist positions will be for a 10-month period, unless approval has been granted by the Assistant Superintendent. SECRETARIAL/CLERICAL PERSONNEL GUIDELINES Confidential exempt employees of M-DCPS are selected personnel who hold positions classified by the PERC as confidential exempt, and who report to managerial personnel who are exempt from the provisions of Chapter 447, Florida Statutes. Employees in this category are governed by the terms and conditions set forth in the Classification and Compensation Plan for Confidential Exempt Personnel. A copy of the guidelines is on file in the office of the Assistant Superintendent. Work Hours: Secretarial personnel work the same hours as other staff, 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Agreement between M-DCPS and UTD: Office personnel (other than Confidential Exempt Personnel) are governed by the terms and conditions set forth in the negotiated contract between M-DCPS and UTD. 11 Overtime: Overtime should be used to complete high priority projects established by the Assistant Superintendent. The employee shall be compensated at an hourly rate of 1 1/2 times his or her regular hourly rate for the primary position. Overtime may be claimed only for work performed beyond the regularly scheduled standard work week of 40 hours (which includes a minimum of 37 1/2 working hours). When overtime is reported, an overtime slip must be signed by the supervising administrator and submitted with the payroll attendance roster. Overtime is to be reported on the sign-in sheet. Compensatory Time: When compensatory time is earned, a record should be made on FM 2378, Compensatory Time Report. After being signed by the administrator responsible for the payroll, a copy should be maintained with that administrative unit. No compensatory time or overtime request will be honored unless all appropriate procedures have been followed. The use of compensatory time (and overtime) is restricted to clerical personnel only. Overtime and compensatory time must be administered as specified in the Fair Labor Standards Act and the M-DCPS/UTD contract. EARLY DISMISSAL/BREAKS Confidential Exempt: Administrators shall have the authority to release confidential exempt employees one hour early on the day that precedes a holiday or recess. Other Office Personnel (UOPD): Supervising administrators shall have the authority to release unit members 30 minutes early on a work day that precedes a holiday or recess. If the holiday or recess begins on a Monday, supervising administrators may release unit member 30 minutes early on the preceding Friday. Leave: Sick leave, personal leave, and vacation leave are provided to cover the periodic need to be absent from the office during contracted hours. Secretaries must adhere to the secretarial contract. A record is to be maintained of those occasions when secretaries arrive late or leave early. The hours absent from the office are to be reported through the established procedure so that cumulative leave totals may be reduced accordingly. Infrequent instances that cause minor variations in the work schedule will not be charged against accrued leave. According to the secretarial contract, "Unit employees may be released from their work without penalty for up to two hours for the purpose of medical and/or dental care with verification upon return." Prior approval of the supervising administrator is required FM 6641, Payroll Leave/Documentation before this option is exercised. Recommendation/Approval Form should be completed. Part-Time Hourly Personnel: Hourly employees may not exceed 25 hours per week (AFSCME Bargaining Unit may work 30 hours per week). In emergencies, personnel may exceed these norms, if approved by Personnel Management and Services. 12 Lunch Hour and Break Time: A sixty minute staggered lunch break will be scheduled for secretarial and clerical staff members beginning no earlier than 11:30 a.m. and ending no later than 1:30 p.m. Break time will be staggered in a similar fashion. Under no circumstance are extended lunch hours to be taken by any staff member, except for special approved occasions such as luncheon meetings. PERFORMANCE REVIEW Non-School Site Administrators: The Non-School Site Administrator Performance Review system consists of the following three phases that form a cycle within the appraisal process: The Planning Phase, the Progress Phase, and the Evaluation Phase. The Planning Phase requires a review and clarification of the job description as well as the identification of job targets for the school year. Planning is done in cooperation with the supervisor and within the content of the objectives of M-DCPS. Plans that are established at this time, although subject to change, will serve as a basis for subsequent phases of the process. The Planning Phase involves the completion of a written plan by the end of September of each year. A copy of this plan, FM 4192, Performance Planning and Assessment System Planning Form must be used. The Progress Phase requires one or more scheduled conferences between the administrator and the supervisor regarding the progress made toward fulfilling the overall job responsibilities and identified job targets. This phase involves completion of FM 4193, Performance Planning and Assessment System Non-School Site Administrator Progress Form, by the end of January each year. Administrators not on the regular schedule of planning and appraisal activities because of assignment to a work location during