1997 Tretja konferenca slovenskega komiteja CIGRE-referati PAPERS SLO, HR CIGRE Študijski komiteji (ŠK) 11-01 ANALIZAVIBRACIJ IN INFRARDEČA TERMOGRAFIJA V POSTROJU NEK D. Berkovič, S. Volčanjk, B. Sambol Povzetek - Prikazati želimo metodologijo spremljanja in analize mehanskih vibracij ter infrardečo termografijo, kot diagnostični metodi, ki prispevata k zgodnjem odkrivanju razvijajočih se napak, ter nekaj primerov njune uporabe. Poleg razvijajočih se napak, je z omenjenimi metodami mogoče prepoznati tudi slabosti pri projektiranju, montaži, obratovanju in vzdrževanju posameznih strojev ter naprav. Zaradi množice rotirajočih strojev, ki so izvori vibracij, obenem pa zelo pomembnih z vidika proizvodnje energije in varnosti (turbina, generator, el.motorji, črpalke, ventilatorji,..) ter velikega števila naprav za prenos in distribucijo električne energije (stikališča, zbirke, stikalne naprave distribucijski paneli), ki jih je mogoče najti v elektrarniškem okolju, sta omenjeni metodi še posebej uporabni. 11-02 PREDNOSTI KONTROLE Z METODO ULTRAZVOČNE DIFRAKCIJE PRI POVEČANJU VARNOSTI IN ZANESLJIVOSTI OBRATOVANJA ELEKTROPOSTROJENJA P. Dukić, I. Dukić, Š.Marjetič, D.Kokalj Povzetek - Periodične kontrole stanja materiala so nujne za varno in zanesljivo obratovanje energetskega bloka, posebej pri vitalnih komponentah, kot so turbinski generatorski rotorji, ohišja in toplo navlečene generatorske kape. Vloga kontrole brez porušitve je v temu, da zanesljivo detektira in spremlja spremembe pri ugotovljenih razpokah, oziroma daje parametre za izračun preostale živIjenske dobe, če so kriteriji sprejemljivosti definirani. V tem prispevku so podane preiskave opravljene na generatorski kapi, in sicer s tehniko ultrazvočne difrakcije (TOFD), ki omogoča zanesljivo detekcijo lociranja in določanje velikosti napak. Te podatke rabimo pri določanju življensk dobe. Tako dobljeni podatki se lahko uporabijo kot izhodišče za spremljanje razpoke z časom, ali pa kot vhodni podatek za izdelavo izračuna napredovanja razpoke, oziroma izračun preostale življenske dobe kape. 11-03 DEFINIRANJE METODE ZA PRAĆENJE STANJA ROTACIJSKIH STROJEVA KAO POSLJEDICA NJIHOVOG VIBRODINAMIČKOG PONAŠANJA Goran Orešković, Boris Meško Povzetek - U referatu je opisan način definiranja metode za pračenje stanja rotacijskih strojeva, baziran na mjerenju vibrodinamičkih veličina, računarskoj akviziciji te obradi signala i statističkoj analizi pomoču računala. Kao konkretni primjer primjene metode opisan je način pračenja stanja komponente CP (charging pump) u Nuklearnoj elektrarni Krško. ENGLISH CIGRE Study Committees (SC) 11-01 VIBRATION ANALYSIS AND INFRARED THERMOGRAPHY AS USED IN NEK POWER PLANT D. Berkovič, S. Volčanjk, B. Sambol Abstract - The paper presents the methodology of surveillance and analysis of mechanical vibrations and infrared thermograph as diagnostic methods, which contribute to early fault detection and some cases of their use. Beside developing faults, some other deficiencies caused by design, construction, operation and maintenance of the machines and installations can be detected by mentioned methods. Because of the variety of rotating machines, that are sources of vibrations, yet very important for power production and safety (turbine, generator, el. motors, pumps, fans,...) and the variety of installations for power transfer and distribution (switchyards, busses, switches, distributinn panels) that can be found in the power plant environment, mentioned methods are very useful. 11-02 P. Dukić, I. Dukić, Š.Marjetič, D.Kokalj Abstract - For safe and reliable operating of power plant, it is essential to carry out periodical inspection of material condition, especially for vital components as turbine and generator rotors, casings and shrunk-on retaining rings. The purpose of non - destructive testing is detecting and monitoring rate of propagation of cracks, or providing data for computing of remaining life if the acceptance criteria are defined. In this paper inspection of generator retaining rings is presented, by means of Time-of-Flight-Diffraction technique (TOFD), which provides reliable detecting, locating and sizing of defects, giving us credible parameters for remaining life assessment. This parametar (data) can be used either for observing propagation of crack in time or like parametars necessary for calculating crack propagation or remaining life calculation. 11-03 DETERMNATION OF A VIBRODYNAMIC CONDITIONS SURVEILLAII, CE BASE D METHOD FOR ROTATING EVIA.CHINERY MONITORING Goran Orešković, Boris Meško Abstract - A determination of the method for rotating machinery monitoring based vibrodynamic signal measurements, computer signal acquisition, and computer signal and statistics analysis is described. The charging pump (CP) surveillance in Nuclear power plant Krško is presented, as a method application example. 11-04 REVITALIZACJA VZBUJANJA TURBOGENERATORJEV Jože Zapušek, Pavel Omahen, Simon Tot Povzetek - V članku podajamo karakteristike sinhronskega agregata z modernim vzbujalnim sistemom v statični izvedbi, ki so predvideni za zamenjavo v TE Šoštanj 1, 2 in 3. Vzbujalni sistem UNITROL F podjetja ABB je opremljen tudi s stabilizatorjem (PSS) lastnih in sistemskih nihanj EES. Na primeru konkretnih parametrov agregata TEŠ-5 podajamo simulacijske rezultate njegovih dinamičnih lastnosti pri obratovanju s prenosnim omrežjem EES Slovenije v različnih stanjih in z različnimi karakteristikami regulacije vzbujanja. Prikazujemo pozitivni vpliv morebitne vključitve PSS na dušenje dinamičnega odziva agregata TEŠ-5. 11-04 REV1TALISATION OF THERMAL POWER PLANTS EXCITAT1ON SYSTEM Jože Zapušek, Pavel Omahen, Simon Tot Abstract - Characteristics or a synchronous machine, equipped with a modern excitation system and connected to a large system, are shown. Basic characteristic and data of the TEŠ 1, 2 and 3 new excitation system UNITROL F (ABB company), including power system stabiliser (PSS), are given. A simulation approach analysis of the TEŠ-5 thermal power plant dynamics, operating within the Slovenian electric power system, is given. A wide range of the plant excitation control characterstics and complete system operation states are investigated. An important contribution of the power system stabilizer (PSS) control loop to the TEŠ-5 plant electromechanical swings damping is shown. 11-05 ZAMENJAVA STATORJA GENERATORJA 4 V TE ŠOŠTANJ Franc Poličnik Povzetek - Referat opisuje problematiko pregrevanja statorskega pakera generatorja št. 4 z močjo 320 MVA v TE Šoštanj. Opisano je stanje in pogoji obratovanja generatorja pred zamenjavo statorja, teoretična razlaga pojava pregrevanja in ukrepi za zmanjšanje temperatur na kritičnih mestih pregrevanja. 11-06 DOLGOROČNA PROBLEMATIKA POKRIVANJA POTREB SLOVENSKEGA EES PO ENERGIJI IN MOČI Franc Potočnik, Zvone Košnjek, Zvonko Bregar Povzetek - Na osnovi scenarija razvoja porabe električne energije iz javnega omrežja iz Nacionalnega energetskega programa RS in strategije razvoja slovenskega elektroenergetskega sistema (EES) iz istega dokumenta je prikazana pričakovana vloga posameznih vrst elektrarn pri pokrivanju potreb po energiji in moči v obdobju do leta 2020. Analizirani so strukturni probemi, ki so posledica izbrane razvojne usmeritve in se kažejo predvsem v širokem razponu potrebnega spreminjanja proizvodnje posameznih vrst elektrarn. 11-05 THE EXCHANGE TO IRONKERNEL ON THE GENERATOR 4 IN T.P.P. ŠOŠ TANJ Franc Poličnik Abstract - The report describes about the temperaturcharge problem on ironkernel of the generator number 4, 320 MVA in t.p.p.Šoštanj. lt is describing the condicion and conditions of generator activity before exchange of the ironkernel, theoretical explenation of the step to reduce the temperature on critical points. 11-06 LONG TERM ENERGY AND POWER DEMAND OF THE SLOVENIM ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEM Franc Potočnik, Zvone Košnjek, Zvonko Bregar Abstract - The case study is based on the Scenario of the Development of the Electricity Consumption from the public network, as used at the elaboration of the proposal of the National Energy Program of the Republic of Slovenia, and the Development Strategy of the Slovenian EPS of the same document. The role of different power plant types in the meeting of the energy and power demand in the period up to 2020 is discussed. The study ends with an analysis of he structural problems, related to the very variable scope of the energy and power demand, that each type of the Slovenian thermal power plants will have to solve. 11-07 STRATEGIJA VARSTVA OKOLJA PRI SLOVENSKIH TERMOELEKTRARNAH Igor Čuhalev Povzetek - Prikazan je način reševanja okoljevarstvene problematike pri slovenskih termoelektrarnah. Rešitve so različne in so odvisne predvsem od velikosti in starosti termoenergetskih objektov. S pomočjo uporabe čistilnih naprav, zamenjave goriva ali izgradnje nadomestnih objektov naj bi vse slovenske termoelektrarne do mejnega leta 2004 predvidoma dosegle zakonske dopustne emisijske koncentracije in s tem prispevale k čistejšemu okolju. 11-07 SLOVENIAN THERMAL POWER PLANT ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION STRATEGY Igor Čuhalev Abstract - The paper is concerned with the issue of the environmental protection to be assured by the Slovenian thermal power plants. The solutions being numerous, they mostly depend on the size and age of thermal power plants. By means of retrofitting appropriate cleaning equipment, transfer to cleaner fuel or construction of substitution plants, it is hoped that by the time of the goal year 2004, the Siovenian thermal power plants will have taken all the necessary measures that will make them qualified for respecting the legaily adopted limit of permissive emission concentrations and thus contribute to cleaner environment. 11-08 UPRATING OF THE HPP ON THE UPPER SAVA RIVER Drago Polak Abstract - in this paper are shortly described problems in electrical power system of R Slovenja, specially in the field of regulation power. One of the possible solution for this kind of problems is uprating of existing HPP where we can epxoit all avaiable natural hydropotential. The refurbishment and uprating of HPP Moste and HPP Medvode are elso described. HPP Moste is the only Slovenian weekly storage HPP and HPP Medvode is a part of the chain HPP Mavčiče - HPP Medvode as the head reservoirs of whole chain on the Sava 11-08 DOINSTALACIJA HE NA ZGORNJI SAVI Drago Polak Povzetek - V referatu je opisana problematika EES, kateremu kronično primanjkuje vršne moči in energije ter rezerve regulacijskih moči za regulacijo frekvence in moči. Ena od rešitev navedene problematike je tudi doinstalacija obstoječih HE v katerih se glede na starost ob potrebnih obnovitvenih delih izkoristi naravne danosti hidropotenciala, ki ga te HE izkoriščajo. Opisana sta projekta obnove in doinstalacije HE Moste kot edine akumulacijske HE z tedensko izravnavo pritokov in Medvode kot člen verige HE Mavčiče HE Medvode, ki imata vlogo čelnih bazenov celotne Savske verige. 12-01 OZEMLJITVENI TRANSFORMATOR S PRETEŽNO OHMSKO IMPEDANCO Konrad Lenasi, Maks Berlec Povzetek - Članek obravnava smisel uporabe in delovanje ozemljitvenega transformatorja. Podane so osnovne enačbe, potrebne za konstruiranje naprave v Z vezavi, z morebitno lastno rabo. Opisana je tehnična izboljšava, ki zagotavlja obratovanje brez dodatnega zunanjega ozemljitvenega ohmskega upora. 12-02 SIMULATOR TERMIČNE SLIKE TRANSFORMATORJA Danilo Makuc, Konrad Lenasi, Bojan Stojčić Povzetek - Življenjska doba transformatorja je v glavnem odvisna od življenske dobe izolacije. Staranje le-te je kumulativen pojav, ki je ob tem še eksponencialno odvisen od temperature, zato je ugotavljanje ''prave starosti" oziroma iztrošenosti transforrnatorja težavno ali skoraj nemogoče. Za izračunavanje relativne stopnje staranja in absolutnega staranja (used life) lahko uporabimo nadzorni sistem z merilnikom staranja, ki nam s svojimi podatki pomaga pri bolj ekonomičnem izkoriščanju transformatorja. Tak nadzorni sistem smo izdelali za PC, ker pa za meritve in preizkušanja nismo imeli dejanskega transformatorja, smo izdelali še simulator termične slike oljnega transformatorja. 12-03 OBVLADOVANJE SIL V TRANSFORMATORJU Leon Bandelj Povzetek - S pomočjo zrcaljenja in Maxwellove enačbe za izračun sil se izračuna sile na navitja v transformatorju. Rezultati pokažejo, da pri navitjih z enakimi višinami aksialne sile zaradi vpliva železa na stresano polje obstajajo. Z višanjem notranjega navitja nad ostala navitja se doseže optimalno konstrukcijo, kjer so vsa navitja prbližno enako obremenjena s silami. 12-04 OPTIMIZACIJA SUHIH DISTRIBUTIVNIH TRANSFORMATORA SNAGE U "FILAMENT WINDING" TEHNICI Nedim Sarajlić, Hamid Zildžo Povzetek - Radom se prezentira metoda proračuna i optimizacije aktivneg dijela suhih distributivnih transformatora snage realizovanih specifičnim tehnološkim postupkom poznatim pod nazivom "filament winding." Dat je kratak osvrt na karakteristike specifičnog koncepta distributivnih transformatora snage u pomenutoj tehnologiji. Prezentirane su osnovne matematske postavke metode proračuna i optimizacije. Primjenjena metoda, pored osnovne namjene, pruža mogučnost proučavanja i odnosa utjecajnih i konsekventnih parametra. 12-05 TEŠKA OŠTEĆENJA ENERGETSKIH TRANSFORMATORA U RATU I NJIHOVA SANACIJA Vidović Ninoslav, Velagić Fikret, Gutlić Kemal Povzetek - U ratu elektroenergetska oprema je bila izložena teškim stradavanjima. Energetski transformatori djelili so takoje sudbinu opreme tako da su bili izuzetno teško oštečeni. Značaj energetskog sistema je tolika važan da kod stradavanja ovoga dovodi se u pitanje civilizacijska forma življenja. Jedan od prioritetnih zadataka je obnova energetskog sistema. U materijalu je dat pregled u kratkim naznakama vezano za oštečenja, i sanaciju (obnovu) energetskih transformatora prenosnog sistema. Poduzete su izuzetne tenničke aktivnosti na sanacijama. lstakla bi se i ogromna finansijska povoljnost rada na licu mjesta na ovakvim poslovima. River. 12-01 INTERCONNECTED STAR NEUTRAL EARTHING TRANSFORMER WITH MAINLY OHMIC RESISTANCE Konrad Lenasi, Maks Berlec Abstract - The paper deals with the sense of use and working principles for the interconnected star grounding transformer. Basic formulas, useful for constructing of the apparatus in the interconnected star connection are given with the assumption of possibie star connected load. Technical improvement is proposed for operation of the apparatus without external grounding resistor. 12-02 TRANSFORMER'S THERMAL IMAGE SIMULATOR Danilo Makuc, Konrad Lenasi, Bojan Stojčić Abstract - Transformer's life duration is mainly determined by life duration, of insulation system. The ageing is cumuiative process which is also exponentially dependent of temperature. Because of this, transformer's actual age or used life is difficult to determine. Relative ageing rate and absolute ageing are calcuiated by transformer monitoring system which also helps in more economical use of transformer. In our laboratory such a monitoring system for PC was developed. In the absence of real transformer we also made thermal image simulator that was used for measuring and testing. 12-03 MANAGING OF FORCES IN A TRANSFORMER Leon Bandelj Abstract - Calculation of forces in transformer's windings by use of the method of Images and Maxwell equation. The Results show an existence of axial forces in windings of the same hight due to a non equal leakage field in which windings are. With a rise of the inner winding's hight above the others an optimal transformer's construction is obtained, where windings are exposed to a near equal mechanical stress. 12-04 OPTIMAL DESIGN OF DRY TYPE DISTRIBUTION POWER TRASFORMER MADE BY "FILAMENT WINDING" TECHNIQUE Nedim Sarajlić, Hamid Zildžo 12-05 HARD DAMAGE OF POWER TRANSFORMER DURING IN THE WAR AND ITS REVITALISATION Vidović Ninoslav, Velagić Fikret, Gutlić Kemal Abstract - During the war electric equipment was expossed high distressings. Power transfomers had the same fatality as other equipment, so it was very hardly harmed. Importance electric power system is so weat that with distressing it, come to extinguishing civilised form of life. One of the most priority tasks is reconstruction of electric power system. In "report material" are given review in short designation refening for the devastation, and improvement (reconstruction) of power transformer and transmission line system. Great technical activities are underlaked for revitalisation of equipment. Also, we are point very high finance concession for work at site. 12-06 PRIMER UPORABE KOMPLEKSNE METODE ZA OCENJEVANJE PREOSTALE ŽIVLJENSKE DOBE VELIKIH ENERGETSKIH TRANSFORMATORJEV Maks Babuder, Maja Končan-Gradnik Povzetek - Globalna ocena pričakovane življenjske dobe aktivnega dela energetskega transformatorja temelji v največji meri na podatkih o njegovem izolacijskem sistemu, katerega tvori izolacija olje-papir. V referatu je prikazan primer ugotavljanja življenske dobe na podlagi anlize podatkov o termičnih obremenitvah posameznih pomembnih delov izolacije ob iskanju korelacije s spremembami stopnje polimerizacije (DP) papirja po direktni in indirektni metodi (ugotavljanje furanov v olju). Prikaz zajema obravnavo konkretnega primera dveh transformatorjev pomembne elektrarne v okviru elektroenergetskega sistema Slovenije. 12-06 A CASE OF IMPLEMENTATION OF A COMPLEX METHOD OF REMAIN1NG LIFE-T1ME OF LARGE POWER TRANSFORM Maks Babuder, Maja Končan-Gradnik Abstract - An overall assessment of the remaining life-time of the active part of a power transformer is based largely on data concerning its insulation system which mainly consist of paper-oil insulation. In the paper a case of remaining life-time assessment done by analysing temperature stress of some important parts of oil-paper insulation is reported. An approach to correlate these results with the degree of polymerization (DP) was done too. For this purpose the direct and indirect (analysing furanic compounds in oill method for obtaining the DP of the paper within the transformer were implemented. The report deals with a real case of two step-up transformers of an important power plant in the Electric Power System of Slovenia. 13-01 VLOGA KONVENCIONALNIH ODKLOPNIKOV S PRIGRAJENIM KONTROLNIM MODULOM Igor Papič, Peter Žunko Povzetek - Naprave za sinhrono izvajanje stikalnih manevrov - Controlled Switching - CS so namenjene za uporabo konvencionalnih odklopnikov v nekaterih značilnih stikalnih primerih tako, da minimiziramo prehodne prenapetosti in ali tokove v električnem omrežju. CS naprava predstavlja delovanje odklopnika, ki je zunanje sinhroniziran s pomočjo kontrolne naprave. Delovanje naprave na način, da se kontakti sklenejo ali razklenejo v predhodno določeni točki na referenčnem napetostnem ali tokovnem signalu že dolgo velja kot idealni pristop za nadzor generacije stikalnih prenapetosti. Prednost takega načina preklapljanja je nadomestitev ali zmanjšanje uporabe tradicionalne opreme (upori, dušilke, prenapetostni odvodniki, ...) in/ali podaljšanje življenjske dobe stikalne naprave in ostale opreme. 