בס"ד " ּו ִמ ֵּ ּדי ׁ ַׁש ּ ָבת ְּב ׁ ַׁש ּ ַׁב ּת ֹו,"וְ ָהיָה ִמ ֵּ ּדי ח ֶֹד ׁש ְּב ָח ְד ׁש ֹו And it shall come to pass that from one New Moon to another, and from one Sabbath to another הארגון העולמי של בתי הכנסת והקהילות האורתודוקסיות World Organization of Orthodox Synagogues and Communities )(ישעיהו פרק סו פסוק כג איחוד בתי הכנסת בישראל Union of Synagogues in Israel Table of Laws and Customs for Jewish Communities www.unisyn.org.il November 23, 2014 – December 21, 2014 The New Moon: Saturday (22.11.14), at 9:46 a.m. and 17 Chalakim Kiddush Levana (Sanctification of the Moon): from Tuesday night, the eve of 4 Kislev (26.11.14) to Saturday night, the eve of 15 Kislev (6.12.14) at 4:09 a.m. Kiddush Levana (according to Oriental communities): from Saturday night, the eve of 7 Kislev (29.11.14) Sunday, 1 Kislev (23.11.14) – Rosh Chodesh: Rosh Chodesh prayers. Candle Lighting Times For Shabbat - Friday, 6 Kislev, November 28, 2014 Shabbat begins Jerusalem 71:11 Shabbat ends 71:75 Jerusalem Shabbat begins 71:71 New York 71:74 Tel Aviv 71:74 Los Angeles 71:71 Beer Sheba 71:71 Paris 71:11 Haifa 71:78 London 71:77 Eilat 71:71 Amsterdam Shabbat Parashat Vayetzei, 7 Kislev (29.11.14) Tel Aviv Beer Sheba Haifa Eilat 71:74 71:01 74:01 71:18 Melbourne Johannesburg Buenos Aires Moscow Rome Shabbat begins Madrid 71:45 71:01 71:71 74:81 71:71 Marbella Toronto 71:71 71:51 71:74 The Haftara is read from Hoshea 12:13: Vayivrach Ya’akov s’de Edom till the end of book, and in order to complete with good, some add Yoel 2:26-27: va'achaltem… v'lo yevoshu ami leolam. Mincha: Three men are called up to read from Parashat Vayishlach. Tuesday, 8 Kislev (30.11.14): If one is uncertain as to whether he said v’ten tal u'matar, he is not required to repeat the Amida, for he has already recited it 90 times. Friday, 13 Kislev (5.12.14): “shishim yom batekufah” (the sixtieth day from the [autumnal] equinox).Outside Israel, we begin to recite v’ten tal u-matar in the ‘Amida of ‘Arvit onThursday night. Candle Lighting Times For Shabbat - Friday, 13 Kislev, December 5, 2014 Shabbat begins Jerusalem 74:41 Shabbat ends 71:75 Jerusalem Shabbat begins 71:11 New York 71:74 71:71 71:11 71:71 71:74 71:71 71:78 71:71 71:75 71:01 74:05 74:41 Tel Aviv Beer Sheba Haifa Eilat Tel Aviv Beer Sheba Haifa Eilat Los Angeles Paris London Amsterdam Melbourne Shabbat begins 01:11 Madrid Johannesburg Buenos Aires Moscow Rome 71:04 71:01 74:80 71:11 Marbella Toronto 71:71 71:51 71:78 Shabbat, Parashat Vayishlach, 14 Kislev (6.12.14) The Haftara is read from the book of Ovadiah. Mincha: Three men are called to the Torah reading from Parashat Vayeshev. Candle Lighting Times For Shabbat - Friday, 20 Kislev, December 12, 2014 Shabbat begins Jerusalem 71:11 Tel Aviv Beer Sheba Haifa Eilat 71:71 71:71 71:11 71:70 Shabbat ends 71:74 Jerusalem Tel Aviv Beer Sheba Haifa Eilat 71:71 71:71 71:75 71:07 Shabbat begins 71:11 New York Los Angeles Paris London Amsterdam 71:74 71:04 74:00 74:41 Melbourne Johannesburg Buenos Aires Moscow Rome Shabbat begins Madrid 01:11 71:81 71:87 74:01 71:11 Marbella Toronto 71:71 71:51 71:78 Shabbat, Parashat Vayeishev, 21 Kislev (13.12.14) The Haftara is read from Amos 2:6 to 3:8: ko amar hashem until ch. 3:8 mi lo yinave. Mincha: three men are called up to the Torah reading from Parashat