Washington Office th 505 South 336 St., Ste 620 Federal Way, WA 98003 Corporate Office Calabasas, CA Regional Offices Phoenix, AZ San Francisco, CA Denver, CO Honolulu, HI Las Vegas, NV TEL 253/661-5437 FAX 253/661-5430 arwa@reservestudy.com www.reservestudy.com “Full” Reserve Study Sample Condominium Association Your Town, USA Report #: 9999 2010S For Period Beginning: January 1, 2012 Ending: December 31, 2012 Date Prepared: June 9, 2011 Hello, and welcome to your Reserve Study! T his Report is a valuable budget planning tool, for with it you control the future of your association. It contains all the fundamental information needed to understand your current and future Reserve obligations, the most significant expenditures your association will face over time. W ith respect to Reserves, this Report will tell you “where you are”, and “where to go from here”. In this Report, you will find… 1) A List of What you’re Reserving For 2) An Evaluation of your Reserve Fund Size and Strength 3) A Recommended Multi-Year Reserve Funding Plan More Questions? Visit our website at www.ReserveStudy.com or call us at: 253.661.5437 Association Reserves, Inc. 6/9/2011 Table of Contents Executive Summary ...............................................................................................i Reserve Study Summary .........................................................................................................i Reserve Component List – Table 1......................................................................................... ii Introduction, Objectives, and Methodology....................................................... 1 Which Physical Assets are Covered by Reserves?.................................................................2 How are Useful Life and Remaining Useful Life established?.................................................2 How are Cost Estimates Established? ....................................................................................2 How much Reserves are enough?..........................................................................................3 How much should we contribute? ...........................................................................................3 What is our Funding Goal? .....................................................................................................4 Site Inspection....................................................................................................... 5 Projected Expenses .............................................................................................. 6 Expense Graph – Figure 1 ......................................................................................................6 Reserve Fund Status & Recommended Funding Plan ..................................... 7 Funding Plan Graph – Figure 2 ...............................................................................................7 Cash Flow Graph – Figure 3 ...................................................................................................8 % Funded Graph – Figure 4....................................................................................................8 Table Descriptions................................................................................................ 9 Reserve Component List Detail – Table 2.............................................................................10 Contribution & Fund Breakdown – Table 3 ...........................................................................11 30 Year Reserve Plan Summary – Table 4...........................................................................12 30 Year Reserve Plan Year by Year Detail – Table 5 ...........................................................13 Accuracy, Limitations, and Disclosures .......................................................... 19 Terms and Definitions ........................................................................................ 21 Photographic Inventory......................................................................... Appendix Association Reserves, Inc. 6/9/2011 3- Minute Executive Summary Association: Sample Condominium Association Assoc. #: 9999 2010S Location: # of Units: Report Period: Your Town, USA 50 January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2012 Results Projected Starting Reserve Balance: ................................................. $50,000 Fully Funded Reserve Balance: .......................................................$382,845 Average Reserve Deficit (Surplus) Per Unit:........................................$6,657 Percent Funded: .....................................................................................13.1% 100% Full Funding 2012 Monthly Reserve Contribution: ...................$5,850 70% Threshold Monthly Reserve Contribution....................................$5,200 Baseline Contribution (min. to maintain reserves above zero) .........$4,940 Recommended Special Assessment this year: .......................................... $0 Most Recent Reserve Contribution Rate:.............................................$4,000 Economic Assumptions: Net Annual “After Tax” Interest Earnings Accruing to Reserves.......1.00% Annual Inflation Rate ...............................................................................3.00% This is a “Full” Reserve Study, based on our site inspection on June 4, 2011 and meets or exceeds all requirements of chapter 64.34 RCW Article 3. This Reserve Study was prepared by a credentialed Reserve Specialist (RS). Your Reserve Fund is 13.1% Funded. Comparatively, the 70-100% level is where associations statistically enjoy fiscal stability with low risk of special assessment and/or deferred maintenance. Based on this starting point and your anticipated future expenses, our recommendation is to increase your Reserve Contributions to within the 70% to 100% Full Funding range as noted above (Tables and charts herein reflect Full Funding as our recommended contribution). See photo pages for detailed component information and the basis of our assumptions. Association Reserves, Inc. i 6/9/2011 Table 1: Executive Summary 9999 2010S # Component 104 104 105 105 119 201 202 321 324 325 403 505 505 505 505 601 603 703 705 707 803 1109 1110 1118 1120 1122 1200 1202 1204 1208 1210 1302 1304 1310 1801 1802 1809 37 Elevated Decks - Repair/Replace(a) Elevated Decks - Repair/Replace(b) Elevated Decks - Seal/Repair (a) Elevated Decks - Seal/Repair (b) Dock "T" Section - Repair/Replace Asphalt - Resurface Asphalt - Seal/Repair Pole Lights - Replace Exterior Building Lights - Replace Interior Lights - Replace Mailboxes - Replace Wood Fence (South) - Replace (a) Wood Fence(E, part N) - Replace (b) Wood Fence(partial N) -Replace (c) Wood Fence(privacy) - Replace (d) Indoor Carpeting - Replace Tile Floor - Replace Building Entry Access - Replace Gate Entry Access - Replace Vehicle Gate/Operator - Replace Water Heaters - Replace Wood Fence - Stain Interior Surfaces - Repaint Vinyl Siding - Clean/Inspect Vinyl Siding - Replace Windows/Glass Doors- Repair/Replace Pool Deck - Replace Pool - Resurface Pool Tile/Coping - Replace Pool Heater - Replace Pool Fence - Replace Low Slope Building Roof - Replace Carport Roofs - Replace Downspouts - Replace Elevator - Modernize Elevator Cab - Remodel Sewage Pumps - Replace Total Funded Components Useful Life (yrs) Rem. Useful Life (yrs) Current Average Cost Future Average Cost N/A N/A 5 5 25 30 5 30 20 24 24 15 15 15 15 12 24 20 15 10 15 5 12 4 35 35 30 12 24 12 30 12 50 35 30 15 15 0 3 5 8 11 15 0 25 7 16 16 14 14 0 0 4 16 3 13 8 1 0 4 0 30 30 27 9 21 0 27 7 8 30 29 8 14 $66,300 $86,700 $13,300 $13,300 $82,000 $50,665 $7,240 $5,500 $4,000 $4,320 $4,770 $6,325 $7,425 $6,875 $5,500 $40,250 $12,375 $2,500 $2,500 $2,750 $2,550 $4,500 $30,625 $5,000 $168,000 $200,000 $13,000 $12,500 $6,000 $3,000 $6,900 $70,000 $33,000 $9,000 $125,000 $12,500 $10,000 $0 $94,739 $15,418 $16,848 $113,507 $78,934 $8,393 $11,516 $4,919 $6,932 $7,654 $9,567 $11,231 $10,711 $8,569 $45,302 $19,858 $2,732 $3,671 $3,484 $2,627 $5,217 $34,469 $5,628 $407,780 $485,452 $28,877 $16,310 $11,162 $4,277 $15,327 $86,091 $41,803 $21,845 $294,571 $15,835 $15,126 Note: a Useful Life of “N/A” means a one-time expense, not expected to repeat. Cross reference component numbers with photographic inventory appendix. Highlighting denotes projects anticipated to occur this fiscal year. Association Reserves, Inc. ii 6/9/2011 Assoc. 9999 2010S Introduction A Reserve Study is the art and science of anticipating, and preparing for, an association’s major common area repair and replacement expenses. Partially art, because in this field we are making projections about the future. Partially science, because our work is a process of research and analysis along well defined methodologies. In this Report you will find the Reserve Reserve Reserve Study ReserveStudy Study Component List (what you are reserving for). It contains our estimates for Useful Life, • Component Component List Remaining Useful Life, and the current repair • Reserve Fund Strength Strength or replacement cost for each major • Recommended Recommended Contribs Contribs component the association is obligated to maintain. Based on that List and your starting balance we computed the association’s Reserve Fund Strength (measured as “Percent Funded”), and created a recommended multi-year Reserve Funding Plan to offset future Reserve expenses. As the physical assets age and deteriorate, it is important to accumulate financial assets to keep the two “in balance”. A stable Reserve Funding Plan that offsets the irregular Reserve expenses will ensure that each owner pays their own “fair share” of ongoing common area deterioration. Methodology First we establish what the projected expenses are, then we determine the Reserve association’s financial status and create a Reserve Study Types ReserveStudy StudyTypes Types Funding Plan. For this “Full” Reserve Study, •• Full Full we started with a review of your Governing •• Update Update With-Site-Visit With-Site-Visit Documents, recent Reserve expenditures, •• Update Update No-Site-Visit No-Site-Visit an evaluation of how expenditures are handled (ongoing maintenance vs Reserves), and research into any wellestablished association precedents. We performed an on-site inspection to quantify and evaluate your common areas, creating your Reserve Component List “from scratch”. Association Reserves, Inc. 1 6/9/2011 Assoc. 9999 2010S Which Physical Assets are Covered by Reserves? There is a national-standard four-part test to determine which expenses should be funded Reserve Reserve Components Components through Reserves. First, it must be a common area maintenance responsibility. Second, the •• Common Common Area Area component must have a limited life. Third, •• Limited Limited Useful Useful Life Life the limited life must be predictable (or it by •• Predictable Predictable Life Life Limit Limit definition is a “surprise” which cannot be •• Cost accurately anticipated). Fourth, the Cost must must be be Significant Significant component must be above a minimum threshold cost. This limits Reserve Components to major, predictable expenses. Within this framework, it is inappropriate to include “lifetime” components, unpredictable expenses (such as damage due to fire, flood, or earthquake), and expenses more appropriately handled from the Operational Budget or as an insured loss. How are Useful Life and Remaining Useful Life established? 1) Visual Inspection (observed wear and age) 2) Association Reserves database of experience 3) Client Component History 4) Vendor Evaluation and Recommendation How are Cost Estimates Established? Financial projections are based on the average of our Best Case and Worst Case estimates, which are established in this order… 1) Client Cost History 2) Comparison to Association Reserves database of work done at similar associations 3) Vendor Recommendations 4) Reliable National Industry cost estimating guidebooks Association Reserves, Inc. 2 6/9/2011 Assoc. 9999 2010S How much Reserves are enough? Your Reserve cash Balance can measure reserves, but the true measure is whether the funds are adequate. Adequacy is measured in a two-step process: 1) 2) Calculate the association’s Fully Funded Balance (FFB). Compare to the Reserve Fund Balance, and express as a percentage. The FFB grows as assets age and the Reserve needs of the association increase, but shrinks when projects are accomplished and the Reserve needs of the association decrease. The Fully Funded Balance changes each year, and is a moving but predictable target. Percent Percent Funded PercentFunded Ideal Ideal -- 100% 100% -- 70% 70% -- 30% 30% -- 0% 0% Good Good Fair Fair Poor Poor Special assessments and deferred maintenance are common when the Percent Funded is below 30%. While the 100% point is Ideal, a Reserve Fund in the 70% -130% range is considered “strong” because in this range cash flow problems are rare. Measuring your Reserves by Percent Funded tells how well prepared your association is for upcoming Reserve expenses. New buyers should be very aware of this important disclosure! Association Reserves, Inc. 3 6/9/2011 Assoc. 9999 2010S How much should we contribute? There are four Funding Principles that we balance in developing your Reserve Funding Plan. Our first objective is to design a plan that provides you with sufficient cash to perform your Reserve projects on time. A stable contribution rate is desirable because it is a hallmark of a proactive plan. Reserve contributions that are evenly distributed over the years, enable each owner to pay their “fair share” of the association’s Reserve expenses (this means we recommend special assessments only when all other options have been exhausted). And finally, we develop a plan that is fiscally responsible and “safe” for Board members to recommend to their association. Funding Funding Principles FundingPrinciples Principles •• Sufficient Sufficient Cash Cash •• Stable Stable Contribution Contribution Rate Rate •• Evenly Evenly Distributed Distributed •• Fiscally Fiscally Responsible Responsible What is our Recommended Funding Goal? Maintaining the Reserve Fund at a level equal to the physical deterioration that has occurred is called “Full Funding” the Reserves (100% Funded). As each asset ages and becomes “used up”, the Reserve Fund grows proportionally. This is simple, responsible, and our recommendation. As stated previously, associations in the 100% range rarely experience special assessments or deferred maintenance. Allowing the Reserves to fall close to zero, but not below zero, is called Baseline Funding. In these associations, deterioration occurs without matching Reserve contributions. With a low Percent Funded, special assessments and deferred maintenance are common. Funding Funding Goals FundingGoals Goals •• Full Full Funding Funding •• Threshold Threshold Funding Funding •• Baseline Baseline Funding Funding Threshold Funding is the title of all other objectives randomly selected between Baseline Funding and Full Funding. Association Reserves, Inc. 4 6/9/2011 Assoc. 