the year shall be scheduled for a progress conference within three months after the date of their planning conference. The Evaluation Phase involves a comprehensive review of the administrator's competencies and job target performance for the employment year. Additionally, job targets for the following year are preliminarily identified at this time. This phase involves the completion of FM 4194, Performance Planning and Assessment System NonSchool Site Administration Evaluation Form. School Support/Resource Personnel (SSRP): Annual evaluations of SSRP are conducted following procedures consistent with the M-DCPS/UTD contract, and are reported no later than June 1 of the employment year. FM 6435, Annual Evaluation School Support/Resource Personnel (SSRP) developed by the Professional Assessment and Comprehensive Evaluation System (PACES) is utilized. Additional information will be provided regarding professional growth plans for support personnel when it is available. 13 Confidential/Exempt Personnel: Evaluation of confidential/exempt personnel should be completed using form FM 3090, Exempt/Confidential Personnel Evaluation. General provisions of the evaluation procedures are as follows: All confidential exempt employees shall receive an annual evaluation no later than June 30 of the current fiscal year. Supervisors of confidential exempt personnel staff shall conduct a formal "Conference for the Record" with confidential exempt employees who are performing below expectations on or before December 31. The supervising administrator will provide a written recommendation specifying how the performance should be remediated. The professional judgment of the supervisor is the key element in determining an employee's job-related competencies and performance. Employees shall be given a copy of their official evaluation form and will be asked to sign it. The employee's signature means only that the reviewed employee has seen and received a copy of the document. Evaluations that are below expectations may be used to support termination or other actions adverse to the employee. Confidential exempt personnel may use grievance procedures in disputes stemming from evaluation procedures. Upon hiring, each confidential exempt employee should be informed of the significance of evaluation procedures, of the evaluation form, and of its relation to his or her job. Regular Employees: From the beginning of the fiscal year (or upon hiring), administrators should make reasonable efforts to assist employees to perform their duties successfully. In those instances where an employee's performance is below expectations, the administrator shall notify the employee in writing of the deficiencies and the corrective actions to be taken. Office Personnel - UTD: All office personnel covered by the M-DCPS/UTD contract are evaluated by a procedure consistent with the labor contract. Evaluations are conducted annually and are reported on FM 3882, Evaluation of Office Personnel. SUNSHINE LAW Advisory Committees, Selection Committees for Reviewing Responses to Requests for Proposals, Professional Services Contracts Committees, and all other meetings that may result in a policy recommendation to the School Board must comply with Florida's government-in-the-sunshine law. District Advisory Meeting Notices must be posted at least 5 working days prior to the meeting. The Meeting Announcements website describes how to view a meeting and how to post a meeting. BENEFITS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF EMPLOYEES INJURED IN THE LINE OF DUTY The Office of Risk and Benefits Management coordinates the workers' compensation program and School Board benefits. The Worker' Compensation Manual delineates all 14 procedures and provides all the forms. School Board Rule 6Gx13- 4E-1.13 Illness or Injury In-Line-of-Duty -- Instructional and Non-Instructional addresses this issue. ADVERTISMENTS AT THE DISTRICT OFFICE COMPLEX Staff members are reminded to review School Board Rules 6Gx13-1C-1.051, 6Gx131C-1.05, 6Gx13-1A-1.09, 6Gx13-1A-1.16, and 6Gx13-1A-1.161. These rules specify conditions for communicating with the public and public activities involving staff and students. FUND-RAISING DRIVES AND SELLING OF MERCHANDISE OR SERVICES The annual United Way drive among school personnel is an approved School Board fund-raising drive. No other fund-raising drives are to be conducted among school personnel and under no circumstance should a school system employee capitalize on his or her position in the district to sell merchandise or services. To do so would be considered a violation of School Board Rule 6Gx13-1C-1.09. PURCHASE REQUISITIONS Refer to School Board Rules 6Gx13-3C-1.091 and 6Gx13-3C-1.10 regarding the processing of purchase requisitions and purchase approvals. Refer to FM 2452, Transmittal for Agreement Form for Contracted Services, FM 2453, Agreement Form for Contracted Services, and FM 2454, Payment Request for Contracted Services regarding procedures for these services. TRAVEL GUIDELINES School Board Rule 6Gx13-4C-1.07 delineates guidelines for both in-county and out-ofcounty travel. The M-DCPS Travel Policies & Procedures Manual details policies regarding all travel. Use FM 5852, Travel Expense Work Sheet, FM 2821 Employee Reimbursement, FM 0148 Voucher for Reimbursement of In-County Travel, and the Intra-Office Out-of-County Travel Follow-Up (APPENDIX E) when appropriate. The base of operations for in-county travel purposes can only be changed if the employee is actually reassigned to a new work location. Temporary reassignments do not warrant a change. The appropriateness of all out-of-county travel will be judged according to its relevance. Documentation must accompany each out-of-county travel request including support evidence such as written invitations to participate and program agendas. The person requesting authorization to travel must secure approval from the administrator in charge of the work location. After the proper routing of signatures, please forward the Request for Travel Approval memo (APPENDIX E) and FM 1104, Request for Travel Expense Advance/Reimbursement to Ms. Catalano. When traveling as the Superintendent's representative, provide a confirming memorandum to the Superintendent or his designee. 