NUCLEIC ACID ANALYSIS Nucleic Acid Sample Preparation Do you need pure RNA for QRT-PCR? Is your DNA clean and application-ready? Do you want to skip RNA isolation altogether? SAMPLE PREPARATION REAGENTS > Sample Preparation Reagents Stratagene offers a full suite of nucleic acid isolation products to suit your application. Our patented SideStep™ II QRT-PCR products allow you to skip RNA purification altogether and proceed directly to a real-time QRT-PCR amplification from cells, saving you valuable research time and money. This method minimizes sample loss, making it ideal for high-throughput sample processing and screening. Our highly popular, efficient and effective Absolutely RNA® product line delivers intact, pure, high-quality total RNA and mRNA for every application. These complete kits incorporate DNase treatment for the complete removal of genomic DNA. For DNA, we offer genomic DNA purification kits that allow for a wide range of sample inputs, such as tissue, cultured cells, and whole blood, and DNA extraction kits for PCR and plasmid DNA isolation and purification. CONTENTS: 1 2-3 4-5 6 7 Product Selection Guide C e l l Ly s i s a n d R N A S t a b i l i z a t i o n To t a l R N A P u r i f i c a t i o n R N A f r o m P a r a f f i n - E m b e d d e d Ti s s u e mRNA and miRNA Isolation 8 9 10 11 Genomic DNA Isolation DNA Isolation from Gels, PCR Plasmid DNA Isolation Ordering Information Table 1 CHOOSE THE BEST SAMPLE PREPARATION PRODUCT FOR YOUR APPLICATION NUCLEIC ACID TYPE STRATAGENE SOLUTION SAMPLE TYPE SAMPLE SIZE ADVANTAGES RNA, DNA, miRNA SideStep™ II QPCR and QRT-PCR Products Mammalian cells Up to 1 x 10 6 + + + + Absolutely RNA® Miniprep Kit Mammalian cells and tissue 10 5 to 10 7 cultured cells or 5 to 40 mg of tissue + Pure DNA-free total RNA for all downstream applications Absolutely RNA® Microprep Kit Mammalian cells Up to 5 x 10 5 cells + Ideal kit for laser microdissection (LMD) samples + Single-spin cup protocol maximizes recovery of RNA Absolutely RNA® 96 Microprep Kit Mammalian cells Up to 5 x 10 5 cells + High-throughput method purifies total RNA from small RNA Absolutely RNA® Nanoprep Kit Mammalian cells 1 cell to 1 x 10 4 cells + Small 10-μl elution volume for concentrated RNA making it ideal for real time RT-PCR analysis Absolutely RNA® FFPE Kit Formalin-fixed paraffin embedded tissues (FFPE) Variable + Reliable non-toxic method + Complete kit, no extra purchases required + Includes QPCR Reference RNA standard for gene expression analysis Absolutely mRNA™ Purification Kit Total RNA Up to 1 mg + Method delivers the purest mRNA + Fast 20-minute protocol + Scalable, simple kit method SideStep™ mRNA Enrichment Kit Mammalian cells Up to 1 x 10 6 cells + Delivers intact, highly pure mRNA directly from cell culture + Swift 30-minute protocol + Scalable, simple kit method SideStep ™ Lysis and Stabilization Buffer Mammalian cells Up to 1 x 10 6 + + + + DNA Extraction Kit Mammalian tissue, cell, or blood Up to 1 x 10 8 cells; 250 mg tissue + Easy-to-use, scalable, non-toxic method for DNA extraction DNA Micro Extraction Kit Blood 100 – 300 ml blood + Highly reliable, rapid 60-minute protocol High Molecular Weight Genomic DNA Recoverease ™ DNA Isolation Kit Whole mammalian tissues: liver, spleen, kidney, brain, and testes 40 mg to 185 mg mammalian tissue + Recover high-molecular-weight (100 to 500 kb) genomic DNA fully hydrated and ready for multiple downstream applications + Non-toxic method + No organic extractions or ethanol precipitations PCR Product Clean-up StrataPrep ® Gel Extraction Kit Agarose gel slices Variable + Effective purification of DNA fragments from 100 bp to greater than 23 kb + Versatile protocol—works with both conventional and low-melt agarose gels StrataPrep ® PCR and 96 PCR Purification Kits PCR reaction mixtures 50- 100 μl + Rapid, high-yield