Sample Report PowerCET Corporation 3350 Scott Blvd., Bldg. 55. Unit 1 Santa Clara, CA 95054 USA Voice: 408/988-1346 | Fax: 408/988-4869 URL: E-mail: Power Quality Investigation Report Grinder Enterprises Inc. 3350 Bot Blvd., Bldg 55 Somewhere Valley, CA Background / Introduction Grinder Enterprises has experienced a series of equipment failures thought to be power related. The repair/replacement of the failed equipment and associated lost production has been substantial. Grinder’s insurance carrier has indicated that they will no longer cover losses associated with the electrical service until a survey of the electrical environment is completed and power monitoring equipment installed on the main electrical service. PowerCET Corporation was contacted and asked to provide a proposal for both an on-site investigation and review of the electrical environment and installation of a permanent power quality monitoring capability for the facility. The electrical service for the Grinder facility is a 3P4W 208/120 at 1600Amps per phase. The building is approximately 15,000 sq-ft and contains modern CAD/CAM and CNC machinery. Photo 1 – Grinder Enterprises facility. Date: 2/4/2010 Filename: Sample_MachineShopReport.doc © 2010 by PowerCET Corporation. All rights reserved. Page 1 of 13 Sample Report Site: Grinder Enterprises Somewhere Valley, CA Photo 2 – Grinder facility, (satellite photo). Methodology / Technical Approach 1. Visual inspection of failed drive unit shipped to PowerCET Corporation. 2. Initial site visit 3/26/09: a. Install temporary power monitor to document electrical environment. [Fluke 1750] b. Inspect electrical distribution and grounding for the facility c. Conduct spot readings of low-frequency ground current flowing in the ground rod network in the production area. [Fluke 345] d. Conduct high frequency readings of the ground rod network in the production area. [Tektronix THS720 DSO (2-channel) and HF current probes] 3. Follow-up site visit (4/15/09: a. Retrieve power monitoring data for analysis b. Conduct additional high frequency readings of ground rod network in production area. [Tektronix THS720 DSO and Hioki 3145 Noise HiLogger] 4. Follow-up site visit (5/9/09): a. Inspect installation of new tool ground conductors b. Document interference levels in ground conductors after corrective action. Key Findings / Recommendations Visual Inspection of Failed Drive Unit Inspection of the failed drive unit revealed a blown fuse on an internal circuit board. There were no observable burned or blown components on the accessible circuit boards. Another CNC machine has experienced a failure on start-up. The initial diagnoses (non-Grinder repair technicians) a bad controller, drive or motor. Prior to replacing any hardware Dennis McGrath had the unit’s program entries verified. It was discovered that the entry of the motor type was incorrect. Correcting the entry returned the unit to full operation. Date: 2/4/2010 Page 2 of 13 OBSERVATIONS: The visual evaluation of the failed drive and the experience with the program entry being corrupted is typical of low levels high-frequency (HF) interference causing these types of failures. The interference is circulating in the loops formed by the building’s electrical ground and the network of ground rods connected to each machine tool. Power Monitoring Results A Fluke 1750 Three-Phase Power Recorder was installed on the main feed for the old 800A main switchgear. The panel serves the majority of the machine tools as well as supplying the lighting and administrative loads. The photo below shows the old 800A main, associated distribution and the 1750 installed during the monitoring period. Photo 3 – Old main service switchgear, now distribution, where Fluke 1750 monitor was installed. The result of the power monitoring was not remarkable. The following graphics document and summarized the results of the recorded monitoring data. Figure 1 shows the average RMS voltage and current levels during the monitoring period. The 5-day cyclical patter of the current is typical of a single shift business operating Monday through Friday. Figure 2 is the ITIC voltage tolerance curve for the monitoring data. The dots represent recorded events based on threshold settings. Note that all the dots are within the normal limit lines. Figure 3 is the voltage and current waveform from the 104Vrms sag which occurred on 3/28/09 at about 9:47AM. Analysis of the waveform data indicates that it was utility sourced and most likely a fault clearing on an adjacent feeder. The depth of the voltage sage should not have caused operational problems for any of the production equipment. Date: 2/4/2010 Page 3 of 13 Sample Report Site: Grinder Enterprises Somewhere Valley, CA Sample Report Site: Grinder Enterprises Somewhere Valley, CA Figure 1 – RMS voltage and current time plots for the monitoring period. Figure 2 – ITIC voltage tolerance curve showing recorded anomalies with in the normal operational limits of the standard. Date: 2/4/2010 Page 4 of 13 Sample Report Site: Grinder Enterprises Somewhere Valley, CA Figure 3 – This is the voltage and current waveform recording from the most