Sample Questions 1.. BIOLOGYm:m!l!l[]"D~he.sis help to' milintilin atmo~ere1 Jlo,w does the percent&.tfe of o~ amd m.rbon dionde in the (A) By wvimg ofF carbon.dioxide and C!IXJ'&ml (B) B.y wving mJ axygem SDd!og carbon dimide (C) By :ndessmg oxygen and ca:rbao dioxide (D) By!og cm:ygen snd ca:rlxm dia:ride 2. Plasma in t he blood trSD~rts: J IIIYiDteiUbsflJDAJ It Dqg!I!D Ill IV carillon·~ digl!stedfotld (A} I SDd n on]y (B) I, IT and m only (C) I, ITI and IV only (D) A]] of thsse 3. While eh~ some oo:io~ Mn.. Geeta aerideotai.Jy c:ut her fi.Dg'er with the lmife SDd blood started flow:ing' out of the cut.. This blood emne d.iredly from tbe: ( A} mtertiasl in her arm (B) capilla.D~ in her finger (C) skm OD. her finger (D) veins~ i n her wrist 4.. StudY the eharact.eristie.s given he1ow. ,P -AifllrkwaJ1tod'vemtlmatciJI'IM.soqgiNN1tedbloocf Q-A tlJinwtllWHBeJiflatcan:lu~matl!dbJaod R-Vsysmaltl'I!HM,.IbJicin9P trllh 0 What , P , Q and R1 Artery Capillary (A) R P 6. Vei:o Q (ID P R Q (C) Q R P <m P Q R An.alysis of a sample o f air giv·e s.t>be fallow:iog details. NltnJgm Ox:ygm Cm6on dioxide The 1581Dpls ol air is most probably:: ( A) d.issclved air :&om.pond water (C) exhaled air ( B.) fi-'EfBh air from.a field (D) poJlluted air nes.:r a factmy Sample Q·uestions CHEMISTRYmE!!I!m 1. SuDidhi was asked h)~ her tsa.eher fu,pn!pB.I"! a dilute sulphuric acid fmm 00DCeDtrated ISUlplmri.e acid. What :should she dd'l (.A) .Add water tcJ the a cid (B) Add add tcJ the water (C}1Add a base tcJ the oonctmb"ated acid (D) Add an aU:a.H tcJ the C'QDCISDtralied acid 2. 1be ooJy ~whim doeso~hm;oe a metal in itsmolamle is: (.A) N aOH (Sodirmn h}Wmid.e) (B) NH4 0H (AmmQDilUI!Il byd:roxide) (C}I Mg(OHl~lM.egnssimn hydroxide) Ol) Ca(Offi'2 (CaJclnm h}droxide) 3. Read the fOilowiog statements careful.J;)~ a.nd then :seJed. the em reet au:swer. J. An·mmbaDwfUdJmnpm rllrough·amgMSHy maynor do so wftmllmted' 2.'Hd'Jare.sGGled'ln ~ ftleyobso.rbwafBandgmw bigger (.A) Both. 1 & 2 iindicate phys.icsJ chamge (B) Bath 1 & 2 mdics.te chsmics1 change (C}1Statement 1 shows physics] cha.nga while statement 2 :shows chemica] cltange (D) 8-t.a.temen.t l sh.o ws chmnica] change whlJ!e :statemeo.t 2 shows physica] change Whieh below bsst aplains why the cardboard doea DOt fan? (A) 'Fbe wet cBJdooard sticb tcJ t he glass (B) Atmos'phmic pn:~:s.sure a cts equs.By o.n the g,J!s1iB .and on the cardboard (C} 'l!'he foroe of fP"B'Iity pulling the cardboard :fa DBgliigib:fe (D) Atmospheric ~"'me act:s: mpwa.n:ls 01!1. the card beam 1 5. The pH seale of acids.and hase; Nea&ral +-Acdll ...... t + ...