CONSEIL DE L’EUROPE VEL I KA KULTU RN A POT S VE TA E VRO P E COUNCIL OF EUROPE | trans_cover-GB-SLO.indd 1 M A JOR CU LTURA L RO UTE OF THE CO UNCIL O F E UROPE R o m a n s k e p o t i e v r o p s k e d e d i š cˇ i n e 28/07/10 10.24 > Saška-Anhalt Saxony-Anhalt > Turingija Thuringia > Koroška Carinthia Copyright All texts, pictures and graphical representations are protected by copyright and other laws protecting intellectual property. It is not allowed to copy and/or to change them for trade use or to supply them for being used without the permission of TRANSROMANICA Association. Some pages are presenting images which are protected by the copyright of a third party as the owner of the images. Saška-Anhalt Saxony-Anhalt Magdeburg, Cathedral ©IMG Sachsen-Anhalt Naumburg, Cathedral ©IMG Sachsen-Anhalt Halberstadt, Cathedral ©Dom und Domschatz Halberstadt Turingija > Thuringia Slovenija Slovenia Eisenach, Wartburg Castle, Palas & Heilige Elisabeth ©Wartburg Stiftung Weißensee, Runneburg Castle ©Stiftung Runneburg Carinthia > Modena, Parma, Ferrara Paray-le-Monialu Samson-Tympanon, around 1200 ©Kunstverlag Hofstätter, 4910 Ried/Innkreis Frescos in the winter church Maria Wörth ©Bundesdenkmalamt, Fotoarchiv des Landeskonservatorates Kärnten Hl. Romanus, mural painting around 1140 in the keep, Friesach ©Foto Hammerschlag Koroška Slovenia > Srbija Piemont Piedmont Slovenija Podsreda Chapel - Interior ©Miran Kambicˇ 1999 Sticˇna Monastery – The Cloister ©Zvone Pelko 1996 Sticˇna Monastery – Neff’s Abbey ©Zvone Pelko 1996 Provinces of Modena, Parma and Ferrara Piemont > Kastilija in Leon Castile and León Kastilija in Leon Dolina Sousa > Dolina Sousa Sousa Valley Modena, Parma, Ferrara Parma, Cathedral ©Archivio APT Servizi Modena, Cathedral ©Ghigo Roli Carpi, Parish Church of Santa Maria in Castello, Frescoes ©Nicola Nannavecchia Docfilm Imprint TRANSROMANICA e.V. Danzstr. 1, 39104 Magdeburg (Deutschland) Phone: +49 (0)391 - 73 84 350 Fax: +49 (0)391 - 73 84 352 E-Mail: Web: Registergericht: Amtsgericht Stendal Registernummer: VR 1137 Vertretungsberechtigter Vorstand: L. Zimmer, F. Thäger, A. Schröder Verantwortlich für redaktionelle Inhalte: J. Koch 2. Auflage/Juni 2010 Piedmont Albugnano, Abbey of Vezzolano ©Marco Devecchi Sant’Ambrogio di Torino, St. Michael’s Abbey ©photo archivio Regione Piemonte Casale Monferrato, St. Evasio Cathedral ©Fernando Delmastro Orta San Giulio, San Giulio’s Basilica ©Giancarlo Parazzoli Vercelli, St. Andrew’s Basilica ©photo archivio Regione Piemonte Pictures p. 27 ©Regione Piemonte Castile and León all pictures ©Junta de Castilla y León Srbija Serbia Sousa Valley all pictures ©Route of the Romanesque of the Sousa Valley Serbia all pictures ©National Tourism Organisation of Serbia > trans_cover-GB-SLO.indd 2 Paray-le-Monialu Paray-le-Monial Paray-le-Monial all pictures ©Office de Tourisme de Paray-le-Monial > 28/07/10 10.24 The route begins here... It was around the year 1000 in medieval Occident that a common language of art spread for the first time throughout Europe: the Romanesque style. Artists from all parts of Europe were inspired by the Roman and early Christian tradition. Therefore, the Romanesque style is the first common language of the old continent. It is a language inspired by myths and legends, a fascinating language whose forms of expression reflect the geographic and semantic features of medieval Europe over a period of 300 years. Travel was essential to the spread of ideas and the merge of cultural features which helped to both develop the Romanesque style and enrich it intellectually. This was the breeding ground for novel works of art reflecting unusual ideas and creativity. During this dangerous and quite difficult time, a large number of monasteries, abbey churches and places of pilgrimage for travellers were built in many places in Europe. Romanesque-style cathedrals were the focus of urban life. They were like books carved in stone using frescos, sculptures and engravings to speak to poor people and scholars alike. Despite obvious differences between people, traditions and cultures, this “first“ Europe, which had its origin in the Middle Ages, incorporated values which united the continent and which reflect the origins of Europe in the present: Unity in diversity. This is what TRANSROMANICA stands for today! interno gb-sloveno.indd 2 Pot se prične tukaj… Okoli leta 1000 se je pisalo na srednjeveškem Zahodu, ko se je prvič v zgodovini po Evropi razširil skupni jezik umetnosti: romanski slog. Umetnike celotne Evrope sta navdihovali romanska in zgodnjekrščanska tradicija. Rečemo lahko, da je romanski slog prvi skupni jezik stare celine. Očarljiv jezik, ki so ga navdihnili miti in legende, jezik, ki odraža geografske značilnosti in številne semantične posebnosti srednjeveške Evrope v obdobju dobrih 300 let. V tem času je Evropa sprejela vlogo Cerkve kot moralne, družbene in gospodarske avtoritete, njena mesta in poti pa so zaznamovali romarji, trgovci, menihi, učenjaki in križarji. Ravno potovanja so močno pripomogla k širjenju idej in združevanju kulturnih značilnosti, kar je vodilo k razvoju in obogatitvi romanskega sloga. Nastala je podlaga za nova umetniška dela, ki so odražala nenavadne ideje in kreativnost. V teh nevarnih in težkih časih so po Evropi zgradili številne samostane, opatijske cerkve in zatočišča za romarje. Romanske katedrale so bile postavljene v središče urbanega življenja. Bile so kot knjige, vklesane v kamen, s freskami, kipi in gravurami, ki nagovarjajo tako uboge kot šolane. Očitnim razlikam med ljudmi, tradicijami in kulturami navkljub je ta “prva” srednjeveška Evropa vsebovala vrednote, ki so celino povezale. Stara Evropa odraža današnjo: Enotnost in različnost. Romansko obdobje je svet čarovnij, alegorij in pravil, moči in domišljije, popačenja in reda. Romansko obdobje je srednji vek. Romansko obdobje je TRANSROMANICA. 28/07/10 18.14 Magnificent cathedrals, peaceful monasteries and silent churches – discover the Romanesque heritage along the cultural route TRANSROMANICA! TRANSROMANICA unites ten European regions to present their monuments from the stylistic period which emerged around the year 1000. SaxonyAnhalt and Thuringia in Germany, Carinthia in Austria, Piedmont and Modena in Italy, Castile and Leon in Spain, Vale do Sousa in Portugal as well as Slovenia, Serbia and the French Paray-le-Monial belong to the network. This unique association of regional styles allows you to experience the variety within TRANSROMANICA reaching from Byzantine to Western style, including influences of the French and Mudéjar architecture as well as those of the successive Gothic style. In 2007, TRANSROMANICA has been awarded as “Major Cultural Route” by the Council of Europe - a title which has only been granted to 25 European routes. Travelling the TRANSROMANICA means following a trail of 40 highly impressive Romanesque monuments, among them many belonging to the UNESCO World Heritage. A further 400, mostly sacred, sites with a style of plain yet abundant art await visitors to the region. A journey along the Romanesque Routes of European Heritage also means walking in the footsteps of important personalities such as Otto the Great, Martin Luther, Matilda of Canossa, St. James of Compostela and many more emperors and spiritual leaders. Furthermore, each region offers other cultural highlights, culinary treats and numerous events in a scenic landscape. For more information on the monuments, travel recommendations, touring possibilities and upcoming events, please visit interno gb-sloveno.indd 3 Veličastne katedrale, mirni samostani in tihe cerkve -odkrijte romansko dediščino na kulturni poti TRANSROMANICA. TRANSROMANICA združuje deset evropskih regij, da bi predstavila njihove spomenike iz slogovnega obdobja, ki je vzniknilo okrog leta 1000. Partnerstvo sestavljajo Saška-Anhalt in Turingija v Nemčiji, Avstrijska Koroška, Piemont in Modena v Italiji, Kastilija in Leon v Španiji, Vale do Sousa na Portugalskem kot tudi Slovenija, Srbija in francoski Paray-le-Monial. Ta edinstvena povezava slogov posameznih regij vam omogoča doživetje raznolikosti TRANSROMANICE, ki sega od bizantinskega do zahodnega sloga, vključno z vplivi francoske in mudéjarske arhitekture kot tudi s tistimi gotskega sloga, ki je sledil. V letu 2007 je Evropski svet TRANSROMANICO nagradil s podelitvijo naziva „Major Cultural Route” (Velika kulturna pot), ki je bil doslej podeljen le 25 evropskim potem. Potovanje po TRANSROMANICI pomeni srečanje s 40-imi izjemno veličastnimi romanskimi spomeniki, od katerih mnogi spadajo v Unescovo svetovno dediščino. Na območju članic obiskovalce pričakuje nadaljnjih 400 večinoma sakralnih objektov v tem slogu zelo umetniške preprostosti. Popotovanje po romanskih poteh evropske dediščine pomeni tudi stopanje po sledeh pomembnih osebnosti, Otona Velikega, Martina Luthra, Matilde iz Kanose, Sv. Jakoba iz Compostele ter številnih drugih vladarjev in duhovnih vodij. Vsako od območij ponuja tudi druge kulturne vrhunce, kulinarične užitke in številne prireditve, vse to v idilični pokrajini. Za več informacij o spomenikih, priporočilih v zvezi s potovanji, možnostih popotovanja in prihajajočih dogodkih, nas obiščite na spletni strani! 