VOLUME 3 ISSUE 2 D E C E M B E R 2 0 0 9 Collège Sturgeon Heights Collegiate Student Newspaper • huskygazette@sjsd.net CSHC Presents: The Boyfriend A Satirical Glimpse into Musical Theatre T Rebecca Akong he main concepts of high school musicals are generally tacky, cliché and nauseatingly predictable and CSHC’s The Boy Friend is no exception. However, the difference between most musicals and The Boy Friend is that the latter is a pastiche—which is essentially a fancy French word used to describe spoofs. In other words, it’s a musical that makes fun of musicals! Set in the roaring 1920’s in Nice, France, The Boy Friend tells the classic tale of love—both new and old. When a British schoolgirl, Polly Browne (played by Julie Lumsden) writes herself a love letter on behalf of her “boyfriend from Paris”, she finds herself in a fix as the Carnival Ball approaches and all of her girlfriends (Brianna Barker, Fionnagh Sheldon, Kara Young, Jenna Roadley, Karli Gerbrandt and Nicole Flynn) have boyfriends (Ben Cressman, Adam Owczar, Jeff Hodgins, and Jordan Gerry) to accompany them and are all anxious to meet Polly’s beau. Things look up, however, when she meets the dashing and well-bred Tony Brockhurst (played by Lucas Wichenko). Unfortunately, Polly’s millionaire father, a war veteran, Percival Browne (a role played by both Hugh Wichenko and Matthew Hodgins) forbids her from having a boyfriend for fear that they will be after the fortune she is set to inherit upon his death, and Tony, a messenger boy, has a dark secret of his own. In order to appear on the same level as Tony, Polly pretends to be the secretary of the school’s eccentric but compassionate headmistress, Madam Dubonnet (played by Rebecca Akong)—who is Percival’s old wartime flame. In this hilarious, satirical look at musicals, one is constantly entertained through song and dance, and it’s not unlikely that touching moments in the wake of all the cheesiness are observed, showcasing all the talent CSHC’s musical theatre ensemble has to offer! A Look into Power Mechanics at Sturgeon Heights Jenna Kennedy M ost students in our school are aware of the basic list of opportunities available to us beyond academics. From Hairstyling to Graphic Arts to Power Mechanics; we are all able to explore a different way of learning, but if you haven’t had a chance to take these unique classes there is always the question of what really does go on in the vocational courses? Who are the students and how does their education differ from someone who simply takes English, Math and Science? I spoke with a student from the grade twelve Power Mechanics class to find out what is all included in taking a vocation. For him, it is a chance to work with his hands. He learns common sense and day to day skills; things he can apply to practical situations. He praises the relationships he has with his teachers, saying they are more like friends and mentors than your stereotypical teacher figures; a relationship that I see as an inspiration for teachers in the academic courses. This year the class is working to motorize a wheel chair and perhaps complete a restoration. The course also gives the students a chance to work on their own vehicles. The student I talked to hopes to redo the sound system in his vehicle and raise it up a few inches. This not only gives him a valuable learning experience, but saves him money in shop time and labour. If you do well in power mechanics you can be rewarded, just like in any academic program, whether it be with free tools for being top of the class or a jump start though your first year of college. If you are able to obtain high standings on all your tests and final marks through your high school Power Mechanics courses and can pass a written test at the end of grade twelve you are able to go straight on to your second year of college and this means avoiding the wait lists that are in place for first year courses. This is money and time saved towards a unique and challenging career. When I asked what kind of stereotypes were connected with vocational students that he would like to erase he answered quickly that they are not stupid, or lazy as people tend to assume. In fact, they work physically harder in a school day than many of us could imagine. Our school is lucky enough to be more than just academics and it is important to realize that our students are more than just academic learners. It is possible to excel whether you are an IB student or someone enrolled in 4 classes of Power Mechanics each year. None are better, more intelligent, or more worthy of recognition than the other. In a school where we are able to fully embrace our strengths we should also be learning to embrace our differences as a vibrant and unique student body. Celebrities vs. Heroes Laura Warkentin I n today’s age, celebrities get paid too much and tackling on the football field worth so much money. Whether it be a professional athlete, money? Just playing a sport for example is not singer, or actor/actress it’s all the same. They worth thousands of dollars. It doesn’t make make a huge amount of money that is undeserved. sense when all they do is entertain us. Their job should not receive as much pay as they are getting. For one, all they do is entertain us. Clearly, there are other people in our Also, there are definitely other people who work world that work harder than celebrities. Think harder than celebrities do. Those people don’t about firemen, teachers, and policemen. They get the recognition that they should be getting. make out city safe to live in. They educate us a These people are the ones found in our cities. rescue us whenever we call. They put our