PCR product purification up to 10 μg StrataPrep ® Plasmid Miniprep Kit Bacterial cultures 1.0 – 3.0 ml cultures + Rapid, phenol-free method for purifying pure plasmid DNA + Accommodates all sizes of DNA from 2.9-kb plasmids to 45-kb cosmids StrataPrep ® EF Plasmid Midi Prep Kit Bacterial cultures 25 to 200 ml cultures depending on plasmid copy number + Rapid, high yields of pure endotoxin-free DNA + Improves transfection efficiency + Purification of DNA ranging from 2.9-kb plasmids Total RNA Messenger RNA Genomic DNA Plasmid DNA Complete RNA transcriptome Single-tube format eliminates sample loss Go directly to QRT-PCR analysis Fast 10-minute protocol Single-tube format eliminates sample loss Go directly to QPCR from cells Non-toxic phenol-free method Fast 10-minute protocol to 48-kb cosmids 2>3 CELL LYSIS AND RNA STABILIZATION > SIDESTEP ™ II QRT-PCR PRODUCTS Obtain RNA and DNA Directly from Cells without Loss The SideStep™ II QPCR and QRT-PCR products allow you to quantitate gene expression directly from cells. Our kits deliver efficient cell lysis, RNA stabilization, gDNA removal and quantitative gene expression analysis—without the need for a separate RNA purification step. Our SideStep™ kits employ a patent-pending solution that lyses cells and immediately stabilizes the released nucleic acids for many months. The SideStep™ method allows you to completely avoid nucleic acid purification and proceed directly to cDNA synthesis and real-time QPCR detection. SideStep ™ Lysis and Stabilization Process Our SideStep™ Lysis and Stabilization Buffera lyses cells in 10 minutes at room temperature, with the actual lysis step taking only 1 minute (Figure 1). RNA, miRNA, and DNA are released from the cells and immediately stabilized. RNA remains intact and high quality even after 20 months of -80°C storage in the lysate (Figure 2). The SideStep buffer offers the best cell lysis and is easier to use than other cell lysis methods. Our standard SideStep protocol permits lysis of up to 1 million Conventional Method SideStep™ Method Cells Cells Lysis Lysis cells in 100 μ l and is scalable. QRT-PCR Normalization Using Genomic DNA Our Quantos QPCR normalization primers, included in all SideStep II kits, are unique single-copy sequences on different human chromosomes which provide a standard for evaluation of gDNA amount. Additionally, they are useful for determining cell number in an unknown sample and determining relative or comparative quantification of mRNA copy number in multiple (Optional DNase Treatment) samples using genomic DNA as the normalizer. Bind to Column Matrix QRT-PCR DNase Treatment 2 Steps > 10 Minutes Elute QRT-PCR 6 Steps > 30 Minutes Figure 1 S IDE S TEP ™ PRODUCTS SAVE TIME, INCREASE THROUGHPUT Our SideStep™ product line takes you directly from cells to QRT-PCR in fewer steps with less time, increasing your throughput. cDNA Synthesis Directly from Cells Our SideStep™ II QPCR cDNA Synthesis Kita employs direct synthesis of cDNA from cells without having to first isolate RNA. This highly sensitive and reliable method takes only 15 minutes to perform using SideStep cell lysates and allows you to generate cDNA expressly for QPCR analysis. This high sensitivity is due to our QPCR-grade and nuclease-free AffinityScript™ Multiple Temperature Reverse Transcriptasea as well as a highly efficient cDNA synthesis buffer. Additionally, the cDNA synthesis reagents are formatted in a convenient master mix for speed and high reliability. Multiple Formats Offer SideStep™ Technology Rapid and precise real-time analysis directly from cell lysates is now possible with our SideStep™ II QPCR and QRT-PCR Kitsa,b. Our application-tested kits employ detection of RNA using both one-step and two-step formats (Table 2). Ideally, RT-PCR is performed using primers designed to span exon-exon