enton County Elections, Oregon - Special Election April 4, 1978 - Page 1 of 2 Benton Bulletin, March 29, 1978 Page. 2S'.:~ SAMPLE BALLOT for Special Election, Benton County, Ore~on, April 4, 1978 IMPORTANT BiiRD OF DIRECTORS Position #3 4 Year Term VOTE FOR'ONE This is a combined sample ballot, containing all candidates and measures to be voted on throughout the county. Not all of the candidates and measures appearing here will be on the bt<llot you receive at your polling place. The names of the candidates on this sample ballot may not appear in the some sequence as on the official ballot in your precinct. Please read your official ballot carefully. SPECIAL DISTRICT ELECTION BENTON COUNTY, OREGON APRIL 4, 1978 1-101 PROPOSAL: Shall the Board of Directors of SChool .I'Jistrict "lo. 26. Alpine be authorized to levy for the fiscal year 1978-1979 t.he ~65,~67.87 outside the li'llitation set forth in Section 11, Article XI of the Oregon Constitution? sum of BAl. LOT CARP NUHBER: PHILOMATH SCHOOL DISTRICT 17J BOARD OF DIRECTORS Zone #2 4 Year Term VOTE FOR ONE 2 JOHN F. WOOLEY DAVID W. YOUNG SPECIAL DISTRICT ELECTION BENTON COUNTY, OREGON APRIL 4, 1978 2-03 44~ GILBERT B. CALKINS 02-09 TAX LEVY OUTSIDE iHE CONSTIT!IT!O'IAL ll11ITATIOII Willian. E. Ffynn, Dirwctor .,. lecorch and EJections 1 02-14 ALPINE SCHOOL DISTRICT 26 BALLOT CARD NUMRER: 4-13 SPECIAL DISTRICT ELECTION APRIL 4, !978 BENTON COUNTY, OREGON 02-15 ZO~lr~i"G TERRY W. BRADLEY 90 ~ FOR OJSTRJCT 801\Rn OF OlRECTORS YES 51~ NO 52~ BALLOT CARD NIJ~BER: EXPLASATION· The 1977 legislature repealer! the law requiring Union High nistrict Roard l·lembers to live in difhrent elcmc.ntary school distr1c,t.,. Vot"rs must now ap:"~rovro 1"11' di<,aporo~e zcning. If _tJpprov('1, five positions \-/ill be e!;tilblis.hed con,.sidcring population and elem~ntat·y school tioundaries. F1,1ture board positions w11l be filled by members living in e~'ch zone. tJithout zonirtg there ~~i.ll be nn residen~y rPstrictions. In eithe,· casP., board meMbe1·s will be elect•d hy all district \'Oters. YES 94 ~ NO 95 ~ LANE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT _ BOARD OF DIRECTORS At Large Position 4 Year Term ROGER A. OAKES VOTE FOR ONE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Position #3 YES.89 ~ QUEST lOti: Shall tl'!e Boarti of Director·s of t1onro(' Union High School Olstrict liH-1, ~e elected from zones that are divider! as nearly r.qually as possible irt population? BOARD OF DIRECTORS SUMHERS GOFF KAL!SHMAN Position #2, T e r m - - - - - - - - - - - - - Exp. -June 30, 19BI HENRY (HANK) SCHROEDER BOARD OF DIRECTORS Position #3 4 Year Term VOH FOR GNE BOARD Of DIRECTORS Positi<>n #4 4 Year Term VOTE FOR ONE ll!HT.AlJON FX.PLANAT10 1l: The district has no tax base, therefore, any tax to be le~ied by the school bo<~rd '!lust be approver! by the voters. The availa':Jle non-tax revc·nue is 1nsufficiertt to provide an educat10n program adequate to neet the necods of the children of the dhtrict. If this mea sur~ is approvert, the operilting bu1get to be . finan.ccd by local taxes for the year 197R-79 will he ~?,2,~39.00 greater than the opcrat irtg bu1[:<:~ finantt:d by local tans for the preceding year. ALSEA SCHOOL DISTRICT 7J BELLFOUNTAIN SCHOOL DISTR-ICT 23 CONSTITUTJI}~.