28/07/10 18.14 Saxony-Anhalt Saška-Anhalt Havelberg, Magdeburg, Halberstadt, Quedlinburg, Merseburg, Naumburg > Magdeburg St. Maurice and St. Catherine’s evangelic Cathedral Evangeličanska katedrala sv. Mavricija in sv. Katarine > Havelberg St. Mary’s Cathedral Katedrala sv. Marije > Halberstadt, St. Stephanus and St. Sixtus’ Dome Katedrala sv. Štefana in sv. Sikstusa > Quedlinburg St. Servatius’ Collegiate Church (UNESCO World Heritage) Kolegiatna cerkev sv. Servacija (Unescova svetovna dediščina) > Merseburg SS. John and Laurentius Cathedral Katedrala sv. Janeza Krstnika in sv. Lavrencija > Naumburg SS. Peter and Paul’s Cathedral Katedrala sv. Petra in Pavla interno gb-sloveno.indd 4 As the heartland of German and European history, SaxonyAnhalt offers a host of monuments from the Middle Ages that are worth visiting. The outstanding skills and abilities of the master builders from the Romanesque era are particularly reflected along the “Romanesque Road” running through SaxonyAnhalt in a northern and a southern route. The 1,000 kilometre long route joins 65 towns and villages with 80 buildings dating from the Romanesque period. Splendid cathedrals, small parish churches, mighty castles and monasteries testify to the importance of the region, which is now Saxony-Anhalt, in the Middle Ages. Saška-Anhalt kot središče nemške in evropske zgodovine nudi številne srednjeveške spomenike, vredne obiska. Izvrstne spretnosti in sposobnosti srednjeveških mojstrov se zrcalijo na “Romanski poti,” ki je speljana po deželi. Tisoč kilometrov dolga pot povezuje 65 mest in vasi, v katerih najdemo 80 romanskih spomenikov. Razkošne katedrale, majhne župnijske cerkve, mogočni gradovi in samostani pričajo o tem, kako pomembna je bila današnja Saška-Anhalt v srednjem veku. 28/07/10 18.14 Cathedral, the donor statue of Uta /katedrala, kip grofice Ute©IMG Cathedral /katedrala©IMG 3_ Merseburg, Cathedral, Crypt /katedrala, kripta©IMG 4_ Quedlinburg, Collegiate church St. Servatius/kolegiatna cerkev sv. Servacija ©IMG 5_ Magdeburg, Cathedral, Emperor Otto I and his wife Editha /katedrala, cesar Oton I z ženo Editho©IMG 6_ Halberstadt, Cathedral /katedrala©IMG 7_ Magdeburg, Cathedral /katedrala©IMG 1_ Naumburg, 2_ Merseburg, The voyage of discovery along the Romanesque Road begins in Magdeburg. The Cathedral of St. Mauritius and St. Katharina is the final resting place of Emperor Otto I. The next stop of our itinerary is Quedlinburg. Large parts of Quedlinburg’s old town, the “Königshof” (the Royal Court) and the Romanesque Collegiate Church of St. Servatius belong to the UNESCO World Heritage. Some of the early Romanesque works of art can be seen in the Halberstadt Cathedral of St. Stephanus and St. Sixtus. Naumburg’s most important sight is the Late Romanesque-Early Gothic Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul. The magnificent Cathedral of St. John and St. Laurentius rises up high on the hillside overlooking the town of Merseburg. The Romanesque Cathedral of St. Mary is the jewel of Havelberg, the former Hanseatic town with its well preserved old town centre. interno gb-sloveno.indd 5 Pot po romanskih spomenikih se začne v Magdeburgu. Evangeličanska katedrala sv. Mavricija in sv. Katarine je zadnje počivališče cesarja Otona I. Naslednja postaja je mesto Quedlinburg s starim mestnim jedrom, v katerem najdemo »kraljevi trg« Königshof in kolegiatno cerkev sv. Servacija, ki ju ščiti UNESCO. Zgodnja romanska umetnost je vidna v katedrali sv. Štefana in sv. Sikstusa v Halberstadtu, najpomembnejši romanski spomenik v Naumburgu pa je pozno romanska, zgodnje gotska katedrala sv. Petra in Pavla. Veličastna katedrala sv. Janeza Krstnika in sv. Lavrencija se dviguje visoko nad mestom Merseburg, romanska katedrala sv. Marije pa je biser Havelberga, nekoč hanzeatskega mesta z odlično ohranjenim starim mestnim jedrom. 5 28/07/10 18.14 The Romanesque Road is rich in historical buildings and provides the visitor with an insight into Medieval life. Offering a large variety of travel packages, Saxony-Anhalt awakens visitors’ interests in vacations along the “Romanesque Road“. Depending on a visitor’s personal interest, a tour along the Romanesque Road may be coupled with a wellness holiday in the town of Halberstadt or Quedlinburg. Touring the rivers Havel, Elbe, Saale or Unstrut by boat, provides the visitor with a view of scenic river landscapes and a glimpse of impressive buildings from the water side. »Romanska pot« je prežeta z zgodovinskimi stavbami in obiskovalcu nudi vpogled v srednjeveško življenje. Številni turistični programi, ki so na voljo ob romanskih poteh Saške-Anhalt, bodo zadovoljili vsakega obiskovalca. Ogled romanskih znamenitosti lahko združite z obiskom wellness centrov v Halberstadtu in Quedlinburgu ali pa se odločite za vožnjo po rekah Havel, Labi, Saale ali Unstrut ter si veličastne stavbe ogledate z drugačne perspektive. 1_Querfurt castle, Romanesque road/ Grad Querfurt, Romanska pot©IMG 2_Halberstadt, Cathedral/ katedrala©IMG 3_Havelberg, Cathedral/ katedrala©IMG 4_ Canoeing on the river Unstrut/Veslanje na reki Unstrut©IMG 5_Harz, The Harz Mountains, the Bode river valley/Gorovje Harz, dolina reke Bode©IMG Estate and surrounding park/ Posestvo Altjessnitz s parkom©IMG 7_Wittenberg, Martin Luther’s home/Lutherhalle©IMG 8_Dessau, Bauhaus ©Stadt Dessau, Amt für Kultur, Tourismus und Sport 6_ Altjessnitz You are invited to discover the Middle Ages in the very heart of Germany. Saxony-Anhalt’s “Romanesque Road” offers you a genuine travel through time. Comparable to a treasure chest of the Middle Ages, the “Romanesque Road” attracts the visitor with real gems to be discovered in the towns of Merseburg, Naumburg, Quedlinburg and Halberstadt standing testimony to the art of Romanesque architecture. Attending concerts, medieval festivals and grand medieval banquets you can really feel how people felt during the Middle Ages. And those who prefer an active holiday may also discover the “Romanesque Road“ by bike, on foot or horseback. interno gb-sloveno.indd 6 Odkrijte srednji vek v osrčju Nemčije. Romanska pot po Saški-Anhalt ponuja izkušnjo potovanja skozi čas. Enako kot srednjeveške zakladnice tudi “Romanska pot” obiskovalce privlači s pravimi biseri, ki jih najdete v mestih Merseburg, Naumburg, Quedlinburg in Halberstadt, živih pričah romanske umetnosti in kulture. Obiščite koncerte, srednjeveške festivale in velike pojedine ter začutite utrip izpred 1000 let. Tisti bolj pustolovski pa boste romanske spomenike odkrivali s kolesom, peš ali na konju. 