SVET ISKRENJA SPARKS WORLD Delujemo globalno Acting globally SWATYCOMET je poslovni sistem, ki ga sestavlja pet povezanih družb iz Slovenije in drugih držav Evropske unije. Matično podjetje SWATYCOMET ima sedež v Mariboru, prestolnici slovenske Štajerske, proizvodne prostore pa tudi v Zrečah, Ločah in Oplotnici. SWATYCOMET je izvozno usmerjena družba, saj več kot 90 % prodaje predstavlja izvoz na številna tržišča po vsem svetu. Ob tradicionalnih trgih Evropske unije, JV Evrope, Bližnjega vzhoda in Severne Amerike vse pomembnejšo vlogo dobivajo trgi Južne Amerike, Rusije in Azije. SWATYCOMET is a business system consisting of five affiliated companies from Slovenia and other EU countries. The parent company, SWATYCOMET, is headquartered in Maribor, the capital of the Styrian region of Slovenia, but its manufacturing sites are also located in Zreče, Loče and Oplotnica. SWATYCOMET is mainly export-oriented, as over 90% of its sales consist of exports to many markets throughout the world. Along with its traditional markets within the European Union, SE Europe, Near East and Northern America, various South American, Russian and Asian markets are also becoming increasingly more important for us. SWATY-INPO Toroflex Schleifmittel, GmbH Esbachgraben 17, 95463 Bindlach Nemčija / Germany SWATY– INPO, d.o.o. Titova cesta 60, 2000 Maribor Slovenija / Slovenia Ecopack d.o.o. Tovarniška 5, 3214 Zreče Slovenija / Slovenia Dolgoletne izkušnje in bogastvo znanj Years of experience and wealth of knowledge Vizija Poslanstvo Družba SWATYCOMET bo med vodilnimi evropskimi proizvajalci s področja kakovostnih umetnih brusov in tehničnih tkanin. Položaj na trgu bo utrjevala z odličnostjo v poslovanju ter odzivnim izpolnjevanjem zahtev in pričakovanj kupcev, tudi na najzahtevnejšem tehnično-tehnološkem nivoju. Z ustvarjanjem primernega donosa iz poslovanja posameznih strateških programskih enot ter z racionalnim financiranjem bosta zagotovljeni potrebna stabilnost in trajnost poslovanja krovne družbe, v kateri se izkazuje in optimira rezultat celotnega sistema povezanih družb. Odvisna podjetja delujejo predvsem v funkciji izvajanja enotne politike in strategije na področjih marketinga in financiranja. Našim kupcem zagotavljamo izdelke s področja kakovostnih umetnih brusov in tehničnih tkanin. Visoka kakovost naših izdelkov izhaja iz tradicije in inovativnosti skozi leta našega razvoja. Pomeni našo trajno konkurenčno prednost in garancijo kupcu, da je dobil tehnološko dovršen izdelek. Pričakovanja kupcev izpolnjujemo s popolnim obvladovanjem poslovnih procesov in celovito ponudbo. Smoter našega poslovanja vidimo v trajnem ustvarjanju dovolj velike dodane vrednosti, ki bo ob uravnoteženih načelih delitve omogočila lastnikom dolgoročno povečevati vrednost premoženja, zaposlenim pa nudila stimulativno delovno okolje. V okolje, v katerem poslujemo, vstopamo družbenoodgovorno in s svojim ravnanjem razvijamo ter utrjujemo prepoznavno pozitivno identiteto in mednarodni ugled podjetja. SWATYCOMET will rank among the leading European manufacturers of high quality bonded abrasives and technical fabrics. It will strengthen its position on the market through excellence in business operations and responsive fulfilment of the requirements and expectations of its customers, even in the most demanding technical and technological fields. By creating appropriate returns from the business operations of individual strategic programme units and by rational financing, SWATYCOMET will ensure the necessary stability and continuity of the parent company, in which the business results of the entire system of affiliated companies is reported and optimised. The function of the subsidiary companies is to implement a unified policy and strategy primarily in the areas of marketing and finance. We supply our customers with high quality bonded abrasives and technical fabrics. The high quality of our products is based on the company’s long tradition and innovations fostered through the many years of its development. It constitutes our permanent competitive advantage and provides a guarantee to our customers that they are getting a high level technological product. The expectations of our customers are fulfilled through complete control of our business processes and a comprehensive range of products and services. We see the purpose our business operations in continual creation of sufficiently high added value that will enable the company’s owners to increase the value of their assets over the long term according to balanced distribution principles, and will provide a stimulating work environment for the employees. The company enters its environment in a socially responsible manner and aims to develop and strengthen a recognisable, positive identity and build a high international reputation through its actions. Vision Mission Vzpodbujamo ustvarjalnost Encouraging creativity Velikoserijska proizvodnja Large-scale production Rezalne in brusne plošče Cut-off and grinding wheels Fleksibilni brusi Coated abrasives nies in the world the largest compa g on Am / u et sv v r partners Med največjimi / Best value for ou ja er rtn pa za st p companies Najboljša vredno borating with to lla Co i/ m jši ol jb Sodelujemo z na Velikoserijska proizvodnja SWATYCOMET obsega brusne in rezalne plošče ter fleksibilne bruse za vse vrste obdelave. Celovite