-,l NO EXPLI\Nf..TION OF THE BALLOT QUESTION: The district has no tax base, therefore, any tax to be levied by the School ~o.ard must be approved by the voters. The available non-tax revenue is insufficient to provide an education program adequate to meet the needs of the children of tflis district. If this measure is approved, the operating budget to be financed by the local taxes for the year 1978-1979 will he $10,960.75 less than the operating budget financed by local taxes for the preceding year. 4 TAX lEVY OUTSIDE THE QUESTION: Shall the BoarrJ of IJirec.tcrs of School f'Jistric~ No. Ull-1 t\onroc, Oregon be autl"lorized to· levy for the fiSCiJl year 1978-79 the sum of $31~,739.0'1 outside the limitation set forth in Section 11. ~rt-icle XI, of the Oregnn Constit;Jtion? UIANA M. SCRIBNER 63~ MARY PAULINE FRANCE VOTE FOR ONE RICH.~Rn 118~ F. FREEMAN HE~DRICkSON 119~ LEN (LEONARD) WASSOM 120~ WILL!AH E. WATKINS 121~ LES 4 Year Term 0.?-06 TAX l£VY ELETION VOTE FOR ON BOARD OF DIRECTORS Position #4 4 Year Term T!l£ LEGAL QUESTION TO 9E VOTED 0'1 IS: Shall the Board of !:lirectors of Bellfountain School :;strict tlo, 23c, Renton County, Oregon be authorized to le'.'y for the operation aild capital outlay of 8Pllfountain School rluring the fiscal year 1978-1979 the sum of S82,192,qg in excess of the lil:titation provideri by Art1cle XI, Sec: ion 11 of the Constitution of "the State of Oregon? EXPLP\ATJO': OF THE BfiLUH ~;!EST!Oti: VOTE Sellfour.tain School "listrict fi'). 23r. has no tax base and no authority to 1evy tax~s for the ore1·ation anrl maintenance of Bell fountain Sc~ool without the approval of the register~d V()ters ~1itloin the district. The sum of monies available to the dist1·ict from non-tax reven,.e is insufficient to provlr:le for the educational programs requirement of the district. If this mcav· 1s approved, the operating budget to be financed hy loc,.· taxes for the 197C-1979 tax year will be S5,278.28 gret~:.cr than the operating bu1get finance<! by local taxes for' the preceding year. YES 32 ~ NO 33 ~ OAK GROVE SCHOOL DISTRICT 4 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Position #4 4 Year Term VOTE FOR ONE SHIRES E. 23~ THOMA~ 02·13 FO~ DANIEL RICHMAN 66~ BOARD OF DIRECTORS OM BOSCH Zone III Term Ex- - - - - - ' - - - - - - - pi res june 30, 198-1 CHARLENE CURRY , WILLARD J. ROLOW 67~ .~--------------RONALD L. FARt~ER 6B~ GILBERT STROM !IN£ TAX lEVY OUTSIDE THE CONSTlTUTIO~lAL ll!liTATICtl THE LEGAL QUESTIO'I TO BE VOTED ON IS: Shall the Board of Directors of School District No. 7J, Bentoll County, IJrc']Oil be lluthorized to levy for the operation anrl capi~al outlay of ."'lsea School durin9 the year 1978-79 the sum of ~353,?85 in excess of the llmttation provider! by Article XI, Section 11 of the Constitution of the State of Oregon·? EXPLANATION Of THE BALLOT QUESTIO'l: Schonl 'Jfstrict 'lo. 7J has no tax base and no autl1ority to levy tax.es for tire operation and maintenilnce of Alsea School without the approval of the voters within the district. The su:n of mon1rs available to the district from non-property tax rcverwt> is