»Freihof«n »Vlka« pečina Staršo laOrešj e Nešp lja Starinskhš Lipavbzeljsk Kamnitporalž metovka VasOrešj e Grajska pot Su{ica - Ore{je - Bizeljska vas g GRAJSKPOT Kot že ime pove, nas bo naša pot popeljala do Bizeljskega gradu. Na pot krenemo iz središča Bizeljskega na Kumrovški cesti, kjer je informativna tabla ter v stari šoli KS Bizelsjko in Center za razvoj podeželja (1). Pred sabo na Hribčku vidimo farno cerkev Sv. Lovrenca (2), kjer je kot kaplan v letih 1825 1827 služboval Blaženi Anton Martin Slomšek in mu je v župnišču posvečena soba, tam pa je na ogled tudi stalna razstava »Naravna in kulturna dediščina Bizeljskega«. Mi pa pri mogočni Kosovi hiši (nekdaj trgovina) krenemo levo in se mimo osnovne šole napotimo po asfaltni poti navzgor. Hodimo med vinogradi in kmalu na desni zagledamo Obsotelje z Medvednico na Hrvaškem (najvišji vrh Sljeme) v ozadju, gremo mimo več kleti in hiše imenovane »Potočnikovo«, ki je bila last družine Potočnik iz Gradca v Avstriji. Levo se nam odpre slikovit pogled na del »Vidove poti« in cerkev Sv. Vida, ki jo spremlja Orlica s Špičkom. Na levi vidimo nizko poslopje bivše Vinarske zadruge (zdaj last Isteničevih), zatem »Slavikovo« kapelico (3), na hribu pa domačijo Šepetavc (prej Slavikovo), »Lusthaus« (lepa razgledna točka) in Lovsko kočo. Tja bi prišli, če bi za kapelico na razpotju šli levo po makadamski poti, mi pa krenemo naprej po asfaltni poti in ta nas pripelje do novega razpotja Drenovec - Bukovje. /Desna pot navzdol bi nas vodila mimo vinogradov in mnogih ljubiteljskih vinogradnikov do kleti Meglen, Lupšina, Malus, Škof in »Vinogradništva Balon« (4), kjer imajo zbirko vinskih etiket in lepih steklenic in do ceste Bizeljsko - Klanjec. Če bi šli po tej cesti levo in pri domačiji Škof spet zavili levo za Drenovec, bi prišli do domače pekarne »Ajda« (5) in mimo vinogradov, kleti in hramov do »Vinotoča Kovačič« (6), ki je v obnovljeni Geršakovi hiši sredi vinogradov./ Nas pa vodi pot naravnost in tako prispemo do vinske kleti »Pr' Mrazi« (7), z znano zbirko majolik in po rahlem vzponu do stare domačije Premelč-»Puhpinter« (8), kjer hranijo veliko starega kmečkega orodja, okrog hiše pa je vrt s čudovitim drevjem in cvetjem. Po poti desno za Premelčevo hišo (po 300 m) pridemo do podružnične cerkvice Sv. Antona (9), kjer je vsako leto na Antonovo maša, pod cerkvijo pa je lep lipov gozd po katerem nosi ime zaselek Lipovec. Tu se še vedno vzpenjamo, na levi vidimo hišo z lepim kamnitim portalom in starim trsom žametovke ter po manjšem vzponu na levi in desni opazimo lepi stari hiši. Pot nadaljujemo skozi manjši gozd in prispemo na razpotje, kjer bi naravnost tudi prišli do Bizeljskega gradu, vendar zavijemo desno, gremo mimo Lupšinovih do »Vinotoča Malus« (10) in v daljavi prvič zagledamo Bizeljski grad. Od tu se naša pot strmo spušča skozi Sračjek, poteka skozi gozd, mimo hrama, nato pa kmalu zagledamo Obsotelje z mestom Klanjec na Hrvaškem, kjer je znana galerija kiparja Antuna Augustinčiča. Pot nas spet pripelje do križišča, v daljavi zagledamo razvaline Cesargrada na Hrvaškem, držimo se desno, hodimo po asfaltni poti in v naslednjem razpotju spet sledimo asfaltu ter zavijemo levo. Ko se pot navzdol konča, pred sabo zagledamo »Kupce«, to je predel, kjer stoji večstoletna vinska klet obkrožena z vinogradi. Na desno bi po »Smehovi poti« (Anton Smeh-Harry je bil prvi slovenski filmski snemalec) prišli do spominske plošče A. Smehu (11) in do ceste Bizeljsko - Klanjec, če pa krenemo levo, se pot rahlo vzpenja in kmalu se nam ponudi prelep pogled na vas Orešje, od Bizeljskega gradu na levi do »Kupc« in Klanjca na desni. Pri označevalni tabli nato zavijemo strogo desno na makadamsko kolovozno pot, ki vijuga čez potoček, med njivami, travniki in vinogradi s stalnim pogledom na Bizeljski grad in nas pripelje