junctions, however, we include genomic DNA removal reagents in all Sidestep II kits. Genomic DNA, miRNA, and RNA can all be measured directly from the SideStep lysates. RNA is stable in the lysate for up to 20 months at -80°C, which is ideal for a host of cell-based gene expression applications such as mRNA profiling and siRNA knockdown validation. Figure 2 S IDE S TEP ™ CELL LYSATES STABLE AT LEAST 20 MONTHS AT -80°C We purified total RNA from a lysate stored at -80°C for 20 months and analyzed it using an Agilent® bioanalyzer. Our data clearly show no degradation of RNA indicated by sharp peaks for the 28S and 18S ribosomal bands and a RIN score of 8.7. SIDESTEP™ PRODUCTS APPLICATION KEY ADVANTAGES SideStep™ II Cell Lysis Analysis Kit Cell lysate analysis + Analysis of RNA, DNA, miRNA, mRNA and proteins + Includes genomic DNA removal reagents + Includes Quantos QPCR normalization primers for comparative quantification or cell number determination SideStep™ II QPCR cDNA Synthesis Kit cDNA synthesis from cell lysates + Go from cells to cDNA in 25 minutes + Includes AffinityScript™ Multiple Temperature RT for high yields of full length cDNA + Includes genomic DNA removal reagents prior to cDNA synthesis SideStep™ SYBR® Green QPCR Master Mix QPCR from cell lysates + DNA quantification directly from cell lysates SideStep™ II QRT-PCR Master Mix, 1-Step (probe) QRT-PCR from cell lysates + Analysis of RNA, DNA, miRNA, and mRNA SideStep™ II QRT-PCR Master Mix, 2-Step (probe) QRT-PCR from cell lysates + Analysis of RNA, DNA, miRNA, and mRNA SideStep™ II SYBR® Green QRT-PCR Master Mix, 2-Step QRT-PCR from cell lysates + Analysis of RNA, DNA, miRNA, and mRNA SideStep™ mRNA Enrichment Kit mRNA isolation directly from cell lysates + Pure mRNA directly from cells in 30 minutes Table 2 CHOOSE THE RIGHT S IDE S TEP ™ PRODUCT FOR YOUR RESEARCH 4>5 TOTAL RNA PURIFICATION > ABSOLUTELY RNA ® KITS High Yields of Pure DNA-Free Total RNA Our Absolutely RNA® Kits offer easy-to-use methods that deliver high yields of intact, full-length DNA-free RNA that can be used for a variety of downstream applications. Additionally, our kits accommodate a wide range of sample types and amounts, allowing maximum flexibility. Highly Pure and DNA-Free High-Quality RNA, Convenience, and Savings RNA quality and purity are paramount for successful Northern Our Absolutely RNA isolation kits contain all of the necessary blot analysis, reverse-transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR), microarray reagents you need (including DNase I) for isolating pure total target labeling, or QRT-PCR experiments. Carryover of phenol, RNA, thus saving you money and time. Additionally, our DNase DNA contamination, and RNA degradation can contribute to is supplied lyophilized, making our kits perfect for room temper- poor labeling and signal quality in microarray experiments and ature storage and saving you valuable freezer space. Removal of inhibit RT-PCR or QRT-PCR amplification. Using clean, DNA- genomic DNA is recommended for sensitive gene expression free, total RNA improves detection and discrimination of low studies where microarray or QRT-PCR techniques are employed. expression level genes in virtually every application. Using our Absolutely RNA kits gives you flexibility in primer design, since you don’t have to worry about genomic DNA Fast, Easy, Non-Toxic Method Our Absolutely RNA kits use a safe, rapid, phenol-free method ® that works with tissue or cultured cells. The method for all kits carrythrough. We also offer a variety of Absolutely RNA kits to suit your application or sample size (Table 3). is simple. Isolation of total RNA is performed in a single spin cup to minimize potential loss of RNA during the procedure. Following lysis, the solution is applied to the silica-based fiber matrix within the spin cup to