rešitve, dolgoletna tradicija in preverjena kakovost nas uvrščajo med vodilne proizvajalce v Evropi. Naše izdelke odlikujejo varnost, visoka vzdržljivost in cenovna primernost, ki pomenijo prihranek časa, zmanjšanje stroškov in kakovostno obdelavo. The large- scale production of SWATYCOMET comprises abrasive tools and cut-off wheels, as well as coated abrasives for all types of machining. Comprehensive solutions, long term tradition and verified quality rank SWATYCOMET among the leading manufacturers of such products in Europe. Our products are distinguished by safety, high durability and cost-efficiency and provide time savings, lower costs and high quality machining. Industrijska brusna orodja Industrial grinding tools Konvencionalni brusi Conventional grinding wheels Superabrazivi Superabrasives Ognjevzdržni materiali Refractory products d desires d to your needs an d services adapte an ts uc od Pr / m željam in potreba nical consulting Prilagajanje vašim High-quality tech / je an ov monds annually et sv o ičn illion carats of dia m a er Kakovostno tehn Ov / no let ratov diamantov Več kot milijon ka Industrijska brusna orodja SWATYCOMET pomenijo inovativnost, kakovost, strokoven servis, razumne dobavne roke in učinkovito distribucijsko mrežo. Razvijamo specialne rešitve, prilagojene potrebam tudi najzahtevnejših uporabnikov v različnih vejah industrije. Naša orodja poenostavijo vaše delo, izboljšajo vašo stroškovno učinkovitost in vas pripeljejo do želenih ciljev. SWATYCOMET industrial grinding tools signify innovation, quality, professional servicing, reasonable delivery deadlines and an effective distribution network. We develop specialised solutions that are adapted to the needs of even the most demanding customers from various branches of industry. Our tools will simplify your work, improve your cost efficiency and lead you to the desired goals. Razvijamo učinkovite rešitve Developing effective solutions Tehnične tkanine Technical fabrics Mrežice za brusno industrijo Nets for the grinding industry Fasadna mreža Façade nets Mrežice za filtriranje aluminija Sieves for filtering aluminium Roving tkanine Roving fabrics rasive and erate with the ab ami / We coop drugimi industrij in no ziv ra ab z Sodelujemo industry other branches of Tehnične tkanine družbe SWATYCOMET so rezultat lastnega tehnološkega razvoja. Smo med največjimi proizvajalci tehničnih tkanin za brusno industrijo, nenehno pa širimo tudi programe za druge industrijske namene. S strokovnim znanjem in dolgoletnimi izkušnjami zagotavljamo kakovostne izdelke in učinkovite servisne storitve. The technical fabrics produced by SWATYCOMET are the result of in-house technological development. We already rank among the largest manufacturers of technical fabrics for the grinding industry, but also continue to expand our product ranges for other industrial applications. Through professional knowledge and many years of experience, SWATYCOMET provides high quality products and effective servicing. Poslujem o v sklad u s stand okoljskim ardom ka standard kovosti IS om ISO 1 O 9001:2 SWATYCO 4001:200 000 in MET opera 4. tes in acc standard ordance w and the IS ith the ISO O 14001:2 9001:200 004 envir 0 quality onmenta l standard . SWATYCO MET je po lnopravn OSA (Org i član me anization dnarodn fo r the Safe e organiz proizvaja ty of Abra acije lce abrazi sives), ki v n ih o združuje varnost iz rodij. Gla vodilne vna dolžn delkov v skladu s p ost člano standard v je zago redpisi o ih EN 124 toviti rg a n iz 13, EN 13 acije, ki te testiranje 743 in EN meljijo n izdelkov. a 13236, te r v skladu SWATYCO z njimi MET is a fu ll membe OSA (Org r of the in anization ternation for the Sa al organis manufact fety of Ab ation urers of a rasives) th b ra si at unites ve tools. T members leading he main o is to assu bligation re the safe the organ of OSA’s ty of their isation’s re products g u in accord la ti 13236 sta ons and th ance with ndards, a e EN 1241 nd to pro 3, EN 137 these norm vide prod 4 3 and EN s. uct testin g in comp liance wit h Aktivni sm o tudi v o rganizacij Producers i FEPA (Fe of Abrasi deration v es), ki zdru of Europe proizvaja žuje prek an lcev in up o 30 prete o ra b nikov abra Osnovno žno evro zivnih ma poslanstv pskih terialov. o organiz pri razvo acije FEPA ju, proizv je pomagati odnji in im izdelkov. svojim čla plementa nom ciji vseh v SWATYCO rst abrazi MET is als vnih o active w Producers ithin the F of EPA (Fede European Abrasives), which rati unites ov manufact er 30 pred on of European urers and mission is ominantl users of a to help its y brasive m members implemen ateri in tation of all types o the development, als. FEPA’s basic f abrasive manufact ure and products. Naziv podjetja / Company Name: SWATYCOMET, umetni brusi in nekovine, d.o.o. Kratek naziv podjetja / Short company name: SWATYCOMET d.o.o. Sedež družbe / Registered offices: Titova cesta 60, 2000 Maribor, Slovenija Direktor družbe / Company’s General Manager: M. Merkan Matična številka / Registration number: 3716481000 ID za DDV / VAT Identification number: SI31269656 Osnovni kapital: 11.919.746,29 EUR / Founding capital: EUR 11,919,746.29 Leto ustanovitve / Year of founding: 2010 Telefon / Phone: +386 (0)2 3331 600 Faks / Fax: +386 (0)2 3331 790 Spletni naslov / Website: Elektronski naslov / E-mail:
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