MASON ELEMENTARY 4455 EAST COOK ROAD GRAND BLANC, MI 48439 PHONE: (810) 591-7916 Annual Education Report (AER) Cover Letter August 2012 Dear Parents and Community Members: We are pleased to present you with the Annual Education Report (AER) which provides key information on the 2011-12 educational progress for Mason Elementary. The AER addresses the complex reporting information required by federal and state laws. The school’s report contains information about student assessment, Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) and teacher quality. If you have any questions about the AER, please contact Sonya James, Mason Elementary Principal, for assistance. The AER is available for you to review electronically by visiting the following web site:, or you may review a copy from Mrs. James’ office at Mason Elementary. For 2011-2012, Mason Elementary made Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) in the tested subjects (mathematics, reading, science, social studies and writing; as appropriate for the school grade levels tested). While we are pleased to have reached this important goal, we are continuously working to improve. We appreciate the continued support of parents, staff and our community in this effort. State law requires that we also report additional information. The Mason Elementary Mission Statement is: “We, the staff of Mason Elementary, will support our students’ efforts to achieve behavioral and academic success. We will reinforce Character Education, model behaviors of life-long learners, and provide students with diverse opportunities to become their personal best.” Sincerely, Sonya James, Principal Mason Elementary ANNUAL EDUCATION REPORT FOR MASON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 1. PROCESS FOR ASSIGNING PUPILS TO THE SCHOOL Resident students attend the school in the attendance area of the Grand Blanc Community School District in which they reside. The Grand Blanc Community School District does have a policy and a process for School of Choice requests. Copies of this policy and procedures are available through the Central Administration Office. 2. THE STATUS OF THE 3-5 YEAR SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN 2009-2010 School Year Mason’s school improvement plan focuses on strategies to improve student academic performance as well as addressing opportunities for improvement identified in our Baldrige Feedback report. Our goals are tied to the subject areas assessed on the State MEAP tests, Renaissance Learning STAR Reading and Math Assessment and from our building Professional Learning Communities. The plans are also closely linked to the Grand Blanc District’s Strategic Plan. The teams working on the school plans included certified and support staff. This group developed plans to improve students’ skills in the areas of: Reading comprehension, math problem solving, written and oral communication, increased knowledge in areas of social studies and improvements in student behavioral skills. 2010-2012 School Year During the 2001-2002 school year, all of the Grand Blanc elementary schools began the North Central Association Outcomes Process cycle. As a new school, Mason began the NCA process in 2003 and has been registered with NCA under the Performance Accreditation process. This process is directly in line with the goals and reporting procedures of the national No Child Left Behind initiative as well as with Michigan’s Education YES! Requirements. All schools in our district were awarded continued accreditation in 2011 by AdvancED, the first year of a five year cycle. 3. A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF EACH SPECIALIZED SCHOOL Grand Blanc Community Schools offers a specialized school for interested students in grades 1-5. The program affords opportunities in extending the regular elementary curriculum with additional in-depth educational and enrichment experiences. Two of the key components of the program include: a multi-age classroom organizational pattern; and, an extensive family involvement in the daily education program. 4. IDENTIFY HOW TO ACCESS A COPY OF THE CORE CURRICULUM, A DESCRIPTION OF ITS IMPLEMENTATION AND AN EXPLANATION OF THE VARIANCES FROM THE STATE’S MODEL The Grand Blanc School District continually examines its curriculum alignment with the Michigan Department of Education model core curriculum and national standards. In recent years, this examination has included the following areas: Language Arts, Foreign Language, Mathematics, Social Studies, Health and Physical Education and Technology. As a result of this effort, there are no longer any variances with the State’s model core curriculum or recommended national standards. The district’s curricular objectives, textbooks, and related teaching materials are available for public review at the administration building. 5. THE AGGREGATE STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT RESULTS FOR ANY LOCAL COMPETENCY TESTS OR NATIONALLY NORMED ACHIEVEMENT TESTS 2010-2011 School Year and 2011-2012 School Year Results for nationally normed achievement tests can be found following the Parent/Teacher Conference data in this document. Following are Mason’s End of Year (EOY) Scores in Reading and Math: MASON ELEMENTARY THIRD GRADE SCORES % PROFICIENT QRI % PROFICIENT MATH % PROFICIENT STAR READING % PROFICIENT STAR MATH 2010/2011 95% 63% NA NA 2011/2012 88% 78% 85% 83% FOURTH GRADE SCORES % PROFICIENT QRI % PROFICIENT MATH % PROFICIENT STAR READING % PROFICIENT STAR MATH 2010/2011 2011/2012 97% 49% NA NA 86% 89% 88% FIFTH GRADE SCORES % PROFICIENT MATH % PROFICIENT STAR READING % PROFICIENT STAR MATH 2010/2011 57% NA NA 2011/2012 69% 90% 82% NOTE: 2011-12 QRI ASSESSMENTS WERE ONLY GIVEN TO BELOW LEVEL STUDENTS FOR 4TH AND 5TH GRADES. NOTE: 2010-11 GATES MACGINITIE AVERAGE SCORES WERE REPORTED. 6. IDENTIFY THE NUMBER AND PERCENT OF STUDENTS REPRESENTED BY PARENTS AT PARENT-TEACHER CONFERENCES 2010-2011 School Year: 98% of students were represented by parents at Parent-Teacher Conferences. 2011-2012 School Year: 96% of students were represented by parents at Parent-Teacher Conferences.
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