EKO PESEM / ECO SONG: SMEŠKO TETRAPAK / SMILEY – THE TETRA PACK SMEŠKO TETRAPAK SMILEY – THE TETRA PACK TETRAPAK PRIJATELJ, EKO SMEŠKO NAŠ, ON JE PRAVI FRAJER, PRIDEN IN PRIJAZEN JE DO NAS. A FRIEND TETRA PACK, OUR ECO SMILEY, HE IS A REAL DUDE, GOOD AND FRIENDLY TOWARD US. TETRAPAK PRIJATELJ, ODPADKE RAD IMA, PLASTENKE RAD POBIRA V RUMENI KOŠ SORTIRA. A FRIEND TETRA PACK, HE LIKES THE WASTE, LIKES TO PICK UP PLASTIC AND THROWS THEM IN THE YELLOW TRASH BIN. RDEČI KOŠ PA TAM STOJI, DA V NJEGA VRŢE PAPIRNATE STVARI. THERE STANDS THE RED TRASH BIN, TO THROW IN ALL THINGS OF PAPER. ČE V IGRALNICI NESREČA SE ZGODI, DA KROŢNIK SE ZDROBI, GA ZELENI KOŠ DOBI. IF IN A PLAYROOM AN ACCIDENT OCCURS, A SMASHED PLATE THE GREEN TRASH BIN GETS. TETRAPAK PRIJATELJ, IZ ODPADKOV NAREDI TUDI NOVE NAM STVARI. A FRIEND TETRA PACK, FROM THE WASTE ALSO MAKES TO US NEW THINGS. EKO PESEMI / ECO SONGS: KOŠEK TRASH BIN Nič papirčkov tukaj, nič papirčkov tam, košek za smeti veselo se smeji. No paper here, no paper there, the trash bin happily smiles everywhere. NAŠ KOŠ OUR TRASH BIN Mi imamo košek, ki ima trebuščke tri. V vse tri damo smeti, ampak ne v vse tri enake smeti. Eden je samo za papir, drugi za plastiko, tretji za olupke od sadja in še kaj, drobtinico kruha morda, ki pade na tla. Zato je naš košek, čisto pravi koš s tremi trebuščki. Če koša v igralnici ne bi imeli, bi lahko zboleli, ker bi vse smeti skupaj na kupu imeli. We have a trash bin with three belies, we fill them up with different waste. The first one is for paper only, the second one likes plastic trash, the third we use for apple skin, a bred crumb also likes this bin. The three belies that our bin contains, just gather trash without complains. Without our great recycling can, we couldn't get through with our plan to help our planet with our work and separate the waste we make. EKO PESEM / ECO SONG: SMETI / TRASH SMETI TRASH Kaj počnejo smeti Tukaj na igrišču? Kdo jih je vrgel na tla? Poredni in neredni otroci. Mi vedno v vrtcu pobiramo smeti, s tem naravo varujemo in srečni domov odhajamo. Majhni smo še, a vemo skoraj že vse. Papirja na tla ne mečemo, luči ugašamo, vodo zapiramo in se ne prepiramo. Želimo si, da bi bila voda čista, čisti tudi zrak, da bi zrasli hitro in postali pridni in veliki, za vzgled vsem tistim, ki se vsega tega v vrtcu niso naučili. What is the trash doing here on our playground? Who threw it there? Naughty and messy children. We always take care of our trash in the kindergarten and protect our nature so we can go home happy. We are small, but we know a lot. We do not throw paper on the floor. We put out the lights. We turn off the water and we do not fight. We wish for pure water as well as the air so we can grow fast, be good and get bigger, to set an example for all those that have not learned this when they were young. EKO PESEM / ECO SONG: JUNAKI / HEROES JUNAKI HEROES Kam damo mi smeti, da naša narava se smeji, ţivi in diha? V zabojnike vendar. Where do we put the trash, so that our nature can laugh, live and breathe? In a trash bin, of course. V zeleni zabojnik odvrţemo steklo. V rumeni zabojnik damo plastiko. V rjavi zabojnik olupke od jabolk, banan, krompirja. V rdeči zabojnik damo papir. In the green trash bin we throw glass. In the yellow trash bin we put plastic. In the brown trash bin apple, banana and potato skin. In the red trash bin we put paper. Odpadke vsak teden odpeljejo in jih ponovno zmeljejo. Every week the waste is taken away and smashed again. Mi se iz dneva v dan bolj zavedamo, odpadke ločujemo in s tem naravo varujemo. With each passing day we are more aware of the importance of waste separation and consequently protection of nature. Zato, nikoli ne meči odpadkov na tla, jih vselej poberi in nesi v koš. Bodi ponosen in skrbi za zrak, ţivi in delaj, bodi junak. Therefore, never throw the waste on the floor, always pick them up and throw them in a trash bin. Be proud and take care of the air, live and work, be a hero. Uţivamo v gozdu, na travniku, polju, skrbimo za zdravje in naše okolje. We enjoy in the forest, on the meadow, on the field, we take care of our health and our environment.
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