15 APPENDIX A WORK LOCATION THE SCHOOL BOARD OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA DAIL Y PAYROLL ATTENDANCE PAY COD~ C/N 01S51 SHEET PAY PERIOD BEGINNING PAY PERIOD ENDING tOTAL £"'~LOY££ MAJ.<£ "'" IM'lOYU 'U"Uk ~ " "".10<11 ~"'.\<><.UI MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS DIVISION OF SPECIAL EDUCATION WILL GORDILLO, ADMINISTRATIVE DIRECTOR """'" ~~ Miami-Dade County Public Schools gMng our ,Iudenls the world WORK LOCATION 9615 Payroll Verification Document WEEK OF PROGRAM' Employee Number Pay Code Employee Name Fri. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thur. Fri. Mon. Tues. THROUGH Wed. Thur. TOTAL ~ This is an official document which is maintained with payroll records for verification purposes. This document is to be faxed every Thursday, no later than 12:00 noon, to 305-523-0541. Attention: Ms. Ana Pagliaro. In case of problems with fax transmission, Ms. Pagliaro can be contacted at 305-995-1449. Mail originals to Ms. Pagliaro, Mail Code: 1500 Biscayne Blvd., Room 409 - ESE District Office. Directions: .. Employee initials indicate days present. When employee is absent please state reason: H S P V TD = Holiday = Sick = Personal = Vacation = Temporary Duty Approved By: Administrator/Designee Signature Revised 07/24/07 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS DIVISION OF SPECIAL EDUCATION Mr. Will GORDillO, ADMINISTRATIVE DIRECTOR WORK LOCATION 9731 Payroll Verification Document WEEK OF THROUGH """" Te; Miami-Dade County PubUe $chools gMng ou, sludenls 'he world PROGRAM' . Employee Number Pay Code Employee Name Fri. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thur. Fri. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thur. TOTAL " This is an official document which is maintained with payroll records for verification purposes. This document is to be faxed every Thursday, no later than 12:00 noon, to 305-995-3096. Attention: Ms. Ana Pagliaro. In case of problems with fax transmission, Ms. Pagliaro can be contacted at 305-995-1449. Mail originals to Ms. Pagliaro, Mail Code: 1500 Biscayne Blvd., Room 409 - ESE District Office. Directions: . Employee initials indicate days present. When employee is absent please state reason: H S P V TD = Holiday = Sick = Personal = Vacation = Temporary Duty Approved By: Administrator/Designee Signature Revised07/24/07 APPENDIX B . ~. . ~ Miami-Dacle County Public Schools <ft;fII$l~ ~ Office of Special Education and Psychological Services PURCHASE ORDER REQUEST # (For WG bookkeeping use only) To: Ms. Brucie Ball, Assistant Superintendent Office of Special Educationand PsychologicalServices From: Will Gordillo, Administrative Director Division of Special Education Date: The attached is a request for purchase submitted for your approval: Vendor: Type of Purchase 1: Program Name: Requestor: Reviewed by: Total: Comments2: APPROVED: Will Gordillo Date FUNDING STRUCTURE: FUND # OBJECT # LOC # PROGRAM # Purchase Order Request 1 Supplies, Equipment, Registration Fees, etc 2 Identify who will use the items and what is the purpose of this purchase Glt. FUNCTION # Revised 7/19/07 . ~ Office of Special Education and Psychological Services PURCHASE ORDER WORKSHEET Miami-Dade County Public Schools Originator: CATEG Date Req.: Vendor: I BUYER P.O. # I I SHIP TO I Address: Phone: VENDOR ITEM# QTYI UOM DESCRIPTION . UNIT TOTAL PRICE PRICE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SUBTOTAL SHIPPING COST "additional space is continued on next page" TOTAL COST FUND 5310 5350 5360 5365 D 0420 OBJECT Professional & Technical Repairs & Maintenance Rental of Facilities D D LOCATION 9615 Other Capital Lease (Copiers) PROGRAM 5390 5399 Printing & Duplicating Supplies Audio Visual Equiptment D4568 IDEA D 0100 5510 5620 Local 5640 5690 New Equipment Software DFIN DPBS 5730 Dues and Fees D 9766 VICTORY D Other Federal D Printing, Binding & Repr Other Office of Special Education and Psychological Services Purchase Order Worksheet 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $0.00 FUNCTION D D 5200 Students 5217 Exceptional Child D 5218 Voc Hand D 6300 Instr. & Curricul-Off D 6400 Instr & Curr Dev Office D 9100 Parent Training DVSA D Other Glt. Revised 7/19/07 lof2 - ., . # VENDOR ITEM # DESCRIPTION QTYI UOM UNIT TOTAL PRICE PRICE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Office of Special Education and Psychological Services Purchase Order Worksheet Glt. Revised 7/19/07 20f2 APPENDIX C MEMORANDUM Date TO: The Honorable Chair and Members of The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida FROM: Rudolph F. Crew, Superintendent of Schools SUBJECT: TRANSMITTAL MEMORANDUM FORMAT Please use this format for all