13-01 ROLE OF CONVENTONIAL CIRCUIT BREAKERS EQUIPPED WITH CONTROL MODULE Igor Papič, Peter Žunko Abstract - The controlled switching - CS equipments are to make use of conventional circuit-breakers in some typical switching cases in order to minimize the transient overvoltages and/or currents in the electrical network. Controlled switching is defined as switching operations which are synchronized externally by means of control device. The operation of device in such a manner that contacts are closed or opened at a predetermined point on a reference voltage or current wave has long been regarded as an ideal approach to control the generation of switching surges. The advantage of controlled switching is to allow the replacement or reduction of traditional hardware and/or the substation equipment, extension of the electrical life of the switching device and other. 13-02 MODELIRANJE ELEKTRIČNEGA OBLOKA V ODKLOPNIKU S POMOČJO MAYRJEVE IN CASSSIEJEVE DIFERENCIALNE ENAČBE Grega Bizjak, Peter Žunko Povzetek - Opisan je model električnega obloka, temelječ na Mayrjevi in Cassiejevi diferencialni enačbi. Model obloka, vdelan v model odklopnika, je namenjen digitalnim simulacijam izklopa toka, ki dajo oceno izklopilne sposobnosti odklopnika. Članek podaja njegove teoretične osnove in izvedbo. Model je potrjen s pomočjo primerjave simulacijskih rezultatov z izmerjenimi. Podan pa je tudi praktičen primer njegove uporabe. 13-03 UPORABA MEHKEGA MODELA ZA IZRAČUN VKLOPNIH PRENAPETOSTI Brane Hlebčar, Peter Žunko Povzetek - Prikazan je model za napovedovanje prenapetosti, ki nastanejo ob vklopu dolgih neobremenjenih prenosnih daljnovodov. Model temelji na sistemu mehkih pravil ki so napisana na osnovi že dobljenih rezultatov ter znanj in izkušenj s področja tovrstne problematike. Mehčanje vhodnih spremenljivk je izvedeno s pomočjo mehkih množic s trikotniškimi pripadnostnimi funkcijami. Pri postopku sklepanja je uporabljena MAX-MIN inferenca, izhodne spremenljivke pa se ostrijo s pomočjo težiščne metode. V članku je prikazan tudi primer praktične uporabe tega modela. 13-04 PRORAČUN DIELEKTRIČNE ČVRSTOČE MEDUKONTAKTNOG RAZMAKA KOD SF6 PREKIDAČA VISOKOG NAPONA PRI 13-02 CIRCUIT BREAKER MODEL WITH ELECTRICAL ARC BASED ON MAYR'S AND CASSIE'S DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS Grega Bizjak, Peter Žunko Abstract - A model of an electrical arc based on Mayr and Cassie differential equations were developed. The model combined in a model of circuit-breaker can be used for digital simulations to determine the current interruption capability of the circuit-breaker. The theoretical basis and the structure of the model are described. The model is verified on a sample of measured results, and the practical use of the model is demonstrated. 13-03 APPLICATION OF FUZZY MODEL FOR CALCULATING OF CLOSING OVERVOLTAGES Brane Hlebčar, Peter Žunko Abstract - A model for forecasting overvoltages which occur during the closing and autoreclosing of long unloaded transmission lines is presented. The model is based on a system of fuzzy-rules written on the basis of previous results, the know-how and experience available from this field. The fuzzification of input variables is carried out using fuzzy sets with a triangular membership funcfions. MAX-MlN fuzzyinference was used in the inference procedure and the output variables were defuzzifed using the center of gravity method. An example demonstrating the application of this model is also given. 13-04 Hamid Zildžo, Nedim Sarajlić PREKIDANJU KAPACITIVNIH STRUJA Hamid Zildžo, Nedim Sarajlić Sažetak: U radu se vrši istovremeni proračun 2-D toka SF6 plina (proračun gustoče plina) i dielektričnih naprezanja u međutkontaktnom razmaku sklopnog elementa prekidača pri referentnim uvjetima plina. Promatra se odredeni broj međupoložaja pokretnih i nepokretnih kontakala u toku ispitivanja kapacitivne struje. Na osnovu proračunatih vrijednosti promjene gustine plina i referentnih dielektričnih naprezanja, vrši se numeričko prognoziranje stvarne dielektrične čvrstoče međukontaktnog razmaka pri stvarnim vrijednostima gustne SF6 plina. 13-05 KONTAKTNO-OBLOČNI SISTEM MOTORSKEGA ZAŠČITNEGA STIKALA S POVEČANO IZKLOPNO ZMOGLJIVOSTJO Martin Bizjak Povzetek - Motorsko zaščitno stikalo varuje elektromotor pred preobremenitvijo in velikimi tokovnimi sunki, za kratkostično zaščito pa skrbijo varovalke. Povečana stikalna zmogljivost in kratkostična trdnost sodobnih izvedb stikala omogoča hkrati še kratkostično zaščito brez dodatnih varovalk. Uspešen izklop toka kratkega stika dosežemo po principu izklopa s tokovno omejitvijo, kar pomeni omejitev toka med izklopom po velikosti in času trajanja. Učinek tokovne omejitve je povezan s hitrostjo ugasitve izklopnega obloka, ki je odvisna od konstrukcije stikalnega sistema in njegovega izklopnega mehanizma. 13-06 LABORATORIJSKO PRESKUŠANJE NOVEGA KONTAKTORJA Jože Pihler, Alojz Lovrenčič Povzetek - Članek obravnava idejno zasnovo in rezultate preskušanja eksperimentalno razvojne faze novega elektromagnetnega kontaktorja. Uporablja se z vklapljanje, preklapljanje in izklapljanje električnih aparatov in naprav na napetostnen območju do 1 kV. Njegova uporaba bo predstavljena pri zagonu in obratovanju asinhronskih motorjev, kjer je sicer potrebno uporabiti več kontaktorjev in časovni rele. Izdelan je bil eksperimentalni prototip novega kontaktorja, na katerem so bili opravljeni preskusi segrevanja, dielektrične trdnosti ter delni preskusi mehanske življenjske dobe. Izvedeni so bili tudi pripravljalni preskusi vklopne in izklopne zmogljivosti. Po opravljenih konstrukcijskih spremembah je elktromagnetni kontaktor navedene preskuse uspešno prestal. 14-01 NAČRTOVANJE BATERIJSKOAKUMULACIJSKEGA SISTEMA ZA TAB MEŽICA Igor Papič, Peter Žunko, Anton Krajnc Povzetek - Baterijsko-akumulacijski sistem (BAS) omogoča shranjevanje energije v času manjšega odjema in oddajanje shranjene energije nazaj v omrežje v času konične obremenitve, kar predstavlja dobro rešitev za uravnavanje dnevne obremenitve. V referatu je predstavljeno načrtovanje baterijsko-akumulacijskega sistema za Tovarno akumulatorskih baterij - TAB v Mežici. Pri uporabi BAS-a za rezanje konične moči je zelo pomembna ocena sposobnosti pokrivanja določene obremenitve v času nekaj ur. V ta namen je bil razvit simulacijski model baterije, ki upošteva odvisnost napetosti od kapacitete in izhodnega toka baterije ter temelji na izvedenih meritvah na baterijah. Z omenjenim modelom, ki predstavlja zelo učinkovito orodje za načrtovanje kapacitete tovrstnih naprav, je bila izvedena simulacija pokrivanja značilne konične obremenitve v TAB Mežica. 13-05 ARC QUENCHING SYSTEM OF MOTOR PROTECTION SWITCH WITH ENHANCED BREAKING CAPACITY Martin Bizjak Abstract - Motor protection switch enables primarily the protection of electric motor against overload and overcurrent, while the short-circuit protection is provided by back- up fuses. Modem versions of motor protection switches with high shortcuit breaking capacity poses characteristics of circuit breakers, thus no additional back-up fuses are neeessary for short-circuit protection. Successful breaking of short-circuit currents are enabled by current limiting action of switch, which means reducing of magnitude and duration of current during breaking operation. The effect relates on arc quenching speed, which is dependent on design of switching mechanism and arc quenching system. 13-06 LABORATORY TESTING OF NEW CONTACTOR Jože Pihler, Alojz Lovrenčič Abstract - The paper presents the outline design and the testing results of the experimental development phase of the new electromagnetic contactor. The contactor is employed for switching-on, commutating and switching-off of various electrical apparatures and devices up to 1 kV. It deals with the starting and control of the operation of asynchronous electromotors for which several contactors and a time-lag relay are normally required. The experimental prototype of the new contactor was used to perform the temperature - rise, the dielectric properties, the partial mechanical and the preliminary making and breaking capacities tests. After the performed reconstruction the new electromagnetic contactor withstood all above mentioned tests successfuliy. 14-01 BATTERY ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEM PLANING FOR TAB MEŽICA Igor Papič, Peter Žunko, Anton Krajnc Abstract - A battery energy storage system (BESS) enables energy storage at lower demand and sends saved energy back to the system during peak load, represents a good solution for daily load leveling. In the paper the battery energy storage system planning for the battery factory in Mežica (TAB) is presented. The evaluation of the ampere-hour capacity of the battery needed for load leveling during a period of several hours is of great importence when using BESS as a real power peaking station. A simulation model of the battery has been developed for this purposes. The model takes into account the battery voltage dependency on the capacity and current and it is besed on the performed battery measurements. By using the mentioned model, which proved to be a very effective tool for device capacity planning, the simulation of the characteristic load leveling of the system in TAB Mežica has been performed. 14-02 SISTEMSKI VIDIKI SISTEMA ZA UPRAVLJANJE Z ENERGIJO SUPRAPREVODNIH SHRANJEVALNIKOV ENERGIJE Rafael Mihalič Povzetek - Razvoj močnostne elektronike in supraprevodnih shranjevalnikov električne energije je botroval razvoju t.i. SEMS in tako odprl nove možnosti regulacije pretokov moči v EES. V delu želimo razjasniti nekatere osnovne pojme, ki se navezujejo na vprašanje v katerih mejah lahko SEMS vpliva na pretoke moči v omrežju. Analize so bile izvede le na podlagi matematičnih modelov za paralelni in za serijski SEMS. 14-03 STATIČNI SINHRONSKI SERIJSKI KOMPENZATOR Rafael Mihalič Povzetek - Predstavljen je nov koncept regulabilne serijske kompenzacije vodov – t.i .SSSC. Razvit je bil matematični model za analizo razlik med tiristorsko regulabilno serijsko kompenzacijo (TCSC) in SSSC. Izkazalo se je, da ima koncept SSSC lahko bistvene prednosti pred TCSC v področju obratovanja pri majhnih prenosnih kotih. Teoretični izsledki so bili demonstrirani na modelu sistema v katerern smo izvedli primerjavo učinkovitosti dušenja elektromehanskih nihanj med SSSC in TCSC. Rezultati so potrdili teoretične izsledke. 14-04 SIMULACIJSKI MODEL TIRISTORSKO VODENEGA SERIJSKEGA KOMPENZATORJA Igor Papič, Peter Žunko Povzetek - Zasnova tiristorsko reguliranega serijskega kompenzatorja z možnostjo neposredne regulacije impedance prenosnega voda ponuja več prednosti v primerjavi s fiksno instaliranimi serijskimi kondenzatorji. Z združitvijo komponent serijskih kondenzatorjev in preizkušene močnostne polprevodniške tehnologije taka naprava kaže na prednosti fleksibilnih prenosnih sistemov (FACTS - Flexible AC - Transmission Systems). V referatu sta predstavljena osnovni koncept vodenja in simulacijski model naprave. Funkcijski moduli, ki jih vsebuje model, omogočajo izvajanje najpomembnejših študij obnašanja kompenzatorja. Naprava lahko obratuje v načinu krmiljenja impedance voda ali kot regulator toka skozi vod. Prikazano je obnašanje serijskega kompenzatorja ob nastopu tripolnega kratkega stika v bližini naprave. Vse simulacije so bile izvedene z digtalnim simulacijskim programom NETOMAC. 14-05 MODELIRANJE PREČNIH TRANSFORMATORJEV V PROGRAMIH ZA IZRAČUN PRETOKOV MOČI Tomaž Mohar, Rafael Mihalič, Dušan Povh Povzetek - Prispevek opisuje možen pristop pri modeliranju prečnih transformatorjev v programih za izračun pretokov moči. Model klasičnega in univerzalnega prečnega transformatorja je bil preizkušen na modelu evropskega interkonekcijskega omrežja. 15-01 MERJENJE DIELEKTRIČNIH IZGUB NA TERENU, MOTNJE IN NJIH ODPRAVLJANJE Ivo Kobal Povzetek - V prispevku je predstavljena problematika preizkušanja elektroenergetskih strojev in naprav v primerih, ko se preizkušeni objekti nahajajo pod izrazitimi vplivi električnih polj sosednjih naprav pod napetostjo. Ugotovitve, dobljene z večletnimi raziskavami tovrstne problematike na terenu in v laboratorijih so dale osnovo za učinkovito izvedbo preizkusov v vsakršnih pogojih. Na temelju spoznanj s tega področja pa so bile realizirane tudi povsem nove rešitve v smislu merilne opreme katere zelo poenostavijo (pocenijo), v veliko primerih pa celo 14-02 SYSTEM ASPECT OF SUPERCONDUCTING ENERGY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Rafael Mihalič Abstract - Result of development of power electronics and of superconducting magnetic energy storage devices is the so called SEMS. In this way new possibilities of power flow control in electric power networks appeared. In this paper an attempt has been made to answer a few basic questions regarding SEMS impact on power flow control. The analysis have been carried out applying mathematical models for parallel and series SEMS. 14-03 STATIC SYNCHIRONOUS SERIES COMPENSATOR Rafael Mihalič Abstract - A new concept of controllable series compensation -SSSC has been presented. In order to analyze basic differences between thyristor controlled serles compensation (TCSC) and SSSC a mathematical model has been developed which shows that SSSC might have considerable advantages compared to TCSC in the area of low transmission angles. Theoretical considerations have been demonstrated on the model on which comparison between SSSO and TCSC effectiveness regarding power oscillation damping has been carried out. The results confirmed the theoretical considerations. 14-04 SMULATION MODEL OF THYRISTOR CONTROLLED SERIES COMPENSATOR Igor Papič, Peter Žunko Abstract - By providing direct control of transmission line impedance, the Thyristor Controlled Series Compensator (TCSC) scheme offers several advantages to conventional fixed series capacitor installations. Merging conventional series capacitor components with proven high power solid state technology, the device demonstrates the benefits of Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS). A basic control concept and a simulation model of the device are presented in the paper. The function modules included in the model allow performance of most important studies on the TCSC behavior. The TCSC can operete in open loop line impedance control mode or in line current regulation control mode. The TOSC behavior during a three phase short-circuit close to the device is demonstrated. All simulations were performed by using simulation program NETOMAC. 14-05 Tomaž Mohar, Rafael Mihalič, Dušan Povh Abstract - The paper presents a model of shift transformers in load flow calculation programs. The model of classical and universal shift transformer was tested on European interconnected network. 15-01 MEASURMENT OF DIELECTRIC LOSSES ON SITEDISTURBANCES AND THEIR REMOVAL Ivo Kobal Abstract - The paper analyses the inssue of testing electric power facilities and equipment in cases when the facilitles to be tested operate under considerable effects of electic fields of the neighbouring equipment which is under voltage. Findings resulting from many years lasting corresponding investigations that took place on the site and in laboratories provided for the basis of an efficient performance of testing under any kind of conditions. Following the gained knowledge regarding this topic, there were also absolutely new solutions offered as far as the measuring equipment is omogočijo sicer nemogočo izvedbo preizkusov. 15-02 DIAGNOSTIKA STARIH TRANSFORMATORJEV S TEKOČINSKO KROMATOGRAFIJO Marja Mulej Povzetek - V članku je predstavljena tekočinska kromatografija visoke ločljivosti-HPLC, ki je nova, nedestruktivna diagnostična metoda za rutinsko preverjanje ostarelosti papirne izolacije transformatorja. Z njo določimo količino furanov, ki so razkrojni produkti papirja in so v določenem odnosu s stopnjo polimerizacije papirja. Ker je v Sloveniji vedno več ostarelih transformatorjev in se na njih opravljajo vzdrževaln dela, kot so vakuumsko sušenje, kemijska regeneracija olja in zamenjava olja, smo na EIMV raziskovali vpliv teh ukrepov na koncentracijo furanov v olju. Rešili smo tudi problem motečih pikov razkrojnih produktov pri zelo starih transformatorjih, napolnjenih z ostarelim oljem, tako da smo upoštevali različne lastnosti furanov in razkrojnih produktov olja. Vpliv vzdrževalnih ukrepov in drugih dejavnikov na koncentracijo furanov v olju bomo še naprej proučevali, da bi s tem povečali natančnost in zanesljivost te diagnostične metode. 15-03 VPLIV KAKOVOSTI OLJA NA HITROST STARANJA PAPIRNE IZOLACIJE Andreja Varl Povzetek - Na Elektroinštitutu Milan Vidmar smo, v okviru raziskav vpliva kakovosti olja na hitrost staranja papirne izolacije, izvedli eksperimente umetnega laboratorijskega staranja papirne izolacije, potopljene v različno kakovostna transformatorska olja. Hitrost razkroja papirne izolacije smo spremljali z določitvijo DP papirja in analizo furanov topnih v olju. Referat zajema ugotovitve, do katerih so nas privedli rezultati eksperimentov umetnega staranja. 21-01 SMERI RAZVOJA KABELSKEGA PRIBORA ZMANJAŠNJE VPLIVA ZVAJALCA NA KVALITETO IZVEDBE IN ZMANJŠANJE VPLIVOV NA DELAVCA Viktor Lovrenčič, Zmago Udovič, Aleš Tomšič Povzetek - Z uvedbo in uporabo različnih tipov energetskih kablov so se pojavljale mnoge tehnike spajanja in zaključevanja. Tehnika hladnoskrčnih materialov je novost v tehnologiji izdelave kabelskih spojk in končnikov za kable srednje napetosti. Hladoskrčna tehnika, s širokim področjem uporabe, enostavno in hitro montažo brez dodanega orodja, zadovoljuje visoke zahteve kakovosti in zanesljivosti spajanja ter zaklučevanja kablov srednje napetosti. Spajanje in zaključevanje kablov s hladnim krčenjem po dvajsetletni uporabi in prvih instalacijah v slovenski elektrodistribuciji v letu 1994 išče svoje tržno mesto tudi pri nas. 21-02 SLOVENSKI SISTEM IZOLIRANIH VODNIKOV ZA SREDNJENAPETOSTNO PROSTOZRAČNO OMREŽJE Marjan Bezjak, Peter Pungerčar Povzetek - V uvodu smo razIožili koncept "Slovenskega sistema izoliranih vodnikov" in razloge za razvoj in osvajanje te posebno opreme. V nadaljevanju smo obdelali nekaj karakterističnih elementov opreme, kot so: izolatorji z vzmetno sponko, vzmetna sponka, priključne sponke z zaščitnimi rogljiči ter posebne izvedbe kompozitnih izolatorjev, napenjalnih sponk in druge opreme. concerned. This solutions very much simplify (make cheaper) the testing performance, and in quite many cases make an almost impossible testing perfomance possible. 15-02 DIAGNOSTICS OF OLD TRANSFORMERS WITH HIGH PERFORMANCE LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHY Marja Mulej Abstract - The article presents high performance liquid chromatography HPLC. This is a new nondestructive diagnostic method for the routine examination of the paper condition in transformers. With HPLC, we determine the amount of furans which are products of the degradation process of paper. The furans are in a certain relation to the viscometric degree of the polymerisation of paper. Having in mind the age of transformers in Slovenia, which are maintained with activities like vacuum, processing, reclamation and oil replacement, we researched the influence of those activities on the concentration of furans in oil. We took into account the dfferent propertles of furans and the degradation products of the oil in very old transformers filled with aged oil, which helped us determine the origin of the peaks. In future we intend to study the influence of maintenance and other factors on the concentration of furans in the oil. That will help us to make the diagnostic method more precise and reliable. 15-03 EFFECT OF TRANSFORMER OIL QUALITY ON PAPER INSULATION DEGRADATION Andreja Varl Abstract - We have been researching the effect of transformer oil quality on paper insulation degradation at the Milan Vidmar Electroinstitute. We performe laboratory paper ageing experiments on transformer paper. We submerged transformer paper in transformer oils with different qualities. Making use of the DP measurements of the electrical paper and the analysis of the furans in the transformer oil, we researched the rate of degradation of the paper insulation. In this paper a report is made of the results of the laboratory experiments. 