Mathematics Math Expressions Lesson Grade 2 Quarter 2 Day 77 Common Core State Standard(s) 2.MD.7 Tell and write time from analog and digital clocks to the nearest five minutes, using a.m. and p.m. Standards for Mathematical Practice Standard 2: Reason abstractly and quantitatively. Standard 3: Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Materials Needed: Math Expressions Volume 1 o TE pages 453- 458 o Blackline Master “5 Minute Intervals Practice” o Blackline Master “Read and Show Time to 5 Minutes Practice” Student MathBoards Demonstration clock or Time Poster Sticky notes Assessment Ask children to draw an analog clock on their MathBoards and to include numbers from 1 to 12. Have them write the number of minutes after the hour in 5-minute intervals around the outside of the clock. Math Expressions Lesson Unit 6 Lesson 2: Hours and Minutes Activity 1 1. Using TE 454, have students do different activities for one minute to help them develop a sense of the duration of 1 minute. 2. Lead a discussion on how long 1 minute feels and compare it with the timeframe of 1 hour. 3. Display 1 o’clock on a demonstration clock or on the Time Poster. If students have their handmade clocks from lesson 1, have them follow along as you lead them through the discussion questions on TE page 454. 4. Discuss the differences between analog clocks and digital clocks as noted on the bottom of TE page 454. 5. Refer to Transparency “5 Minute Intervals Practice” as you explain that small numbers around the outside of the clock face tell the number of minutes after the hour. 6. Use the discussion questions on TE page 455 to talk about the interval of minutes between each number on the clock face. 7. The Alternate Approach on TE page 455 will help students to see the 5-minute intervals by labeling them with sticky notes. Activity 2 1. On TE page 456, use Math Talk to discuss reading time to 5 minutes. Use the discussion questions on this page to talk about the minute hand and the hour hand. 2. Have the students complete Blackline Master “Read and Show Time to 5 Minutes Practice” as you circulate the room and monitor their understanding. 3. Use the Teacher Note on TE page 456 to clarify that when the hour hand is between two numbers, the hour is always the smaller number. Remind students about the direction in which the clock hand travels is the same direction as the numbers on the clock increase. Additional Teacher Notes: Refer to the Teaching Note on TE page 456 to clarify misunderstandings of reading time on an analog clock. Homework Blackline Master – “Read and Show Time to 5 Minutes” Homework” Vocabulary 5 minute interval- the amount of time that passes and is shown between numbers on an analog clock. Analog clock Digital clock Hour hand Minute hand Wake County Public School System, 2014 Note: Refer to Teacher Edition pages for additional support with Math Talk, Math Background, English Language Learners, Differentiated Instruction, etc. Source: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Math Expressions Transparency Grade 2 Day 77 Standard(s) 2.MD.7 5-Minute Intervals Practice 1. Count by 5’s around the clock. Wake County Public School System, 2014 Blackline Master Grade 2 Day 77 Standard(s) 2.MD.7 Read and Show Time to 5 Minutes Practice Directions: Write the time on the digital clocks. __:__ __:__ __:__ __:__ __:__ __:__ Directions: Draw hands on the analog clocks to show the time. 7 : 35 9 : 05 4 : 45 2 : 10 10 : 25 8 : 55 Wake County Public School System, 2014 Blackline Master Grade 2 Day 77 Standard(s) 2.MD.7 Read and Show Time to 5 Minutes Homework Directions: Write the time on the digital clocks. __:__ __:__ __:__ Directions: Draw hands on the analog clocks to show the time. 2 : 35 7 : 05 1 : 45 Directions: Fill in the answers when counting by 5’s. 1.) 9 fives = __45__ 2.) 2 fives = ______ 3.) 5 fives = ______ 4.) 1 five = ______ 5.) 8 fives = ______ 6.) 4 fives = ______ Directions: On the back, draw a picture of what you would be doing at 4:00 in the afternoon on a school day. Draw an analog clock to show the time. Wake County Public School System, 2014 Answer Key Grade 2 Day 77 Standard(s) 2.MD.7 5-Minute Intervals Practice (Answer Key) 1. Count by 5’s around the clock. 60 55 05 10 50 15 45 40 20 35 25 30 Wake County Public School System, 2014 Answer Key Grade 2 Day 77 Standard(s) 2.MD.7 Read and Show Time to 5 Minutes Practice (Answer Key) Directions: Write the time on the digital clocks. 9:00 5:15 1:30 8:30 9:05 10:10 Directions: Draw hands on the analog clocks to show the time. 7 : 35 9 : 05 4 : 45 2 : 10 10 : 25 8 : 55 Wake County Public School System, 2014 Answer Key Grade 2 Day 77 Standard(s) 2.MD.7 Read and Show Time to 5 Minutes Homework (Answer Key) Directions: Write the time on the digital clocks. 1:25 5:05 2:30 Directions: Draw hands on the analog clocks to show the time. 2 : 35 7 : 05 1 : 45 Directions: Fill in the answers when counting by 5’s. 1.) 9 fives = __45__ 2.) 2 fives = 10 3.) 5 fives = 25 4.) 1 five = 5 5.) 8 fives = 40 6.) 4 fives = 20 Directions: On the back, draw a picture of what you would be doing at 4:00 in the afternoon on a school day. Draw an analog clock to show the time. Wake County Public School System, 2014
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