severe voltage sag recorded during the monitoring period. The Line-Neutral voltage decreased to 104Vrms which is not sufficient to cause problems in operating equipment. Figure 4 (below) summarizes the power and energy for the monitoring period. Figure 4 – This figure summarizes the power consumption (top) in kW and the accumulated energy consumption (bottom) in KWh. Date: 2/4/2010 Page 5 of 13 RECOMMENDATION: Both the review of the power monitoring data and the analysis of the failed equipment do not indicate a power quality/reliability problem with the utility supply. The failures and problems with the equipment appear to be more related with the electronic controls and not the electrical interface. Based on this data there is insufficient justification to install permanent power monitoring at this time. Should power monitoring be required in the future it can easily be installed in the new main service cabinet with remote access to the building’s data network for automated data collection and analysis. Wiring / Grounding Inspection Inspection of the electrical distribution revealed that that the neutral-ground bond in the old service cabinets was not removed when the electrical entrance was moved to the new outside transformer and service cabinets. The second bond results in neutral return current being injected into the building's equipment grounding system and the network of ground rods. Photo 4 – Old electrical service cabinets. Photo 5 – Neutral bonding jumper in old service cabinet. RECOMMENDATION: Remove neutral-ground bonding jumper, Photo 5, in old service cabinets. This jumper should have been removed when the new outside transformer and service cabinets were installed. CORRECTIVE ACTION: The jumper was removed by Franz Electric during site visit on 4/14/09. High Frequency Ground Loop Monitoring All the machine tools have been installed with a supplemental ground rod as has been the tradition in the industry for ever…Photo 6. Older machine tools without electronic controls tolerated the ground loops created by the ground rods. The modern CNC equipment with its electronics can, and often does, experience problems from the network of ground loops resulting from the connection of the supplemental ground rod. Figure 5 (below) shows a simple sketch of the existing grounding network as it currently exists in the facility. Anytime two different grounds are connected a loop is formed…if there is a difference of potential between the individual grounds current will flow. In addition the physical loop area often impacts the Date: 2/4/2010 Page 6 of 13 Sample Report Site: Grinder Enterprises Somewhere Valley, CA amount of interference flowing in the loop as a result of coupling for various interference sources. In the example below there are 26 individual grounds…taken 2 at a time results in a total of 325 simple ground loops. [If all possible combinations are taken into consideration the total number of distinctive ground loops is quite large.] Photo 6 – Representative example of tool ground rod installation Figure 5 – Existing ground loop network created by ground rods at each tool. Date: 2/4/2010 Page 7 of 13 Sample Report Site: Grinder Enterprises Somewhere Valley, CA Figure 6 (below) is a representative example of the type of transient circulating in the ground loop network described by Figure 5 (above). The peak value is over 400ma of current which is sufficient to cause equipment mis-operation and memory register problems. This type of signal can be found on most of the ground rod connections and is generally larger when the associated equipment is operating. Figure 6 - Representative example of transient event recorded on ground rod conductor connected to tool on production floor. Figure 7 (below) is a plot take from the Hioki 3185 that records high frequency conducted interference in seven frequency bands from 15kHz to 60MHz. The figure document the interference levels at the difference frequencies. Higher frequency signals tend to be more troublesome to the electronic equipment and in the figure below the bulk of the interference resides in the four highest bands…1, 5, 20 and 60MHz. Date: 2/4/2010 Page 8 of 13 Sample Report Site: Grinder Enterprises Somewhere Valley, CA Sample Report Site: Grinder Enterprises Somewhere Valley, CA Figure 7 - Conducted high frequency interference levels recorded on ground rod conductor connected to tool on production floor. RECOMMENDATION: Eliminate the ground loop network associated with the installed tools by disconnecting the existing round rods and installing a ground conductor from the power source strapped to the respective conduit and terminated where the ground rod wire was connected. Figure 8 (below) reflects grounding configuration after installation of the new ground conductors and removal of the ground rod connections. This configuration re-references the equipment to a single ground source and also decreases the loop area associated with the individual ground loops. Figure 9 illustrates the decrease in ground loop area which results in significantly decreased interference signal levels. CORRECTIVE ACTION: The ground rods were