A Sample List of Spanish Companies Actively Searching for International Partners This information is provided, courtesy of the Enterprise Europe Network Israel To view the full profile simply click on the link provided -----------Title:A new grammatical English-to-Spanish language-analysis tool for parsing and labeling Abstract:A Spanish SME has developed an English-to-Spanish language-analysis tool capable of parsing and labeling every word within a document, thus providing greatly improved search results. They are looking for ICT partners for technical cooperation or Document Management entities for commercial agreement along with technical assistance. Licensing Agreement or Joint Ventures are also welcome. (TECHNOLOGY OFFER, ref.:10 ES 27F4 3GHI) Detailed information: http://www.enterprise-europenetwork.ec.europa.eu/matching/completerec.cfm?BBS_ID=161334&COMPANY=779644 -----------Title:Automatic Transaction Machine (ATM) and Self-Service Machines Simulator Abstract:Spanish company focused in payment systems and banking self-service solutions, has developed a simulator of ATMs and self-service machines. Based on software developments, the system allows the automation of testings for ATM?s; simulating any kind of devices. It works without the need for hardware and independently of the operating system and connectivity standards (CEN/XFS, J/XFS). With the technology ready for the market, the company is looking for IT companies involved in banking technologies (TECHNOLOGY OFFER, ref.:10 ES 28F9 3IGM) Detailed information: http://www.enterprise-europenetwork.ec.europa.eu/matching/completerec.cfm?BBS_ID=163894&COMPANY=779644 -----------Title:Automatization techniques for processing biomedical signals using machine learning methods Abstract:A Spanish research group offers learning techniques in the automatic processing of biomedical signals. The main advantages in this technology are the decreased cost, the time saved and the increased reliability of the results. The group is looking for technical cooperation. (TECHNOLOGY OFFER, ref.:09 ES 28F8 3G1V) Detailed information: http://www.enterprise-europenetwork.ec.europa.eu/matching/completerec.cfm?BBS_ID=160771&COMPANY=779644 -----------Title:Biomembranes for wastewater treatment Abstract:A Spanish engineering laboratory for wastewater treatment optimizes the design and set-up of membrane bioreactors (MBR), advised for higher quality of the treated water or to increase the treatment capacity. Companies interested in applying or developing this technology or micro and ultra filtration membrane producers who want to extend their market to water treatment by MBR are sought. (TECHNOLOGY OFFER, ref.:09 ES 28F8 3G1F) Detailed information: http://www.enterprise-europenetwork.ec.europa.eu/matching/completerec.cfm?BBS_ID=160755&COMPANY=779644 -----------Title:Brightness removal on photographs. Abstract:A research group from a Spanish university has developed software that allows to automatically detect the brightness on the photographs, that are generally produced due to the camera?s flash, and to remove it with a high efficiency. The group looks for image treatment software companies interested in adding this functionality into their products. (TECHNOLOGY OFFER, ref.:05 ES SEOT 0CYM) Detailed information: http://www.enterprise-europenetwork.ec.europa.eu/matching/completerec.cfm?BBS_ID=93506&COMPANY=779644 -----------Title:Design of practical heterogeneous catalysts for the biodiesel reaction Abstract:A Spanish university is working on the design of practical heterogeneous catalysts for the biodiesel production. This technology would allow avoiding the complex separation operations of the conventional homogeneous alkali-catalysed process as well as the use of lowcost raw materials (cooking waste oils and animal fats). The research group is looking for companies interested in the development of joint research projects and in developing commercial agreements. (TECHNOLOGY OFFER, ref.:08 ES MADG 0JZ1) Detailed information: http://www.enterprise-europenetwork.ec.europa.eu/matching/completerec.cfm?BBS_ID=102593&COMPANY=779644 -----------Title:Early and sensible diagnosis of fungal infections in humans. Abstract:Two public organisations and a university at Spain have patented an in vitro method to diagnose human diseases caused by fungi (e.g. invasive aspergillosis), by