insufficient to p1·ovide for t!"IC e·ducational program requirements of t...l)e 1istrict. If this measure is approved, the operat1ng bu<1gct to be financed hy local taxes for the tax year 1971l·79 will be $64,132 greater than the oper<1t ing bu1g"t financed by local taxes for the prl'cedingyear. YES 75 NO 76 ~ ~ 123~ 124~ 125~ ALAN R. SCOTT, JR. 126~ JERRY SIROIS 127~ FRANCES F. SUHMERS 12B. . LAWRENCE JAMES WHEELER 129~ VOTE FOR ONE JANE ELIZABETH I'IOJCIK 130~ BOARD OF DIRECTORS Zone If 4 Y.ear Term VOTE FOR ONE CATHERINE LAURIS 132~ JOHN D. HANKS ~ 133 . . IRISH BEND SCHOOL DISTRICT 24 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Position #1 4 Year Term VOTE FOR ONE 02-07 MONROE RURAL FIRE PROTECTION OISTRI.cT 29~ VOLNEY VOLKER TAX LEVY OUTSIDE 6% LIMITATION 02-24 EX.PLAtlliTTOtl OF THE MLLOT QUESTION: School Oistrict t!IJ. 24 has no tax base and no author.lty to levy t~es for th~ operation and maintenanc1• of Irish Bend School withou the approval of the voters w1thin the district. The sum o.~monies available to ttJe dic.trict fror:1 non·tax r11v~nue is insuff~cient to provide for the -cducatiortal program requirP,.,ents of the district. !f this measure is approverl, the npe1·ating buriget to be finance1 by local taxPS for the tax year 1978-1979 ~lill he $2,451).90 more than the upr:rating budget financed by local taxes for the preceding year. 3 BALLOT CARD NUMBER: 42~ NAOMI LUCAS 02·08 Tfi.X ! 1 VY OUTS JOE 6% l!IHTATIO~l YES 71 ~ NO 72 ~ YES 47 ~ 48~ LIMITATJO~ EXPLP.t:fiTlO~: OF THf [lfiLLOT () 1 JrST!Ot~: The rlistrict has no tax base and flO authority tn J,..vy tilxes for th~ impro~em"'nt of roarls witllin North "F" Street P.oart fllstri(:.t 1-1ithout approval of the voters with1n the district. If this ~1ca~ure is approver!, thf' operating budget to be fi rtartcPd by 1oca 1 tatc•s fo-r t!1e yc~ r 1978-1979 ~ri 1 '1 be the same as the preced1ngycar 5 NO TAX LEVY OUTSID£_TH[ COfiSTTTtJTIONAL TilE l[Gflt QIJESTJOt: TO BE V'1TEt"l 0'~ IS: Shall the Bnard of ~irec tors of 'lorth 'T' Street Road District, [Ienton County, Oregon be autt.orized to levy a special tax of S950.00 not to exceed onefourth of or~e percr•nt ( .0025) of the t .. ue cash value of all taxable real property ·~11th in t~e di~tr1ct computed in accordance with OR~ 30~.207 for the fiscal year 1978-1979 for the impro~e· ~ent of roads within said d1str1ct? TH£ LEGI\L QUEST) ON lO BE VOTED 0~1 IS: Shall the Board· of Directors of School District No. 25J, tlonroe, Ore1)on be authorized to levy for the ~-iscal year 1978-1979 the sum of $173,375.~0 o~tsirle the limitation :;et forth i'l Section 11, Article XI of ,the 'lregon Constftution? EXPLMlATIOtl OF THE BALLOT QUCST!ON: The district has no tax base, therefore any tax to be levied by the school board must be approved by the voters. Tht available Mn-tax revenue is insufficient to provide an education program adequate to meet the ru~eds of the children of th.e district,. If this measure is aoproved, the sum outside the linitiltion set forth in Sec.tion ll. Article XI of the Ore9on ~onstitution to be financed by local tax.es for the 1978-1979 school year ~till be $46,046.00 greater than th~ sum financed by local taxes for