6 28/07/10 18.14 World famous sights and a calendar of events filled to the brim make Saxony-Anhalt an attractive destination worth visiting for cultural and city trips. Besides the “Romanesque Road” visitors who are particularly interested in cultural history should also visit SaxonyAnhalt’s 40 “Gartenträume“-Parks (the Garden Dream Parks), such as the Dessau-Wörlitz Garden Realm, which belong to the UNESCO World Heritage just like Quedlinburg with its many half-timbered houses, the Luther memorials in Eisleben and Wittenberg, the Bauhaus building and the Masters’ Houses in Dessau. In the South of Saxony-Anhalt visitors can also see the “Nebra Sky Disk”. Saxony-Anhalt is an excellent region for combining a holiday focusing on culture with activities in an intact nature. There is a host of possibilities offered by „Naturreich Sachsen-Anhalt“ (SaxonyAnhalt’s Realm of Nature), including bicycle tours along the “Blaues Band” (Blue Ribbon) in the biosphere reserve located at the central stretch of the river Elbe, hiking tours in the National Park or in the Harz Mountains Nature Park, horseback riding tours in the forests of the Düben Heath Nature Park and in the Fläming or canoeing tours on the rivers Saale and Unstrut in SaaleUnstrut-Triasland Nature Park. Saška-Anhalt je s svetovno znanimi znamenitostmi in nabito polnim koledarjem prireditev privlačna destinacija, vredna kulturno-turističnega obiska. Poleg Romanske poti ponuja obiskovalcem, ki jih posebej zanimata kultura in zgodovina, obisk 40 sanjskih parkov »Gartenträume«, med njimi vrt Dessau-Wörlitz, ki skupaj s Quedlinburgom in številnimi ohranjenimi napol lesenimi stavbami, Luthrovima Eislebnom in Wittenbergom ter zgradbami Bauhaus in Meisterhäuser v Dessau sodi pod okrilje UNESCA. Na jugu dežele pa si lahko ogledate nebesno ploščo iz Nebre. V Saški-Anhalt lahko kulturne počitnice odlično združite z aktivnim preživljanjem časa v nedotaknjeni naravi. V brošuri „Naturreich Sachsen-Anhalt“ najdete opisane številne možnosti, med njimi kolesarjenje ob rečnih poteh ob osrednjem toku reke Labe, pohodne ture v Narodnem parku ali po Naravnem parku gorovja Harz, jahanje po gozdovih Naravnih parkov Dübene Heide in Fläming ali veslanje po rekah Saale in Unstrut v Naravnem parku Saale-Unstrut-Triasland. Tourist Information Centers/ Turistično Informacijski centri Tourist-Information Havelberg Uferstrasse 1 - D-39539 Havelberg Ph. +49(0)393 8779091 - Fax: +49(0)393 8779092 E-Mail: Web: Halberstadt Information Hinter dem Rathause 6 - 38820 Halberstadt Ph. +49(0)3941 551815 - Fax: +49(0)3941 551089 E-Mail: Web: Quedlinburg-Tourismus-Marketing GmbH Markt 2 - D-06484 Quedlinburg Ph. +49(0)3946 905624 - Fax: +49(0)3946 905629 E-Mail: Web: Tourist- und Tagungsservice Naumburg Markt 12 - 06618 Naumburg Ph. +49(0)3445 273125 - Fax: +49(0)3445 273128 E-Mail: Web: Tourist-Information Magdeburg Ernst-Reuter Allee 12 - 39104 Magdeburg Ph. +49(0)391 19433 - Fax: +49(0)391 8380430 E-Mail: Web: Tourist- und Tagungsservice Merseburg Burgstrasse 5 - 06217 Merseburg Ph. +49(0)3461 214170 - Fax: +49(0)3461 214177 E-Mail: Web: Romanesque sites in Saxony-Anhalt/ Romanski spomeniki v Saški-Anhalt St. Mary’s Cathedral/Katedrala sv. Marije Platz des Friedens 10 - 39539 Havelberg Ph. +49(0)39387 89380 - Fax +49(0)39387 20646 E-Mail: Web: SS. Maurice and Catherine`s Evangelic Cathedral/ Evangeličanska katedrala sv. Mavricija in sv. Katarine Am Dom 1 - 39104 Magdeburg - Ph. +49(0)391 5410436 E-Mail: Web: interno gb-sloveno.indd 7 SS. Stephanus and Sixtus Cathedral/ Katedrala sv. Štefana in sv. Sikstusa Domplatz 16 a - 38820 Halberstadt Ph. +49(0)3941 24237 - Fax: +49(0)3941 621293 E-Mail : Web: Collegiate Church St. Servatius/ Kolegiatna cerkev sv. Servacija Schlossberg - 06484 Quedlinburg Ph. +49(0)3946 709900 - Fax: +49(0)3946 524379 E-Mail: Web: 7 SS. Peter and Paul`s Cathedral - Naumburg/ Katedrala sv. Petra in Pavla Vereinigte Domstifter - Domplatz 19 - 06618 Naumburg Ph. +49(0)3445 2301133 - Fax: +49(0)3445 2301134 E-Mail: Web: SS. John and Laurentius’s Cathedral - Merseburg/ Katedrala sv. Janeza Krstnika in sv. Lavrencija Domplatz 7 - 06217 Merseburg Ph. +49(0)3461 210045 - Fax: +49(0)3461 720621 E-Mail: Web: 28/07/10 18.14 Thuringia Turingija Arnstadt, Eisenach, Erfurt, Paulinzella, Bad Frankenhausen > Eisenach Wartburg Castle (UNESCO World Heritage) Grad Wartburg (Unescova svetovna dediščina) > Erfurt Church of SS. Peter and Paul Samostanska cerkev sv. Petra in Pavla > Paulinzella Conventual Church Samostanska cerkev > Arnstadt Church of Our Lady Cerkev Matere Božje > Bad Frankenhausen Reichsburg Castle Kyffhausen Grad Reichsburg Kyfhausen interno gb-sloveno.indd 8 Located in the centre of Germany, Thuringia has been a focus of German history and culture. A host of castles, palaces, churches and monasteries bear witness to its stony legacy, a legacy which is hard to find in such a variety anywhere else. From the Romanesque period alone, Thuringia can boast some 100 important monuments.No wonder: under the Ottonians and the Salians Thuringia was a centre of Medieval Germany. The Thuringian landgraves, the Ludowingers, were famous for their support of the fine arts. V središču Nemčije leži Turingija, pomembna zgodovinska in kulturna pokrajina. Številni gradovi, palače, cerkve in samostani so priča njeni edinstveni, bogati in pestri dediščini. Samo iz romanskega obdobja najdemo v Turingiji prek sto spomenikov. Nič čudnega, ko pa je bila v času Otoncev in Salijcev Turingija center srednjeveške Nemčije. Turinški deželni groi so sloveli po podpori visoki umetnosti. 28/07/10 18.14 1_ Paulinzella, Klosterkirche/samostanska cerkev©Stiftung Thüringer Schlösser und Gärten 2_ Volkenroda, Former Cistercian Monastery Antigo Mosteiro Cisterciense/nekdanji cistercijanski samostan ©TTG 3_ Erfurt, Cathedral /katedrala©TTG 4_ Eisenach, Wartburg Castle, Elisabeth Bower/grad Wartburg, elizabetanska sobana©Wartburg Stiftung 5_ Göllingen, Klosterruine /ostanki samostana©Stiftung Thüringer Schlösser und Gärten 6_ Weißensee, Runneburg/grad Runneburg©Stiftung Thüringer Schlösser und Gärten 7_ Arnstadt, Church of Our Lady/cerkev Matere Božje©Evangelische Kirchgemeinde Arnstadt Built on a steep rock at the eastern foot of the Kyffhäuser Mountains, the ruins of the formerly splendid Reichsburg Kyffhausen dominate the foothills of the Harz Mountains and the ”Goldene Aue” region. The region’s largest Romanesque monastery, the Monastery Church of St. Peter and St. Paul is located in Erfurt, the state capital of Thuringia. An architectural jewel of transregional importance is located in Paulinzella: the Romanesque monastic church. The Church of Our Lady in Arnstadt is considered to be one of the most important buildings marking the transition from the Romanesque to the Gothic period. And last but not least there is the world famous Wartburg Castle, situated high above the city of Eisenach and visible from far away. Recognized in 1999 as a UNESCO World Heritage site, the Wartburg is renowned as the best preserved secular building of the Romanesque era north of the Alps. interno gb-sloveno.indd 9 Na strmi skali na vzhodnem robu gorovja Kyfhäuser se bohotijo ostanki nekdanjega gradu Reichsburg Kyfhausen, ki kraljujejo nad obronki gorovja Harz in območja »Goldene Aue«. Največji romanski samostan v Turingiji, samostansko cerkev sv. Petra in Pavla, najdemo v deželni prestolnici, Erfurtu. V Paulinzelli stoji arhitekturni biser mednarodnega pomena, romanska samostanska cerkev. Cerkev Matere Božje v Arnstadtu velja za eno najpomembnejših zgradb iz obdobja med romaniko in gotiko. Nenazadnje pa je tu še svetovno znani grad Wartburg, ki stoji visoko nad Eisenachom in je viden daleč naokrog. Leta 1999 je ta najbolje ohranjena romanska posvetna stavba na severni strani Alp postala del svetovne dediščine Unesca. 9 28/07/10 18.14 Where the ‹ Weltgeist › takes a stroll: Thuringia is the homeland of Goethe and Schiller, Luther and Bach. Fondly restored historic city centres will fascinate you as much as the numerous architectural treasures, UNESCO World Heritage sites, traditional feasts and top-class cultural events. Experience the famous Thurinigian hospitality amidst wonderful nature – where holiday is still a guarantee for rest and recreation. Kjer lahko med sprehajanjem srečate „Svetovnega duha”: Turingija je domovanje Goetheja, Schillerja, Luthra in Bacha. Obnovljena zgodovinska mestna jedra, v katera se lahko zaljubite, vas bodo navdušila tako kot številni arhitekturni zakladi, območja Unescove svetovne dediščine, tradicionalna praznovanja in kulturni dogodki najvišjega kakovostnega razreda. Doživite slavno gostoljubnost Turingije v čudoviti naravi – kjer so počitnice še zmeraj zagotovilo za oddih in rekreacijo. 1_ Thüringen Card: One entrance ticket for 200 leisure activities!/Ena kartica za kar 195 prostočasnih aktivnosti v Turingiji!