21-01 FURTHER DEVELOPMENT OF CABLE ACCESSCR135 MINIKZING II IFLUENCES OF PERFORMERS ON QUALITY OF 1NSTALLATION AND BACK INFLI IENCES ONWORKER Viktor Lovrenčič, Zmago Udovič, Aleš Tomšič Abstract - Use of different types of power cables leads to use several technic to join and terminate them. Cold Shrink Technique is the newest technology in producion of cable splices and terminations for medium voltage cables. Cold Shrink Technicue with wide application range, easy and quick installation without additional tools, satisfies high demands of quality and reliability to join and to terminate medium voltage ables. A new method of joining and terminating cables with cold shrink technique after twenty years period of using and after the first installation in Slovenian distribution in 1994 looks for its market place in Slovenia. 21-02 SLOVENIAN COVERED CONDUCTOR SYSTEM FOR MIDLE VOLTAGE OVERHEAD NETWORK Marjan Bezjak, Peter Pungerčar Abstract - Introduction expiains concept of "Slovenian covered conductor system" and reasons for development and research work on the special equipment used. Some of typical elements are presented in continuation: clamp top with spring system, insulator with spring clamp top, jumper terminal with protection arcing horn, special designed composite insulators, tension clamp and other equipment. 21-03 IZKUŠNJE PRI GRADNJI IN OBRATOVANJU DALJNOVODOV S POLIZOLIRNIMI VODNIKI NA PODROČJU ELEKTRO GORENJSKE Anton Kos, Peter Fleišer Povzetek - Referat opisuje izkušnje pri sanaciji in nato v obratovanju SN 20 kV daljnovodov ob zamenjavi golih vodnikov s polizolirnimi na področju Elektro Gorenjske od leta 1992 do leta1997. 21-04 ZAŠČITA PRED ATMOSFERSKIMI PRENAPETOSTMI NA PROSTOZRAČNIH VODIH S POLIZOLIRANIMI VODNIKI Markku Kokkonen, . Viktor Lovrenčič Povzetek - Nova generacija SN prostozračnih vodov, ki uporabljajo polizoliranje vodnike si utira svojo pot v distribuciji električne energije. Konstrukcija teh vodov v principu ni zelo različna od konvencionalnih prostozračnih vodov z golimi vodniki, medfazne razdalje so manjše in nižje vrednosti napenjanja voda. Kakorkoli moramo razrešiti način zaščite vodnika od prenapetosti in kot takšna bi tudi pogosto zaščitila druge elemente voda. 21-05 UVELJAVLJANJE PAS SISTEMA V SLOVENSKI DISTRIBUCIJI POZITIVE IZKUŠNJE S POLIZOLIRANIMI VODNIKI NA SN DALJNOVODIH V HUDIH VREMENSKIH POGOJIH V ZIMAH 1995/96 IN 1996/97 Viktor Lovrenčič Povzetek - Slovenska distribucija je zgradila leta 1993 prvi SN prostozračni vod s polizoliranimi vodniki po finski tehnologiji (PAS sistem). Minule štiri zime je več kot uspešen preizkus prestalo več kot 100 km zgrajenih 20 kV DV s polizolirnimi vodniki. Zadnji zimi, 1995/96 in 1996/97, sta zanesljivo potrdili uspešnost obratovanja oz. visoko zanesljivost dobave električne energije tudi v najtežjih zimskih pogojih, dodatno breme zaradi snega in žleda. 22-01PROBLEMATIKA VGRADITVE MONITORINGA PRENOSNEGA SISTEMA V SLOVENIJI Franc Jakl, Krešmir Bakič, Leon Valenčič Povzetek - V referatu je podana problematika uvedbe monitoringa termične obremenljivosti vodnikov, ki bi jo naj zaradi boljše izkoriščenosti obstoječih daljnovodov uvedli v naš elektroenergetski sistem. Prikazan je princip kombinirane uporabe ekološkega informacijskega sistema za potrebe ekološkega nadzora proizvodnjih objektov skupaj z meteorološkim monitoringom za potrebe termične obremenljivosti vodnikov v elektroenergetskem sistemu Slovenije. Podan je tudi predlog za izdajo novega slovenskega standarda-pravilnika za gradnjo nadzemnih vodov z upoštevanjem najnovejših tehničnih dognanj s tega področja. 22-02 PROSTORSKA IN OKOLJEVARSTVENA PRESOJA ELEKTROENERGETSKIH VODOV V PROSTORU Janez Marušič, Vilibald Premzl, Franc Jakl Povzetek - Referat obravnava problematiko prostorske in okoljevarstvene presoje daljnovoda kot pomembnega elementa elektroenergetskega sistema za prenos električne energije na večje razdalje. Podani so splošni vidiki prostorskega in okoljevarstvenega presojanja s pristopom prostorske in okoljevarstvene prevetritve ustreznosti vodenja trase novonačrtovanega daljnovoda 400 kV Slovenija-Madžarska skozi prostor. Pri tem je bil poudarek poleg ekonomske in narodnogospodarske upravičenosti graditve daljnovoda tudi na njegovih prostorskorazvojnih učinkih, na vplivih daljnovoda na okolje ter 21-03 EXPIRIENCE IN CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION OF OVERHEAD LINES USING COVERED CONDUCTORS IN THE AREA OF ELEKTRO GORENJSKA Anton Kos, Peter Fleišer Abstract - This report describes experience gained in reconstruction and operation of 20 kV distribution overhead lines using covered conductors the area of Elektro Gorenjska in years from 1992 to 1997. 21-04 ARC PROTECTION DEVICES (APDs) AND LIGHTNING PROTECTION ON MV OVERHEAD LINES USING COVERED CONDUCTORS Markku Kokkonen, . Viktor Lovrenčič Abstract - A new generation of MV overhead lines using covered conductors is making its way in to the power supply. The line construction does not differ very much in principe from conventional bare overhead line constructions; only the phase spacing is smaller and line tensions lower. However the method of protection of the conductors against overvoltages has to be solved and such a protection will often protect also other components of the line. 21-05 ADVANCING OF PAS SYSTEM IN SLOVENIAN DISTRIBUTION POSITIVE EXPERIANCES OF MY OVERHEAD LINES USING COVERED CONDUCTORS IN HARD WEATHER CONDITIONS OF WINTERS IN 1995/96 AND 1996/97 Viktor Lovrenčič Abstract - The first MV overhead line using covered conductors according Finnish technology (PAS SYSTEM) was built by Slovenian distribution in 1993. The past four winters were a very successful test for more than 100 km of built 20 kV overhead lines using covered conductors. The last two winters, 1995/96 and 1996/97, vere certain confirm successfulness of operation respectively high reliability of supply electricity even in the hardest conditions, additionally load because of snow and ice. 22-01 ISSUE OF INSTALLATION OF THE SLOVENIAN TRANSMISSION SYSTEM MONITORING Franc Jakl, Krešmir Bakič, Leon Valenčič Abstract - To assure better exploitation of the existing overhead transmission lines, it would be necessary to introduce in the Slovenian electric power system monitoring of the thermal loading of conductors. The paper presents the principle of a combined utilisation of the environmental information system, to meet the reeds of the environmental monitoring of generation units, and the meteorological monitoring, to control thermal loading of conductors. A proposal is also given for the implementation of a new Slovenian standard-reguiatory for fhe construction of overhead lines at the consideration of the stateof-the-art in the discussed area. 22-02 SITE AND ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT OF ELECTRICAL ENERGY LINES Janez Marušič, Vilibald Premzl, Franc Jakl Abstract - Paper deals with the issues of site and environmental assessment of overhead line as an important element of electric power system for transmission of electrical energy to greater distances. Also, general aspects of the evaluation procedure of the proposed new planned overhead line 400 kV Slovenia-Hungary, are given. The emphasis is on economic and national economic justification of overhead line construction, on its planning development effects, as well as on transmission line environmental impact and its environmental acceptance. sprejemljivosti daljnovoda v predlaganem prostoru. 22-03 IZKUŠNJE PRI IZVEDBI OZEMLJITEV PRI GLOBOKEM TEMELJENJU STEBROV DALJNOVODA 110 KV PODLOG - LAŠKO Janez Kern, Ivan Lozej, Rado Isaković,Tone Marinček Povzetek - Pri novo zgrajenem daljnovodu 110 kV Podlog - Laško je bilo uporabljeno globoko temeljenje. V referatu pa je prikazan način izvedbe paličastih ozemljitev, kakor tudi ekonomska upravičenost takega načina ozemljevanja v konkretnem primeru izgradnje daljnovoda. 22-04 REVITALIZACIJA DALEKOVODA VISOKOG NAPONA Miomir M. Dutina, Zvonimir J. Hrubenja, Gojko Radanović, Zvonko Slijepčević Povzetek - U referatu je dat u kratkim crtama prikaz metodologije za revitalizaciju dalekovoda, baziran na engleskom i našem iskustvu. U referatu se prikazuje postupak bez ulaženja u potpuni tok proračuna i logiku metodološkog pristupa revitalizaciji dalekovoda. Na kraju referata dati su zaključci šta je do sada urajeno i kuda dalje sa kompleksnim problemom revitalizacije dalekovoda sa mogučnosti povečanja strujnog opterečenja i smanjenja broja ispada. 22-05 OBNOVA ANTIKOROZIJSKE ZAŠČITE DALJNOVODOV IN KOVINSKIH KONSTRUKCIJ STIKALIŠČ V ELES-U Miro Ham Povzetek - Referat prikazuje izkušnje in poglede ELESovih vzdrževalcev do problematike obnavljanja AKZ. Obravnava naš pristop do reševanja te pomembne vzdrževalne naloge, ob uporabi različnih tehnologij dela s sodobnimi debeloslojnimi premazi, kakor tudi vprašanja v zvezi s potrebnostjo obnove AKZ 400 kV omrežja. 22-06 UPORABA MODULARNEGA SISTEMA KONSTRUKCIJ PRI IZGRADNJI IN INTERVENTNIH POSEGIH NA DALJNOVODIH IN STIKALIŠČIH Bojan Smiljan, Walter Krinninger Povzetek - Pravočasna in trajna oskrba potrošnikov s kvalitetno električno energijo je ena izmed osnovnih nalog proizvajalcev električne energije in distribucijskih podjetij. Občasno lahko pride do prekinitve dobave električne energije zaradi različnih vzrokov. Med te spada tudi višja sila ter drugi razlogi povsem tehnične narave, na primer pri vzdrževanju elektroenergetskih naprav, ki so povsem tehnične narave, na katere pa običajno nimamo neposrednega vpliva. Prekinitev oskrbe z električno energijo mora biti po možnosti čim krajša. Referat opisuje uporabo modularnega sistema jeklene konstrukcije, ki jo lahko zelo koristno uporabljamo pri interventnih posegih, pa tudi pri rednem vzdrževanju daljnovodov in stikališčnih postrojev. 22-07 SANACIJA DV 110 kV CERKNO-IDRIJA PREKO BEVKOVEGA VRHA Janez Jakše Povzetek - Lanskoletna in letošnja zima sta imeli za posledico veliko število okvar tako na distribucijskem kot na prenosnem omrežju Slovenije. Pri tem je bil tudi prizadet DV 110 kV Cerkno-Idrija, ki poteka preko klimatskega fenomena Bevkov vrh in na katerem so se havarije v večjem ali manjšem obsegu tekom let obratovanja kar vrstile. Članek podaja kronološki pregled dogodkov prizadetega dela daljnovoda, analizira klimatske prilike, podaja možne tehnološke rešitve sanacije ter način izvedbe sanacije. 22-08 TEMELJENJE DV STEBROV Z GEWI PILOTI 22-03 EXPERIENCE WITH GROUNDING REALISATION AT PILE FONDATION TOWERS OF HIGH VOLTAGE TRANSMISSION LINE 110 KV PODLOG – LAŠKO Janez Kern, Ivan Lozej, Rado Isaković,Tone Marinček Abstract - At the high voltage transmission line, that was built on new, pile fondation was applied. In this article the construction method of pile fondation grounding system is presented, as well as the economical justification of the chosen grounding method in this particulare case. 22-04 REFURBISHMENT OF THE OVERHEAD TRANSMISSION LINES Miomir M. Dutina, Zvonimir J. Hrubenja, Gojko Radanović, Zvonko Slijepčević Abstract – In this paper it is given the brief presentation of methodology for revitalisation of high voltage power lines, based on English and our experience. In the paper is presented without getting into the complete flow of calculation and into the logic of methodical approachment. In the end of the paper the conclusions are given, about what is done and which wayshould we use to solve the problem of revitalization of power lines, increasing currentload, diminishing outages. 22-05 CORROSION PROTECTION RENOVATION ON OVERHEAD LINE METAL TOWERS AND SUBSTATION METAL CONSTRUCTlONS OF ELES Miro Ham Abstract - The report represents ELES maintenance's experience and viewpoints to the problems of corrosion protection renovation. lt treats our methods of solving this important maintenance task, applying different technologies and modem high-solid paints. Also refers to the 400 kV network corrosion protection renovation. 22-06 THE USE OF MODULAR CONSTRUCTION SYSTEM BY ERECTION AND URGENT NTERVENTIONS ON TRANSMISSION LINES AND SUBSTATIONS Bojan Smiljan, Walter Krinninger Abstract - Permanent supply of consumer by quality electrical energy is one of the basic producer and distributor tasks. Interruption of supply may be sometimes caused by vis maior or technical reasons during system maintenance activities. Supply interruption has to be as short as possible. The article deals with the use of modular steel construction system by erection and urgent intervention and ordinarily maintenance overhead transmission lines and substations. 22-07 REHABILITATION OF 110 kV TRANSMISSION LINE OVER BEVKOV VRH Janez Jakše Abstract - The distribution and transmission network in Slovenia was damaged many times last winter and in this winter. Affected was also the 110 kV transmission line Cerkno - Idrija running over the climatic phenomenon Bevkov Vrh where damages of larger and smaller exent had been happening during the period of operation. The paper shows the chronological survey of events on the damaged transmission line section and analyses the climatic conditions. The possible technological solutions and the method of rehabilitation are also proposed. 22-08 TOWERS FOUNDATON WITH GEWI PILES FOR NA DV 110 KV PODLOG - LAŠKO Vesna Haralampiev, Janja Borec – Merlak Povzetek -V referatu je prikazan način globokega temeljenja daljnovodnega stebra z GEWI piloti ter uporaba takega temeljenja na enosistemskem 110 kV daljnovodu Podlog - Laško, zgrajenem minulo leto. 22-09 TEMPERATURNE OBREMENITVE ZAŠČITNE VRVI - SVETLOVODNEGA TELEKOMUNIKACIJSKEGA KABLA OB KRATKOSTIČNIH TOKOVIH Maks Babuder, Franc Jakl, Janez Kern Povzetek - V delu je opisan in komentiran preskusni postopek za ugotavljanje temperaturnih stanj na kritičnih mestih vzdolž prereza zaščitne vrvi tipa OPTOFLEX, ki je vgrajena na 400kV elektroprenosnih vodih v Sloveniji in narejena primerjava z rezultati izračuna na podlagi izbranega modela. Navaja se tudi analiza možnih posledic ob tovrstnih obremenitvah in ob kombinaciji slednjih z nekaterimi mehanskimi obremenitvami. 23-01 OBNOVA STRELOVODNE ZAŠČITE VISOKONAPETOSTNIH STIKALIŠČ Marko Smole Povzetek - V referatu je podanih nekaj bistvenih izkušenj s področja projektiranja strelovodne zaščite s kovinskimi lovilci, izbire najustreznejše metode po kateri določimo zaščiteno območje strelovodnih naprav ter usklajenosti te zaščite z ostalimi ukrepi proti vplivom zunanjih prenapetosti. 23-02 STANJE OZEMLJITVENIH SISTEMOV V EES Dimitrij Aleš, Franc Žlahtič, Marjan Kern Povzetek - Predstavljeni so električni parametri ozemljitvenih sistemov in njihovo staranje, ki smo jih določili na temelju analize 105 ozemljitvenih sistemov slovenskih postrojev. Rezultati analize so pomoč pri oblikovanju izhodišč za obravnavo ozemljitvenih sistemov v postrojih elektroenergetskega sistema. 23-03 REKONSTRUKCIJE VN POLJ V OBJEKTIH ELESa Marko Hrast Povzetek - Zadnjih deset let je v elektroenergetskem sistemu Slovenije zaznamovanih z zmanjšanim obsegom investicij v nove objekte. Zato so v ospredje prišli problemi vzdrževanja starih objektov ter predvsem dejstvo, da je potrebno neketere objekte rekonstruirati in opremo zamenjati in posodobiti. V referatu je prikazan pristop, s katerim smo na osnovi temeljite analize prišli do zaključkov, kaj zamenjati in kdaj pristopiti k rekonstrukcijam. Opisani so vsi problemi in možne rešitve, ki smo jih tudi v praksi preverili. Kot primer sta navedena dva možna pristopa k rekonstrukcijam in na primerih RTP Maribor in RTP Kleče tudi opisana. 23-04 PRENOVA 10 KV STIKALIŠČA V RTP 110/10 KV LAVA – CELJE S TEHNIČNEGA IN EKONOMSKEGA VIDIKA Srečko Mašera Povzetek - Referat nakazuje različne variante predelav 10 kV dela stikališča v RTP 110/10 kV Lava - Celje, v primeru zamenjave energetskega transformatorja 20 MVA s transformatorjem 31,5 MVA. 10kV celice so stare od 25 do 32 let, zbiralnice pa grajene za nazivni tok 1200 A. 23-05 PRIMERJALNA ANALIZA ZUNANJE IN NOTRANJE IZVEDBE DISTRIBUCIJSKE RTP 110/20 kV ZLATO POLJE 110 KV OVERHEAD LINE PODLOG - LAŠKO Vesna Haralampiev, Janja Borec – Merlak Absrtact - The deep foundation of tower line with GEN piles is presented. The new foundation has been successfully developed and used in the construction of 110 kV transmission line Podlog - Laško. 22-09 TEMPERATURE RISE OF OPGW CABLE DURING AND AFTER SHORT- CIRCUIT CURRENT TEST Maks Babuder, Franc Jakl, Janez Kern Abstract - The paper gives the description and some comments on testing procedure for determining the temperature rise in most sensitive points within the crosssection of a OPGW cable of the type OPTOFLEX, installed on 400kV overhead transmission lines in Slovenia. The results obtained experimentally are compared with those calculated by use of a selected model. An analysis of possible cosequences caused by similar stresses and combined with some mechanical stresses are mentioned. 23-01 RECONSTRUCTION OF THE OPEN-AIR HIGH VOLTAGE SUBSTATION LIGHTING PROTECTION SYSTEM Marko Smole Abstract - The article makes an overview to the most important experiences from the field of the high voltage substation lighting protection system design with implementation of the lighting rods and protection wires, describes selection of the most suitable method for the determination of the protected space and coordination with other protection measures against lighting overvoltages. 23-02 STATE OF GROUNDING SYSTEMS IN EPS Dimitrij Aleš, Franc Žlahtič, Marjan Kern Abstract - The paper presents parameters of the grounding system ageing as defined on the basis of an analysis of 105 facilities operating in the Slovenian electric power system. Following the results of the analysis and the operating findings, the authors set up requirements for the optimal approach to the tretment of grounding sistems in the Slovenian technical rules and regulations. 23-03 RECONSTRUCTION IN ELES SUBSTATIONS Marko Hrast Abstract - The characteristics of the last ten years in Slovenian HV network is decreasing of investments in new facilities. On the other hand more attention was paid on maintenance of the old facilities. This was the result of fact, that the old equipment needs to be replaced or reconstructed. In this work is shown the approach to the analysis of the problems which we have to deal with when we reconstruct the old substations. The author gives some answers to what is to be changed and how to reconstruct. As examples, which were made in ELES substations, are given RTP Maribor and RTP Kleče. 23-04 Srečko Mašera Abstract - The paper indicate different variants of modification 10 kV switch building in substation 110/10 kV Lava - Celje in case when we try to exchange the power transformer 20 MVA with transformer 31,5 MVA. 10 kV switchgear are 25 to 32 years old. Busbar were built for rated normal current 1200 A. 23-05 COST COMPARISON AIS1 GIS2 DISTRIBUTION SUBSTATION 110/20kV ZLATO POLJE Miha Žumer, Viktor Leskovec, Anton Hojnik Miha Žumer, Viktor Leskovec, Anton Hojnik Povzetek - Referat predstavlja primerjalno analizo za odločitev o izgradnji zunanje (AIS) ali notranje (GIS) izvedbe distribucijske RTP 110/20k Zlato polje v Kranju. 