www.frosher.com Education in India POLITICAL SCIENCE amOZr{V {dkmZ (317) Time : 3 Hours ] g_` : 3 K Q>o Note : (i) {ZX}e : [ Maximum Marks : 100 ] [ nyUm™H$ : 100 This Question Paper consists of two Sections, viz., ‘A’ and ‘B’. (ii) All questions in Section ‘A’ are compulsory. (iii) Section ‘B’ has two options. Candidates are required to attempt questions from one option only. (iv) Marks of each question are indicated against it. (i) Bg ‡ÌZ-nà Ho$$ Xmo ^mJ>> h¢ü—I S> "A' VWm> I S> "~'& (ii) I S>> "A' Ho$ g^r ‡ÌZ A{Zdm`© h°ßü& (iii) I S> "~' _| Xmo {dH$În h¢ü& narjm{W©`m| H$mo Ho$db EH$ {dH$În Ho$ hr ‡ÌZm| Ho$ CŒma XoZo h¢ü& (iv) ‡À`oH$ ‡ÌZ Ho$ AßH$ CgHo$ gm_Zo Aß{H$V h¢ü& SECTION–A I S>–A 1. Write the meaning of Political Science. 2 amOZr{V {dkmZ H$m AW© {b{IEü& 2. Mention any two points of distinction between State and other associations. 2 am¡` Am°a A›` gßKm| Ho$ ~rM {H$›ht Xmo AßVamoß H$m CÑoI H$s{OEü& 3. Mention any two elements of Nationality. amÔ¥>r`Vm Ho$ {H$›ht Xmo VŒdm| H$m CÑoI H$s{OEü& 317/OSS/209A 2 For more questions logon to www.frosher.com/schools 2 4. Explain the Preamble’s goal of liberty and equality. gß{dYmZ www.frosher.com H$sEducation ‡ÒVmdZm H$sin India ÒdV›ÃVm 2 Am°a g_mZVm Ho$ AmXem] H$s Ï`mª`m H$s{OEü& 5. Who are the members of the Electoral College that elect the President of India? 2 ^maV Ho$ amÔ¥>n{V H$m {Zdm©MZ H$aZo dmbo {Zdm©MH$-_ßS>b Ho$ gXÒ` H$m°Z-H$m°Z hmoVo h¢? 6. Describe any two functions of the Parliament. 2 gßgX Ho$ {H$›ht Xmo H$m`m] H$m dU©Z H$s{OEü& 7. What is meant by simple majority system of election? 2 MwZmd H$s gmYmaU ~h˛_V ‡Umbr go ä`m A{^‡m` h°? 8. What is good governance? 2 Hw$eb emgZ ä`m h°? 9. Write a short note on India and UN’s peace-keeping operations. 2 ^maV VWm gß`w∫$ amÔ¥> H$s emß{V-{Zdm©h gß{H´$`m na EH$ gß{j· {Q>flnUr {b{IEü& 10. What are the effects of imposition of President’s Rule in a State? 5 {H$gr am¡` _| amÔ¥>n{V-emgZ bmJy {H$`o OmZo Ho$ ä`m ‡^md hmoVo h¢? 11. Describe the legislative powers of State Governors. 5 am¡`m| Ho$ am¡`nmbm| H$s {dYm`r e{∫$`m| H$m dU©Z H$s{OEü& 12. Explain the meaning and significance of universal adult franchise. 5 gmd©^m°{_H$ d`ÒH$ _Vm{YH$ma Ho$ AW© Am°a _hŒd H$s Ï`mª`m H$s{OEü& 13. Describe the role and importance of regional political parties. 5 joÃr` amOZr{VH$ Xbm| H$s ^y{_H$m Am°a _hŒd H$m dU©Z H$s{OEü& 317/OSS/209A For more questions logon to www.frosher.com/schools 3 [ P.T.O. 14. Explain any five features of Human Rights. _mZd www.frosher.com Education in India A{YH$mam| H$s {H$›ht nm±M 5 {deofVmAm| H$s Ï`mª`m H$s{OEü& 15. What have been the major concerns of India’s foreign policy in the post-Cold War period? 5 erV `w’moŒma H$mb _| ^maV H$s {dXoe Zr{V H$s ‡_wI qMVmE± ä`m ahr h¢? 16. Describe the nature of boundary dispute between India and China. 5 ^maV Am°a MrZ Ho$ _‹` gr_m-{ddmX H$s ‡H•${V H$m dU©Z H$s{OEü& 17. Explain liberalism and point out its any two features. 