©TTG 2_ Eisenach, Wartburg Castle/ grad Wartburg©TTG 3_ Kyffhäuser, Kyffhäuser Monument/Kyfhäuser, spomenik ©TTG/Kyffhäuserdenkmal 4_ The Plothen Pile House/ Hiša na kolih©TTG 5_ Hiking Trails in Thuringia/ Sprehajalne poti v Turingiji ©TTG 6_ Water Tourism in Thuringia/Vodni turizem ©TTG 7_Cathedral’s celebration/ Festival katedrale©TTG 8_ Saint Elisabeth/ Sveta Elizabeta©TTG 9_ Massage/Masaža©TTG Odkrijte najlepša in najbolj zanimiva mesta Turingije. Podajte se po različnih poteh in si oglejte vrhunce romanskega obdobja, od cerkva v Erfurtu do znamenite skupine gradov »Drei Gleichen«, ali pa se na gradu Wartburg v Eisenachu sprehodite po sledeh Svete Elizabete. You are invited to discover the most beautiful and interesting sights of this region. Travelling along different routes, you can experience highlights of the Romanesque era from the churches of Erfurt to the legendary castles of “Drei Gleichen” (castle group of the Three Equals) or you follow in the footsteps of Saint Elisabeth at Wartburg Castle in Eisenach. 10 interno gb-sloveno.indd 10 28/07/10 18.14 Erfurt, Weimar, Eisenach … Enjoy a mix of history and tradition, culture and leisure time, modernism and classicism in Thuringian cities! The centre of classicism certainly is Weimar. There is scarcely no street or alley in the European Capital of Culture 2009 which doesn’t reflect the changeful history of the town. Outstanding representatives from culture and spiritual life were shaping the variety of art and culture that can be found today. Museums, theatres, exhibitions and concert halls invite you to learn more about Thuringian poets and thinkers, musicians and painters. Friends of hiking will find perfect conditions: a diversity of landscapes with mountains of about 1.000 metres, countless meadows and vast forests, natural parks like the „Thüringer Wald“ or the national park „Hainich“ with more than 16.000km of marked hiking trails. Romanesque sites in Thuringia/ Romanski spomeniki v Turingiji Church of Our Lady/ Cerkev Matere Božje Pfarrhof 2, D-99310 Arnstadt Ph. +49 (0)3628 740963 Fax: +49(0)3628 740964 E-Mail: Web: Erfurt, Weimar, Eisenach … Užijte mešanico zgodovine in tradicije, kulture in prostega časa, modernizma in klasicizma v mestih Turingije! Središče klasicizma je zagotovo Weimar. V Evropski prestolnici kulture 2009 skoraj ni ulice ali sprehajališča, ki ne bi odražalo sprememb polne zgodovine mesta. Pestrost umetnosti in kulture, ki jo lahko najdemo danes, so oblikovali izstopajoči predstavniki kulturnega in duhovnega življenja. Muzeji, gledališča, razstave in koncertne dvorane vas vabijo, da spoznate več o pesnikih in mislecih, glasbenikih in slikarjih Turingije. Ljubitelji pohodništva bodo tu našli popolne razmere: raznolikost pokrajin z okrog 1.000 metrov visokimi hribi, neštetimi travniki, prostranimi gozdovi in z naravnimi parki, kakršen je „Thürinški gozd“ v narodnem parku „Hainich“ z več kot 16.000 km označenih pohodniških poti. Reichsburg Castle Kyffhausen/ Grad Reichsburg Kyffhausen D-06567 Bad Frankenhausen Ph. +49(0)34651 2780 - Fax: +49(0)34651 2308 E-Mail: Web: Wartburg Castle/Grad Wartburg D-99817 Eisenach, Ph. +49(0)3691 2500 Fax: +49(0)3691 203342 E-Mail: Web: Tourist Information Centers/ Turistično Informacijski centri Tourist-Information Arnstadt Markt 1 – 99310 Arnstadt Ph. +49(0)3628 602049 - Fax: +49(0)3628 661847 E-Mail: Web: Tourist-Information Paulinzella der Gemeinde Rottenbach - Im Museum, Paulinzella 3 - 07422 Rottenbach - Ph. +49(0)36739 31144 Fax: +49(0)363739 34399 E-Mail: Web: Eisenach-Wartburgregion Touristik GmbH Markt 24 – 99817 Eisenach Ph. +49(0)3691 79230 - Fax: +49(0)3691 792320 E-Mail: Web: Kyffhäuser-Information Anger 14 - 06567 Bad Frankenhausen Ph. +49(0)34671 71717 - Fax: +49(0)34671 71719 E-Mail: Web: Erfurt Tourismus & Marketing GmbH/TouristInformation - Benediktsplatz 1 - 99084 Erfurt Ph. +49(0)361 66400 - Fax: +49(0)361 6640290 E-Mail: Web: Conventual Church SS Peter and Paul/ Samostanska cerkev sv. Petra in Pavla D-99084 Erfurt, Ph. +49(0)361 735742 E-Mail: Web: Conventual church - Paulinzella/ Samostanska cerkev - Paulinzella D-07422 Rottenbach, Ph. +49(0)36739 31144 E-Mail: Web: 11 interno gb-sloveno.indd 11 28/07/10 18.14 > Friesach View of the town Mesto > Gurk Cathedral Katedrala > St. Paul im Lavanttal Benedictine Monastery Benediktinski samostan > Millstatt Benedictine Monastery Benediktinski samostan > Maria Wörth Church peninsular Polotok s cerkvijo Carinthia Koroška Friesach, Gurk, St. Paul im Lavanttal, Millstatt, Maria Wörth Carinthia is Austria’s Romanesque heart: a region rich in cathedrals, castles, monasteries and fortresses surrounded by a scenic landscape and built in strategically important locations in order to preserve the inhabitants’ deep religious faith. Discovering the Romanesque period in Carinthia means opening a door to culture and nature at any season of the year, these impressions will be unforgettable. It is a region bedded among magnificent mountains and valleys, popular for sports and leisure activities, rich in unexpected treasures. interno gb-sloveno.indd 12 Koroška je romantično osrčje Avstrije: na strateških položajih sredi čudovitega podeželja stojijo bogate katedrale, gradovi, samostani in trdnjave, ki so jih prebivalci zgradili v bran globokim verskim čustvom. Odkrivanje obdobja romanike na Koroškem je tako kulturno kot naravno doživetje, primerno za vsak letni čas, saj doline in gore nudijo kopico nepozabnih športnih in prostočasnih doživetij. 28/07/10 18.14 1_Kreuzgang, Cloister Monastery of Millstatt/samostan Millstatt ©Gemeinde Millstatt 2_Friesach, Peterberg hill/vzpetina Petersberg©Foto Hammerschlag Adelheids Cross/križ Adelheidskreuz©Stift St. Paul im Lavanttal Samson-Tympanon, around 1200/okoli l. 1200 ©Kunstverlag Hofstätter, 4910 Ried / Innkreis 5_Friesach, Bergfried/bergfrid©Foto Hammerschlag 6_Gurk, Bishop`s chapel, east wall of the west gallery, Cathedral of Gurk/ škofovska kapela v zahodni galeriji katedrale©Domkustodie 9342 Gurk 3_St. Paul/Lavanttal, 4_Samson-Tympanon, Obiščite odlično ohranjeno mestece Friesach (Breže), ki vam bo dalo občutek, da ste se vrnili v srednji vek. Odpravite se po stopinjah svete Heme (okoli 990 – 1045) do katedrale Gurk (Krka), najbolje ohranjene romanske stavbe v Avstriji z edinstveno stostebrsko kripto. Doživite samostan sv. Pavla, eno izmed največjih avstrijskih utrjenih cerkva z neprecenljivo umetniško zbirko in čudovito knjižnico. Na obali jezera Millstatt poiščite samostan Millstatt, eno osrednjih verskih in kulturnih središč srednjega veka v Avstriji. Na polotoku Maria Wörth na Vrbskem jezeru pa obiščite cerkvi z enakim imenom, ki izražata moč in čistost tistih časov. You can experience the Middle Ages in Medieval Friesach. The well preserved medieval town bears witness to its importance in the past. Travel in the footsteps of St. Hemma (ca. 990 – ca. 1045) to Gurk Cathedral, one of Austria’s best-preserved Romanesque buildings, with its unique crypt with 100 columns. Experience St. Paul’s Convent, one of the largest fortified churches in Austria, which houses a very valuable collection of art works and a magnificent library. Located directly on the banks of Lake Millstätt you can visit Millstatt Abbey, one of the largest intellectual and cultural centres of the Middle Ages in Carinthia. You are also invited to visit the two churches on Maria Wörth peninsula at the lake Wörthersee with crypt and Romanesque circular carnary. 13 interno gb-sloveno.indd 13 28/07/10 18.14 Throughout the year visitors can discover Carinthia’s warm hospitality and the region’s Romanesque treasures based on attractive Transromanica travel packages including a visit of major Romanesque sights and the ”Kärnten Card“ (Carinthia Card). Using this special card, you can enjoy many “all-inclusive services“. Domačnost in gostoljubnost Avstrijske Koroške ter njene romanske zaklade lahko odkrivate v sklopu različnih ponudb. Vse leto, od pomladi do jeseni, so na voljo privlačni turistični paketi, ki vključujejo ogled v Transromanico vključenih znamenitosti. Odločite se še za kartico “Kärnten Card,” ki vam pri turističnih storitvah nudi mnoge ugodnosti. 