23-06 SHEME V DISTRIBUCIJSKIH RTP 110/SN 110 kV DEL Drago Bokal, Metod Brešan Povzetek - Oblikovanje shem RTP 110/SN v slovenski distribuciji je pomembna naloga zlasti s stališča zanesljivosti in gospodarnosti obratovanja DEES. Zajete so sheme 110 kV dela razdelilnih transformatorskih postaj ter podrobno analizirani stroški gradnje, obratovanja in vzdrževanja kakor tudi njihov vpliv na izbiro sheme. Podan je tudi izčrpen prikaz shem distribucijskih RTP v Sloveniji. 23-07 SHEME V DISTRIBUCIJSKIH RTP 110/SN SN DEL Drago Bokal, Metod Brešan Povzetek - Pregledu obstoječih shem SN dela RTP v slovenski distribuciji sledi predlog izbire shem, ki temelji na podlagi podrobne stroškovne analize. Poleg stroškovnih parametrov so upoštevani tudi specifični straški RTP na transformirano energijo, pričakovano konično in srednjo letno obremenitev ter glede na možnost nadgradnje postroja. 23-08 UPOŠTEVANJE ZAHTEV ELEKTROMAGNETNE ZDRUŽLJIVOSTI OB SNOVANJU, NAČRTOVANJU IN IZGRADNJI DISTRIBUCIJSKEGA POSTROJA 110/20 kV M. Žumer, F. Žlahtič, V. Leskovec Povzetek - Članek predstavlja sistem uvajanja področja elektromagnetne združljivosti (EMC) v snovanje, načrtovanje in izgradnjo postroja 110/20 kV. Ob tem so bile upoštevane vse zahteve za to področje, ki jih postavljajo panožni akti in druga tehnična regulativa. 31-01 PREGLED KRITERIJEV NAČRTOVANJA DISTRIBUTIVNIH OMREŽIJ IN VPLIV NA RAZVOJ SLOVENSKE DISTRIBUCIJE Leon Valenčič Povzetek - Članek podaja pregled metodologije in kriterijev načrtovanja distributivnih omrežij in smernice za postavitev novih kriterijev. Posebej je prikazan postopek obvladovanja padcev napetosti v SN omrežju in ukrepi potrebni ob prehodu na novo standardno napetost v NN omrežjih 230 V. 31-02 NOVA STANDARDNA NAPETOST 230/400 V Adolf Jurše, Drago Bokal Povzetek - Obstoječa standardna napetost v distribucijskih nizkonapetostnih omrežjih je 220/380 V. Po določilih IEC publikacije 38 iz 1983. leta (oz. do nedavno veljavnega standarda JUS N.A2.001 iz leta 1989) pa bo nova standardna napetost v teh omrežjih 230/400 V. Na podlagi analize obstoječih napetostnih razmer v distribucijskem omrežju in zahtev nove zakonodaje je opredeljen postopek prehoda na novo standardno napetost z okvirno oceno stroškov in obsega naprav, ki jih bo potrebno zamenjati. Poleg tega je podan krajši oris vpliva navedenih sprememb na obstoječe nizkonapetostne porabnike. 31-03 KRITERIJI ELEKTROMAGNETNE ZDRUŽLJIVOSTI NA MESTU PRIKLJUČITVE ODJEMALCA NA NIZKI NAPETOSTI Matjaž Malovrh, Mitja Anžej Povzetek - Elektromagnetna združljivost je definirana kot: sposobnost naprave, opreme ali sistema, da zadovoljivo deluje v svojem elektromagnetnem okolju, in pri tem ne povzroča nedopustnih elektromagnetnih motenj kjerkoli v Abstract - The article gives a cost comparison analysis upon wich a decision regarding construction of AIS or GIS 110/20 kV distribution substation Zlato polje in Kranj shall be taken. 23-06 SINGLE-LINE DIAGRAM OF DISTRIBUTION SUBSTATION 110/MV - 110 kV PART Drago Bokal, Metod Brešan Abstract - Designing the diagrarns of distribution substatins 110/MV is an important task in Slovenian distribution system, especially from the standpoint of reliability and economics of distribution power system operating. Diagrams of the 110 kV part of distribution substations are discussed. Expenses of building, operating and maintenance such stations are analysed, as well as their influence on the choosed type of the diagram. An review of diagrams of Slovenian distribution substation is also given. 23-07 SINGLE-LINE DIAGRAM OF DISTRIBUTION SUBSTATION 110/MV - MV PART Drago Bokal, Metod Brešan Abstract - Review of existing diagrams of MV part of distribution substations is followed by suggestion of choosing the diagrams on the basis of detailed expense analysis. Specific expense parameters are correlated with transformed energy, expected peak load, average year load and with possibility of substation upgrade. 23-08 ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY IN PLANING AND SETTING UP DISTRLBUTION FACILITIES M. Žumer, F. Žlahtič, V. Leskovec Abstract - Article shows system of planing and setting up distribution facilities accordance with the electromagnetic compatibility requirements. The above investment considers all technical regulation in field of electromagnetic compatibility. 31-01 REVIEW OF PLANNING CRITERIA IN DISTRIBUTION NETWORK AND IMPACT OF CRITERIA TO THE DEVELOPMENT Leon Valenčič Abstract - The paper presents a review of method and criteria for distribution network planning. Special attention is given to voltage drop compensation in MV networks, and the impact of implementation of new nominal voltage 230 V is presented. 31-02 NEW STANDARD VOLTAGE 230/400 V Adolf Jurše, Drago Bokal Abstract - Current voltage in low voltage distribution network is 220/380 V. However, it should be 230/400 V, as stated in EC publication 38 from 1983. The process of changing to new voltage level, together with a cost estimation of such change is described in the article. The article is based on analysis of existing situation in distribution network. Effect of such change on existing low voltage apparatuses is also described. 31-03 Matjaž Malovrh, Mitja Anžej Abstract - Electromagnetic compatibility is defined as: "The ability of a device, equipment or system to function satisfactorily in its electromagnetic environment without introducing intolerable electromagnetic disturbances to anything in that environment." Furthermore, each device must have a certain immunity, that is, the "ability to perform without tem okolju. Nadalje mora imeti vsaka naprava določeno odpornost, kar je: zmožnost delovanja brez nepravilnosti ob prisotnosti elektromagnetnih motenj. Povečana uporaba elektronskih naprav, še posebno takih, ki zahtevajo enosmerno napajanje (usmerniki), povzroča znatno rast elektromagnetnih motenj v mreži. Zato, če hočemo obvladovati stanje v elektroenergetskem omrežju, moramo najprej poznati teorijo motenj in njihove nivoje v posameznih točkah. V referatu so navedena nekatera dejstva o motnjah v skladu s standardom IEC 1000-2-1 in opis ustreznih merilnih naprav. 31-04 RAZISKAVE RAZMER V 20 KV OMREŽJU S POMOČJO DIGITALNE SIMULACLJE Drago Deželak, Robert Škof, Grega Bizjak Povzetek - Digitalne simulacije so zelo uporabno orodje, ki nam omogoča opazovanje dogajanja v električnem omrežju ob normalnih in okvarnih stanjih, ne da bi vanj posegali. Omogoča širok izbor raziskav od izračuna pretokov moči in padcev napetosti, preko določitve tokov in napetosti ob kratkih stikih in drugih okvarah pa do raziskav obnašanja komaj načrtovanih omrežij. V članku je opisan simulacijski model 20 kV omrežja RTP 110/20 kV Krško skupaj z nekaterimi bolj zanimivimi rezultati raziskave njegovega obnašanja s pomočjo digitalne simulacije. 31-05 ZANESLJIVOST DELOVANJA DEES I. DEL - TEORETIČNE OSNOVE Drago Bokal, Janez Hostnik, Ferdinand Gubina Povzetek - Zanesljivost je najpogosteje uporabljani parameter, ki opredeljuje kakovost delovanja DEES. Kot izhodišče za obravnavo tega zahtevnega področja smo uporabili obstoječe standarde ter jih tudi primerno grupirali. Podrobno smo predstavili kazalce zanesljivosti, ki se v novejšem času uporabljajo v svetu, bodisi za načrtovanje za analizo obratovanja. V svetu se za določanje kazalcev zanesljivosti uporablja probabilistični pristop, v referatu se uporablja deterministični pristop. Testni programski paket omogoča številne izračune na podlagi dejanskih podatkov o dogodkih v DEES. degradation in the presence of electromagnetic disturbances." The increasing use of electronic devices, especially that with power supplies for DC circuits (rectifiers), causes considerable growth of electromagnetic disturbances in the mains system. So, if we want to control conditions in power supply system, first of all, we have to know the theory about disturbances and their levels in particular points. In the paper, there are some facts about disturbances according to standard IEC 1000-2-1 and description of appropriate measurement devices. 31-06 ZANESLJIVOST DELOVANJA DEES II. DEL - PRAKTIČNI IZRAČUNI Drago Bokal, Janez Hostnik, Ferdinand Gubina Povzetek - Deterministični pristop k izračunu kazalcev zanesljivosti DEES je podprt s predlogom ustrezne programske opreme, ki naj bi omogočala tovrstne izračune. Izdelali smo tudi testni izračun kazalcev zanesljivosti na podlagi dejanskih podatkov o napravah in dogodkih v RTP Črnuče. Dobljene vrednosti kazalcev smo primerjali z vrednostmi v svetu, izdelali pa smo tudi kratko analizo delovanja posameznega voda. Podrobno smo razčlenili uporabnost tovrstnih kazalcev pri analizi obratovanja, vzdrževanja in načrtovanja DEES. 31-07 DALJINSKO VODENJE SREDNJENAPETOSTNEGA OMREŽJA DOSEDANJE IZKUŠNJE IN PERSPEKTIVE V SLOVENIJI Marjan Bezjak, Samo Kalač Pozvetek - V referatu je obrazložen sedanji tehnični in tehnološki nivo ter koncept daljinskega vodenja srednjenapetostnega omrežja in krmiljenja stikal DKS. Predstavljene so osnovne značilnosti do sedaj izvedenih projektov v Slovenji pri katerih so bili avtorji referata odgovorni vodje projektov. Na kratko so povzete dosedanje izkušnje in nakazane perspektive. 31-08 VODENJE SN OMREŽJA IZ DISTRIBUCIJSKEGA CENTRA VODENJA Zoran Rutar 31-06 OPERATNG RELIABUTY OF ELECTRIC POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM PART II. - PRACTICAL CALCULATIONS Drago Bokal, Janez Hostnik, Ferdinand Gubina Abstract - Deterministic method for reliability indices calculation in EPDS should be supported by suitable software. Sample calculation of reliability indices, based on real data from Črnuče transformer substation is presented. Calculated reliability indices are compared with available values from the literature. Analysis of fedders performance is also presented. Applicability of such indices in operation analysis, maintenance analysis and planning in EPDS is demonstrated. 31-04 SHORT CIRCUIT STUDY OF 20 KV NETWORK WITH HELP OF DIGITAL SIMULATION Drago Deželak, Robert Škof, Grega Bizjak Abstract - Digital simulations are very useful tool for determination of electrical network behavior during normal and faulty states. They offer calculations of load flow and voltage drops, determination of voltages and currents during short circuit and other faults as well as investigations of behavior only planned networks. In the paper the model of 20 kV RTP 110/20 kV Krško distribution network for digital simulation is described together with some most interesting results of investigation of its behavior with the help of digital simulation. 31-05 OPERATING RELIABILITY OF ELECTRIC POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM PART I. - THEORETICAL BASIS Drago Bokal, Janez Hostnik, Ferdinand Gubina Abstract - Reliability is most commonly mentioned parameter which shows quality of EPDS operatton. Existing standards were taken as the starting point for this complex area analysis. The article contains a detailed presentation of the reliability indices which are nowadays used for planing or operating analysis. Although the probabilistic method of the reliability indices determination is most commonly used, deterministic method is presented in this article. A program package, which enables many different calculations based on EPDS events real data is developed. 31-07 MlDDLE VOLTAGE NETWORK AUTOMATION PREVIOUS EXPERIANCES AHD PERSPECTIVES IN SLOVENIA Marjan Bezjak, Samo Kalač Abstract - in the following report is described current technical level and concept of middle voltage network automation, especially remotely controlled switches named DKS. Introduced are characteristics of the different projects in Slovenia, where the authors were responsible project managers. Summerised are previous experiences and pointed out perspectives. 31-08 THE CONTROL OF MV SYSTEM FROM THE DISTRIBUTION CONTROL CENTRE Zoran Rutar Povzetek - Opisan je dosedanji razvoj in način vodenja DEES Elektro Primorska kot model distribucijskega omrežja, ki napaja nad 100.000 odjemalcev. Analizirani so elementi in obseg SN omrežja ter nivo daljinskega vodenja. S prehodom na vodenje iz enega centra s sedanjo zastarelo opremo so se pojavili določeni problemi, ki jih je mogoče rešiti z uvajanjem sodobne informacijske tehnologije. Podani so predlogi postopnega razvoja vodenja obratovanja DEES iz distribucijskega centra vodenja. 31-09 VODENJE IN AVTOMATIZACIJA SREDNJENAPETOSTNE MREŽE Peter Lavtar Povzetek - Vodenje in avtomatizacija srednje napetostne mreže predstavlja velik korak v izboljšanju kvalitete dobave električne energije. S tem je namreč možno skrajšati čas motenj v dobavi električne energije na minimum, zlasti pri tistih odjemalcih, ki niso napajani iz tistega sektorja mreže, ki je v okvari. Poleg tega pa našim delavcem močno olajša lokalizacijo okvar, ki nastajajo običajno v času najtežjih vremenskih pogojev. S sistemom vodenja je omogočeno krmiljenje stikal, vključenih v sklop srednje napetostne mreže ter nadzor nad dogajanji v njej, glede na pretoke električnega toka, prisotnost in višino napetosti in zaznavanje okvarnih tokov. Avtomatizacija pa je nadaljnji korak, ki s pomočjo navedenih prejetih podatkov v najkrajšem možnem času izvede logično izločitev sektorja v okvari ter priklop preostalega dela mreže na osnovni in rezervni vir napajanja. Abstract - The development and the Operation Control System of the distribution enterprise Elektro Primorska are described like a model of the distribution network for more than 100.000 consumers. The extent, the elements and the level of the control of the MV System are analised. The change in the Operation Control System (the control of MV System from one center with old technology) caused some problems, that can be easily solved by the introduction of the new information technology. Some propositions for the development of the Operation Control System are suggested. 31-09 CONTROL AND AUTOMATION OF THE MEDIUM VOLTAGE DISTRIBUTION NETWORK Peter Lavtar Abstract - Control and automation of the medium voltage distribution network represent an important step towards quality improvement in electrical energy supply. The main objetives of the project are to shorten the outage time, especially for customers, that are not fed from the faulted section of a network and to help the utility personnel in fault localisation even in worst weather conditions. Intelligent RTUs are used for acquisition of current and voltage measurements, fault current detection and control of pole-top mounted switches in the network. The system enables quick isolation of the faulted section and restoration of services to customers in other sections. 31-10 ZASNOVA SISTEMA VODENJA DEES V JP ELEKTRO LJUBLJANA Janez Hostnik Povzetek - Obstoječemu sistemu daljinskega vodenja se izteka življenjska doba, tehnološko je zastarel, poleg tega pa deluje na mejah svojih zmogljivosti. Razvoj tehnologije na tem področju omogoča danes primernejše vertikalno povezovanje tehnološkega procesa, nudi pa tudi možnost horizontalnega povezovanja sistema vodenja z ostalimi procesi v podjetju. Navedene posodobitve omogočajo dispečerju v distribucijskem centru vodenja učinkovito ukrepanje v normalnih in nenormalnih stanjih DEES. To so bila osnovna izhodišča, ki so vplivala na usmeritev podjetja v gradnjo sodobnejšega centra vodenja, za kar smo skupaj z ustreznimi inštitucijami izdelali, revidirali ter dopolnili potrebno dokumentacijo. Pri tem smo upoštevali najnovejše tehnološke dosežke na področju vodenja in avtomatizacije SN distribucijskega omrežja. 31-10 THE PLAN OF TELECONTROL SYSTEM IN ELECTRIC POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM IN ELEKTRO LJUBLJANA Janez Hostnik Abstract - The operation period of existing control system is expiring, it is teohnologically obsolete and besides all that, it is working at the edge of its capacity. More adeguate vertical connections of tehnological process are made possible by development of technology in this area, which elso offers horizontal connections of telecontrol system with other processes in distribution system. This modernizations enable the operators optimal acting under normal or critical operation period. This were the basic starting points resulting to the modern control system design. Together with corresponding institutions we developed the necessary documentation for this center, considering the technological development in control and automation of MV distribution systems. 31-11 ZASNOVA SISTEMA ZAŠČITE IN LOKALNE AVTOMATIKE V SREDNJENAPETOSTNEM PROSTOZRAČNEM DISTRIBUCIJSKEM OMREŽJU Janez Hostnik Povzetek - SN prostozračno distribucijsko omrežje je grajeno zankasto, obratuje pa radialno. V tovrstnih SN omrežjih se ločilno mesto z zaščito in lokalno avtomatiko nahaja na SN izvodu iz RTP oz. RP ter na ločilnih mestih SN odcepnih vodov. Osnovna funkcija zaščite je, da v drevesni strukturi SN omrežja in v primeru prenapajanj, selektivno izključuje okvare na omrežju. V povezavi z zaščito naj deluje tudi lokalna avtomatika, ki vsebuje naprave avtomatskega ponovnega vklopa ter naprave selektivnega izklopa odcepnega voda. Poudarek referata je na modelu vključitve RP SN in odcepnih vodov v SN omrežje in povezava le-teh s sistemom zaščite in lokalne avtomatike. 31-11 Janez Hostnik Abstract - MV distribution system network is built out of loops, but it works radially. Switching points with protection and local automation are located at the outlet from transformer substation (switching substation) and at switching points of MV branching lines. The main function of the protection is selective switching of distribution system parts in case of defects or back-up supply. Local automation, which includes sets for automatic reclosure and sets for selective switch of the branching line, should work in connection whith protection sets. The article emphasizes a model of switching substations and branching fines inclusion into distribution system and of conneting them with the protection and local automation system. 31-12 OCENITEV POSTOPKA ZA PROGNOZIRANJE OBREMENITEV V SLOVENSKIH DISTRIBUCIJSKIH OMREŽJIH Edita Stebernak Povzetek - Prognoza obremenitev je obravnavana kot del procesa planiranja distributivnega omrežja. Zanjo je značilno, da podaja obremenitve prostorsko razporejene. Navedene so značilnosti sedanjega postopka prognoziranja z delitvijo prognoze porabe večjega območja na manjša in s posrednim določanjem koničnih obremenitev. Sedanja ekstrapolacijska metoda je primerjana s simulacijsko metodo modeliranja porabe. Podan je predlog postopka prognoziranja, namenjenega planiranju distributivnih omrežij vseh slovenskih distribucijskih podjetij v bodoče. 31-12 DISCUSSION OF LOAD FORECASTING PROCEDURE IN SLOVENE DISTRIBUTON NETWORKS Edita Stebernak Abstract - Load forecasting is being discussed as a part of the distribution network planning process. The distributton forecast is a spatial forecast which deals not only with the amount of futur load but must predict the location of this load growth. The now applied (extrapolation) method, based on the analysis of the participation of the micro zones to the total load, is presented. The attempt of introducing simulation method discussed by comparing the characteristics of both methods. The forecasting procedure acceptable in planning of slovene distribution networks is suggested. 31-13 MOŽNOSTI INTERAKTIVNEGA NAČRTOVANJA SN OMREŽIJ S POMOČJO PROGRAMSKEGA PAKETA GREDOS Jože Golob, Tomaž Mohar Povzetek - Pričujoči prispevek prinaša novosti v programskem paketu za načrtovanje srednjenapetostnih omrežij GREDOS, predvsem prednosti grafičnega uporabniškega vmesnika pri analiziranju razmer v distributivnih omrežjih in študiju njihovega nadaljnega razvoja. 