bind the RNA. Genomic DNA contamination is effectively removed by incubation with DNase I. The RNA is then washed to remove contaminants and total RNA is recovered in the appropriate final elution buffer (Figure 3). Figure 3 ABSOLUTELY RNA ® KIT METHOD Sample Size Format Capacity Elution Volume Application ABSOLUTELY RNA ® MINIPREP KIT ABSOLUTELY RNA ® MICROPREP KIT ABSOLUTELY RNA ® 96 MICROPREP KIT ABSOLUTELY RNA ® NANOPREP KIT ABSOLUTELY RNA ® FFPE KIT ABSOLUTELY mRNA ™ KIT 105 to 107 cells or 5-40 mg of tissue Up to 5 x 105 cells Up to 5 x 105 cells 1 x 104 cells down to a single cell Formalin-fixed paraffinembedded (FFPE) tissues Up to 1 mg of total RNA Spin cup Spin cup Spin cup Spin cup Spin cup Precision engineered oligo-dT magnetic particles > 200 μg RNA 50 μg RNA 50 μg RNA Approx. 200 ng RNA 50 μg RNA 1 mg of total RNA/ 1 mg of magnetic particles 50 μl 30 μl 30 μl 10 μl 30 μl 10-50 μl RT-PCR, QRT-PCR, Northerns, microarray target generation LMD, QRT-PCR, microarray target generation High-throughput QRT-PCR and microarray target generation QRT-PCR, LMD QRT-PCR, LMD RT-PCR, QRT-PCR, Northerns, microarray target Table 3 CHOOSE THE BEST KIT FOR YOUR APPLICATION TOTAL RNA PURIFICATION > MULTIPLE ABSOLUTELY RNA ® KIT FORMATS Multiple Kit Formats Accommodate Wide Sample Size Range Flexible Starting Amounts of Cells or Tissue High Throughput Total RNA Purification Our Absolutely RNA Miniprep Kit is the only kit that produces high yields of Our Absolutely RNA 96 Microprep Kit efficiently isolates high-quality total RNA for RT-PCR, QRT-PCR, microarray target samples, Northern blot total RNA from a variety of cultured cells from 10 cells up to 5 x 10 cells. ® ® 5 analysis, and in vitro transcription reactions. Our kit methodology accommo- This kit is perfect for RNA purification for all of your high-throughput dates a wide range of tissue and cell amounts without compromising RNA purification needs. The purified RNA can be used for RT-PCR, QRT-PCR, yield or integrity and coupled with an effortless on-column DNA removal and expression analysis studies. step gives you pure, DNA-free RNA from cells and tissues (Figure 4). Single Cell RNA Isolation Optimized For Cultured Cells and Laser Microdissection (LMD) Our Absolutely RNA Nanoprep Kit is the only kit qualified to isolate Our Absolutely RNA Microprep Kit isolates total RNA from small starting RNA from a single cell (Figure 5). Total RNA yields are high-quality and samples and LMD samples. This kit is designed for samples containing up concentrated in a small 10-μl elution volume which makes it the perfect ® 5 to 5 x 10 cells. Isolation of total RNA takes place in a single spin cup, with ® kit for QRT-PCR. DNA removal performed directly in the spin cup to minimize potential loss of RNA during the procedure. The resulting RNA is ideal for QRT-PCR, microarray target generation, and other applications. 104 103 5 x 103 Fluorescence (dR) 4 x 103 3 x 103 102 2 x103 1 x 10 10 1 3 0 x 10 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 Cycles Figure 4 Figure 5 EXCEPTIONAL TOTAL RNA PURITY ABSOLUTELY RELIABLE RNA PURIFICATION DOWN TO A SINGLE CELL We assessed the purity of a total RNA sample isolated from a brain cell line using the Absolutely RNA® Kit method with an Agilent® bioanalyzer. An RNA ratio (28S/18S) greater than 1.5 indicates very pure RNA. The data shown here yielded an RNA ratio 1.72, demonstrating the recovery of very pure RNA using the Absolutely RNA® Kit method. QRT-PCR results using total RNA template isolated from 104, 103, 102, 10 and 1 HeLa cell. Duplicate reactions were run for each sample with human GAPDH molecular beacon and primers and 2 μl RNA template. RNA FROM PARAFFIN-EMBEDDED TISSUE > ABSOLUTELY RNA ® FFPE KITS QPCR-Grade RNA from ParaffinEmbedded Tissues The Absolutely RNA® FFPE Kit delivers a reliable, easy-to-use, non-toxic