Objectives To provide experience identifying the number of minutes around the face of an analog clock; and to introduce digital time. 1 materials Teaching the Lesson Key Activities Children identify the number of minutes that have elapsed as the minute hand passes each hour number of an analog clock. They are introduced to digital clocks and digital notation for times. They practice writing times to the quarter-hour in digital notation. ⵧ Math Journal 2, pp. 128 and 129 ⵧ Home Link 6 9 䉬 Key Concepts and Skills ⵧ Transparency (Math Masters, p. 186; optional) ⵧ half-sheets of paper • Count forward by 1s and 5s. [Number and Numeration Goal 1] • Tell time on a digital clock given the time on an analog clock. ⵧ demonstration clock (minute/hour hands) ⵧ digital clock (optional) [Measurement and Reference Frames Goal 4] • Tell time on an analog clock given the time on a digital clock. See Advance Preparation [Measurement and Reference Frames Goal 4] • Tell time to the quarter-hour in digital notation. [Measurement and Reference Frames Goal 4] Key Vocabulary digital clock Ongoing Assessment: Recognizing Student Achievement Use Mental Math and Reflexes. [Operations and Computation Goal 4] Ongoing Assessment: Informing Instruction See page 590. 2 Ongoing Learning & Practice Children play Coin Exchange to practice exchanging coins with equivalent values. Children practice and maintain skills through Math Boxes and Home Link activities. 3 Children make circular number lines. ⵧ Math Journal 2, p. 130 ⵧ Home Link Master (Math Masters, p. 187) ⵧ tool-kit coins; 2 dice per partnership ⵧ polyhedral dice (optional) materials Differentiation Options READINESS materials EXTRA PRACTICE Children play Time Match. ⵧ Teaching Master (Math Masters, p. 188); 2 copies per small group ⵧ Time Match Cards (Math Masters, pp. 354–357) ⵧ scissors; tape or glue See Advance Preparation Additional Information Advance Preparation Place half-sheets of paper, one for each child, near the Math Message. For the optional Extra Practice activity in Part 3, each small group needs a deck of 24 cards. Use the cards from Lesson 4–4 or create a deck of cards by making copies of Math Masters, pages 354–357. Then cut the pages as marked. Technology Assessment Management System Mental Math and Reflexes See the iTLG. Lesson 6䉬 10 587 Getting Started Mental Math and Reflexes 夹 Math Message Tell number stories such as those suggested below. Children solve them any way they can. Have children share their solution strategies after solving each problem. Summarize their solutions by drawing an appropriate diagram and by writing a number model. Grace collects stones. She had 14 stones from the park. She collected 3 more from her neighbors’ yards. How many stones has Grace collected in all? 17 stones Sheena was 43 inches tall at the start of first grade. When she was measured at the end of first grade, she had grown 5 inches. How tall was Sheena at the end of first grade? 48 inches Jamie is trying to finish reading a book. It is 32 pages long. He has read 20 pages already. How many pages does Jamie still have to read? 12 pages Take a half-sheet of paper. Write the numbers you say when you count by 5s to 60. Home Link 6 9 Follow-Up 䉬 Briefly go over the answers. Ongoing Assessment: Recognizing Student Achievement 夹 Mental Math and Reflexes Use Mental Math and Reflexes to assess children’s ability to solve number stories. Children are making adequate progress if they are able to answer the first and second problems correctly. Some children may be able to answer all 3 problems correctly. [Operations and Computation Goal 4] 1 Teaching the Lesson 䉴 Math Message Follow-Up WHOLE-CLASS ACTIVITY Collect the Math Message papers. Look through them to assess readiness for today’s lesson. 䉴 Counting the Minutes in WHOLE-CLASS ACTIVITY an Hour Science Link Use salt, sugar, or sand and plastic bottles taped together at the mouths to make hourglass timers. Make different timers, using different-sized pairs of bottles. Measure how long it takes each timer to empty. Help children determine why the bottles empty at different rates. Discuss the historic and present-day uses of hourglass timers. 588 Unit 6 Developing Fact Power Remind children that it takes 1 minute for the minute hand to move from one mark to the next. Move the minute hand on your demonstration clock slowly around the clock face, starting at 12 o’clock. Children count by 1s to 60 as the minute hand passes each minute mark. Point out that the hour hand has moved from 12 to 1. How many minutes are there in 1 hour? 60 minutes Student Page 䉴 Introducing the 5-Minute WHOLE-CLASS ACTIVITY Date LESSON 6 10 䉬 Time Time at 5-Minute Intervals Interval Marks on the Analog Clock 0 55 50 (Math Journal 2, p. 128) Point to the hour numbers on the clock face: 1, 2, 3 ... 