31-14 NOV PROGRAM RAZNNOW ZA ANALIZE NN OMREŽIJ Marko Suhadolc Povzetek - Referat predstavlja novo verzijo programa RAZNNOW za analize nizkonapetostnih omrežij. Izboljšan program je enostavnejši za uporabnika in naj bi olajšal delo v distribucijskih podjetjih. 31-13 POSSIBILITIES OF INTERACTIVE PLANNING OF MV NETWORKS USING THE GREDOS PROGRAM PACKAGE Jože Golob, Tomaž Mohar Abstract - The study presents novelties of the GREDOS program package for the planning of MV networks, regarding the advantages of graphical user interface at the analysis of conditions in distribution networks, and at the study of the further development. 31-15 PRENOVA PRAVILNIKA O VZDRŽEVANJU DEES Andrej Černilogar Povzetek - Kratkemu prikazu pravnih izhodišč za urejanje področja vzdrževanja distribucijskega EES sledi analiza obstoječih predpisov in pravilnikov. Na podlagi analize obstoječih predpisov in pravilnikov so oblikovana izhodišča za izdelavo novega pravilnika, ki naj upošteva spremembe in posodobitve na tem področju. Podan je globalni prikaz rešitev v novem pravilniku, ki so bile osnova za opredelitev del in rokov njihovega opravljanja. 31-16 IZKUŠNJE PRI UPORABI NOVE TIPSKE TRANSFORMATORSKE POSTAJE TB - 30 10-20/0,4 kV, 35 kVA S TEHNIČNEGA IN EKONOMSKEGA VIDIKA Leopold Prevolnik Povzetek - Tipsko transformatorsko postajo na armirano betonskem ali lesenem drogu TB -30 10-20/0,4 kV 20 in 35 kVA smo že v prvih dveh letih odkar smo jo uvedli, na območju JP Elektro Celje velikokrat uporabili. V tem obdobju smo zgradili 49 takšnih TP od tega 15-20 kVA preostalih 34 pa 35 kVA. Vse, razen petih z napetostnim nivojem 10/04 kV, imajo napetostni nivo 20/0,4 kV. Ta izvedba transformatorske postaje se je izkazala kot cenejša in primerna varianta za vsa območja ob obstoječih 10 in 20 kV daljnovodih, kjer so manjše skupine odjemalcev in so le te od sedanje TP bolj oddaljene. S tem potrošnikom električne energije tam, kjer je to mogoče, uredimo kvalitetno električno energijo za relativno nizko vrednost investicijskega vložka. 33-01 RAČUNALNIŠKO PODPRTA OBRAVNAVA KOORDINACIJE IZOLACIJE V SN DISTRIBUCIJSKIH OMREŽJIH Mladen Iglič 31-14 A NEW PROGAM RAZNNOW FOR ANALYSIS OF THE LV NETWORKS Marko Suhadolc Abstract - In the following paper a new version of the RAZNNOW computer program for analysing low-voltage networks is presented. The improved program is more userorientated and is supposed to make the work of planners in public utility companies much easier. 31-15 MODERNISATION OF MAINTENANCE REGULATIONS IN EPDS Andrej Černilogar Abstract - The article shows short summary of judicial basis for electric power distribution system's (EPDS) maintenance regulations. This summary is followed by analysis of existing regulations. Starting points for modernization of the regulations, which should consider changes and modernization of the whole maintenance area, are given. Global presentation of proposed solutions is given in new regulation book, which was the basis for defining the tasks and their shedule. 31-16 Leopold Prevolnik Abstract - Typical transformation station on a reinforced concrete or wooden pole TB-30 10-20/0,4 kV and 35kVA was built two years ago and since then it has been used on public firms Elektro Celje territory many times. In the last two years we have built 49 transformation stations of this type, 15 of them were 20 kVA, the rest 34 were 35 kVA. All of them except 5 with 10/0,4kV have voltage niveau of 20/0,4kV. This type of transformation station proved cheaper and suitable solution in areas with already existing 10 and 20kV overheadlines, where small groups of consumers live far away from where transformation station now stands. Consumers of electricy are offered, where possible, electric power of high quality with relatively low investment input. 33-01 COMPUTER AIDED APPROACH TO INSULATION COORDINATION IN MV DISTRIBUTION NETRWORKS Mladen Iglič Povzetek - Referat obravnava računalniško podprto koordinacijo izolacije v SN omrežjih. Pojasnjena je analiza atmosferskih prenapetosti v TP na drogu ob udaru strele v SN omrežje. Atmosferske razelektritve pogosto povzročijo visoke prenapetosti v SN omrežjih in posledica teh so porušne razelektritve izolacij električnih naprav oziroma elementov v teh omrežjih. V referatu so podane smernice za učinkovito izvedbo prenapetostne zaščite TP na drogu. 33-02 SLOVENSKI SISTEM ZA LOKALIZACIJO ATMOSFERSKIH RAZELEKTRITEV V REALNEM ČASU Janko Kosmač Povzetek - V članku je opisan sistem za ugotavljanje mesta atmosferskih razelektritev v realnem času. Sistem za izračun mesta udara uporablja podatke o smeri in jakosti signalov, ki jih analizatorju položaja pošiljajo senzorji. Senzorji so nameščeni na različnih geografskih položajih v državi in analizatorju pošiljajo podatke v relnem času. Opisan je način delovanja sistema in posredovanja podatkov odjemalcem. 33-03 INFRASTRUKTURNI CENTER ZA ENERGETSKE MERITVE Jože Voršič, Jože Pihler, Darko Koritnik Povzetek - V prispevku je opisan Infrastrukturni center za energetske meritve, ki ga Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko Maribor načrtuje in opremlja na lokaciji Mariborski otok, v preurejeni bivši transformatorski postaji 35/10 Kv. Osnovna dejavnost centra bo opravljanje močnostnih preskusov. Iz obstoječe opreme za visokonapetostni laboratorij pa bo usposobljena tudi oprema za preskušanje z visokimi izmeničnimi napetostmi do 175 kV, visokimi enosmernimi napetostmi do 80 kV in oprema za opravljanje preskusov delnih praznitev do 175 kV. 34-01 DISTRIBUIRANI SISTEMI VODENJA V RTP IN HE J. Rosina, D. Lenarčič, M. Kopač, A. Belavič Povzetek - Distribuirani sistemi vodenja niso več novost v Sloveniji. IBE je sodeloval pri prvem in še sodeluje pri graditvi novih. Tudi distribuirani sistemi se razvijajo in tako želimo opozoriti na glavne sodobne usmeritve. 34-02 SELEKTIVNOST ZAŠČITE MED RP 20 kV IN RTP 110/20kV Franc Leskovec Povzetek V razvejanem in obsežnem srednjenapetostnenn omrežju, ki ga napaja razdelilna transformatorska postaja 110/20 kV, je mogoče pomembno zmanjšati število izpadov napajanja odjemalcev električne energije s postavitvijo razdelilnih postaj RP 20 kV v vozlišča omrežja 20 kV. V referatu je podana problematika selektivnosti delovanja relejne zaščite med zaščito v izvodni celici razdelilne postaje RP 20 kV in zaščito v izvodni celici razdelilne transformatorske postaje RTP 110/20 kV. Relativno selektivnost zaščite je mogoče relativno enostavno doseči, če se razdelilna postaja napaja iz RTP po direktnem napajalnem vodu, na katerem ni odcepov in transformatorskih postaj. Poseben problem predstavlja selektivnost zemeljskostične zaščite med zaščito v RTP in zaščito v RP, če se RP napaja po napajalnem vodu z odcepi, na katere so priključene transformatorske postaje z nizkonapetostnim omrežjem, ki obratuje po TN sistemu. V referatu je podana ena od rešitev navedenega problema. Abstract - The paper is focused on the computer aided insulation coordination in MV networks. Our analysis of atmospheric discharges, that was concerned with lightning strokes into the MV networks, encompassed the transformer station on the pole. Atmospheric discharges rather often cause high overvoltages resulting in disruptive discharges in the insulation of the electrical equipment or elements of the MV networks. The paper offers guidelines for an efficient implementation of the overvoltage protection of transformer stations on poles. 33-02 SLOVENIAN REAL-TIME LIGHTNING LOCALIZATION SYSTEM Janko Kosmač Abstract - The paper deals with real time lightning localization system. For calculation of the lightning location the system uses azimuth and signal strenght data sent to the analyzer by the direction finders. The direction finders are placed in different geographical positions in the country and data are sent in real-time to the analyzer. The operational principles and real-time data distribution to the client are also described. 33-03 POWER MEASUREMENT LABORATORY Jože Voršič, Jože Pihler, Darko Koritnik Abstract - The poper presents the power measurement laboratory of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Maribor, planning and equipping on the location of Hydro power plant Mariborski otok. The fundamental task of the power measurement laboratory is performing of power tests (making and braking capacities, short-circuit making and braking capacities, short-time withstand current…). Some of the high voltage laboratory equipment already existed but it was unused for quite a few years. We made a lot of effort to bring this equipment back in life, so we are able to perform tests with alternating voltage up to 175 kV, direct voltage up to 80 kV and partial discharge measurement up in to 75 kV. 34-01 HYDROPOWER PLANT AND SUBSTATION DISTRIBUTED CONTROL SYSTEM J. Rosina, D. Lenarčič, M. Kopač, A. Belavič Abstract - Distributed control systems are in operation also in Slovenia. IBE put operation the first one and now we implement new ones. Also distributed control systems are in constant development phase and so we want to point out today's guide lines. 34-01 PROTECTION DISCRIMINATION BETWEEN SUSTATION 20 kV AND POWER STATION 110/20 kV Franc Leskovec Abstract - In the tree´d and extensive medium voltage network, wich is supplled by the power station 110/20 kV, the number of breakdown of eletricity of powercustomers can be reduced considerably, by the interpolation of substations in the network knots 20 kV. In this paper the discrimination problems between the protection in the outgoing feeder of substation 20 kV and the protection in the outgoing feeder of powerstation 110/20 kV is treated. Relative selectivity of protection can be reached relatively simple, if the substation is supplied by the direct supply without branch lines and transformer substations. The special problem is the ground fault protection discrimination between the protection in the powerstation and the protection in the substation, if the substation is supplied by the supply line on wich the transformer substations are connected with the lowtension network by the TN system, In this paper one of the solutions of the quoted problem is offered. 34-03 VZDRŽEVANJE IN UPRAVLJANJE ZAŠČITNIH SISTEMOV Goran Jovanović Povzetek - Povečevanje velikosti in kompleksnosti elektroenergetskih sistemov, ki je posledica integracije novih omrežij in vzpostavljanja novih povezav, zahteva optimiziranje investicijskih in stroškov prenove sekundarnih sistemov. Hiter razvoj informacijske tehnologije ponuja ustrezne načine in pristope k zmanjševanju stroškov zagona in vzdrževanja v teku celotne življenjske dobe naprav in sistemov. Torej, obstaja jasno izražena potreba po uvajanju učinkovitih načinov, metod in postopkov za vzdrževanje in upravljanje zaščitnih in drugih sekundarnih sistemov. 34-04 POGOSTOST PREIZKUŠANJA NUMERIČNE ZAŠČITE Silvo Štruc, Franc Prepeluh, Anion Majcen, Jože Kragelj Povzetek - Referat obravnava problem pogostosti preizkušanja numerične zaščitnih sistemov, ki sovpada s trenutno aktualno tematiko prenove sekundarne opreme oziroma zamenjave relejne zaščite. Pred nami je odgovorna naloga in hkrati priložnost, da poenotimo dosedanjo stanje različnih tehnologij na področju sekundarne opreme. Kot resen problem ob začeti etapni izgradnji nastopajo načini in koncepti preizkušanja zaščite, ki vsebuje samonadzor in daljinski nadzor. Pogostost preizkušanja je odvisna od statistično ugotovljenega števila napačnih delovanj. Pojem preizkušanja sistema zaščite se razširi, če upoštevamo zraven pripadajoče naprave, od merilnih transformatorjev, odklopnikov, komunikacijskih povezav in pripadajočo informatiko. Predlagana je pogostost preizkusov za posamezne stopnje prenove kot npr. zamenjava samega releja, zamenjava releja z daljinskim nadzorom, zamenjava celotne sekundarne opreme. V zaključku je predlogu dodan komentar, ki izpostavlja možne različne poglede v literaturi in praksi drugih uporabnikov. Zaželjeni so dopolnilni predlogi in komentarji zainteresiranih bralcev. 34-05 VPLIV NENORMALNIH PREHODNIH POJAVOV NA DELOVANJE ZAŠČITE Mitja Dušak, Goran Jovanović Povzetek - Že normalni prehodni pojavi v zadostni meri slabo vplivajo na delovanje zaščitnega sistema in dobro počutje zaščitnih inženirjev, kaj šele nenormalni prehodni pojavi. V članku je opisan primer uspešnega odkrivanja in dušenja pojava feroresonance. S tem je bil odpravljen vzrok za nepravilno delovanje 95% zaščite statorja generatorja. 34-06 VODENJE IN AVTOMATIZACIJA SREDNJENAPETOSTNEGA PROSTOZRAČNEGA DISTRIBUCIJSKEGA OMREŽJA Janez Hostnik, Drago Bokal Povzetek - Vodenje in avtomatizacija na splošno temeljita na opredelitvi ločilnih mest, izbiri stikalnih aparatov, ki bodo vgrajeni na ločilnih mestih, potem na opredelitvi funkcij vodenja, zaščite in avtomatike ter na nadzoru in daljinskem ali lokalnem krmiljenju izbranih ločilnih mest. Opredeljeni so kriteriji za praktično realizacijo navedenih dejavnikov, poleg tega pa so nakazane tudi možne prenosne poti ter analizirana stroškovna upravičenost uvajanja vodenja in avtomatizacije. Pričujoči prispevek temelji na študiji, ki se izdeluje na Elektroinštitutu Milan Vidmar, predstavlja pa povzetek osnov za izdelavo idejnih projektov vodenja in avtomatizacije posameznih energetskih območij v distribucijskih podjetjih. Cilj navedene dejavnosti je povečanje zanesljivosti napajanja odjemalcev ter s tem povečanje kakovosti obratovanja 34-03 MAINTENANCE AND MANAGEMENT OF PROTECTION SYSTEMS Goran Jovanović Abstract - The growing size and complexity of power systems, due to the integration of new grids and establishment of new liaisons, result in increasing maintenance and management efforts to optimise investment and renewal costs. Rapid development of information technology provides adequate means and approaches in life cycle cost reduction. Consequently, there is comprehensive exigency for introducing efficient ways, methods and procedures in maintenance and management of the protection and other secondary systems. 34-04 FREQUENCY OF TESTING PROTECTION RELAIS Silvo Štruc, Franc Prepeluh, Anion Majcen, Jože Kragelj Abstract - This report treats the problem of test intervals for numerical protecting systems testing which coincides with the actual subjects of the secondary equipment refuroishment and the relay protection exchange. We have to face a responsible task and at the same time we also have the opportunity to make uniform the previous state of different technologies in the field of secondary equipment. As a serious problem starting the gradually refurbishment there appear the methods and concepts of testing protection which comprise self-supervision and monitoring. The concepcion of protection testing expands considering at the same time also the corresponding device, i.e. measuring transformers, circuit breakers, supply, communication linking and belonging monitoring information science.We suggest the frequency testing for separate degrees of renovation as for examole: the exchange of relay itself, the exchange of remote control relay, the exchange of complete secondary equipment. In the end we add a comment to the suggestion which exposes the possible different views in literature and ractice of other users. Supplementary suggestions and comments from the part of interested readers will be welcome. 34-05 INFLUENCE OF ABNORMAL SWITCHING TRANSIENTS ON PROTECTION PERFORMANCE Mitja Dušak, Goran Jovanović Abstract - Normal switching transients trouble on the protection performance and good mood of protection engineers, abnormal switching transients are even more irritating. In the paper is described an example of successful detection and attenuation of ferroresonance. In this way was eliminated the cause of incorrect operation of 95% stator protection. 34-06 TELECONTROL AND AUTOMATION OF MV OVERHEAD DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM Janez Hostnik, Drago Bokal Abstract - Control and automation are based on the switching points determination, choosing the switching sets, defining its control and protection function and, finally, oncontrol and supervision of the sets, either remote or local. Criteria for practical relisation of these factor are defined. Possible communication systems are presented and the analysis of control and automation cost are given. This article is based on the research project which is currently being worked out on Milan Vidmar Electroinstitute. It is presenting the basis for another control and automation projects of several energy districts. The aim of this activity is to increase the reability of power supply and to increase the quality of distribution system operation. DEES kot celote. 34-07 AVTOMATIZACIJA SN OMREŽIJ - OD ZASNOVE DO PRVIH REALIZACIJ V SLOVENIJI Janez Gorišek, Igor Birkelbach, Dario Vrabec Povzetek - V podjetjih za distribucijo električne energije v svetu in pri nas je čedalje pomembnejše pravilo, da je nedobavljena električna energija veliko dražja od dobavljene. Zato se za zmanjševanje posledic okvar, v srednjenapetostnih omrežjih žal neizogibnih, uvajajo sodobni sistemi avtomatizacije srednjenapetostnega omrežja, ki omogočajo kvalitetni daljinski nadzor in krmiljenje. Avtomatizacija je podprta z uporabo inteligentnih računalniških naprav, ki so preko komunikacijskih zvez vključene v distribucijski center vodenja. Mikroračunalniške naprave na nivoju razdeljenih postaj in vzdolž vodov skrbijo za zajemanje podatkov, izvajanje zaščitnih in detekcijskih algoritmov in za izvajanje komand. Naloga naprav v distribucijskem centru vodenja je nadaljna obdelava in prikaz zajetih podatkov, poseben programski paket pa je namenjen za avtomatski preklop oz. za podporo operaterju pri ročnih prekopih omrežja. Pogoj za avtomatizacijo omrežja je uporaba ustrezne primarne opreme zato je za realizacijo projektov predvidena vgradnja daljinsko krmiljenih stikal z motorskirni pogoni vzdolž avtomatiziranih srednjenapetostnih daljnovodov. 34-08 UPORABA KRITERIJEV TOPLOTNE STOPNJE SAMO-NAPAJANE NADTOKOVNE ZAŠČITE ZA PREPREČITEV "POŽARA" PRI NEUSPELEM ODKLOPU NAPAKE Janez Gantar 34-09 ANALIZA MOŽNOSTI UPORABE DIGITALNE DIFERENČNE ZAŠČITE VODOV V SLOVENSKEM OMREŽJU VISOKIH IN ZELO VISOKIH NAPETOSTI Janez Zakonšek, Silvo Štruc, Franc Prepeluh Povzetek - Slovensko elektrogospodarstvo doslej ni uporabljalo v večji meri diferenčne zaščite vodov visokih (VN) in zelo visokih napetosti (ZVN). Razlogov za tak pristop je več, vsekakor pa sta najpomembnejša: a) absolutno selektivni karakter diferenčen zaščite in b) zahteve po visoko razpoložljivih komunikacijskih poteh, ki v konvencionalni tehniki niso bile na voljo. Referat podaja v prvem delu pregled osnovnih razlik med distančno in diferenčno zaščito vodov. V drugem delu so obdelani osnovne razlike med modernimi, digitalnimi diferenčnimi zaščitami, ki bazirajo svoje delovanje na uporabi modernih digitalnih komunikacij. V tretjem delu je podana analiza možnosti uporabe modernih digitalnih diferenčnih zaščit vodov v slovenskem omrežju vodov visokih in zelo visokih napetosti z upoštevanjem velikih sprememb na področju uvajanja digitalnih komunikacijskih poti v slovenskem elektroenergetskem prostoru. 