In Conjunction with: Claire Howells BSc (Hons) MSc AIEMA Telephone: 020 7261 1091 Email: Sample Site, Sample Street, Sample Town Prepared for: Landmark Po Sample Account Landmark Po Sample Account 5 - 7 Abbey Court Eagle Way Exeter Devon EX2 7HY Report Reference: SCC_38309794_1_1 Report Date: 03-APR-2012 Customer Reference: SAMPLE National Grid Reference: 304310 97300 Site Area: 719 m² If you have any questions on the contents of this Report please contact Landmark Customer Helpdesk which is open from 9:00am - 5:30pm, Monday - Friday, via one of the following channels: Telephone: 0844 844 9966 Fax: 0844 844 9980 Email: Website: RPS Risk Assessment Current Use XX Proposed Use XXX Summary of Findings SUITABLE FOR PURCHASE OR PROPOSED USE (NO FURTHER ACTION REQUIRED) Likelihood of significant ground contamination existing beneath the site Likelihood to be defined as 'contaminated' under Part llA of EPA (1990) in its current use Likelihood to be defined as 'contaminated' under Part llA of EPA (1990) for proposed use Note: Where redevelopment is proposed, the RPS risk rating for the proposed use has assumed that no further contaminated land investigation / remediation work will be carried out. However, in reality, where the risk is 'moderate' or 'high' it is likely that the Local Authority will require further investigation (and possible remedial works) as a standard condition of planning to ensure that the site does not meet the definition of 'contaminated land' under Part IIA of the EPA 1990, and that the is considered suitable for its proposed use. This is a requirement of Planning Policy Statement 23: Planning and Pollution Control; Annex 2 - Development on Land Affected by Contamination. Other Factors Low Potential for Running Sand Moderate Potential for Compressibility Contaminated Land Assessment Drift Geology: Alluvium (Clay, Silt, Sand and Gravel) Solid Geology: Aylesbeare Mudstone Group Detailed historical maps (incl. scales of 1:1250 and 1:2500) indicate that the site comprised open land, likely agricultural in use, from at least 1889 to c.1993. The site resembled a similar form to present by c.1993, occupied by four likely residential properties. RPS has not been advised of the current use of the site. No significant contaminative land uses have been identified in the vicinity. Due to the absence of any potentially contaminative land uses identified on or adjacent, there is a low likelihood of significant ground contamination beneath the site. The site is considered to be located in a moderately sensitive environmental setting. It is above a Secondary Aquifer relating to both the Alluvium drift deposits and underlying Mudstone, a stream runs along the southern perimeter of the site and surrounding land uses are residential in use. RPS has not been advised of the proposed use of the site. In view of the absence of any potentially contaminative land uses identified on or adjacent to the subject site, RPS considers that ground conditions represent a low risk of resulting in an environmental liability for the owner or occupier. Consequently, it is unlikely that it would be defined as 'contaminated' by the Regulators under Part IIA of the Environmental Protection Act (EPA) 1990. Recommendations No further action is considered necessary in relation to ground conditions at the site. Note: should redevelopment be proposed in the future, there is the potential for further work to be required prior to granting planning consent or to satisfy standard environmental planning conditions (e.g. a more detailed desk study or confirmation of ground conditions by means of a site investigation). Other Environmental Issues The site is located in an area at risk of potential flooding not benefiting from flood defences. Should you wish to further clarify the flood risk, consultation should be undertaken with the Environment Agency (EA). Cost Estimate: £450+VAT (For an initial Flood Risk Assessment report including EA consultation). Reliance Reliance of this report is permitted for a lender and/or a third party for up to six months from the date it was produced. Please see the Terms and Conditions at the back of this report for more details. Any further work undertaken by RPS will be carried out under RPS Standard Terms and Conditions. Services If you require RPS to carry out any work on your behalf, please fax confirmation on 020 7403 8858 or email to Following completion of the recommendations provided within this report, or on receipt of new information, a RPS follow-up report can be produced clarifying or amending the risk assessment relating to ground contamination. A charge may be made for the review of new information (dependent on the volume of information), but this will be confirmed in advance. Should you require any further information on this report, please contact Sitecheck Customer Services on 0844 844 9966 or the RPS Commercial Advice line on 020 7261 1091. Lending Assessment - if required, this Sitecheck report can be used in conjunction with a Debt Finance Assessment in support of a funder's requirements for environmental liability assessment. Please contact RPS on the number above for further details. Completed by: RPS Environmental Risk Team The RPS Risk Assessment is based only on the information as shown by data sources collected by Landmark Information Group Ltd and supplied within the associated Sitecheck Review Report with RPS Risk Assessment including further information provided by the client. The RPS Risk Assessment should be read in conjunction with the Guidance Notes and the Sitecheck Review Report. No responsibility can be accepted for any error or omissions in the data supplied to RPS. No physical inspection of the property has been carried out. the RPS Risk Assessment is subject to the Landmark Terms and Conditions. Contents Report Sections and Details Page Summary of Site - This section comprises source, pathway and receptor information found on site. Other factors which may affect the site are also included. Aerial Photo 1 The aerial photo gives an overall view of the area. The smaller large-scale Ordnance Survey map includes the site boundary and search zone buffer at 500m. Location Map 2 The large-scale Ordnance Survey map includes the site boundary and search zone buffer at 500m. The smaller aerial photo also includes the site boundary. Summary Table 3 This section comprises of a summary table of the information found on site and in its vicinity. Current Land Use 7 This section contains up to 9 maps, which show the current land use features. The following pages detail these features and identify the Reference Number and direction. Historical Land Use 22 This section contains up to 2 maps, which show historical land use features. The following pages detail these features and identify the Reference Number and direction. A table listing all the maps used to source this information is included. Sensitivity 25 This section contains up to 3 maps, which show pathway and receptor features. The following pages detail these features and identify the Reference Number and direction. This section also contains a separate Flood Map and flood details. Other Factors 47 This section contains information on other factors which may affect the site and its vicinity. Historical Maps 49 This section contains 1:10,000 and 1:10,560 historical maps. Guidance Notes for Practitioner 54 This section gives guidance on the purpose, methodology and scope of the RPS Risk Assessment. Useful Information 56 This section contains information which may be of use when interpreting the report. Useful Contacts 57 All textual information is linked by the 'Contact Ref' to this quick reference list of contacts. These contacts may be able to supply additional information or answer any subsequent query relating to that record. rpr_sitecheck v39.0 Brought to you by Landmark If you would like any further assistance regarding this report then please contact Landmark on (Tel) 0844 844 9966, (Fax) 0844 844 9980, Email: Summary of Site Page Reference No. Number (Map ID) Sensitivity Pathways Groundwater Vulnerability Geological Classification: Soil Classification: Map Sheet: Scale: Contact Ref: Distance: Grid Reference: Non Aquifer (Negligibly permeable) - Formations which are generally regarded as containing insignificant quantities of groundwater. However, groundwater flow through such rocks, although imperceptible, does take place and needs to be considered in assessing the risk associated with persistent pollutants Not classified Sheet 50 East Devon and South Somerset 1:100,000 2 0m 304306, 97304 26 - 26 - Extreme Flooding from Rivers or Sea without Defences Type: Flood Plain Type: Source: Boundary Accuracy: Contact Ref: Distance: Grid Reference: Extent of Extreme Flooding from Rivers or Sea without Defences Fluvial Models Environment Agency, Head Office As Supplied 2 0m 304313, 97293 Page Reference No. Number (Map ID) Sensitivity Protected Countryside Areas Nitrate Vulnerable Zones Name: Description: Source: Contact Ref: Distance: Grid Reference: Not Supplied NVZ Area Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA - formerly FRCA) 3 0m 304306, 97304 46 1 Brought to you by Landmark If you would like any further assistance regarding this report then please contact Landmark on (Tel) 0844 844 9966, (Fax) 0844 844 9980, Email: Summary of Site Page Reference No. Number (Map ID) Other Factors Geological BGS 1:50,000 Geological Mapping Coverage Map Sheet No.: Map Name: Map Date: Bedrock Geology: Superficial Geology: Artificial Geology: Faults: Landslip: Rock Segments: Contact Ref: Distance: Grid Reference: 325 Exeter 1995 Available Available Available Available Available Not Available 1 0m 304306, 97304 47 - 47 - 47 - 48 - 48 - BGS 1:50,000 Superficial Deposits LEX Code: Rock Name: Rock Type: Min. Age: Max. Age: Contact Ref: Distance: Grid Reference: ALV Alluvium Clay, Silt, Sand and Gravel Flandrian Flandrian 1 0m 304310, 97293 BGS 1:50,000 Bedrock Geology LEX Code: Rock Name: Rock Type: Min. Age: Max. Age: Contact Ref: Distance: Grid Reference: AYB Aylesbeare Mudstone Group Mudstone Scythian Scythian 1 0m 304306, 97304 Radon Potential - Radon Protected Areas Radon Affected Areas: The property is in a lower probability radon area, as less than 1% of homes are above the action level British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service Source: 1 Contact Ref: 0m Distance: 304306, 97304 Grid Reference: Radon Potential - Radon Protection Measures Radon Protection Measures: Source: Contact Ref: None