9999 2010S Site Inspection Notes During our site visit on June 4, 2011, we visually inspected all of the visible common and limited common elements while compiling a photographic inventory. We noted current condition, materials, apparent levels of care and maintenance as well as exposure to weather elements. We conducted follow-up research with Association Manager _______ (___ Management) and ________ board member, ______. We were informed which items are being successfully handled from the Operational maintenance budget, not Reserves and we received information on historical costs and projects. Elevated decks are currently in need of significant repair. The estimate herein is based on rough order of magnitude/scope and pricing provided by ______ Construction and could vary depending on final scope. The projected repair costs are to be used for preliminary planning purposes and should be adjusted once final scope/pricing are determined. Association Reserves, Inc. 5 6/9/2011 Assoc. 9999 2010S Projected Expenses The figure below shows the array of the projected future expenses at your association. As expenses are based on the average of our Best Case and Worst Case projections, inflated appropriately for future years. Annual Reserve Expenses $1,200,000 $1,000,000 $800,000 $600,000 $400,000 $200,000 $0 2012 2017 2022 2027 Years 2032 2037 2042 Figure 1 A summary of this information is shown in Table 4, while details of the projects that make up this information are shown in Table 5. Since this is a projection about future events that may or may not take place as anticipated, we feel more certain about “near-term” projects than those many years away. While this Reserve Study is a one-year document, it is based on 30 years worth of looking forward into the future. Association Reserves, Inc. 6 6/9/2011 Assoc. 9999 2010S Reserve Fund Status The starting point for our financial analysis is your Reserve Fund balance, projected to be $50,000 as-of the start of your Fiscal Year on January 1, 2012. As of January 1, 2012, your Fully Funded Balance is computed to be $382,845 (see Table 3). This figure represents the deteriorated value of your common area components. Comparing your Reserve Balance to your Fully Funded Balance indicates your Reserves are 13% Funded. Recommended Funding Plan Based on your current Percent Funded and your projected cash flow requirements, we are recommending Reserve contributions of $5,850/month this Fiscal Year and implement a special assessment of $65,000. This represents the first year of the 30-year Funding Plan shown below. This same information is shown numerically in both Table 4 and Table 5. Funding Plan Recom m ended Curren t $16,000 M onthly Contributions $14,000 $12,000 $10,000 $8,000 $6,000 $4,000 $2,000 $0 2012 2017 2022 2027 2032 2037 2042 Years Figure 2 Association Reserves, Inc. 7 6/9/2011 Assoc. 9999 2010S The following chart shows your Reserve balance under our recommended Funding Plan and your current Funding Plan, and your always-changing Fully Funded Balance target. T a rg e t F u lly F un d e d B a la n c e 30-Yr C ash Flow Re c o m m e n d e d Fu n d in g P la n C u rr e nt F u n din g P la n $2 ,0 0 0,0 0 0 $1 ,8 0 0,0 0 0 $1 ,6 0 0,0 0 0 $1 ,4 0 0,0 0 0 $1 ,2 0 0,0 0 0 $1 ,0 0 0,0 0 0 $ 8 0 0,0 0 0 $ 6 0 0,0 0 0 $ 4 0 0,0 0 0 $ 2 0 0,0 0 0 $0 2012 2017 2022 2027 2032 2037 2042 Y e a rs Figure 3 In this figure it is easy to see how your Reserve Fund gradually draws closer to the Fully Funded (100%) level. Re c om m e n d e d F u n d ing P la n Percent F unded C ur re n t F u nd in g Plan 120% 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 2012 2017 2022 Years 2027 2032 2037 2042 Figure 4 Association Reserves, Inc. 8 6/9/2011 Assoc. 9999 2010S Table Descriptions The tabular information in this Report is broken down into five tables. Table 1 summarizes your funded Reserve Components, and is part of the Executive Report summary that appeared earlier in this Report. Table 2 provides the main component description, life, and cost factors for all components determined to be appropriate for Reserve designation. This table represents the core information from which all other tables are derived. Table 3 is presented primarily as an accounting summary. The results of the individual line item Fully Funded Balance computations are shown. These individual quantities are summed to arrive at the Fully Funded Balance for the association as of the start date of the Report. The figures in the Current Fund Balance column and the Monthly Reserve Contribution column show our distribution throughout the line items. If the association is under-funded, Reserve Funds are distributed first to components with a short Remaining Useful Life. If the association’s Reserve Balance is above 100% Funded, funds are distributed evenly for all components. Contribution rates for each component are a proportionate distribution of the total contribution on the basis of the component’s significance to the association (current cost divided by useful life). This presentation is not meant to cause clients to redistribute association funds, it simply presents one way to evenly distribute the total among all the different line items. Table 4: This table provides a one-page 30-year summary of the cash flowing into and out of the association, compared to the Fully Funded Balance for each year. Table 5: This table shows the cash flow detail for the next 30 years. This table makes it possible to see what components are projected to require repair or replacement each year, and the size of those individual expenses. Association Reserves, Inc. 9 6/9/2011 9999 2010S Table 2: Reserve Component List Detail Rem. Current Useful Useful Best Worst Quantity Life Life Cost Cost 104 Elevated Decks - Repair/Replace(a) (13) decks N/A 0 $59,800 $72,800 104 Elevated Decks - Repair/Replace(b) (17) decks N/A 3 $78,200 $95,200 105 Elevated Decks - Seal/Repair (a) 5 5 $11,400 $15,200 5 8 $11,400 $15,200 119 Dock "T" Section - Repair/Replace (19) decks, apx 1,900 GSF (17) decks, apx 1,700 GSF Approx 1,300 square feet 25 11 $65,500 $98,500 201 Asphalt - Resurface Approx 28,950 square feet 30 15 $43,430 $57,900 202 Asphalt - Seal/Repair Approx 28,950 square feet 5 0 $5,790 $8,690 321 Pole Lights - Replace Appx (2) metal poles 30 25 $5,000 $6,000 324 Exterior Building Lights - Replace Appx (50) assorted 20 7 $3,500 $4,500 325 Interior Lights - Replace Appx (72) assorted 24 16 $3,600 $5,040 403 Mailboxes - Replace (53) aluminum boxes 24 16 $4,240 $5,300 505 Wood Fence (South) - Replace (a) Approx 460 linear feet 15 14 $5,750 $6,900 505 Wood Fence(E, part N) - Replace (b) Approx 270 linear feet 15 14 $6,750 $8,100 505 Wood Fence(partial N) -Replace (c) Approx 250 linear feet 15 0 $6,250 $7,500 505 Wood Fence(privacy) - Replace (d) Approx 200 linear feet 15 0 $5,000 $6,000 601 Indoor Carpeting - Replace Approx 1,150 square yds 12 4 $34,500 $46,000 603 Tile Floor - Replace Approx 275 square yards 24 16 $11,000 $13,750 703 Building Entry Access - Replace (1) SES panel 20 3 $2,000 $3,000 705 Gate Entry Access - Replace (1) Linear panel 15 13 $2,000 $3,000 707 Vehicle Gate/Operator - Replace (1) Vertigate system 10 8 $2,500 $3,000 803 Water Heaters - Replace (3) 65 gallon Rheem 15 1 $2,100 $3,000 # Component 105 Elevated Decks - Seal/Repair (b) 1109 Wood Fence - Stain Approx 9,000 square feet 5 0 $3,600 $5,400 1110 Interior Surfaces - Repaint Approx 35,000 square feet 12 4 $26,250 $35,000 1118 Vinyl Siding - Clean/Inspect Approx 28,000 GSF 4 0 $3,000 $7,000 1120 Vinyl Siding - Replace Approx 28,000 GSF 35 30 $140,000 $196,000 1122 Windows/Glass Doors- Repair/Replace Approx (240) assorted 35 30 $150,000 $250,000 1200 Pool Deck - Replace Approx 1,000 square feet 30 27 $12,000 $14,000 1202 Pool - Resurface Approx 40 x 20' 12 9 $10,000 $15,000 1204 Pool Tile/Co ping - Replace Approx 100 linear feet 24 21 $5,000 $7,000 1208 Pool Heater - Replace (1) Coates heater 12 0 $2,500 $3,500 1210 Pool Fence - Replace Approx 115 linear feet 30 27 $5,750 $8,050 1302 Low Slope Building Roof - Replace Approx 21,100 GSF 12 7 $60,000 $80,000 1304 Carport Roofs - Replace Approx 5,500 SF metal 50 8 $27,500 $38,500 1310 Downspouts - Replace Approx 640 linear feet 35 30 $8,000 $10,000 1801 Elevator - Modernize (1) 4 stop, hydro 30 29 $100,000 $150,000 1802 Elevator Cab - Remodel (1) 72" X 42", Dover 15 8 $10,000 $15,000 1809 Sewage Pumps - Replace (2) pumps, equipment 15 14 $8,000 $12,000 37 Total Funded Components Association Reserves, Inc. 10 6/9/2011 9999 2010S Table 3: Contribution and Fund Breakdown Rem. Fully Current Useful Useful Current Funded Fund Reserve Life Life (Avg) Cost Balance Balance Contributions 104 Elevated Decks - Repair/Replace(a) N/A 0 $66,300 $66,300 $17,885.00 $2,496.38 104 Elevated Decks - Repair/Replace(b) N/A 3 $86,700 $21,675 $0.00 $1,117.61 105 Elevated Decks - Seal/Repair (a) 5 5 $13,300 $0 $0.00 $0.00 105 Elevated Decks - Seal/Repair (b) 5 8 $13,300 $0 $0.00 $0.00 119 Dock "T" Section - Repair/Replace 25 11 $82,000 $45,920 $0.00 $169.12 201 Asphalt - Resurface # Component 30 15 $50,665 $25,333 $0.00 $87.08 202 Asphalt - Seal/Repair 5 0 $7,240 $7,240 $7,240.00 $74.66 321 Pole Lights - Replace 30 25 $5,500 $917 $0.00 $9.45 324 Exterior Building Lights - Replace 20 7 $4,000 $2,600 $0.00 $10.31 325 Interior Lights - Replace 24 16 $4,320 $1,440 $0.00 $9.28 403 Mailboxes - Replace 24 16 $4,770 $1,590 $0.00 $10.25 505 Wood Fence (South) - Replace (a) 15 14 $6,325 $422 $0.00 $21.74 505 Wood Fence(E, part N) - Replace (b) 15 14 $7,425 $495 $0.00 $25.52 505 Wood Fence(partial N) -Replace (c) 15 0 $6,875 $6,875 $6,875.00 $23.63 505 Wood Fence(privacy) - Replace (d) 15 0 $5,500 $5,500 $5,500.00 $18.91 601 Indoor Carpeting - Replace 12 4 $40,250 $26,833 $0.00 $172.95 603 Tile Floor - Replace 24 16 $12,375 $4,125 $0.00 $26.59 703 Building Entry Access - Replace 20 3 $2,500 $2,125 $0.00 $6.45 705 Gate Entry Access - Replace 15 13 $2,500 $333 $0.00 $8.59 707 Vehicle Gate/Operator - Replace 10 8 $2,750 $550 $0.00 $14.18 803 Water Heaters - Replace 15 1 $2,550 $2,380 $0.00 $8.77 5 0 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500.00 $46.41 12 4 $30,625 $20,417 $0.00 $131.59 4 0 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000.00 $64.45 1120 Vinyl Siding - Replace 35 30 $168,000 $24,000 $0.00 $247.50 1122 Windows/Glass Doors- Repair/Replace 35 30 $200,000 $28,571 $0.00 $294.64 1200 Pool Deck - Replace 30 27 $13,000 $1,300 $0.00 $22.34 1202 Pool - Resurface 1204 Pool Tile/Coping - Replace 12 24 9 21 $12,500 $6,000 $3,125 $750 $0.00 $0.00 $53.71 $12.89 1208 Pool Heater - Replace 12 0 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000.00 $12.89 1210 Pool Fence - Replace 1302 Low Slope Building Roof - Replace 30 12 27 7 $6,900 $70,000 $690 $29,167 $0.00 $0.00 $11.86 $300.78 1304 Carport Roofs - Replace 1310 Downspouts - Replace 50 35 8 30 $33,000 $9,000 $27,720 $1,286 $0.00 $0.00 $34.03 $13.26 1801 Elevator - Modernize 30 29 $125,000 $4,167 $0.00 $214.84 1802 Elevator Cab - Remodel 15 8 $12,500 $5,833 $0.00 $42.97 1809 Sewage Pumps - Replace 15 14 $10,000 $667 $0.00 $34.37 $382,845 $50,000 $5,850 1109 Wood Fence - Stain 1110 Interior Surfaces - Repaint 1118 Vinyl Siding - Clean/Inspect 37 Total Funded Components Association Reserves, Inc. 11 6/9/2011 9999 2010S Table 4: 30-Year Reserve Plan Summary Fiscal Year Beginning: 01/01/12 Interest: 1.0% Inflation: 3.0% Loans or Special Assmts Interest Income Projected Reserve Expenses $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $361 $572 $1,302 $1,585 $1,465 $1,710 $2,412 $2,833 $2,862 $3,292 $4,008 $4,271 $4,677 $5,571 $6,381 $6,658 $6,346 $6,753 $7,867 $8,411 $8,861 $9,798 $11,055 $12,257 $13,430 $14,618 $15,942 $17,379 $17,792 $16,762 $98,415 $2,627 $0 $97,471 $85,398 $29,028 $0 $91,011 $84,304 $16,310 $33,652 $113,507 $11,406 $23,203 $35,924 $137,226 $160,294 $0 $27,324 $122,745 $54,256 $34,415 $0 $55,852 $16,262 $63,944 $0 $53,089 $216,038 $350,539 Year Starting Reserve Balance Fully Funded Balance Percent Funded Rating Annual Reserve Contribs. 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 $50,000 $22,146 $92,398 $168,175 $148,998 $144,076 $198,139 $284,373 $282,533 $290,018 $368,595 $433,294 $421,231 $514,591 $600,050 $676,690 $655,492 $614,194 $736,977 $837,030 $845,792 $927,186 $1,033,161 $1,178,726 $1,273,676 $1,413,546 $1,511,203 $1,678,538 $1,798,763 $1,761,129 $382,845 $347,811 $419,698 $529,952 $500,251 $483,739 $526,485 $602,157 $588,154 $582,489 $648,594 $700,783 $674,308 $754,286 $826,657 $890,305 $853,798 $794,778 $901,506 $985,778 $976,855 $1,040,846 $1,129,911 $1,259,893 $1,339,129 $1,464,490 $1,547,557 $1,702,128 $1,809,900 $1,756,409 13.1% 6.4% 22.0% 31.7% 29.8% 29.8% 37.6% 47.2% 48.0% 49.8% 56.8% 61.8% 62.5% 68.2% 72.6% 76.0% 76.8% 77.3% 81.7% 84.9% 86.6% 89.1% 91.4% 93.6% 95.1% 96.5% 97.7% 98.6% 99.4% 100.3% Weak Weak Weak Fair Weak Weak Fair Fair Fair Fair Fair Fair Fair Fair Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong $70,200 $72,306 $74,475 $76,709 $79,011 $81,381 $83,822 $86,337 $88,927 $91,595 $94,343 $97,173 $100,088 $103,091 $106,184 $109,369 $112,650 $116,030 $119,511 $123,096 $126,789 $130,593 $134,510 $138,546 $142,702 $146,983 $151,393 $155,934 $160,613 $165,431 Association Reserves, Inc. 12 6/9/2011 9999 2010S Table 5: 30-Year Income/Expense Detail (yrs 0 through 4) Fiscal Year 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Starting Reserve Balance $50,000 $22,146 $92,398 $168,175 $148,998 Annual Reserve Contribution $70,200 $72,306 $74,475 $76,709 $79,011 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $361 $572 $1,302 $1,585 $1,465 $120,561 $95,024 $168,175 $246,470 $229,474 104 Elevated Decks - Repair/Replace(a) $66,300 $0 $0 $0 $0 104 Elevated Decks - Repair/Replace(b) $0 $0 $0 $94,739 $0 105 Elevated Decks - Seal/Repair (a) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 105 Elevated Decks - Seal/Repair (b) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 119 Dock "T" Section - Repair/Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 201 Asphalt - Resurface $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 202 Asphalt - Seal/Repair $7,240 $0 $0 $0 $0 321 Pole Lights - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 324 Exterior Building Lights - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 325 Interior Lights - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 403 Mailboxes - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 505 Wood Fence (South) - Replace (a) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 505 Wood Fence(E, part N) - Replace (b) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 505 Wood Fence(partial N) -Replace (c) $6,875 $0 $0 $0 $0 505 Wood Fence(privacy) - Replace (d) $5,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 601 Indoor Carpeting - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $45,302 603 Tile Floor - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 703 Building Entry Access - Replace $0 $0 $0 $2,732 $0 705 Gate Entry Access - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 707 Vehicle Gate/Operator - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 803 Water Heaters - Replace $0 $2,627 $0 $0 $0 $4,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $34,469 Planned Special Assessments Interest Earnings Total Income # Component 1109 Wood Fence - Stain 1110 Interior Surfaces - Repaint 1118 Vinyl Siding - Clean/Inspect $5,000 $0 $0 $0 $5,628 1120 Vinyl Siding - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1122 