Student Responsibilities Mat 2170 Week 10 Reading: Textbook, Chapter 6, Chapter 7.1 – 7.3 Classes and Objects Lab: Inheritance Mathematics and Computer Science Department Eastern Illinois University Attendance Fall 2008 2 1 The javadoc Documentation System Sample javadoc Pages — RandomGenerator One of the important ways in which Java works together with the World–Wide–Web is in the design of its documentation system, javadoc. The javadoc program reads Java source files and generates documentation for each class in the file. Complete documentation for the ACM Java Libraries is located at: 3 4 Constructor and Method Summaries 5 Constructor and Method Details 6 7 8 Writing javadoc Comments Documentation Comments Documentation comments begin with /** and end with */. The javadoc program from the Java developer’s kit (JDK) produces nicely formatted HTML documentation from special comments embedded in the source code. Lines that begin with @ are tags that have special meaning. @author To make this work with your own programs, you need to add specially formatted comments to your code. @param @return A javadoc comment begins with the characters /** and extends up to the closing */ just as a regular comment does. Starts a paragraph where one or more author names may be entered Starts a parameter description for a function parameter with the given name Starts a return value description for a function Java defines a few more tags and it is possible to define your own. However, you only need to know the above tags for now. Using documentation comments helps programmers produce actuate and consistent documentation. Note you can also add html formatting to your documentation comments. 10 9 Documentation Comments: Examples Java Classes /** * Moves the GMovingSquare according to the current * displacement. */ public void move() Class: a collection of (usually related) data, along with the methods or operations capable of accessing it /** * Returns a copy of the current displacement (velocity) of * the GMovingSquare. * @return a copy of the current velocity */ public GPoint getDisplacement() 11 /** * Sets the displacement (velocity) of the GMovingSquare to * be (x,y). * @param x the x component of the new displacement * @param y the y component of the new displacement */ public void setDisplacement(double x, double y) Data members: the storage components of a class Member functions: the messages or methods of a class, used to access and modify the data members Must declare (instantiate) an object of the class before allowed to store data in it or send it a message 12 Java Objects Defining Our Own Classes The standard form of a class definition in Java: Fundamental Data Types Examples: int, double, boolean public class name extends superclass { class body } Objects of a fundamental type have: 1 a state described by a single value. Java Classes The extends clause on the header line specifies the name of the superclass. Examples: String, GRect, GPoint Objects of a class have: 1 a state: a collection of values or attributes 2 messages which the object understands and can act upon 13 If the extends clause is missing, the new class becomes a direct subclass of Object, which is the root of Java’s class hierarchy. 14 Class Contents Creating Classes The body of a class consists of a collection of Java definitions that are generically called called entries. We can design exactly the structure needed to store related data The most common entries are: We learned how to use classes, now we’ll learn how to modify them, and create our own by: We can designate exactly how data may be accessed or modified 1 constructors — how to create an instance (an object with initial value/s) 2 methods — the methods associated with the class adding attributes / data to existing classes 3 instance variables — any necessary local objects overriding messages in existing classes 4 named constants — any necessary constants for the class building a class from “scratch” 15 adding messages to existing classes 16 Thinking about clocks. . . Thinking about clocks. . . A Wall clock is a kind of clock ⇒ a clock that hangs on a wall An Alarm clock is a kind of clock ⇒ a clock with an alarm A Wall Clock. . . A Grandfather clock is a kind of clock ⇒ a clock with a pendulum and chimes An Alarm Clock. . . A Wristwatch is a kind of clock ⇒ a clock that straps to your arm Wall clocks, Alarm clocks, Grandfather clocks, and Wristwatches are specialized clocks A Grandfather Clock. . . 17 A Wristwatch. . . 18 Inheritance Hierarchy Extending Classes Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to create specialized program objects without starting from scratch? Clock For example: Blinking rectangles IS−A relationships Moving circles Arbitrary precision numbers Wall Clock Alarm Clock Grandfather Clock Inheritance is the object–oriented programming mechanism for specialization. Wristwatch 19 20 Inheritance Derived Classes A derived class IS–A version of its parent class. Inheritance is the ability to define new classes of objects using existing classes as a basis. It has the same members its parent class has. It can add members — both methods and data The new class inherits the attributes and behaviors of the parent classes. It can re–define members of the parent class, over-riding the parent’s definition. The new class IS–A specialized version of the parent class. 21 For example, re-defining what it means to move() by giving a new implementation for the function. 22 Inheritance Class Message Examples Constructors: Create an object, provide initial values GRect rect = new GRect(0.0, 0.0, 20.0, 30.0); A natural way to reuse code Programming by extension rather than re-invention Mutators: Change the state or attributes MyCircle.setColor(Color.RED); Object-oriented paradigm is well–suited for this style of programming Inspectors: Determine something about the state double bh = Box.getHeight() Terminology Parent, base, or superclass Facilitators: Perform a task MyCircle.move(); Derived or subclass 23 24 Derived Class Definition A Square and More. . . is-a A GSquare General form: GRect which Is restricted to equal height and width public class DerivedClassName extends ParentClass { // Members go here } Can be created with a given color Notes super refers to the parent class. Example from GSquare Class: this refers to the current object being defined. public class GSquare extends GRect { // Rest of the definition goes here } When no receiver is specified the message is sent to the current object. In other words, message() is the same as this.message() Notice the package inclusion just before the import statements. 