~ Is1415 leI "1 IaI s(to,lul P Q B 8 Whieh oft;be foD.o,w :ing mi.xture.s am p:n~duce a neutral solution? (.A) P and Q (B.) P SDd R (C) R and S (D) aD of these 1. lei.fer shauld emue in the of the que.sti.ou mark in t.he ser.i.BS? (A) L (B} M (C) N (D}O (B) 3~ Whieh of tbe foiJo,w states, is DCJt like ly tcJ, benefit from the Sartwar Prujed2 (A) Rajasthan (B) Andhra Prade sh (C) M.s.harastra (D) Guj':amt L Abhinav Binclra won lodia's first :soJo,OJ.ympie .... IDI!dal in: ( A) baxiimg (B) ~iimmmg (C ) athletics 5. WOO played Ha.n-y Potter's best frieDd Bon Weasley in tbe Potter fi.bos? (B ) Steve Klcves (C ) Rupert Grimt (D} NOna of thea:! (A) Danie1l RadclDJS Sample Q~ ue· stions 1. MATHSmml!m Kalyau eut rectangle 11ft• frmn a sheet of paper. A smaller,gle is then eut frum the large rectangle IIJP fo, proclUI.'lB figure "91. In cmilparingR UJ, ~ we haW! ·~ ·-[;:}and perimeter both decrease (C}1the a:n:~a and perimeter both :i ncn!moe (A) the 2. a:n:~a ( B) the a:n:~a dec:n:~B.SBS and t he perimeter incres.sBs Ol) the s.nm d~ sod the pm~ stays the same Madan picks three di.fl'e:nmt digits from the i!iBt fl, 2, 3., 4, 5~ aDd forms a :mi.xed nu.mher by placing the digits in the ~. of oa. 'Ibe fraetional part of the mixed number must be less thau 1. (Far 2 ). What is the diffenmce betweeu the ila.:rge.stand the smallest pu!!i!!lible miXed nu:m.ber 3 be formed? ezmnpl~ 4 that caD 3 10 (B) 4 - 3.. 3 (D) 4 - 5 A. prime n1rrnber is ealled a "Superpri.Jnell, if: " it, aDd then subt-:rading 1, Nsulfs in ~her prime o'IIIJlberl'. The uum ber of Supe:rpri.mes less than 15 are: (A) 2 (A) 181) 5.. 9 20 (C ) 4 - (B) 8 (C) 4 (D ) 5 (C ) fi20 Ol) cannot be deteno:i!ned The s:ide.s of a triangle have lengths 9,13 and k, where '' k1 is .a:o integer. F CR" how· mauyval.ue.s of ~ is the trianp abtU!!Ie? (Al ll ("B.) 12 (C) 1D Ol) 6 Sample Q·ue·stions PHYSICS 1. Whieh of the folluwing ststemeuts is.NOT aa rect mgarding motion? (A) CmviliDBBl" and Mct:iliDBBJ" matron. together .are refer:n:~d tom t:m:nslatxJ:ry motion. (B) In a rotatfcm.a] motion.the body stays in.the same plaoa with.respect rto tirme ( C}I AD periodic motions aM ascHllatory by:oatme ( D) A :siim,g;lle body am axhiibit more trum one type of :mctiQD at the time 2. Keeping the incide nt ray fmed, if a plane min-m- is. rotated thli'Ough an angle lying in its. plame, the nd1aeted rB¥ tu.I"D!!! thruugb angle: ( A) 9' 3~ (B) 2 Q Anci:B AD electric gi.\;'85 us.light due to: ( A) beatiiog mmct of CID"l"mlt (C) cbe:mic.aJ el"ect of mr:nmt (C) 9f2 (D} Q l!IEII!m about an arls e14 (B) ma:goetic effect of cmnmt (D) :OCll!l_e of the abm~ L The cliflenma! 'between osci.Datol").. aDd vibratory is that, iD the later: (A) the body moves .as a wholle (B) the body dcem."t move as a who1e (C) the body does to and fro motion (D) the body does a MpatitF-~ motim:t 6.. The figure given be.lowsho.w of a metal pipe used h auryinghot water. Whatis the function of~rl ( A) Preve:o~ the pipe f:mm expsndmg (C)1Ms\esl the piif'S easier to be iosta.n'ed (B) Ma.kssJ the pipe es.s.ier to be r-epair-ed (D) All'ows the pipe to expa.:od witlumt b:resi:img
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