British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service 1 Brought to you by Landmark If you would like any further assistance regarding this report then please contact Landmark on (Tel) 0844 844 9966, (Fax) 0844 844 9980, Email: Summary of Site Page Reference No. Number (Map ID) Other Factors Geological Potential for Compressible Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: Source: Contact Ref: Moderate British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service 1 48 - 48 - 48 - 48 - 48 - Potential for Landslide Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: Source: Contact Ref: Very Low British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service 1 Potential for Running Sand Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: Source: Contact Ref: Low British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service 1 Potential for Shrinking or Swelling Clay Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: Source: Contact Ref: Very Low British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service 1 Potential for Collapsible Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: Source: Contact Ref: Very Low British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service 1 Brought to you by Landmark If you would like any further assistance regarding this report then please contact Landmark on (Tel) 0844 844 9966, (Fax) 0844 844 9980, Email: Aerial Photo Site Sample Site,Sample Street,Sample Town Grid Reference 304310, 97300 Report Reference SCC_38309794_1_1 Customer Reference SAMPLE Size of Site 719 m² Brought to you by Landmark If you would like any further assistance regarding this report then please contact Landmark on (Tel) 0844 844 9966, (Fax) 0844 844 9980, Email: Page 1 of 58 Location Map Site Sample Site,Sample Street,Sample Town Grid Reference 304310, 97300 Report Reference SCC_38309794_1_1 Customer Reference SAMPLE Size of Site 719 m² Brought to you by Landmark If you would like any further assistance regarding this report then please contact Landmark on (Tel) 0844 844 9966, (Fax) 0844 844 9980, Email: Page 2 of 58 Summary Table Current Land Use On Site 0-250m Sources 250500m 5001000m 0 10 4 0 BGS Recorded Landfill Sites 0 0 0 0 Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Landfill Boundaries) 0 0 0 0 Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Locations) 0 0 0 0 Local Authority Recorded Landfill Sites 0 0 0 0 Registered Landfill Sites 0 0 0 0 Registered Waste Transfer Sites 0 0 0 n/a Registered Waste Treatment or Disposal Sites 0 0 1 0 Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Controls 0 0 0 n/a Contaminated Land Register Entries and Notices 0 0 0 n/a Registered Radioactive Substances 0 0 0 n/a Discharge Consents 0 8 3 n/a Water Industry Act Referrals 0 0 0 n/a Integrated Pollution Controls 0 0 0 0 Integrated Pollution Control Registered Waste Sites 0 0 0 0 Integrated Pollution Prevention And Control 0 0 0 n/a Local Authority Integrated Pollution Prevention And Control 0 0 0 n/a Control of Major Accident Hazards Sites (COMAH) 0 0 0 0 Explosive Sites 0 0 0 n/a Notification of Installations Handling Hazardous Substances (NIHHS) 0 0 0 n/a Planning Hazardous Substance Consents 0 0 0 n/a Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Control Enforcements 0 0 0 n/a Enforcement and Prohibition Notices 0 0 0 n/a Planning Hazardous Substance Enforcements 0 0 0 n/a Prosecutions Relating to Authorised Processes 0 0 0 n/a Prosecutions Relating to Controlled Waters 0 1 0 n/a Substantiated Pollution Incident Register 0 0 0 n/a Waste/Landfill Sites Statutory Authorisations Discharge Consents Industrial Processes Storage of Hazardous Substances Contraventions Brought to you by Landmark If you would like any further assistance regarding this report then please contact Landmark on (Tel) 0844 844 9966, (Fax) 0844 844 9980, Email: Page 3 of 58 Summary Table Current Land Use On Site 0-250m Sources 250500m 5001000m 0 10 4 0 Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 0 1 0 n/a Fuel Station Entries 0 0 0 n/a 0 0 0 0 Potentially Contaminative Uses Miscellaneous BGS Recorded Mineral Sites On Site 0-250m Historical Land Use Sources 250500m 0 2 3 Historical Tanks And Energy Facilities 0 0 1 Potentially Contaminative Features from Historical Building Plans 0 n/a n/a Potentially Contaminative Industrial Uses (Past Land Use) 0 2 2 Former Marshes 0 0 0 Potentially Infilled Land (Non-Water) 0 0 0 Potentially Infilled Land (Water) 0 0 0 250500m 5001000m Potentially Contaminative Uses Potentially Infilled Land Sensitivity On Site 0-250m Pathways and Receptors 4 1 0 32 Groundwater Vulnerability 1 0 n/a n/a Drift Deposits 0 0 n/a n/a Historical Flood Liabilities 0 0 0 0 Extreme Flooding from Rivers or Sea without Defences 1 0 n/a n/a Flooding from Rivers or Sea without Defences 0 1 n/a n/a Areas Benefiting from Flood Defences 0 0 n/a n/a Flood Water Storage Areas 0 0 n/a n/a Flood Defences 0 0 n/a n/a River Quality Biology Sampling Points 0 0 0 1 River Quality Chemistry Sampling Points 0 0 0 0 Pathways Brought to you by Landmark If you would like any further assistance regarding this report then please contact Landmark on (Tel) 0844 844 9966, (Fax) 0844 844 9980, Email: Page 4 of 58 Summary Table Sensitivity On Site 0-250m Pathways and Receptors 250500m 5001000m 4 1 0 32 Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty 0 0 0 0 Environmentally Sensitive Areas 0 0 0 0 Local Nature Reserves 0 0 0 0 National Nature Reserves 0 0 0 0 Nearest Surface Water Feature 1 0 0 0 Ramsar Sites 0 0 0 0 Sites of Special Scientific Interest 0 0 0 0 Source Protection Zones 0 0 0 0 Special Areas of Conservation 0 0 0 0 Licenced Water Abstractions 0 0 0 31 Forest Parks 0 0 0 0 National Parks 0 0 0 0 National Scenic Areas 0 0 0 0 Nitrate Sensitive Areas 0 0 0 n/a Nitrate Vulnerable Zones 1 0 0 n/a Environmentally Sensitive Receptors Protected Countryside Areas Brought to you by Landmark If you would like any further assistance regarding this report then please contact Landmark on (Tel) 0844 844 9966, (Fax) 0844 844 9980, Email: Page 5 of 58 Summary Table Other Factors On Site 0-250m Geological 250500m 5001000m 10 1 0 0 BGS 1:50,000 Geological Mapping Coverage 1 n/a n/a n/a BGS 1:50,000 Mass Movement 0 n/a n/a n/a BGS 1:50,000 Artificial Ground 0 n/a n/a n/a BGS 1:50,000 Superficial Deposits 1 n/a n/a n/a BGS 1:50,000 Bedrock Geology 1 n/a n/a n/a BGS 1:50,000 Faults and Rock Segments 0 n/a n/a n/a Brine Compensation Area 0 0 0 0 Coal Mining Affected Areas 0 0 n/a n/a Mining Instability 0 0 n/a n/a Man-Made Mining Cavities 0 0 0 0 Natural Cavities 0 0 0 0 Non Coal Mining Areas of Great Britain 0 0 n/a n/a Radon Potential - Radon Protected Areas 1 0 n/a n/a Radon Potential - Radon Protection Measures 1 0 n/a n/a Potential for Collapsible Ground Stability Hazards 1 0 n/a n/a Potential for Compressible Ground Stability Hazards 1 0 n/a n/a Potential for Ground Dissolution Stability Hazards 0 0 n/a n/a Potential for Landslide Ground Stability Hazards 1 0 n/a n/a Potential for Running Sand Ground Stability Hazards 1 1 n/a n/a Potential for Shrinking or Swelling Clay Ground Stability Hazards 1 0 n/a n/a Brought to you by Landmark If you would like any further assistance regarding this report then please contact Landmark on (Tel) 0844 844 9966, (Fax) 0844 844 9980, Email: Page 6 of 58 Current Land Use Landfill Map Brought to you by Landmark If you would like any further assistance regarding this report then please contact Landmark on (Tel) 0844 844 9966, (Fax) 0844 844 9980, Email: Page 7 of 58 Current Land Use Sources Landfill Sites Ref No. Search Direction Buffer Local Authority Landfill Coverage East Devon District Council Name: - Has supplied landfill data 4 Contact Ref: - On Site E Devon County Council Name: - Has supplied landfill data 5 Contact Ref: - On Site E Brought to you by Landmark If you would like any further assistance regarding this report then please contact Landmark on (Tel) 0844 844 9966, (Fax) 0844 844 9980, Email: Page 8 of 58 Current Land Use Waste Map Brought to you by Landmark If you would like any further assistance regarding this report then please contact Landmark on (Tel) 0844 844 9966, (Fax) 0844 844 9980, Email: Page 9 of 58 Current Land Use Sources Ref No. Search Direction Buffer Waste Sites Registered Waste Treatment or Disposal Sites Licence Holder: Licence Reference: Site Location: Operator Location: Authority: Site Category: Maximum Input Rate: Waste Source Restrictions: Licence Status: Dated: Preceded by Licence: Superceded by Licence: Positional Accuracy: Boundary Quality: Authorised Waste Prohibited Waste Contact Ref: Distance: Grid Reference: S J Pester WR/L/SY/E( 23) 06.94 Vehicle Repair Shop, Whiteways Cider Factory, Whimple, EXETER, Devon, EX8 4NN Fairbank Orchard LaneSilvertonEXETERDevonEX5 4JA Environment Agency - South West Region, Devon Area Scrapyard Very Small (Less than 10,000 tonnes per year) No known restriction on source of waste 2 250-500m NE Licence known to be surrenderedSurrendered 8th June 1994 Not Given Not Given Positioned by the supplier Moderate Motor Vehicles Carcinogens Clinical Wastes Immisc.Flammable Solvents Liquid/Sludges N.O.S. Loose Tyres Not Fitted To Veh'S Accept Medical (Misuse Of Drugs Act '71) Percussive/Explosive Waste Special Wastes Sub'S Contr0l. Radioactive Subs Act'60 Transformers/Capacitors Waste Cont. Viable Pathogenic Organ'Ms 2 310m 304490, 97572 Brought to you by Landmark If you would like any further assistance regarding this report then please contact Landmark on (Tel) 0844 844 9966, (Fax) 0844 844 9980, Email: Page 10 of 58 Current Land Use Discharge Consents Map Brought to you by Landmark If you would like any further assistance regarding this report then please contact Landmark on (Tel) 0844 844 9966, (Fax) 0844 844 9980, Email: Page 11 of 58 Current Land Use Sources Discharge Consents Ref No. Search Direction Buffer Discharge Consents Operator: Property Type: Location: Authority: Catchment Area: Reference: Permit Version: Effective Date: Issued Date: Revocation Date: Discharge Type: Discharge Environment: Receiving Water: Status: Positional Accuracy: Contact Ref: Distance: Grid Reference: Operator: Property Type: Location: Authority: Catchment Area: Reference: Permit Version: Effective Date: Issued Date: Revocation Date: Discharge Type: Discharge Environment: Receiving Water: Status: Positional Accuracy: Contact Ref: Distance: Grid Reference: South West Water Sewerage Network - Sewers - Water Company Whimple Sso Environment Agency, South West Region Clyst, Devon Nra-Sw-1690 1 30th