the prece.di ng year. After the has.ic schot)1 support tax offset of SAB,2:13.00 is applied froljl the state r:lircctly to the county assessor, th~ su::1 to be financed by 1 oca 1 taxes for the 1910-1979 tax year 1~111 !:>e $125,142.001 or S2,187.00 less than the ~ur.l finance1 by local taxes for the prC'ced1ng year. 5I This_ physically handicapped symbol Indicates those polling places which have an entrance accessible to , voters using wheel chairs. ALL VOTERS, INCLUDING THE HANrDICAPPEO, MUST VOTE AT THEIR OWN POLLING PLACES. We regret that all polling places cannot be accessible. If you are handicapped, and your poiUng place Is not accessible to voters In wheel chairs or on crutches,. you, may vote by absentee.ballot. For lnformaiion on absentee voting and/or other methods of voting, please call the Elections Department at 757-6831. NORTH "F" STREET ROAn DISTRICT MONROE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRICT 25J BOARD OF D!RECTORS Position #2 4 Year Term VOTE FOR ONE BENTON COUNTY SPECIAL DISTRICT ELECTION APRIL 4, 1978 THE LEGAL QUESTIO~~ TO BE VOTED ON IS: Shall lhe Goard of ~irec tors of Monroe Rural Fire Protection !"listrict, Rent'on County, Oregon levy a tax of S?.0,324.09 for the year 1978-79? 02-61 3-08 TAX lEVY OUTSIDE THE (01-!STITUTJONAL tP'ITATIOt! EXPLANIIT!Otl OF THF CAUOT QIJ(STJOtl: This tax will be used for the operation of the distrid. This taK, to require an adr!itlonal levy e~timated at $0.52 per thouso.>n1 riollars of true cash value, will be in excess of the. liflli t~t ion on taxes es tab 1 isherl by Article XI, Section 11, of the Constitutlon of the State of Oregon. This meiisurr> asks thr. voters to approve or disapprove a one y('ar levy to provi::!P funds for the opHati!"ln of the <liiotrict in the amount of $20,J24.119. If tl.1s 11easure is c~nprov(·t:l, the operating bud~et to l.se financed by lou I t.a1e~ fo1 thP t.ax year 197879 will he ~12,~75.00 less than the uperdt1n3 bu·1get financed by loca1 ti'lxes for thP prr>c.eding yeJI'. THE LEGAL QUEST ION TO BE VOTED ON l S: Sha 11 the board of di rectors of School District No. 24, Benton r.ounty, Oregon be authorized to levy for the operation an_d ca~ital outlay of Irish Ben1 School during the ye.!r 197B-7CJ the sum of $<1.1,130.00 in excess of the 1 imitation provided by Article XI, !ection 11 of the Constitution of the State of Oregon~ SPECIAL DISTRICT ELECTION BENTON COUNTY, OREGON APRIL 4, 1978 POLLING LOCATIONS 28~ JOHN N. KOCH SPECIAL DISTRICT ELECTION BENTON COUNTY, OREGON APRIL 4, 1978 5-IUHl YES 73 ~ NO ~ 74 BALLOT CARP NVHBER: MONROE UNION HIGH SCHOOL D!STR ICT UH-1 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Posit ion #3 4 Year Term vOTE FOR .ONE BOARD .OF DIRECTORS Position #5, Term Exp. June 30, 1980 vOTE FOR ONE CHARLETTE A. LINDSEY 79 ~ DONALD R. OAKES 80 ~ TOM READER 81 ~ ROBERT W. 1/ILSON 82 ~ •. .POLLING PLACE · PRECINCT 130 WREN COMMUNITY HALL, Kings Valley Hwy. & Wren 131 SUBURBAN CHRISTIAN CHURCH, SW 53rd and SW Nash Road 132 MARYS RIVER GRANGE HALL, Grange Hall Road, Philomath 133 IOOF HALL, 13th and College, Philomath 137 ALSEA GRANGE HALL, Lobster Valley Road, Alsea '138 BLODGETT SCHOOL, Blodgett 5I 140 AMERICAN LEGION HALL. Main Street, Monroe~ . 