Welcome Back to School! Important Dates

Welcome Back to
On behalf of the Uncas Staff I would like to
welcome all students and their families back to
school, with a special hello to all newcomers!
New to our staff are Educational Assistant Ms.
D’Lima, Library Technician and Educational
Assistant Mrs. Payette, and myself, Mr. Keil,
your new principal. We are excited about
launching the new school year, and exploring the
opportunities that lie ahead for making 2010/11 a
great year for the Uncas School Community!
There are great friends, challenges, and exciting
activities awaiting us all at Uncas Elementary
Mr, Keil, Principal
Important Dates
School Assignments
Just a reminder to check out our Uncas
Elementary School website. It is located at
www.uncas.ca. This website is updated regularly.
As a result, you will be able to access photos, the
Uncas Handbook, the School Education Plan,
Parent Council information, teacher web pages
and current newsletters.
Mrs. Shauna Cordoviz – Kindergarten
Ms. Beth McIntosh – Grade 1
Mrs. Brenda Osborn – Grade 2
Mrs. Gerri Seutter – Grade 3
Ms. Celia Hayes – Grade 4
Mrs. Carlee Hurl – Grade 4/5
Miss Jennifer Wiley – Grade 6
Mrs. Helen Bilou – FNMI Project
Mr. Andy Funke – Music and ELA
Mrs. Colleen Miller – Secretary
Mrs. Susan Siemens – EA ECS/Grade 6
Ms. Sarita D’Lima– EA ECS/Grade 1
Mrs. Kim Stephen – EA Grade 2
Mrs. Cheryle Kristensen – EA Grade 6
Mrs. Teresa Woldanski – EA ECS/Grade 2
Mrs. Amanda Cosby – EA Grade 4
Mrs. Deirdre Payette – Library Assist/Grade 4/5
Ms. Patti Fedor – Counsellor
Mrs. Jean Getzinger –Daytime House Keeper
Mr. Wayne Loren – School Caretaker
Ms. Bernie Mandrusiak – Speech Pathologist
Mr. Doug Keil - Principal
Monday, Aug. 30 -- First Day of
School for Students
Wednesday, Sept. 1 -- Staff Meeting
Early Dismissal 1:31
Monday, Sept. 6 -- Labour Day – No School
Thursday, Sept. 9 -- Meet the Teacher
Friday, Sept. 24 – No School - PD Day
Tuesday, Sept. 28 -- School Photo Day
Thursday, Sept. 30 -- Terry Fox Run
Uncas Website
If you can’t find the information you need on the
website, please feel free to contact the school at
780-922-4025. We would be more than happy to
answer any questions that you may have.
Thank you!
Mr. and Mrs. Loren undertook a thorough
cleaning of the school during the summer with
everything looking shiny and clean for school
start up. Their hard work during the summer is
appreciated by all as they took everything out of
each room and gave each of the floors, walls and
shelves a good cleaning.
Meet the Staff Night
You will be able to meet your child’s teacher(s)
during the annual Meet the Teacher on
Thursday, September 9 from 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.
These informal evenings allow students to
“show-off” their school and take ownership for
their education.
Learning Resource Fees
Grade 1 – 6
Learning Resource Fee
Noon supervision
Student Absences
Please leave the necessary information on the
school answering machine. If your child is absent
and you have not phoned us by 8:30 a.m., Mrs.
Miller will contact you. Please remember that the
safety of your child is a concern to each of us. By
keeping us informed of your child’s school
absence, you will assist us in efficiently dealing
with all absences. Let’s work together to keep
our children safe.
Student School Supplies and
Personal Property
As part of your back to
shopping we hope you are
taking the time to use a
permanent marker to label
belongings. Trust us when
we say all the boots look the same! It is always
amazing at interview time to see all of the lost
items displayed. Without labelling, it is often
difficult to help our forgetful little ones find their
jackets and boots. We also appreciate the
purchasing of indoor running shoes that do not
leave rubber streaks on floors.
As a staff, we strongly discourage the bringing of
electronic MP3 players, game systems, cell
phones and toys to school. We cannot guarantee
that these items will not be stolen or damaged.
Students who do bring these items to school need
to take full responsibility for them. If such an
item needs to be brought to school, please have
your child bring the item to the office where it
can be kept safe for the day.