Windows/Glass Doors- Repair/Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1200 Pool Deck - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1202 Pool - Resurface $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1204 Pool Tile/Coping - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1208 Pool Heater - Replace $3,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 1210 Pool Fence - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1302 Low Slope Building Roof - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1304 Carport Roofs - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1310 Downspouts - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1801 Elevator - Modernize $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1802 Elevator Cab - Remodel $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1809 Sewage Pumps - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Expenses $98,415 $2,627 $0 $97,471 $85,398 Ending Reserve Balance: $22,146 $92,398 $168,175 $148,998 $144,076 Association Reserves, Inc. 13 6/9/2011 9999 2010S Table 5: 30-Year Income/Expense Detail (yrs 5 through 9) Fiscal Year 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 $144,076 $198,139 $284,373 $282,533 $290,018 $81,381 $83,822 $86,337 $88,927 $91,595 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,710 $2,412 $2,833 $2,862 $3,292 $227,167 $284,373 $373,544 $374,322 $384,905 104 Elevated Decks - Repair/Replace(a) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 104 Elevated Decks - Repair/Replace(b) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 105 Elevated Decks - Seal/Repair (a) $15,418 $0 $0 $0 $0 105 Elevated Decks - Seal/Repair (b) $0 $0 $0 $16,848 $0 119 Dock "T" Section - Repair/Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 201 Asphalt - Resurface $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 202 Asphalt - Seal/Repair $8,393 $0 $0 $0 $0 321 Pole Lights - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 324 Exterior Building Lights - Replace $0 $0 $4,919 $0 $0 325 Interior Lights - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 403 Mailboxes - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 505 Wood Fence (South) - Replace (a) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 505 Wood Fence(E, part N) - Replace (b) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 505 Wood Fence(partial N) -Replace (c) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 505 Wood Fence(privacy) - Replace (d) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 601 Indoor Carpeting - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 603 Tile Floor - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 703 Building Entry Access - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 705 Gate Entry Access - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 707 Vehicle Gate/Operator - Replace $0 $0 $0 $3,484 $0 803 Water Heaters - Re place $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $5,217 $0 $0 $0 $0 1110 Interior Surfaces - Repaint $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1118 Vinyl Siding - Clean/Inspect $0 $0 $0 $6,334 $0 1120 Vinyl Siding - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1122 Windows/Glass Doors- Repair/Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1200 Pool Deck - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1202 Pool - Resurface $0 $0 $0 $0 $16,310 1204 Pool Tile/Coping - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1208 Pool Heater - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1210 Pool Fence - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1302 Low Slope Building Roof - Replace $0 $0 $86,091 $0 $0 1304 Carport Roofs - Replace $0 $0 $0 $41,803 $0 1310 Downspouts - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1801 Elevator - Modernize $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1802 Elevator Cab - Remodel $0 $0 $0 $15,835 $0 1809 Sewage Pumps - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $29,028 $0 $91,011 $84,304 $16,310 $198,139 $284,373 $282,533 $290,018 $368,595 Starting Reserve Balance Annual Reserve Contribution Planned Special Assessments Interest Earnings Total Income # Component 1109 Wood Fence - Stain Total Expenses Ending Reserve Balance: Association Reserves, Inc. 14 6/9/2011 9999 2010S Table 5: 30-Year Income/Expense Detail (yrs 10 through 14) Fiscal Year 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 $368,595 $433,294 $421,231 $514,591 $600,050 $94,343 $97,173 $100,088 $103,091 $106,184 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $4,008 $4,271 $4,677 $5,571 $6,381 $466,946 $534,738 $525,997 $623,252 $712,614 104 Elevated Decks - Repair/Replace(a) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 104 Elevated Decks - Repair/Replace(b) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 105 Elevated Decks - Seal/Repair (a) $17,874 $0 $0 $0 $0 105 Elevated Decks - Seal/Repair (b) $0 $0 $0 $19,531 $0 119 Dock "T" Section - Repair/Replace $0 $113,507 $0 $0 $0 201 Asphalt - Resurface $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 202 Asphalt - Seal/Repair $9,730 $0 $0 $0 $0 321 Pole Lights - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 324 Exterior Building Lights - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 325 Interior Lights - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 403 Mailboxes - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 505 Wood Fence (South) - Replace (a) $0 $0 $0 $0 $9,567 505 Wood Fence(E, part N) - Replace (b) $0 $0 $0 $0 $11,231 505 Wood Fence(partial N) -Replace (c) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 505 Wood Fence(privacy) - Replace (d) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 601 Indoor Carpeting - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 603 Tile Floor - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 703 Building Entry Access - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 705 Gate Entry Access - Replace $0 $0 $0 $3,671 $0 707 Vehicle Gate/Operator - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 803 Water Heaters - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $6,048 $0 $0 $0 $0 1110 Interior Surfaces - Repaint $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1118 Vinyl Siding - Clean/Inspect $0 $0 $7,129 $0 $0 1120 Vinyl Siding - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1122 Windows/Glass Doors- Repair/Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1200 Pool Deck - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1202 Pool - Resurface $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1204 Pool Tile/Coping - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1208 Pool Heater - Replace $0 $0 $4,277 $0 $0 1210 Pool Fence - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1302 Low Slope Building Roof - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1304 Carport Roofs - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1310 Downspouts - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1801 Elevator - Modernize $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1802 Elevator Cab - Remodel $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1809 Sewage Pumps - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $15,126 $33,652 $113,507 $11,406 $23,203 $35,924 $433,294 $421,231 $514,591 $600,050 $676,690 Starting Reserve Balance Annual Reserve Contribution Planned Special Assessments Interest Earnings Total Income # Component 1109 Wood Fence - Stain Total Expenses Ending Reserve Balance: Association Reserves, Inc. 15 6/9/2011 9999 2010S Table 5: 30-Year Income/Expense Detail (yrs 15 through 19) Fiscal Year 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 Starting Reserve Balance $676,690 $655,492 $614,194 $736,977 $837,030 Annual Reserve Contribution $109,369 $112,650 $116,030 $119,511 $123,096 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $6,658 $6,346 $6,753 $7,867 $8,411 $792,718 $774,488 $736,977 $864,354 $968,537 104 Elevated Decks - Repair/Replace(a) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 104 Elevated Decks - Rep air/Replace(b) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 105 Elevated Decks - Seal/Repair (a) $20,721 $0 $0 $0 $0 105 Elevated Decks - Seal/Repair (b) $0 $0 $0 $22,642 $0 119 Dock "T" Section - Repair/Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 201 Asphalt - Resurface $78,934 $0 $0 $0 $0 202 Asphalt - Seal/Repair $11,280 $0 $0 $0 $0 321 Pole Lights - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 324 Exterior Building Lights - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 325 Interior Lights - Replace $0 $6,932 $0 $0 $0 403 Mailboxes - Replace $0 $7,654 $0 $0 $0 505 Wood Fence (South) - Replace (a) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 505 Wood Fence(E, part N) - Replace (b) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 505 Wood Fence(partial N) -Replace (c) $10,711 $0 $0 $0 $0 505 Wood Fence(privacy) - Replace (d) $8,569 $0 $0 $0 $0 601 Indoor Carpeting - Replace $0 $64,589 $0 $0 $0 603 Tile Floor - Replace $0 $19,858 $0 $0 $0 703 Building Entry Access - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 705 Gate Entry Access - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 707 Vehicle Gate/Operator - Replace $0 $0 $0 $4,682 $0 803 Water Heaters - Replace $0 $4,092 $0 $0 $0 $7,011 $0 $0 $0 $0 1110 Interior Surfaces - Repaint $0 $49,144 $0 $0 $0 1118 Vinyl Siding - Clean/Inspect $0 $8,024 $0 $0 $0 1120 Vinyl Siding - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1122 Windows/Glass Doors- Repair/Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1200 Pool Deck - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1202 Pool - Resurface $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1204 Pool Tile/Coping - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1208 Pool Heater - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1210 Pool Fence - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1302 Low Slope Building Roof - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $122,745 1304 Carport Roofs - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1310 Downspouts - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1801 Elevator - Modernize $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1802 Elevator Cab - Remodel $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1809 Sewage Pumps - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Expenses $137,226 $160,294 $0 $27,324 $122,745 Ending Reserve Balance: $655,492 $614,194 $736,977 $837,030 $845,792 Planned Special Assessments Interest Earnings Total Income # Component 1109 Wood Fence - Stain Association Reserves, Inc. 16 6/9/2011 9999 2010S Table 5: 30-Year Income/Expense Detail (yrs 20 through 24) Fiscal Year 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 Starting Reserve Balance $845,792 $927,186 $1,033,161 $1,178,726 $1,273,676 Annual Reserve Contribution $126,789 $130,593 $134,510 $138,546 $142,702 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $8,861 $9,798 $11,055 $12,257 $13,430 $981,442 $1,067,576 $1,178,726 $1,329,529 $1,429,809 104 Elevated Decks - Repair/Replace(a) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 104 Elevated Decks - Repair/Replace(b) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 105 Elevated Decks - Seal/Repair (a) $24,021 $0 $0 $0 $0 105 Elevated Decks - Seal/Repair (b) $0 $0 $0 $26,249 $0 119 Dock "T" Section - Repair/Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 201 Asphalt - Resurface $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 202 Asphalt - Seal/Repair $13,076 $0 $0 $0 $0 321 Pole Lights - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 324 Exterior Building Lights - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 325 Interior Lights - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 403 Mailboxes - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 505 Wood Fence (South) - Replace (a) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 505 Wood Fence(E, part N) - Replace (b) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 505 Wood Fence(partial N) -Replace (c) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 505 Wood Fence(privacy) - Replace (d) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 601 Indoor Carpeting - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 603 Tile Floor - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 703 Building Entry Access - Replace $0 $0 $0 $4,934 $0 705 Gate Entry Access - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 707 Vehicle Gate/Operator - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 803 Water Heaters - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $8,128 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $9,031 $0 $0 $0 $10,164 1120 Vinyl Siding - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1122 Windows/Glass Doors- Repair/Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1200 Pool Deck - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1202 Pool - Resurface $0 $23,254 $0 $0 $0 1204 Pool Tile/Coping - Replace $0 $11,162 $0 $0 $0 1208 Pool Heater - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $6,098 1210 Pool Fence - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1302 Low Slope Building Roof - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1304 Carport Roofs - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1310 Downspouts - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1801 Elevator - Modernize $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1802 Elevator Cab - Remodel $0 $0 $0 $24,670 $0 1809 Sewage Pumps - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $54,256 $34,415 $0 $55,852 $16,262 $927,186 $1,033,161 $1,178,726 $1,273,676 $1,413,546 Planned Special Assessments Interest Earnings Total Income # Component 1109 Wood Fence - Stain 1110 Interior Surfaces - Repaint 1118 Vinyl Siding - Clean/Inspect Total Expenses Ending Reserve Balance: Association Reserves, Inc. 17 6/9/2011 9999 2010S Table 5: 30-Year Income/Expense Detail (yrs 25 through 29) Fiscal Year 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 $1,413,546 $1,511,203 $1,678,538 $1,798,763 $1,761,129 $146,983 $151,393 $155,934 $160,613 $165,431 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $14,618 $15,942 $17,379 $17,792 $16,762 $1,575,147 $1,678,538 $1,851,851 $1,977,167 $1,943,323 104 Elevated Decks - Repair/Replace(a) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 104 Elevated Decks - Repair/Replace(b) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 105 Elevated Decks - Seal/Repair (a) $27,847 $0 $0 $0 $0 105 Elevated Decks - Seal/Repair (b) $0 $0 $0 $30,429 $0 119 Dock "T" Section - Repair/Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 201 Asphalt - Resurface $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 202 Asphalt - Seal/Repair $15,159 $0 $0 $0 $0 321 Pole Lights - Replace $11,516 $0 $0 $0 $0 324 Exterior Building Lights - Replace $0 $0 $8,885 $0 $0 325 Interior Lights - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 403 Mailboxes - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 505 Wood Fence (South) - Replace (a) $0 $0 $0 $0 $14,905 505 Wood Fence(E, part N) - Replace (b) $0 $0 $0 $0 $17,497 505 Wood Fence(partial N) -Replace (c) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 505 Wood Fence(privacy) - Replace (d) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 601 Indoor Carpeting - Replace $0 $0 $0 $92,089 $0 603 Tile Floor - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 703 Building Entry Access - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 705 Gate Entry Access - Replace $0 $0 $0 $5,720 $0 707 Vehicle Gate/Operator - Replace $0 $0 $0 $6,292 $0 803 Water Heaters - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $9,422 $0 $0 $0 $0 1110 Interior Surfaces - Repaint $0 $0 $0 $70,068 $0 1118 Vinyl Siding - Clean/Inspect $0 $0 $0 $11,440 $0 1120 Vinyl Siding - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1122 Windows/Glass Doors- Repair/Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1200 Pool Deck - Replace $0 $0 $28,877 $0 $0 1202 Pool - Resurface $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1204 Pool Tile/Coping - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1208 Pool Heater - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1210 Pool Fence - Replace $0 $0 $15,327 $0 $0 1302 Low Slope Building Roof - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1304 Carport Roofs - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1310 Downspouts - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1801 Elevator - Modernize $0 $0 $0 $0 $294,571 1802 Elevator Cab - Remodel $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1809 Sewage Pumps - Replace $0 $0 $0 $0 $23,566 $63,944 $0 $53,089 $216,038 $350,539 $1,511,203 $1,678,538 $1,798,763 $1,761,129 $1,592,784 Starting Reserve Balance Annual Reserve Contribution Planned Special Assessments Interest Earnings Total Income # Component 1109 Wood Fence - Stain Total Expenses Ending Reserve Balance: Association Reserves, Inc. 18 6/9/2011 Assoc. 