1_Church peninsula Maria Wörth/Polotok s cerkvijo Maria Wörth ©Tourismusinformation Maria Wörth, Seepromenade 5, 9082 Maria Wörth 2_Collegiate Church St. Paul im Lavanttal/ Samostanska cerkev sv. Pavla v Labotski dolini©Stift St. Paul im Lavanttal 3_Friesach, Hl. Romanus, mural painting around 1140 in the keep/sv. Romanus, stenska poslikava okoli l. 1140©Foto Hammerschlag 4_9 Landscapes and people from Carinthia/Koroška dežela in ljudje©Kärnten Werbung Marketing & Innovationsmanagement GmbH, Rodach, Gerdl, Assam-Unterkircher Obiščite kripto s sto stebri v katedrali Gurk, spremite nočnega čuvaja skozi starodavni Friesach, uživajte v srednjeveški pojedini v samostanu sv. Pavla, raziščite polotok Maria Wörth in odkrijte umetnost romanske arhitekture v samostanu Millstatt. Vse to ponuja pot »Odkrijte srednjeveški svet.« The route “Experience Medieval Worlds“: visit the crypt with its 100 columns in Gurk Cathedral. Accompany the night watch on his tour through the town of Friesach, enjoy a medieval set meal in St. Paul’s Convent, explore the church peninsula Maria Wörth and discover the unique features of Romanesque architecture in the cloisters of Millstatt Abbey. 14 interno gb-sloveno.indd 14 28/07/10 18.14 Carinthia has many different faces - sun, lakes, high mountains and magnificent castles, palaces, convents and cathedrals, scenic destinations and various cultural events. Carinthia will arouse your interest - with the “Carinthia Card“ you can visit more than 100 destinations - at a favourable price and all-inclusive. Carinthia is a water realm: around 1,000 lakes (200 bathing lakes), about 1,000 rivers and approximately 20 medicinal springs of excellent quality, offer a first class holiday on and by the water. Explore Carinthia’s abundance of water during an “Adventure Voyage“: scenic landscapes, spectacular hiking trails, art treasures and the power of water. Carinthia “beWEGt“ moves the visitor with mountains and lakes that form the setting for an attractive holiday. Biking along a lake, a river or in the mountains or walking, Nordic Walking, hiking or climbing - Carinthia’s nature is a paradise for sporty people, who want to be active or just want to enjoy life in their own way. Romanesque sites in Carinthia/ Romanski spomeniki na Koroškem Cathedral – Gurk/Katedrala – Gurk Info/Cathedral`s Information Office Domplatz 11 - 9342 Gurk Ph. +43 (0) 4266 82360 - Fax: +43 (0) 4266 823616 E-Mail: Web: Koroška je dežela mnogih obrazov: sonce, jezera, gore, gradovi, palače, samostani in katedrale, čudovite priložnosti za izlete ter pisana ponudba kulturnih prireditev. Obiščite nas in odkrijte prek sto destinacij in ponudb s priročno kartico Kärnten Card. Koroška je bogata z vodo – ima prek 1.000 jezer, od tega 200 primernih za kopanje, več kot 1.000 rečic in prek 20 mineralnih izvirov visoke kakovosti. Vse to ponuja neverjetno vodno doživetje. Odkrijte bogastvo koroških voda na »Poti doživetij«: čudovita pokrajina, spektakularne pohodniške poti, kulturni zakladi in moč vode. Potujte od jezer do gora in doživite nepozabne Koroška beWEGt počitnice. Kolesarjenje okoli jezer, ob rekah ali v gorah, sprehodi, pohodi ali alpinizem – Koroška narava je pravi raj za vse, ki iščejo aktivne počitnice ali le oddih v naravi. Tourist Information Centers/ Turistično Informacijski centri Carinthia Information Casinoplatz 1 - 9220 Velden Ph. +43 (0) 463 3000 Fax: +43 (0) 4274 5210050 E-Mail: Web: Monastery – St.Paul in Lavanttal/ Samostan - Sv. Pavel v Labotski dolini Hauptstrasse 1 - 9470 St. Paul im Lavanttal Ph. +43 (0) 4357 201922 - Fax: +43 (0) 4357 201923 E-Mail: Web: Medieval Town – Friesach/ Srednjeveško mesto – Friesach Fürstenhof 1 - 9360 Friesach Ph. +43 (0) 4268 4300 - Fax: +43 (0) 4268 4280 E-Mail: Web: Monastery – Millstatt/Samostan – Millstatt MTG-Millstätter See Tourismus GmbH Marktplatz 14 - 9872 Millstatt Ph. 0043 (0) 4766 37000 - Fax: 0043 (0) 4766 37008 E-Mail: Web: Church Penisula - Maria Wörth/ Polotok s cerkvijo - Maria Wörth Seepromenade 5 - 9082 Maria Wörth Ph. +43 (0) 4273 22400 - Fax: +43 (0) 4273 3703 E-Mail: Web: 15 interno gb-sloveno.indd 15 28/07/10 18.14 > Podsreda Romanesque castle Romanski grad > Sticˇna Cistercian Abbey Sticˇna Cistercijanski samostan > Koper Church of the Assumption of Mary Stolnica Marijinega vnebovzetja > Lasˇko- Jurklosˇter Parish Church of St. Martin Župnijska cerkev sv. Martina Monastery Church of St. Mauritius Cerkev sv. Mavricija > Ptuj Castle and Provost Church of St. George Grad in proštijska cerkev sv. Jurija Slovenia Slovenija Podsreda, Sticˇna, Koper, Lasˇko - Jurklosˇter, Ptuj interno gb-sloveno.indd 16 The Romanesque era boasts some of its ripest and most distinctive fruits in Slovenia. In this area, which has always been a crossroads for three great cultures - Slavic, German, and Italian, Romanesque art (from the 12th and 13th century) clearly reflects the many different artistic influences linking the Mediterranean to Central Europe. The entire territory of Slovenia deserves a thorough visit, just like it used to happen in the past, and Romanesque art is undoubtedly the key to discovering all its cultural and natural beauty. Obdobje romanike je v Sloveniji obrodilo nekatere najbolj sočne in prepoznavne sadove. Na območju, ki je bilo od vedno križišče treh velikih kultur, slovanske, germanske in romanske, se v romanski umetnosti 12. in 13. stoletja jasno odražajo številni umetniški vplivi, ki povezujejo Sredozemlje in srednjo Evropo. Celotna Slovenija si enako kot v preteklosti zasluži temeljit in natančen obisk, pri katerem je ključ do odkrivanja kulturnih in naravnih znamenitosti zagotovo ravno umetnost romanike. 28/07/10 18.14 1_Ptuj, the town/mesto©Regional Museum Ptuj the town square/mestni trg – bifora/bifora©Drago Bac 2006 4_Las ˇko, church of St Martin/cerkev sv. Martina©Drago Bac 2006 5_Kamnik, little castle/mali grad 2_Koper, 3_Podsreda castle 6_Stic ˇna, monastery – Neff ‘s Abbey/samostan©Zvone Pelko 1996 Romanski grad Podsreda je med najpomembnejšimi in najbolje ohranjenimi slovenskimi gradovi, njegova veličastna kulisa pa nudi prostor za tradicionalne koncerte in razstave. V Stični stoji cistercijanski samostan, najstarejši samostan v JV Evropi, dom uglednega slovenskega zeliščarja, patra Simona Ašiča. V obmorskem Kopru najdemo Stolnico Marijinega vnebovzetja, kjer se v krstilnici in zazidanih oknih na južni steni zrcalijo elementi pozne romanike. Romaniko najdemo tudi na stropu ladje in v zvoniku cerkve sv. Martina v Laškem ter v samostanu s cerkvijo sv. Mavricija v Jurkloštru. Na Ptuju v bližini čudovitega Maribora pa stoji mogočna romanska utrdba, Ptujski grad. The Romanesque Castle in Podsreda is one of the most important and best preserved castles in Slovenia, nowadays a fascinating location for several traditional concerts and exhibitions. In Sticˇna is located the Cistercian Abbey, the most ancient monastery in the South-East of Europe, house of the eminent Slovenian herbalist, father Simon Asic. The seaside resort Koper with the Church of the Assumption of Mary still holds various late Romanesque elements, including the walled-up row of windows and the baptistery. Outstanding monuments in Lasˇko and Jurklosˇter are the parish Church of St. Martin and the Monastery Church of St. Mauritius, where Romanesque influence can be seen in the ceiling of the nave and in the bell tower. The Ptuj Castle, near the beautiful city of Maribor, is an impressive fortress. 17 interno gb-sloveno.indd 17 28/07/10 18.14 Along the Heritage Trails through Dolenjska and Bela krajina visit the Cistercian Monastery in Sticˇna and the Slovenian Religious Museum, housing the oldest Latin manuscript in Slovenia. The surroundings are rich in cultural and natural treasures, such as St. James Church in Kostanjevica, the open-air museum of the Cistercian Monastery in Pleterje and Krasˇ ka jama cave, once a hiding place from the Turks. Podajte se Po poteh Dolenjske in Bele Krajine ali obiščite cistercijanski samostan Stična s Slovenskim verskim muzejem in znamenitimi stiškimi rokopisi. Okoliška pokrajina je bogata s kulturnimi in naravnimi znamenitostmi, kot so cerkev sv. Jakoba v Kostanjevici, muzej na prostem ob Kartuziji Pleterje in Kraška jama, nekoč skrivališče pred Turki. 