determining bmGT, a derivative from the gliotoxin specific to these fungi. Chromatography + UV spectroscopy measurement gives reliable, sensitive and specific results, leading to a more reliable, faster and cheaper diagnosis. They look for manufacturers of diagnosis kits and diagnosis services to apply this method under a patent licence. (TECHNOLOGY OFFER, ref.:11 ES 28G2 3NQ7) Detailed information: http://www.enterprise-europenetwork.ec.europa.eu/matching/completerec.cfm?BBS_ID=170719&COMPANY=779644 -----------Title:Electrodialysis processes for sewage treatment Abstract:A Spanish University has a high experience and know-how to develop and carry out electrodialysis and electrodialytic processes for sewage treatment, mainly those related to high salinity contents. This technology can be more effective than traditional treatments in these cases and could be of interest to industries with wastewaters (for example, textile or chemical industries). Partners interested in establish know-how agreements or technical projects for that purpose are sought. (TECHNOLOGY OFFER, ref.:09 ES 23D2 3CQK) Detailed information: http://www.enterprise-europenetwork.ec.europa.eu/matching/completerec.cfm?BBS_ID=156476&COMPANY=779644 -----------Title:Elevator for wind mills suitable for maintenance of wind turbines Abstract:A Spanish company, working since 1976 in the manufacture of lift components, has designed and developed an internal elevator for wind mills in order to make easier the wind turbine maintenance. This elevator goes inside the tower, increasing the safety, and it might be adapted to special requirements. The company would like to reach technical cooperation agreements or commercial agreements with technical assistance. (TECHNOLOGY OFFER, ref.:11 ES 29G6 3KIK) Detailed information: http://www.enterprise-europenetwork.ec.europa.eu/matching/completerec.cfm?BBS_ID=166556&COMPANY=779644 -----------Title:Free-space laser optical link simulation software Abstract:A Spanish research group has developed a hardware-software application for a communications free-space optical link. It aims to substitute the usual radio frequencies link, because of the increasing of bandwidth and the guarantee of privacity. The group is looking for technical collaboration. (TECHNOLOGY OFFER, ref.:10 ES 28F8 3G3T) Detailed information: http://www.enterprise-europenetwork.ec.europa.eu/matching/completerec.cfm?BBS_ID=160841&COMPANY=779644 -----------Title:Genomics, DNA sequencing and fragment analysis Abstract:A Spanish Research group that provides high quality services and affordable access to advanced RNA/DNA technologies, offers expertise and equipment for all phases of different genomic studies, from design of the experiment to the data analysis. The group is looking for technical cooperation. (TECHNOLOGY OFFER, ref.:10 ES 28G1 3GN9) Detailed information: http://www.enterprise-europenetwork.ec.europa.eu/matching/completerec.cfm?BBS_ID=161541&COMPANY=779644 -----------Title:Green process of Loperamide Abstract:A R&D Spanish company established in 1997 as a Technological Centre for the Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry, with special emphasis on the Fine Chemical sector and with an important influence on the Biotechnological sector has developed new Loperamide synthesis process that uses a green solvent readily available with excellent environmental profile. They are looking for a license agreement. (TECHNOLOGY OFFER, ref.:10 ES 28G1 3GNL) Detailed information: http://www.enterprise-europenetwork.ec.europa.eu/matching/completerec.cfm?BBS_ID=161553&COMPANY=779644 -----------Title:Highly biocompatible titanium material with higher resistance to wear for manufacturing dental and orthopaedic implants Abstract:Two public research organisations and a hospital in Spain have produced a biocompatible material by immersing a titanium or titanium alloy core into a molten aluminium and silicon alloy. This material is highly resistant to heavy loads and corrosion and, since the cover generated in the immersion increases cell viability over the titanium core, is very useful for dental or orthopaedic implants. Companies interested in manufacturing implants of this material under a patent licence are sought. (TECHNOLOGY OFFER, ref.:11 ES 28G2 3NQ3) Detailed information: http://www.enterprise-europenetwork.ec.europa.eu/matching/completerec.cfm?BBS_ID=170715&COMPANY=779644 -----------Title:Hydrogen production by bioethanol steam reforming Abstract:A Spanish university is working in hydrogen synthesis from bioethanol steam reforming. Bioethanol can be obtained by fermentation of biomass resources. Therefore, bioethanol steam reforming would contribute to net-zero carbon dioxide emissions. The research group is looking for companies interested in technical cooperation. (TECHNOLOGY OFFER, ref.:08 ES MADG 0JZ4) Detailed information: http://www.enterprise-europenetwork.ec.europa.eu/matching/completerec.cfm?BBS_ID=102596&COMPANY=779644 -----------Title:Information system for WiMAX network deployment Abstract:A Spanish university has developed an information system for the deployment of WiMAX networks that performs the planning of the deployment of this type of networks based on propagation analysis, resulting in a set of optimal locations that achieves the level of coverage that is required. The group is looking for partners interested in the deployment of WiMAX networks to implement the technology and to develop new functionalities. (TECHNOLOGY OFFER, ref.:08 ES 28F8 0ICN) Detailed information: http://www.enterprise-europenetwork.ec.europa.eu/matching/completerec.cfm?BBS_ID=23783&COMPANY=779644 -----------Title:Innovative industrial tool for automation and process control of olive oil production Abstract:A Spanish SME, with a high expertise in Automation & Industrial Control Systems, has developed a PLC-based SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) system to view, manage and monitor olive oil making process. This tool allows remote access to the system as well as communication between multiple geographically dispersed facilities (centralized monitoring and remote assistance if necessary). They are interested in technical cooperation and commercial agreements with technical assistance. (TECHNOLOGY OFFER, ref.:12 ES 27F4 3NY9) Detailed information: http://www.enterprise-europenetwork.ec.europa.eu/matching/completerec.cfm?BBS_ID=171009&COMPANY=779644 -----------Title:Intelligent monitoring systems based on sensor networks with defence, security and domotics applications Abstract:A Spanish research group offers the expertise of its members in the development of monitoring systems based on sensor networks. The main advantages of this technology are the decreased cost, the time saved and the increased reliability of the results. Technical cooperation for the research and development with internal and external funding is sought. (TECHNOLOGY OFFER, ref.:10 ES 28F8 3G3K) Detailed information: http://www.enterprise-europenetwork.ec.europa.eu/matching/completerec.cfm?BBS_ID=160832&COMPANY=779644 -----------Title:Lipo and hidro bioadhesive gels for the treatment of dermatological diseases Abstract:A Spanish company (a spin-off of the University of Navarra), in collaboration with the University of Barcelona (SDM- UB), has developed an innovative technology (bioadhesive gels) that allows guiding more effectively and safely a range of topical molecules (both lipophilic and hydrophilic) for the treatment of dermatological diseases. Two clinical trials are being developed, one of them in phase III. The company is looking for shareholders for projects codevelopment. (TECHNOLOGY OFFER, ref.:12 ES 29h4 3O4J) Detailed information: http://www.enterprise-europenetwork.ec.europa.eu/matching/completerec.cfm?BBS_ID=171235&COMPANY=779644 -----------Title:Natural compounds in the treatment of gastritis and peptic ulcer diseases. Abstract:Spanish researchers from a public research organisation and a public hospital have shown that some phenolic compounds, which can be obtained from grape, are useful against Helicobacter pylori, bacteria producing gastritis and peptic ulcer disease. These compounds can be an alternative to antibiotics used in the current multi-drug therapy; particularly as some H. pylori strains have become resistant to certain antibiotics. Pharmaceutical or food companies interested in a patent licence are sough. (TECHNOLOGY OFFER, ref.:12 ES 28G2 3O5C) Detailed information: http://www.enterprise-europenetwork.ec.europa.eu/matching/completerec.cfm?BBS_ID=171264&COMPANY=779644 -----------Title:New generation of magnetic-fluorescent particles for biomedical applications. Abstract:A Spanish research group has developed