do ceste Bizeljsko - Orešje. /Če bi tu zavili po cesti desno, bi prišli do prej omenjenih »Kupc (12), od koder je lep razgled na Obsotelje s Klanjcem, vidi se mednarodni mejni prehod, okrog in okrog pa so vinogradi. Naprej bi prišli mimo »Vinske kleti Blažinčič« (13) do glavne ceste Klanjec-Bizeljsko, kjer je bilo t.i. »Trojno mesto« (14), rimsko vojno taborišče in rimske vile, katerih ostanki so še vidni (raziskano v letih 1938-39)./ Mi zavijemo levo, gremo po asfaltni cesti mimo cerkve Sv. Magdalene (15) s pokopališčem v ozadju in nadaljujemo po cesti navzgor. Po rahlem vzponu pridemo do vinogradniške domačije Malus, na desni pa je stara šola Orešje (16), imenovana po A.M.Slomšku, kar dokazuje napis na šoli. Še eno mogočno stavbo vidimo na tej poti in to je Šribarjeva domačija (sedaj Faber) od nekdaj »Freihof« (17) (tu je najdena halstadska urna-žara, kar kaže na naselje že 3500 let p.n.š.). Ob poti srečamo nekaj domačij, ki ponujajo vino in sicer: Pavlin, Petrišič, Kunst, Zagmajster, »Vinski hram Berkovič« (18) in druge. Za hišami v vasi se dviga več pečin, med katerimi dominira t.i. »Vlka« pečina (19), levo od sedla te pečine pa raste Bavarska popkoresa (redka rastlinska vrsta). Na poti nas na levi ves čas spremlja pogled na Bizeljski grad in tako počasi prispemo pred grajske kleti in kaščo, torej pod Bizeljski grad (20). Takoj desno vodi kolovozna pot do Bošnarjevega brega in »Ajdovske babe« (21); to je zanimiv skalnat sklad, ki mu domačini pravijo kar »Baba« in naj bi bila kažipot za cerkev Sv. Marjete (zdaj le še razvaline) (22). Pot med zgornjo grajsko kletjo in kaščo, bi nas po stari grajski poti, mimo »Črne kapele« (23), pripeljala do Sokola in naprej na Svete gore z znano romarsko cerkvijo Matere božje, od koder se po »Vidovi poti« čez Vrhovnice pride do Sv. Vida in na Bizeljsko (glej zloženko »Vidova pot«). Mi pa si lahko ogledamo grad, kjer živi družina Klakočar, ki se tudi ukvarja z vinogradništvom (znamka »Wisell«) (24). Bizeljski grad je bil pozidan v poznem srednjem veku v tradiciji obodnega gradu, a kaže v današnji podobi renesančne in baročne poteze. Zamenjal je več lastnikov; v letih1532 do 1671 je bil v lasti Tattenbachov, od leta 1858 dalje v lasti knezov Windischgrätzev, med zadnjo vojno pa je bil v lasti Maasburgov. Po vojni je bil grad nacionaliziran, zdaj pa je v lasti občine Brežice, ki ga je dala v najem družini Klakočar. Grajsko pot nadaljujemo po grajskem drevoredu, ki nas pripelje v Bizeljsko vas do domačije Rožman, kjer raste najstarejša lipa v Sloveniji, stara preko 300 let (25) in naprej do križišča. /Levo bi po strmi poti navzdol prišli do vinogradniških domačij Žertuš (znana stara modra hiša), Požek ( obnovljena hiša z ostanki rimskega vodovoda), Jazbec, Malus in drugih do Sv. Magdalene (15), desno pa pridemo do glavne ceste Brežice - Maribor, kjer je bila včasih »apnenca« (26) - jama, v kateri so žgali apno. Če bi po tej cesti zavili levo, bi skozi gozd prišli najprej do okrepčevalnice »Pri zelenem gozdu« (27), nato do »Vinske kleti Pinterič« (28) in po Bizeljski cesti do »Gostilne Šekoranja« (29) in »Okrepčevalnice Prinela« (30) v središču Bizeljskega. / Vendar se mi podamo naravnost, gremo nekoliko navkreber in po stari grajski gozdni poti, mimo »Tolovajskega grabna« (31), do že prej omenjenih Lovske koče (32) in »Lusthausa« (33). Pri »Lusthausu« se ponuja čudovit pogled na Bizeljsko z okolico in tu je včasih oskrbnik gradu nadzoroval delo v grajskih vinogradih. Od tu gremo po kolovozni poti med vinogradi, s pogledom na Sv. Vid in Orlico, mimo več kleti in prej omenjene vinogradniške domačije Šepetavc (prej Slavikovo) (34) in se spustimo spet po asfaltni poti, kjer se ponuja lep razgled na Bizeljsko in na Hrvaško Zagorje ter pridemo do »Slavikove« kapelice (3) in po »Grajski poti« do izhodišča, torej