141 WILLAMETTE GRANGE HALL, NW Hwy 99 & Greenberry Rd. 149 BELLFOUNTAIN COMMUNITY CHURCH, Bellfountain ·II 150 IRISH BEND SCHOOL, Irish Bend 151 ALPINE SCHOOL, Alpine II. 152 FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. 45.15 ~AT W<><~t ,u '}1o :0.1 .. IW, . , , .-. · ·. ·:,,;~,:;,-,, , _ S '1(." ....... V¥..".U1 ...-t~,~A~--.,.. __ ,.._"._,~,.,._.__..,, ..,,..,,.;,_....,,.,,*',~·,:..'~~,~~,~'---' enton County Elections, Oregon - Special Election April 4, 1978 - Page 2 of 2 SAMPLE BALLOT for Speciaf Election, Benton County, 0reto& April 4, 1978 IMPORTANT SPECIAL DISTRICT ELECTION BENTON COUNTY, OREGON APRIL Thit ir o combincd romptc bollot, contoining oll condidotor ond rneorurer to bo votrd on in North Atnany. Not oll of thc condidotcs ond mcorurct oppcoring hcrc rill br on the ballot you rcccive ot your polling phcJ. Thc nomcr of the condidotes on thit romple boilot moy not oppcor in thc somc sequcncc os on thc officior bortot in your prrcinct Plcorc rcod your officiol boltot corefully. t|Ylllllar t. Flynn, Dhrctcr cr lecor& rnd llcalonr .I spEcIAt DISTRICT BEI{ToN ELECTI0N coulTy, oREGoN AIRIL 4, Year Term VOTE FOR ONE 02.II JEFF THE ttGAL QUtSTI0I{ T0 BE V0TE0 ofl IS: Shall the Board of Year Term TERRILL _ V-OIE FOR ONE SPECIAL DISTRICT ELECTION 2 BENTON COUNTY, OREGON APRIL 4, C. er) PLAGI4ANN 2-03 BALLOT CARD School during the yedr 1978-79 the sur.r of of the limit;tion provided by Articlc Xl, stitution of the State of Oregon? BOARD OF DIRECTORS RAYMOND Positlon #1, Term Exp. June 30, 1980 1978 NUt"1EER : District flo' 43 has for the operation atld maintenarrce of Fajrmount School without the approval of the v0ters within the district. The sun of tnonics available to the district from non-tax revertue is insufficient to provide for the educational prografl requirernents of the district. 4 JAMES PATRICK #4 O',D0NNELL 24+ Year Term voTF FoR oNE BOARD OF DIRECTORS ti on #5, Term Exp. June 30' 1979 BRUCE PALI| Posi VOTE FOR 02.03 ONE , ER 26 E)> FIR BOARD OF DIRECTORS BOARD 0F Position 4 LARRy TAX LEVY oUTSlot 61 41 r)> E. RH69ES 43 D> 45 D)> p. SyD614 tl[lTATloN lS: Shall the Board of Direc- tors of School Dlstrict llo. 74,8enton County,0regon be authorl2ed to levy for the oPeration and capital outlay of Fir Grove School during the year 1978-1979 the sum of 9164,745.00 in excess of the limitation provided by Article XI' Section 1i of the Constitution of the state of 0regon? - YES 34 T> N0 35 F)> EIPLAiIATI0II 0F THt BALLoT QUESTl0[: schoo'l r')lstrict Qo. 74 has no tax base and no authority to levy taxes for the operation and maintenance of Fir 6rove School without thc approval of the vot' The sum of monies available to the ers within the dlstrlct from non-tax revenuc is insufficjent to proviCe for the educational progran requirements lf this measure is 23 '> of the district. approved, the operat'ing budget t0 be BENTON COUNTY ' OREGON 4_ 13 APRIL 4, 1978 02.25 CARD NtJI,,!BER: rcvenue QUESTI0N T0 8E V0TE0 0N IS: Shall the Board of tlirec- tors of Palcstine Rural Firc Protection 0istrict, Benton County, levy a tax of !15,083.00 for the year 1978-79? 