Dear Parents and Students, Welcome to the 2013 / 2014 school year and the Engineering STEM Academy at Greco Middle School. Your STEM teachers are: Mrs. Shortt, Miss Hayes, Mrs. Heli, Mr. Hermanson, & Mr. Lewis. We are looking forward to working with you this year. This promises to be an interesting and educational year for you through our various studies and activities. This handbook has been designed and prepared by us to have an opportunity to welcome you and share our vision for the Engineering STEM Academy. We want to emphasize to you our interest in you and your success in our program. The goal for this school year is to continue to provide a rigorous curriculum that inspires ingenuity in our students, that is globally relevant and that will foster relationships with teachers, parents, and experts in the field of engineering. America’s global competitiveness will increasingly depend on our ability to better educate our young people in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM), and to attract more of our best and brightest students into technological careers. This academy is designed to show students the connections between the various courses of study, as well as explore your education and career pathways in high school and beyond. Please read the following Parent/ Student Handbook with your child and any other stakeholders. Fill out the last page and have your child return it to their homeroom teacher. Keep the rest as a reference for the 2013- 2014 school year. Sincerely, STEM Academy Teachers 1 Classroom Policies & Expected Behaviors These behaviors will be tracked by all STEM teachers and become part of the students’ behavior modification plan if needed. Treat yourself and others with respect What this looks like: Keeping hands and feet to yourself Speaking kindly Using appropriate CHAMPS level speaking voice Being in your seat on time Raising your hand to ask a question Speaking in turn Touching only your belongings Keeping your area neat and organized Doing your best work on every project and assignment on time Be aware of the effects of your actions What this looks like: Thinking about what you are going to say before you speak Understanding that all actions have a consequence or reward Making a decision to break a rule will result in an undesirable consequence Making a decision to follow a rule will result in a desirable consequence Thinking about the best way to accomplish a task Taking responsibility for your own behavior Keeping your focus during class time on the assignment at hand Maintain all materials and supplies in best condition What this looks like: Writing only on paper or worksheets Destruction of textbooks/property will result in a monetary consequence Keeping your portfolio or notebooks neat and organized Putting any equipment used back in its storage container Returning any piece of equipment in its “new” condition state Cleaning an area after you have used it Using only the materials and supplies that belong to you Safety What this looks like: Using equipment only for its intended purpose, i.e. scissors for cutting Following all safety guidelines of machinery or laboratory usage Reporting any injuries, however slight Visiting only appropriate, educational websites on the computers Acting appropriately if sharp or dangerous tools or equipment are in use 2 Grading Structure Activity Class work, Portfolio & Interactive Notebook Participation Bell Work Homework Quizzes & Tests Activities & Projects Due Dates Classroom Conduct What is Expected Completeness, put in correct storage location, papers in order, and neatness Productive involvement in all activities and assignments Completeness & graded for accuracy Accuracy, show all work and completeness Correct answers and show all work Research is complete, the object or project is finished to specifications given (Rubric), and staying on task at all times with a partner or group. Must be honored. See the Absences section of Student and Parent Procedures. Reductions in conduct points occur when there is a breach in the “class norms” or CHAMPS Expectation. See the Probation section of Student and Parent Procedures. Supply List 1. One 3” 3 – ring binder – One is used for all classes 2. One 1” 3 – ring binder – (Engineering Portfolio) Needs to have clear cover for inserting printed cover page 3. Dividers (Package of 8) 4. Notebook paper (Full Package) 5. One 3-Ring Pencil Pouch (To be placed inside the 3” binder) 6. Pens (Black or Blue ink ONLY!) 7. #2 pencils - ALL YEAR LONG 8. Post-It notes 9. 1 Spiral Notebook (70 sheet) 10. 1 Composition Notebook 11. Hand held Pencil Sharpener with a lid 12. One Thumb Drive/USB drive 13. Index Cards 14. Ruler 3 Student & Parent Procedures A. Entering The Room When you arrive to a STEM classroom, go directly to your assigned area to retrieve your folder, and then pick up the corresponding textbook. Sharpen your pencil or take care of any house keeping issues before class starts. Make your way back to your assigned seat. You must be ready to begin your bell work when the tardy bell rings, not walking around or just entering the room. If you are not in your seat and ready to work when the bell rings, you will be considered tardy to class. Once you enter the classroom you are not allowed to drop your stuff and return to the hallway during passing time. If you are entering the class tardy you must silently sign in to the tardy