a new generation of biomarkers based on magnetic and fluorescent properties. The hybrid bio-particles can be used for cell imaging and monitoring, drug delivery and biomarking according to specific requirements. The process is fully developed, patented and lab tests are available. The research group is looking for companies acquiring this technology for its exploitation, although it is open to other kind of collaboration. (TECHNOLOGY OFFER, ref.:12 ES 23D2 3NYW) Detailed information: http://www.enterprise-europenetwork.ec.europa.eu/matching/completerec.cfm?BBS_ID=171032&COMPANY=779644 ------------ Title:New methods for feature extraction and classification of electroencephalogram (EEG) signals applied to the control of Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) systems Abstract:A Biomedical Engineering Group at a Spanish University is researching on improving speed and accuracy of conventional BCI systems, assessing the usefulness of new feature extraction and classification methods from EEG recordings. They have also developed innovative applications to assist disabled people. BCI new interfaces can be an alternative to conventional touchpad and speech recognition. They are looking for entities to develop new BCI applications to overcome current technical limitations. (TECHNOLOGY OFFER, ref.:12 ES 24E1 3O86) Detailed information: http://www.enterprise-europenetwork.ec.europa.eu/matching/completerec.cfm?BBS_ID=171366&COMPANY=779644 -----------Title:Open Authentication-One Time Password generator (OATH-OTP) using mobile phones: Strong Authentication for secure access and secure on-line transactions Abstract:Spanish company focused in mobile solutions with experience in banking sector, has developed a strong autentication system for logical or physical access, using mobile phones as local One Time Password generator. Based on client-server architecture, the solution constitutes a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol node, which is easily integrated in the corporative environment. The company is looking for distributors, banks and companies interested in authentication solutions or new developments. (TECHNOLOGY OFFER, ref.:10 ES 28F9 3I0U) Detailed information: http://www.enterprise-europenetwork.ec.europa.eu/matching/completerec.cfm?BBS_ID=163326&COMPANY=779644 -----------Title:Phi29-derived terminal protein-primed amplification of lineal DNA: a highly efficient system for DNA amplification and synthesis of protein-DNA hybrids. Abstract:A Spanish public research organisation has devised a minimal system for in vitro terminal protein (TP)-primed amplification of lineal DNA. A 69-194 nucleotide sequence of the phage Phi29 DNA is attached to each end of the lineal DNA and high fidelity DNA copies, linked to TP are synthesized by adding Phi29 TP, DNA polymerase and two DNA binding proteins. Besides, TP-DNA is itself useful for protein-DNA applications. They look for biotechs to sell DNAamplification kits under a patent licence. (TECHNOLOGY OFFER, ref.:12 ES 28G2 3NY3) Detailed information: http://www.enterprise-europenetwork.ec.europa.eu/matching/completerec.cfm?BBS_ID=171003&COMPANY=779644 -----------Title:Plant viruses detection methods Abstract:A Spanish public research organisation has developed detection methods for plant viruses which are quick, cheap and reliable. These methods enable the early detection of an important battery of plant viruses producing diseases in horticulture fields at the beginning of the first symptoms and therefore enable the control of the disease. Agriculture biotechnological companies are sought for commercialising agreements with technical assistance adn technical co-operation. (TECHNOLOGY OFFER, ref.:10 ES 23C6 3GDM) Detailed information: http://www.enterprise-europenetwork.ec.europa.eu/matching/completerec.cfm?BBS_ID=161194&COMPANY=779644 -----------Title:Process Asset Library based on Knowledge Management Techniques Abstract:A Spanish research center is developing a Process Asset Library (PAL) including concepts about Knowledge Management in order to contribute to generate, acquire, share and distribute knowledge of processes defined in the organization for developing software projects. The technology minimizes the risk of losing essential knowledge to meet goals. It is searching technical collaboration for this project. (TECHNOLOGY