מגע והתקשרות

$touch me'
$Harlow & Zimmermann, 1958
$failure to thrive
Lappin and Kretschmer, 2005; CullenLappin, 2005; Lappin and
$Powell, Barlow, & Cushway, 2005
$Barnett, 2005
$Kretschmer, 2005
$Orbach, 2006
$Field, 1995
+,$Kangoroo care )
$Barnett, 2005
$Main, 1990
$!"". Glover
$Cullen-Powell, Barlow, & Cushway, 2005
$Lappin, 2005; Lappin and Kretschmer, 2005
& $
Solomon and George,
$White, Brinkerhoff, & Booth, 1985
$.+$Walker and Ehrenberg, 1998
$Bartholomew & Horowitz
Relationship Questionnaire
$Lewis, Feiring, & Rosenthal, 2000 !,
$Woodward, Fergusson, & Belsky, 2000
)contact comfort)
$Mikuilncer and Shaver, 2003
$Ainsworth, Blehar, Waters & Wall, 1978
$Ainsworth et al., 1978 Ainsworth $Main, 1990
$Main et al., 1985
$The power of touch
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