Soaring to Excellence… Matt Lukshaitis, Mason Senior High School Principal August 12, 2011 Dear Parents and Community Members: We are pleased to present you with the Annual Education Report (AER) which provides key information on the 2010-2011 educational progress for Mason Senior High School. The AER addresses the complex reporting information required by federal and state laws. The school’s report contains information about student assessment, Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) and teacher quality. If you have any questions about the AER, please contact Mr. Lukshaitis for assistance. The AER is available for you to review electronically by visiting the following web site or you may review a copy from the high school office at your child’s school. State law requires that we also report additional information. 1. PROCESS FOR ASSIGNING PUPILS TO THE SCHOOL: Students who attend Mason Senior High School come mainly from Mason Middle School, via transfer, or School of Choice. 2. THE STATUS OF THE 3-5 YEAR SCHOOL IMMPROVEMENT PLAN: Following last year’s Continuous Improvement Plan, the high school is currently in Year #2 and continuing to focus on three areas: Reading Comprehension, Expository Writing, and Problem Solving/Critical Thinking. 3. IDENTIFY HOW TO ACCESS A COPY OF THE CORE CURRICULUM, A DESCRIPTION OF ITS IMPLEMENTATION AND AN EXPLANATION OF THE VARIANCES FROM THE STATE’S MODEL: Mason Senior High School follows the Michigan Core Curriculum model, a copy of which can be viewed at; additionally, this year’s freshman class will be introduced to the Common Core State Standards, the contents of which can also be viewed at Additionally, the high school offers non-core electives in art, choir, band, wood shop, metals, and physical education. A copy of this year’s curriculum guide can be located on our school district’s website under the High School button. 4. IDENTIFY THE NUMBER AND PERCENT OF STUDENTS REPRESENTED BY PARENTS AT PARENT-TEACHER CONFERENCES: Fall 2010 Winter 2011 Spring 2011 323 Parents, representing 78% of high school population 69 Parents, representing 19% of high school population 46 Parents, representing 11% of high school population 5. FOR HIGH SCHOOLS ONLY ALSO REPORT ON THE FOLLOWING: a. THE NUMBER AND PERCENT OF POSTSECONDARY ENROLLMENTS (DUAL ENROLLMENT): Juniors—10 participants, Class size: 114 Percent participating: 8.8% Seniors—13 participants, Class size: 87 Percent participating: 14.9% b. THE NUMBER OF COLLEGE EQUIVALENT COURSES OFFERED (AP/IB) Two: AP English 12 (Composition), AP English 11 (Language) c. THE NUMBER AND PERCENTAGE OF STUDENTS ENROLLED IN COLLEGE EQUIVALENT COURSES (AP/IB) AP English 12 (Composition)—20 Students; Percent participating (12th grade): 23% AP English 11 (Language)—23; Percent participating (11th grade): 20% d. THE NUMBER AND PERCENTAGE OF STUDENTS RECEIVING A SCORE LEADING TO COLLEGE CREDIT (“3” or higher earns credit): AP English 11 (Language)—12 took test, 5 scored “3” or higher; 42% of total class AP English 12 (Composition)—15 took test, 8 scored “3” or higher; 53% of total class Note: one student took three AP exams not taught on campus; student scored a “5” on AP Calc A/B (Subs), a “5” on AP Calc B/C, and a “1” (Did not finish or accept score) on AP Chem For 2010-2011, Mason Senior High School made Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) in English language arts and mathematics. While we are pleased to have reached this important goal, we are continuously working to improve. We appreciate the continued support of parents, staff and our community in this effort. As always, we are committed to making Mason Senior High School the best high school that we can and we believe in offering the best experience possible for all involved. Our goal as a high school is to provide the necessary curriculum to ensure academic success for all students, offer opportunities to be involved in various extra- and co-curricular activities, to promote social, emotional, and physical awareness, and to prepare all the members of our student body for life. At Mason Senior High School, we as a staff are committed to improve through selfreflection and the use of data to drive decisions. If you have further questions or wish to discuss our curriculum in detail, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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