October 1989 30th October 1989 23rd October 2000 Sewage Discharges - Stw Storm Overflow/Storm Tank - Water Company Into And/Or Watercourse 3 0-250m SW 4 0-250m SW The Cranny Revoked (Water Resources Act 1991, Section 88 & Schedule 10 as amended by Environment Act 1995) Located by supplier to within 100m 2 131m 304200, 97200 South West Water Sewerage Network - Sewers - Water Company Church Road Cso, Whimple, Devon Environment Agency, South West Region Clyst, Devon 201816 1 23rd October 2000 23rd October 2000 31st March 2006 Sewage Discharges - Stw Storm Overflow/Storm Tank - Water Company Freshwater Stream/River Stream (S) New Consent (Water Resources Act 1991, Section 88 & Schedule 10 as amended by Environment Act 1995) Located by supplier to within 10m 2 210m 304158, 97131 Brought to you by Landmark If you would like any further assistance regarding this report then please contact Landmark on (Tel) 0844 844 9966, (Fax) 0844 844 9980, Email: Page 12 of 58 Current Land Use Sources Discharge Consents Ref No. Search Direction Buffer Discharge Consents Operator: Property Type: Location: Authority: Catchment Area: Reference: Permit Version: Effective Date: Issued Date: Revocation Date: Discharge Type: Discharge Environment: Receiving Water: Status: Positional Accuracy: Contact Ref: Distance: Grid Reference: Operator: Property Type: Location: Authority: Catchment Area: Reference: Permit Version: Effective Date: Issued Date: Revocation Date: Discharge Type: Discharge Environment: Receiving Water: Status: Positional Accuracy: Contact Ref: Distance: Grid Reference: South West Water Sewerage Network - Sewers - Water Company Church Road Cso, Whimple, Devon Environment Agency, South West Region Clyst, Devon 201816 3 1st April 2006 23rd October 2000 11th May 2006 Sewage Discharges - Stw Storm Overflow/Storm Tank - Water Company Freshwater Stream/River 4 0-250m SW 4 0-250m SW Stream (S) Consent revoked or revised: New Consent issued (Section 37(1)) Located by supplier to within 10m 2 210m 304158, 97131 South West Water Sewerage Network - Sewers - Water Company Church Road Cso, Whimple, Devon Environment Agency, South West Region Clyst, Devon 203623 1 11th May 2006 11th May 2006 Not Supplied Public Sewage: Storm Sewage Overflow Freshwater Stream/River Cranny Brook(S) New Consent (Water Resources Act 1991, Section 88 & Schedule 10 as amended by Environment Act 1995) Located by supplier to within 10m 2 216m 304150, 97130 Brought to you by Landmark If you would like any further assistance regarding this report then please contact Landmark on (Tel) 0844 844 9966, (Fax) 0844 844 9980, Email: Page 13 of 58 Current Land Use Sources Discharge Consents Ref No. Search Direction Buffer Discharge Consents Operator: Property Type: Location: Authority: Catchment Area: Reference: Permit Version: Effective Date: Issued Date: Revocation Date: Discharge Type: Discharge Environment: Receiving Water: Status: Positional Accuracy: Contact Ref: Distance: Grid Reference: Operator: Property Type: Location: Authority: Catchment Area: Reference: Permit Version: Effective Date: Issued Date: Revocation Date: Discharge Type: Discharge Environment: Receiving Water: Status: Positional Accuracy: Contact Ref: Distance: Grid Reference: The Secretary Not Given Hindestrete , WHIMPLE Environment Agency, South West Region Clyst, Devon DRA 1013/1 Not Supplied Not Supplied 15th January 1968 Not Supplied Unknown Freshwater Stream/River 5 0-250m E 6 0-250m E Tribs. Of River Clyst, Licence Status: Lapsed, Revoked Or Cancelled Not Supplied Located by supplier to within 100m 2 217m 304540, 97300 Estreeta Estates Ltd Domestic Property (Multiple) Former Goods Yard, Whimple, Exeter, Devon Environment Agency, South West Region Clyst, Devon Nra-Sw-7280 1 1st October 1995 26th April 1995 Not Supplied Sewage Discharges - Final/Treated Effluent - Not Water Company Freshwater Stream/River River Cranny New Consent (Water Resources Act 1991, Section 88 & Schedule 10 as amended by Environment Act 1995) Located by supplier to within 100m 2 231m 304550, 97345 Brought to you by Landmark If you would like any further assistance regarding this report then please contact Landmark on (Tel) 0844 844 9966, (Fax) 0844 844 9980, Email: Page 14 of 58 Current Land Use Sources Discharge Consents Ref No. Search Direction Buffer Discharge Consents Operator: Property Type: Location: Authority: Catchment Area: Reference: Permit Version: Effective Date: Issued Date: Revocation Date: Discharge Type: Discharge Environment: Receiving Water: Status: Positional Accuracy: Contact Ref: Distance: Grid Reference: Mr R C Jones Wholesale Distribution Of Timber Old Cider House Site, WHIMPLE Environment Agency, South West Region Clyst, Devon NRA-SW-6000/1 Not Supplied Not Supplied 3rd September 1993 Not Supplied Sewage Effluent Discharge-Treated Effluent Freshwater Stream/River Operator: Property Type: Location: Authority: Catchment Area: Reference: Permit Version: Effective Date: Issued Date: Revocation Date: Discharge Type: Discharge Environment: Receiving Water: Status: Estreeta Estates Ltd Domestic Property (Multiple) Former Goods Yard, Whimple, Exeter, Devon Environment Agency, South West Region Clyst, Devon Nra-Sw-7279 1 26th April 1995 26th April 1995 Not Supplied Sewage Discharges - Final/Treated Effluent - Not Water Company Freshwater Stream/River Positional Accuracy: Contact Ref: Distance: Grid Reference: 7 0-250m N 6 0-250m E Cranny Brook, Licence Status: Lapsed, Revoked Or Cancelled Not Supplied Located by supplier to within 100m 2 232m 304240, 97540 River Cranny New Consent (Water Resources Act 1991, Section 88 & Schedule 10 as amended by Environment Act 1995) Located by supplier to within 100m 2 232m 304550, 97350 Brought to you by Landmark If you would like any further assistance regarding this report then please contact Landmark on (Tel) 0844 844 9966, (Fax) 0844 844 9980, Email: Page 15 of 58 Current Land Use Sources Discharge Consents Ref No. Search Direction Buffer Discharge Consents Operator: Property Type: Location: Authority: Catchment Area: Reference: Permit Version: Effective Date: Issued Date: Revocation Date: Discharge Type: Discharge Environment: Receiving Water: Status: Positional Accuracy: Contact Ref: Distance: Grid Reference: Operator: Property Type: Location: Authority: Catchment Area: Reference: Permit Version: Effective Date: Issued Date: Revocation Date: Discharge Type: Discharge Environment: Receiving Water: Status: Positional Accuracy: Contact Ref: Distance: Grid Reference: Michael Thomas Wallis & Maria Assumpta Wallis Domestic Property (Single) Orchard Cottage The Green, Whimple, Exeter, Devon, Ex5 2ua Environment Agency, South West Region Clyst, Devon 200753 1 7th August 1998 25th March 1999 Not Supplied Sewage Discharges - Final/Treated Effluent - Not Water Company Land/Soakaway 8 250-500m W 9 250-500m NE Soakaway New Consent (Water Resources Act 1991, Section 88 & Schedule 10 as amended by Environment Act 1995) Located by supplier to within 100m 2 259m 304030, 97320 Allied Domecq Spirits & Wine Ltd Domestic Property (Multiple) Cornmill (Res.Devmnt), Whimple, Devon Environment Agency, South West Region Clyst, Devon Nra-Sw-7718 1 22nd November 1995 22nd November 1995 Not Supplied Sewage Discharges - Final/Treated Effluent - Not Water Company Freshwater Stream/River Cranny Brook New Consent (Water Resources Act 1991, Section 88 & Schedule 10 as amended by Environment Act 1995) Located by supplier to within 100m 2 404m 304620, 97580 Brought to you by Landmark If you would like any further assistance regarding this report then please contact Landmark on (Tel) 0844 844 9966, (Fax) 0844 844 9980, Email: Page 16 of 58 Current Land Use Sources Discharge Consents Ref No. Search Direction Buffer Discharge Consents Operator: Property Type: Location: Authority: Catchment Area: Reference: Permit Version: Effective Date: Issued Date: Revocation Date: Discharge Type: Discharge Environment: Receiving Water: Status: Positional Accuracy: Contact Ref: Distance: Grid Reference: Mr W F Harris Domestic Property (Single) Oakcroft Dince Hill Close, Whimple, Exeter, Devon, Ex5 2tt Environment Agency, South West Region Clyst, Devon Swwa 673 1 24th January 1986 24th January 1986 Not Supplied Sewage Discharges - Final/Treated Effluent - Not Water Company Onto Land/Into Watercourse 10 250-500m SE Watercourse New Consent, by Application, granted by Secretary of State Located by supplier to within 100m 2 460m 304600, 96930 Brought to you by Landmark If you would like any further assistance regarding this report then please contact Landmark on (Tel) 0844 844 9966, (Fax) 0844 844 9980, Email: Page 17 of 58 Current Land Use Contraventions Map Brought to you by Landmark If you would like any further assistance regarding this report then please contact Landmark on (Tel) 0844 844 9966, (Fax) 0844 844 9980, Email: Page 18 of 58 Current Land Use Sources Ref No. Search Direction Buffer Contraventions Prosecutions Relating to Controlled Waters Location: Prosecution Text: Prosecution Act: Hearing Date: Verdict: Fine: Costs: Positional Accuracy: Contact Ref: Distance: Grid Reference: Cranny Brook, Whimple Village, WHIMPLE, Devon, EX5 EA News Release 23/07/1996, Causing the pollution of a stream via a storm sewer overflow pipe becoming blocked. WRA91 s85 23rd July 1996 Guilty 2000 1541 Manually positioned within the geographical locality 2 242m 304240, 97550 11 0-250m N Brought to you by Landmark If you would like any further assistance regarding this report then please contact Landmark on (Tel) 0844 844 9966, (Fax) 0844 844 9980, Email: Page 19 of 58 Current Land Use Potentially Contaminative Use Map Brought to you by Landmark If you would like any further assistance regarding this report then please contact Landmark on (Tel) 0844 844 9966, (Fax) 0844 844 9980, Email: Page 20 of 58 Current Land Use Sources Potentially Contaminative Uses Ref No. Search Direction Buffer Contemporary Trade Directory Entries Name: Location: Classification: Status: Positional Accuracy: Distance: Grid Reference: K C Autos Ltd 14, Elizabeth Close, Whimple, Exeter, EX5 2UT Garage Services Active Automatically positioned to the address 12m 304280, 97296 12 0-250m W Brought to you by Landmark If you would like any further assistance regarding this report then please contact Landmark on (Tel) 0844 844 9966, (Fax) 0844 844 9980, Email: Page 21 of 58 Historical Land Use Potentially Contaminative Uses Map Brought to you by Landmark If you would like any further assistance regarding this report then please contact Landmark on (Tel) 0844 844 