12. To check that it takes 5 minutes for the minute hand to move from one hour number to the next, count the minute marks between two or three pairs of hour numbers. Then set your demonstration clock to 12 o’clock and move the minute hand slowly around the clock face. Have children count by 5s as the minute hand passes the number for each hour. Children fill in the numbers of minutes at 5-minute intervals around the clock face on journal page 128 and then record the number of minutes in 1 hour, half an hour, a quarter hour, and three-quarters of an hour. After children have completed the journal page, set your demonstration clock to 3 o’clock and move the minute hand slowly around the clock. As the minute hand passes each hour number, say the time with children: 5 minutes after 3, 10 minutes after 3, 15 minutes after 3, and so on. 45 40 11 10 5 12 1 10 2 9 15 3 8 4 7 6 35 30 5 20 25 How many minutes are there in: 1. 1 hour? 60 2. Half an hour? 3. A quarter-hour? minutes 30 15 minutes minutes 4. Three-quarters of an hour? 45 minutes Math Journal 2, p. 128 Show times on the demonstration clock, such as 8:00, 4:10, 7:30, 10:15, 5:35, and 11:45. Have children say the time, referring to the clock face in their journals as needed. ELL Adjusting the Activity Have children show the position of the minute hand for an “o’clock” time by raising an arm vertically. Have children position their arms to show “quarter-past,” “half-past,” and “quarter-before.” A U D I T O R Y 䉬 K I N E S T H E T I C 䉬 T A C T I L E 䉬 V I S U A L Links to the Future Both analog and digital clocks have advantages and disadvantages. It is more difficult to tell time with an analog clock than with a digital clock. However, analog clocks help develop an intuitive understanding of time measurement because they show time more graphically. Since both kinds of clocks are used in everyday life, it is important that children learn to read and understand time on both clocks. This lesson introduces children to time at 5-minute intervals. They are not expected to master this skill in first grade. Telling time to the nearest 5 minutes is a Grade 2 Goal. Lesson 6䉬 10 589 Teaching Master Name LESSON 6 10 䉬 䉴 Introducing the Digital Clock Date Analog and Digital Clocks 11 10 12 1 2 9 3 8 4 7 6 5 WHOLE-CLASS ACTIVITY Show 5 o’clock on the demonstration clock. Ask if anyone has a clock at home that shows “5 o’clock” with numbers only. Explain that this is called a digital clock. Write digital clock on the board. Display a digital clock. Use a transparency of Math Masters, page 186 for the following routine. 1. Draw hands on the analog clock face on the transparency to show 5 o’clock. Then write “5:00” on the digital clock on the transparency. Explain that these two clocks show the same time. 2. Show 10 minutes after 7 on the analog clock and write “7:10” on the digital clock. Again, point out that the two clocks show the same time. We can say that the time shown is “10 minutes after 7,” or “seven-ten.” Math Masters, p. 186 3. Show 5 minutes after 6 on the analog clock and write “6:05” on the digital clock. We can say that the time shown is “5 minutes after 6” or “six-o-five.” It may be curious to children that 605 is read “six hundred five”, but 6:05 is read, “six-o-five.” Explaining this difference may be important. Emphasize other ways to read 6:05 such as “5 past six.” Repeat with several other times. Then show a time with the minute hand pointing to an hour number on the analog clock and ask children what time is shown. Write the time on the digital clock. After a few examples, give a time and ask volunteers to draw the hands on the analog clock and write the time on the digital clock. Include times such as “half-past 9,” “a quarter past 4,” and “a quarter to 10.” Explain what the numbers and symbol on the digital clock mean. ● The numbers are separated by a colon (:). ● The number before the colon tells the hour. ● The number after the colon tells the minutes after the hour. ● To support English language learners, write the following on the board: 6:05 hour:minutes Ongoing Assessment: Informing Instruction Watch for children who: • write 2:00 as 2:60. • write 2:00 as 2:12. • write 2:00 as 10:00. 590 Unit 6 Developing Fact Power Student Page Discuss the similarity between dollars-and-cents notation for money and digital notation for time. In dollars-and-cents notation, two places are needed after the decimal point to accommodate cents amounts up to 99 cents. In digital notation for time, two places are needed after the colon to accommodate numbers of minutes up to 59. Just as we write 6 dollars and 5 cents as $6.05, not $6.5, we write 5 minutes after 6 as 6:05, not 6:5. Date Time LESSON Digital Notation 6 10 䉬 Draw the hour hand and the minute hand. 1. 