35-01 TELEKOMUNIKACIJE V ELEKTRO SLOVENIJA Dragić Paramentić, Simona Sila Povzetek - Prispevek obravrava telekomunikacije v Elektro-Slovenija, ki z uporabo sodobnih telekomunikacijskih tehnologij omogočajo učinkovito vodenje elektroenergetskega sistema. Opisano je omrežje, čigar zasnova temelj na modelu »inteligentnega« omrežja 34-07 DISTRIBUTION NETWORK AUTOMATION FROM CONCEPTION TO FIRST SLOVENIAN REALIZATIONS Janez Gorišek, Igor Birkelbach, Dario Vrabec Abstract - The electric power industry abroad and at home is more and more aware of the fact that the lost or undelivered electric energy is much more expensive than the delivered energy. With a view to reducing the consequences of faults which are in MV networks, regrettably, inevitable, the distribution automation systems are introduced, which assure a quality remote monitoring and control. Intelligent microcomputer devices, connected with radio links into the distribution control center, are proposed to be used for the automation. Microcomputer devices in substations and on distribution line level are intended for local data acquisition, performing of protection and fault detection algorithms, and command execution. The task of the distribution control center is further processing and display of acquired data. A special software package is intended for automatic switching and/or assistance to the system operator in manual network switching. A condition for distribution network automation is appropriate primary equipment, therefore, remotrly controlled motor actuated line switches have been foreseen to be installed along the automated MV distribution lines. 34-08 Janez Gantar Abstract - The first chapter explains the novelties in technology which has enabled the new design of self-powered over-current relays. The new self-powered philosophy enables the reduction of power dissipation by more then 10 times. The second chapter covers the basic principles of new selfpowering. The last part is explaining the operation of the internal thermal protection and the communication message, the task of which is the exact information "where and why" the protected object is approaching to the collapse. 34-09 REVIEW OF POSSIBILITIES FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF D[GITAL LINE DIFFERENTIAL PROTECTION SLOVENIAN HV AND VHV NETWORK Janez Zakonšek, Silvo Štruc, Franc Prepeluh Abstract - Application of the line differential protection in HV and VHV Slovenian network has been very limited so far. There are many different reasons for such approach. Two most important of them are definitely: a) absolutely selective character of the line differential protection, and b) requirements on highly available communication links, which was not a case by the use of conventional technique. Paper presents in its first part some basic differences between the line distance and differential protection. Second part concentrates on differences between conventional and modern, digital differential protections. The communication network of ELES - Slovenian Power Utility, has changed very much in last two years. Authors analyse for this reason at the end the possibilities for the introduction of the digital line differential protection in Slovenian HV and VHV network. 35-01 TELECOMMUNICATIONS IN ELECTRICAL POWER UTILITY ELEKTRO-SLOVENIJA Dragić Paramentić, Simona Sila Abstract - This atticle explains the telecommunications in electrical power utility Elektro-Slovenija. With the use of up-to dete telecommunication equipment it provides a permanent control of electrical power system. The description of telecommunication network, based on the "intteligent" network in na radijskem ter optičnem sredstvu prenosa s pripadajočo opremo. Naštete so že zgrajene in načrtovane relacije. 35-02 SINHRONI DIGITALNI PRENOSNI SISTEMI V ELEKTRO-SLOVENIJA Miloš Ljubič Povzetek - Članek obravnava digitalne linijske sisteme prenosa na magistralnih relacijah v telekomunikacijskem omrežju Elektro-Slovenija. Oprema v tehnologiji SDHSinhrone Digitalne Hierarhije je instalirana na kablih s svetlovodi in pomeni hrbtenico v inteligentnem transparentnem telekomunikacijskem sistemu. 35-03 USPEŠNO, UČINKOVITO IN DONOSNO VODENJE TELEKOMUNIKACIJSKEGA OMREŽJA Ferdinand Valenčak Povzetek - Referat podaja smernice za doseganje uspešnosti in učinkovitosti vodenja telekomunikacijskega omrežja, pridobljene na osnovi zgrajenega projekta digitalnega telekomunikacijskega omrežja Dravskih elektrarn Maribor. Uspešnost dobrega vodenja trdno sloni na spoznanju, da so storitve, dolgoročno gledano, najboljša sredstva vrednotenja uspešnih operaterjev. Realna pričakovanja dobrega vodenja telekomunikacijskega omrežja so odvisna od časovnega načrta izgradnje, vloženih finančnih sredstev, vloženega lastnega znanja in strategije izgradnje na razjasnjenih elementih telekomunikacijskega omrežja. 35-04 VODENJE TELEKOMUNIKACIJSKIH PROJEKTOV V ELEKTROENERGETIKI Tatjana Muha Povzetek - Referat podaja pristop k vodenju telekomunikacijskih projektov v elektroenergetskih sistemih, s povdarkom na vključitvi v energetski sistem, karakteristikah telekomunikacijskega sistema in finančni organizaciji projekta. 35-05 POVEZAVE MED FLEKSBILNIMI TK OMREŽJI ELEKTROGOSPODARSTVA TRENUTNO STANJE IN MOŽNOSTI Peter Ceferin, Matjaž Blokar, Tatjana Lukavečki Povzetek - Referat opisuje obstoječe stanje omrežij elektrogospodarstva Slovenije s stališča nadzora omrežji in povezav med njimi. Predstavljene so metode in orodja za doseganje učinkovitosti pri vzpostaljanju storitev med omrežji ter možnosti za uvajanje novih prijemov pri obvladovanju kompleksnih omrežij. 35-06 GRADITEV OPTIČNIH KABLOV NA DALJNOVODNEM OMREŽJU ELES - A Simona Sila Povzetek - Prispevek obravnava graditev optičnih kablov na daljnovodnem omrežju ELES-a kot najbolj učinkovito zamenjavo obstoječih analognih visoko frekvenčnih zvez po zaščitnih vrveh in faznih vodnikih daljnovodov. Prikazane so različne tehnologije graditve, izvedena je njihova primerjava in podani kriteriji izbora tehnologije graditve optičnih kablov. Naštete so že zgrajene optične relacije, optične relacije v pripravi in planirane. 35-07 OBRATOVALNA UKV RADIALNA MREŽA Branko Ožbolt with radio and optical transmission paths and belonging equipment is aso given. Already built and planned links are named. 35-02 LINES TERMINATING SDH EQUIPMENT IN ELEKTRO SLOVENIA Miloš Ljubič Abstract - The article describes digital transmission systems on the main routes in the telecommunication system of Elektro-Slovenija. The backbone of Elektro-Slovenia is built with fiber optic cables on which the telecommunication equipment is connected. Telecommunication equipment operates under the standards and recommendations which describes SDH-Synchronous Digital Hierarchy. The flexibility of SDH equipment enables Elektro-Slovenija backbone to support more economical netwok solutions for widely diversified applications. 35-03 THE SUCCESSFUL, EFFICIENT, PROFITABLE OPERATOR IN TELECOMMUNICATION NETWORK Ferdinand Valenčak Abstract - Report is focusing the characteristics of successful operators of telecommunications networks, driving the organization and processes in project »Digital Telecommunications Network of Dravske elektrarne Maribor«. Successful operators are based on recognition that service is the best long-term differentiator, to have a clear vision of target market and especially for new operators an realistic expectations of what it takes: time, money, know-how, right people… 35-04 MANAGEMENT OF POWER SYSTEMS TELECOMMUNICATION PROJECTS Tatjana Muha Abstract - The article presents approach to the management of power systems telecommuncation projects with a main stress on management of telecornmunication systems integation into power systems, management of telecommunicaton system characteristics, and management of financing and implementation resources. 35-05 INTERCONNECTIONS IN TELECOMMUNICATION NETWORKS OF POWER ELECRTICITY COMPANIES CURRENT STATE AND NEW POSSIBILITES Peter Ceferin, Matjaž Blokar, Tatjana Lukavečki Abstract - Article deals with existing network state of power electricity companies of Slovenia and possibilities for establishing services in complex networks. Methods and tools for achieving efficient and effective network managemement and in perspective customer service management are introduced. 35-06 INSTALLATION OF OPTICAL CABLES ON THE OHL NETWORK OF SLOVENIAN ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEM (ACRONYM ELES) Simona Sila Abstract - the article describes the installation of optical cables on the ELES OHL network as the most effecfive replacement for the existing analogue high frequency links on the insulation ropes and high fregency links on the phase line conductors. Different technologies of installation, and their comparison, criteria for the selection of technology of installation of optical cables are given, as well. Further more, the already installed optical relations are presented together with the planned ones and those under installation. 35-07 UKV RADIAL NETWORK Branko Ožbolt Povzetek - Referat opisuje obnovo obratovalne UKV radialne mreže v javnem podjetju za distribucijo električne energije Elektro Primorska, Nova Gorica. Osnova stare obratovalne UKV radialne mreže je bilo samostojno delovanje sedmih radijskih repetitorskih postaj in 276 dolinskih radijskih postaj. Da bi bil teren v celoti pokrit z radijskim signalom, je nova obratovalna UKV radialna mreža ohranila število radijskih repetitorskih postaj in njihovih lokacij. Število dolinskih radijskih postaj se je zaradi novih potreb povečalo na 337. Posodobitev je omogočila izvajanje osnovne dejavnosti podjetja in uvedbo DCV, s pridobitvijo novih radijskih frekvenc je rešen problem radijskih motenj, sama tehnologija radijskih postaj pa omogoča usklajenost s predvidenim zakonom o telekomunikacijah, oz. z CEPT priporočili. 35-08 POMEN PODATKOV V SLOJU VODENJA TELEKOMUNIKACIJSKEGA OMREŽJA Matjaž Blokar, Brane Zupan Povzetek - Prispevek opisuje pomen podatkov, ki jih zajema in obdeluje sistem vodenja telekomunikacijskega ornrežja in se nanašajo na sloj vodenja omrežja samega, obenem pa predstavljajo osnovo za uporabo v sloju vodenja storitev. Tematika je aktualna za zagotavljanje telekomunikacijskih potreb elektrogospodarskih podjetij Slovenije, kakor tudi za morebitno bodočo uporabo telekomunikacijskega omrežja za nudenje storitev drugim uporabnikom. 35-09 ODPORNOST TELEKOMUNKACLISKIH NAPRAV NA MOTNJE V INDUSTRIJSKEM OKOLJU Dragić Paramentić Povzetek - Pisec članka opisuje prilagajanje zahtev za ustreznost telekomunikacijskih naprav za delovanje v motenem elektroenergetskem okolju novemu evropskemu standardu. Narejena je primerjava med starimi in novimi zahtevami. 36-01 UPORABA 2D IN 3D METODE KONČNIH ELEMENTOV V BIOELEKTROMAGNETNIH RAZISKAVAH Igor Tičar, Oszkar Biro, Kurt Preis Povzetek - Možni biološki efekti, ki jih povzročajo električna in magnetna polja, postajajo aktualna problematika pri ščitenju naprav. Projektanti in konstruktorji visokonapetostne opreme in daljnovodov morajo poznati jakost elektromagnetnega polja v okolici naprav in visokonapetostnih vodov. V zadnjih letih smo priča intenzivnemu razvoju na področju numeričnega reševanja elektromagnetnega polja z uporabo metode končih elementov (MKE). Metoda nam omogoča reševanje 2D in 3D problemov za različne geometrične in elektromagnetne konfiguracije, obenem pa s tem omogoča tudi optimizacijo naprav. 36-02 OCENJEVANJE ELEKTROMAGNETNIH POLJ NADZEMNIH VODOV V SKLADU Z ZAHTEVAMI NOVE UREDBE Breda Cestnik, Franc Žlahtič Povzetek - Članek predstavlja nekatere rezultate računskih analiz elektromagnetnih polj visokonapetostnih daljnovodov, ki smo jih izdelali na EIMV po izidu nove slovenske uredbe s področja elektromagnetnega sevanja. Članek opozarja na potrebo po oblikovanju kriterijev za izbiro vrednosti električnih parametrov in obenem podaja, katere podatke bodo morala elektrogospodarska podjetja pripraviti za presoje s stališča elektromagnetnih polj. 36-03 POSNETEK STANJA OBREMENITVE OKOLJA Z NIZKOFREKVENČNIMI ELEKTROMAGNETNIMI SEVANJI Abstract - The report describes the restoration of the UKV radial network in the public enterprise for electricity distribution "Elektro Primorska, Nova Gorica". The basis of the previous UKV radial network was represented by independent functioning of seven radio repeter stations and 276 base and mobile stations. ln order to cover the whole area by the radio signal the new UKV radial network preserves the same number of radio repeter stations as well as their locations.As a result of recent requirements the number of base and mobile stations had to be increased to 337. The modernization enables the enterprise to perform its basic activities and the introduction of DCV; the problem of radio interferences has also been solved by gainig new radio frequencies; the technology of radio stations itself meets the demands of the anticipated telecomuniction act based on CEPT recomendations. 35-08 MEANING OF DATA IN THE NETWORK MANAGEMENT LAYER Matjaž Blokar, Brane Zupan Abstract - The article describes the meaning of data, which are collected and processed by the telecommunication network management system and belong to the network layer itself as well as form the basis for the service layer. Topic is important for satisfying internal power electricity telecommunication needs in Slovenia as well as usage of telecommunication network to offer services to customers. 35-09 IMMUNITY OF THE TELECOMUNICATION DEVICES FROM DISTURBANCES IN INDUSTRIAL ENVIRONMENT Dragić Paramentić Abstract - The author of the article describes the adaptation of demands related to correspodence of the telecomunication devices functioning in disturbed electroenergy environment to the new Euro standard. The comparison between old and new demands is given as well. 36-01 2D AND 3D FINITE ELEMENT METHOD IN BIOELECTROMAGNETIC RESEARCH Igor Tičar, Oszkar Biro, Kurt Preis Abstract - Recently the supposed biological effects of the electric and magnetic fields are often discussed as actual problems of the protection of environment. The designer of the high voltage equipment and high voltage lines have to know the field exposition in the surroundings of the equipment and HV lines. New procedures for the numerical computation of electromagnetic field by the method of the finite elements (FEM) have been intensively developed in the last years. This 2D and 3D methods enable the calculation of any geometrical and electromagnetical configurations, at the same time enabling optimization of the geometrical and electromagnetical configurations. 36-02 ESTIMATION OF ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS RESULTING FROM ELECTRIC POWER TRANSMISSION LINES IN THE LIGHT OF THE NEWLY ENFORCED LEGISLATION Breda Cestnik, Franc Žlahtič Abstract - The article presents some results of electromagnetic fieid calculations of high voltage transmission lines, that we performed after the adoption of a new Slovenian legislation governing electromagnetic radiation. A need of stating a criterion for electric parameter selection is pointed out and data needed for the electromagnetic field estimation are specified. 36-03 ELECTROMAGNETIC RAD1ATION EN LIVING AND NATURAL ENVIF .ONMENT Peter Gajšek, Damijan Miklavčič Peter Gajšek, Damijan Miklavčič Povzetek - Referat podaja rezultate posnetka stanja sevalnih obremenitev v okolju v Sloveniji zaradi prenosa in distribucije električne energije. Izvedena je tudi ocena zdravstvenega tveganja glede na uredbo o elektromagnetnih sevanjih v naravnem in življenskem okolju. 36-04 VPLIV UREDBE O ELEKTROMAGNETNEM SEVANJU NA PARAMETRE 110 IN 400 kV DALJNOVODOV F. Žlahtič, B. Cestnik, S. Grajfoner, F. Jakl Povzetek - Članek predstavlja zahteve novega slovenskega predpisa s področja elektromagnetnega sevanja o dopustnih vrednostih elektromagnetnih polj. V načrtovanje in izgradnjo elektroenergetskih postrojev prinaša ta nove kriterije ter spremembo ustaljenih postopkov za pripravo investicij. Podali smo rezultate prve tovrstne analize pri nas. 36-05 KOLEBANJE NAPETOSTl — STANJE V ELEKTROENERGETSKEM SISTEMU SLOVENIJE Miran Horvat, Andrej Orgulan, Jože Voršič Povzetek - V referatu predstavljamo rezultate izvedenih meritev kolebanja napetosti v elektroenergetskem omrežju Slovenije. Tovrstne meritve so osnova za postavitev vrednosti, ki jih lahko dosežemo v naslednjem srednjeročnem obdobju. Pri analizi stanja moramo poznati fizikalno sliko nastanka kolebanja napetosti, kakor tudi način razširjanja tovrstnih motenj po omrežju in vpliv posameznih parametrov omrežja nanje. Prikazano je stanje v nekaj tipičnih točkah 110 kV elektroenergetskega omrežja, ki je merodajno za prikaz kolebanja napetosti v sistemu. Tovrstne meritve so dolgotrajne, tako da je časovno obdobje izvajanja meritev kar nekaj mesecev. 36-06 PREDLOG PRAVILNIKA O OMEJEVANJU KOLEBANJA NAPETOSTI Jože Voršič, Ladislav Mikola, Andrej Orgulan, Darko Koritnik, Janez Bratina, Zlatan Turčin, Andrej Korošec Povzetek - Predstavljen je predlog pravilnika iz sklopa elektromagnetne združljivosti, ki regulira področje kolebanja napetosti in s tem povezanega pojava flikerja. Skupina strokovnjakov je več kot leto dni pripravljala predlog in v ta namen preučila svetovno literaturo ter opravila posnetek stanja tovrstnih napetostnih motenj v Slovenskem elektroenergetskem omrežju. 36-07 TEHNIČNA REGULATIVA ZA PODROČJE ELEKTROMAGNETNE ZDRUŽLJIVOSTI V ELEKTROENERGETSKEM SISTEMU F. Žlahtič, A. Tiršek, E. Seršen, M. Kern Povzetek – Članek predstavlja elektromagnetno združljivost (EMC), ki se navezuje na elektroenergetski sistem (EES) na dveh področjih. Prvo področje EMC opredeljuje medsebojne motnje in motenja porabnikov na vseh napetostnih nivojih EES, s tem se navezuje tudi na kvaliteto električne energije. Drugo področje opredeljuje EMC v samih postrojih EES ter se navezuje na nivoje združljivosti motenj posameznih sekundarnih in primarnih sistemov v postrojih. 36-08 ANALIZA PREHODNIH PRENAPETOSTI lZMERJENIH V SEKUNDARNIH TOKOKROGlH PRENOSNIH IN DISTRIBUCIJSKIH RTP GLEDE NA DOPUSTNE VELIKOSTI Tomaž Živic, Franc Žlahtič, Dimitrij Aleš Povzetek - V članku prikazujemo kriterije po katerih smo izbrali dopustne velikosti konduktivnih motenj (prehodnih prenapetosti) na vhodnih sponkah sekundarnih naprav in tokokrogov ter izhodišča s katerimi določamo Abstract - In this paper the results from electromagnetic fields arised from the distribution and delivery of electric energy are presented. A health risk assesment according to the ordinance on electromagnetic radiation in natural and living environment is made. 36-04 EFFECTS OF THE NEWLY ENFORCED LAW CONTROLLING ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION ON PARAMETERS OF 110 AND 400 kV POWER LINES F. Žlahtič, B. Cestnik, S. Grajfoner, F. Jakl Abstract - The paper presents a new Slovenian law governing electromagnetic radiation. The law that was adopted in 1996 imposes new criteria to designing and constructing electric power plants. Results of a case study of a new international connection (Slovenia - Hungary) are presented. This is the first study made in Slovenia in accordance with the new legislation. 36-05 VOLTAGE FLICKER - OVERVIEW OF THE STATE IN SLOVENIAN POWER SYSTEM Miran Horvat, Andrej Orgulan, Jože Voršič Abstract - Paper presents the results of the flicker level measurements in the Slovenian power system. This kind of measurement is the groundwork for the aim-level values estimation, which can be achieved in the medium-term period. At the analysis of the current state, one must possess knowledge of the voltage flicker origin, as well as the influence of particular system parameters on such voltage distortion and the way that voltage flicker is spreading through the system. The state of some typical locations in the 110 kV electrical network is point-out in this paper. Measurements of voltage flicker are long-term work, so the estimation of typical flicker-levels was taking place over a few months. 