method to isolate quality RNA from formalin-fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissue sections and includes a quantitative RNA reference standard for meaningful QRT-PCR expression analysis. Reliable RNA Recovery from FFPE Tissue Easily Evaluate and Cross Compare Data Our Absolutely RNA FFPE Kit allows you to purify QRT-PCR- There can be a high degree of variability between blocks of grade total RNA from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues. tissue, even in 10-micron sections of paraffin-embedded tissue. The kit contains optimized reagents for improving the reliability This may be due to differences in tissue harvest protocols, the of RNA recovery from these difficult-to-use samples. Using nature of the tissue, fixation procedures or the age or storage traditional methods, Proteinase K digestion is either inefficient condition of this archived material. To minimize this variability, or ineffective at reversing the RNA modifications caused by the we include our Stratagene QPCR Human Reference RNA to use fixation process, resulting in poor and unreliable RNA recovery. as a baseline to compare gene expression from experiment to In contrast, our method using an optimized in-solution experiment. In addition, every lot of our kit is application tested Proteinase K digestion, which completely reverses the RNA and qualified using QRT-PCR, ensuring that you will recover modifications, maximizes RNA recovery and minimizes your the maximum amount of total RNA from FFPE tissues. ® ® time spent during this procedure. As a result, our kit produces more RNA suitable for QRT-PCR (Figure 6) and delivers higher sensitivity in QRT-PCR (Table 4) compared to a leading competitor. 10,000 8,000 Total RNA (ng) 6>7 6,000 C t VALUE STRATAGENE COMPANY A STRATAGENE COMPANY A 4,000 Target ß2M ß2M GAPDH GAPDH 2,000 Colon 3 hr digestion 20.58 24.99 27.83 33.41 Liver 3 hr digestion 24.79 27.67 31.16 36.57 0,000 Liver 3 hr. Absolutely RNA® FFPE Kit Liver 18 hr. Company A RNA FFPE Kit Figure 6 Table 4 MORE YIELD IN LESS TIME MORE QRT-PCR GRADE RNA Our Absolutely RNA® FFPE Kit resulted in better RNA yield compared to Company A's kit, even after using an 18-hour Proteinase K digestion (which can help with difficult tissues). The Absolutely RNA® FFPE Kit delivers more RNA available for QRT-PCR analysis resulting in better sensitivity than RNA isolated using an FFPE kit from Company A. We performed 1-step probebased QRT-PCR amplifications on two targets using 100 ng of RNA isolated from the Absolutely RNA® FFPE Kit and Company A. Using RNA from the Absolutely RNA® FFPE Kit produced much lower Ct values on both RNA targets and tissue types. (ß2M = Beta-2-microglobulin) mRNA AND miRNA ISOLATION > ABSOLUTELY mRNA ™ , SIDESTEP ™ , miRACLE ™ KITS Highly Pure mRNA and miRNA in Minutes Our Absolutely mRNA Purification Kit maximizes mRNA yield and purity from total RNA. Our SideStep mRNA Enrichment Kit provides the perfect method to isolate clean mRNA directly from cultured cells. Removal of predominant larger RNAs is required for accurate analysis of miRNA expression by QPCR. The miRACLE miRNA Isolation kit purifies small miRNAs with minimal contamination from large RNA molecules or genomic DNA. ™ ™ ™ Maximize Yield, Minimize Contamination Pure mRNA Directly from Cells Our Absolutely mRNA Purification Kit produces high yields of Our SideStep mRNA enrichment kita allows you to purify mRNA pure mRNA directly from RNA using a 20-minute protocol. directly from cells using an exceptionally efficient 30-minute The kit includes customized oligo-dT magnetic particles that protocol. Using the SideStep technology, cell lysis and nucleic acid exclusively bind mRNA to maximize yield and quality and mini- stabilization are performed in the same buffer, ensuring maximum mize rRNA contamination (Figure 7). We selected an oligo-dT recovery of mRNA while eliminating the steps for total RNA purifica- magnetic bead technology because it offers exceptional binding tion. Pairing this with our Absolutely mRNA technology, you recover capacity and specificity. Furthermore, older generation magnetic the highest yields of pure mRNA, useable for every downstream bead isolation kits sometimes resulted in leaching of magnetite application, including microarray target labeling and QRT-PCR and thus the recovery of ‘dark colored’ RNA product. The (Figure 8). ™ oligo-dT magentic beads in our kit have a reticulated outer shell constructed of a synthetic polymer coating, which confines the MicroRNA from Cells and Tissue magnetite within each bead and prevents leaching. Our miRACLE miRNA Isolation Kit offers a fast and highly efficient ™ method for miRNA isolation. The kit employs acidified phenol and chloroform to select for RNA molecules and a specially designed column for enrichment of small miRNAs. Our miRACLE miRNA isolation kit removes genomic DNA and large RNA molecules from each preparation, ensuring excellent sensitivity in downstream applications such as QRT-PCR and miRNA microarray analysis. 0.6 mRNA Immobilization Contaminant Removal Flourescence (dRn) 0.5 mRNA Elution 0.4 100 cells 0.3 10 cells 1 cell 0.2 mRNA contaminant 0.1 magnetic bead 0.0 10 20 30 40 50 Cycles Figure 8 Figure 7 ABSOLUTELY mRNA ™ KIT PURIFICATION METHOD ™ Our Absolutely mRNA Purification Kit uses a 3-step protocol to produce pure, contaminant-free messenger RNA in 20 minutes. OBTAIN QRT-PCR GRADE mRNA USING S IDE S TEP ™ mRNA ENRICHMENT KIT We isolated mRNA from 100, 10, 1 cell equivalents (blue lines) using the SideStep™ mRNA enrichment kit. Our data clearly shows sensitive and linear QRT-PCR amplification of GAPDH down to a single cell. The reaction efficiency was 91% and Rsq = 1.00. Reactions were run on the Mx3000P® QPCR System. 8>9>10 GENOMIC DNA ISOLATION > DNA EXTRACTION KITS AND RECOVEREASE ™ DNA ISOLATION KITS Simple, Non-Toxic Methods Deliver Pure Genomic DNA Our DNA Extraction Kits and Recoverease DNA Isolation Kit deliver pure intact genomic DNA from blood, cells, or tissue. ™ Scalable DNA Extraction Method Easily Recover High Molecular Weight DNA Our DNA Extraction and DNA MicroExtraction Kits use a non- Our RecoverEase DNA Isolation Kit recovers high molecular toxic method to rapidly and reliably isolate high molecular weight, weight (100-500 kb) genomic DNA from whole tissues such as PCR-ready genomic DNA from whole blood samples as large as liver, spleen, kidney, brain, and testes without hazardous and 5 ml, or as small as 1 μl, respectively. Using a modification of the tedious organic extraction or ethanol precipitations. The entire ™ 1 protocol developed by Miller, et. al. , separation of the proteins is purification procedure requires less than one hour of hands-on accomplished by a “salting out” procedure, followed by ethanol time and one overnight incubation so the DNA is ready for use precipitation of DNA and resuspension in your buffer of choice. the next day (Figure 9). The number of samples that can be processed simultaneously with this technique is limited only by the amount of centrifuge space available. Additionally, our DNA Extraction kit can be used to isolate DNA from a variety of sample sources (Table 5). RecoverEase™ Method Phenol-Chloroform and Ethanol Method Tissue Disaggregation (3 minutes/tissue) SOURCE QUANTITY YIELD SIZE (kb) TIME Whole Blood 5 ml > 100-300 μg 100 - 500 2 hours Proteinase Digestion (3 hours) Phenol-Chloroform Extraction (35 minutes/tissue) Solid Tissue 1 gm > 250 μg 50 - 100 2 hours, 45 minutes Tissue-Culture Cells 108 cells > 600 μg 50 - 100 2 hours, 15 minutes Ethanol Precipitation (10 minutes/tissue) DNA Rehydration ( 48 - 72 hours) Total Time: > 3 days Coarse Filtration (30 seconds) Nuclei Isolation (15 minutes) Proteinase Digestion (45 minutes) Dialysis and Digestion (16 hours) Total Time: 17.1 hours Table 5 FIGURE 9 OUR FLEXIBLE KIT CAN BE USED TO ISOLATE DNA FROM TISSUE, CELLS, OR WHOLE BLOOD SAVE TIME USING R ECOVER E ASE ™ DNA ISOLATION KIT FOR GENOMIC DNA PURIFICATION Our DNA Extraction Kit uses a non-toxic method to efficiently purify high yields of genomic DNA. DNA ISOLATION FROM GELS, PCR, PLASMIDS > STRATAPREP ® DNA PURIFICATION KITS Novel Purification Methods for a Variety of Applications StrataPrep® DNA Purification Kits utilize a special silica-based fiber matrix technology in a microspincolumn format to capture DNA that is application-ready in minutes. There is no need for aliquotting messy slurries, extracting with phenol, or concentrating the DNA via alcohol precipitations. Pure DNA from Agarose Gels Endoxin-Free Plasmid DNA for Transfection Our StrataPrep DNA Gel Extraction Kit allows rapid, high-yield isola- Our StrataPrep EF Plasmid Midiprep Kit is a fast and easy way to isolate tion of pure DNA from agarose gels. The DNA extraction solution is up to 350 μg of endotoxin-free plasmid DNA. The presence of endotox- added directly to the gel slice of interest and then transferred to the ins (also known as lipopolysaccharides) sharply reduces transfection unique microspin cup. Once bound, the DNA is washed and eluted efficiencies in sensitive cell culture lines. The StrataPrep EF plasmid from the column and is ready for use. midiprep kit includes a unique and easy optional color indicator method ® ® to effectively reduce endotoxin to levels of less than 0.1 EU (endotoxin Fast, Effective Purification Method for PCR Products units) per μg DNA, which significantly improves your transfection effi- Our StrataPrep PCR and StrataPrep 96 PCR Purification Kits prepare ® ® PCR products quickly and easily for downstream applications. The DNA binding solution is added directly to the PCR microcentrifuge tube or 96- ciencies (Figure 12). The convenient protocol reliably yields DNA that is pure and ready for the most rigorous downstream applications. well plate and transferred to a microspin cup or 96-well binding plate Rapid, Small Scale Plasmid DNA Purification containing a specialized silica-based fiber matrix. Once bound, the DNA Our StrataPrep Plasmid Miniprep Kit provides a rapid, phenol-free is washed, eluted, and ready for use. The StrataPrep 96 PCR purification method for purifying pure plasmid DNA. The bacteria is pelleted, lysed, kit effectively purifies a range of PCR products for downstream applica- and then neutralized. The pre-cleared lysate is mixed with the DNA tions such as microarray spotting, sequencing, and cloning (Figures 10 binding solution and transferred to the micro-spin cup. Once bound, the and 11). DNA is washed, eluted, and ready for use in virtually any downstream ® application. Yield DNA Size Minimum Elution Volume StrataPrep® Gel Extraction Kit StrataPrep® PCR Purification Kit StrataPrep® 96 PCR Purification Kit StrataPrep® Plasmid Miniprep Kit StrataPrep® EF Midiprep Kit 10 μg 10 μg 10 μg 20 μg 350 μg 100 bp to 23 kb 100 bp to long PCR amplicons 100 bp to long PCR amplicons 2.9-kb plasmids to 45-kb cosmids 2.9-kb plasmids to 48-kb cosmids 50 μl 50 μl 50 μl 50 μl 0.5 ml Table 6 CHOOSE THE BEST S TRATA P REP ® KIT FOR YOUR DNA ISOLATION AND PURIFICATION NEEDS DNA ISOLATION FROM GELS, PCR, PLASMIDS > STRATAPREP ® DNA PURIFICATION KITS Figure 10 OBTAIN HIGH QUALITY SEQUENCE DATA FROM DNA PURIFIED WITH OUR S TRATA P REP ® KITS % ß-galactosidase expression 100 kb 80 60 40 20 0 StrataPrep® EF Plasmid Midiprep Kit Competitor's endotoxin-free system Figure 11 Figure 12 OUR S TRATA P REP ® KIT EFFECTIVELY PURIFIES A WIDE SIZE RANGE OF DNA ACHIEVE HIGH TRANSFECTION EFFICIENCY USING OUR ENDOTOXIN-FREE