lives They are teachers, firemen, policemen, doctors before their own so we can have a better life. Why and the list goes on. All celebrities do is act, play does that not receive the same amount or more music or play a sport. I do however enjoy all of than celebrities do? These people show bravery, those things but wonder why do they get all the selflessness and heroism. Characteristics that benefits. Why do celebrities get all the fame for few celebrities show. The difference between throwing a football around or being in a movie? the jobs is that an athlete doesn’t do enough to earn the money they make. This morning Why do celebrities get I think that people who many people have been think of others should get all the fame for throwing reading about the latest more attention and thanks celebrity gossip in a a football around or than a celebrity should. magazine, listening to their favorite band on their way to being in a movie? In conclusion, I feel that work, and reading reviews of which movies celebrities get too much money for not doing made the most money in the box office this enough for other people. They don’t help us weekend. Clearly celebrities are apart of our in any way. I realize that touring all the time, daily life. Celebrities do only one thing, which training, and filming can be a lot of work but is to entertain us. There are a variety of gossip they do not deserve all the money when the shows such as Entertainment Tonight, Etalk, reason they work is to be successful and only and Access Hollywood. Those shows tell us the benefit themselves. So do celebrities continue details about celebrities that no one really needs to make lots of money that they don’t even to know. For those advertisements and headlines deserve, or should the people in our school in magazines, celebrities make lots of money and cities get more appreciation for the hard for talking about their personal life. Who cares? work they do that benefits others? Celebrities Watching weekly football and hockey games is are always in the spotlight for doing very little an important event in my household. We have when the heroes are saving lives and helping our favorite team to cheer for and it is enjoyable others daily and not even being recognized. to watch. Why does scoring goals on the ice “ ” Blood Donation: The best gift to give this Holiday Season Jaryd Price F riendly vampires are the most popular new trend I donated blood for the first time in October these days. Every teenager wishes they could be and was a little bit nervous going in. I’m not scared one or date one and it may leave you wondering what of needles, and don’t have a problem with the sight of the appeal is. Is it skin that sparkles when exposed to blood, but the idea of losing blood troubled me. That sunlight, or their porcelain good looks? With all the worried feeling went away as soon as the needle was vampire-craze going around right now you might not be sure how to get in on the action. in and the blood started being taken. I was fine, and the donation time flew by. It left me Well, much like vampires, the feeling good about myself, (a warm-hearted people over at little light-headed), and the Canadian Blood Services only took 8 minutes of are more than willing to my time. If you’re 17 or withdraw a unit of your older, weigh more than surplus blood. 110 pounds, and are in general good health A unit is only one chances are you are tenth of the amount of blood able to donate. If you’re found in your body, and one interested in donating check unit of your blood can save 3 the Canadian Blood Services lives. Somewhere in Canada, there is a website ( blood.ca ) to find out more person who needs blood every minute of information and see if you are an eligible everyday; making the demand for all blood types very high. The blood they take from your body replenishes itself quickly, allowing you to donate every 56 days. donor, and talk to Ms. Blankenborg (Room 2E4) to sign up for the next school shuttle or clinic. Raise the Roof D sk Evans uring the month of October and early November our school’s social justice group, Just(e) Cause held a fundraiser called ‘Raise the Roof’. Our objective was to raise money to put a new roof on Malek Secondary School, in Bor, Sudan. Our goal was to raise $4000. The way it worked was like this. With help from Mr. Memka and Ms. Fernie, a miniature replica of a school was built with no roof. Students could buy a ‘shingle’ for $50 to put on the roof. The replica of the school was placed near the office so people could track the progress of the fundraiser. ‘Raise the Roof’ was a huge success. Our school responded eagerly to the challenge of raising $4000 – individuals and classes alike contributed to the fundraiser. You may have enjoyed ice cream from the sundae bar or screamed at the haunted house – both which were put on to raise money for ‘Raise the Roof’. Other classroom fundraisers included a bake The Results are In Rachel Scramstad sale, an international food luncheon and a movie festival. As well, the Culinary Arts class donated a portion of their breakfast sales. Student Council held a pizza lunch as well, Second Cup employees donated 50% of their tips to buy a shingle. The grand finale of ‘Raise the Roof’ was the band concert in November, where there was a silver collection. To date we have raised more than $4000 and there is more to be counted! Just(e) Cause would like to thank the students and teachers of Collège Sturgeon Heights Collegiate and congratulate all those who donated or helped to raise money. Because of your goodwill a roof will be repaired on a war-torn school in Southern Sudan. Dear Mr. Evans, Who would