Geotermalne pumpe

Geotermalne pumpe
Država je to obliko pomoči investitorjem ukinila z razlogom, da toplotne črpalke
potrebujejo za svoje obratovanje električno energijo, kjer se pri proizvodnji
ustvarjajo toplogredne emisije. V ta namen ministrstvo na svoji spletni strani
objavlja naslednje podatke:
Izpust CO2 pri proizvodnji 1 kWh električne energije je 0,56 kg/kWh.
Pri izgorevanju 1 kg kurilnega olja, preračunano na enoto toplotne energije, pa
pride do izpusta CO2 0,275 kg/kWh oziroma 2,6 kg CO2.
Poleg je objavljen graf o proizvodnji električne energije v Sloveniji po vrstah
proizvajalcev za več let (od leta 2002 do 2007).
• Upoštevajoč, da v Sloveniji proizvedemo
približno 40 % električne energije v
termoelektrarnah, pomeni, da 60 %
električne energije proizvedemo brez
toplogrednih emisij. In ker porabniki
nimamo ločenih števcev za porabo
električne energije, to pomeni, da
povprečno proizvedemo 0,336 kg/kWh
emisij na proizvedeni kilovat električne
• To pomeni, da se v Sloveniji vgrajujejo toplotne črpalke
zemlja/voda in voda/voda s povprečno nazivno močjo 10
kW. Taka toplotna črpalka nadomesti 2500 l kurilnega
olja. Torej lahko tako zmanjšamo letni izpust za 6500 kg
CO2. Ker toplotna črpalka porabi za svoje obratovanje v
1800 h 4500 kWh, se povprečno proizvede 1512 kg CO2
Iz tega izhaja, da toplotna črpalka z nazivno močjo 10
kW nadomesti porabo 2500 l kurilnega olja in proizvede
6500 kg emisij CO2 ter posredno povzroči 1512 kg
emisije CO2 zaradi proizvodnje električne energije.
Električno energijo proizvajajo slovenski proizvajalci,
torej je zaposlena domača delovna sila, toplotne črpalke
vgrajujejo domači delavci in velika večina vgrajenih
toplotnih črpalk je slovenske proizvodnje.
Istočasno se z vsako vgrajeno toplotno črpalko zmanjša
uvoz naftnega derivata. Res je,da je uvoznik/trgovec
prikrajšan za svoj del prodajne cene, res pa je tudi, da je
tudi država prikrajšana za trošarino, vse to pa ne more
nadomestiti pozitivnih učinkov, ki jih prinašajo vgrajene
toplotne črpalke.
• Pri tem je treba navesti, da so v preteklem letu v
sosednji Avstriji vgradili približno 3000 toplotnih
črpalk (v glavnem zemlja/voda, slabih 10 % pa
voda/voda). Ker je Avstrija trikrat večja kakor
Slovenija, si lahko preračunate, kakšen pozitiven
gospodarski učinek prinaša taka novogradnja.
Treba je tudi vedeti, da smo imeli v Sloveniji
včasih dve tovarni, ki sta se profesionalno
ukvarjali s proizvodnjo toplotnih črpalk.
Zemlja predstavlja vrlo stabilan
termički rezervoar sa prilično
stabilnom temperaturom koja se na
dubini od oko 2 metra kreće u
granicama od 8 do 18 °C.
Geo = Greek = Earth
Thermal = Greek = heat
• In 1904 the first geothermal generator was
running in Italy.
• The largest group of geothermal power plants in
the world is located at The Geysers, a
geothermal field in California, United States.
Several countries as El Salvador, Kenya, the
Philippines, Iceland, and Costa Rica) generate
more than 15% of their electricity from
geothermal sources.
Za okvirni proračun
uzima se da je po 1
kW toplinskog učinka
crpke potrebna
dubina sonde od 15 m
što nas dovodi do
činjenice da se gotovo
nikada ne izrađuje
samo jedan provrt već
više njih.
U tim slučajevima
prakticira se
odgovarajući broj
sondi podjednake
dužine i udaljenosti od
kako bi pad tlaka bio
jednak na svima Tichelmann.
Izvor topline zemlja geotermalna sonda
Izvor topline zemlja zemni kolektori
Zemni kolektor
• Zemni kolektori sastoje se od sistema cijevi koji se polažu na
dubinu cca 20 cm ispod granice smrzavanja.
• Na dubini od 1,3 m do 1,8 m tokom godine vlada relativno
konstantna temperatura od 5°C do 15°C.
• Kolektori su izuzetno pogodni za objekte koji na raspolaganju imaju
veliku površinu zemljišta.
• Srednja vrijednost za proračun ovog sistema iznosi 25 m2 potrebne
površine za postavljanje cijevi po 1 kW toplinskog učinka pumpe.
• Površina iznad postavljenih kolektora ne smije biti nadograđena
• Potrebna površina za postavljanje proizlazi iz proračuna toplinskih
gubitaka objekta, a ne iz toplinskog učinka pumpe.
pojednostavljeni princip generiranja električne energije iz geotermalnih
Vruća para i voda koriste se za pokretanje turbina generatora, a
iskorištena voda i kondenzirana para vraćaju se natrag u izvor.