Miketz. Wednesday, 25 Kislev (17.12.14) – the first day of Chanuka After Tuesday’s Mincha prayer, the shliach-tzibbur lights a Chanuka candle in the synagogue to remind everyone of the miracle (some light before ‘aleinu). The hanukkiyah is placed on the southern side, in memory of the Temple menorah, and three b’rachot are recited: l’hadlik; she’asa nissim; shehecheyanu. One does not fulfill one’s obligation with the candle lit in the synagogue. If the shliach tzibbur has no one to light for at home, he does not recite sheheheyanu a second time. In most synagogues it is the custom to light the Hanukka candle after the mincha service; then the ‘arvit service is recited, and everyone goes home to light candles there. In the opinion of most posekim, the time to light Chanuka candles during the week is immediately after tzeit ha-kochavim (nightfall, when the first stars become visible). According to the Vilna Gaon – the proper time is at sunset, and b’di’avad – all night. In a single-storey house one places the Chanukiya outside, to the left of the entrance into the house, 10 cm. from the entrance, at a height of between 30 cm. and 100 cm. above ground level. One must not light the candles where the wind is liable to blow them out. If it is not possible to light the candles next to the entrance, or a person who lives in a building of several stories, the candles are to be lit inside, to the right of a window. It is proper to perform the mitzva in the best way – using olive oil. The candles should be separated from one another, so as not to look like a bonfire. The Berachot of the Lighting: l’hadlik; she’asa nissim and, on the first day, sheheheyanu – followed by ha-neirot hallalu. Duration of the burning of the candles: at least a half-hour. One must light the candles in a place where there is no wind to blow them out. It is forbidden to make use of their light, nor are we to light one candle from another. If the candles go out in less than half an hour, it is the custom to re-light them without reciting any beracha. If one has to leave his house before sunset, he can light the candles from p’lag ha-mincha (3:38 p.m.), on condition that the candles burn for a full half-hour after sunset (5:16 p.m.). According to the custom where one lights only after nightfall, the candles have to burn until about 5:44 p.m.. Women, too, are obliged to partake of this mitzva. During all eight days of Chanuka one recites ‘al ha-nissim in both the ‘amida and in birkat ha-mazon. The custom of our Oriental communities is to recite mizmor hanukkat ha-bayit l’david after ha-neirot hallalu. Some are accustomed to reciting viyhi no’am and yoshev b’seter ‘elyon for purposes of protection. Shacharit: It is customary to light Hanukka candles in the synagogue during the morning prayer as well, without pronouncing any berakha, for increasing awareness of the miracle. Hallel shalem is recited all eight days, followed by Chatzi kaddish. The Torah is read from Parashat Naso (B’midbar 7:1): vayhi b’yom k’lot moshe – and three men are called up for this reading. Kohen: until la’chanukat ha-mizbeach; Levi: until m’le’a k’toret; Sh’lishi: until Nachshon ben Amminadav. This is followed by Shir shel yom: mizmor shir hanukkat ha-bayit (Psalms 30). In the synagogue, candles are lit after the Mincha