H IG HLAN D V I EW A C ADE MY Highlighter EDUCATING FOR ETERNITY O C T O B E R UPCOMING EVENTS 10/16-18 Sr Survival 10/17 1st Quarter Ends 10/18 Class of 2018 Activity 10/19 SAT 10/19 STEM Fair, 2-6 pm 1 6 , 2 0 1 4 STEM Fair, Oct. 19 The newly-created STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) Department at Highland View Academy will be sponsoring a STEMFEST on Sunday, October 19, 2014, 2-6 pm. This is a first ever STEM event at Highland View Academy. There will be booths from STEM organizations, such as the Department of Energy, NOAA, NASA, NIH and many others. Our very own HVA STEM Department will have several hands-on activities for children and youth. The festival will feature interactive and educational activities for all ages. Organizations will give away resources, posters, information sheets, and other materials, which teachers and homeschoolers may use. Refreshments will be sold, with proceeds going to the STEM program. This will be a free fun family activity. 10/20 Basketball Try -outs 10/22 Home Leave 10/26 ParentTeacher Conferences, 126pm 11/1 SA Barn Party 11/2 Driver’s Ed. Make-up class 11/2 Daylight Savings Ends 11/5 NAD College Fair 11/8 Student-led Sabbath 11/9 Junior Class Fundraiser 11/9-10 Academy Days Parent-Teacher Conferences, Oct. 26 Parent-teacher conferences will be held on Sunday, October 26 from 12pm to 6 pm. If you haven’t already, please make appointments with teachers that you’d like to speak with by going to the following website: http://pickatime.com/ client?ven=11605898. Dr. Hutchinson will be holding a Parent's Open Forum from 4-5pm the same day. This will be a time when parents can have an open dialogue with the principal and ask any questions they may have. The class of 2016 will be selling subs, chips, drinks, and baked goods as a fundraiser during parent-teacher conferences. Come hungry and support the junior class! Sophomore Fundraiser Friday & Sabbath October Birthdays STUDENTS Assembly Schedule - Administration Friday Schedule - B Weekend Supervision - Kim Brown Lori Zerne Joseph Choi Deans on Duty—Harrison, Gatz Maintenance on Duty - Roger Dailey Feliz Sze Aly Fields FACULTY / STAFF 8 18 Friday Sunset: 6:30 pm Sabbath Sundown: 6:29 pm Friday Vespers, 7:30 pm – Vespers, HVC Basement Sabbath School, 10:00 am - HVC Basement Church, 11:00 am - HVC Sanctuary Sabbath Afternoon – Community Service Activity at Mt. Aetna Camp, 1:30-4pm\ Next Week: Basketball try-outs, Home Leave Remember to wish these people a happy birthday! Music Department The students in our music department are singing and playing in preparation for their many outings this school year! For any questions please contact Joseph Choi, jchoi@highlandviewacademy.com. 10/17 10/19 10/19 11/1 11/14 11/15 12/6 12/13 7:00 pm 2:00 pm 6:15 pm 11:00 am 8:00 pm 11:00 am 11:00 am 7:00 pm Spencerville SDA Church, Maryland Highlanders HVA STEMFEST, HVA Gym Highlanders Recital, Feat. Matthew Rada & Alissa Tanguay, HV Church Middletown SDA Church, Maryland Highlanders Washington-Spencerville Korean SDA, MD Highlanders Maryland Central Korean SDA Church Highlanders Williamsport SDA Church, MD Highlanders HVA 2014 Christmas Concert All Music Groups Fundraiser Help our music department get to Brazil for spring break by purchasing the World’s Finest Chocolate! Available from any Highlander for only $2 an item. Girls’ Volleyball & Boys’ Soccer Soccer and Volleyball season have begun! Come cheer for HVA! Please contact John Henline with any questions jhenline@highlandviewacademy.com 10/14 Away Game 10/16 Away Game 5:00 pm (both teams) 4:30 pm (both teams) vs. Shenandoah Valley Academy vs. Massanutten Military Academy *Please email submissions for the Highlighter to mcorea@highlandviewacademy.com no later than 12 noon on Wednesdays.
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