9966, (Fax) 0844 844 9980, Email: Page 22 of 58 Historical Land Use Sources Potentially Contaminative Uses Ref No. Search Direction Buffer Historical Tanks And Energy Facilities Use: Mapping Scale: Date of Mapping: Distance: Grid Reference: Tanks 1:2,500 1969 455m 303933, 97592 13 250-500m NW Historical Building Plan Extents - No Data Available - Potentially Contaminative Industrial Uses (Past Land Use) Use: Date of Mapping: Distance: Grid Reference: Railways 1890 - 1972 34m 304322, 97260 14 0-250m S Use: Date of Mapping: Distance: Grid Reference: Brewing & malting 1906 - 1972 165m 304439, 97425 15 0-250m NE Use: Date of Mapping: Distance: Grid Reference: Factory or works - use not specified 1962 280m 304590, 97384 16 250-500m E Use: Date of Mapping: Distance: Grid Reference: Railways 1962 - 1972 308m 304614, 97402 17 250-500m E Brought to you by Landmark If you would like any further assistance regarding this report then please contact Landmark on (Tel) 0844 844 9966, (Fax) 0844 844 9980, Email: Page 23 of 58 Historical Land Use Map Details The following maps have been analysed for Historical Tanks and Energy Facilities 1:2,500 Ordnance Survey Plan Mapsheet Published SY0497 1969 The following maps have been analysed for Potentially Contaminative Uses and Potentially Infilled Land information Mapsheet Published SY09NW 1972 Mapsheet Published Devon 069_SE 1890 Devon 069_SE 1890 Devon 069_SE 1906 Devon 069_SE 1906 Ordnance Survey Plan SY09NW 1962 Ordnance Survey Plan SY09NW 1962 1:10,000 Ordnance Survey Plan 1:10,560 The following maps have also been reviewed by RPS during the Risk Assessment process Mapsheet Published Devon 069_11 1889 Devon 069_11 1905 Mapsheet Published SY09NW 1972 1:2,500 1:10,000 Ordnance Survey Plan Brought to you by Landmark If you would like any further assistance regarding this report then please contact Landmark on (Tel) 0844 844 9966, (Fax) 0844 844 9980, Email: Page 24 of 58 Sensitivity Flood Map Brought to you by Landmark If you would like any further assistance regarding this report then please contact Landmark on (Tel) 0844 844 9966, (Fax) 0844 844 9980, Email: Page 25 of 58 Sensitivity Pathways and Receptors Ref No. Search Direction Buffer Pathways Groundwater Vulnerability Geological Classification: Soil Classification: Map Sheet: Scale: Contact Ref: Distance: Grid Reference: Non Aquifer (Negligibly permeable) - Formations which are generally regarded as containing insignificant quantities of groundwater. However, groundwater flow through such rocks, although imperceptible, does take place and needs to be considered in assessing the risk associated with persistent pollutants Not classified Sheet 50 East Devon and South Somerset 1:100,000 2 0m 304306, 97304 - On Site E Drift Deposits - None - Extreme Flooding from Rivers or Sea without Defences Type: Flood Plain Type: Source: Boundary Accuracy: Contact Ref: Distance: Grid Reference: Extent of Extreme Flooding from Rivers or Sea without Defences Fluvial Models Environment Agency, Head Office As Supplied 2 0m 304313, 97293 - On Site SE - 0-250m S Flooding from Rivers or Sea without Defences Type: Flood Plain Type: Source: Boundary Accuracy: Contact Ref: Distance: Grid Reference: Extent of Flooding from Rivers or Sea without Defences Fluvial Models Environment Agency, Head Office As Supplied 2 1m 304306, 97288 Areas Benefiting from Flood Defences None - - - - - - Flood Water Storage Areas None Flood Defences None Brought to you by Landmark If you would like any further assistance regarding this report then please contact Landmark on (Tel) 0844 844 9966, (Fax) 0844 844 9980, Email: Page 26 of 58 Sensitivity Pathways and Receptors Ref No. Search Direction Buffer Pathways River Quality Biology Sampling Points Name: Reach: Estimated Distance: Positional Accuracy: Year: GQA Grade: Year: GQA Grade: Year: GQA Grade: Year: GQA Grade: Year: GQA Grade: Year: GQA Grade: Year: GQA Grade: Year: GQA Grade: Year: GQA Grade: Year: GQA Grade: Year: GQA Grade: Contact Ref: Distance: Grid Reference: Cranny Brook Barnshayes To Crannaford Crossing 3.50 Located by supplier to within 10m 1990 River Quality Biology GQA Grade B - Good 1995 River Quality Biology GQA Grade A - Very Good 2000 River Quality Biology GQA Grade B - Good 2002 River Quality Biology GQA Grade B - Good 2003 River Quality Biology GQA Grade B - Good 2004 River Quality Biology GQA Grade B - Good 2005 River Quality Biology GQA Grade B - Good 2006 River Quality Biology GQA Grade B - Good 2007 River Quality Biology GQA Grade B - Good 2008 River Quality Biology GQA Grade B - Good 2009 River Quality Biology GQA Grade B - Good 2 549m 303780, 97100 - 500-1000m W Brought to you by Landmark If you would like any further assistance regarding this report then please contact Landmark on (Tel) 0844 844 9966, (Fax) 0844 844 9980, Email: Page 27 of 58 Sensitivity Environmentally Sensitive Receptors - Water Map Brought to you by Landmark If you would like any further assistance regarding this report then please contact Landmark on (Tel) 0844 844 9966, (Fax) 0844 844 9980, Email: Page 28 of 58 Sensitivity Pathways and Receptors Environmentally Sensitive Receptors (Water Related) Ref No. Search Direction Buffer Nearest Surface Water Feature Distance: Grid Reference: 0m 304311, 97291 18 On Site S Licenced Water Abstractions Operator: Licence Number: Permit Version: Location: Authority: Abstraction: Abstraction Type: Source: Daily Rate (m3) Yearly Rate (m3) Details: Authorised Start: Authorised End: Permit Start Date: Permit End Date: Positional Accuracy: Contact Ref: Distance: Grid Reference: Mr & Mrs F C Bucknell 14/45/002/0323 100 Holway Farm, Well Environment Agency, South West Region General Farming And Domestic Water may be abstracted from a single point Groundwater Not Supplied Not Supplied Mr F C Bucknell 01 January 31 December 13th May 1966 Not Supplied Located by supplier to within 100m 2 561m 304800, 97600 19 500-1000m NE Operator: Licence Number: Permit Version: Location: Authority: Abstraction: Abstraction Type: Source: Daily Rate (m3) Yearly Rate (m3) Details: Authorised Start: Authorised End: Permit Start Date: Permit End Date: Positional Accuracy: Contact Ref: Distance: Grid Reference: HAS BEEN ALLOCATED FOR 14450020471 Not Supplied Rull Farm , WHIMPLE Environment Agency, South West Region Agriculture (General) Not Supplied Well 2.70 45.00 Depth 23M Not Supplied Not Supplied Not Supplied Not Supplied Located by supplier to within 100m 2 683m 304300, 98000 20 500-1000m N Brought to you by Landmark If you would like any further assistance regarding this report then please contact Landmark on (Tel) 0844 844 9966, (Fax) 0844 844 9980, Email: Page 29 of 58 Sensitivity Pathways and Receptors Environmentally Sensitive Receptors (Water Related) Ref No. Search Direction Buffer Licenced Water Abstractions Operator: Licence Number: Permit Version: Location: Authority: Abstraction: Abstraction Type: Source: Daily Rate (m3) Yearly Rate (m3) Details: Authorised Start: Authorised End: Permit Start Date: Permit End Date: Positional Accuracy: Contact Ref: Distance: Grid Reference: VINE PRODUCTS AND 14450020838 Not Supplied Lands At, Lower Woodhayes Farm , WHIMPLE Environment Agency, South West Region Agriculture (General) Not Supplied Well 3.60 1327.00 Not Supplied Not Supplied Not Supplied Not Supplied Not Supplied Located by supplier to within 100m 2 710m 304700, 96695 21 500-1000m SE Operator: Licence Number: Permit Version: Location: Authority: Abstraction: Abstraction Type: Source: Daily Rate (m3) Yearly Rate (m3) Details: Authorised Start: Authorised End: Permit Start Date: Permit End Date: Positional Accuracy: Contact Ref: Distance: Grid Reference: Mr W J O Jordan 14/45/002/1988 100 Well At Perriton Farmhouse, Whimple Environment Agency, South West Region General Agriculture; General Use (Medium Loss) Water may be abstracted from a single point Groundwater Not Supplied Not Supplied Perriton Farmhouse, Whimple, Exeter, Devon 01 January 31 December 1st August 1999 Not Supplied Located by supplier to within 10m 2 784m 305000, 97700 22 500-1000m NE Brought to you by Landmark If you would like any further assistance regarding this report then please contact Landmark on (Tel) 0844 844 9966, (Fax) 0844 844 9980, Email: Page 30 of 58 Sensitivity Pathways and Receptors Environmentally Sensitive Receptors (Water Related) Ref No. Search Direction Buffer Licenced Water Abstractions Operator: Licence Number: Permit Version: Location: Authority: Abstraction: Abstraction Type: Source: Daily Rate (m3) Yearly Rate (m3) Details: Authorised Start: Authorised End: Permit Start Date: Permit End Date: Positional Accuracy: Contact Ref: Distance: Grid Reference: Mr W J O Jordan Unknown Licence Number Not Supplied Location Description Not Available Environment Agency, South West Region Agriculture (General) Not Supplied Well 2 664 Not Supplied Not Supplied Not Supplied Not Supplied Not Supplied Located by supplier to within 100m 2 786m 305001, 97701 22 500-1000m NE Operator: Licence Number: Permit Version: Location: Authority: Abstraction: Abstraction Type: Source: Daily Rate (m3) Yearly Rate (m3) Details: Authorised Start: Authorised End: Permit Start Date: Permit End Date: Positional Accuracy: Contact Ref: Distance: Grid Reference: VINE PRODUCTS AND 14450020135 Not Supplied Land At Whimple Adj, To Higher Woodhayes Farm Environment Agency, South West Region Agriculture (General) Not Supplied Well 6.40 2323.00 Licence Lapsed 09/03/87 Not Supplied Not Supplied Not Supplied Not Supplied Located by supplier to within 100m 2 786m 305001, 96901 23 500-1000m SE Brought to you by Landmark If you would like any further assistance regarding this report then please contact Landmark on (Tel) 0844 844 9966, (Fax) 0844 844 9980, Email: Page 31 of 58 Sensitivity Pathways and Receptors Environmentally Sensitive Receptors (Water Related) Ref No. Search Direction Buffer Licenced Water Abstractions Operator: Licence Number: Permit Version: Location: Authority: Abstraction: Abstraction Type: Source: Daily Rate (m3) Yearly Rate (m3) Details: Authorised Start: Authorised End: Permit Start Date: Permit End Date: Positional Accuracy: Contact Ref: Distance: Grid Reference: MR W J O JORDAN 14450021988 Not Supplied Perriton Farm house, Whimple, EXETER, Devon Environment Agency, South West Region Agriculture (General) Not Supplied Well 1.80 664.00 Not Supplied Not Supplied Not Supplied Not Supplied Not Supplied Located by supplier to within 100m 2 787m 305006, 97696 22 500-1000m NE Operator: Licence Number: Permit Version: Location: Authority: Abstraction: Abstraction Type: Source: Daily Rate (m3) Yearly Rate (m3) Details: Authorised Start: Authorised End: Permit Start Date: Permit End Date: Positional Accuracy: Contact Ref: Distance: Grid Reference: Martha Mockford Limited 14/45/002/0472 100 Rull Farm, Borehole Environment Agency, South West Region General Farming And Domestic Water may be abstracted from a single point Groundwater Not Supplied Not Supplied Lands At, Rull Farm, Whimple 01 January 31 December 31st October 1988 Not Supplied Located by supplier to within 100m 2 788m 304400, 98100 24 500-1000m N Brought to you by Landmark If you would like any further assistance regarding this report then please contact Landmark on (Tel) 0844 844 9966, (Fax) 0844 844 9980, Email: Page 32 of 58 Sensitivity Pathways and Receptors Environmentally Sensitive Receptors (Water Related) Ref No. Search Direction Buffer Licenced Water Abstractions Operator: Licence Number: Permit Version: Location: Authority: Abstraction: Abstraction Type: Source: Daily Rate (m3) Yearly Rate (m3) Details: Authorised Start: Authorised End: Permit Start Date: Permit End Date: Positional Accuracy: Contact Ref: Distance: Grid Reference: MR W J O JORDAN 14450021988 Not Supplied Perriton Farm house, Whimple, EXETER, Devon Environment Agency, South West Region Private Water Supply (Animals Other Than Agriculture) Not Supplied Well 0.30 124.00 Not Supplied Not Supplied Not Supplied Not Supplied Not Supplied Located by supplier to within 100m 2 790m 305006, 97701 22 500-1000m NE Operator: Licence Number: Permit Version: Location: Authority: Abstraction: Abstraction Type: Source: Daily Rate (m3) Yearly Rate (m3) Details: Authorised Start: Authorised End: Permit Start Date: Permit End Date: Positional Accuracy: Contact Ref: Distance: Grid Reference: Has Been Allocated For 14450020488 Not Supplied Periton Farm, WHIMPLE Environment Agency, South West Region Agriculture (General) Not Supplied Well 3.20 1161.00 Borehole Depth :4 Not Supplied Not Supplied Not Supplied Not Supplied Located by supplier to within 10m 2 792m 305006, 97706 22 500-1000m NE Brought to you by Landmark If you would like any further assistance regarding this report then please contact Landmark on (Tel) 0844 844 9966, (Fax) 0844 844 9980, Email: Page 33 of 58 Sensitivity Pathways and Receptors Environmentally Sensitive Receptors (Water Related) Ref No. Search Direction Buffer Licenced Water Abstractions Operator: Licence Number: Permit Version: Location: Authority: Abstraction: Abstraction Type: Source: Daily Rate (m3) Yearly Rate (m3) Details: Authorised Start: Authorised End: Permit Start Date: Permit End Date: Positional Accuracy: Contact Ref: Distance: Grid Reference: Operator: Licence Number: Permit Version: Location: Authority: Abstraction: Abstraction Type: Source: Daily Rate (m3) Yearly Rate (m3) Details: Authorised Start: Authorised End: Permit Start Date: Permit End Date: Positional Accuracy: Contact Ref: Distance: Grid Reference: ALLIED DOMECQ SPIRITS & 14450021335 Not Supplied Prems Of Vine Prods &, Whiteways Ltd & Lands At Whimplehse Farm, Pav & 6 Vill Properties, WHIMPLE Environment Agency, South West Region Private Water Supply (Holiday Recreation/Hotels Etc) Not Supplied Borehole 1.10 415.00 Borehole Depth :49; 1148 Not Supplied Not Supplied Not Supplied Not Supplied Located by supplier to within 10m 2 804m 303510, 97110 25 500-1000m W ALLIED DOMECQ SPIRITS & 14450021335 Not Supplied Prems Of Vine Prods &, Whiteways Ltd & Lands At Whimplehse Farm, Pav & 6 Vill Properties, WHIMPLE Environment Agency, South West Region Industrial Processing (Food And Drink) Not Supplied Borehole 17.70 6470.00 Borehole Depth :49; 1148 Not Supplied Not Supplied Not Supplied Not Supplied Located by supplier to within 10m 2 806m 303510, 97105 25 500-1000m W Brought to you by Landmark If you would like any further assistance regarding this report then please contact Landmark on (Tel) 0844 844 9966, (Fax) 0844 844 9980, Email: Page 34 of 58 Sensitivity Pathways and Receptors Environmentally Sensitive Receptors (Water Related) Ref No. Search Direction Buffer Licenced Water Abstractions Operator: Licence Number: Permit Version: Location: Authority: Abstraction: Abstraction Type: Source: Daily Rate (m3) Yearly Rate (m3) Details: Authorised Start: Authorised End: Permit Start Date: Permit End Date: Positional Accuracy: Contact Ref: Distance: Grid Reference: Operator: Licence Number: Permit Version: Location: Authority: Abstraction: Abstraction Type: Source: Daily Rate (m3) Yearly Rate (m3) Details: Authorised Start: Authorised End: Permit Start Date: Permit End Date: Positional Accuracy: Contact Ref: Distance: Grid Reference: ALLIED DOMECQ SPIRITS & 14450021335 Not Supplied Prems Of Vine Products & Whiteways Ltd, Lands At Whimplehse Farm, 6 Villa Properties, WHIMPLE Environment Agency, South West Region Agriculture (General) Not Supplied Borehole 236.40 62000.00 Depth 49m 1148 Not Supplied Not Supplied Not Supplied Not Supplied Located by supplier to within 100m 2 807m 303510, 97100 25 500-1000m W ALLIED DOMECQ SPIRITS & 14450021335 Not Supplied Prems Of Vine Products & Whiteways Ltd, Lands At Whimplehse Farm, 6 Villa Properties, WHIMPLE Environment Agency, South West Region Industrial Processing ( Miscellaneous) Not Supplied Borehole 1.80 6.00 Depth 49m 17 Props In Whimple - See Lice Not Supplied Not Supplied Not Supplied Not Supplied Located by supplier to within 100m 2 808m 303510, 97095 25 500-1000m W Brought to you by Landmark If you would like any further assistance regarding this report then please contact Landmark on (Tel) 0844 844 9966, (Fax) 0844 844 9980, Email: Page 35 of 58 Sensitivity Pathways and Receptors Environmentally Sensitive Receptors (Water Related) Ref No. Search Direction Buffer Licenced Water Abstractions Operator: Licence Number: Permit Version: Location: Authority: Abstraction: Abstraction Type: Source: Daily Rate (m3) Yearly Rate (m3) Details: Authorised Start: Authorised End: Permit Start Date: Permit End Date: Positional Accuracy: Contact Ref: Distance: Grid Reference: Mr & Mrs R W Burrough 14/45/ 02/2486 Not Supplied Gatehayes, WHIMPLE, Devon Environment Agency, South West Region Agriculture (General) Not Supplied Borehole 16 5803 Permian Lower Marl (And Occasional Sandstone) Not Supplied Not Supplied Not Supplied Not Supplied Located by supplier to within 100m 2 810m 303505, 97105 25 500-1000m W Operator: Licence Number: Permit Version: Location: ALLIED DOMECQ SPIRITS & 14450021335 Not Supplied Prems Of Vine Prods & Whiteways Ltd, Lands At Whimple House Farm , Whimple C C Pav & 6 Vill Properties, WHIMPLE Environment Agency, South West Region Private Water Supplies (Domestic) Not Supplied Borehole 2.70 913.00 Incorrect Set Up; 17 Properties In Whimple Not Supplied Not Supplied Not Supplied Not Supplied Located by supplier to within 100m 2 810m 303510, 97090 25 500-1000m W Authority: Abstraction: Abstraction Type: Source: Daily Rate (m3) Yearly Rate (m3) Details: Authorised Start: Authorised End: Permit Start Date: Permit End Date: Positional Accuracy: Contact Ref: Distance: Grid Reference: Brought to you by Landmark If you would like any further assistance regarding this report then please contact Landmark on (Tel) 0844 844 9966, (Fax) 0844 844 9980, Email: Page 36 of 58 Sensitivity Pathways and Receptors Environmentally Sensitive Receptors (Water Related) Ref No. Search Direction Buffer Licenced Water Abstractions 25 500-1000m W Authority: Abstraction: Abstraction Type: Source: Daily Rate (m3) Yearly Rate (m3) Details: Authorised Start: Authorised End: Permit Start Date: Permit End Date: Positional Accuracy: Contact Ref: Distance: Grid Reference: Allied Domecq Spirits & The Pavillions Wine Ltd Unknown Licence Number Not Supplied Prems Of Vine Prods & Whiteways Ltd, Lands At Whimple House Farm, Supply To Whimple C.C. Pav & 6 Vill, WHIMPLE Environment Agency, South West Region Industrial Processing (Food And Drink) Not Supplied Borehole 236 61999 17 Props In Whimple - See Lice 1148 Factory At Whimple Not Supplied Not Supplied Not Supplied Not Supplied Located by supplier to within 100m 2 812m 303505, 97100 Operator: Licence Number: Permit Version: Location: Authority: Abstraction: Abstraction Type: Source: Daily Rate (m3) Yearly Rate (m3) Details: Authorised Start: Authorised End: Permit Start Date: Permit End Date: Positional Accuracy: Contact Ref: Distance: Grid Reference: Allied Domecq Spirits & The Pavillions Wine Ltd Unknown Licence Number Not Supplied Whimple House Farm Lands, WHIMPLE Environment Agency, South West Region Private Water Supply (Schools/Charities/Sports Etc) Not Supplied Borehole 16 5807 17 Props In Whimple - See Lice 1148 Not Supplied Not Supplied Not Supplied Not Supplied Located by supplier to within 100m 2 813m 303505, 97095 25 500-1000m W Operator: Licence Number: Permit Version: Location: Brought to you by Landmark If you would like any further assistance regarding this report then please contact Landmark on (Tel) 0844 844 9966, (Fax) 0844 844 9980, Email: Page 37 of 58 Sensitivity Pathways and Receptors Environmentally Sensitive Receptors (Water Related) Ref No. Search Direction Buffer Licenced Water Abstractions Operator: Licence Number: Permit Version: Location: Authority: Abstraction: Abstraction Type: Source: Daily Rate (m3) Yearly Rate (m3) Details: Authorised Start: Authorised End: Permit Start Date: Permit End Date: Positional Accuracy: Contact Ref: Distance: Grid Reference: Operator: Licence Number: Permit Version: Location: Authority: Abstraction: Abstraction Type: Source: Daily Rate (m3) Yearly Rate (m3) Details: Authorised Start: Authorised End: Permit Start Date: Permit End Date: Positional Accuracy: Contact Ref: Distance: Grid Reference: ALLIED DOMECQ SPIRITS & 14450021335 Not Supplied Prems Of Vine Prods & Whiteways Ltd, Lands At Whimple House Farm , Whimple C C Pav & 6 Vill Properties, WHIMPLE Environment Agency, South West Region Private Water Supplies (Domestic) Not Supplied Borehole 2.50 903.00 Incorrect Set Up; 17 Properties In Whimple Not Supplied Not Supplied Not Supplied Not Supplied Located by supplier to within 100m 2 814m 303505, 97090 25 500-1000m W ALLIED DOMECQ SPIRITS & 14450021335 Not Supplied Prems Of Vine Prods & Whiteways Ltd, Lands At Whimple House Farm, Supply To Whimple C.C. Pav & 6 Vill, WHIMPLE Environment Agency, South West Region Agriculture (General) Not Supplied Borehole 15.90 5808.00 17 Props In Whimple - See Lice1148 Whimple C C Pav. Not Supplied Not Supplied Not Supplied Not Supplied Located by supplier to within 100m 2 817m 