Student Information Update
Correction Sheets (student information) will be
sent home later this month. Please check the
information carefully and return the form to the
school. During the year, please advise the office
of any changes in: address, babysitter, emergency
contact, parent names, home or work phone
numbers, or medical information.
Learning Resource Fee
Noon Hour Supervision
Arts & Craft Fee
We welcome volunteers to Uncas School. Each
Volunteer must fill out a ‘Confidentiality
Undertaking For Volunteers’ form. If you plan
on volunteering in the school, please fill out the
enclosed form and return it to the school by
September 15th. If you do want to volunteer and
did not fill out the form, you’ll be asked to fill
one out at the office. These forms ensure that
volunteers know that confidentiality of what
takes place and is observed regarding particular
students and classroom settings must be
maintained. It also asks for a declaration of
Criminal and Child Welfare Records. As we
want to protect all of our students, Elk Island
Public Schools’ Board of Trustees has
implemented Policy HICC – Volunteers in
Schools - to prescribe the procedure to be
followed for screening and approving volunteers
throughout the system. The policy states that all
volunteers, regardless of scope, will be required
to annually sign this form.
We have made volunteer nametags for everyone
and these can be picked up in the office. When
you arrive to volunteer in the school, please
ensure that you have signed in at our office and
that you wear one of these tags. This helps us
keep track of all the
people in our school and
quickly. Thank you for
your cooperation.
Nut Aware School
Uncas is a “Nut Aware School.” All students are
asked to refrain from bringing to school known
nut products. This helps to protect the students in
our school who are severely allergic to peanut
products. Thank you for respecting this initiative.
Thank you for sending nut free lunches to school!
If you need to make special transportation
arrangements for children who are normally
bussed, please make arrangements with the
director of transportation as we CANNOT
accept notes or phone calls as official requests. If
something comes up during the day, please
phone before 2:00 pm to let us know. In
addition to this, if you pick up a child from the
school during the day, please make sure you sign
your child out in the office.
Milk Program
We will again be offering chocolate and
white milk for sale at lunchtime. The cost is
60 cents. Cards are issued for $10.00.
O Canada
We will be playing O Canada every morning
during announcements.
Just a reminder to
students, staff and visitors that we need to stand
quietly and respectfully in the halls while O
Canada is playing.
Terry Fox Run
“In 1980 Terry Fox taught us a
memorable lesson that: even in this
complex world of ours, a single
individual with a worthy cause and
with sufficient courage and
determination can have an
enormous impact on the
world about him. Terry had
that kind of impact.” Brenda
McClew, International Director of the
Terry Fox Foundation.
Character Education
The Seven Sacred Teachings
This school year the students of Uncas
Elementary will be using the Seven Sacred
Teachings as a part of their character education.
A class will be chosen to represent each teaching
and to share it with the rest of the school during
an assembly. The Seven Sacred Teachings are a
message of traditional values and hope for the
future. The teachings are universal to most First
Nation people and are links that form a bond
between all First Nation, Metis and Iniut people.
The concepts of respect and sharing form the
foundation of the seven natural laws and each law
honours one of the basic virtues necessary for a
full and healthy life.
Each of the seven natural laws is represented by
an animal. The seven laws and their
corresponding animals are:
Truth - turtle;
Humility - wolf;
Wisdom beaver;
Honesty - sabe (self);
Courage bear;
Respect - buffalo;
Love - eagle.
The first assembly will be on Thursday,
September 9 and the Grade Six class will be
presenting the teaching.
Our traditional Terry Fox Run for Cancer
Research will be held Thursday, September 30th,
2009. Students are encouraged to ‘bring a toonie
for Terry’ in support of cancer research. Of
course, any donation is welcomed. Students will
start the run at 12:50 pm. Parents are welcome
to participate or to volunteer in manning our
route. Please let your teacher know if you are
willing to help out. Thank you!
Student/Parent Handbook
Please refer to the first pages of your child’s
agenda book for more information related to the
school. The agenda acts as a handy reference for
bell times, school holidays, closure days, etc. Our
new website also is a good resource for school
We hope students get in the habit of sharing the
agenda with you on a daily basis, as it is a good
communication tool between teachers
and parents. It is also a great way for
students to enhance their planning,
organizational and study skills.