log and place your pass in the box/pocket. B. Asking Questions & Traveling During Class time The way you are expected to ask a question is by raising your hand or writing your question on a sticky note and placing it in the parking lot, located in the classroom for later reference. This will be true whether we are doing bell work, listening to a discussion or working on an assignment. You must wait to be called on by the teacher if you have a question, comment, or request that has to do with the assignment or activity being presented. The question itself should not be an interruption to class room conversation or learning. Any restroom passes during class time will only be given for special circumstances or with parent permission. Restroom issues should be handled between classes only. When leaving the classroom you must sign out and take a vest to properly wear at all times when out of the room. C. Bell Work & Daily Reflections Bell Work Bell work will be completed within 5 minutes after the tardy bell rings. You will be given a work sheet to write all of these questions and answers on. We will then discuss the bell work before starting the day’s activity. Daily Reflections Reflections will be completed during the last 5 minutes of class time. They will be used for you to write down one sentence about what new thing you have learned today, something interesting that has happened in class, an observation about an experiment you performed, or possibly a question that you still have at the end of the day. These will be graded along with your portfolio & notebooks. D. Class Work STEM teachers have equal expectations for how you will complete your work. They are very simple; try your best on everything you do. We hope that you will enjoy both the subject matter and projects; as we show you how every subject is related and relevant to your future. Attendance is the key in completing these expectations because if you are not in class then you can’t show us that you are doing your best. For us to have an exciting learning experience we need to get your feedback to the questions we are asking you. Class participation is a part of your grade; completing the assignment, asking questions and answering teacher questions is how you earn these points. Turning in assignments late will have a significant impact on your grade. You are expected to work only on the work in the class you are currently attending. Ex. Math work cannot be completed during a Language Arts class. Procrastination on your part produces undesirable consequences for your grade; last minute work is not your best effort. Cub lunch will be utilized for any students who do not complete assignments. E. Collaborative Work As part of the STEM Academy collaboration is an important part of each classroom. Once a group is formed it is your responsibility to work within that group in a cooperative manner. Groups will have defined roles and tasks will be completed according to the instructions provided. The teacher is there to facilitate and guide you through interpersonal relations. 4 F. Binders, Portfolios, Interactive Notebooks Each student must maintain a binder that contains a section for each subject/class. It must remain neat and is subject to random checks for organization by your teachers. This binder check may also be added as a grade. Portfolios & Notebooks are ways of tracking your progress in the class room and are a reflection of what you have completed and learned. You will keep work in the correct sections and maintain only appropriate work in your portfolio or notebook. You will be given an exact location of where to keep your portfolio or notebook, and it will be kept there every day. G. Behavior and Conduct Interventions When a student is unwilling to follow the stated rules and procedures the following steps will be implemented: 1. Non-Verbal warning 2. Verbal warning 3. Student/Teacher Conference 4. Removed from class (Teacher will conference with the student upon returning to class) 5. Phone call/email to parent 6. Student called to team with parent notification 7. Student referred to guidance and/ or administration for further consequences 8. Student put on academic or behavioral probation – See Probation section 9. Student removed from the STEM Academy Some behaviors may call for steps to be omitted based on the severity of the situation or behaviors that were exhibited. Severe infractions that are determined to be a detriment to other students or the STEM Academy itself may be grounds to remove a student from the Engineering STEM Academy at Greco Middle School. See the Greco Middle School Handbook for additional information. H. Probation Students enrolled in the Engineering STEM academy, a specialized choice program, must maintain an above average academic performance, appropriate behavior and reasonable attendance records. Based on this data should your child fall below acceptable standards for this program he/she may be administratively placed on probation. Prior to being placed, students and parents will be informed about the reasons for the probation and the support plan being implemented to assist the student. Reasons for placement on probation will be academic performance, behavior, academic focus, and/or attendance. The probation period will last for an entire nine week period. During that period the student will have a specific plan in place to work on the areas of