OFFER, ref.:10 ES 28F8 3G31) Detailed information: http://www.enterprise-europenetwork.ec.europa.eu/matching/completerec.cfm?BBS_ID=160813&COMPANY=779644 -----------Title:Regeneration of chemical oxidants and reducers Abstract:A research group of a Spanish University has a high experience to develop and carry out the regeneration of chemical oxidants and reducers (removing of Cr(III) and/or regeneration of Cr2O7=, regeneration of Sn(II) from spent Sn(IV) solutions) in a fully equipped pilot plant. This technology could be of interest to several industries: chemical, tannery, metal-processing, etc. Partners interested in establish know-how agreements or technical projects for that purpose are sought. (TECHNOLOGY OFFER, ref.:09 ES 23D2 3CQ8) Detailed information: http://www.enterprise-europenetwork.ec.europa.eu/matching/completerec.cfm?BBS_ID=156464&COMPANY=779644 -----------Title:Screening of inhibitors of a new target for Parkinson?s disease (LRRK2) using cell assays Abstract:The leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2) is a potential therapeutic target for Parkinson?s disease. A Spanish public research organisation has designed a faster and more reliable method to identify inhibitors of LRRK2 and related targets (such as the lysosomal twopore channel) by determining, in cell cultures, autophagy rate, lysosomal pH, and cell death when adding proteosome inhibitors. Pharmaceutical companies or manufacturers of research reagents are offered a patent licence. (TECHNOLOGY OFFER, ref.:12 ES 27F4 3NXT) Detailed information: http://www.enterprise-europenetwork.ec.europa.eu/matching/completerec.cfm?BBS_ID=170993&COMPANY=779644 -----------Title:Solar energy use for waters potabilization by electrodialysis Abstract:A Spanish research group owns the know-how for the desalination of saline water for human consumption or irrigation by means of systems of electrodialysis powered by photovoltaic solar energy. The main advantages are that it is non-polluting and has a low maintenance cost. The technology is fully developed and useful for organisations dealing with water supply problems. A partner to set up the electrodialysis-photovoltaic system in its facilities and/or carry out feasibility studies is sought. (TECHNOLOGY OFFER, ref.:09 ES 23D2 3CQP) Detailed information: http://www.enterprise-europenetwork.ec.europa.eu/matching/completerec.cfm?BBS_ID=156481&COMPANY=779644 -----------Title:System for protein production in plants Abstract:A public research organisation from Southeast Spain has developed a technology for the expression of proteins in plants, which is based in the use of an expression vector derived from a plant virus. The technology allows the transient expression of foreign proteins and with a high expression level. Plant biotechnology companies are sought for commercial agreements with technical assistance (TECHNOLOGY OFFER, ref.:10 ES 23C6 3G93) Detailed information: http://www.enterprise-europenetwork.ec.europa.eu/matching/completerec.cfm?BBS_ID=161031&COMPANY=779644 -----------Title:Taylor- made efficacy assays of potential new drugs through zebrafish animal model Abstract:A Basque biotech company has developed several efficacy ?in vivo? assays through zebrafish animal model. The potential efficacy of compounds in different therapeutic areas can be determined. These assays allow to predict potential effects of compounds in the ?in vivo? zebrafish animal model at early stages of the Drug Discovery process. Looking for companies interested in outsourcing of already developed assays and/or taylor made efficacy assays of potential drugs. (TECHNOLOGY OFFER, ref.:11 ES 26E5 3KBF) Detailed information: http://www.enterprise-europenetwork.ec.europa.eu/matching/completerec.cfm?BBS_ID=166299&COMPANY=779644 -----------Title:Taylor-made toxicity assays of potential new drugs through zebrafish animal model Abstract:A Basque biotech company has developed several toxicity assays through the ?in vivo? vertebrate Zebrafish animal model. These assays analyze the toxicity of drugs increasing the number of compounds tested faster and in a more cost-effective way. The assays are carried out in early stages of the drug discovery process, prior to preclinical test in mammals, to redirect those assays, reducing the number of mammals used.Looking for companies interested in outsourcing toxicity