transmittal memoranda to The School Board of MiamiDade County, Florida. Always cc: either the Superintendent's Cabinet or Superintendent's Senior Staff. If the appropriate names to be cc'd are a part of the Cabinet or the Senior Staff, you need not list their names individually. RFC/APD/LCR/typist M0000 Attachment(s) cc: Superintendent’s Cabinet Superintendent's Senior Staff School Board Attorney Miami-Dade County School Board Agustin J. Barrera, Chair Dr. Martin Karp, Vice Chair Renier Diaz de la Portilla Evelyn Langlieb Greer Perla Taberas Hantman Dr. Robert B.Ingram Ana Rivas Logan Dr. Marta Pérez Dr. Solomon C. Stinson Superintendent of Schools Rudolph F. Crew, Ed.D. Date Name Address City, State, Zip Dear Name: Please follow the format shown in this letter when preparing a letter for Ms. Ball's signature. The date should be centered. All letters should include Ms. Ball's and the typist's initials. The letter number and the school year should be placed immediately under the initials. If the letter includes an attachment, please indicate so on the line under the letter number. Dr. Lourdes C. Rovira is always cc'd on Ms. Ball's letters. The final paragraph of the letter should indicate the name, title, office, telephone number, and email address of the person who should be contacted if the addressee has additional questions or concerns. The letter is closed using Ms. Ball's name and title. The closing and signature should be spaced one tab from the center, as indicated below. Sincerely, Brucie Ball Assistant Superintendent BB/sac L000/07-08 Attachment cc: Dr. Lourdes C. Rovira Office of Special Education and Psychological Services 1500 Biscayne Boulevard • Suite 407-P • Miami, Florida 33132 305 995-1721 • Superintendent of Schools Rudolph F. Crew, Ed.D. Miami-Dade County School Board Agustin J. Barrera, Chair Dr. Martin Karp, Vice Chair Renier Diaz de la Portilla Evelyn Langlieb Greer Perla Tabares Hantman Dr. Robert B. Ingram Ana Rivas Logan Dr. Marta Pérez Dr. Solomon C. Stinson Date Name Address City, State, Zip Dear Name: Please follow the format demonstrated in this letter when preparing correspondence for the Superintendent's signature. It is requested that the date be centered, with [paragraphs blocked rather than indented. Be sure to include within the body of the letter, the name and telephone number of the appropriate office to whom inquiries should be directed. Your assistance in following these procedures will ensure expeditious handling of correspondence. Sincerely, Rudolph F. Crew, Ed. D. Superintendent of Schools RFC:pf L000 (R000/000) cc: Superintendent's Cabinet School Board Attorney nd School Board Administration Building • 1450 N. E. 2 Avenue • Miami, Florida 33132 305 995-1430 • Superintendent of Schools Rudolph F. Crew, Ed.D. Miami-Dade County School Board Agustin J. Barrera, Chair Dr. Martin Karp, Vice Chair Renier Diaz de la Portilla Evelyn Langlieb Greer Perla Tabares Hantman Dr. Robert B. Ingram Ana Rivas Logan Dr. Marta Pérez Dr. Solomon C. Stinson Date Name Address City, State, Zip Dear Name Please follow the format demonstrated in this letter when preparing correspondence for the Deputy Superintendent's signature. Be sure to include within the body of the letter, the name and telephone number of the appropriate office to whom inquiries should be directed. Your assistance in following these procedures will ensure expeditious handling of correspondence. Sincerely, Antoinette Dunbar, Deputy Superintendent Curriculum and Instruction AD/BB:gf L717 (R1792) cc: School Board Members Dr. Rudolph F. Crew Dr. Lourdes C. Rovira nd Curriculum and Instruction • 1450 N. E. 2 Avenue • Miami, Florida 33132 305 995-1451 • Superintendent of Schools Rudolph F. Crew, Ed.D. Date Miami-Dade County School Board Agustin J. Barrera, Chair Dr. Martin Karp, Vice Chair Renier Diaz de la Portilla Evelyn Langlieb Greer Perla Tabares Hantman Dr. Robert B. Ingram Ana Rivas Logan Dr. Marta Pérez Dr. Solomon C. Stinson Name Address City, State, Zip Dear Name: Please follow the format demonstrated in this letter when preparing correspondence for the Associate Superintendent's signature. Be sure to include within the body of the letter, the name and telephone number of the appropriate office to whom inquiries should be directed. Ms. Antoinette Dunbar is always cc'd on Dr. Rovira's letters. Your assistance in following these procedures will ensure expeditious handling of correspondence. Sincerely, Lourdes C. Rovira, Ed.D. Associate Superintendent Curriculum and Instructional Support LCR/DAM:gf L923 (R000/000) cc: Ms. Antoinette Dunbar Curriculum and Instructional Support1 • 1500 Biscayne Blvd., Suite 327k • Miami, Florida 33132 305 995-2432 • FAX 305 995-1983 MEMORANDUM T0: Ms. Antoinette Dunbar, Deputy Superintendent Curriculum and Instruction FROM: Brucie Ball, Assistant Superintendent Office of Special Education and Psychological Services SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM FORMAT July 15, 2006 M999/07-08 305-995-1721 Please follow this format when preparing memoranda for Ms. Ball's signature. Proof for spelling, dates, telephone numbers, names, titles and cc's. Be sure to include the memo number and appropriate referral numbers, if applicable. You may obtain a memo number by calling either Ms. Sharon Catalono at 305-995-1122 or Ms. Phyllis Lacroix at 305-995-1720. All memos should include Ms. Ball's and the typist's initials. The date, memo number and school year, and the office main telephone number