36-06 PROPOSAL OF THE REGULATION FOR VOLTAGE FLICKER LIMTATION Jože Voršič, Ladislav Mikola, Andrej Orgulan, , Darko Koritnik, Janez Bratina, Zlatan Turčin, Andrej Korošec Abstract - The proposal af the regulatory act for voltage flicker limitation is presented. It is from the complex, which deals with the electromagnetic compatibility. The team of experts has been preparing this document for more than year in for this purpose analyse more similar documents from different countries, as well as fundamentals of light flicker phenomenon. The state of current voltage flicker levels in Slovenian power system has been measured for this purpose also. 36-07 TECHNICAL LEGISLATION REGULATING ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY IN THE ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEM F. Žlahtič, A. Tiršek, E. Seršen, M. Kern Abstract - The paper is focused on two aspects of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) in the electric power system (EPS). Firstly, it describes EMC disturbances caused by consumers and EPS ifself at any EPS voltage Ievels. Secondary, it defines EMC for the EPS primary and secondary equipment for all the EPS facilitles. It ends by suggesting the most appropriate method of accomplishing EMC in compliance with the national, European and international standards and legislations. 36-08 ANALYSlS OF TRANSIENT OVERVOLTAGES MEASURED IN SECONDARY CIRCUITS IN SUBSTATIONS OF TRANSMISSION AND DlSTRlBUTION SYSTEM WlTH RESPECT TO PERMlSSlVE VALUES Tomaž Živic, Franc Žlahtič, Dimitrij Aleš Abstract - The paper shows criteria for the selection or permissive values for conductive disturbances (transient overvoltages) at input terminals or secondary equipment and elektromagnetna okolja v postrojih EES. Pravilnost izbire ugotavljamo in ilustriramo z analizo izmerjenih prehodnih prenapetosti v posameznih elektromagnetnih okoljih več postrojev. 37-01 DIREKTIVE EVROPSKEGA PARLAMENTA GLEDE FORMIRANJA INTERNEGA TRGA ELEKTRIČNE ENERGIJE Ivo Banič, Rado Faleskini 37-02 CENE lN TARlFNI SISTEMI V ENERGETIKl Karlo Peršolja Vsebina - principi za oblikovanje tarifnih razmerij med tarifnimi postavkami za električno energijo s posebnim povdarkom na razmerja med tarifnimi postavkami za visoko in nizko napetost. Primerjava s cenami v državah evropske skupnosti in drugimi državami. 37-03 VARSTVO OKOLJA - FAKTOR OMEJITVE PRI PLANIRANJU ENERGETSKIH OBJEKTOV Igor Čuhalev Povzetek - V postopku planiranja energetskih objektov se poleg splošnih dejavnikov, kot so potreba po energiji, razpoložljive tehnologije, energetski viri in dastopna finančna sredstva, vse močneje pojavlja tudi dejavnik varstva okolja. Ker je njihov vpliv bistvenega pomena, ga je potrebno upoštevati v vseh fazah življenjskega ciklusa energetskih objektov, vse od izbire tehnologije in energetskega vira optimizacije proizvodnje do sanacije objektov po prenehanju obratovanja. Članek na primeru energetskih objektov prikazuje sestavo poročila o vplivih na okolje, ki upošteva in združuje sprejete podzakonske akte s področja varstva okolja, skupaj z rabo prostora in odnosom lokalnih skupnosti do obravnavane problematike. To poročilo predstavlja enega od bistvenih dokumentov, na katerih temelji postopek načrtovanja energetskih objektov. 37-04 UPOŠTEVANJE TEMPERATURNIH VPLIVOV NA PORABO ELEKTRIČNE ENERGIJE V MODELU ELBIVIM GLEDE NA DOLGOLETNA TEMPERATURNA NIHANJA Zvone Košnjek, Franc Potočnik, Zvonko Bregar Povzetek - V referatu je prikazano upoštevanje vpliva zunanje temperature na porabo električne energije, kot ga obravnava simulacijski model ELBIVIM. Izračunana je povprečna dnevna zunanja temperatura v Sloveniji z upoštevanjem karakteristik porabe električne energije po distribucijskih področjih. Temelj metodologije predstavlja verjetnostna obdelava serije povprečnih zunanjih temperatur iz obdobja 1961-90. Statistična analiza soodvisnosti porabe električne energije in verjetnostno pogojene zunanje temperature omogoča definiranje t.i. meteoroloških let v modelu ELBIVIM. 37-05 ELAM-SLO RAČUNSKI MODEL OBREMENITEV ELEKTROENERGETSKEGA SEISTEMA ZA PLANIRANJE RAZVOJA Andreja Urbančič, Miha Tomšič Povzetek - Prispevek opisuje simulacijski model ELAMSLO, ki je bil razvit in uporabljen v okviru projekta integralno načrtovanje energetike za učinkovito rabo energije v Sloveniji. Model .je namenjen časovno zelo podrobni obravnavi vpliva tipičnih porabnikov in lokalnih proizvajalcev na obliko diagrama obremenitev elektroenergetskega sistema. Z ELAM-SLO je analiza končne rabe energije (z MESAP) povezana z analizo planiranja razširitev elektro energetskega sistema (WASP). circuits, and determination of electromagnetic environments in EPS facilities. The correctness of the selection is examined and illustrated with an analysis of the measured transient overvoltages in particular electromagnetic environments. 37-01 Ivo Banič, Rado Faleskini 37-02 Karlo Peršolja Abstract - this paper discusses the wide gap in the tariffication system due to decay comparability of the end-use electricity price, in HV and LV comsumption. There is also presented the comparision of electricity prices in Slovenia, EC and other countries. 37-03 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION - FACTOR OF LIMITATION AT THE POWER GENERATION UNIT PLANNING Igor Čuhalev Abstract - The process of the power generation unit planning is to take full consideration of vital energy elements, such as energy demand, avallable technologies, energy sources and accessible financial means. Recently, there has been a strong deman felt to include into these elements also the environmental protection. Namely, the impact of such protection being of utmost importance, it is a prerequisite to be fully aware of it throughout all the phases of the life cycle of any generation plant, i.e. selection of an appropriate technology or energy source, production optimisation and plant conservation after decommissioning. The paper presents the content of reports on environmental impacts which reflect the adopted an environmental protect legislafion and also take full consideration of the use of space and attitudes of local communities to the issue. These reports are one of the basic guidelines on which the power unit planning process is based. 37-04 CONSIDERATION OF TEMPERATURE EFFECTS ON ELECTRICITY CONSUMPTION IN THE ELBIVIM MODEL IN THE LIGHT OF THE MANY YEARS TEMPERATURE OSCILLATIONS Zvone Košnjek, Franc Potočnik, Zvonko Bregar Abstract - The paper analysis the effect of the external temperature on the electricity consumption as approached to by the ELDIVIM simulation model. The average daily external temperature in Slovenia is calculated with consideration of electricity consumption characteristics specific for individual distribution areas. The methodology is based on the probability approach to a series of average external temperatures as experienced in the period 1961-90. The statistic analysis of interdependence of the electricity consumption and the probability conditioned external temperature provide the basis for the definition of meteorological years in the ELBIVIM model. 37-05 ELAM -SLO ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEM LOAD SIMULATION MODEL FOR DEVELOPMENT PLANNING Andreja Urbančič, Miha Tomšič Abstract - In the following paper simulation model ELAMSLO is described which was developed and applied in the frame of project Integrated resource planning for the rational use of energy in Slovenia. Detalled analysis of time dependent influences of typical users and local producers on electric power system load diagram is the main task of the model. ELAM-SLO represents a link between final energy analysis (by MESAP) and electric power system expansion planning (by WASP). In the paper, the concept of ELAM-SLO model, the model building phase and simulation algorithm are V prispevku je na kratko opisana konceptualna zasnova modela, izgradnja modela ter potek simulacijskega postopka. Prikazani so rezultati izračunov. 37-06 UPORABA METODE MONTE CARLO PRI SIMULACIJI IZPADOV TERMOAGREGATOV V MODELU ZA DOLGOROČNO NAČRTOVANJE EES Z. Košnjek, F. Potočnik, Z. Bregar, B. Orel Povzetek - Referat opisuje uporabo metode Monte Carlo (MC) pri simulaciji izpadov termoagregatov (TA) v domačem modelu za dolgoročno načrtovanje elektroenergetskega sistema (EES) - ELBIVIM. Predstavljena metodologija simulacije izpadov omogoča verjetnostno obravnavo različnih stanj v EES, ob hkratnem upoštevnju zahtevnih obratovalnih omejitev TA. Rezultati aplikacije metodologij v modelu ELBIVIM, tako glede doseganja konvergence, kot natančnosti izračunov vseh zanesljivostnih indeksov EES, so zelo dobri. 37-07 POTENCIAL SONČNE ENERGIJE V URBANEM OKOLJU Andrej Hanžič, Jože Voršič, Andrej Orgulan, Andrej Kosmačin Povzetek - Že pred nekaj leti so strokovnjaki opozorili, da uporabe fotonapetostnih sistemov ne zavira več tehnologija, temveč premala proizvodnja. Pri dvigu količine proizvodnje fotonapetostnih pretvornikov za stokrat bi cena padla najmanj na desetino sedanje, kar bi pomenilo absolutno konkurenčnost klasičnim energetskim virom. V prihodnje je torej nujno potrebno računati z neposredno pretvorbo sončne energije v električno. Z novejšimi tipi fotonapetostnih materialov (v obliki folije ali strešne kritine) postaja idealna lokacija za namestitev leteh kar strešna površina, saj ni potrebno razmišljati o dodatnih konstrukcijah. V članku smo predstavili potek zbiranja potrebnih informacij za primer mesta Maribor ter podali oceno o potencialni količini sončne energije na površinah streh v mestu. Razen same površine moramo za oceno vpadle energije zbrati tudi podatke o nagibih in orientacijah strešnih površin, saj le te bistveno vplivajo na količino uporabne energije. 37-08 INTERKONEKCIJA SLOVENIJA – MADŽARSKA IN DILEME PRI NAČRTOVANJU Jože Perme, Krešimir Bakič, Franc Jakl, Slavko Grajfoner Povzetek - V prispevku je obravnavana problematika načrtovane interkonekcije Slovenija- Madžarska, ki naj bi za EES Slovenije predstavljala neposreden dostop do potencialnih presežkov električne energije iz vzhodnoevropskih držav, ki se pospešeno vključujejo v sinhrono obratovanje z UCPTE. Spričo vse večjih obratovalnih težav, ki so posledica ponovnega naraščanja porabe in nezadostnih domačih virov ter omejenih kapacitet prenosnega omrežja pri večjih uvozih iz zahoda, se ponovno obuja ideja o gradnji 400 kV daljnovoda Slovenija - Madžarska. Zaradi vrste negotovosti in nedorečenosti glede bodoče strategije pokrivanja porabe v Sloveniji in izgradnje sosednjih prenosnih omrežij, so pri načrtovanju nove interkonekcije prisotne dileme v zvezi z njeno perspektivno vlogo v slovenskem EES-u. 37-09 INTERAKCIJA MED PLANIRANJEM PRENOSNIH IN DISTRIBUTIVNIH OMREŽIJ V SLOVENIJI Krešimir Bakič, Marjan Žumer, Slavko Grajfoner Povzetek - Referat obravnava problematiko načrtovanja 110 kV omrežja, ki je na stičišču med prenosom in described shortly. Computation results are given. 37-06 THE USE OF THE MONTE CARLO METHOD AT FORCED OUTAGE SIMULATION IN THE LONG EPS PLANNING MODEL Z. Košnjek, F. Potočnik, Z. Bregar, B. Orel Abstract - The paper describes the use of the Monte Carlo method at the unit forced outage simulation in the domestic model ELBIVIM. The presented forced outage simulation methodology enables the probability approach to various EPS states at the simultaneous consideration of the imposed unit operational constraints. Results of the methodology application in the ELBIVIM model are very good, both in terms of assurance of convergences and calculation accuracy of any of the EPS reliability indices. 37-07 POTENTIAL OF SUN ENERGY IN URBAN AREA Andrej Hanžič, Jože Voršič, Andrej Orgulan, Andrej Kosmačin Abstract - A few years ago the scientists pointed out that the development of photovoltaic systems was no longer hampered by technology, but by an insufficient volume of production. lf the volume of production of photovoltaic converters increased by the factor 100, their price would go down at least to one tenth of its present level, which would bring a full competitiveness of solar energy with the conventioal energies. In the future it will therefore be necessary to allow for the direct conversion of solar energy into electricity. With the modern types of photovoltaic materials (in the shape of foil or roofing) the rooftop becomes an ideal site for the installation of solar cells, since there is no need for additional constructions. The process of the collection of relevant information for the city of Maribor is described in the paper, as well as the estimation of solar energy potential on the citys roof surfaces. To evaluate the amount or available solar radiant energy it is beside the surface area, also necessary to collect data on tilts and orientations of the surfaces. 37-08 SLOVENIJA - HUNGARY INTERCONNECTION AND DLLEMMAS AT THE PLANNING STAGE Jože Perme, Krešimir Bakič, Franc Jakl, Slavko Grajfoner Abstract - the paper analyses the issue of the planned Slovenija-Hungary interconnection which is expected to provide for the Slovenian electric power system a direct access to potential surpluses of electricity from Eastern European countries that have been, a quickened pace, integrating with the synchronous UCPTE operation. Due too more and more acute operational problems, resulting from the inereased consumption and insufficient domestic sources, as well as limited capacities of the transmission network at larger imports from the West, the idea is being revoked about the construction of a new 400 kV Slovenia-Hungary line. Owing to a number of incertitude and unsettled views as to the future strategy of the consumption meeting in Slovenia and the construction of the neighbouring transmission networks, here have been numerous dilemmas noted at the planning of the new interconnetion as far as its perspective role in the Slovenian electric power system is concerned. 37-09 INTERACTION BETWEEN THE PLANNING OF TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS IN SLOVENIA Krešimir Bakič, Marjan Žumer, Slavko Grajfoner Abstract - The paper is focused on the questions envisaged at the planning of the 110 kV network that concerns both, the distribucijo električne energije. Pojasnjuje razlike med načrtovanjem podprenosnega omrežja s strani prenosa in distribucije. Kriteriji načrtovanja, oblikovanje, gostota porabe in obremenjenost transformatorskih postaj imajo pomembno vlogo pri planiranju tega omrežja. Z razvojem elektroenergetskega sistema se spreminja funkcija podprenosnega (110 kV) omrežja iz prenosa v čisto distributivno omrežje. transmission and distriburtion of electricity. It explains differences in the planning as foreseen by the two entities, the transmission and the distribution. The criteria of the planning, implementation, consumption density and the expeded commitments of transformer stations play an important role in the planning of the observed network. The development of the electric power system results in changes of the function of the subtransmission (110 kV) system, transforming it from the transmision to the pure distribution network. 37-10 MOŽNOSTI UVAJANJA STATIČNIH KOMPENZATORJEV V SLOVENSKEM PRENOSNEM SISTEMU Brane Hlebčar Povzetek - Statični var kornpenzatorji so odlično sredstvo za regulablino paralelno kompenzacijo. Osnovna naloga večine obstoječih SVC v prenosnih sistemih je avtomatska regulacija napetosti v točki priključitve SVC. Zgornja napetostna meja prenosnih sistemov je določena z izolacijskim nivojem sistemov in z napetostjo, pri kateri pride do nasičenja transformatorjev. Spodnja napetostna meja je običajno določena z zahtevo, da ne pride do preobremenitve elementov elektroenergetskega sistema, da se prepreči izpad generatorjev zaradi problemov z napetostjo, predvsem pa je pomembno, da ob določenih tranzitih delovne moči napetosti ne padejo pod kritično vrednost, kar bi lahko pripeljalo do napetostnega zloma. Prispevek analizira učinek morebitnega uvajanja statičnih kompenzatorjev v slovenskem prenosnem omrežju. 37-11 SCENARIJI PORABE ELEKTRIČNE ENERGIJE Z MODELOM MEDEE-RS2 Štefan Ivanjko Povzetek - Simulacijski model za načrtovanje porabe končne energije MEDEE-RS2 je v slovenskem prostoru uveljavljeno in priznano orodje. Sedanja verzija modela izhaja iz modela MEDEE-2 in je rezultat številnih predelav, dopolnitev in nadgraditev. Osnovne konture modela so bile postavljene v l. 1987, takrat so bili pripravljeni tudi prvi scenariji porabe končne energije. V referatu je predstavljen razvoj modela ter razvoj scenarijev porabe električne energije v preteklem obdobju. 37-12 VPLIV STRATEGIJ UČNKOVITE RABE ENERGIJE NA ODJEM ELEKTRIČNE ENERGIJE IZ MREŽJA Miha Tomšič, Andreja Urbančič, Fouad Al Mansour, Stane Merše Povzetek - Orisan je pristop, metoda in nekateri rezultati študije za podporo nacionalnim odločitvam v energetiki. Izbrana je bila metoda "celovitega načrtovanja energetike" (CNE) v povezavi s struktuirano postavitvijo problema in večkriterijskim ocenjevanjem učinkov. Ukrepi za učinkovito rabo energije (URE) vključujejo dvig cene energije, v intenzivnih strategijah z davkom na energijo do 20%, promocijske dejavnosti in proračunske subvencije. Na odjem električne energije iz javnega omrežja bodo najbolj vplivale izboljšave industrijskih procesov in razvoj lokalnih virov elektrike, med katerimi ima največji potencial soproizvodnja elektrike in toplote. V gospodinjstvih deluje več protislovnih dejavnikov, tako da bodo spremembe manjše. Celotni učinek intenzivne strategije URE v industriji in gospodinjstvu bi dal zmanjšanje odjema elektrike v letu 2020 za okoli 13%. Intenzivna strategija URE je ugodna z ozirom na ekonomske, energetske in okoljske kriterije, manj ugodna pa z ozirom na socialno-politične kriterije. Tudi pred elektriško gospodarstvo postavlja nove izzive. 38-01 DECENTRALIZIRANA IZVEDBA SEKUNDARNE REGULACIJE NAPETOSTI Z 37-10 PROSPECTIVE APPLICATON OF STATIC COMPENSATORS IN SLOVENIAN TRANSMISSION SYSTEM Brane Hlebčar Abstract - Static Var Compensators are an excellent means for providing easily and rapidly controllable shunt reactive-power compensation. Automatic control of the voltage al the point of connection of the SVC is the primary function of the majority of existing transmission SVCs. The upper voltage limit of the transmission system is set by the highest voltage for which the plant is designed with respect to electrical stress and transformer saturation. The lower voltage limit is normally determined by the need to avoid the overloading of lines and transformers, to prevent the shutting down of generating units due to auxiliary system problems or to be above the critical voltage with respect to voltage collapse for a given power transfer. The paper analyses the effects of prospective application of stafic compenstors in slovenian transmission system. 37-11 ELECTRICITY DEMAND SCENARIOS PREPARED WITH THE MEDEE RS2 MODEL Štefan Ivanjko Abstract - The MEDEE-RS2 simulation model is foreseen for midlle and long term planning of the final energy demand. As such it has won its recognition in Slovenia. The present version of the model is the result of many modifications and improvements of the MEDEE-2 model. The basic structure of the model was established in 1987. At the same time the first final energy demand scenarios were prepared. In the paper the model development as well as development of electricity demand scenarios in the past few years are presented. 