Bell Schedule – Regular day
Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
7:58 – 8:30
8:30 – 9:02
9:02 – 9:34
9:34 - 9:47
Period 4
Period 5
Period 6
9:47– 10:19
10:19 – 10:51
10:51 – 11:23
Lunch Recess
11:23– 11:40
11:40 – 12:10
Period 7
Period 8
12:10– 12:42
12:42 – 1:14
1:14 – 1:27
Period 9
Period 10
1:27 - 1:59
1:59 - 2:31
Bell Schedule – Early Out Day
Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
7:58 – 8:25
8:25 – 8:52
8:52 – 9:19
9:19 – 9:32
Period 4
Period 5
Period 6
9:32 – 9:59
9:59 – 10:26
10:26 – 10:53
Lunch recess
10:53 – 11:13
11:13 – 11:30
Period 7
Period 8
11:30 – 11:57
11:57– 12:24
12:24 – 12:37
Period 9
Period 10
12:37– 1:04
1:04 – 1:31
Safety Reminders
At Uncas School, we do whatever we can to
ensure that our students are safe.
 Please ensure that the office has current
emergency phone numbers.
 Please ensure that you have advised the
office about any medical conditions
(including allergies).
If your child
requires special medication at school,
please submit a ‘Medication/Personal
Care Request and Authorization Form’
to the office.
 Please call the school office if your child
is going to be absent or late. We do a
child check, but it is very timeconsuming to call the homes that have
not telephoned in advance.
 Doors will be locked at 8:15 am after
students have entered, allowing plenty
of time for students to enter the school
as classes commence at 8:00 am. The
main doors will always be open.
 Doors will be open during recess periods
and at lunch recess then
immediately after
these break times.
Unfamiliar visitors
staff to verify
their purpose in the school.
Volunteers working in the school will
complete a volunteer form as required
by Elk Island Public Schools and will
wear a volunteer name tag for
 All visitors are asked to check in at the
office prior to proceeding to classrooms.
 Emergency drills for fire, severe
weather, toxic spill and lock-down will
take place during the course of the 20102011 year.
The Elk Island Regional Honor Choir
Association is a fantastic way for your
child to express themselves through
singing!! All Three choirs get quality
instruction from teachers and perform
numerous times throughout the year. Elk
Island Public Schools is proud to offer
this unique opportunity for your child to
become a more confident singer and
seasoned performer. The Elk Island
Regional Honor Choir Association is
moving into its 27th year and we would
love to have you sing with us!!
Come Sing With Us!!
*excellence in choral education
*professional instructors
*special workshops and choral retreats
*three annual concerts
*touring opportunities
*meet new friends from other schools
Elk Island Public Schools Junior
Honor Choir-Grades 2-5
Leesila Dawkins, Director
Monday Rehearsals 4:15-5:15pm at
Glenallen Elementary School
Annual Choir Fee: $300
Elk Island Public Schools Intermediate
Honor Choir-Grades 5-8
TBA, Director
Monday Rehearsals 6:30-8:00pm at Bev
Facey High School
Annual Choir Fee: $350
Elk Island Public Schools Senior
Honor Choir-Grades 9-12
Dawn Sadoway, Director
Monday Rehearsals 6:30-8:00pm at Bev
Facey High School
Annual Choir Fee: $400
Please contact Larry Frank at
larry.frank@ei.educ.ab.ca or 237-2167(c)
Ardrossan Soccer Club
2010-2011 Indoor Soccer
U6 to U18, House League & Premier
Registration Dates:
Wed. Sept 9th 7:00 – 9:00 pm
Sun. Sept. 12th 10:00 am – 3:00 pm
Tues. Sept 14th 7:00 – 9:00 pm
At Ardrossan Memorial Hall
Registration Form & Information available at
Mail in Registration to:
#109 53046 RR 222 Ardrossan, AB T8E 2E8
Girl Guides and Scouts
Girl Guide Registration will be held Wednesday
September 8 from 6-8 pm at both the Ardrossan
United Church basement and the Uncas School
Gym. Girl Guides is for all girls 5-17 who are
interested in weekly meetings with girls their own
age to participate in a variety of activities from
arts and crafts, healthy living, science, music,
outdoors, sleepovers and camping, and getting
involved in your community! For more
information on registering your daughter, or
becoming a leader (no experience required, just a
desire to make friends and have fun!); please call
area District Commissioner Kathy Malo at