Geotermalna toplinska pumpa
(zatvoreni krug )
Sistem sa zatvorenim krugom
Sistem sa otvorenim krugom
Toplinske pumpe troše električnu energiju za cirkulaciju geotermalnog (otvoreni krug) ili
drugog sekundarnog fluida koji preuzima toplinu zemlje (zatvoreni krug) kroz cijevi.
Ovako to izgleda na terenu
A ground-source heat
pump uses the shallow
ground or ground water
(typically starting at 10–
12 °C).
Ground heat exchanger
• For illustration, a detached house needing
10 kW of heating capacity might need 3
loops 120 to 180 m long of polyethylene
tubing at a depth of 1 to 2 m.
Liquid-to-air heat
heat pump
What is GTH?
• Geothermal heating is the direct use of geotherma
power for heating applications. Humans have taken
advantage of geothermal heat this way since the
Paleolithic era.
• Approximately seventy countries made direct use of a
total of 270 PJ of geothermal heating in 2004.
• As of 2007, 28 GW of geothermal heating capacity is
installed around the world, satisfying 0.07% of global
primary energy consumption.
• Thermal efficiency is high since no energy conversion is
needed, but capacity factors tend to be low (around
20%) since the heat is mostly needed in the winter.
PJ (peta Joula) = 1015 J
petajoule (PJ = 1015 J )
Top countries using the most geothermal heating in 2005
Production Capacity Capacity Dominant
heat pumps
heat pumps
district heating
district heating
bathing (onsens)
spas/space heating
New Zealand 7.09
industrial uses
63 others
space heating
How it works?
• Closed loop geothermal heat pumps circulate a carrier
fluid (usually a water/antifreeze mix) through pipes
buried in the ground.
• As the fluid circulates underground it absorbs heat from
the ground and, on its return, the now warmer fluid
passes through the heat pump which uses electricity to
extract the heat from the fluid.
• The re-chilled fluid is sent back through the ground thus
continuing the cycle.
How it works?
• The heat extracted and that generated by
the heat pump appliance as a byproduct is
used to heat the house,
• The addition of the ground heating loop in
the energy equation means that more heat
is generated than if electricity alone had
been used directly for heating.
• Switching the direction of heat flow, the same
system can be used to circulate the cooled water
through the house for cooling in the summer
• The heat is exhausted to the same relatively
cool soil (or groundwater) rather than delivering
it to the hot outside air as an air conditioner
• As a result, the heat is pumped over a greater
temperature difference and this leads to higher
efficiency and lower energy use.
Sistem grijanja toplotnim pumpama sastoji se od izvora toplotne energije,
same toplotne pumpe i sistema za distribuiranje i čuvanje toplotne
1. Toplotna energija koja se uzima iz okoline (obično, temperature se kreću
u intervalu +7°C do +14°C) ulazi u isparivač pumpe. U cijevi se nalazi plin
R407c koji preuzima tu energiju. Ovaj plin zadržava svoje stanje čak i na
temperaturama ispod nule.
2. Plin zatim ulazi u kompresor i podiže se na viši pritisak što dovodi do
značajnog povećanja njegove temperature (uglavnom +90 do 95°C,
mada može i više).
3. Unutar zatvorenog sistema izmenjivač toplote vrši predavanje toplote
plina na sistem za grijanje.
4. Zahvaljujući predaji toplotne energije plin se vraća na prvobitnu
temperaturu koji se zatim dovodi do ekspanzionog suda i ventila, čime
se pritisak vraća u početno stanje. Potom se plin vraća u isparivač gdje
proces ponovo počinje.
Primjeri grijanja
Direktna ekspanzija
Plin R407c se direktno šalje preko sonde u zemlju i tako razmjenom energije preuzima
toplotu ili hladnoću zemlje u zavisnosti od režima rada (grijanje ili hlađenje).
Sonde se mogu postavljati na dva načina:
vertikalno ili
R407C je smješa HFC (hidro-fluor-carbon) spojeva, sadržavajući 23% R32, 25%
R125 i 52% R134a. Nema klora, tako da nema negativnog utjecaja na ozon.
u zavisnosti od situacije koje teren uslovljava (veličina dvorišta, sastav tla i tako dalje).
Iz jedne vertikalne sonde dužine 35 m može se crpiti 3,5 - 4,5 kW energije u zavisnosti
od tipa tla.
• Horizontalne sonde se smještaju na dubini od 1,8-2 m uz
minimalni međusobni razmak od 3 metra.
• Svaku sondu kontroliše toplotna pumpa uz pogon iz
njenog kompresora gdje se energija crpi iz najizdašnije
sonde što je automatski regulisano sklopom toplotne
• Ovim sistemom dobijaju se sljedeće pogodnosti:
• 25% je efikasniji od sonde punjene glikol vodom, jer je
izbjegnuta naknadna primopredaja energije usled čega se
javljaju toplotni gubici.