do središča Bizeljskega. Opisali smo torej »Grajsko pot«, ki vodi tudi skozi Orešje, kjer zaradi ugodne klime ni pozeb in raste mnogo orehov (od tod tudi ime) in v vročih poletnih dneh pojejo škržati (žgači). Naj povemo, da je to področje zgodovinsko tako bogato, da zasluži posebno zloženko »Pešpoti po Orešju«. Dolžina poti: Središče Bizeljskega - Bizeljski grad: 6,5 km Bizeljski grad - središče Bizeljskega: 4,5 km Bizeljski grad - Svete gore: 3 km Čas, potreben za hojo: središče Bizeljskega - Bizeljski grad: 3 ure Bizeljski grad - središče Bizeljskega: 1,5 ure Bizeljski grad - Svete gore: 1 ura Oprema: lahka pohodniška obutev in veliko dobre volje c CASTLEFOPH As the name indicates, our journey will take us to Bizeljsko Castle. We set out from the information board on Kumrovec Street in the centre of Bizeljsko, in front of the old school building where the KS Bizeljsko and the Rural Development Centre are located (1). On Hribček (the Hillock) in front of us we can see the Parish Church of St. Lovrenc (Lawrence) (2), where the Blessed Anton Martin Slomšek worked as a chaplain between 1825 and 1827. The presbytery houses a room dedicated to him and a permanent exhibition “Natural and Cultural Heritage of Bizeljsko". At the imposing Kos's house, which used to be a store, we take a left and follow the asphalt road upwards past the elementary school. The walk takes us among the vineyards and on the left in the background we can see the Obsotelje (the Sotla Valley) with the Medvednica Mountains in Croatia (the highest peak is Sljeme). Further on, the walk takes us past several wine cellars and the house called “Potočnikovo”, which used to be the property of the Potočnik family from Graz, Austria. On the left we are greeted by the picturesque view of a section of Vid's Footpath and the Church of St. Vid together with Orlica and its peak Špiček. On the left there is a low building of the former Winemakers Cooperative (now owned by the Istenič family), then further on the “Slavik's” chapel (3), the Šepetavc homestead (formerly the Slavik homestead) on a hill, “Lusthaus” (a charming observation point) and the Hunters Lodge. We could reach the lodge if we were to take a left at the crossroads behind the chapel and follow the dirt track, but we follow the asphalt road which takes us to the Drenovec Bukovje crossroads. /The right path leading downwards would take us past vineyards and numerous amateur winemakers to the Meglen, Lupšina, Malus, and Škof wine cellars and to the “Balon Winery” (4) where a collection of wine labels and beautiful wine bottles is on display, and would eventually bring us to the Bizeljsko - Klanjec road. If we took the left path and took another left at the Škof homestead towards Drenovec, the path would lead us to the “Ajda” bakery (5) and past vineyards, wine cellars, and “hrams” (ancient wooden huts for storing wine) to the Kovačič Wine Shop (6), located in the restored Geršak's house surrounded by vineyards./ Our footpath leads straight on, taking us to the “Pr' Mrazi” wine cellar (7) where a well-known collection of “majolkas” (ceramic wine jugs) is on display. After a short ascent we arrive at the old Premelč-“Puhpinter” homestead (8) where a large collection of old farm tools is stored. The house is surrounded by a beautiful garden with majestic trees and LEGENDA 19 22 21 18 17 MARIBOR 16 15 24 23 12 20 13 14 25 11 26 31 10 6 32 8 33 34 27 9 7 3 5 28 4 HRVAŠKA 30 29 1 2 Kolofon Izdalo / Published by: TD Bizeljsko Besedilo / Text by: TD Bizeljsko (Vesna Kunej, Jože Malus, Martin Najger, Andi Berkovi~, Franc Blažin~i~, Mirko Faber, Živko Lup{ina, Ivan Malus , Jožica in Miran Travnikar) Kozjanski park (Vesna Zakojn{ek, Mojca Kunst) Fotografije / Photographs by: Vesna Kunej, Branko Bre~ko Oblikovanje in tisk / Printed