win in a fight- a grizzly bear or a gorilla? Curious About Nature’s Ways Dear Curious Ways, Although I usually leave these highly scientific questions to the experts, I will field this one as I am somewhat of a lay expert on the subject (as long as you promise not to use the information for gambling purposes or a science project). I have seen the grizzlies at the zoo twice and have an aunt who bears a strong resemblance to a gorilla (both in appearance and demeanour). As well, Mr. Libby (the smartest man in the school if not the world) called me an idiot when I asked him to help me think this one through, leaving me to answer it on my own. I hope he gets caught in a grizzly/gorilla fight and looks foolish because he avoided considering the issue at my behest and won’t know what to do. I also hope he’s dressed as a smurf when this happens... that would show him. The most important aspect to consider when finding an answer to this question is location, location, location. For instance, if this fight were to take place in the back of Mr. Hayes’ red Chevy Aveo (which, by the way, he would sell immediately to any student who would offer more than $200), the advantage would clearly be the grizzly bear’s. The gorilla would not be able to use his long arms in the car and would be prone to a flare-up of his dog allergy due to the dog hair in the back seat. On the other hand, if the fight took place in the cafeteria, the advantage would swing to the gorilla as he could use the extra space and large number of forks, spoons and napkins to his advantage. Of course the cafeteria is an advantage to the gorilla only on days when salmon isn’t being served. Grizzlies enjoy salmon and are likely to be distracted by it being served. I think the most interesting scenario would be to combine both venues and drive Mr. Hayes’ Chevy Aveo into the cafeteria and let them go at it. This, of course, is an unrealistic scenario because the Aveo would not fit through the cafeteria doors. To summarize then: Aveo= Grizzly, Cafeteria= Gorilla, Aveo/Cafeteria (in an imaginary world) = darn good fight. As the wise and beautiful Mrs. Evans always says: “When can we stop riding our bikes everywhere and get a nice Aveo like the Hayeses?” Hope this answers your question. Sincerely, Mr. Evans Horoscopes Heather Skrypnyk N Sagittarius: Keep old bills as pearls are formed, since rusty tins hold paper dolls. X Capricorn: Crystal door knobs shatter against wool, this scarf is to itchy to prevent frostbite. G Aquarius: Die Wellen weichen sich langsam zurück, obwohl die verbrannten Hände bleibt rot. Keine Sorge, Narbe erzählen Geschichten P Pisces: Enough Coffee stains a white shirt, but it will forever stay grand, radiators dry the tears. T Aries: The cork flooring holds the heat as your gold leafing drifts towards the bend. J Taurus: Plastic plants beg for water, all is not yet dry as the Seal hi-5’s V Gemini: Old etched mirrors hold much luck x7. Don’t look too deep, white rabbit wont wait. Z Cancer: The oil of forgotten finally reaches the top, clocks stuck at 11 need winding. S Leo: The feathers of beauty hold disease, though old cheese is not yet bad. H Virgo: Old books will sting your eyes as bowling pins seek demise. R Libra: Rolled up coins and old photographs hold secrets to the ice, “Look Harder” young lion. L Scorpio: 12 sided Nickles open up cans of answers, ponder; Who pressed the flowers in felt? Holiday Volunteer Opportunities Dom Gibson M aybe you’ll be so caught up in all your holiday activities this winter break that you might forget that not everyone is as lucky as you. Buying gifts, enjoying ornate Christmas dinners, or even being with family members is not a luxury all Winnipeggers get to enjoy. With this idea in mind, you may realize that you want to reach out to your community during the holiday season. To help you out and encourage you, here are some great examples of organizations around the city that you can be a part of. Siloam Mission Siloam Mission is a self-described “connecting point between the compassionate and Winnipeg’s less fortunate”. They offer different programs/opportunities to those experiencing homelessness. The main goal of Siloam Mission is to becoming a building block to the homeless, to help them get back on their feet. There are lots of different ways you can offer your time, individually, or in groups, and they will take whatever services you can offer (after an orientation session). However, if you are 14-17, you must be accompanied by an adult, so maybe make this a family outreach opportunity! Christmas Cheer Board Maybe you have a lot going on this holiday break (vacations, family visiting, etc.) and you don’t have a lot of time to offer, but you still want to help out. If so, CCB has a perfect opportunity for you! CCB packs thousands of hampers for families who are less fortunate, and accepts donations from anyone willing to offer! You can drop off donations at the CCB head locations, or at virtually any Shell gas station in the city (check christmascheerboard.ca for full locations and street addresses). These donations can be basic groceries (nonperishables) or of even toys and small gifts for children who may not receive a lot on Christmas day. To find other opportunities such as these, visit myvop. ca for volunteer opportunities targeted at youth in Manitoba. Everyone at our school could take some time out of their hectic holiday planning (myself included) and volunteer at one of these organizations. This could be done with your family, a boyfriend/girlfriend or a group of friends, as long as you are reaching out. Around the World this Holiday Season A look into the cultural traditions