1_Podsreda, The Castle/grad ©Miran Kambicˇ 1999 2_Sticˇna, The Cloister/ samostan ©Zvone Pelko 1996 3_Podsreda castle – courtyard with staircase/Grad Podsreda, dvorišče s stopniščem ©Drago Bac 2006 4_Krvavec Ski Slope/ Smučišče Krvavec ©A. Fevzer 5_Rafting on Soc ˇa River/ Rafting na reki Soči ©B.Kladnick 6_Bled, Jewel of the Julian Alps/Bled, biser Julijskih Alp©J.Slok 7_Piran ©J. Skok, 2004 8_Lipica horses/Lipicanci ©Bobo, 2004 9_Postojna Cave – The Brilliant/Postojnska jama, dragulj©D.Mladenovic Poleg osrednjih petih odkrijte še dvajset manjših romanskih spomenikov v zelenih gozdovih Pohorja ali v okolici Laškega, zdraviliškega kraja s 150-letno tradicijo. Ne pozabite okusiti nepozabne mediteranske hrane, se sprehoditi po vinski poti, izkusiti živahnega kulturnega življenja Ljubljane ali Maribora in se sprostiti v objemu Podčetrtka. The main itinerary among Romanesque highlights include 20 minor sites scattered throughout green forests, of mountains Bachergebirge (Pohorje) and Lasˇko, with its 150-year tradition health spa. Also, don’t forget to discover Mediterranean food and wine roads on seaside resorts and the wine roads, as well as the lively cultural life in the capital city Ljubljana, in Maribor and Podcˇetrtek. 18 interno gb-sloveno.indd 18 28/07/10 18.14 Slovenia is a surprise to visitors from all over the world: snowy Alpine peaks and the Triglav National park, with its many glacial valleys, waterfalls and lakes are extremely attractive for anyone looking for peace as well as sports climbing, ski, canoeing and excitement in everyday life. Bled, on the lake bearing the same name, with a little island in its middle, is a picturesque place very famous as health resort. Many possibilities for discovering Slovenia are also offered by the Karst region with its world famous Postojnska Cave with beautiful stalactites, pillars and UNESCO’s ˇ S kocjan Caves. In Lipica, sheltered by century-old trees, there is an over 400 years old stud farm of Lipizzaners, the world famous white horses having their origin in Slovenia. Slovenian identity shows very well in the lively cultural life. It is reflected in village and city architecture, in its many folk-customs, cultural events, museums and galleries. But the treasure of Slovenia is its people: friendly, warm-hearted, happy and caring. Romanesque sites in Slovenia/ Romanski spomeniki v Sloveniji Romanesque Castle - Podsreda/ Romanski grad – Podsreda Podsreda 45 SI- 3257 Podsreda Ph. +386 (0)3 800 71 00 E-Mail : Cistercian Abbey – Sticˇna/ Cistercijanski samostan – Stična Sticˇna 17 SI- 1295 Ivancˇna Gorica Ph. +386 (0)1 787 71 00 E-Mail: Web: interno gb-sloveno.indd 19 Slovenija je raj za obiskovalce z vsega sveta. Zasneženi gorski vrhovi in Triglavski narodni park z ledeniškimi dolinami, slapovi in jezeri nudijo zatočišče vsem miru ali adrenalina željnim. Izkusite užitke športnega plezanja, smučanja in raftinga ali pa si samo odpočijte od vsakdanje naglice. Bled z znamenitim otočkom na sredini je očarljiv in znan zdraviliški kraj. Obiščite Kras s svetovno znano Postojnsko jamo, stalaktiti in apnenčastimi stebri, ali pa Škocjanske jame, biser UNESCO-ve svetovne dediščine. V Lipici vas čakajo Lipicanci, slovenski beli konji, ki že prek 400 let bivajo v tej kraški kobilarni. Slovenska identiteta se odraža tudi v pestrem kulturnem utripu, vaški in mestni arhitekturi, običajih, šegah in navadah, na kulturnih prireditvah, v muzejih in galerijah. A največji zaklad Slovenije so njeni ljudje – prijazni, topli, veseli in skrbni. Tourist Information Centers / Turistično Informacijski centri ˇkofja gora 1 - 3254 Podcˇetrtek S Ph. +386 (0) 3 8109013 Fax: +386 (0) 3 81090 14 E-Mail: Web: Titov trg 3 - 6000 Koper Ph. +386 (0) 5 6646403 Fax: +386 (0) 5 6646406 E-Mail: Web: Trg svobode 7 - 3270 Lasˇko Ph. +386 (0) 3 7338950 Fax: +386 (0)3 7338959 E-Mail: Web: Partizanska 47 - 2000 Maribor Ph. +386 (0)2 2346611 E-Mail: Web: Community Invancˇa Gorica Cesta II./ grupe odredov 17 SI- 1295 Ivancˇna Gorica Ph. +386 (0)1 786 94 00 E-Mail: Web: Church of the Assumption of Mary – Koper/ Cerkev Marijinega vnebovzetja – Koper Izolska vrata 24 SI- 6000 Koper Ph. +386 (0)5 627 31 73 E-Mail: 19 The Parish Church of St. Martin – Lasˇko/ Župnijska cerkev sv. Martina – Laško Asˇkercˇev trg 3 SI- 3270 Lasˇko Ph. +386 (0)3 573 14 30 Monastery church of St. Mauritius - Jurklosˇter/ Samostan in cerkev sv. Mavricija – Jurklošter Jurklosˇter 19/a SI- 3273 Jurklosˇter Ph. +386 (0)41 707 971 The Provost Church of St. George – Ptuj/ Proštijska cerkev sv. Jurija – Ptuj Slovenski trg SI- 2250 Ptuj Ph. +386 (0) 2 7481970 28/07/10 18.14 > Modena Cathedral (UNESCO World Heritage) Katedrala (Unescova svetovna dediščina) > Nonantola Abbazia di S. Silvestro Samostan sv. Silvestra > Carpi Parish Church of Santa Maria in Castello Župnijska cerkev sv. Marije v Castellu > Ferrara Cathedral (UNESCO World Heritage) and Abbey of Pomposa (Codigoro) Katedrala (Unescova svetovna dediščina) in samostan Pomposa (Codigoro) > Parma Cathedral and Baptistry, and Fidenza Cathedral of San Donnino Katedrala in krstilnica ter Fidenza, katedrala sv. Donnina Provinces of Modena, Parma and Ferrara Pokrajine Modena, Parma, Ferrara The Romanesque in the provinces of Modena, Parma and Ferrara is an exceptional European inheritance: the Middle Ages come to life again in their cathedrals, parish churches and castles, once the mansions of powerful lords. In the estates ruled by the Countess Matilde from Canossa who, with unique charisma, supported the Papacy and the reform of the roman Church, the Romanesque asserted itself as an artistic model of great uniformity and originality, which through the exemplary works of masters Lanfranco and Wiligelmo will exert considerable influence on this style in Europe. The outstanding significance of this area is also seen by passing through Via Francigena in Parma, Via Romea Nonantolana in Modena and Via dei Romei in Ferrara, important routes of medieval spirituality which branch out towards Rome. interno gb-sloveno.indd 20 Romanska umetnost v provincah Modena, Parma in Ferrara predstavlja izjemno evropsko dediščino. Srednji vek je oživljen v katedralah, župnijskih cerkvah in gradovih, nekdanjih graščinah mogočnih gospodov. Na posestih Matilde Tuscijske, groice z izjemnim značajem, ki je podpirala reformo rimske Cerkve, se je romanika uveljavila kot izviren, poenoten umetniški model. Mojstri, kot sta Lanfranco in Wiligelmus, so s svojimi deli močno vplivali na razvoj romanike v Evropi. O pomembnosti tega območja pričajo tudi Via Francigena v Parmi, Via Romea Nonantola v Modeni in Via dei Romei v Ferrari, pomembne srednjeveške trgovske poti, ki vodijo v Rim. 28/07/10 18.14 Cathedral/katedrala©Archivio del Comune di Modena, foto Ghido Roli Cathedral’s Museum/muzej©Nicola Nannavecchia Docfilm 3_ Carpi, Parish Church of Santa Maria in Castello/župnijska cerkev sv. Marije v Castellu©Nicola Nannavecchia Docfilm 4_ Ferrara, Cathedral/katedrala©Archivio APT Servizi 5_ Nonatola, Abbey of St. Silvestro/samostan sv. Silvestra ©Nicola Nannavecchia Docfilm 6_ Carpi, Parish Church of Santa Maria in Castello, Frescoes/župnijska cerkev sv. Marije v Castellu, freske©Nicola Nannavecchia Docfilm 7_ Parma, Cathedral/katedrala©Archivio APT Servizi 1_ Modena, 2_ Modena, V vsej svoji lepoti in izvirnosti je katedrala v Modeni ključni romanski spomenik. Zasnoval jo je Lanfranco, s skulpturami obogatil Wiligelmus, z Ghirlandino in trgom Piazza Grande pa sodi na seznam svetovne dediščine Unesca. Samostan sv. Silvestra v Nonantoli je bil v srednjem veku glavni verski in politični center. Danes v njem hranijo najpomembnejši srednjeveški arhiv v Evropi. V Carpiju poleg mogočnega zvonika stoji župnijska cerkev sv. Marije v Castellu, poznana kot La Sagra (posvečena). Katedrala v Ferrari, mestu, ki je uvrščeno na seznam svetovne dediščine Unesca, izraža veličastnost romanskega obdobja, Antelamijeva katedrala in krstilnica v Parmi pa sta osupljiva primerka srednjeveške umetnosti. In its beauty and originality, Modena Cathedral is a key Romanesque monument: its structure carried out by Lanfranco and enriched by sculptures of Wiligelmo, with the Ghirlandina Tower and Piazza Grande, belongs to the UNESCO World Heritage Sites. In Nonantola the Abbey of San Silvestro, a key religious and political centre of the Middle Ages, holds the most important medieval archive in Europe. In Carpi, rising alongside the imposing bell tower, is the Parish Church of Santa Maria in Castello, known as La Sagra. The Cathedral of Ferrara, whose historic city centre is another Unesco World Heritage Site, boasts the majesty of the Romanesque. In Parma, the Cathedral and the