303500, 97100 25 500-1000m W Brought to you by Landmark If you would like any further assistance regarding this report then please contact Landmark on (Tel) 0844 844 9966, (Fax) 0844 844 9980, Email: Page 38 of 58 Sensitivity Pathways and Receptors Environmentally Sensitive Receptors (Water Related) Ref No. Search Direction Buffer Licenced Water Abstractions Operator: Licence Number: Permit Version: Location: Authority: Abstraction: Abstraction Type: Source: Daily Rate (m3) Yearly Rate (m3) Details: Authorised Start: Authorised End: Permit Start Date: Permit End Date: Positional Accuracy: Contact Ref: Distance: Grid Reference: Mr & Mrs R W Burrough 14/45/002/2486 100 Gateshayes, Borehole Environment Agency, South West Region General Farming And Domestic Water may be abstracted from a single point Groundwater Not Supplied Not Supplied Gateshayes, Whimple, Exeter, Devon 01 January 31 December 13th November 1997 Not Supplied Located by supplier to within 10m 2 817m 303500, 97100 25 500-1000m W Operator: Licence Number: Permit Version: Location: Allied Domecq Spirits & The Pavillions Wine Ltd Unknown Licence Number Not Supplied Prems Of Vine Prods & Whiteways Ltd, Lands At Whimple House Farm, Supply To Whimple C.C. Pav & 6 Vill, WHIMPLE Environment Agency, South West Region Private Water Supply (Schools/Charities/Sports Etc) Not Supplied Borehole 2 903 17 Props In Whimple - See Lice 1148 6 Village Properties Not Supplied Not Supplied Not Supplied Not Supplied Located by supplier to within 100m 2 818m 303500, 97095 25 500-1000m W Authority: Abstraction: Abstraction Type: Source: Daily Rate (m3) Yearly Rate (m3) Details: Authorised Start: Authorised End: Permit Start Date: Permit End Date: Positional Accuracy: Contact Ref: Distance: Grid Reference: Brought to you by Landmark If you would like any further assistance regarding this report then please contact Landmark on (Tel) 0844 844 9966, (Fax) 0844 844 9980, Email: Page 39 of 58 Sensitivity Pathways and Receptors Environmentally Sensitive Receptors (Water Related) Ref No. Search Direction Buffer Licenced Water Abstractions Operator: Licence Number: Permit Version: Location: Authority: Abstraction: Abstraction Type: Source: Daily Rate (m3) Yearly Rate (m3) Details: Authorised Start: Authorised End: Permit Start Date: Permit End Date: Positional Accuracy: Contact Ref: Distance: Grid Reference: Operator: Licence Number: Permit Version: Location: Authority: Abstraction: Abstraction Type: Source: Daily Rate (m3) Yearly Rate (m3) Details: Authorised Start: Authorised End: Permit Start Date: Permit End Date: Positional Accuracy: Contact Ref: Distance: Grid Reference: ALLIED DOMECQ SPIRITS & 14450021335 Not Supplied Prems Of Vine Prods & Whiteways Ltd, Lands At Whimple House Farm , Whimple C C Pav & 6 Vill Properties, WHIMPLE Environment Agency, South West Region Agriculture (General) Not Supplied Borehole 15.90 5807.00 Factory At Whimple; 17 Props In Whimple Not Supplied Not Supplied Not Supplied Not Supplied Located by supplier to within 100m 2 819m 303500, 97090 25 500-1000m W ALLIED DOMECQ SPIRITS & 14450021335 Not Supplied Prems Of Vine Prods & Whiteways Ltd, Lands At Whimple House Farm , Whimple C C Pav & 6 Vill Properties, WHIMPLE Environment Agency, South West Region Private Water Supplies (Domestic) Not Supplied Borehole 1.40 498.00 Not Supplied Not Supplied Not Supplied Not Supplied Not Supplied Located by supplier to within 100m 2 820m 303495, 97105 25 500-1000m W Brought to you by Landmark If you would like any further assistance regarding this report then please contact Landmark on (Tel) 0844 844 9966, (Fax) 0844 844 9980, Email: Page 40 of 58 Sensitivity Pathways and Receptors Environmentally Sensitive Receptors (Water Related) Ref No. Search Direction Buffer Licenced Water Abstractions Operator: Licence Number: Permit Version: Location: Authority: Abstraction: Abstraction Type: Source: Daily Rate (m3) Yearly Rate (m3) Details: Authorised Start: Authorised End: Permit Start Date: Permit End Date: Positional Accuracy: Contact Ref: Distance: Grid Reference: Operator: Licence Number: Permit Version: Location: Authority: Abstraction: Abstraction Type: Source: Daily Rate (m3) Yearly Rate (m3) Details: Authorised Start: Authorised End: Permit Start Date: Permit End Date: Positional Accuracy: Contact Ref: Distance: Grid Reference: ALLIED DOMECQ SPIRITS & 14450021335 Not Supplied Prems Of Vine Prods & Whiteways Ltd, Lands At Whimple House Farm , Whimple C C Pav & 6 Vill Properties, WHIMPLE Environment Agency, South West Region Private Water Supply (Schools/Charities/Sports Etc) Not Supplied Borehole 236.40 61999.00 Depth 49M Not Supplied Not Supplied Not Supplied Not Supplied Located by supplier to within 100m 2 821m 303495, 97100 25 500-1000m W ALLIED DOMECQ SPIRITS & 14450021335 Not Supplied Prems Of Vine Prods & Whiteways Ltd, Lands At Whimple House Farm , Whimple C C Pav & 6 Vill Properties, WHIMPLE Environment Agency, South West Region Industrial Processing (Food And Drink) Not Supplied Borehole 0.10 6.00 Depth 49M Not Supplied Not Supplied Not Supplied Not Supplied Located by supplier to within 100m 2 823m 303495, 97095 25 500-1000m W Brought to you by Landmark If you would like any further assistance regarding this report then please contact Landmark on (Tel) 0844 844 9966, (Fax) 0844 844 9980, Email: Page 41 of 58 Sensitivity Pathways and Receptors Environmentally Sensitive Receptors (Water Related) Ref No. Search Direction Buffer Licenced Water Abstractions 25 500-1000m W Authority: Abstraction: Abstraction Type: Source: Daily Rate (m3) Yearly Rate (m3) Details: Authorised Start: Authorised End: Permit Start Date: Permit End Date: Positional Accuracy: Contact Ref: Distance: Grid Reference: ALLIED DOMECQ SPIRITS & 14450021335 Not Supplied Prems Of Vine Prods & Whiteways Ltd, Lands At Whimple House Farm , Whimple C C Pav & 6 Vill Properties, WHIMPLE Environment Agency, South West Region Private Water Supply (Schools/Charities/Sports Etc) Not Supplied Borehole 0.20 6.00 Depth 49M Not Supplied Not Supplied Not Supplied Not Supplied Located by supplier to within 100m 2 824m 303495, 97090 Operator: Licence Number: Permit Version: Location: Authority: Abstraction: Abstraction Type: Source: Daily Rate (m3) Yearly Rate (m3) Details: Authorised Start: Authorised End: Permit Start Date: Permit End Date: Positional Accuracy: Contact Ref: Distance: Grid Reference: Mr A W King 14/45/002/0042 100 Hitts Farm - Well Environment Agency, South West Region General Agriculture; General Use (Medium Loss) Water may be abstracted from a single point Groundwater Not Supplied Not Supplied Hitts Farm, Whimple 01 January 31 December 28th January 1966 Not Supplied Located by supplier to within 100m 2 882m 305200, 97400 26 500-1000m E Operator: Licence Number: Permit Version: Location: Brought to you by Landmark If you would like any further assistance regarding this report then please contact Landmark on (Tel) 0844 844 9966, (Fax) 0844 844 9980, Email: Page 42 of 58 Sensitivity Pathways and Receptors Environmentally Sensitive Receptors (Water Related) Ref No. Search Direction Buffer Licenced Water Abstractions Operator: Licence Number: Permit Version: Location: Authority: Abstraction: Abstraction Type: Source: Daily Rate (m3) Yearly Rate (m3) Details: Authorised Start: Authorised End: Permit Start Date: Permit End Date: Positional Accuracy: Contact Ref: Distance: Grid Reference: Agricultural Licence But None Succession Unknown Licence Number Not Supplied The Lodge Farm, Murrayton, ST MARTIN BY LOOE Environment Agency, South West Region Agriculture (General) Not Supplied Borehole 2 664 Poss Ref 24100103700013 See Also 24100108400018 Not Supplied Not Supplied Not Supplied Not Supplied Located by supplier to within 100m 2 927m 305200, 97600 27 500-1000m E Operator: Licence Number: Permit Version: Location: Authority: Abstraction: Abstraction Type: Source: Daily Rate (m3) Yearly Rate (m3) Details: Authorised Start: Authorised End: Permit Start Date: Permit End Date: Positional Accuracy: Contact Ref: Distance: Grid Reference: Mr S K Matthews 14/45/002/0489 100 Cross Town Farm, Well Environment Agency, South West Region General Farming And Domestic Water may be abstracted from a single point Groundwater Not Supplied Not Supplied Cross Town Farm, Whimple 01 January 31 December 1st July 1966 Not Supplied Located by supplier to within 10m 2 927m 305200, 97600 27 500-1000m E Brought to you by Landmark If you would like any further assistance regarding this report then please contact Landmark on (Tel) 0844 844 9966, (Fax) 0844 844 9980, Email: Page 43 of 58 Sensitivity Pathways and Receptors Environmentally Sensitive Receptors (Water Related) Ref No. Search Direction Buffer Licenced Water Abstractions Operator: Licence Number: Permit Version: Location: Authority: Abstraction: Abstraction Type: Source: Daily Rate (m3) Yearly Rate (m3) Details: Authorised Start: Authorised End: Permit Start Date: Permit End Date: Positional Accuracy: Contact Ref: Distance: Grid Reference: Mr G T Withers 14/45/002/0699 100 Ducks Hill, Tapped Spring Environment Agency, South West Region General Farming And Domestic Water may be abstracted from a single point Groundwater Not Supplied Not Supplied (Land At), Ducks Hill, Whimple 01 January 31 December 22nd July 1966 Not Supplied Located by supplier to within 100m 2 929m 303500, 97800 28 500-1000m NW Brought to you by Landmark If you would like any further assistance regarding this report then please contact Landmark on (Tel) 0844 844 9966, (Fax) 0844 844 9980, Email: Page 44 of 58 Sensitivity Protected Countryside Map Brought to you by Landmark If you would like any further assistance regarding this report then please contact Landmark on (Tel) 0844 844 9966, (Fax) 0844 844 9980, Email: Page 45 of 58 Sensitivity Pathways and Receptors Protected Countryside Areas Ref No. Search Direction Buffer Nitrate Vulnerable Zones Name: Description: Source: Contact Ref: Distance: Grid Reference: Not Supplied NVZ Area Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA formerly FRCA) 3 0m 304306, 97304 1 On Site E Brought to you by Landmark If you would like any further assistance regarding this report then please contact Landmark on (Tel) 0844 844 9966, (Fax) 0844 844 9980, Email: Page 46 of 58 Other Factors Other Factors Search Direction Buffer Geological BGS 1:50,000 Geological Mapping Coverage Map Sheet No.: Map Name: Map Date: Bedrock Geology: Superficial Geology: Artificial Geology: Faults: Landslip: Rock Segments: Contact Ref: Distance: Grid Reference: 325 Exeter 1995 