appear in the top right side of the memo. If the memo includes an attachment, please indicate so on the line under Ms. Ball's and the typist's initials. Dr. Lourdes C. Rovira is always cc'd on Ms. Ball's memos. The final paragraph of the memo should include the name, title, email, telephone number, and office to whom inquiries should be directed. BB/sac Attachments cc: Dr. Lourdes C. Rovira MEMORANDUM TO: Ms. Jane Doe, Secretary Office…. FROM: Rudolph F. Crew, Superintendent of Schools SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM FORMAT July 1, 2007 Please follow this format when preparing a memo for the Superintendent's signature. Be sure to include the memo number and appropriate referral numbers, if applicable. You may obtain a memo number by calling the Superintendent's office. If the memo includes an attachment, please indicate so on the line under the memo number. RFC:pf M0000 (R000/000) Attachment(s) cc: Superintendent’s Cabinet School Board Attorney MEMORANDUM TO: Ms. Ofelia San Pedro, Deputy Superintendent Business Operations FROM: Antoinette Dunbar, Deputy Superintendent Curriculum and Instruction SUBJECT: REQUEST March 19, 2007 Please follow this format when preparing a memo for the Deputy Superintendent's signature. Be sure to include the memo number and appropriate referral numbers, if applicable. You may obtain a memo number by calling the Associate Superintendent's office. If the memo includes an attachment, please indicate so on the line under the memo number. Dr. Rudolph F. Crew is always cc'd on Ms. Dunbar's memos. AD/BB:pbl M298 Attachment cc: Dr. Rudolph F. Crew MEMORANDUM TO: Ms. Ofelia San Pedro, Deputy Superintendent Business Operations FROM: Lourdes C. Rovira, Associate Superintendent Curriculum and Instructional Support SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM FORMAT March 19, 2007 LCR/2007-2008/M#999 Please follow this format when preparing a memo for Dr. Rovira's signature. Be sure to include the memo number and appropriate referral numbers, if applicable. You may obtain a memo number by calling either Ms. Alina Romero at 305-995-2432 or Ms. Matty Corujo at 305-995-4202. All memos should include Dr. Rovira's and the typist's initials. The date, memo number and school year appear in the top right side of the memo. If the memo includes an attachment, please indicate so on the line under the memo number. Ms. Antoinette Dunbar is always cc'd on Dr. Rovira's memos. The final paragraph of the memo should include the name, title, email, telephone number, and office to whom inquiries should be directed. LCR/mec Attachment cc: Ms. Antoinette Dunbar Date: TO: Ms. Antoinette Dunbar, Deputy Superintendent Curriculum and Instruction FROM: Brucie Ball, Assistant Superintendent Office of Special Education and Psychological Services SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR SUPERINTENDENT’S SIGNATURE DOCUMENT SUBMITTED: MS. BROWN: THE ATTACHED HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND IS READY FOR YOUR REVIEW FOR ROUTING TO MS. DUNBAR FOR HER APPROVAL. _______________________________ DR. ROVIRA MS. DUNBAR: THE ATTACHED HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND IS READY TO BE ROUTED TO THE SUPERINTENDENT FOR HIS SIGNATURE, IF APPROVED. _______________________________ MS. BROWN DR. CREW: THE ATTACHED HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND IS READY FOR YOUR SIGNATURE. ______________________________ MS. DUNBAR Date: TO: Ms. Antoinette Dunbar, Deputy Superintendent Curriculum and Instruction FROM: Brucie Ball, Assistant Superintendent Office of Special Education and Psychological Services SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR MS. DUNBAR’S SIGNATURE DOCUMENT SUBMITTED: MS. BROWN: THE ATTACHED HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND IS READY FOR YOUR REVIEW FOR ROUTING TO MS. DUNBAR FOR HER SIGNATURE, IF APPROVED. ____________________________ DR. ROVIRA MS. DUNBAR: THE ATTACHED HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND IS READY FOR YOUR SIGNATURE, IF APPROVED. ____________________________ MS. BROWN Date: TO: Dr. Lourdes C. Rovira, Associate Superintendent Curriculum and Instructional Support FROM: Brucie Ball, Assistant Superintendent Office of Special Education and Psychological Services SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR DR. ROVIRA’S SIGNATURE DOCUMENT SUBMITTED: DR. ROVIRA: THE ATTACHED HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND IS READY FOR YOUR SIGNATURE. APPENDIX D January 2007 -December 2007 Board Agenda Timeline "'" "-~,~,.'. 0 Board Items under: Instructional Excellence and Community EngagementCommittee Items Due for Duplication (Curriculum, Instruction, and School Board Items. Back-up. and Supplemental Information Items for School Board Meeting Qf: Revised Items due for Duplication (Agenda Prep.) Improvement Due to Annex Room 235 No later than 10:00 a.m, ;j Q) Q) School Improvement Board Items Review Meeting) S: Q) '> Q) IX "E ro 0 ro C Annex Room 326- V 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. (unless otherwise noted)' ,g 12/06/06 01/17/07 01/08/07 02/14/07 '6 '0 "«1/1 12/08/06 0 'in 01/12/07 c 12/12/06 , I 03(14/07 , 02/05/07 04/18/07 03/05/07 '.;:I0. 05/16/07 04/09/07 05/03/07 I: 02/09/07 ' 02/15/07 03/16/07 -0 0 '0 ,2 Qj Q. 03/12/07 05/10/07 I 05/18/07 I I 06/14/07 I 08/01/07 06/25/07 06/29/07 I 07/03/07 I 09/05/07 07/16/07 07/23/07 I 08/02/07 I 09/17/07 I 09/19/07 11/20/07 10/15/07 10/22/07 I 12/19/07 11/08/07 11/15/07 I 02/01/07 I 02/08/07 > 0 0I::1 C) ... 