by: KolorTisk Kr{ko Naklada: 3000 izvodov Kartografska podlaga: Oktober 2007 DTK 1:25000, GURS • Ra~unalni{ka obdelava: Kozjanski park BREŽICE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 TRASA GRAJSKE PEŠPOTI POT NA SVETE GORE MAGISTRALNA CESTA DRŽAVNA MEJA INFORMATIVNA TABLA CERKEV SV. LOVRENCA "SLAVIKOVA" KAPELICA "VINOGRADNIŠTVO BALON" PEKARNA "AJDA" "VINOTO^ KOVA^I^" VINSKA KLET "PR' MRAZI" PREMEL^ - "PUHPINTER" CERKEV SV. ANTONA "VINOTO^ MALUS" SPOMIN. PLOŠ^A A. SMEHU "KUPCE" "VINSKA KLET BLAŽIN^I^" "TROJNO MESTO" CERKEV SV. MAGDALENE ŠOLA OREŠJE "FREIHOF" "VINSKI HRAM BERKOVI^" "VLKA" PE^INA BIZELJSKI GRAD "AJDOVSKA BABA" SV. MARJETA "^RNA KAPELA" KLAKO^AR-WISELL LIPA "APNENCA" "PRI ZELENEM GOZDU" "VINSKA KLET PINTERI^" "GOSTILNA ŠEKORANJA" "OKREP^EV. PRINELA" "TOLOVAJSKI GRABEN" LOVSKA KO^A "LUSTHAUS ŠEPETAVC-SLAVIK flowers. Taking the right path some 300 meters after the Premelč house, we arrive at the Succursal Church of St. Anton (9), where Mass is held every year on St. Anton's day. Below the church is the linden forest after which the hamlet of Lipovec was named (linden = lipa). We continue our ascent and on the left we see a house with a beautiful stone portal and old “žametovka” vine. Going further up we spot two beautiful old houses on the left and right. We continue our journey through a small grove of trees and arrive at a crossroads where the path straight forward would also take us to Bizeljsko Castle. However, we take a right, past the Lupšina homestead to the “Malus Wine Shop” (10). In the distance we get the first glimpse of Bizeljsko Castle. From there on, our path descend steeply through Sračjek, through a forest, and past a wine cellar until we are treated to a view of the Obsotelje with the town of Klanjec in Croatia, where the famous gallery of the sculptor Antun Augustinčič is located. Our path leads us to another crossroads, from where we can see the ruins of the Cesargrad castle in Croatia. Taking the right path we walk down the asphalt road and at the next junction we follow the asphalt road left. At the end of our downward journey we can see “Kupce”, an area where a centuries old wine cellar is situated among the vineyards. The right turn down "Smeh's path” (Anton Smeh Harry was the first Slovenian film cameraman) would take us to the Anton Smeh commemorative plaque (11) and to the Bizeljsko Klanjec road. If we take a left, the path gently ascends and soon offers a gorgeous view of the Orešje village, from Bizeljsko Castle on the left to “Kupce” and Klanjec on the right. At the signpost, we take the right dirt track, which winds over a creek, among the fields, meadows and vineyards, all the while providing an uninterrupted view of Bizeljsko Castle, and takes us to the Bizeljsko Orešje road. /Taking the right road here would take us to the abovementioned “Kupce” (12), from where there is a beautiful view of the Obsotelje with Klanjec, the international border crossing, and vineyards all around. Further on we would go past the “Blažinčič Wine Cellar” (13) to the Klanjec Bizeljsko main road, where the so-called “Trojno mesto” (the Tripple place) (14) used to be a Roman outpost and Roman villas, whose remains are still visible (explored in 1938 1939)./ We go left, up the asphalt road past the Church of St. Magdalene (15) with a cemetery in the background and continue following the road upwards. After a gentle ascent we arrive at the Malus winemaking homestead. On the right is the old Orešje school (16), named after A. M. Slomšek, which the inscription on the school confirms. The next imposing building we encounter on our trip is the Šribar homestead (today the Faber homestead) which has always been known as the “Freihof ” (17) (a Hallstatt urn was found here, an evidence of a settlement from 3500 