Baptistery by Antelami, are astonishing examples of medieval arts. 21 interno gb-sloveno.indd 21 28/07/10 18.15 The warm welcome and hospitality of these regions are shown by the efficient network of tourist information offices scattered throughout the whole territory which help tourists to tailor itineraries to their own specific needs. Alongside these offices, incoming tour operators offer packages combining the cultural side of the trip with the sampling of local wine and cuisine, sports and nature. Toplina in gostoljubnost treh italijanskih provinc se kažeta tudi v učinkoviti mreži turistično informacijskih centrov, v katerih obiskovalci dobijo vse potrebne informacije za samostojna potovanja. Poleg tega turistične agencije nudijo turistične pakete, v katerih se kulturni ogledi prepletajo s pokušinami vin, hrane, športom in naravo. Parish church/ župnijska cerkev©Nicola Nannavecchia Docfilm 1_ Quarantoli, Levizzano Oratory of S. Michael/oratorij sv. Mihaela©Nicola Nannavecchia Docfilm 2_ Levizzano, Parish church/ župnijska cerkev©Nicola Nannavecchia Docfilm 3_ Quarantoli, 4_Maranello, Galleria Ferrari/ galerija Ferrari 5_ Province of Modena, the Appenines/ Provinca Modena, Apenini ©Nicola Nannavecchia Docfilm 6_ Pratignano lake/ Jezero Lago Pratignano ©Nicola Nannavecchia Docfilm 7_Tortellini/Tortelini ©Nicola Nannavecchia Docfilm 8_Parmigiano Reggiano/ Parmezan Reggiano ©Archivio APT Servizi 9_Serramazzoni, the Apennines/Apenini ©Archivio APT Servizi Romanski spomeniki so razpršeni po raznoliki naravi, od Apeninov do ravnin. V sklopu projekta boste do njihovih lokacij in potrebnih informacij lahko dostopali prek audioguide sistema ( Thanks to TRANSROMANICA initiative, the Romanesque itineraries in the Province of Modena are plotted by a system of audioguides freely available on, which also allows access to all tourist information. 22 interno gb-sloveno.indd 22 28/07/10 18.15 Apart from art, this region offers many opportunities for holidays and entertainment: the Apennines are the ideal destination for lovers of cyclotourism, mountain biking, trekking and active holidays. Skiing and snowboarding are a hit in the winter resort of Cimone (2165m) and cross-country skiing is fabulous at Frassinoro and Piandelagotti. The Po river crosses the territory from Parma, also famous for its wellness resorts, up to its delta at Ferrara, home to a Regional Park. Parmigiano Reggiano cheese, traditional Balsamic Vinegar from Modena, Parma ham, culatello from Zibello and sauce-cooked salama from Ferrara are products whose world fame is on a par with the Ferrari, Maserati and De Tomaso brands created in Modena, where the passion for fast cars has revived thanks to its museum and private collections. Finally, in music, the fine opera tradition has one of its capitals in Parma – the homeland of Giuseppe Verdi – while Modena is the birthplace of Luciano Pavarotti and Mirella Freni. Poleg umetnosti in kulture province ponujajo številne možnosti za počitnice in zabavo. Apenini so idealna destinacija za ljubitelje gorskega kolesarjenja, pohodništva in ostalih športnih aktivnosti. Zimsko središče Cimone (2.165 m) je popularen kraj za smučarje in deskarje, tekači na smučeh pa se odpravite v Frassinoro ali Piandelagotti. Reka Pad prečka Parmo, znano po wellness zmogljivostih, in se v Ferrari izliva v Jadransko morje. Parmezan Reggiano, tradicionalni balzamični kis iz Modene, šunka iz Parme, »culatello« iz Zibella in »salama da sugo« iz Ferrare so izdelki, ki se lahko postavijo ob bok znamenitim avtomobilskim znamkam iz Modene, ferrariju, maseratiju in de tomasu. V Modeni poleg muzeja hitrih avtomobilov najdemo tudi tradicijo operne glasbe, saj sta se tam rodila Luciano Pavarotti in Mirella Freni, medtem ko je bila Parma dom Giuseppeja Verdija. Tourist Information Centers/ Turistično Informacijski centri Tourist Information Office Modena Via Scudari, 8 - 41121 Modena Ph. +39 059 2032660 - Fax: +39 059 2032659 E-Mail: Web: Tourist Information Office Nonantola Via Guglielmo Marconi, 11 - 41015 Nonantola (Mo) Ph. +39 059 896511 - Fax: +39 059 896590 E-Mail: Web: Tourist Information Office (IAT) Carpi Via Berengario, 2 — 41012 Carpi (Mo) Ph. +39 059 649255 - Fax: +39 059 649240 E-Mail: Web: Tourist Information Office Ferrara Castello Estense - Largo Castello - 44100 Ferrara Ph. +39 0532 299303 - 209370 Fax: +39 0532 212266 - E-Mail: Web: Tourist Information Office Parma Via Melloni 1/a - 43100 Parma Ph. +39 0521 218889 - Fax: +39 0521 234735 E-Mail: Web: Romanesque sites in the Provinces of Modena, Parma and Ferrara/ Romanski spomeniki v provincah Modena, Parma in Ferrara San Silvestro Abbey - Nonantola/ Samostan sv. Silvestra Piazzale Abbazia – 41015 Nonantola Ph. +39 059 549025 E-Mail: Cathedral and Baptistery - Parma/ Katedrala in krstilnica Piazza del Duomo - 43100 Parma E-Mail: Web: Cathedral - Modena/Katedrala Corso Duomo - 41100 Modena Ph.+39 059 216078 Web: Santa Maria in Castello Parish Church - Carpi/ Župnijska cerkev sv. Marije v Castellu Piazzale Re Astolfo – 41012 Carpi Ph. +39 059 649255 Web: Cathedral - Ferrara/Katedrala Piazza della Cattedrale - 44100 Ferrara Ph. +39 0532 207449 Web: 23 interno gb-sloveno.indd 23 28/07/10 18.15 Orta San Giulio Sant’Ambrogio di Torino Vercelli Casale Monferrato Albugnano Piedmont Piemont Sant’Ambrogio di Torino, Vercelli, Orta San Giulio, Casale Monferrato, Albugnano > Sant’Ambrogio di Torino St. Michael’s Abbey Opatija sv. Mihaela > Vercelli St. Andrew’s Basilica Bazilika sv. Andreja > Orta San Giulio Basilica di San Giulio Bazilika San Giulio > Casale Monferrato St. Evasio Cathedral Katedrala sv. Evazija > Albugnano Abbey of Vezzolano Opatija Vezzolano interno gb-sloveno.indd 24 Piedmont - which means in French: “at the foot of the mountain”- is one of the largest regions in Italy. Due to its location the region was always in the buffer zone of Western European and Italian social, cultural and artistic influences, thus it can offer a huge variety of Romanesque sights for the visitors. During the centuries, Piedmont´s marvelous Romanesque religious monuments gradually became artistic treasures, partially thanks to the beauty of the landscape where they are located. Piemont – kar v francoščini pomeni „ob vznožju gora“ – je ena največjih regij v Italiji. Zaradi svojega položaja je bila pokrajina od nekdaj vmesno območje med zahodnoevropskimi in italijanskimi socialnimi, kulturnimi in umetniškimi vplivi in tako lahko obiskovalcem ponudi veliko različnih romanskih znamenitosti. Skozi stoletja so se piemontski romanski verski spomeniki postopoma razvili v umetniške zaklade, delno zahvaljujoč lepoti pokrajine, v katero so umeščeni. 28/07/10 18.15 Abbey of Vezzolano/Opatija Vezzolano©Marco Devecchi St. Michael’s Abbey/Opatija sv. Mihaela 3_ Casale Monferrato , St. Evasio Cathedral/Katedrala sv. Evazija ©Fernando Delmastro 4_ Casale Monferrato , St. Evasio Cathedral/Katedrala sv. Evazija ©Fernando Delmastro 5_ Orta San Giulio, San Giulio’s Basilica/Bazilika San Giulio©Giancarlo Parazzoli 6_ Orta San Giulio, San Giulio’s Basilica/Bazilika San Giulio©Giancarlo Parazzoli 1_ Albugnano, 2_ Sant’Ambrogio di Torino, Opatija Sacra di San Michele (sv. Mihaela) je eden največjih verskih kompleksov romanske arhitekture in je bila leta 1994 nagrajena z nazivom „Simbolični spomenik Piemonta“. Bazilika sv. Andreja v Vercelliju, ustanovljena leta 1219, je odličen primer romanske piemontske arhitekture. Bazilika San Giulio se nahaja na slikovitem otoku sredi jezera „Lago d´Orta“. V mestu Casale Monferrato lahko obiskovalci občudujejo katedralo sv. Evazija, ki jo je blagoslovil papež Paskal II. leta 1107 in se ponaša z ohranjenim narteksom v romanskem slogu. Opatija Vezzolano, ki leži v hriboviti pokrajini Asti, navdušuje goste s svojimi zidovi, ki so bili zgrajeni iz izmenjujočih se plasti peščenjaka in opek. The Abbey of Sacra di San Michele is one of the largest European religious complexes of Romanesque architecture and was acknowledged as “Symbolic Monument of Piedmont” in 1994. The St. Andrew’s Basilica in Vercelli, founded in 1219, serves as a prime example of Romanesque piedmontese architecture. San Giulio’s Basilica is located on the picturesque island in the midst of the lake “Lago d’Orta”. In Casale Monferrato, visitors can admire the St. Evasio Cathedral which was consecrated by Pope Pasquale II. in 1107 and still has the Romanesque narthex preserved. Located in the hilly landscape of Asti, the Abbey of Vezzolano fascinates the guests with its walls that where built of alternating layers of sandstone and brick. 