service. Second Day of Chanuka, Friday, 26 Kislev (18.12.14) Two b’rachot are recited: l’hadlik and she’asa nissim. We begin to light with the additional candle that was lit on left side [according to the Gr"a on all days, we begin to light from the first candle which is closest to the opening]. Shacharit: The prayer service is the same as yesterday. The Torah is read from Ba-yom ha-sheni: Kohen: until la’Chanukat hamizbeach; Levi: until Netan’el ben Tzu’ar; Sh’lishi: repeats from Ba-yom ha-sheni until Netan’el ben Tzu’ar. Third Day of Chanuka, Friday, 27 Kislev (19.12.14) Shacharit: The prayer service is the same as yesterday. The Torah is read from Ba-yom ha-shlishi, and division is like the previous day. Candle Lighting Times For Shabbat - Friday, 27 Kislev, December 19, 2014 Shabbat begins Jerusalem 71:18 Shabbat ends 71:71 Jerusalem Shabbat begins 71:77 New York Melbourne 71:71 Tel Aviv 71:71 Los Angeles 71:71 Johannesburg 71:00 Beer Sheba 71:07 71:01 Paris Buenos Aires 71:11 Haifa 71:71 74:08 London Moscow 71:75 Eilat 71:08 Amsterdam 74:41 Rome Fourth Day of Chanuka, Shabbat, Parashat Miketz, 28 Kislev (20.12.14) Tel Aviv Beer Sheba Haifa Eilat Shabbat begins Madrid 01:77 71:85 71:84 74:81 71:71 Marbella Toronto 71:01 71:51 71:74 We light Chanuka candles 25 minutes before sunset (in Jerusalem, too, where candle- lighting takes place earlier every Shabbat eve), to enable the candles to burn half an hour after nightfall. When lighting the Chanuka candles, two berachot are recited: l’hadlik and she’asa nissim. Immediately after lighting Chanuka candles, the Shabbat candles are lit. The candles lit should burn for half an hour after nightfall. Kabbalat Shabbat and the prayer service is the same as on every Shabbat. ‘al ha-nissim is recited in the ‘Amida and in birkat hamazon. The custom of our Oriental communities: in the ‘Arvit service, ba-meh madlikin is not recited. Kol Yisrael is said, and then amar Rabbi Eleazar, Kaddish ‘al Yisrael. In the ‘Amida, ‘al ha-nissim is said. Shacharit: the Shabbat prayer service, ‘al ha-nissim, hallel shalem. Two Sifrei Torah are brought out; in the first we read Parashat Miketz and seven are called up to this Torah reading. Chatzi kaddish. In the second we read maftir in Parashat Naso: ba-yom ha-revi'i. The Haftara is read from Zecharia 2:14: Ronni v’simchi bat-Zion, until 4:7: chen chen lah. We bless the month of Tevet which begins on Monday and Tuesday (22-23.12.14). Av ha-rachamim is not recited. Shir shel yom: mizmor shir chanukat ha-bayit as is recited all through Chanuka. Mussaf for Shabbat with al ha-nissim. The Molad: Sunday night (21.12.14), 10:31 p.m. Mincha: three men are called up to the Torah reading from Parashat Vayiggash. ‘Al ha-nissim. We do not recite tzidkatekha tzedek. Saturday Night, Motza’ei Shabbat Kodesh Arvit is recited 23 minutes after sunset. ‘Al ha-nissim, viyhi no’am, v’atta kadosh. In the synagogue we light Chanuka candles and then recite havdala; at home first we recite havdala and then light the candles. Boreh me’orei ha’esh is not recited over the Chanuka candles, as we are not to benefit from their light. Sunday, Fifth day of Chanuka, 29 Kislev (21.12.14) Erev Rosh Chodesh Tevet. The Torah reading: ba-yom ha-chamishi, divides up as the previous day. We do not recite Yom Kippur Katan