S TRATA P REP ® PLASMID DNA Our StrataPrep® PCR Purification Kit delivers highly pure PCR-generated DNA fragments ranging from 250 bp to 23 kb using a fast and easy method. pCMV-ß-gal plasmid DNA was prepared with our StrataPrep® EF Plasmid Midiprep Kit and a competitor’s endonuclease-free plasmid purification system. Cos-1 and PC-3 cell lines were transfected by both a calcium phosphate (CP) method and our LipoTaxi® transfection reagent. Ordering Information DESCRIPTION SIZE CATALOG NO. For Direct to QRT-PCR from Cell Lysates SideStep™ SYBR® Green QPCR Master Mix 400 reactions 400904 S i d e S t e p ™ I I C e l l Ly s a t e A n a l y s i s K i t 100 lysis reactions 400916 SideStep™ II QPCR cDNA Synthesis Kit 50 reactions 400908 S i d e S t e p ™ I I Q RT- P C R M a s t e r M i x K i t , 1 - s t e p 400 reactions 400917 S i d e S t e p ™ I I Q RT- P C R M a s t e r M i x K i t , 2 - s t e p 400 reactions 400918 S i d e S t e p ™ I I S Y B R ® G r e e n Q RT- P C R M a s t e r M i x K i t , 2 - s t e p 400 reactions 400909 Total RNA Purification from Paraffin-Embedded Tissues Absolutely RNA® FFPE Kit 50 preps 400809 Absolutely RNA® FFPE Kit (w/o deparaffinization reagents) 50 preps 400811 Absolutely RNA® Miniprep Kit 50 preps 400800 Absolutely RNA® Microprep Kit 50 preps 400805 Absolutely RNA® 96 Microprep Kit 2 plates 400793 10 plates 400794 50 preps 400753 Total RNA Purification Absolutely RNA® Nanoprep Kit Messenger RNA Isolation Absolutely mRNA™ Purification Kit 10 preps 400806 SideStep™ mRNA Enrichment Kit 10 preps 400902 miRACLE™ miRNA Isolation Kit 50 preps 400813 miRACLE™ miRNA Isolation Kit w/o Phenol/Chloroform 50 preps 400815 MicroRNA Isolation PCR DNA Isolation StrataPrep® Gel Extraction Kit StrataPrep® PCR Purification Kit StrataPrep® 96 PCR Purification Kit 50 preps 400766 250 preps 400768 50 preps 400771 250 preps 400773 2-plate kit 400775 10-plate kit 400776 Plasmid DNA Isolation StrataPrep® EF Midiprep Kit StrataPrep® Plasmid Miniprep Kit 20 preps 400721 100 preps 400722 50 preps 400761 250 preps 400763 Genomic DNA Isolation DNA Extraction Kit 35 extractions 200600 DNA MicroExtraction Kit 100 extractions 200601 RecoverEase™ DNA Isolation Kit 30 preparations 720202 15 preparations 720203 Related Products Endonuclease A Removal Buffer 500 ml 400723 R N A Ly s i s B u f f e r 125 ml 400792 LEGAL LANGUAGE ® REFERENCES ® ® Absolutely RNA , Mx3000P , and StrataPrep are registered trademarks of Stratagene in the United States. Absolutely mRNA , miRACLE , RecoverEase , and SideStep are trademarks of Stratagene in the United States. ™ ™ ™ ™ ® LipoTaxi is a registered trademark of Genetic Applications LLC. SYBR is a registered trademark of Molecular Probes. ® a. Patents pending. b. Patents pending. Purchase of this product is accompanied by a license under the foreign counterparts of U.S. Patents Nos. 4,683,202, 4,683,195 and 4,965,188 for use in the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) process, where such process is covered by patents, in conjunction with a thermal cycler whose use in the automated performance of the PCR process is covered by the up-front license fee, either by payment to Applied Biosystems or as purchased, i.e., an authorized thermal cycler. 1. Miller, S.A., Dykes, D.D., and Polesky, H.F. ( 1988), Nucleic Acids Res. 16: 1215 A M P L I F I C AT I O N CELL BIOLOGY CLONING M I C R O A R R AY S NUCLEIC ACID A N A LY S I S PROTEIN FUNCTION & ANALYSIS Q U A N T I TAT I V E PCR S O F T WA R E SOLUTIONS Ordering Information: Find an Agilent customer center in your country: U.S. and Canada: 1-800-227-9770 Asia Pacific: Europe: This information is subject to change without notice. © Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2008 Printed in USA, August 2008 5989-8236EN BR67-04/07 (71035)
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