9999 2010S Accuracy, Limitations, and Disclosures Washington disclosure, per Senate Bill 6215: This reserve study should be reviewed carefully. It may not include all common and limited common element components that will require major maintenance, repair or replacement in future years, and may not include regular contributions to a reserve account for the cost of such maintenance, repair, or replacement. The failure to include a component in a reserve study, or to provide contributions to a reserve account for a component, may, under some circumstances, require you to pay on demand as a special assessment your share of common expenses for the cost of major maintenance, repair or replacement of a reserve component. Because we have no control over future events, we cannot claim that all the events we anticipate will occur as planned. We expect that inflationary trends will continue, and we expect that financial institutions will provide interest earnings on funds on-deposit. We believe that reasonable estimates for these figures are much more accurate than ignoring these economic realities. The things we can control are measurements, which we attempt to establish within 5% accuracy. Your starting Reserve Balance and current Reserve interest earnings are also numbers that can be identified with a high degree of certainty. These figures have been provided to us, and were not confirmed by our independent research. Our projections assume a stable economic environment and lack of natural disasters. Because both the physical status and financial status of the association change each year, this Reserve Study is by nature a “one-year” document. This information can and should be adjusted annually as part of the Reserve Study Update process so that more accurate estimates can be reflected in the Reserve plan. Reality often differs from even the best assumptions due to changing economic factors, physical factors, or ownership expectations. Because many years of financial preparation help the preparation for large expenses, this Report shows expenses for the next 30 years. We fully expect a number of adjustments will be necessary through the interim years to both the cost and timing of distant expense projections. It is our recommendation and that of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) that your Reserve Study be updated annually. Association Reserves, Inc., and its employees have no ownership, management, or other business relationships with the client other than this Reserve Study engagement. James D. Talaga R.S., company president, is a credentialed Reserve Specialist (#66). All work done by Association Reserves is performed under his Responsible Charge. There are no material issues to our knowledge that have not been disclosed to the client that would cause a distortion of the association’s situation. Association Reserves, Inc. 19 6/9/2011 Assoc. 9999 2010S We have relied upon the client to provide the current (or projected) Reserve Balance, the estimated net-after-tax current rate of interest earnings, and to indicate if those earnings accrue to the Reserve Fund. In addition, we have considered the association’s representation of current and historical Reserve projects reliable, and we have considered the representations made by its vendors and suppliers to also be accurate and reliable. Component quantities indicated in this Report were developed by Association Reserves unless otherwise noted in our “Site Inspection Notes” comments. No destructive or intrusive testing was performed, nor should the site inspection be assumed to be anything other than for budget purposes. Association Reserves, Inc. 20 6/9/2011 Assoc. 9999 2010S Terms and Definitions BTU DIA GSF GSY HP LF British Thermal Unit (a standard unit of energy) Diameter Gross Square Feet (area) Gross Square Yards (area) Horsepower Linear Feet (length) Effective Age: The difference between Useful Life and Remaining Useful Life. Note that this is not necessarily equivalent to the chronological age of the component. Fully Funded Balance (FFB): The Reserve Balance that is in direct proportion to the fraction of life “used up” of the current Repair or Replacement cost. This benchmark balance represents the value of the deterioration of the Reserve Components. This number is calculated for each component, then summed together for an association total. FFB = (Current Cost X Effective Age) / Useful Life Inflation: Cost factors are adjusted for inflation at the rate defined in the Executive Summary and compounded annually. These increasing costs can be seen as you follow the recurring cycles of a component on Table 5. Interest: Interest earnings on Reserve Funds are calculated using the average balance for the year (taking into account income and expenses through the year) and compounded monthly using the rate defined in the Executive Summary. Annual interest earning assumption appears in the Executive Summary, page ii. Percent Funded: The ratio, at a particular point in time (typically the beginning of the Fiscal Year), of the actual (or projected) Reserve Balance to the Fully Funded Balance, expressed as a percentage. Remaining Useful Life: The estimated time, in years, that a common area component can be expected to continue to serve its intended function. Useful Life: The estimated time, in years, that a common area component can be expected to serve its intended function. Association Reserves, Inc. 21 6/9/2011 Assoc. 9999 2010S Photographic Inventory Appendix The primary purpose of the photographic appendix is to provide the reader with the basis of our funding assumptions resulting from our physical analysis and subsequent research. The photographs herein represent a wide range of elements that were observed and measured against National Reserve Study Standards to determine if they meet the criteria for reserve funding: 1) Common or limited common 2) Life limited 3) Predictable life limit 4) Significant cost (board’s discretion – typically above ½ to 1% of annual operating expenses). Some elements are recommended for reserve funding, while others are not. The components that meet these criteria in our judgment are shown with corresponding maintenance, repair or replacement cycles to the left of the photo (UL = Useful Life or how often the project is expected to occur, RUL = Remaining Useful Life or how many years from our reporting period) and a representative market cost range termed “Best Cost” and “Worst Cost” below the photo. There are many factors that can result in a wide variety of potential costs; we are attempting to represent a market average for budget purposes. Where there is no UL / RUL or cost data inserted, the component was deemed to not meet the criteria for reserve funding, substantiated within the evaluation text above the photo. Diligent care and maintenance can extend the Useful Life of components, reducing annualized costs. Maintenance suggestions have been made throughout the inventory appendix – this should not be viewed as a substitute for a comprehensive maintenance plan for your community. Association Reserves, Inc. 22 6/9/2011 Association Reserves WA, LLC Inventory Appendix 9999S4 Client: 9999S4 2012 condo sample Comp #: 103 Concrete - Repair/Replace Quantity: Extensive square footage Location: Sidewalks, walkways, patios, curbing, etc…throughout association Evaluation: Overall fair condition with no significant cracking, settling or upheaval noted; although some local areas of cracks, not widespread. Some newer concrete surfaces at main building entry and newer curbing done recently at entry and in past along with larger scale asphalt work (components 201 and 202). As routine maintenance, inspect, seal cracks as needed and repair/replace any trip & fall hazards promptly. Monitor tree roots nearby and consult with arborist if there is a problem (avoid adjacent over watering). If proactively maintained, there is no expectation of large scale repair/replacement in future years, therefore no reserve funding is suggested. As the association continues to age, might want to include a rotating funding allowance within reserves to supplement the operating budget if problems become prevalent. Useful Life: Remaining Life: Best Case: Worst Case: Cost Source: June 14,2011 Page 1 of 61 Association Reserves WA, LLC Inventory Appendix 9999S4 Client: 9999S4 2012 condo sample Comp #: 104 Elevated Decks - Repair/Replace(a) Quantity: (13) decks Location: Elevated decks outlined in ____ Construction Inspection Report dated 09/17/2010 Evaluation: According to our board contact, no large scale deck project in this community with repairs/replacements done as needed. Due to access limited through individual units we were only able to observe from ground level. We were provided with a deck inspection report prepared by ____ Construction Inc. dated September 2010. Varying condition of decks surfaces noted with (6) reported as newer railings/deck surfaces (no work needed at this time), (13) deemed to be in bad shape showing signs of water intrusion problems due to failure of deck surface and flashing (recommend deck railing, fascia and waterproofing be replaced in near future) and (17) with old railing and deck surfaces showing small amount of dry rot and damage to the deck fascia (recommend no work needed for approximately 3-5 years). Due to the current varying condition of decks, we are phasing deck work with this component including funding for the repair work recommended for the (13) decks deemed to be in bad condition. We recommend this work be completed in 2010 as a one time project with the funding allowance below based on estimate from Ruff Construction (assume liquid applied, polyurethane traffic coating). This surface type needs to be top coated regularly (every 3-5 years) for waterproof integrity, protection of surrounding structure and warranty (see component #105(a). As routine maintenance, we strongly suggest annual professional inspections, cleaning and prompt repair as needed. If proactively maintained, these decks can last an extended period of time with no anticipation for subsequent large scale repairs during our study period. Note: refer to ____ Construction bid for actual decks included within these (13). Photo may not necessarily represent phasing. Useful Life: Remaining Life: 0 years Best Case: $59,800.00 Worst Case: $72,800.00 $4,600/deck (x13), lower allowance to repair/resurface $5,600/Sq Ft, higher allowance; more extensive repair/replacement Cost Source: Bid by ______Construction, ______, 425-555-5555 June 14,2011 Page 2 of 61 Association Reserves WA, LLC Inventory Appendix 9999S4 Client: 9999S4 2012 condo sample Comp #: 104 Elevated Decks - Repair/Replace(b) Quantity: (17) decks Location: Elevated decks outlined in ____Construction Inspection Report dated 09/17/2010 Evaluation: This component suggests funding for the (17) decks outlined by ____ Construction in September 2010 as having old railings and deck surfaces with small amount of dry rot and damage to the deck fascia noted. Ruff recommended repair work for these decks in 3-5 years (based on 2010 inspection) with repair scope similar to 104 (a) phase (replace deck railing, fascia and waterproofing - assume liquid applied, polyurethane traffic coating). As outlined in component #104(a), this is recommended as a one time project assuming decks will be proactively maintained following this work (see component #105 (b). Note: refer to ____ Construction bid for actual decks included within these (17). Photo may not necessarily represent phasing. Useful Life: Remaining Life: 3 years Best Case: $78,200.00 Worst Case: $95,200.00 $4,600/deck (x17), lower allowance to repair/resurface $5,600/Sq Ft, higher allowance; more extensive repair/replacement Cost Source: Bid by ____ Construction,____: 425-555-5555 June 14,2011 Page 3 of 61 Association Reserves WA, LLC Inventory Appendix 9999S4 Client: 9999S4 2012 condo sample Comp #: 105 Elevated Decks - Seal/Repair (a) Quantity: (19) decks, apx 1,900 GSF Location: Elevated decks throughout association Evaluation: This component factors future seal work for (13) decks in component 104(a) which are recommended for refurbish work in 2010 and also for (6) decks inspected in 2010 by _______ indicated as being in new condition. This surface type needs to be top coated regularly for waterproof integrity, protection of surrounding structure and appearance. As routine maintenance, we strongly suggest annual professional inspections, cleaning and prompt repair as needed. Clean with mild solution such as TSP; bleach can be added if mold/mildew become a problem. Plan for regular intervals of professional cleaning, priming and top coating at the time frame indicated below. See component 105 (b) for remaining decks; at one point, might want to coincide all decks for future seal work for cost efficiency/consistency if conditions allow. Note: for actual deck locations see _____ Construction inspection reported dated September 17, 2010. Photo may not necessarily represent phasing. Useful Life: 5 years Remaining Life: 5 years Best Case: $11,400.00 Worst Case: $15,200.00 $6.00/Sq Ft, lower allowance to clean, prime and seal/top coat $8.00/Sq Ft, higher allowance, includes some repairs Cost Source: Estimate by ____ Construction,____: 425-555-5555 June 14,2011 Page 4 of 61 Association Reserves WA, LLC Inventory Appendix 9999S4 Client: 9999S4 2012 condo sample Comp #: 105 Elevated Decks - Seal/Repair (b) Quantity: (17) decks, apx 1,700 GSF Location: Elevated decks throughout association Evaluation: This component factors future seal work of (17) decks in component 104(b) once recommended refurbish work in 2013 is completed. This surface type needs to be top coated regularly for waterproof integrity, protection of surrounding structure and appearance. As routine maintenance, we strongly suggest annual professional inspections, cleaning and prompt repair as needed. Clean with mild solution such as TSP; bleach can be added if mold/mildew become a problem. Plan for regular intervals of professional cleaning, priming and top coating at the time frame indicated below. See component 105 (a) for remaining decks. Note: for actual deck locations see ______ Construction inspection reported dated September 17, 2010. Photo may not necessarily represent phasing. Useful Life: 5 years Remaining Life: 8 years Best Case: $11,400.00 Worst Case: $15,200.00 $6.00/Sq Ft, lower allowance to clean, prime and seal/top coat $8.00/Sq Ft, higher allowance, includes some repairs Cost Source: Estimate by ___ Construction, ____: 425-555-5555 June 14,2011 Page 5 of 61 Association Reserves WA, LLC Inventory Appendix 9999S4 Client: 9999S4 2012 condo sample Comp #: 109 Railings - Replace Quantity: Minimal, assorted Location: Scattered common area locations Evaluation: Generally good to fair condition with no significant deterioration or instability noted of minimal handrails. Inspect, clean and perform any needed repairs as routine maintenance. No expectation for large scale replacement and with minimal amount, not an item for reserve funding. Paint as general maintenance item as needed. Note: wood railing at decks included within deck component (#104). Useful Life: Remaining Life: Best Case: Worst Case: Cost Source: Comp #: 109 Wood Deck - Replace Quantity: Approx 600 square feet Location: Adjacent to Unit #6 at north side of building Evaluation: Reported to us, this wood deck was installed by owner of Unit #6 with all maintenance, repair and replacement responsibility by unit owner. Under this pattern of care, no association responsibility. Useful Life: Remaining Life: Best Case: Worst Case: Cost Source: June 14,2011 Page 6 of 61 Association Reserves WA, LLC Inventory Appendix 9999S4 Client: 9999S4 2012 condo sample Comp #: 110 Shoreline Bulkhead - Renovate Quantity: Approx 220 LF, rock Location: Waterfront shoreline area of site Evaluation: Good, stable condition of rock bulkhead with no significant erosion or instability observed. Reported to us, completely rebuilt in 1995-1996 with 3,000 lb. rock along with major dock renovation work (see other dock components). We assume properly engineered and installed with no anticipation for major rebuilt/renovation work within the scope of our study. No reserve funding recommended at this time. Useful Life: Remaining Life: Best Case: Worst Case: Cost Source: Comp #: 111 Marina - Dredge/Maintain Quantity: Extensive area Location: Lake bottom at waterfront area Evaluation: Depth of water around dock reported to be adequate with no history of dredging and consistent depth history at this site. There is no predictable basis (cost / timing) for inclusion in our report at this time. If needed in the future, a system of measurement and evaluation can be implemented Useful Life: Remaining Life: Best Case: Worst Case: Cost Source: June 14,2011 Page 7 of 61 Association Reserves WA, LLC Inventory Appendix 9999S4 Client: 9999S4 2012 condo sample Comp #: 112 Marina - Vegetation Control Quantity: Lake vegetation Location: Throughout marina Evaluation: Control of milfoil has reportedly been ongoing and is handled as needed through the “Moorage Fund” as an operating item. Just completed in 2009 at a cost of $1,200 with expectation to continue annually or every 2 years as operating item. No reserve funding under this pattern of care. Useful Life: Remaining Life: Best Case: Worst Case: Cost Source: Comp #: 115 Boat Lifts - Repair/Replace Quantity: Several, assorted Location: At dock area Evaluation: Installed and maintained by individual Unit owners with no association responsibility to maintain, repair and replace. No reserve funding required. Useful Life: Remaining Life: Best Case: Worst Case: Cost Source: June 14,2011 Page 8 of 61 Association Reserves WA, LLC Inventory Appendix 9999S4 Client: 9999S4 2012 condo sample Comp #: 116 Dock Electrical/Plumbing - Replace Quantity: Minimal systems Location: Wired/mounted at dock Evaluation: Overall, fair to good condition of plumbing and electrical at dock. Reported to us, complete replacement along with last full scale dock renovation project (component #119). Inspect regularly along with other dock components with no expectation for large scale repairs/replacements of either system which requires separate reserve funding. Most repairs/replacements included as needed as general maintenance item or along with major dock rebuild components. Note: there are two pole mounted lights at dock - assume replacement of these at next major dock renovation with no separate funding anticipated. Useful Life: Remaining Life: Best Case: Worst Case: Cost Source: June 14,2011 Page 9 of 61 Association Reserves WA, LLC Inventory Appendix 9999S4 Client: 9999S4 2012 condo sample Comp #: 117 Dock Cleats, Swim Ladders - Replace Quantity: Moderate hardware Location: Throughout dock system Evaluation: Generally serviceable condition. Too small and unpredictable of an expense to merit reserve funding - treat as general maintenance expense as need occurs or include within larger scale dock renovation work (component #119). Useful Life: Remaining Life: Best Case: Worst Case: Cost Source: June 14,2011 Page 10 of 61 Association Reserves WA, LLC Inventory Appendix 9999S4 Client: 9999S4 2012 condo sample Comp #: 119 Dock "T" Section - Repair/Replace Quantity: Approx 1,300 square feet Location: Waterfront dock area Evaluation: Main “T” section of dock is common expense to be paid for by all unit owners, however Per Third Amendment to _____ Declaration and reported by board member currently, finger pier areas of dock are maintained, repaired and replaced by Moorage Unit Owners through a separate "Moorage" account. Reportedly, in 1996 all areas of dock (“T” section and finger piers) were extensively rebuilt/refurbished transitioning to wood decking from concrete surface. This components recommends funding for the “T” section (see component #120 for finger pier information). Currently, dock is in fair condition with no signs of advanced deterioration. We recommend regular professional inspections, cleaning for appearance and repairing promptly as needed from operating budget to ensure safety. We strongly advise complying with any and all governmental regulations regarding the construction, maintenance or repair of these types of docks (ie. no use of CCA pressure treated lumber). Research and consider alternate dock systems such as unifloat, concrete, etc., offered by companies such as Bellingham Marine. In addition to spot repair funded from the operating budget, we recommend planning for regular intervals of total replacement at roughly the time frame indicated below. Note: currently association is obtaining bid to install a gangway connecting "T" section of dock with small common area float; anticipation is cost will be below reserve funding threshold and will be paid for as operating expense. Useful Life: 25 years Remaining Life: 11 years Best Case: $65,500.00 Worst Case: $98,500.00 $35/Sq Ft, lower estimate to replace with similar, plus $20,000 to replace pilings $45/Sq Ft, higher estimate to replace with similar, plus $40,000 to replace pilings Cost Source: ARI Cost Database: Similar Project Cost History June 14,2011 Page 11 of 61 Association Reserves WA, LLC Inventory Appendix 9999S4 Client: 9999S4 2012 condo sample Comp #: 120 Dock Finger Piers - Repair/Replace Quantity: Several, wood Location: Boat dock Evaluation: Per Third Amendment to _______ Declaration and reported by board member currently, finger pier areas of dock are maintained, repaired and replaced by Moorage Unit Owners through a separate "Moorage" account. Explained to us, this moorage account is used for such things as dock utility expenses, milfoil control (component 112) and also used for reserve funding for future rebuild/replacement work for the finger pier sections only. The budget has a line item for "Moorage Reserve Income" at $480 annually shared by the (24) moorage unit owners. Our reserve study does not include evaluation or inclusion of this account in this study. Reported to us, the finger piers were renovated/refurbished along with the main "T" section of the dock (see component #119) in 1996; anticipated next major repair/replacement similar to "T" section, but again no funding included within this study. Useful Life: Remaining Life: Best Case: Worst Case: Cost Source: June 14,2011 Page 12 of 61 Association Reserves WA, LLC Inventory Appendix 9999S4 Client: 9999S4 2012 condo sample Comp #: 201 Asphalt - Resurface Quantity: Approx 28,950 square feet Location: Drive lanes and parking areas throughout community Evaluation: Overall fair, stable surface condition with some alligatoring and evidence of patching, but no widespread cracks/deterioration noted.. Appears to be adequately sloped and drained. Regular cycles of seal & repair are recommended (see component #202) as well as restriping (see component 203). As routine maintenance, inspect and clean regularly, repair any cracks or damage that may occur promptly to prevent water from penetrating into the base. Future resurface projected below. Useful Life: 30 years Remaining Life: 15 years Best Case: $43,430.00 Worst Case: $57,900.00 $1.50/Sq Ft, lower allowance to resurface (overlay) $2.00/Sq Ft, higher allowance Cost Source: ARI Cost Database: Similar Project Cost History June 14,2011 Page 13 of 61 Association Reserves WA, LLC Inventory Appendix 9999S4 Client: 9999S4 2012 condo sample Comp #: 202 Asphalt - Seal/Repair Quantity: Approx 28,950 square feet Location: Drive lanes and parking areas throughout community Evaluation: Seal is faded and nearly non-existent in areas and striping is faded; some alligatoring but not widespread or significant. Association considered seal coating in 2009, however not done due to other projects deeming more urgency. Regular cycles of seal coating along with any needed repair has proven to be the best program in our opinion for the long term care of asphalt. Seal coating protects against damaging weather elements while bridging small surface cracks and providing uniform appearance over the inevitable patching and repairs needed over time, ultimately extending total life. Apply two coats of flood application of quality asphalt emulsion, XLR-8 or similar. Surface preparation is key to lasting performance. Fill cracks and clean oil stains promptly in between cycles. Incorporate any restriping and curb repair into this project. Useful Life: 5 years Remaining Life: 0 years Best Case: $5,790.00 Worst Case: $8,690.00 $.20/Sq Ft, lower allowance to clean/seal/stripe $.30/Sq Ft, higher allowance, more repairs needed Cost Source: ARI Cost Database: Similar Project Cost History June 14,2011 Page 14 of 61 Association Reserves WA, LLC Inventory Appendix 9999S4 Client: 9999S4 2012 condo sample Comp #: 207 Retaining Walls - Repair/Replace Quantity: Moderate areas Location: Throughout common areas Evaluation: Overall, fair stable condition observed with no significant crumbling, erosion, etc,… noted. We assume these areas were designed and installed properly with adequate base and surrounding drainage. Monitor closely and if areas of deterioration emerge, consult with civil or geotechnical engineer for repair scope. No predictable basis for reserve funding at this time. Note: see component #208 for bulkhead. Useful Life: Remaining Life: Best Case: Worst Case: Cost Source: June 14,2011 Page 15 of 61 Association Reserves WA, LLC Inventory Appendix 9999S4 Client: 9999S4 2012 condo sample Comp #: 321 Pole Lights - Replace Quantity: Appx (2) metal poles Location: Throughout common areas of community Evaluation: Good, stable condition observed with no problems reported; board member estimates replacement 7-8 years ago during parking lot island renovation. Observed during daylight hours; assumed to be in functional operating condition. As routine maintenance, inspect, repair/change bulbs as needed. Best to plan for large scale replacement at roughly the time frame below for cost efficiency and consistent quality throughout association. Monitor for peeling paint, cracked fixtures, etc.. between replacement periods - expect some general maintenance expense within operating budget. Note: There are also some stake mounted lights at the concrete path near the pool and dock; this type of lighting best maintained/replaced as general maintenance item, not large scale cyclical reserve funding. Useful Life: 30 years Remaining Life: 25 years Best Case: $5,000.00 Worst Case: $6,000.00 $2,500/each (x2), lower allowance to replace and install $3,000/each, higher allowance, upgraded quality and additional labor Cost Source: ARI Cost Database: Similar Project Cost History June 14,2011 Page 16 of 61 Association Reserves WA, LLC Inventory Appendix 9999S4 Client: 9999S4 2012 condo sample Comp #: 324 Exterior Building Lights - Replace Quantity: Appx (50) assorted Location: Exteriors of buildings throughout community Evaluation: Overall, good condition observed of wall mounted lamps with no significant damage or deterioration observed or reported to us. Observed during daylight hours and assumed to be in good working order. Inspect regularly, replace bulbs and perform any needed repairs as routine maintenance. We suggest planning to replace all at once in future to maintain consistent appearance and cost efficiency. Useful Life: 20 years Remaining Life: 7 years Best Case: $3,500.00 Worst Case: $4,500.00 $70/each (x50) lower allowance for replacement, installed $90/each, higher allowance, upgraded Cost Source: ARI Cost Database: Similar Project Cost History June 14,2011 Page 17 of 61 Association Reserves WA, LLC Inventory Appendix 9999S4 Client: 9999S4 2012 condo sample Comp #: 325 Interior Lights - Replace Quantity: Appx (72) assorted Location: Common area interiors; hallways and stairwells Evaluation: Overall, good stable condition of wall mounted sconce lighting at hallways and ceiling mounted fixtures at stairwells; hall sconces better quality than stairwell lighting. Inspect lights, replace bulbs and make any repairs as ordinary maintenance. Assumed to be in good working order with no problems observed or reported. We suggest planning to replace all at once in future to maintain consistent appearance and cost efficiency; timed to coincide with future interior paint cycles (component #1110). Note: this component does not factor emergency exit illuminators and back-up lighting which is best repaired/replaced as needed, not large scale reserve project. Useful Life: 24 years Remaining Life: 16 years Best Case: $3,600.00 Worst Case: $5,040.00 $50/each (x72) lower allowance for replacement, installed $70/each, higher allowance, upgraded Cost Source: ARI Cost Database: Similar Project Cost History June 14,2011 Page 18 of 61 Association Reserves WA, LLC Inventory Appendix 9999S4 Client: 9999S4 2012 condo sample