prayers. Monday, Sixth day of Chanuka, 30 Kislev (22.12.14) Chanuka prayers. The Torah reading: ba-yom ha-hashishi, divides up as the previous day. Shacharit: Rosh Chodesh prayers; in the ‘Amida we recite ya’aleh v’yavo and ‘al ha-nissim. Hallel shalem with both opening and closing berachot. Kaddish titkabbal. When opening the ‘aron ha-kodesh we say b’rich sh’meih, and take out two Sifrei Torah. The Torah reading: three are called up to the Rosh Chodesh reading; kaddish is not said. Then a fourth reads from the second Sefer Torah: ba-yom ha-shishi. Chatzi kaddish. Y’hallelu, ashrei, u-va l’Zion. Chatzi kaddish. Tefillin are removed. Mussaf of Rosh Chodesh is recited, saying ‘al ha-nissim. Kaddish titkabbal, ‘Aleinu, barekhi nafshi, and the service concludes as usual. Tuesday, Seventh day of Chanuka, 30 Kislev, Rosh Chodesh Tevet (23.12.14) Rosh Chodesh prayers. The Torah reading is as the previous day. In the second scroll we read ba-yom ha-sh’vi’i. Mussaf for Rosh Chodesh. Wednesday, Eighth day of Chanuka, Zot Chanuka, 2 Tevet (24.12.14) Shacharit: as on the first day of Chanuka. The Torah reading is from: bayom ha-sh’mini. We call up three men: Kohen: to m’le’a k’toret; Levi: to Gamliel ben Pedahtzur; Sh’lishi: to ken ‘asa et ha-m’nora in Parashat B’ha’alotekha. With best wishes for a Good Month! Eliezer Sheffer אליעזר שפר "ואלה שמות" שמות היישובים בארץ ישראל בפרשות השבוע של חודש כסלו תשע"ה מאת משה אייכל ויצא" :ויצא יעקב מבאר שבע וילך חרנה" באר שבע מן הערים החשובות בארץ ישראל עוד מתקופת התנ"ך. על פי תוכנית החלוקה של האו"מ ,באר שבע היתה אמורה להיות מחוץ לגבולותיה של מדינת ישראל ,אך הודות למבצע יואב במלחמת השחרור ,באר שבע היא כיום בירת הנגב ומהווה מגדלור של חיים והשכלה בנגב הצחיח והעיר השביעית בישראל מבחינת אוכלוסייתה המונה כ 422.222-תושבים כן ירבו .מספר בתי הכנסת בבאר שבע הוא כ.022- וישלח":ותמת רחל ותקבר בדרך אפרתה היא בית לחם" בערב פסח תשמ"ג ( )3895הוקם היישוב אפרת בגוש עציון ביוזמתם של מר משה מושקוביץ ,ושל הרב שלמה ריסקין שליט"א – הרב של אפרת .מאבקים רבים נאבקו תושבי אפרת למען יישובם ,הרחבתו ,והדרכים אליו .כיום נהנים כרבבת תושבי אפרת מאיכות חיים בארץ התנ"ך ,בין בית לחם לחברון ומול ירושלים ומקיימים את הבטחת הקב"ה לרחל אמנו" :ושבו בנים לגבולם" .מספר בתי הכנסת באפרת הוא כ.20- וישב" :וילכו לרעות את צאן אביהם בשכם" העיר שכם ידעה עליות ומורדות מבחינת יישוב יהודי במקום מאז שיעקב אבינו קנה בה חלקת אדמה תמורת מאה קשיטה( ,בחלקה זו אף טמנו את עצמות יוסף) ,ועד ימינו. במלחמת ששת הימים גברה יד ישראל ,וקבר יוסף חזר לידיים יהודיות .בהסכמי אוסלו עברה העיר שכם לרשות הפלסטינאית ,וקבר יוסף נותר כמובלעת ישראלית בתוכה ,בשנים האחרונות העיר כולה אינה בידיים יהודיות אך מאות מתפללים יהודים פוקדים את קבר יוסף אחת לחודש ,עם ליווי בטחוני של צה"ל. מקץ – שבת חנוכה :העיר מודיעין בעלת היסטוריה רבה של גבורה ,מימות החשמונאים ועד ימינו. בספר מקבים מופיעה לראשונה העיר מודיעין כמקום מושבו של מתתיהו בן יוחנן כהן גדול ,שם הרימו המכבים את נס המרד ביוונים .כיום מתגוררים ב"מודיעין מכבים רעות" כ 90.222תושבים כן ירבו .ביניהם :הרה"ג הרב דוד לאו שליט"א הרב הראשי לישראל ,הרב אליהו אלחרר שליט"א והרב יעקב צ'קוטאי שליט"א אשר מכהנים כרבנים ראשיים של מודיעין מכבים-רעות .מספר בתי הכנסת בעיר מודיעין הוא כ.87- המידע על המקורות הקדומים של שמות היישובים בימינו ,על יסוד ספרו של עמוס ספראי –"מפת הארץ" של שולחן השבת בהוצאת "אלינר" הפרסום באחריות אגוז סוכניות ביטוח בע"מ בלבד
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