Available Available Available Available Available Not Available 1 0m 304306, 97304 On Site E On Site S On Site E BGS 1:50,000 Superficial Deposits LEX Code: Rock Name: Rock Type: Min. Age: Max. Age: Contact Ref: Distance: Grid Reference: ALV Alluvium Clay, Silt, Sand and Gravel Flandrian Flandrian 1 0m 304310, 97293 BGS 1:50,000 Bedrock Geology LEX Code: Rock Name: Rock Type: Min. Age: Max. Age: Contact Ref: Distance: Grid Reference: AYB Aylesbeare Mudstone Group Mudstone Scythian Scythian 1 0m 304306, 97304 Brine Compensation Area No - Coal Mining Affected Areas In an area which may not be affected by Coal Mining - Non Coal Mining Areas of Great Britain No Hazard - Brought to you by Landmark If you would like any further assistance regarding this report then please contact Landmark on (Tel) 0844 844 9966, (Fax) 0844 844 9980, Email: Page 47 of 58 Other Factors Other Factors Search Direction Buffer Geological Radon Potential - Radon Protected Areas Radon Affected Areas: Source: Contact Ref: Distance: Grid Reference: The property is in a lower probability radon area, as less than 1% of homes are above the action level British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service 1 0m 304306, 97304 On Site E On Site E On Site E On Site S Radon Potential - Radon Protection Measures Radon Protection Measures: Source: Contact Ref: None British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service 1 Potential for Collapsible Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: Source: Contact Ref: Very Low British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service 1 Potential for Compressible Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: Source: Contact Ref: Moderate British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service 1 Potential for Ground Dissolution Stability Hazards - No Hazard Potential for Landslide Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: Source: Contact Ref: Very Low British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service 1 On Site E Potential for Running Sand Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: Source: Contact Ref: Low British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service 1 On Site S Hazard Potential: Source: Contact Ref: Very Low British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service 1 0-250m E On Site E Potential for Shrinking or Swelling Clay Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: Source: Contact Ref: Very Low British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service 1 Brought to you by Landmark If you would like any further assistance regarding this report then please contact Landmark on (Tel) 0844 844 9966, (Fax) 0844 844 9980, Email: Page 48 of 58 Historical Maps 1890 Brought to you by Landmark If you would like any further assistance regarding this report then please contact Landmark on (Tel) 0844 844 9966, (Fax) 0844 844 9980, Email: Page 49 of 58 Historical Maps 1906 Brought to you by Landmark If you would like any further assistance regarding this report then please contact Landmark on (Tel) 0844 844 9966, (Fax) 0844 844 9980, Email: Page 50 of 58 Historical Maps 1962 Brought to you by Landmark If you would like any further assistance regarding this report then please contact Landmark on (Tel) 0844 844 9966, (Fax) 0844 844 9980, Email: Page 51 of 58 Historical Maps 1972 Brought to you by Landmark If you would like any further assistance regarding this report then please contact Landmark on (Tel) 0844 844 9966, (Fax) 0844 844 9980, Email: Page 52 of 58 Historical Maps 1972 Brought to you by Landmark If you would like any further assistance regarding this report then please contact Landmark on (Tel) 0844 844 9966, (Fax) 0844 844 9980, Email: Page 53 of 58 Guidance Notes for Practitioner RPS RPS Consultants Ltd ('RPS') is part of the RPS Group plc, the largest European Environmental Consultancy with over 4,500 staff and a network of offices throughout the UK, Europe and key offices worldwide. As a leading advisor to the financial and property sector on potential environmental liabilities it has over thirty years experience advising on contaminated and 'brownfield' sites in the UK, and acts as a panel advisor to the majority of the UK's clearing banks, property developers/agents and the legal profession. The expertise of RPS staff together with the company's in-depth knowledge and experience in the marketplace can help you find economic solutions for even the most difficult sites. Purpose of the Assessment The purpose of the RPS Risk Assessment is to assist parties involved in property transactions in assessing the implications of certain environmental risks identified in the Report. Implementation of Part llA of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 places liability for contaminated land on the current owner or occupier where the 'polluter' cannot be found. In June 2001 The Law Society warned all solicitors to be aware of the liabilities attached to contaminated land. Further details and guidance are available in The Environmental Handbook, Fifth Edition, published by The Law Society. The Environment Agency, Local Authorities and other statutory bodies do not provide all the necessary range of information required to determine risks for environmental issues in property transactions. As a consequence, an expert assessment, of the type contained in this report, is essential. The RPS Risk Assessment determines if a sufficient risk is present for the site to be defined as contaminated, and provides a clear set of recommendations and actions where necessary. The client also has access to a technical helpline offering free initial advice and consultation by the RPS panel of environmental consultantswho provide the assessments. RPS Risk Assessment Methodology and Scope The RPS Risk Assessment is based on the site boundary defined by the client. It is provided by a panel of consultants following a detailed manual review of the Report and a review of potentially contaminative historical land uses identified from published 1:1250 (where available), 1:2500, 1:10,000 and 1:10,560 scale historical mapping and unpublished "Supply of Unpublished Survey Information" (SUSI), "SIM" and Large Scale National Grid Data" for the site and its immediate surrounding area. RPS uses the Source-Pathway-Receptor framework to make assessments regarding land contamination. The 'source' refers to a potential source of contamination, 'pathway' to a potential route it may take, and 'receptor' to the end point. For a potential liability to arise each stage of the complete pollution linkage must be present. The RPS Risk Assessment uses information contained in the Report relating to the 'source' of contamination through a study of statutory registers, current and historical land use. Analysis of the environmental information (including the geology, ground and surface water) is used to detect 'pathway' and 'receptor' stages. Importantly, the RPS Risk Assessment is also based upon the current and proposed use of the site, which enables a more accurate assessment of the pollution linkage and implication of potential contamination. It also enables appropriate advice to be given where a change of use or redevelopment are planned. RPS Risk Ratings The classes of risk referred to within the RPS Risk Assessment take into account the land use (current and proposed) and the environmental site setting. The risk ratings can be defined as follows: Low Risk - it is considered unlikely that ground contamination will give rise to a liability/cost for the owner of the site. Moderate Risk - it is possible but not certain that ground contamination will give rise to a liability/cost for the owner of the site. High Risk - there is a high potential that ground contamination will give rise to a liability/cost for the owner of the site. Asbestos Under the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2006 and HSE Guidance Note MDHS 100, any commercial property where asbestos may be present legally requires an appropriate survey, an up to date asbestos register and a non-generic management plan. Buildings constructed or refurbished between 1950 and the late 1980s are most at risk. If the property was constructed prior to 1990 you can contact RPS for further advice to ensure compliance. Ground Investigation, Remediation, Tax Advice/Credit Should there be a significant risk of ground contamination, RPS can provide the necessary additional services to ensure the risk is assessed and placed in an appropriate commercial context as well as providing all necessary geotechnical assessments. RPS is the largest planning consultancy in the UK and can advise on the requirements for obtaining planning permission for any form of development. RPS can also advise on opportunities to obtain both contaminated land qualifying relief at 150% of the capital cost as well as landfill tax exemptions during remediation. Their contact details can be found below. Contact Information Sitecheck - for queries regarding the contents of the Report, please contact the Sitecheck customer helpdesk on 0870 606 1700 RPS - for further information regarding the RPS assessment, or for general environmental consultancy advice including remediation, site inspections and tax, please contact RPS on 020 7261 1091 Brought to you by Landmark If you would like any further assistance regarding this report then please contact Landmark on (Tel) 0844 844 9966, (Fax) 0844 844 9980, Email: Page 54 of 58 Guidance Notes for Practitioner Limits of the Report If you have any queries regarding the information in this report and how to use it, please do not hesitate to contact the Sitecheck helpdesk. The RPS Risk Assessment comments upon the potential risk of the land being defined as 'contaminated land' as defined in Part llA of the Environmental Protection Act 1990. It is based on the Sitecheck Review Report and information supplied by the client. It is not based on any physical inspection of the site or condition of the land. In addition to the risk assessment, the Report includes data on risks such as Flooding, Radon Gas, Natural Subsidence and Coal Mining. These are set out, together with appropriate guidance, in the Other Factors Section of the report. (These risks are outside the definition of 'contaminated land' because they are outside the scope of Part llA of the Environmental Protection Act 1990. Where higher levels of risk are identified within the report, it does not necessarily mean that a site will be designated as contaminated land or