0regon This tax will be use.J for the operation of the 0istrict. This tax, to require an eddjtionlevy per al estimatcd at $1.78 thousand.io'llars of true cash value, wil'l be in excess of the linritation on taxes estabsished by Article tl, Section ll, of the Constitution of the State of tXPLANATI0fI 0F THE 8ALL0T QUE5TI0N: is insuffi- to nect the itent to of tbe children of this district. Il this measure is approved, the operating budget for our school wi'11 bc S23,903.00 greater than the operating budget for the pracedinq yeor. The amount needed through thc local tax levy to balance the budget wlll jncre,rse by 336,173.49 over the preyear. *cedinqlle-will recelve a mininum c,f $28,945.48 in tax offset funds frorl tll. Statc. Uith this offtet our levy vri1l increase only t7,2?8.01 over this year. It is therefore estinat€d our iaxes rJll bc 50( to 60C per tl000 less than this year. provide an education proqram adequate TAX LTVY OUTSIDE lHE COIISTITUTIONAL LTHITATIOI{ THt LEGAL fIPLANATI0\ 0F THE BALL0T Q'.ltSTl0ll: The 'listrict has no tax basei therefore, any tax to bo levied by the school'board must be apneeds -> N0 31+ YES 30 This mcasure asks the voters to approve or disapprove a cne year levy 1o provide funds for the operation of the 0istrict in the amount of S15,093,00. If this measur0 is approvo4, the operating budget to bc financed by local taxes for the tax year'197379 will bc S2,983.00 greater than thc opcrating budget financed by loca l taxes for the prcceding year. NORTH ALBANY RI'RAL FIRI APRI4, r978 02.22 This physicolly hondicopped symbol indicoles lhose polling ploces which hove on enlronce occessible lo volers using wheel choirs. ALI VOTERS, INCTUDING THE HANDICAPPED, MUST VOTE AT THEIR OWN POLLING PIACES. We regref thot oll polling ploces connol be oc- cessible. ll you ore hondicopped, ond your polling ploce is nol occessible lo voters in wheel choirs or on crutches, you moy vole by obsentee bollot. For informolion on obsenlee voting ond or other methods of voting, pleose coll ihe Elections Deporlment ol 757-683 1 . 8;00 o.m. fo 8:00 p.m. on April 4.1978: PRECINCT POttING PLACE FATRMOUNT SCHOOL, 1005 NW Springhill Rd. OAK GROVE SCHOOL, 1500 NW Ook Grove Dr. NORTH ALBANY SCHOOI-, 8l5 E. Thornton Loke Dr. FIR 6ROVE SCHOOI. 5355 NW Scenic Dr. 64 N0 65 F)> YES TAX LIVY OUTSIOE IHE 61 Lll',lIT/\TIOII THt LTGAL QUESTI0N T0 8E V0Tt'l 0N IS: Shall the Board of tors of llorth Albany Rural fire Protection listrict, Direc- Senton County,-0regon, be authori/ed to levy for the operation ano capttal outlay of thc district Curing the year l97g-79 the sun of t109,6?5.00 in excess of the linitation provi4ed by Article XI, Section 1l of the Constjtution of the Stat€ of 0regon? tXPLlllATl0N 0F THt BALL0T QUISIl0tl: The purpose of the proposed levy ls to enable the 4istrict to meet ilre lq78-79 fire prorection contract with the City of llbany an4 also cover operatifrg expcnses. This distrjct has no tax bdse anC no authority to levy taxes for the operation of tha district without the approval of the voters rvithin thc district. lf thjs neasure is approve.l, the 0pcrating ty.lllt to be financed hy local taxcs for the r.ax year l97B-79 will be 9i2,843.00 flore than the operat.ing burlget oi the preceding year. d> PROTECTiON NISTRICT SPECIAI DISTRICT ETECTION will be open from vrc rLJ 0regon. NORIH ALBANY AREA POLLING PTACES FOR 134 e 135 t 143 el41 BALLOT PALESTINE RURAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT PR0P0SAL: Shall the Board of Directors of School District {0. 