within our society Maddy Goodwin A s many of us look forward to the upcoming holiday season, it is important to understand and appreciate the different cultural celebrations in our multicultural society. In our country, and in our school, there are many different religions and groups of people, each with their own holiday celebrations. Hanukkah, for example, is a Jewish holiday which lasts for eight days. This year, it runs from the 11tth to the 19th of December. The holiday commemorates the rededication of the Temple in Jerusalem in the 2nd century, and the miracle of the oil which was supposed to light the temple for one day, but lasted eight. The most important Hanukkah tradition is the lighting of the menorah, a candle holder with nine branches. There are eight small candles, symbolizing the eight days of Hanukkah, and a taller one in the middle used to light the small ones. Each evening, one more candle on the menorah is lit. Another holiday tradition is Kwanzaa, a celebration of African heritage and culture, which lasts from December 26th to January 1st every year. This holiday was created in the Top 10 Indie Holiday Songs Have a Very Merry (Hipster) Holiday! Dom Gibson United States in 1966. The seven days of Kwanzaa represent the seven principles which it stands for. The kinara, a seven-branch candle holder, holds three red candles, three green candles, and one black candle in the center. Similar to Hanukkah, one candle is lit each day of Kwanzaa. Eid al-Adha, a holiday practiced worldwide by Muslims, is a three-day celebration which follows the Islamic Lunar Calendar. This year it was held November 27th to 30. The holiday is meant to commemorate Abraham sacrificing his son to God. On the first day of Eid al-Adha, Muslim men, women and children dress in their finest clothing and perform the Eid prayer in a mosque or an open area. Living in a country with so many different cultures, we are exposed to various different holiday traditions and practices. Though we couldn’t list all of them here, it is important to be able to understand and appreciate some of them. #10: O Come, O Come Emmanuel by Sufjan Stevens #9: God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen by Bright Eyes #8:A Change At Christmas by The Flaming Lips #7: Maybe This Christmas by Ron Sexsmith #6: Christmas (Baby Please Come Home) by Death Cab For Cutie #5: Everything’s Gonna Be Cool This Christmas by Eels #4: Rudolf The Red-Nosed Reindeer by Jack Johnson #3: Winter Wonderland by Phantom Planet #2: Christmas Time Is Here Again by My Morning Jacket #1: Happy Christmas (War Is Over) by The Polyphonic Spree The Pack: A call for student voice. Evan Roberts O ne of student council’s goals for this year is to have a more prominent voice for students throughout the school. This is a mutual goal also shared by the administration team of our school. Student voice is an essential part of any school that wants to be successful. It is something that needs to be valued and respected in order for it to work. It’s not just the amount that we speak, but the amount that we speak up and get involved in our school. Student voice not only includes having your opinion heard but having your opinion directly affect change in how our school operates. Students tend to form their own opinions on things without necessarily being fully informed or educated on the issues. If we can establish a positive student voice at this school hopefully we can limit negativity within and about our school. Every student has the opportunity to express their opinions and voice their concerns about their school. There are a few mediums by which you can express your concerns and voice your opinions. First you can attend a student council meeting, held every Monday at lunch in room 2C2 (Mme. Lécuyer). If you would like to speak to someone directly, yours truly would love to listen to what you have to say. The school administration is eager to meet with students and hear how you would like to see the school operate more effectively. If you want to help change the way the school operates you can join the social justice group, Just Cause, or even write for the school paper. All I want you to understand is that your opinions are valued, they matter and are important. If you think that it doesn’t matter, you’re wrong, we value every student at this school and want to ensure that every student will enjoy coming to school. Please feel free to bring it to our attention. We are all a part of the Husky pack at Sturgeon and we all look out for one another! Editor’s Response E van’s call for a strong and united student voice got me thinking about the student voice in terms of the Husky Gazette. The Gazette is a student run newspaper. It is written by and for the students of Collège Sturgeon Heights Collegiate. It is meant to be an outlet for student expression, not just a collection of pretentious students writing in an non-relatable way. You all have the opportunity to express your thoughts and opinions here, whether it be sports and entertainment, or social issues, the Gazette would love to hear what you say. Newspaper Staff Editor - Joelle Erickson Printing - Graphic Arts Department In short, the Husky Gazette is the definition of the student voice. So please, make your voice heard. If you have any ideas, opinions, or thoughts, please send them to huskygazette@sjsd.net. I hope you all enjoyed this special holiday edition of the Husky Gazette, and have a safe and happy holiday break - you deserve it! Cheers, Joelle Teacher Advisors - Mr. Hull & Mr. Bilous Layout, Typesetting & Design - Zac Pickford, Jason Stahl
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