assays (TECHNOLOGY OFFER, ref.:11 ES 26E5 3KBH) Detailed information: http://www.enterprise-europenetwork.ec.europa.eu/matching/completerec.cfm?BBS_ID=166301&COMPANY=779644 -----------Title:Ultrafast diagnostic Kits for drugs identification Abstract:A Spanish company, specialised in producing diagnostics kits, has patented a novel selective and ultrafast kit based on colorimetric reactions to identify drugs and adulterants (powder and tablets). The company is looking for a license or a commercial agreement with a biotechnological company with expertise in diagnostic applications and its sell. (TECHNOLOGY OFFER, ref.:08 ES 28G1 0J2U) Detailed information: http://www.enterprise-europenetwork.ec.europa.eu/matching/completerec.cfm?BBS_ID=24726&COMPANY=779644 -----------Title:Ultrafast purification system to extract drugs and fats from blood and viscera. Abstract:A Spanish company, specialized in producing and commercialising diagnostic products, particularly toxicological kits, has patented a two stages method to identify and quantify drugs in blood and viscera. The aim of the test is to make fast diagnostics. The company is looking for a license or commercial agreement with a company. (TECHNOLOGY OFFER, ref.:08 ES 28G1 0J5R) Detailed information: http://www.enterprise-europenetwork.ec.europa.eu/matching/completerec.cfm?BBS_ID=24831&COMPANY=779644 -----------Title:Ultrafast purification system to extract drugs, such as illegal drugs, psychiatric drugs or veterinary drugs, from saliva, urine or serum. Abstract:A Spanish company, specialized in producing diagnostic kits, has patented a purification system capable of precipitating partially endogeneous substances in urine, saliva or serum to extract drugs into an organic phase. The company is looking for a license agreement or commercial agreement with a company with expertise in diagnostic application and its sell, as well as financial support. (TECHNOLOGY OFFER, ref.:08 ES 28G1 0J3F) Detailed information: http://www.enterprise-europenetwork.ec.europa.eu/matching/completerec.cfm?BBS_ID=24747&COMPANY=779644 -----------Title:Vacuum evaporation device: Enhanced thermal evaporation using a glassy carbon filament Abstract:A Spanish public research organisation and a US University have developed a procedure to evaporate any kind of materials that usually are evaporated by means of resistively heating tantalum or tungsten boats, particularly, metals used in microelectronics industry. Resistivity properties of glassy carbon allow achieving a simpler and less expensive method than current for depositing metals. Industrial partners of related sectors are being sought to collaborate through a patent license agreement. (TECHNOLOGY OFFER, ref.:12 ES 28G2 3O6B) Detailed information: http://www.enterprise-europenetwork.ec.europa.eu/matching/completerec.cfm?BBS_ID=171299&COMPANY=779644 -----------Title:Waste water treatment by electrochemical technology Abstract:A Spanish research group has a high experience and know-how to develop and carry out the treatment of waste water (containing salts, cyanides, heavy metals, fats, organic compounds, etc.) by electrochemical technology in order to decrease its polluting effect. The technology has been already tested at laboratory and pre-industrial levels. The research group seeks to transfer the technology and know-how on electrochemical field to companies by mean of patent licence or know-how agreements. (TECHNOLOGY OFFER, ref.:09 ES 23D2 3CR9) Detailed information: http://www.enterprise-europenetwork.ec.europa.eu/matching/completerec.cfm?BBS_ID=156501&COMPANY=779644 -----------Title:Wastewater treatment by electrocoagulation Abstract:A Spanish University has a high experience to develop and perform the removal of pollutants in wastewaters by electrocoagulation (EC). This technology requires simple equipment and is easy handling. The EC process avoids uses of chemicals. Moreover, it could be of interest to several industries (chemical, tannery, textile, etc.). Partners willing to introduce the EC system in its facilities or interested in performing feasibility studies on the use of this technology are sought. (TECHNOLOGY OFFER, ref.:09 ES 23D2 3CQF) Detailed information: http://www.enterprise-europenetwork.ec.europa.eu/matching/completerec.cfm?BBS_ID=156471&COMPANY=779644
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