greatest concern. The student will remain in the STEM academy during the probation period. At the end of the nine week probationary period a meeting will be held to discuss the student’s progress and a determination will be made to either allow the student to continue in the STEM academy or be removed from the program. I. Virtual School Florida Virtual School and Hillsborough Virtual are used to accommodate students who are seeking advanced course above what is offered by traditional classes in the STEM program. We encourage students to take virtual classes during the summer or as an elective choice. We will not offer virtual school as a replacement for any offered academy class. J. Absences It’s the student’s responsibility to ask for makeup work or retrieve the work according to each teacher’s procedures, after an absence within 3 days of returning. You must work with each teacher individually to determine when the makeup work is due. Special assignments such as presentations, projects and group activities may be unable to be made up after an absence or by appointment with the teacher (ex. Tests, Presentations, Labs, Project). Visits to the office or guidance will be handled through a wish to see form. If you need to be seen by an administrator, they will call you down at the appropriate time. 5 Student Incentives STEM Engineering Awards o To receive this weekly reward the student must be nominated by one of their STEM teachers for outstanding academic performance and character qualities. The winning student will be given a certificate signed by the entire STEM team, a prize, cub bucks and a forgiveness pass which is worth 25 extra credit points to use on any one homework or class work assignment given by a STEM teacher. o Quarterly STEM Luncheon for top performing engineers of the week winners. Students awarded will have catered lunch with all the STEM teachers. o For each Semester we will hold an awards ceremony for parents and students to attend, where students will receive awards they have been nominated for along with fun activities and refreshments. End of the Year Awards o Students are chosen for end of the year awards based on a variety of criteria ranging from classroom conduct, attendance, academic grade, participation and community moral fiber. Celebrations & Field Trips o We will have a number of team or class celebrations for different events during the school year. There is no set amount or dates for these events. Educational and fun field trips will be scheduled throughout the school year and will require parent participation. 6 STEM Institute Communication All STEM Institute teachers can be contacted via either telephone or e-mail at any time, see extensions and addresses below. If at any time you wish to visit or speak with a STEM Institute teacher in person please make an appointment with the teacher before arriving. E-mail is the preferred communication method and we will return a response to you in 24 hours or less. Phone calls will be returned within 72 hours or less. If an issue arises regarding your child’s progress and you feel that it is not being resolved in a timely manner please contact Mrs. Heli immediately via email for the fastest response. Please write a brief description of the issue at hand and convenient times and telephone number(s) where you can be reached that afternoon. Serious inquiries and issues will attempt to be resolved immediately following the end of the school day. E-mail Addresses: Mrs. Heli – Miss Hayes – Mrs. Shortt – Mr. Lewis – Mr. Hermanson – Add to your contacts! Telephone Number: School Phone – (813) 987-6926 Visit our websites! Greco Mr. Hermanson 7 Acknowledgement Please sign below to indicate that you have read the Engineering STEM Academy Parent – Student Handbook. Also, fill out the form below, so we may keep in contact with you. Return only this form to school as soon as possible; keep the rest of the book for your reference throughout the year. We look forward to having a unique and exciting year. Thank you. _____________________________________________________________________ Parent Name(s) _____________________________________________________________________ Parent Signature __________________________________ Parent Contact E-mail ___________________________________ Telephone Number(s) _____________________________________________________________________ Student Name _____________________________________________________________________ Student Signature Partnership Survey - Purpose and Goals: To support the Engineering STEM Academy at Greco Middle School by assisting with the necessary resources including time, talent, and knowledge. Please indicate below what level of commitment you will be able to assist with in the 13-14 school year. Chaperon Field Trips Provide guest speakers Mentor students helping with projects and extracurricular activities Work with students to create and maintain the monthly STEM newsletter or STEM website Volunteer at Greco to help teachers – 1-2 hours per week Provide equipment & supplies Participate in the STEM Academy Advisory Board (4 Meetings per year) School Advisory Council Representative (students or adults) Marketing and recruiting help at various events during the year Other: List Your Idea for Involvement below ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ STEM Shirt Order Form 8
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