11 10 12 2. 11 10 1 2 9 6 3 4:00 6 1 2 9 4 7 5 12 11 10 2 8 4 7 3. 1 9 3 8 12 3 8 5 4 7 2:30 6 5 6:15 Write the time. 4. Adjusting the Activity 11 10 12 5. • What is the largest number of hours that can be displayed? 12 K I N E S T H E T I C 䉬 T A C T I L E 䉬 6 1 2 3 8 4 6 12 9 3 7 7 : 30 7. 11 10 V I S U A L 12 4 7 5 9 : 00 8. 1 11 10 2 9 3 8 6 5 6 1 : 15 9. 1 11 10 2 3 8 5 1 2 3 8 5 6 12 9 4 7 : INDEPENDENT ACTIVITY 12 9 4 7 䉴 Using Digital Notation 2 8 5 11 10 1 9 4 7 12 Make up your own. Draw the hour hand and minute hand. Write the time. Answers vary. • What is the smallest number of hours that can be displayed? 1 䉬 3 8 • What is the largest number of minutes that can be displayed? 59 A U D I T O R Y 11 10 2 9 Tell the class that “00” is the smallest number of minutes that can be displayed on a digital clock. 6. 1 4 7 : 5 6 : Math Journal 2, p. 129 (Math Journal 2, p. 129) Children draw the hour and minute hands to show a time given in digital notation. They write the time shown on an analog clock face in digital notation. Children who are having difficulty with this page can refer to the clock face on journal page 128 for help. 2 Ongoing Learning & Practice 䉴 Playing Coin Exchange PARTNER ACTIVITY Partners put 20 pennies, 10 nickels, 10 dimes, and 4 quarters in a pile. This pile is the bank. Student Page Date Time LESSON 6 10 䉬 Math Boxes 1. Measure your shoe. 2. How much money? ‰ÂÍÎÎÍ Directions It measures about cm. 1. Players take turns. When it is your turn, roll both dice and collect from the bank the amount shown on the dice. 2. Whenever you can, exchange 5 pennies for a nickel in the bank; exchange 2 nickels, or 5 pennies and a nickel, for a dime; and exchange a combination of nickels and dimes for a quarter. 3. The game ends when there are no more quarters in the bank. Answers vary. 52 ¢ Use Î,Â,Í, and ‰ to show this amount with fewer coins. ‰‰ÎÎ 3. Write , , or . 4. Count up by 10s. ÂÂ Í 50, 20¢ ÂÎ 80 24¢ $0.18 ÍÍÍ 40¢ 110 60 , 70 , , 90 , 100 , , 120 , 130 4. The player with more money wins. Math Journal 2, p. 130 Lesson 6䉬 10 591 Home Link Master Name HOME LINK 6 10 䉬 Family Note 䉴 Math Boxes 6 10 Date 䉬 Time at 5-Minute Intervals In today’s lesson, children started to work with digital displays of time. Children talked about the number of minutes in an hour and started to tell time at 5-minute intervals. This will require a lot of practice, so the Everyday Mathematics program will come back to telling time throughout the year. 0 55 11 10 50 45 Please return this Home Link to school tomorrow. 1 2 9 3 8 40 (Math Journal 2, p. 130) 5 12 4 7 5 6 35 10 15 Mixed Practice Math Boxes in this lesson are paired with Math Boxes in Lesson 6-12. 20 25 30 Draw the hour hand and the minute hand. 1. 11 10 12 2. 1 11 10 2 9 3 8 6 2 3 8 5 Writing/Reasoning Have children draw, write, or verbalize an answer to the following question: How do you count a handful of coins? A reasonable answer should show a strategy for counting a mixed group of coins, such as sorting coins by type and counting the coins with the larger values first. 1 9 4 7 12 4 7 4:00 5 6 7:30 Practice 3. 11 10 12 4. Draw dots on the domino. 1 2 9 Write an addition fact for the domino. 3 8 4 7 6 INDEPENDENT ACTIVITY 䉴 Home Link 6 10 5 䉬 10:15 Answers vary. INDEPENDENT ACTIVITY (Math Masters, p. 187) Home Connection Children draw the hands on analog clocks for times shown in digital notation. 0 5 60 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 glue Math Masters, p. 187 3 Differentiation Options READINESS 䉴 Exploring the Minutes on 20 25 30 LESSON 6 10 䉬 5–15 Min a Clock Face 35 40 (Math Masters, p. 188) Teaching Master Name SMALL-GROUP ACTIVITY Date Making a Circular Number Line To explore the number of minutes in an hour, have children make a circular number line. Have children cut and glue together the three parts of Math Masters, page 188 to make a “number line.” Instruct children to label each line with a count by 5s from 0–55. (See margin.) Instruct children to write 60 under the 0 because the minute hand of the clock starts and ends at the same place. Then they should tape the ends of the number line together to form a circle. Have them compare their circular “number line” to the clock face. EXTRA PRACTICE 䉴 Playing Time Match SMALL-GROUP ACTIVITY 5–15 Min Children practice identifying time on clocks by playing Time Match. For detailed instructions, see Lesson 4-4. glue glue glue Math Masters, p. 188 592 Unit 6 Developing Fact Power
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