B.C.). Our journey takes us past a few more winemaking homesteads, namely: Pavlin, Petrišič, Kunst, Zagmajster, »Vinski hram Berkovič« (18), and others. A number of cliffs loom behind the village houses. The most imposing is the “Vlka" cliff (19). To the left of the cliff's saddle grows Moehringia bavarica (a rare plant species). On the left path, we are constantly accompanied by the view of Bizeljsko Castle and we eventually arrive at the castle wine cellar and granary, just below Bizeljsko Castle (20). Immediately to the right, the cart track takes us to the Bošnar hillside and “Ajdovska baba” (21) (a face in the hillside called the “Pagan Hag”); it is an interesting rocky feature, which the locals call simply “Baba” (the "Hag”) and was supposed to be one of the marks along the path to the Church of St. Marjeta (Margaret) (22), of which only ruins remain today. The path between the upper castle cellar and the granary would take us along the old castle road past “Črna kapela” (the Black Chapel) (23) to Sokol and further on to the Svete gore with the well-known pilgrimage site of the Church of the Mother of God (Cerkev Matere božje), from where Vid's footpath leads over Vrhovnice to the Church of St. Vid and Bizeljsko (see the Vid's footpath brochure). We can now visit the castle, home of the Klakočar family, one of the winemakers of this region (the Wisell trademark) (24). Bizeljsko Castle was built in the Late Middle Ages in the tradition of a circular castle, but today it displays many Renaissance and Baroque features. It was the property of several noble families. Between 1532 and 1631 it was in the hands of the Tattenbachs, in 1858 it passed to the Counts of Windischgrätz and during World War II it was in the possession of the Maasburg family. After the war the castle was nationalized and is now owned by the Brežice municipality, which has rented it to the Klakočar family. The castle footpath now takes us through the tree-lined promenade to the village of Bizeljska vas and the Rožman homestead, where the oldest linden tree (25) in Slovenia grows (over 300 years old), and on to the crossroads. /The left steeply descending path would lead us past the Žertuš (a wellknown old blue house), Požek (a restored house with the remains of a Roman aqueduct), Jazbec, Malus and other winemaking homesteads to the Church of St. Magdalene (15). The right path would take us to the Brežice - Maribor main road, where an “apnenca” (26) (a lime kiln where limestone was heated to produce lime) used to operate. If we followed the left route through the forest, we would arrive at the “Pri Zelenem Gozdu” tavern (27), then to the “Pinterič Wine Cellar” (28) and along the Bizeljsko road to the “Šekoranja Restaurant” (29) and the “Prinela tavern” (30) in the centre of Bizeljsko./ However, we proceed forward uphill, along the old castle forest path past “Tolovajski graben” (the Bandit's Gully) (31) to the abovementioned Hunters Lodge (32) and “Lusthaus” (33). At “Lusthaus”, we are treated to a lovely view of Bizeljsko and its surroundings, from where the castle vineyards caretaker used to monitor the work in the vineyards. From there we follow the cart track, which provides a view of St. Vid's and Orlica, through the vineyards, past several wine cellars and the abovementioned Šepetavc winemaking homestead (formerly Slavik's) (34) and descend again down the asphalt road, which offers a nice view of Bizeljsko and the Croatian Zagorje region, and arrive at Slavik's chapel (3). Followfind ing the “Castle footpath” we reach our starting point in the centre of Bizeljsko. The “Castle route”, which has been described here, also leads through Orešje, a region with a mild climate (no frosts) which allows walnut trees to thrive there (hence the name of the area which is