disconnected from the individual tools and a new ground conductor was run from the associated electrical panel (Photo 7) , strapped to the conduit and terminated on the respective equipment at the point where the ground rod had previously been connected (Photo 8). [NOTE: The equipment grounding for the respective tool is accomplished via the installed conduit. The external ground wire strapped to the tool’s conduit is simply a replacement of the ground previously provided by the individual ground rods.] Date: 2/4/2010 Page 9 of 13 Sample Report Site: Grinder Enterprises Somewhere Valley, CA Tools PG&E Service Xfmr Main CB Dist CB Ground Rod X B A X Ground Rod C Dist CB’s Ground Rod X Z Figure 8 – Replacing the ground connection to the ground rod with a grounding conductor common with the building’s electrical ground and strapping the conductor to the appropriate conduit eliminates the ground loop and loop area as well. Figure 9 – Before and after showing the elimination of the ground loop and large loop area. Date: 2/4/2010 Page 10 of 13 Photo 7 – New ground conductors strapped to conduit at branch circuit panelboard. Sample Report Site: Grinder Enterprises Somewhere Valley, CA Photo 8 – New ground conductor strapped to conduit that replaced ground rod connection. CORRECTIVE ACTION: Figure 10 (below) shows the changes in high frequency signal levels after the installation of the new grounding conductors—reducing the ground loop area—and removal of the ground rod connections. Comparing Figure 10 to Figure 7 the change in interference levels is easily seen. The 20MHz and 60MHz signals have virtually disappeared and only the 5MHz signal remains and that has been substantially reduced. It is possible to further reduce the amplitude of the remaining signals through installation of ferrite cores (a type of filter) on the ground conductors. In Figure 10 on the far right there is a decrease in signals levels…most apparent on the 5MHz trace…which was caused by clamping three ferrite cores around the ground conductor being measured. Some decrease is noticeable in the lower frequency traces, but not as much as with the 5MHz signal…ferrite cores have their greatest attenuation above 1MHz. The ferrite cores can be added at anytime in the future should the facility experience unexplained equipment operational problems. RECOMMENDATION: All future equipment additions MUST be installed with a full-size (same size as the current carrying conductors) equipment grounding conductor run in the conduit with the current carrying conductors. In addition the use of supplemental ground rods should be avoided. Date: 2/4/2010 Page 11 of 13 Sample Report Site: Grinder Enterprises Somewhere Valley, CA Figure 10 - Conducted high frequency interference levels recorded on ground conductor connected to tool on production floor. [Note: This data is after removal of ground rod.] Summary Inspection of failed equipment indicates that equipment problems appear to be associated with the electronic interfaces and controls and not the electrical (power) interface. Power monitoring of the incoming utility supply does not indicate any significant anomalies that would account for operational or equipment problems. Certainly, the facility will be susceptible to any utility distribution fault clearing events which could result in lost work in progress, but should not cause failures and should be infrequent. The tools were all installed with the traditional supplemental ground rod driven through the floor and connected to the tool. This forms a ground looped with the buildings electrical ground. As documented in Figures 6 and 7 there is significant interference circulating in these loops. This type of interference can (and does) depending on the amplitude of the signal, result in everything from equipment mis-operation to memory registry corruption and, if of sufficient magnitude, component failure. Date: 2/4/2010 Page 12 of 13 The corrective measures recommended and implemented have significantly reduced/eliminated ground loops, their area and corresponding interference signals flowing through the facility. Troubleshooting/diagnosing future equipment problems should include (1) verification of configuration programming and (2) check for blown fuses. Power related failures generally manifest themselves with visible damage to the input sections of the power supply (electrical interface). High frequency interference generally causes mis-operation, system lock-up or program errors. Report prepared by: Bruce Lonie President, PowerCET Corporation Disclaimer The information contained in this document is provided for educational purposes only as an example on how to incorporate power monitoring data and other observations into a report format. It is not intended to provide consulting advice for any specific problem or situation. This is a copyrighted document and intended for individual use and should not be reproduced or distributed in any form without specific written permission from PowerCET Corporation. Date: 2/4/2010 Page 13 of 13 Sample Report Site: Grinder Enterprises Somewhere Valley, CA
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