Comp #: 403 Mailboxes - Replace Quantity: (53) aluminum boxes Location: Interior location at main entry to building (Inset wall mounted) Evaluation: Overall, stable condition observed with no significant damage or deterioration observed; replaced since our last inspection. No problems currently reported. Inspect regularly and change lock cylinders, lubricate hinges and repair as needed. Best to plan for total replacement at roughly the time frame below due to constant usage and wear over time; timed to coincide with future interior paint cycles (component #1110). Useful Life: 24 years Remaining Life: 16 years Best Case: $4,240.00 Worst Case: $5,300.00 $80/box (x53), lower allowance to replace $100/box, higher allowance, more wall/surround work required Cost Source: ARI Cost Database: Similar Project Cost History Comp #: 410 Trash Enclosure - Replace Quantity: (1) wood, chain link Location: Northeast corner of property at parking/driveway area Evaluation: Trash area enclosed on 3 sides by wood fencing with two chain link, privacy slat gates; wood fencing areas included within overall fencing (see component #505). Fair to good condition of gates. Inspect regularly and repair/replace gates as needed from operating budget as too small project to merit separate reserve funding. Useful Life: Remaining Life: Best Case: Worst Case: Cost Source: June 14,2011 Page 19 of 61 Association Reserves WA, LLC Inventory Appendix 9999S4 Client: 9999S4 2012 condo sample Comp #: 412 Outdoor Benches, Pots - Replace Quantity: Minimal, assorted Location: Entry area of building, scattered exterior locations Evaluation: Small amount of pots, decorative benches, etc. in fair to good condition with no damage or unusual wear. With minimal amount of pieces and differing types, reserve funding not needed with periodic replacement as desired by community to maintain function and appearance; clean regularly. Useful Life: Remaining Life: Best Case: Worst Case: Cost Source: June 14,2011 Page 20 of 61 Association Reserves WA, LLC Inventory Appendix 9999S4 Client: 9999S4 2012 condo sample Comp #: 505 Wood Fence (South) - Replace (a) Quantity: Approx 460 linear feet Location: South south of perimeter adjacent to Seahawks Training facility Evaluation: Good, stable condition of new fencing installed in 2009 with no significant damage or deterioration at this time. Although the fence in this location had been originally installed solely at the cost of Misty Cove, the replacement in 2009 of this south side fencing (adjacent to the Seahawks Training facility) was by the Seahawks organization. As routine maintenance, inspect regularly for any damage, repair as needed. Avoid contact with ground and surrounding vegetation. Plan for eventual need for full replacement at roughly time frame below. We assume future replacement of this fencing will be shared cost between _____ and ______ organization although reported to us there is no formal agreement in place at this time. See component #1109 for staining information. Useful Life: 15 years Remaining Life: 14 years Best Case: $5,750.00 Worst Case: $6,900.00 One half of $25/LF, lower allowance to remove and replace assuming shared cost with ____ organization $30/LF, higher allowance Cost Source: ARI Cost Database: Similar Project Cost History June 14,2011 Page 21 of 61 Association Reserves WA, LLC Inventory Appendix 9999S4 Client: 9999S4 2012 condo sample Comp #: 505 Wood Fence(E, part N) - Replace (b) Quantity: Approx 270 linear feet Location: South south of perimeter adjacent to neighbor Evaluation: Good, stable condition of new fencing installed in 2009 with no significant damage or deterioration at this time. As routine maintenance, inspect regularly for any damage, repair as needed. Avoid contact with ground and surrounding vegetation. Plan for eventual need for full replacement at roughly time frame below. See component #1109 for staining information. Useful Life: 15 years Remaining Life: 14 years Best Case: $6,750.00 Worst Case: $8,100.00 $25/LF, lower allowance to remove and replace $30/LF, higher allowance Cost Source: ARI Cost Database: Similar Project Cost History June 14,2011 Page 22 of 61 Association Reserves WA, LLC Inventory Appendix 9999S4 Client: 9999S4 2012 condo sample Comp #: 505 Wood Fence(partial N) -Replace (c) Quantity: Approx 250 linear feet Location: Partial north side directly behind building (excludes parking lot area #505b) Evaluation: Older fence in fair to poor condition with some instability and mildewed. As routine maintenance, inspect regularly for any damage, repair as needed. Avoid contact with ground and surrounding vegetation. Reported to us, association is contacting neighboring property to the north to request shared replacement cost. For this study, assume fence replacement responsibility is sole cost of Misty Cove as agreement with neighbor not know at this time. See component #1109 for staining information. Useful Life: 15 years Remaining Life: 0 years Best Case: $6,250.00 Worst Case: $7,500.00 $25/LF, lower allowance to remove and replace $30/LF, higher allowance Cost Source: ARI Cost Database: Similar Project Cost History June 14,2011 Page 23 of 61 Association Reserves WA, LLC Inventory Appendix 9999S4 Client: 9999S4 2012 condo sample Comp #: 505 Wood Fence(privacy) - Replace (d) Quantity: Approx 200 linear feet Location: Privacy fencing surround ground level unit patio areas Evaluation: Older fence in fair to poor condition with some instability and mildewed. As routine maintenance, inspect regularly for any damage, repair as needed. Avoid contact with ground and surrounding vegetation. Reported to us, association wants to replace this fencing along with fencing identified in component 505 (c) in the near future. See component #1109 for staining information. Useful Life: 15 years Remaining Life: 0 years Best Case: $5,000.00 Worst Case: $6,000.00 $25/LF, lower allowance to remove and replace $30/LF, higher allowance Cost Source: ARI Cost Database: Similar Project Cost History Comp #: 601 Indoor Carpeting - Replace Quantity: Approx 1,150 square yds Location: Common area interiors at hallways, stairwells, lounge, etc. Evaluation: Overall, good to fair condition observed of looped, durable style carpet with some stains but not widespread or significant. As routine maintenance, clean professionally when needed and vacuum regularly. Plan for need for eventual replacement, best timed after repainting (component #1110). Useful Life: 12 years Remaining Life: 4 years Best Case: $34,500.00 Worst Case: $46,000.00 $30/Sq Yd, lower allowance to replace $40/Sq Yd, higher allowance, better quality carpet Cost Source: ARI Cost Database: Similar Project Cost History June 14,2011 Page 24 of 61 Association Reserves WA, LLC Inventory Appendix 9999S4 Client: 9999S4 2012 condo sample Comp #: 602 Linoleum Floor - Replace Quantity: Approx 55 square yards Location: Common area laundry room and bathroom at lower level of building Evaluation: Overall fair condition of older flooring with no significant deterioration but dated styling. Although eventual replacement will be necessary for periodic aesthetic updating and to maintain a quality appearance, with small quantity does not meet reserve funding threshold. Replace as desired as general operating item, not large scale reserves. Useful Life: Remaining Life: Best Case: Worst Case: Cost Source: Comp #: 603 Tile Floor - Replace Quantity: Approx 275 square yards Location: Interior location at main entry lobby of building Evaluation: Good, stable condition of tile with no significant damage/deterioration observed. Plan for eventual need to replace to update aesthetic appeal at main entry of building (timed every other carpet replacement cycle #601). Repair and fix grouting problems as needed from maintenance funds, not as cyclical reserve component. Useful Life: 24 years Remaining Life: 16 years Best Case: $11,000.00 Worst Case: $13,750.00 $40/Sq Yd, lower allowance to replace $50/Sq Yd, higher allowance, better quality Cost Source: ARI Cost Database: Similar Project Cost History June 14,2011 Page 25 of 61 Association Reserves WA, LLC Inventory Appendix 9999S4 Client: 9999S4 2012 condo sample Comp #: 700 Unit Doors - Repair/Replace Quantity: (50) metal, hardware Location: Entries to each unit (protected locations) Evaluation: Good condition of six panel doors observed with no problems observed or reported to us. Inspect regularly, repair hardware as needed from maintenance budget. Clean and refinish/repaint if needed along with interior paint projects or as needed in between cycles as general maintenance item. These doors were replaced around 2002 during other large scale interior refurbishing. Sturdy components with no predictable expectation for large scale replacement at this time. No basis for reserve funding recommended. Useful Life: Remaining Life: Best Case: Worst Case: Cost Source: June 14,2011 Page 26 of 61 Association Reserves WA, LLC Inventory Appendix 9999S4 Client: 9999S4 2012 condo sample Comp #: 702 Utility/Common Doors - Replace Quantity: Approx (30) assorted Location: Common area interior locations at stairwells, hallways, etc and entry doors to building Evaluation: Fair to good stable condition of wood and metal, painted doors with no significant damage or deterioration observed. Inspect regularly, repair hardware as needed from maintenance budget. Clean and paint along with other interior and exterior building surfaces (if needed), no need for separate funding. Mostly protected locations and sturdy components; no expectation for large scale replacement at this time. No reserve funding recommended. Note: commercial entry at ground level has double storefront type doors with sidelights; well sheltered from weather elements. No anticipation for replacement of these doors either. Useful Life: Remaining Life: Best Case: Worst Case: Cost Source: June 14,2011 Page 27 of 61 Association Reserves WA, LLC Inventory Appendix 9999S4 Client: 9999S4 2012 condo sample Comp #: 703 Building Entry Access - Replace Quantity: (1) SES panel Location: Main entry to building Evaluation: Overall, fair to good condition; observed to be in functioning condition with no problems reported to us. We recommend professional inspections and maintenance. Wipe down surfaces periodically with an appropriate cleaner, being careful to avoid control buttons. Difficult to predict timing, however typical life expectancy about 15-20 years (mostly protected location) due to parts obsolescence, technology upgrades, etc. Useful Life: 20 years Remaining Life: 3 years Best Case: $2,000.00 Worst Case: $3,000.00 Lower allowance to replace Higher allowance Cost Source: ARI Cost Database: Similar Project Cost History Comp #: 705 Gate Entry Access - Replace Quantity: (1) Linear panel Location: Main entry to property Evaluation: We noted good operational condition of entry access panel during our inspection. No problems reported to us; recently installed as part of vehicle gate installation (component #707). Regular professional inspections and maintenance recommended. Plan to replace at roughly the time frame below (unprotected location) due to parts obsolescence, technology upgrades, etc. Useful Life: 15 years Remaining Life: 13 years Best Case: $2,000.00 Worst Case: $3,000.00 Lower allowance to replace, installed with tax Higher allowance Cost Source: ARI Cost Database: Similar Project Cost History June 14,2011 Page 28 of 61 Association Reserves WA, LLC Inventory Appendix 9999S4 Client: 9999S4 2012 condo sample Comp #: 707 Vehicle Gate/Operator - Replace Quantity: (1) Vertigate system Location: Main vehicle entry of community Evaluation: Functional, operating condition of lift and fold “VeritiGate” system; some reports of operational problems requiring service calls in the past. Steel operator encased in powder coated galvanized steel box and powder coated aluminum and steel gate. Our research with manufacturer and installer indicate, regular annual service (adjustments, cleaning, etc) should be performed; with this type of proactive maintenance, plan for about 10 year life when larger repairs/replacements might be needed primarily for moving parts, motor, etc. Actual gate should last an extended period of time with no anticipation for complete replacement; might need to paint gate at one point, however best as general maintenance item, not large scale reserve funding. Useful Life: 10 years Remaining Life: 8 years Best Case: $2,500.00 Worst Case: $3,000.00 Lower estimate for repair/replacement Higher estimate Cost Source: Entrance Control, 360-256-4416 June 14,2011 Page 29 of 61 Association Reserves WA, LLC Inventory Appendix 9999S4 Client: 9999S4 2012 condo sample Comp #: 803 Water Heaters - Replace Quantity: (3) 65 gallon Rheem Location: Storage room on lower level adjacent to common area laundry room Evaluation: No current problems observed or reported to us of water heaters installed around 1991. We recommend regular professional inspections, maintenance and repair funded from operating budget. Typical life expectancy about 10-15 years. We are suggesting planning to replace proactively to avoid leaks/interruption of service. Useful Life: 15 years Remaining Life: 1 years Best Case: $2,100.00 Worst Case: $3,000.00 $700 each (x3), lower allowance to replace $1,000 each, higher allowance Cost Source: ARI Cost Database: Similar Project Cost History Comp #: 901 Washers & Dryers - Replace Quantity: (12) Maytag units Location: Common area laundry room at lower level of building Evaluation: Overall fair to good condition observed; this equipment is leased and therefore not the responsibility of ________ Condo for repair/replacement. No reserve funding based on leased equipment. Useful Life: Remaining Life: Best Case: Worst Case: Cost Source: June 14,2011 Page 30 of 61 Association Reserves WA, LLC Inventory Appendix 9999S4 Client: 9999S4 2012 condo sample Comp #: 903 Common Lounge/Furnishings - Replace Quantity: (1) room, furnishings Location: Lower level of building Evaluation: Rarely used with minimal furnishings); cyclical carpeting and painting included within components #601 and #1110). No anticipation for large scale refurbishing of this room or replacement of furnishing based on minimal use; can incorporate funding in reserve study updates if association desires upgrades. Useful Life: Remaining Life: Best Case: Worst Case: Cost Source: Comp #: 906 Sauna Room/Equipment - Refurbish Quantity: (1) room, heater Location: Lower level common area of building Evaluation: Fair, stable condition with no problems observed or reported to us. Sauna heaters can last from ten to twenty years depending upon care and usage, typically costing in the $1,000 range per unit for replacement. Clean periodically as needed; cedar walls/benches can be sanded to freshen appearance. With ordinary care and maintenance, there is no predictable expectation for large scale refurbishing with no reserve funding suggested. Useful Life: Remaining Life: Best Case: Worst Case: Cost Source: June 14,2011 Page 31 of 61 Association Reserves WA, LLC Inventory Appendix 9999S4 Client: 9999S4 2012 condo sample Comp #: 909 Bathroom - Refurbish Quantity: (1) small bathroom Location: Common area at lower level of building Evaluation: Overall dated/older condition of utilitarian, minimally used area (sink, toilet and shower) with