03/01/07 I 03/08/07 '0=1 0 03/29/07 I 04/12/07 1 05/03/07 I 05/10/07 I OS/29/07 I 06/07/07 06/18/07 06/28/07 07/09/07', 07/12/07 07/19/07 07/26/07 02/16/07 03/20/07 '.;:I §« E 'C Q) Q)IX VI 04/23/07 E ::I OS/21/07 "5 U 'E ::I u ! E 0 01:: C) C Q) Q) .2 ,E .E 06/11/07 09/10/07 I c VI C) :!1:! E Q. 06/04/07 10/17/07 01/11/07 01/23/07 0 U ' 04/19/07 04/16/07 I r:: '0 . 12/21/06 '0'0 «" IX ro 07/11/07 - I ... SBAB Conference Room 726 G-&.m1Mr.m: If d,,,' /7-:v.'/,'77 I :;;-D- ;J.: u-O I 12/14/06 c.c 0 U 'in V1 '> '0 Q) C .2 06/13/07 , IX I c 0. 0 Q) '6 '0- E «"VI 00 2:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. 01/19/07 Due to Annex Room 235 No later than 10:00 a.m, VI C > 0 E! '> Q) E VI Q) Community. Engagement Committee Meeting Meeting) Allitems must be input into the elAgenda no later than 12:00 noon Q) I VI C Instructional Excellence & Duplication (Committee 12:00 noon :E Board Items Review' Meeting Due to Annex Room 235 No later than 12:00 noon Due to Annex Room 235 No later than d> c Curriculum, Instruction, and Supplemental Memorandums and Revised Items due for I Q. / 08/13/07 1 08/23/07 I 08/30/07 IX 09/24/07 10/04/07 10/11/07 10/24/07 10/29/07 11/08/07 11/15/07 11/16/07 11/26/07 12/06/07 12/13/07 I Revised 12/29/2006 \< " APPENDIX E MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Office of Special Education and Psychological Services Ms. Brucie Ball, Assistant Superintendent OUT OF COUNTY TRAVEL FOLLOW-UP REPORT [INTRA-OFFICE] Name of Employee: Type of Event: Dates of Travel: Meeting Memo # _________ Workshop Conference / / - / / Other ________ Funding Source: ________________ (i.e., IDEA, FDLRS, DOE, etc.) Name of Event Attended: Location of Event: Please check all that apply: Presenter District Request to Attend Attendee Follow-up Presentation to M-DCPS Staff: Date(s) of Presentation(s): Audience: Information Shared (Brief Description): / Number Attendees: (Provide copy of Sign-In Sheets) Targeted Recruiting for Critical Shortage Positions: (Provide copy of Sign-In Sheets) Position(s) Recruited: School(s) Visited / Date(s): Number of Applicants Interviewed:____ Number of Applicants Issued Advanced Contract Letter: _____ 9720/FORMS/Out of County Travel Follow-up Form 2007-08 # . MEMORANDUM October 18, 2007 MOOO/07 -08 305-995-1721 TO: Dr. Lourdes C. Rovira, Associate Superintendent Curriculum and Instructional Support FROM: Brucie Ball, Assistant Superintendent Office of Special Education and Psychological Services SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR OUT-OF-COUNTY TRAVEL Approval is requested for Ms. Traveling Staff, Flying Specialist, Division of Travel Education, to conduct on-site facility review at the Florida Institute for Traveling Research on November 20, 2006, in Wauchula, Florida. Travel expenses will be funded utilizing IDEAgrant funds. Please contact this office ifthere are any questions or concerns. BB/abc Attachment APPROVED: Dr. Lourdes C. Rovira, Associate Superintendent APPROVED: Ms. Antoinette Dunbar, Deputy Superintendent - APPENDIX F ,. . Miami-Dade County Public:Schools 'oJ II'. , Office of Special Education and Psychological Services PURCHASING CREDIT CARD REQUEST # (For WG bookkeeping use only) To: Ms. Brucie Ball, Assistant Superintendent Office of SpecialEducationand PsychologicalServices From: Will Gordillo, Administrative Director Division of Special Education Date: The attached is a request for purchase submitted for your approval: Vendor: Type of Purchase 1: Program Name: Requestor: Reviewed by: Total: Comments2: APPROVED: Will Gordillo Date FUNDING STRUCTURE: FUND # OBJECT # LOC # PROGRAM # Purchasing Credit Card Request 1 Supplies, Equipment, Registration Fees, etc 2 Identify who will use the items and what is the purpose of this purchase Glt. I; FUNCTION # Revised 7/19/07 The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, adheres to a policy of nondiscrimination in employment and educational programs/activities and programs/activities receiving Federal financial assistance from the Department of education, and strives affirmatively to provide equal opportunity for all as required by: Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 - prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, or national origin. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended - prohibits discrimination in employment on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, or national origin. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 - prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender. Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA) as amended prohibits discrimination on the basis of age with respect to individuals who are at least 40. The Equal Pay Act of 1963 as amended - prohibits gender discrimination in payment of wages to women and men performing substantially equal work in the same establishment. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 - prohibits discrimination against the disabled. Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) - prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in employment, public service, public accommodations and telecommunications. The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA) - requires covered employers to provide up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave to "eligible" employees for certain family and medical reasons. The Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 - prohibits discrimination in employment on the basis of pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions. Florida Educational Equity Act (FEEA) - prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, gender, national origin, marital status, or handicap against a student or employee. Florida Civil Rights Act of 1992 - secures for all individuals within the state freedom from discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, handicap, or marital status. Veterans are provided re-employment rights in accordance with P.L. 93-508 (Federal Law) and Section 205.07 (Florida Statutes), which stipulate categorical preferences for employment. APPENDIX G Office of Special Education and Psychological Services CONTRACT REQUEST PROCEDURE Ensure that the Vendor has a contracted ID number; otherwise, the Vendor must complete the FM-3921 (Vendor Application) and follow pertinent instructions. Submit the following original documents to Gabriela La Torre: Contract Approval Request form (Glt. Revised 7/19/07) Transmittal for Agreement (FM-2452) Agreement for Contracted Services — 2 originals (FM-2453) Addendum to the Vendor Agreement (FM-6918) Payment Request (FM-2454) After Mr. Gordillo approves the Contract Approval Request form (Glt. Revised 7/19/07), the requestor will be able to enter it in the MSAF, and obtain the Vendor’s signature on all the appropriate documents. Submit the signed documents by the Vendor, the Purchase Order (original), and the print out of the MSAF Requisition screens (RQH, RQ1, RCM) to Gabriela La Torre. If the requestor is presenting the contract late, write a memorandum (see attached sample). Gabriela La Torre will return all the documents to the requestor for final processing. Requestor sends to Accounts Payable one signed original Contract, Payment Request form (FM-2454), and the Invoice from the Vendor. Please keep a copy for your records. The Administrators not housed in the district office, may send the file by interoffice mail to: Ms. Gabriela La Torre Division of Special Education (WL 9731) 1500 Biscayne Blvd., Room 409 C Miami, FL 33132 (305) 995-4844 _______________________________________________________________________________ Contract Request Procedure Revised 7/25/07 Glt. Office of Special Education and Psychological Services CONTRACT APPROVAL REQUEST #_______ (For WG bookkeeping use only) To: Ms. Brucie Ball, Assistant Superintendent Office of Special Education and Psychological Services From: Will Gordillo, Administrative Director Division of Special Education Date: The attached is a request for purchase submitted for your approval: Vendor: Type of Purchase1: Program Name: Requestor: Reviewed by: Total: Comments2: APPROVED: ___________________ Will Gordillo ___________________ Date FUNDING STRUCTURE: FUND OBJECT LOC PROGRAM FUNCTION # # # # # Contract Approval Request 1 Supplies, Equipment, Registration Fees, etc 2 Identify who will use the items and what is the purpose of this purchase Glt. Revised 7/19/07 MEMORANDUM M 305 TO: Mr. Alberto Carvalho, Administrative Director Office of Intergovernmental Affairs and Grants Administration FROM: Division of Special Education SUBJECT: LATE CONTRACT FOR PURCHASE ORDER #R Due to , the contract is being routed at this time. If additional information is required, please contact at 305 . WG/glt xc: Ms. Brucie Ball Mr. Will Gordillo RCM SCREEN SAMPLE RQ1 SCREEN SAMPLE RQH SCREEN SAMPLE APPENDIX H AVAILABLE FUNDS SCREEN SAMPLE Office of Special Education and Psychological Services PURCHASING CREDIT CARD UNAUTHORIZED EXPENDITURES Ö Ö Air fresheners such as plug-ins, etc. All charges totaling $1,000 or more per vendor per purchase/charge (split orders are not allowed). Ö Awards (Non-Salary) - awards where the unit cost of the award exceeds $40. Ö Awards – Salary and monetary. Ö Business cards, except when approved in writing by Deputy Superintendent. Ö Ö Beautification and decoration accessories such as plants, pictures, frames, designer or specialized supplies or equipment, etc. Cash advances are specifically excluded from the program. Ö Chemicals and custodial supplies not authorized by S&D, as determined by Custodial Standard Committee. Ö Computers, including software on bid (i.e. Microsoft); however, items that are not currently on bid may be purchased with the credit card. Ö Ö Ö Ö Consulting and professional services. Decorative letterhead or stationary, greeting cards, party supplies, decorative mouse pads, entertainment, holiday items, etc. Extracurricular school activity items, such as uniforms, tickets, t-shirts, games, and costumes. Federal/grant fund expenditures unless otherwise authorized in writing by the Grants Administration Office. Ö Gifts and appreciation items. Ö Individual memberships in professional organizations. Ö Internal fund related purchases. Ö Personal use (i.e., microwave, refrigerator, air purifier, fan, heater, electronic equipment, medicine, clothing, gifts, air fresheners). Ö Refreshments, coffee, water, cups, plates, etc., including food purchases for hospitality meetings and special observances. Ö Repairs and maintenance/rental agreements over $500 per contract. Ö Taxes, late penalties/fees, and interest charges. Ö Textbooks – state adopted programs 8540 and 8560. Ö Tools and equipment not authorized for use by Safety Department. Ö Ö Ö Travel and entertainment related expenditures (i.e. hotel, car rentals, transportation, tolls, field trips), excluding seminar/registration costs. Uniforms