• Ovaj sistem je povoljniji u startnoj investiciji od sondi
punjenih glikol vodom.
The heart of GTHP
• The core of the heat pump is a loop of
refrigerant pumped through a vaporcompression refrigeration cycle that
moves heat.
Vapor-compression refrigeration
• Vapor-compression refrigeration is one of the many
refrigeration cycles available for use.
• It has been and is the most widely used method for airconditioning of large public buildings, private residences,
hotels, hospitals, theaters, restaurants and automobiles.
• It is also used in domestic and commercial refrigerators,
large-scale warehouses for storage of foods and meats,
refrigerated trucks and railroad cars, and a host of other
commercial and industrial services.
Heat pump
• Oil refineries, petrochemical and chemical
processing plants, and natural gas processing
plants are among the many types of industrial
plants that often utilize large vapor-compression
refrigeration systems.
• Refrigeration may be defined as lowering the
temperature of an enclosed space by removing
heat from that space and transferring it
elsewhere. A device that performs this function
may also be called a heat pump.
higher pressure,
The cold
mixture is
then routed
through the
coil or tubes
in the
evaporator. A
fan circulates
the warm air
in the
space across
the coil or
carrying the
liquid and
The condensed liquid refrigerant, in the thermodynamic state known
as a saturated liquid, is next routed through an expansion valve
where it undergoes an abrupt reduction in pressure.
hot vapor is
through a
where it is
cooled and
into a liquid
by flowing
through a coil
or tubes with
cool water or
cool air
across the
coil or tubes.
• “Freon" is a trade name for a family of haloalkane
refrigerants (Freon is DuPont's brand name for CFCs, HCFCs and related
compounds. Other commercial names from around the world are Algofrene, Arcton,
Asahiflon, Daiflon).
• These refrigerants were commonly used due to their
superior stability and safety properties: they were not
flammable nor obviously toxic as were the fluids they
replaced, such as sulfur dioxide.
• Unfortunately, these chlorine-bearing refrigerants reach
the upper atmosphere when they escape. In the
stratosphere, CFCs break up due to UV-radiation,
releasing their chlorine atoms.
• These chlorine atoms act as catalysts in the breakdown
of ozone, which does severe damage to the ozone layer
that shields the Earth's surface from the Sun's strong UV
• The chlorine will remain active as a catalyst until and unless it binds with
another particle, forming a stable molecule.
• CFC refrigerants in common but receding usage include R-11 and R-12.
• Newer refrigerants that have reduced ozone depletion effect include
HCFC (R-22, used in most homes today) and HFC (R-134a, used in
most cars) have replaced most CFC use. HCFC Hydrochlorofluorocarbons
• HCFCs in turn are being phased out under the Montreal Protocol and
replaced by hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), such as R-410A, which lack
chlorine. However, CFCs, HCFCs, and HFCs all have large global
warming potential.
• Newer refrigerants are currently the subject of research, such as
supercritical carbon dioxide, known as R-744.
• These have similar efficiencies compared to existing CFC and HFC
based compounds, and have many orders of magnitude lower global
warming potential.
• This technology makes geothermal heating
economically viable in any geographical
• In 2004, an estimated million geothermal heat
pumps with a total capacity of 15 GW extracted
88 PJ of geothermal energy for space heating,
• Global geothermal heat pump capacity is
growing by 10% annually.
Costs – lifetime
• The setup costs are higher than for
conventional systems, but the difference is
usually returned in energy savings in 3 to
10 years.
• System life is estimated at 25 years for
inside components and 50+ years for the
ground loop
Payback period for installing a
ground source heat pump in a
detached residence
Payback period for replacing
natural gas heating oil electric heating
13 years
3 years
6 years
12 years
5 years
4 years
8 years
2 years
Germany net loss
•Highly variable with energy prices.
•Government subsidies not included.
•Climate differences not evaluated.
Capital costs
• Capital costs and system lifespan have received much
less study, and the return on investment is highly
• One study found the total installed cost for a system with
10 kW thermal capacity for a detached rural residence in
the USA averaged $8000–$9000 in 1995 US dollars.
• More recent studies found an average cost of $14,000 in
2008 US dollars for the same size system.
• The US Department of Energy estimates a price of
$7500 on its website, last updated in 2008.
Annual greenhouse gas savings from using a ground
source heat pump
instead of a high-efficiency furnace in a detached residence
Electricity CO2
Emissions Intensity
GHG savings relative to
natural gas heating oil electric heating
223 ton/GWh
2.7 ton/yr
5.3 ton/yr
3.4 ton/yr
351 ton/GWh
1.8 ton/yr
4.4 ton/yr
5.4 ton/yr
676 ton/GWh
-0.5 ton/yr
2.2 ton/yr
10.3 ton/yr
839 ton/GWh
-1.6 ton/yr
1.0 ton/yr
12.8 ton/yr