as a Special Site. Such designation requires that the Local Authority (or Environment Agency) carry out a detailed inspection to detemine whether or not the land is contaminated. RPS use the best available public sources of information to identify possible risks and sources of land use. However, we cannot guarantee that all potentially contaminative land uses or features, whether past or current, will be identified in this report using these sources. Brought to you by Landmark If you would like any further assistance regarding this report then please contact Landmark on (Tel) 0844 844 9966, (Fax) 0844 844 9980, Email: Page 55 of 58 Useful Information Registered Landfill Sites At present no complete national data set exists for landfill site boundaries, therefore a point grid reference, provided by the data supplier, is used for some landfill sites. In certain cases the point grid references supplied provide only an approximate position and can vary from the site entrance to the centre of the site. Where the exact position of the site is unclear, Landmark construct either a 100 metre or 250 metre "buffer" around the point to warn of the possible presence of landfill. The size of this "buffer" relates to the positional accuracy that can be attributed to the site. The "buffer" is shown on the map as an orange cross-hatched circle and is referred to in the map legend as Potential Landfill Buffer. Where actual boundaries are available, the landfill site area is shown on the map as a red diagonal hatched polygon and referred to in the map legend as Registered Landfill Site. Local Authority Recorded Landfill Sites Local Authority landfill data are sourced from individual local authorities that were able to provide information on sites operating prior to the introduction of the Control of Pollution Act (COPA) in 1974. Appropriate authorities are listed under Local Authority Landfill Coverage with an indication of whether or not they were able to make landfill data available. Details of any records identified are disclosed. You should be aware that if the local authority 'Had landfill data but passed it to the relevant environment agency' it does not necessarily mean that local authority landfill data is included in our other Landfill datasets. In addition if no data has been made available, for all or part of the search area, you should be aware that a negative response under 'Local Authority Recorded Landfill Sites' does not necessarily confirm that no local authority landfills exist. Flooding The Sitecheck report flood map plots all flood related features revealed within the search area as supplied by the relevant agency. However, to avoid confusion, the text entry in the body of the report only reveals the detail of the nearest feature in each flood data set. This is also reflected in the summary table where only a single entry is included to indicate the search buffer of the nearest occurrence. Mining Instability Data The Mining Instability data was obtained on Licence from Ove Arup + Partners Limited (for further information, contact No reproduction or further use of such data is to be made without the prior written consent of Ove Arup + Partners Limited. The information and data supplied in the Product are derived from publicly available records and other third party sources and neither Ove Arup + Partners nor Landmark warrant the accuracy or completeness of such information or data The information in this Sitecheck Review Report is derived from a number of statutory and non-statutory sources. While every effort is made to ensure accuracy, Landmark cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of such information or data, nor to identify all the factors that may be relevant. If you are a private individual using this report Landmark recommend that you discuss its contents in full with your professional advisor. It is essential to read this report in conjunction with the Product User Guide and your attention is drawn to the scope of the report section within this guide. The Sitecheck Review User guide is available free of charge from our website Landmark Information Group Limited 2009. All Rights Reserved. The copyright on the information and data and its format as contained in this Sitecheck Review Report ("Report") is the property of Landmark Information Group Limited ("Landmark") and several other Data Providers, including (but not limited to) Ordnance Survey, British Geological Survey, the Environment Agency and Natural England and must not be reproduced in whole or in part by photocopying or any other method, except as allowed by Landmark's Terms and Conditions. The Report is supplied under Landmark's Terms and Conditions accepted by the customer. The Copyright, design rights and any other intellectual rights shall remain the exclusive property of Landmark and/or other Data Providers, whose copyright material has been included in this Report. Brought to you by Landmark If you would like any further assistance regarding this report then please contact Landmark on (Tel) 0844 844 9966, (Fax) 0844 844 9980, Email: Page 56 of 58 Useful Contacts Contact Names and Addresses 1 British Geological Survey Enquiry Service British Geological Survey Kingsley Dunham Centre Keyworth Nottingham Nottinghamshire NG12 5GG Telephone 0115 936 3143 Fax 0115 936 3276 2 Environment Agency National Customer Contact Centre (NCCC) PO Box 544 Templeborough Rotherham S60 1BY Telephone 08708 506 506 Please note that the Environment Agency/SEPA have a charging policy in place for enquiries. 3 Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA - formerly FRCA) Government Buildings Otley Road Lawnswood Leeds West Yorkshire LS16 5QT 4 Telephone 0113 2613333 Fax 0113 230 0879 East Devon District Council Environmental Health Department Council Offices Knowle Sidmouth Devon EX10 8HL Telephone 01395 516551 Fax 01395 513315 5 Devon County Council County Hall Topsham Road Exeter Devon EX2 4QD Telephone 01392 382000 Fax 01392 382135 Brought to you by Landmark If you would like any further assistance regarding this report then please contact Landmark on (Tel) 0844 844 9966, (Fax) 0844 844 9980, Email: Page 57 of 58 Useful Contacts Other Contacts Landmark Information Group Limited Legal and Financial The Smith Centre Fairmile Henley-on-Thames Oxon RG9 6AB Telephone 0844 844 9966 Fax 0844 844 9980 Brought to you by Landmark If you would like any further assistance regarding this report then please contact Landmark on (Tel) 0844 844 9966, (Fax) 0844 844 9980, Email: Page 58 of 58 Search Code IMPORTANT CONSUMER PROTECTION INFORMATION This search has been produced by Landmark Information Group Ltd, The Smith Centre, Fairmile, Henley on Thames, Oxon, RG9 6AB. Telephone: 0844 844 9966, Fax No: 0844 844 9980, email: which is registered with the Property Codes Compliance Board (PCCB) as a subscriber to the Search Code. The PCCB independently monitors how registered firms maintain compliance with the Code. The Search Code: - Provides protection for homebuyers, sellers, conveyancers and mortgage lenders who rely on the information included in property search reports undertaken by subscribers on residential and commercial property within the United Kingdom. - Sets out minimum standards which firms compiling and selling search reports have to meet. - Promotes the best practice and quality standards within the industry for the benefit of consumers and property professionals. - Enables consumers and property professionals to have confidence in firms which subscribe to the code, their products and services. By giving you this information, the search firm is confirming that they keep to the principles of the Code. This provides important protection for you. The Code's core principles - Firms which subscribe to the Code will: Display the Code logo prominently on their search reports. Act with integrity and carry out work with due skill, care and diligence. At all times maintain adequate and appropriate insurance to protect consumers. Conduct business in an honest, fair and professional manner. Handle complaints speedily and fairly. Ensure that all search services comply with the law, registration rules and standards. Monitor their compliance with the Code. COMPLAINTS If you have a query or complaint about your search, you should raise it directly with the firm, and if appropriate ask for your complaint to be considered under their formal internal complaints procedure. If you remain dissatisfied with the firm's final response after your complaint has been formally considered, or if the firm has exceeded the response timescales, you may refer your complaint for consideration under The Property Ombudsman scheme (TPOs). The Ombudsman can award compensation of up to £5,000 to you if it finds that you have suffered actual loss as a result of your search provider failing to keep to the Code. Please note that all queries or complaints regarding your search should be directed to your search provider in the first instance, not to TPOs or to the PCCB. TPOs Contact Details: The Property Ombudsman Scheme Milford House 43-55 Milford Street Salisbury Wiltshire SP1 2BP Tel: 01722 333306 Fax: 01722 332296 Email: You can get more information about the PCCB from PLEASE ASK YOUR SEARCH PROVIDER IF YOU WOULD LIKE A COPY OF THE SEARCH CODE Search Code COMPLAINTS PROCEDURE - If you want to make a complaint, we will: Acknowledge it within 5 working days of its receipt. Normally deal with it fully and provide a final response, in writing, within 20 working days of receipt. Keep you informed by letter, telephone or e-mail, as you prefer, if we need more time. Provide a final response, in writing, at the latest within 40 working days of receipt. Liaise, at your request, with anyone acting formally on your behalf. Complaints should be sent to: Head of Customer Relations Landmark Information Group Ltd Landmark UK Property The Smith Centre Fairmile Henley-On-Thames RG9 6AB Telephone: 0844 844 9966 E-mail: Fax: 0844 844 9980 If you are not satisfied with our final response, or if we exceed the response timescales, you may refer the complaint to The Property Ombudsman Scheme (TPOs): Tel: 01722 333306, E-mail: We will co-operate fully with the Ombudsman during an investigation and comply with his final decision. LANDMARK CONVEYANCING TERMS & CONDITIONS Full Terms and Conditions can be found on the following link: Landmark Information Group Limited, 7 Abbey Court, Eagle Way, Exeter, EX2 7HY. © Landmark Information Group Limited.
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