37-12 IMPACT OF ENERGY CONSERVATION STRATEGIES ON ELECTRICITY DEMAND FROM THE NETWORK Miha Tomšič, Andreja Urbančič, Fouad Al Mansour, Stane Merše Abstract - An outline of the approach, method and some results of a study to support national energy policy decisions is presented. The "Integrated Resources Planning" method has been selected, augmented by a structured problem analysis approach and multicriterial evaluation. Energy efficiency (EE) measures include increase of energy prices, in the intensive EE strategies with up to 20% energy tax, promotion activities and budget subsidies. The demand for electricity from the public grid will be most influenced by improvements of industrial processes and by the development of local electricity sources, where cogeneration of elecricity and heat has the highest potential. In the households thre are several contradicting influences so that the changes will be modest. Total effect of the intensive EE strategies in the industry and household sectors will decrease the demand for electricity by 13% in the year 2020. The intensive EE strategy is favourable aocording to the economics, energy and environmental criteria and less favourable according to the socio-political criteria. It is challenging also for the power industry. 38-01 DECENTRALIZED SECONDARY VOLTAGE CONTROL WITH ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS UMETNIM NEVRONSKIM OMREŽJEM Andrej Gubina, Ferdinand Gubina Povzetek - V članku predstavljamo izvedbo zamisli o decentralizirani sekundami regulaciji napetosti in jalovih moči, ki temelji na optimalnih pretokih moči v EES. Vsak primarni napetostni regulator v generatorskem vozlišču je opremljen z lokalnim sekundarnim regulatorjem. Ta je izveden s pomočjo umetnega nevronskega omrežja (UNO), ki je naučeno s pomočjo velikega števila delovnih stanj EES ter optimalnih pretokov moči po EES kot reference pri učenju. Zamisel je bila preizkušena na dopolnjenem testnem sistemu New England. Napetostni profil, kot ga je nastavljala sekundarna regulacija napetosti, je dokaj dobro sledil profilu, kot ga določa terciarna regulacija. Obenem so se zmanjšale delovne in jalove izgube v EES. 38-02 ANALIZA ASINHRONEGA OBRATOVANJA HE DOBLAR Pavel Omahen, Andrej Černe Povzetek - Analiziramo primer asinhronega obratovanja HE Doblar, ki nastane kot posledica njene lokacije v EES Slovenije in starih izvedb generatorjev brez dušilne kratkostične kletke. Primerjamo rezultate simulacijske analize s konkretnimi merilnimi rezultati sistema SOREL, dobljenimi med trajanjem defekta v omrežju in nestabilnosti agregatov HE Doblar. Problem obdelujemo s pomočjo podrobnega modela HE Doblar in modela EES Slovenije. Prikažemo izgubo stabilnosti HE Doblar z različnimi parametri generatorjev in njihovo obnašanje med prehodom v asinhrono obratovanje. Predlagamo ustrezno zaščito agregatov in električnega omrežja, ki naj v večji meri prepreči možnost asinhronih obratovalnih stanj. 38-03 VPLIVANJE NA PORABO V DISTRIBUCIJSKIH OMREŽJIH S POMOČJO URAVNAVANJA NAPETOSTNEGA PROFILA J. Curk, R. Golob, F. Gubina Povzetek - Uravnavanje napetosti v SN omrežjih omogoča opazno vplivanje na porabo. Doslej se takšnih ukrepov ni uporabljalo, saj zahtevajo obratovanje blizu napetostnih omejitev, pri čemer pa ni na razpolago podatkov o višini napetosti v samem omrežju. Zato so potrebne predhodne analize omrežja. Nov postopek, ki temelji na statističnih analizah medsebojnih odvisnosti spremenljivk v omrežju, pa omogoča zelo preprosto rešitev, ki nadomesti obsežne meritve napetosti v SN omrežjih. Za ocenitev stanja v omrežju, ki ga napaja dani RTP, tako zadošča že poznavanje lokalnih meritev napetost pretokov jalovih moči in tokov. Rezultati analiz kažejo, da bi ob uporabi za optimizacijo napetostnega predlaganega postopka profila v SN omrežjih lahko distribucijska podjetja ob skoraj nespremenjeni skupni dobavljeni energiji znižala konično moč odjema za kakih 5%. 38-04 SIMULACIJSKI MODEL VERIGE HE NA SOČI T. Štokelj, D. Grgič, R. Golob, F. Gubina Povzetek - V referatu je predstavljen simulacijski model verige HE na Soči. Le ta lahko služi dispečerju kot pomoč pri vrednotenju variant obratovana. Model je blokovno zgrajen, kar omogoča enostavno vključitev novih objektov ter spremembo že obstoječih. Upoštevane so vse tehnične in obratovalne omejitve HE, kar zagotavlja veliko natančnost. Zaradi tega je model uporaben tudi kot osnova za vrednotenje variant v optimizacijskih algoritmih. Izdelan je uporabniški vmesnik, ki omogoča enostavno uporabo tega programa osebju v lokalnem centru vodenja. Prikazan je primer simulacije dnevnega obratovanj verige HE na Soči. Andrej Gubina, Ferdinand Gubina Abstract - An extremely decentralized approach to secondary voltage control is proposed based on the results of the optimal power flow calculation. For that purpose local secondary voltage controllers are attached to each generating unit excitation controller. The secondary voltage controllers utilize artificial neural networks which are trained on a large set of the power system states with optimal power flows as the optimal target. The concept was applied on the modified New England test system. The voltage control kept the voltage profile close to the required one set in turn by the tertiary voltage control. At the same time it reduced the active and reactive power system losses, thus resembling the suboptimal secondary voltage control. 38-02 ANALYSIS OF THE DOBLAR HPP ASYNCHRONOUS OPERATION Pavel Omahen, Andrej Černe Abstract - The Doblar hydro power plant (HPP) stability was carefully investigated in view of its location in the Slovenian electric power system and the old type generators construction without damper windings. A comparison was made between the DINSIS simulation program results and SOREL measuring system data obtained during the network fault and Doblar HPP instability.The problem was analysed with a power system model which provides for a detailed presentation of the Slovenian power system and in particular the Doblar HPP. An analysis of the plant stability and transition into the asynchronous operation of machines are presented. The plant and network protection scheme is proposed for avoidance of the machines asynchronous operation. 38-03 J. Curk, R. Golob, F. Gubina Abstract - Considerable load changes are possible due to voltage level variations in the MV networks. In the past, such measures were not in use because of problems with network voltage supervision in operation close to the voltage limits, which is necessary to achieve better results. Therefore network analysis are used. A new simple voltage evaluation procedure based on statistical data and local measurements of voltages, reactive powers and currents. Promising results show possibility of 5% peak load decrease by the same amount of sold energy during the day period. 38-04 T.Štokelj, D. Grgič, R. Golob, F. Gubina Abstract - In the paper, a simulation model for the Soča river hydro-cascade system is presented. This model can be used as a help to operator in the local control centre. Its structure is modular, which simplifies the acidition of new objects into system or to change existing ones. All major technical and operational constraints are taken into account. Because of that, model can be used in optimisation algorithms. Also, userfriendly interface is build. Operation is simulated and results are presented for Soča river hydro-cascade system. 39-01 ANALIZA SEKUNDARNE REGULACIJE POVEZANIH ELEKTROENERGETSKIH SISTEMOV Uroš Salobir, Ferdinand Gubina, Janez Hrovatin Povzetek - V prispevku smo obravnavali parametre sekundarne regulacije frekvence in delovne moči povezanih elektroenergetskih sistemov na osnovi ustreznega modela in najnovejših programskih orodij. Analizirali smo vpliv proizvodne strukture, parametrov sekundarnega regulatorja in regulacijske hierarhije povezav s sosednjimi sistemi na kakovost sekundarne regulacije. Proučili smo tudi njihov vpliv na velikost rezerve v slovenskem potrebne regulacijske elektroenergetekem sistemu. 39-02 SLOVENSKI EES KOT ELEMENT EVROPSKE INTERKONEKCIJE Janez Hrovatin, Jure Ratej, Georgi Zlatarev Povzetek - Dan je pregled zahtev za paralelno obratovanje v interkonekciji UCPTE, ki jih morajo izpolnjevati njeni člani. Opisana je tudi vrsta ukrepov, ki so privedli do izpolnjevanja pogojev EES Slovenije za članstvo. Obravnavanje sekundarne in terciarne rezerve v hidrotermo sistemu je podano z matematičnim opisom parametrov hidroelektrarn in termoagregatov, ki sodelujejo pri oblikovanju rezerve v sistemu. 39-03 VLOGA TERMOENERGETSKIH OBJEKTOV PRI SEKUNDARNI REGULACIJI P/f V EES SLOVENIJE Milan Jevšenak, Gorazd Skubin, Damjan Stanek Povzetek - Elektroenergetski sistem (EES) Slovenije je kot polnopravni član dolžan upoštevati priporočila za sekundarno regulacijo P/f v interkonekciji UCPTE . V referatu je prikazana vloga termoenergetskih objektov pri sekundarni regulaciji P/f v slovenskem EES in s tem povezana problematika. Nakazane so smernice za dvig kvalitete regulacije in s tem tudi obratovanja samega sistema. 39-04 ZANESLJIVOST DELOVANJA NAPRAV ZA DALJINSKO VODENJE NA PRIMORSKEM Ivan Korečič, Marjan Lisjak, Borut Podgornik Povzetek - V referatu so podani rezultati večletnih opazovanj obratovanja naprav za daljinsko vodenje in krmiljenje, ki so vezane na center OCV Nova Gorica. Nadalje so v članku izračunani časi MTTR in MTBF ter razpoložljivost A za obratovalno obdobje zadnjih sedmih let. 39-05 JALOVA MOČ NE KRŠKO IN NAPETOSTNA STABILNOST EES Vladimir Dirnbek, Ferdinand Gubina, Pavel Omahen Povzetek - Prikazujemo učinke regulacijskih sistemov jalova moč/napetost v NE Krško, ki morajo skupaj z drugimi regulacijami v električnem omrežju in bližnjih elektrarnah zagotavljati usklajeno delovanje in slabilne napetostne razmere v EES. Na modelu značilnega primera delovanja regulacije napetosti preko 400/110kV transformacije v Mariboru pokažemo pomen prisotnosti reguliranih reaktivnih izvorov moči na obeh napetostnih nivojih. 39-06 PARALELNO SPAJANJE V PRENOSNEM OMREŽJU SLOVENIJE Pavel Omahen, Marijan Koželj Povzetek - V članku podajamo osnovne kriterije in omejitve pri različnih variantah vklopov v zazankanem prenosnem omrežju EES Slovenije. Prikazujemo negativne posledice vklopov ob neugodnih vklopnih razmerah, ki se odražajo v izenačevalnih tokovih in v sunkih na agregate. Na konkretnem primeru 400-kV omrežja Slovenije okrog 39-01 ANALYSIS OF LOAD FREQUENCY CONTROL OF INTERCONNECTED POWER SYSTEMS Uroš Salobir, Ferdinand Gubina, Janez Hrovatin Abstract - In the paper, the parameters of load-frequency control of interconnected power systems was studied based on adequate model and newest simulation tools. lnfluence of generation unit mix, load frequency controller parameters, hierarchy of controllers on quality was examined. Moreover, their influence on necessary regulaing reserve power was scrutinized. 39-02 SLOVENIAN POWER SYSTEM AS A PART OF THE EUROPEAN INTERCONNECTON Janez Hrovatin, Jure Ratej, Georgi Zlatarev Abstract - The paper gives a review of requirements for operation in UCPTE interconnection for its members. A list of measures taken in Slovenian power system to comply with this requirements is given. A mathematical description of reserves for AGC required in a hydro-thermal system and supplied by hydroplants and thermal units is presented. 39-03 THE ROLE OF THERMAL POWER PLANTS IN SECONDARY POWER FLOW CONTROL IN SLOVENIAN ELECTRIC PORWER SYSTEM Milan Jevšenak, Gorazd Skubin, Damjan Stanek Abstract - Electric power system of Slovenia is as member obligated to consider the recommendations for secondary power flow control in the UCPTE interconnected network. The paper deals with the role of thermal power plants in secondary power flow control in Slovenian electric power system and apart from tied problems. The guidelines to improve the quality of power flow control and at the same time the operation of the power system are represented. 39-04 REABILITY OF MONITORING AND CONTROL EQUIPMENT IN PRIMORSKA REGION Ivan Korečič, Marjan Lisjak, Borut Podgornik Abstract - Monitoring and control equipment, connected to the control center of Nova Gorica has been accuratly observed through the years and the results are given in this paper. Furthermore MTTR and MTBF time and availability A for the last seven years period of operation have been calculated. 39-05 KRŠKO NPP REACTWE POWER CONTROL AND SLOVENIAN POWE[ t SYSTEM VOLTAGE STABILITY Vladimir Dirnbek, Ferdinand Gubina, Pavel Omahen Abstract - The reactive power/voltage controls effectiveness of the Krško nuclear power plant is shown due to their task to maintain, together with the other control system inside the electric power network and power plants, coordinated control and stable voltage profile of the electric power system. Using the characteristical 400/110 kV transformer voltage control model case, located at Maribor, the importance of the controllable reactive power sources presence on the both voltage levels is demonstrated. 39-06 SYNCHRONIZING AND PARALELLING OF THE SLOVENIAN POWER SYSTEM HIGH VOLTAGE LINES Pavel Omahen, Marijan Koželj Abstract - Starting from paralleling criteria and physical limits for synchronization the spectrum of possible applications is described. Negative impact of the improper power system network switching, resulting in generator current surges, differential torque and oscillations, is shown. The simulation NE Krško s pomočjo simulacijskih rezultatov analiziramo velikosti dopustnih odstopanj sinhronizacijskih parametrov pri različnih variantah vklopov. V zaključkih podajamo predloge za nastavitev sinhronizacijskih naprav pri odklopnikih v delu 400-kV omrežja. 39-07 KONCEPT DCV ELEKTRO CELJE Z VODENJEM OBRATOVALNIH DOGODKOV IN STATISTIKE Rade Knežević, Andrej Rebernik Povzetek - Referat prikazuje mrežno zasnovo DCV ELEKTRO CELJE in doma razvito programsko opremo, ki omogoča obratovalnem osebju, da iz množice podatkov, ki jih producirajo sistemi NEO, izlušči pregledne in kvalitetne prikaze obratovalnih dogodkov. 39-08 OPTIMIZACIJA DOVOLJENEGA ČASA IZVEN OBRATOVANJA M. Čepin, B. Mavko Povzetek - Varnost jedrske elektrarne je njena najosnovnejša in hkrati najpomembnejša lastnost. Verjetnost za poškodbo sredice je merilo varnosti na nivoju celotne elektrarne in jo dobimo kot rezultat verjetnostnih varnostnih analiz. Primerjava srednje vrednosti verjetnosti za poškodbo sredice po določenem časovnem intervalu pri različnih scenarijih omogoča izbiro scenarija z najmanjšo verjetnostjo za poškodbo sredice in s tem z največjo možno doseženo stopnjo varnosti. V raziskavi sta primerjana dva scenarija primeru, ko določena redundantna za varnost pomembna oprema v elektrarni odpove nadaljevati obratovanje brez pokvarjene opreme in čimprej odpraviti okvaro ali zaustaviti elektrarno, odpraviti okvaro in elektrarno vrniti v obratovanje. Na osnovi najmanjše verjetnosti za poškodbo sredice je določen tudi optimalni dovoljeni čas izven obratovanja, ki je predpisan v obratovalnih omejitvah jedrske elektrarne. 39-09 UVAJANJE PROGRAMA "ENERGETSKO KNJIGOVODSTVO" V OPERATIVNO UPORABO V RCV Boštjan Derganc, Aljoša Kosovinc, Milan Jevšenak, Mirjan Trampuž , Dušan Trampuž, Pero Papi Povzetek - Za informacijsko podporo delovnih procesov vodenja, analiziranja in planiranja, sprotnega obračunavanja obratovanja EES v Republiškem centru vodenja (RCV) je EIMV razvil aplikacijski program "Energetsko knjigovodstvo". Članek naprej opisuje vlogo, namen in področja uporabe programa, njegove značilnost ter povezave z drugimi programi v RCV. Na koncu obširneje obravnava zadnjo fazo razvoja programa, to je uvajanje programa v operativno uporabo v RCV, in opozarja na odprta vprašanja pri tem. 39-10 PREDIKCIJA PORABE ELEKTRIČNE ENERGIJE V SLOVENIJI POMOČJO RAČUNALNIKA Bojan Novak, Gorazd Skubin Povzetek - Opisan je razvoj programa za napoved porabe električne energije (distribucija). V tem članku je obravnavana problematika napovedi v zimskih mesecih, ko je poraba električne energije največja in je v sistemu najmanj rezerv. Prav tako pa se v zimskem času pojavljajo izrazite spremembe v porabi povzročene s sledečimi pojavi: močno sneženje, vdor hladnega zraka ali nenadna otoplitev. Rezultat primerjave z napovedmi iskušenega operaterja na dejanskih podatkih dokazujejo, da program dosega zahtevano natančnost in je zrel za uvedbo v prakso. 39-11 DALJINSKO VODENJE HE MAVČIČE J. Rosina, D. Lenarčič, B. Pišek, A. Sauer Povzetek - Savske elektrarne so se odločile, da v obstoječo opremo avtomatike vgradijo sistem vodenja, ki bo results analysis was done concerning the synchronizing parameters tolerance of the 400-kV network switching and Krško nuclear power plant operation. Recommendation for the network synchronizing devices setting is given in the conclusion. 39-07 DCV ELEKTRO CELJE CONCEPT WITH EVENTS MANAGNIG AND STATISTICAL REPRESENTATION Rade Knežević, Andrej Rebernik Abstract - This paper represents DCV ELEKTRO CELJE networking concept and home made software which allows NEO data processing and events representation to power operators. 39-08 OPTIMIZATION OF ALLOWED OUTAGE TIME M. Čepin, B. Mavko Abstract - Safety of nuclear power plant is its basic and most important feature. The core damage probability is a measure of safety which is obtained as a result of probabilistic safety assessment. The comparison of mean core damage probability over certain time period for different scenarios allows the identification of the scenario with the lowest core damage probability and therefore the highest possible level of safety. In the paper the following scenarios, which follow a fault in safety related redundant equipment, are compared: continue with operation and repair the failed equipment as soon as possible or shut down the plant, repair the failed equipment and put the plant back into operation. The optimal allowed outage time, which is determined in technical specificatior of nuclear power plant, is calculated on basis of minimal core damage probability. 39-09 Boštjan Derganc, Aljoša Kosovinc, Milan Jevšenak, Mirjan Trampuž , Dušan Trampuž, Pero Papi Abstract - Energy Accounting application program, developed by EIMV, is an information management tool used for the support of operation planning, real-time control, operation analyses and accounting processes in Slovenian National EPS Control Centre (NCC). The role, purpose and application areas of the program are described. A general overview of main program features and its interfaces to other NCC applications is given. Finally the installation and implementation of the program in its operational environment are discussed along with some open issues, yet unresolved. 39-10 LOAD FORECASTING IN SLOVENIA WITH THE HELP OF A COMPUTER Bojan Novak, Gorazd Skubin Abstract - A development of a program for a daily load duration curve is described. Particulary a problem of prediction during winter months is emphasised. In this period of the year sudden inflow of cold polar air or warm air with percipiations greatly influence the shape of load curve. Results of comparision with the experienced human operator shows that program is able to achieve required practical precision and is ready to be applied into practice. 39-11 HPP MAVČIČE REMOTE CONTROL J. Rosina, D. Lenarčič, B.Pišek, A .Sauer Abstract - Savske elektrarne decided to implement new control system into existing equipment, that will be destinated omogočal lokalno in daljinsko vodenje HE kot enoagregatne HE. Oprema je bila vgrajena v enem mesecu in je bila v celoti prilagojena obstoječi opremi. for local and remote control (representing HPP as one unit). New control system was installed during one month and was completelly adapted to existing equipment.
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