derived from the Slovenian word “oreh” = walnut), and where the cicadas sing their song in the hot summer days. The area has such a rich history that it deserves its own "The Footpaths through Orešje” brochure. Footpath length: Bizeljsko centre Bizeljsko Castle: 6,5 km Bizeljsko Castle Bizeljsko centre: 4,5 km Bizeljsko Castle the Svete gore: 3 km Walking time: Bizeljsko centre Bizeljsko Castle: 3 hours Bizeljsko Castle Bizeljsko centre: 1,5 hours Bizeljsko Castle the Svete gore: 1 hours Equipment: light hiking boots and loots of good will k KOZJANSIPR Kozjanski park, pokrajina med Savinjo, Sotlo in Savo, na stiku alpskega in panonskega sveta, je zavarovano obmo~je s statusom regijskega parka, ustanovljeno leta 1981 (Zakon o spominskem parku Treb~e - Ul. RS, {t. 1/81 in Zakon o ohranjanju narave - Ul. RS, {t.56/99). Obmo~je, veliko 200 km2, je mozaik alpskega sredogorja, vinogradni{kega gri~evja, obsoteljskih ravnic, ohranjene narave in bogate kulturne dedi{~ine, ki nudi veliko mo`nosti za raziskovanje, u`ivanje in sprostitev. Visoka stopnja biotske raznovrstnosti uvr{~a Kozjanski park med najpomembnej{a naravovarstvena obmo~ja v Sloveniji in Evropi, saj spada ve~ji del parka v evropsko pomembna posebna varstvena obmo~ja NATURA 2000. Odmaknjenost kozjanske pokrajine je ustvari-la edinstveno so`itje narave in kulture, tradicije in sodobnosti, ki so temelji sodobnega trajnostnega razvoja. Pe{poti, kolesarske steze, vinsko-turisti~ne ceste, zbirke, razstave, delavnice, koncerti in {tevilne prireditve s prikazi tradicije ter sodobne ustvarjalnosti povezujejo naravne lepote, kulturne spomenike in ljudi. i Kozjanski Park, the countryside between the Savinja, Sotla and Sava, where alpine and pannonian worlds meet, is a protected area with the status of regional park, founded in 1981 (Treb~a Memorial Park Act, Ur.l. RS, no. 1/81 and Nature Conservation Act - Ur.l. RS, no. 56/99). The region, covering 200 km2, is a mosaic of alpine foothills, vineyard covered slopes, flatlands along the Sotla, preserved nature and a rich cultural heritage, which offers great opportunities for research, recreation and relaxation. The high level of biotic diversity ranks Kozjanski Park among the most important nature conservation areas in Slovenia and Europe, since the greater part of the park belongs within the special protection regions of European importance NATURA 2000. The remoteness of the Kozjansko countryside has created a unique co-existence of nature and culture, the traditional and the modern, which are the basis of contemporary sustainable development. Footpaths, bicycle trails, wine tourist roads, collections, exhibitions, workshops, concerts and numerous events depicting tradition and modern creativity, link the natural beauty, cultural monuments and people. Informacije, information: Zavod za podjetni{tvo in turizem Brežice, Cesta prvih borcev 18, 8250 Brežice tel.: ++386(0) 7 499 06 80, gsm ++386(0) 41 530 427 fax.: ++386(0) 7 499 06 81 e-mail: info@zpt-brezice.si, www.visitbrezice.com TIC Bre`ice tel.: ++386(0)7 496 69 95 Ob~inska turisti~na zveza Brežice Cesta prvih borcev 18, 8250 Brežice gsm.: ++ 386(0) 40 335 138 KS Bizeljsko Kumrov{ka c. 5, 8259 Bizeljsko tel.: ++386(0) 7 452 00 86, fax.: ++386 (0) 7 452 00 87 SUTLA-Sotla www.rc-brezice.si/vtc Turisti~no dru{tvo Bizeljsko Bizeljska cesta 47, 8259 Bizeljsko gsm.: ++386 (0) 31 786 949 k Kozjanski Park Podsreda 45 3257 Podsreda Telefon, telephone: Kozjanski 03 800 71 00 (uprava, administration), park ponedeljek-petek, od 8.00 do 16.00 ure ali Monday-Friday, from 08.00 to 16.00 or 03 5 806 118 (grad Podsreda, Podsreda castle), vsak dan razen ponedeljka, od 10.00 do 18.00 ure daily except Monday, from 10.00 to 18.00 e-mail: kozjanski-park @kp.gov.si
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