not authorized by union contract. Utilities and telephone expenses, including cellular phones, unless authorized by the Department of Energy and Communication Management. _______________________________________________________________________________________ Purchasing Credit Card glt. Revised 7 Office of Special Education and Psychological Services PURCHASING CREDIT CARD REQUEST # ______ (For WG bookkeeping use only) To: Ms. Brucie Ball, Assistant Superintendent Office of Special Education and Psychological Services From: Will Gordillo, Administrative Director Division of Special Education Date: The attached is a request for purchase submitted for your approval: Vendor: Type of Purchase1: Program Name: Requestor: Reviewed by: Total: Comments2: APPROVED: _____________________ Will Gordillo _____________________ Date FUNDING STRUCTURE: FUND OBJECT LOC PROGRAM FUNCTION # # # # # Purchasing Credit Card Request 1 Supplies, Equipment, Registration Fees, etc 2 Identify who will use the items and what is the purpose of this purchase Glt. Revised 7/19/07 Office of Special Education and Psychological Services PURCHASING CREDIT CARD PROCEDURE Request a quote from an authorized Vendor; write down the contact name, telephone and fax number in case there is a need to reach him/her. Verify with the Vendor that all items are available for purchase and delivery. Otherwise, items should not be ordered. Ensure that no split orders to the same Vendor are submitted by the same requestor. Remind the Vendor that we are a Tax Exempt organization (number printed on the Purchase Authorization — FM-5707). Fill out the form FM-5707 with the information above, including costs for shipping and handling. The total of this form must match the total of the quote. Submit the following documents to Gabriela La Torre for processing and Mr. Gordillo’s approval: Purchasing Credit Card Request form (Glt. Revised 7/19/07) Purchasing Credit Card Program, Purchase Authorization FM-5707 Quote from Vendor Print out of available funding (MSAF Available Funds Inquiry) Read the Purchasing Credit Card Unauthorized Expenditures sheet (Glt. Revised 7/19/07). Follow up on your purchases and keep track of your orders. If you do not receive your merchandise in a timely manner (e.g., 3-5 business days), check with Gabriela La Torre and the Vendor. _______________________________________________________________________________ Purchasing Credit Card Procedure Revised 7/19/07 APPENDIX I AVAILABLE FUNDS SCREEN SAMPLE Office of Special Education and Psychological Services PROCEDURE FOR PURCHASE ORDER REQUESTS AND WORKSHEETS Obtain a quote from an authorized Vendor. Fill out all the documents with the information requested. The total of these forms must match the total of the quote. Submit the following documents to Gabriela La Torre for log in and Mr. Gordillo’s approval: Purchase Order Request form (Glt. Revised 07/19/07) Purchase Order Worksheet form (Glt. Revised 07/19/07) Quote Print out of available funding (MSAF Available Funds Inquiry) After approval, all the documents will be returned to the requestor for processing. Provide a copy of the Purchase Order Requisition (RQH screen) to Gabriela La Torre, once the requestor completes the process. _______________________________________________________________________________ Procedure for Purchase Order Requests and Worksheets Revised 7/19/07 Glt. Office of Special Education and Psychological Services PURCHASE ORDER REQUEST #_______ (For WG bookkeeping use only) To: Ms. Brucie Ball, Assistant Superintendent Office of Special Education and Psychological Services From: Will Gordillo, Administrative Director Division of Special Education Date: The attached is a request for purchase submitted for your approval: Vendor: Type of Purchase1: Program Name: Requestor: Reviewed by: Total: Comments2: APPROVED: ___________________ Will Gordillo ___________________ Date FUNDING STRUCTURE: FUND OBJECT LOC PROGRAM FUNCTION # # # # # Purchase Order Request 1 Supplies, Equipment, Registration Fees, etc 2 Identify who will use the items and what is the purpose of this purchase Glt. Revised 7/19/07 Office of Special Education and Psychological Services PURCHASE ORDER WORKSHEET Originator: Date Req.: PO# BUYER CATEG ITEM # SHIP TO QTY/ UNIT TOTAL UOM PRICE PRICE Vendor: Address: Phone: VENDOR DESCRIPTION ITEM # 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 "additional space is continued on next page" FUND 5310 OBJECT Professional & Technical LOCATION 9615 5350 Repairs & Maintenance Other 5360 Rental of Facilities 5365 Capital Lease (Copiers) 0420 5390 Printing, Binding & Reproduction Federal 5399 Printing & Duplicating 5510 Supplies 4568 IDEA 5620 Audio Visual Equipment VSA 5640 Furniture & Fixture Equipment FIN Software PBS Dues and Fees 9766 VICTORY 0100 Local 5690 5730 Other _______ Office of Special Education and Psychological Services Purchase Order Worksheet ________ SUBTOTAL SHIPPING COST 0.00 0.00 TOTAL COST $0.00 FUNCTION 5200 Students 5217 Exceptional Child-Other 5218 Voc Handicapped PROGRAM 6300 Instr & Curricul Develop 6400 Instr Staff Training 9100 Community Services Other __________ Other ________ Glt. Revised 7/19/07 1 of 2 VENDOR ITEM # DESCRIPTION QTY/ UNIT TOTAL UOM PRICE PRICE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Office of Special Education and Psychological Services Purchase Order Worksheet Glt. Revised 7/19/07 2 of 2 RQH SCREEN SAMPLE
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