26 25 The GSquare Definition The GSmartSquare Class A GSmartSquare is-a GSquare which knows: How to find its window See Lab Writeup Whether its left or right edge has gone out of the window Whether its top or bottom edge has gone out of the window Whether its fits in its window 27 28 The GSmartSquare Class Definition A Square and Still More. . . A GMovingSquare is-a GSmartSquare which: Keeps track of a displacement (x- and y-coordinate) Knows how to move by this displacement See Lab Writeup You will be completing this class in lab We can derive this class from GSmartSquare by adding: displacement: a new attribute to keep track of ∆x and ∆y for the object move: a message to make a move based on this displacement a constructor that initializes the displacement as well as the other usual attributes of a GSquare object 29 30 The GMovingSquare Class Definition Noteworthy When we need to refer to a parent class or one of its constructors from within a derived class method, we preface the call with super. When we need to distinguish a derived class method from a parent class method or a parameter, we preface the call with this. See Lab Writeup You will be completing this class in lab We can also use this to call a constructor from within another constructor. We will place the new graphics classes in their own package, called Any non-primitive variable can be set equal to null which is sometimes a useful way to initialize it. 31 32 About the Pool Table Exercise GOval objects have the methods: getWidth(), getHeight(), and setVisible(). However, even though ActiveCount can be initialized when it is declared, it should also be set to the number of pool balls within the run() method in order for it to work correctly once published to the web and RELOAD is used to re-execute the applet. Ball.setVisible(false) erases the object from the graphics window. When publishing to the web, you’ll need to include the circleLibrary.jar in addition to the acmLibrary.jar. You must be clear in your mind between methods in your circle classes and those in the program — i.e., whether a method is to be part of a class or added below run(). In order to keep count of the active balls, you need to make ActiveCount a “global” object; declare and initialize it outside the run() method so it is accessible to other methods in the program. In this way, you do not need to send it as a parameter to a method; just access it directly. 33 This lab is worth 50 points, and is not due for two weeks (rather than the usual one) from Thursday. 34 Controlling Access to Entries Designer versus Client View of Class Members Each entry in a Java class is marked with a keyword to control which classes have access to that entry. Clients can access these Public members The types of access are termed public, private, and protected. Protected members The text uses only public and private. All entries are marked as private unless there is a compelling reason to export them. & Private members Clients cannot access these! 35 36 Access Privileges public The Structure of Memory bit: a fundamental unit of information found in one of two possible states: off and on — or false / true — or 0 / 1. All classes in the program have access; public entries in a class are said to be exported by that class. private Access is limited to the class itself, making that entry completely invisible outside the class. protected Access is restricted to the class that defines these entities, along with any of its subclasses or any classes in the same package. (no keyword) The entry is visible only to classes in the same package, and are called package– private. 37 byte: 8 bits nybble: 4 bits or half a byte word: 4 bytes kilo (K) mega (M) giga (G) = = = 210 220 230 = = = 1,024 1,048,576 1,037,741,824 A 64KB computer from the early 1970’s would have had 64 × 1024 or 65,536 bytes of memory. A 512MB machine would have 512 × 1,048,576 or 536,870,912 bytes of memory. 38 Binary notation — a Byte Hexadecimal — Base 16 — 4 Bits Each Hex digit Value A 10 B 11 C 12 D 13 E 14 F 15 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 = 0 = 2 = 0 = 8 = 0 = 32 = 0 = 0 42 39 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 A 2 2 A 10 x 1 = 10 2 x 16 = 32 42 40 Memory and Addresses Allocating Memory Within the memory system of a typical computer, every byte is identified by a numeric address, starting at 0. Whenever a variable or object is declared, the compiler must reserve space in memory to hold its value/s. 0000 0001 0002 0003 allocation: the process of reserving memory space. 1000 1001 1002 Memory is allocated from one of three different regions of memory depending on how an object is declared: FFFD FFFE FFFF If we use two bytes to hold addresses, the largest address is: FFFF or 15 × 163 + 15 × 162 + 15 × 161 + 15 × 160 or 65,535. It takes 4 bytes, or a word, to be able to address a gig of memory. 41 42 1 The beginning of memory 2 The stack 3 The heap Allocation Strategies — Beginning or Low Memory Memory regions memory for program code and static data Static variables and constants. pool of memory available for objects (the "heap") static variables belong to the whole class, not to an individual object. the heap grows toward higher addresses This group is usually allocated at the beginning of the memory space. the stack grows toward lower addresses Program instructions are also stored at the beginning of memory. memory for local variables (the "stack") 43 44 Allocation Strategies — The Heap Allocation Strategies — The Stack Local variables. All variables that are declared as local variables inside a method are allocated from a region of memory called the stack. Dynamically allocated objects. Convention places the beginning of stack memory at the highest legal address in memory. All objects created using new are assigned storage from a region of memory called the heap. The stack grows toward lower addresses as new methods are called. Convention places the heap memory immediately after the fixed region assigned to the static declarations of a class. When a method is invoked, the size of the stack increases by the amount needed to hold the local variables that method declares. The memory set aside for a particular method is called a stack frame. The heap grows toward higher addresses. When a method returns, its stack frame is discarded, restoring the frame of its caller. 46 45 What’s Important to Know What’s Important to Know The full story is that non-primitive variables are references. A reference is just a memory address of some object. However, we can send message to an object via a reference to it. When we pass a reference as a parameter to a method the method still just gets a copy of it. When a primitive type is passed as a parameter, a copy of its value is made. Changes, if any, are made to the copy. However, having a copy of a reference is just like having the original. When an object is passed as a parameter to a method, a reference to that object is passed. Changes, if any, are made to the original object. 47 The null literal is a reference that refers to no object. Any non-primitive variable can be set equal to null which is sometimes a useful way to initialize it. 48
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