no problems observed or reported to us. Low usage area and lower cost components; with proactive general maintenance, no anticipation for large scale reserve funding at this time. Repair/replace as general operating item as needed/desired. Useful Life: Remaining Life: Best Case: Worst Case: Cost Source: Comp #: 912 Office Room - Refurbish Quantity: (1) small office Location: Main/entry level of building at north side across from elevator Evaluation: Rarely used with no on-site management; used primarily as storage area. No predictable basis or need for upgrades at this point. Future reserve studies can include funding if regular use begins. Useful Life: Remaining Life: Best Case: Worst Case: Cost Source: June 14,2011 Page 32 of 61 Association Reserves WA, LLC Inventory Appendix 9999S4 Client: 9999S4 2012 condo sample Comp #: 1109 Wood Fence - Stain Quantity: Approx 9,000 square feet Location: Both sides of privacy fencing and east/street fencing, one side north and south sides Evaluation: New fencing installed in 2009 has not been stained. We recommend paint/stain on a cyclical basis for top quality appearance and protection of wood. Ensure that end grains of fence boards are done for maximum protection against water intrusion. Recommend brush/roll application for best results during warmer weather conditions. Stain in 2010 after completion of recommended fence replacements (see components 505 (c) and (d). Useful Life: 5 years Remaining Life: 0 years Best Case: $3,600.00 Worst Case: $5,400.00 $.40/Sq Ft, lower allowance to restain $.60/Sq Ft, higher allowance Cost Source: ARI Cost Database: Similar Project Cost History Comp #: 1110 Interior Surfaces - Repaint Quantity: Approx 35,000 square feet Location: Common area interior wall surface: hallways, stairways, lounge, laundry, etc. Evaluation: Overall, generally fair to good condition with some nicks and scrapes observed but overall even surface condition. Regular cycles of paint are recommended to maintain appearance; best timed prior to carpet replacement (component #601). Keep touch-up paint on site for in between large scale paint projects. Useful Life: 12 years Remaining Life: 4 years Best Case: $26,250.00 Worst Case: $35,000.00 $.75/Sq Ft, lower allowance to paint $1.00/Sq Ft, higher allowance Cost Source: Client Cost History June 14,2011 Page 33 of 61 Association Reserves WA, LLC Inventory Appendix 9999S4 Client: 9999S4 2012 condo sample Comp #: 1113 Carport Structures - Repair/Replace Quantity: (2) wood/steel Location: Common parking areas of community Evaluation: Overall, fair condition observed of what appear to be structurally sound components (steel posts with wood roof structure and metal roofing - see component #1304). No problems reported and no significant repair history. Inspect regularly along with other building components and anticipate repair at posts, fascias, etc.. as needed using operating funds; no anticipation for large scale reserve item if proactively maintained. Carport roofs under component 1304. Useful Life: Remaining Life: Best Case: Worst Case: Cost Source: June 14,2011 Page 34 of 61 Association Reserves WA, LLC Inventory Appendix 9999S4 Client: 9999S4 2012 condo sample Comp #: 1114 Signage - Refurbish Quantity: Moderate, assorted Location: Exterior and interior scattered common area locations Evaluation: Fair to good condition of signage of metal outdoor signs (parking restrictions, etc) and assorted indoor signs (electrical room, unit identifiers, etc). Inspect and proactively maintain as general maintenance item; no anticipation for large scale reserve funding. If more elaborate replacement sign is desired by community, incorporate funding into future reserve studies. As routine maintenance, inspect regularly, clean / touch up for appearance and repair from operating budget. Useful Life: Remaining Life: Best Case: Worst Case: Cost Source: June 14,2011 Page 35 of 61 Association Reserves WA, LLC Inventory Appendix 9999S4 Client: 9999S4 2012 condo sample Comp #: 1116 Building Exteriors - Paint/Caulk Quantity: Minimal, wood Location: Exterior building surfaces (decks, trim, etc) and carport surfaces (fascia, etc) Evaluation: Very minimal paintable surfaces at main building; vinyl siding, trim and roof overhang with mainly deck soffits and railings/fascia paintable wood surface. Carports have wood undersides and currently are soiled and in need of paint. With small amount of paintable surface and no history of large scale exterior painting, our recommendation that painting be done on an annual basis through the operating account as needed. Track expenses and if exceeds operating budget, can include supplemental funding in reserve for this. As routine maintenance, inspect regularly and touch up / repair locally as needed. Typical Northwest paint cycles are between five to ten years depending upon surface preparation, material quality, application methods, site and weather conditions Useful Life: Remaining Life: Best Case: Worst Case: Cost Source: June 14,2011 Page 36 of 61 Association Reserves WA, LLC Inventory Appendix 9999S4 Client: 9999S4 2012 condo sample Comp #: 1118 Vinyl Siding - Clean/Inspect Quantity: Approx 28,000 GSF Location: Building exterior surfaces Evaluation: Although mostly stable condition observed, soiled/dirty appearance in many areas and in need of cleaning. We recommend full scale inspection/cleaning of siding to keep the buildings in top appearance. Handwash or use proper pressure and spray angles to avoid water intrusion if pressure washing. Annual inspections should also occur and any required cleaning between these cycles done out of operating expenses. Association received a bid in 2009 for handwashing siding, eaves and underside of carports from Cascade Enterprises at $2,687. In our experience, this is the low end for a building of this height and access restrictions and included in our allowance below for the low estimate. Useful Life: 4 years Remaining Life: 0 years Best Case: $3,000.00 Worst Case: $7,000.00 Lower allowance to clean/inspect building exteriors Higher allowance Cost Source: Low end based on bid from Cascade Enterprises June 14,2011 Page 37 of 61 Association Reserves WA, LLC Inventory Appendix 9999S4 Client: 9999S4 2012 condo sample Comp #: 1120 Vinyl Siding - Replace Quantity: Approx 28,000 GSF Location: Building exterior surfaces Evaluation: Siding appears to be in good to fair, stable condition; reportedly installed in 2005 replacing original wood siding. Assumed to have been installed properly with adequate moisture barrier below. We strongly recommend regular professional inspections, with prompt repair as needed, to ensure that the waterproof integrity of the buildings is maintained. Although years into the future, this component meets the criteria for reserve funding. Note: also reported to us, in 2006, repair of insulation and ventilation in crawlspace. Useful Life: 35 years Remaining Life: 30 years Best Case: $140,000.00 Worst Case: $196,000.00 $5.00/Sq Ft, lower allowance to replace $7.00/Sq Ft, higher allowance, addnl trim & finish Cost Source: ARI Cost Database: Similar Project Cost History June 14,2011 Page 38 of 61 Association Reserves WA, LLC Inventory Appendix 9999S4 Client: 9999S4 2012 condo sample Comp #: 1122 Windows/Glass Doors- Repair/Replace Quantity: Approx (240) assorted Location: Exterior building elevations Evaluation: No problems noted or reported during our visual scope inspection; assumed to have been properly installed without defect and include adequate underlying waterproofing details. Windows were replaced in 2005 along with exterior building siding (component #1120). As routine maintenance, we recommend regular professional inspections and prompt repair as needed to ensure building waterproofing and help prevent structural damage. If properly installed without defect, plan for about 25-35 year life. Note: there are many types of glazing and windows available in today's market; a general funding allowance is factored below. Useful Life: 35 years Remaining Life: 30 years Best Case: $150,000.00 Worst Case: $250,000.00 $3,000/unit (x50), lower allowance to replace $5,000/unit, higher allowance Cost Source: ARI Cost Database: Similar Project Cost History June 14,2011 Page 39 of 61 Association Reserves WA, LLC Inventory Appendix 9999S4 Client: 9999S4 2012 condo sample Comp #: 1200 Pool Deck - Replace Quantity: Approx 1,000 square feet Location: Southwest corner of site near waterfront surrounding pool Evaluation: Fair to good stable condition noted with a couple local areas of surface cracking evident, but not widespread or significant. Reportedly new concrete deck in 2007 along with other pool refurbish work - project cost of $88,973. Inspect regularly, pressure wash for appearance, fill/seal any cracks which may develop to minimize further damage to pool deck and repair as needed from operating budget. Plan for regular intervals of replacement to maintain safety and a quality appearance. Useful Life: 30 years Remaining Life: 27 years Best Case: $12,000.00 Worst Case: $14,000.00 $12/Sq Ft, lower allowance to remove and replace with similar material $14/Sq Ft, higher allowance, more labor and/or upgraded product/finish Cost Source: ARI Cost Database: Similar Project Cost History June 14,2011 Page 40 of 61 Association Reserves WA, LLC Inventory Appendix 9999S4 Client: 9999S4 2012 condo sample Comp #: 1202 Pool - Resurface Quantity: Approx 40 x 20' Location: Interior surface of pool at southwest corner of site near waterfront Evaluation: Stable surface condition with no significant damage/deterioration noted; pool was resurfaced in as part of other major refurbishing in this area which included leveling and adding support to the main shell (2007). We recommend professional cleaning and maintenance funded as general maintenance item. Per confirmation with current vendor, plan for regular intervals of pool resurfacing as indicated here to maintain a quality appearance; plan to replace tile along with every other resurface cycle (see component 1204) for cost efficiency/consistency. Note: there appears to be a mesh cover stored under a stairwell in the building; fairly lower cost/quality cover that can be repaired/replaced from operating funds as needed/desired; if association desires upgraded cover, incorporate funding in reserve study updates if merited. Useful Life: 12 years Remaining Life: 9 years Best Case: $10,000.00 Worst Case: $15,000.00 Lower allowance based on size and shape Higher allowance Cost Source: Aqua Quip, 425-264-7370 June 14,2011 Page 41 of 61 Association Reserves WA, LLC Inventory Appendix 9999S4 Client: 9999S4 2012 condo sample Comp #: 1204 Pool Tile/Coping - Replace Quantity: Approx 100 linear feet Location: Perimeter surface of pool at southwest corner of site near waterfront Evaluation: Generally fair to good condition with no widespread or significant damage or deterioration noted. Coping and tiling reportedly replaced along with other large scale pool refurbishing in 2007. W e suggest planning to replace every other pool resurface cycle (component #1202); treat periodic local repair/replacement as general maintenance expense. Useful Life: 24 years Remaining Life: 21 years Best Case: $5,000.00 Worst Case: $7,000.00 $50/LF, lower estimate to replace $70/LF, higher estimate Cost Source: ARI Cost Database: Similar Project Cost History June 14,2011 Page 42 of 61 Association Reserves WA, LLC Inventory Appendix 9999S4 Client: 9999S4 2012 condo sample Comp #: 1207 Pool Filter/Pumps - Replace Quantity: Miscellaneous, assorted Location: At pool utility room Evaluation: Overall, observed to be in good operating order with no problems currently observed or reported to us. As routine maintenance, inspect regularly, clean, replace media and repair/replace as needed. Pumps can often be rebuilt, rather than replaced; difficult to predict life of these mechanical parts. Filter/pump replacement costs individually typically do not meet reserve funding threshold. Best to treat these items as general maintenance expenses upon occurrence, not as large scale reserve projects. Useful Life: Remaining Life: Best Case: Worst Case: Cost Source: June 14,2011 Page 43 of 61 Association Reserves WA, LLC Inventory Appendix 9999S4 Client: 9999S4 2012 condo sample Comp #: 1208 Pool Heater - Replace Quantity: (1) Coates heater Location: Within poolhouse equipment room at pool deck Evaluation: No observed or reported problems; assumed functional and in operating order. We recommend regular professional inspections, maintenance and repair to help maximize useful life cycles. Per current pool vendor, electric heater is older with recommendation to replace soon with gas heater. Cost below based on pool vendor estimate but could vary if gas replacement which might require additional costs of installation. Regular intervals of replacement at roughly the time frame indicated below for smooth, continuous functioning. Note: pool equipment shed locked during our inspection with photo through glass door; heater is at very right side of photo. Useful Life: 12 years Remaining Life: 0 years Best Case: $2,500.00 Worst Case: $3,500.00 Lower estimate to replace, installed Higher estimate Cost Source: Aqua Quip, 425-264-7370 June 14,2011 Page 44 of 61 Association Reserves WA, LLC Inventory Appendix 9999S4 Client: 9999S4 2012 condo sample Comp #: 1210 Pool Fence - Replace Quantity: Approx 115 linear feet Location: Surrounding pool deck at southwest corner of site near waterfront Evaluation: Good stable condition of black, metal fencing; reportedly replaced along with overall pool refurbish project around 2007. The black finish may eventually need to be repainted; fund as general maintenance item or include with overall building exteriors - not as separate reserve project. Inspect regularly to ensure stability and repair as needed from operating funds; clean periodically to maintain appearance and extend useful life. Best to plan for eventual replacement at roughly the time frame below which coincides deck work (see component #1200). Useful Life: 30 years Remaining Life: 27 years Best Case: $5,750.00 Worst Case: $8,050.00 $50/LF, lower allowance to replace $70/LF, higher allowance Cost Source: ARI Cost Database: Similar Project Cost History June 14,2011 Page 45 of 61 Association Reserves WA, LLC Inventory Appendix 9999S4 Client: 9999S4 2012 condo sample Comp #: 1214 Pool Furniture - Replace Quantity: Moderate, assorted Location: Pool deck Evaluation: Good to fair condition with no significant deterioration/damaged noted. Inspect and keep clean, store indoors during off season if possible. No large scale reserve funding suggested at this time. If association desires replacement all at once or upgraded styling/quantity which merits reserve funding, including in reserve study updates. Useful Life: Remaining Life: Best Case: Worst Case: Cost Source: June 14,2011 Page 46 of 61 Association Reserves WA, LLC Inventory Appendix 9999S4 Client: 9999S4 2012 condo sample Comp #: 1302 Low Slope Building Roof - Replace Quantity: Approx 21,100 GSF Location: Rooftop of building and at entry area vestibule Evaluation: Overall, roof appears to be in good to fair condition with no damage (cracking, blistering, blocked drains, etc) observed during our limited scope visual inspection; renewed in 2005 by Mono Rooftop Solutions (Nathan). According to Nathan, although the 2005 renewal is technically considered a “capital improvement with a coating”, in actuality it is like a new roof system; a Mono-Form or Mono-Ply system (asphalt emulsion with fiberglass and polypropylene). According to Nathan, this was installed over two existing roofs and received a 12 year warranty expiring in 2017. We assume roof to have been designed and installed with proper waterproofing details and drainage provision. Nathan indicates, at the next replacement period, if proactively maintained, possibility of two options: (1) renew the existing system (just like 2005 work) with estimated cost at $65, 000 or (2) complete tear off down to the wood which would most likely include a new roofing system (TPO, single ply, etc) with rough estimate of cost at $135,000. Nathan reports very difficult to predict what might be needed and when, but best to plan for renewal/recoating at the conclusion of the warranty period. While our funding allowance includes cost for this renewal/coating, we suggest as the timing draws nearer, a roofing consultant be hired to inspect and provide recommendations for future large scale work and incorporate funding in reserve study updates. Useful Life: 12 years Remaining Life: 7 years Best Case: $60,000.00 Worst Case: $80,000.00 Lower estimate to renew existing system Higher estimate to renew Cost Source: Estimate by Mono Rooftop Solutions, 206-767-2025, Nathan June 14,2011 Page 47 of 61 Association Reserves WA, LLC Inventory Appendix 9999S4 Client: 9999S4 2012 condo sample Comp #: 1304 Carport Roofs - Replace Quantity: Approx 5,500 SF metal Location: Metal rooftop at two car carport structures Evaluation: We noted fair condition with peeling/faded blue paint, but overall stable surface with no leaks apparent or reported. We assume roofs were installed per manufacturers specifications and applicable building codes. As routine maintenance, we recommend professional inspections at least twice annually and after windstorms. Promptly replace any damaged areas or any other repair needed to ensure waterproof integrity of roof. Plan for replacement at roughly the time frame indicated below based on 50 year life. If painting of current rooftop is desired, fund as general maintenance item. Useful Life: 50 years Remaining Life: 8 years Best Case: $27,500.00 Worst Case: $38,500.00 $5.00/Sq Ft, lower estimate to demo and replace with 24 gauge galvanized $7.00/Sq Ft, higher estimate includes minor local repair Cost Source: ARI Cost Database: Similar Project Cost History June 14,2011 Page 48 of 61 Association Reserves WA, LLC Inventory Appendix 9999S4 Client: 9999S4 2012 condo sample Comp #: 1310 Downspouts - Replace Quantity: Approx 640 linear feet Location: Extending from roofs to base of buildings at siding Evaluation: Generally fair to good condition of metal downspouts (built-in gutters at rooftops - no separate components); reportedly replaced in full in 2006 following siding replacement project. Inspect regularly, keep downspouts free of debris to ensure water evacuating from rooftops as designed and repair as needed from general operating funds. Best to plan for full scale replacement for cost efficiency/consistency; timed with next siding replacement. Note: approx. 70 linear feet of downspouts at detached carports can be repaired/replaced as general maintenance item as does not meet the funding threshold for reserve funding. Useful Life: 35 years Remaining Life: 30 years Best Case: $8,000.00 Worst Case: $10,000.00 Lower allowance to replace Higher allowance Cost Source: Client Cost History June 14,2011 Page 49 of 61 Association Reserves WA, LLC Inventory Appendix 9999S4 Client: 9999S4 2012 condo sample Comp #: 1801 Elevator - Modernize Quantity: (1) 4 stop, hydro Location: Center of building Evaluation: Good operational condition observed during our limited scope visual inspection. In late 2008, large scale modernization performed (emergency work) including new jack casing, piston, surge valve, piping, etc. Reported currently there is some flooding in the pit, however anticipated this will be alleviated at no cost to the association using vendors working on 2008 project. Regular professional inspections and maintenance are recommended and indicated. Elevator vendors typically recommend modernization cycles of 20 to 25 years; we have factored at 30 year interval below. Modernization is typically driven by parts obsolescence, mechanical/technology upgrades, safety, code advances, etc. Interior cab refurbishing included separately (component 1802). Note: it was reported to us by community contact, that the mechanics of the cab (door sensors, controllers, etc) have not been upgraded. We tried to contact Thyssen Krupp several times to obtain information on estimated timing and cost for this type of work but we never received a return call. At this point, we are not including recommended funding for these type of upgrades, however we suggest the association obtain bids for this work to include in future reserve studies. Useful Life: 30 years Remaining Life: 29 years Best Case: $100,000.00 Worst Case: $150,000.00 Lower estimate to modernize Higher estimate Cost Source: Client Cost History, Thyssen Krupp & other vendors June 14,2011 Page 50 of 61 Association Reserves WA, LLC Inventory Appendix 9999S4 Client: 9999S4 2012 condo sample Comp #: 1802 Elevator Cab - Remodel Quantity: (1) 72" X 42", Dover Location: Interior of elevator cab (center of building) Evaluation: Fair to good appearance of elevator cab; interior refurbished in 2003. As routine maintenance, inspect, clean and perform any needed repairs out of operating budget. Best to plan to refurbish/replace cab interiors (flooring, wall panels, grab bars, lighting, etc) every 15 years for aesthetic updating. Useful Life: 15 years Remaining Life: 8 years Best Case: $10,000.00 Worst Case: $15,000.00 Lower allowance to remodel using similar design Higher allowance, more elaborate design Cost Source: ARI Cost Database: Similar Project Cost History June 14,2011 Page 51 of 61 Association Reserves WA, LLC Inventory Appendix 9999S4 Client: 9999S4 2012 condo sample Comp #: 1806 Fire Alarm System - Replace Quantity: Dictograph system Location: Wall mounted panels at lower level near common area laundry room Evaluation: Overall fair condition observed with no problems reported to us. Assumed to be in good working order and operating as designed with no reported problems. Professional inspections are recommended. Maintenance should be a priority for this component due to life/safety issues. The failure rate of these types of communicators is typically difficult to predict and they can last many years barring an unforeseen electrical event. Eventual replacement will be needed due to parts obsolescence, technology upgrades, etc. however replacement of current system/integrated functioning is difficult to determine without professional evaluation. Have servicer provide estimate for replacement and incorporate funding in reserve study updates if merited. Reported to us, several upgrades in 2003 during other interior remodel work. Useful Life: Remaining Life: Best Case: Worst Case: Cost Source: June 14,2011 Page 52 of 61 Association Reserves WA, LLC Inventory Appendix 9999S4 Client: 9999S4 2012 condo sample Comp #: 1807 Fire Extinguishers - Replace Quantity: Extensive bottle Location: Throughout common areas Evaluation: Good to fair condition observed based on our limited inspection; assumed to be functional with no problems reported. Regular recharging/testing and inspections are needed - best funded in operating budget. Repair/replace out of operating budget as needed. Not an item for reserve funding. No complete replacement for this study. Useful Life: Remaining Life: Best Case: Worst Case: Cost Source: June 14,2011 Page 53 of 61 Association Reserves WA, LLC Inventory Appendix 9999S4 Client: 9999S4 2012 condo sample Comp #: 1808 Trees - Trim Quantity: Moderate trees Location: Throughout common areas Evaluation: Some trees nearing and/or in contact with siding at this point. Consult with a qualified arborist for a long term plan for the care and management of the trees within the community, balancing aesthetics with protection of association assets. Incorporate results of arborist study into reserve study updates if costs meeting funding threshold. Reported to us no large scale tree expenses in the past which merited reserve funding. Note: board member indicates neighbor to the north currently being contacted to see if they will prune/share in he cost of pruning trees along this northerly boundary. Useful Life: Remaining Life: Best Case: Worst Case: Cost Source: June 14,2011 Page 54 of 61 Association Reserves WA, LLC Inventory Appendix 9999S4 Client: 9999S4 2012 condo sample Comp #: 1809 Sewage Pumps - Replace Quantity: (2) pumps, equipment Location: Underground pumps (alarm attached to south side of building) Evaluation: In 2009, both pumps were replaced and the lift station was rebuilt (total cost just under $30,000). Per Drain-Pro who did this work, the extensive scope of work/cost for the recent work can be avoided in the future if proactively maintained as replaced equipment had not been functioning correctly for a significant amount of time requiring greater repairs and lift station improvements should not be needed for an extended period of time. Vendor recommendation for long term planning, considering proactive maintenance, $10,000 every 15 year to rebuild/replace pumps as needed. Proactive maintenance should include annual professional inspections with prompt repair as general maintenance item. Useful Life: 15 years Remaining Life: 14 years Best Case: $8,000.00 Worst Case: $12,000.00 Lower allowance to rebuild/repair pumps Higher allowance Cost Source: Estimate by Drain-Pro, 253-926-5586 June 14,2011 Page 55 of 61 Association Reserves WA, LLC Inventory Appendix 9999S4 Client: 9999S4 2012 condo sample Comp #: 1810 Sewer/Storm System - Replace Quantity: Extensive system Location: Throughout community Evaluation: Overall fair to good condition noted of drainage throughout the community with no reported problems. Assumed to have been properly designed with adequate provisions for community drainage needs. As routine maintenance, inspect regularly, keep drains and grates free of debris and free flowing to ensure water evacuating as designed. Pump out sediments if needed utilizing mobile evacuator service; fund from operating budget. No expectation of large scale repairs / replacements at this time. No reserve funding suggested. Useful Life: Remaining Life: Best Case: Worst Case: Cost Source: June 14,2011 Page 56 of 61 Association Reserves WA, LLC Inventory Appendix 9999S4 Client: 9999S4 2012 condo sample Comp #: 1811 Plumbing - Repair/Replace Quantity: Extensive plumbing Location: Throughout building Evaluation: Reported to us by board member, in 2001 large scale replacement of supply lines ($207,691), however drain lines are original. Board member reports no current problems or history of plumbing problems with drain lines. Analysis of plumbing system is beyond the scope of our services. No known current or history of reoccurring problems such as supply pressure inadequacy, contamination, etc. No comprehensive inspection of plumbing systems, by qualified professional, performed to date. We are unsure of overall condition and history of this hidden system; if original galvanized piping is predominate, this type of plumbing is known to have problems with rust / occlusion, poor flow, etc… We recommend thorough evaluation by an experienced plumber (e.g. Fisher, Anderson McGruder, Pipeline, etc…) to assess overall system design and future needs. No basis for reserve funding at this time - include within future reserve study updates if conditions change and funding basis emerges. Useful Life: Remaining Life: Best Case: Worst Case: Cost Source: June 14,2011 Page 57 of 61 Association Reserves WA, LLC Inventory Appendix 9999S4 Client: 9999S4 2012 condo sample Comp #: 1812 Electrical Systems-Refurbish Quantity: Extensive systems Location: At all buildings and throughout community Evaluation: Reported to us by board member, no history or current problems with electrical systems; reportedly copper wiring and electrical in conduit. Assessing the electrical systems is beyond the scope of our services. Although no major renovations/replacements to the system (42 years old), no basis for reserve funding at this time. However, we recommend periodic inspections/assessments to employ infrared or other testing methodologies to ward off trouble spots and potential hazards and repair/replace as recommended. Funding may be incorporated into future reserve study updates once an inspection/recommendations are obtained. No accurate basis for reserve funding at this time. Useful Life: Remaining Life: Best Case: Worst Case: Cost Source: June 14,2011 Page 58 of 61 Association Reserves WA, LLC Inventory Appendix 9999S4 Client: 9999S4 2012 condo sample Comp #: 1830 Landscaping - Refurbish Quantity: Extensive landscaping Location: Throughout common areas Evaluation: Although typically funded as ongoing maintenance item, this component may be utilized for larger expenses that do not occur on an annual basis, such as large scale plantings, extensive bark mulch every two/three years, resodding lawn areas, landscape improvement projects, etc. No current desire for these types of needs with no known history of significant costs for landscaping needs that were funded as reserves. Useful Life: Remaining Life: Best Case: Worst Case: Cost Source: June 14,2011 Page 59 of 61 Association Reserves WA, LLC Inventory Appendix 9999S4 Client: 9999S4 2012 condo sample Comp #: 1915 Association Annual Inspection Quantity: Every year Location: Common elements throughout assocition Evaluation: Many Associations are required to have annual inspections by a qualified engineer or architect to assess the physical condition of the improvements. The inspection typically covers, at a minimum, the building envelope, including the roofs, siding, decks, caulking, flashings, windows and doors. Although your Associations governing documents do not appear to have such a requirement, we strongly recommend the Board provide for periodic building envelope inspections, funded from the operating budget, to ensure weatherproofing and structural integrity are maintained. Association should also conduct periodic homeowner surveys inquiring about water intrusion, mold, etc. issues within units. Useful Life: Remaining Life: Best Case: Worst Case: Cost Source: June 14,2011 Page 60 of 61 Association Reserves WA, LLC Inventory Appendix 9999S4 Client: 9999S4 2012 condo sample Comp #: 1920 Reserve Study WSV Quantity: Every three years Location: Common elements throughout assocition Evaluation: Per Washington law, chapter 64.34 RCW Article 3, Section 1 reserve study updates with site inspections are to occur every three years to assess changes in condition (I.e., physical, economic, governmental, etc...) and the resulting effect on the community's long-term reserve plan. Most appropriately factored within operating budget, not as reserve component. Useful Life: Remaining Life: Best Case: Worst Case: Cost Source: June 14,2011 Page 61 of 61
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