4, Eenton County, Oak Grove School, be authorized to levy for the flscal year 1978-79 the sum of 92'l3,176.49 nutsi'!e the limitation iet forth in Section 11, Article XI of the oregon Constitution? The following polling ploces N0 s0F)> precedlng year. 02.04 TAX LEVY OUTSIDE 6tr LIMITATIOH z 49!)> financed by local taxes for the 1978-1979 tax year Y|ill be t9,325.00 ntore than the operating budget financed by local taxes for the THOMAS YEs district. SPECIAL DISTRICT ELECTION voterS. fhe availab'le non'tax HEI{S ONE THE LtcAL QUESTI0N T0 BE v0Tt0 Otl BOARD OF DIRECTORS Position #4 T. s4r> D. ! 0NE DjRECT0RS 0F 02-12 OAK GROVE SCHOOL DISTRICT 4 SHIRTS N0 Year Term VOTE FOR Year Term ICHARD CHARLES Position #5, Term Exp. June 30, 1980 , 53D> #2 V0TTF0R TAX LTVY OUTSIDE 6T LINITATIOH proved by the R OlRtcT0RS YES DISTRICT 74 GROVE SCHOOL Positjon #l , Term Exp. June 30, 1981 vlJE FOR oNE BOARD PR0P0SAL: Shall the Eoard cf tlireitors o'f School !istrict I'lo. 34,8enton County,oregon be authorize'd tO levy for the operation ani crpital outliy of llorth Albany GraCc School nuring the.197879 schbol year thL sum of 9155,776.00 in excess of the'l'imitation provided tr! Article Xt, Section l1 of the ConstiLutiorr of the Statc of oregon? tXPLANAII0N 0F THE BAtL0T QtJtSTI0ll: School Djstrict rlo. 34 ha! no tax basc and no autltority to levy t;rxes for ''he operation and maintenance of ilorth Albany Grade Sch('o1 without tha epproval of the voters r'rithjn the 0istrict. Thc sdtn df ntnies availahle to to provide for the 0lstrict from non-tox revenuc i3 insuflicient thc. cducational program rc(ilircrnent.s ()f, th{ r)istr'iat. lf this nreastlre js approved, thc operating btilget t0 be fjnanced by the local taxcs for the tax ycar 1978-79 will be $l?,490.00 greater than tl,e operating bu,!gct finan.ed try 1oca1 taxes for thc preceding Yoar' 4 School lf this meisure is approved, the operatin0 budget to be financed by local taxes foi the 1978-79 tax year will be $18,381.34 more than the operating budqet financed by local taxes 22+ DAVID PERKINS ONE BOARD OF DIRECTORS pos.ition in excess 1l of the Con- 5169,507.07 Section for thc preceding year. After the Bisic School Support tax offset is applied' the operating budget to be financed by local taxes for the 1978-79 tax year wi'll be $35,6?0.35 less than r-lte preceding year' NORTH ALBANY SCHOOL DISTRICT 34 VOTE FOR Direc- tors of school 0istrict llo 43, Benton county' 0re9on be authorized to lcvy for the operation and capital outlay of Fairmount no tax base and no authority to levy taxes DIRECTORS Tone #7 4 46r+ AMSBERRY TAX LTVY OUTSIDE THT 6% LIIIITATIOI'I EXPLANATI0H OF THE EnLLOT QrJtS,TIOtl: OF IIIJMBER: Position #l 4 LINN/BENTON INTERMEDiATI EDIJCATION DISTRICT BOARD 1978 FAIRMOUNT SCHOOL DISTRICT 43 I alL_Lor cnRD | turarn, 1_t0l 1978 BALLOT CARD 4, NO -> 70 -> 6e
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