8 OR Explain the distinction between State and Society. CXmadmX H$s Ï`mª`m H$s{OE VWm BgH$s {H$›ht Xmo {deofVmAm| H$s Ï`mª`m H$s{OEü& AWdm am¡` Am°a g_mO Ho$ _‹` AßVa H$s Ï`mª`m H$s{OEü& 18. Examine the nature of Indian federal system. OR Explain the Right to Equality and highlight its importance. ^maV H$s gßKr` Ï`dÒWm H$s ‡H•${V H$m narjU H$s{OEü& AWdm g_mZVm Ho$ A{YH$ma H$s Ï`mª`m H$s{OE Am°a BgHo$ _hŒd H$mo COmJa H$s{OEü& 317/OSS/209A For more questions logon to www.frosher.com/schools 4 8 19. Analyse the role and functions of the Union Council of Ministers. Highlight the position www.frosher.com of the Prime Minister. Education in India 8 OR Explain the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of India. Ho$›–r` _p›Ãn[afX≤> H$s ^y{_H$m Am°a CgHo$ H$m`m] H$m {dÌbofU H$s{OEü& ‡YmZ_›Ãr H$s pÒW{V H$mo COmJa H$s{OEü& AWdm ^maV Ho$ gdm}É ›`m`mb` Ho$ joÃm{YH$ma H$s Ï`mª`m H$s{OEü& 20. What is Communalism? What is its impact on Indian social and political systems? 8 OR What is environmental degradation? environmental degradation. Describe any one problem of g‡Xm`dmX ä`m h°? ^maV H$s gm_m{OH$ Am°a amOZr{VH$ Ï`dÒWm na BgH$m ä`m ‡^md ahm h°? AWdm n`m©daU-jaU {H$go H$hVo h¢ü? n`m©daU-jaU H$s {H$gr EH$ g_Ò`m H$m dU©Z H$s{OEü& 317/OSS/209A For more questions logon to www.frosher.com/schools 5 [ P.T.O. www.frosher.com Education in India SECTION–B I S>ç~ OPTION–I {dH$ÎnçI ( World Order and the United Nations ) ( {dÌd Ï`dÒWm Am°a gß`w∫$ amÔ¥> ) 21. What is the role of the Secretariat of the United Nations? 2 gß`w∫$ amÔ¥> Ho$ g{Mdmb` H$s ^y{_H$m ä`m h°? 22. Explain the composition and powers of the UN Security Council. 5 gß`w∫$ amÔ¥> H$s gwajm n[afX≤ H$s aMZm Am°a e{∫$`m| H$s Ï`mª`m H$s{OEü& 23. Analyse the nature of the world order during the Cold War. OR Explain the purposes and principles of the United Nations. erV `w’ Ho$ Xm°amZ {dÌd Ï`dÒWm H$s ‡H•${V H$m {dÌbofU H$s{OEü& AWdm gß`w∫$ amÔ¥> Ho$ C‘oÌ`m| Am°a {g’mßVm| H$s Ï`mª`m H$s{OEü& 317/OSS/209A For more questions logon to www.frosher.com/schools 6 8 OPTION–II www.frosher.com Education in India {dH$ÎnçII ( Administrative System in India ) ( ^maV H$s ‡emg{ZH$ Ï`dÒWm ) 21. Mention any two functions of the Cabinet Secretariat. 2 _p›Ã_ßS>br` g{Mdmb` Ho$ {H$›ht Xmo H$m`m] H$m CÑoI H$s{OEü& 22. What are the functions of the Union Public Service Commission? 5 Ho$›–r` bmoH$ godm Am`moJ Ho$ H$m`© ä`m h¢? 23. Assess the functions and the role of the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC). OR What is bureaucracy? Explain its role in the development administration. Ho$›–r` gVH©$Vm Am`moJ (CVC) H$s ^y{_H$m Am°a CgHo$ H$m`m] H$m AmH$bZ H$s{OEü& AWdm Zm°H$aemhr {H$go H$hVo h¢? {dH$mgerb ‡emgZ _| BgH$s ^y{_H$m H$s Ï`mª`m H$s{OEü& HHH For more questions logon to www.frosher.com/schools 8
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