25 interno gb-sloveno.indd 25 28/07/10 18.15 Piedmont is a territory with extraordinary natural resources where the passing of centuries has left an indelible mark: an architectural and artistic heritage of considerable value, from the Roman age passing though the different styles to Liberty and to the contemporary age. All over the region, both in small towns and in the capital, it is possible to admire palaces, villas, castles, fortresses, court residences and sacred buildings, considered as real architectural jewels. Piemont je ozemlje z izrednimi naravnimi viri, na katerem so pretekla stoletja zapustila neizbrisen pečat: arhitekturno in umetniško dediščino pomembne vrednosti, od rimskih časov preko različnih slogov do Art Nouveau-ja in do danes. Po vsej pokrajini, tako v majhnih mestih kot v prestolnici, lahko občudujete palače, vile, gradove, utrdbe, vladne sedeže in verska poslopja, ki so pravi arhitekturni biseri. 1_Vercelli, St. Andrew’s Basilica/Bazilika sv. Andreja 2_Cortazzone 3_Montemagno San Vittore 4_Langhe, horseriding/ Jahanje 5_Bike excursion/ Izlet s kolesom 6_Gran Paradiso, hiking/ / Pohodništvo 7_Canooing on Po river/ Kanjoning na reki Po 8_White Truffel/ Beli tartufi 9_Cream cheese / Kremni sir Številne poti vas vabijo, da odkrijete izročilo, umetnost, kulturo, legende in običaje Piemonta. Poleg popotnih vodičev, kakršna sta „Savojske rezidence“ in „Svete gore“, poti iz knjige „Non Solo Vezzolano“ vodijo turiste na ogled romanske dediščine območja Asti. Očarljiv patrimonij sredi krasnih vinogradov in hribovitih njiv vas pričakuje! Several routes invite you to discover memory, art, culture, legends and traditions of Piedmont. In addition to itineraries like “The Savoy Residences” and “The Sacred Mountains”, the ways of “Non Solo Vezzolano” lead tourists along the Romanesque heritage in the area of Asti. A charming patrimony amongst beautiful vineyards and hilly fields awaits you! 26 interno gb-sloveno.indd 26 28/07/10 18.15 Piedmont: where the past meets the future. Centuries of art and a rich living culture of food and wine; traditional crafts side by side with scientific research. This region is a powerful industrial force, in the forefront of innovation and new technologies, but it is also fiercely protective of its beautiful and fruitful natural heritage, the land. So for the tourist the choice is endless: from architecture, art and cultural events to sport and leisure activities in the open air. The fifteen Savoy Residences, for example, make up a group of palaces with an extraordinary historical, artistic and environmental interest. In 1997 they were declared “World Heritage” by UNESCO. In 2003 UNESCO also included Piedmont’s seven Sacred Mounts in the World Heritage of Mankind, a prestigious acknowledgement of their historical, artistic, natural and religious value. Piemont: kjer preteklost sreča prihodnost. Stoletja umetnosti in bogate kulture bivanja, hrane in vina; tradicionalne obrti ob boku znanstvenim raziskovanjem. Ta pokrajina je močna industrijska sila, na čelu, ko gre za inovacije in nove tehnologije, ki pa tudi brezkompromisno varuje svojo lepo in plodno naravno dediščino, zemljo. Tako so možnosti za turista brezmejne: od arhitekture, umetnosti in kulturnih dogodkov do športa in prostočasnih aktivnosti na prostem. Petnajst savojskih rezidenc na primer predstavlja skupino palač z izrednim zgodovinskim, umetniškim in okoljskim pomenom. V letu 1997 jih je Unesco razglasil za „Svetovno dediščino“. Leta 2003 je Unesco v Svetovno dediščino človeštva prav tako vključil piemontskih sedem Svetih gora, kar predstavlja prestižno priznanje njihove zgodovinske, umetniške, naravne in verske vrednosti. Tourist Information Centers/ Turistično Informacijski centri Turismo Torino & Provincia Via Maria Vittoria, 19 – 10123 Torino Ph. +39 011 8185011 – Fax +39 011 883426 E-Mail: Web: Turist Local Agency “Distretto Turistico dei Laghi” (Orta St. Jules‘s Basilica) Via Panoramica – 28016 Orta San Giulio Ph. +39 0322 905163 – Fax +39 0322 905273 E-Mail: Web: Tourist Local Agency of the Province of Asti (Abbey of Vezzolano) Piazza Alfieri, 29 - Corso Alfieri 357 - 14100 Asti Ph. +39 0141 530357 – Fax +39 0141 538200 E-Mail: Web: Local Tourist Agency “Turismo Valsesia Vercelli” Viale Garibaldi, 90 – 13100 Vercelli Ph. +39 0161 58002 – Fax +39 0161 257899 E-Mail: Web: Tourist Local Agency of Alessandria “Alexala” (St. Evasio Cathedral) Piazza S.M. Castello, 14 - 15100 Alessandria Ph. +39 0131 288095 – Fax +39 0131 220546 E-Mail: Web: Romanesque sites in Piemonte/ Romanski vrhunci v Piemontu St. Michele’s Abbey/Opatija sv. Mihaela Via Sacra, 14 10057 Sant’Ambrogio di Torino (TO) Ph. +39 011 939130 -Fax: +39 011) 939706 E-Mail: Web: St. Andrew’s Basilica/Bazilika sv. Andreja Piazza Roma, 35 13100 Vercelli Ph. & Fax: +39 0161 255513 Web: St. Jules‘s Basilica/Bazilika San Giulio Isola di San Giulio 28016 Orta San Giulio (NO) Ph. +39 0322 905010 – 0322 911972 Fax: +39 0322 905842 E-Mail: Web: 27 interno gb-sloveno.indd 27 St. Evasio Cathedral/Katedrala sv. Evazija Via Liutprando, 1 13100 Casale Monferrato (AL) Ph. +39 0142 452219 - Fax: +39 0142 455820 E-Mail: Web: Abbey of Vezzolano/Opatija Vezzolano Strada dell’Abbazia 14100 Albugnano (AT) Ph. +39 011 9920607 - +39 011 5220412 Fax: +39 011 4361484 E-Mail: Web: 28/07/10 18.15 Castile and León Kastilja in Leon Santo Domingo de Silos (Burgos), Cuéllar (Segovia), Frómista (Palencia), Santa Marta de Tera (Zamora), San Esteban de Gormaz (Soria) Santo Domingo Frómista de Silos Santa Marta de Tera Cuéllar San Esteban de Gormaz > Santo Domingo de Silos (Burgos) Monastery of Santo Domingo de Silos Samostan svetega Dominika iz Silosa > Cuéllar (Segovia) The church of Saint Esteban Cerkev svetega Štefana > Frómista (Palencia) The church of Saint Martín de Tours Cerkev svetega Martina iz Toursa > Santa Marta de Tera (Zamora) The church of Saint Marta Cerkev svete Marte > San Esteban de Gormaz (Soria) The church of Saint Michael Cerkev svetega Mihaela interno gb-sloveno.indd 28 Castile-León is proud to possess more than 2,000 Romanesque monuments. The richness of its buildings is a direct result of the history of the territory, where the kingdoms of León and Castile reigned. Moreover, the pilgrimage route to Compostela helped to mold the area. Kings, bishops, and monastic orders were in charge of commanding the construction of churches, monasteries, and cathedrals using this new artistic language, called Romanesque art, which was being “spoken” throughout Europe. Skupnost Kastilja in Leon se ponaša z več kot 2.000 romanskimi spomeniki. Bogastvo njenih stavb je neposredna posledica zgodovine območja, kjer sta vladali kraljevini Leon in Kastilija. Sooblikovati ga je pomagala romarska pot v Compostelo. Kralji, škofje in samostanski redovi so bili vodilni pri izgradnji cerkva, samostanov in katedral, pri čemer so uporabljali nov umetniški jezik, ki se ga je govorilo širom po Evropi, romanski slog. 28/07/10 18.15 5 Interior The church of Saint Michael/Cerkev svetega Mihaela Monastery of Santo Domingo de Silos/ Samostan svetega Dominika iz Silosa 3_ Santo Domingo de Silos, Monastery of Santo Domingo de Silos/ Samostan svetega Dominika iz Silosa 4_ San Esteban de Gormaz, The church of Saint Michael/Cerkev svetega Mihaela 5_ Santa Marta de Tera, The church of Saint Marta/Cerkev svete Marte 6_ Santa Marta de Tera, The church of Saint Marta/Cerkev svete Marte 1_ San Esteban de Gormaz, 2_ Santo Domingo de Silos, Samostan svetega Dominika iz Silosa je ikona španske romanske umetnosti, zahvaljujoč arhitekturi in predvsem kiparstvu, ki se razvija v njem. V mestu Cuéllar v Segovii se nahaja krasna romanska opečnata stavba, cerkev svetega Štefana, ki je primerek mudejarske arhitekture. Na poti Sv. Jakoba iz Compostele, ki se vije skozi deželo Palencia, po svoji arhitekturi in veličastnih kipih izstopa resničen romanski mejnik: cerkev svetega Martina. Severno od Zamore lahko najdemo pravi romanski biser, cerkev svete Marte iz Tere, v kateri domuje tudi podoba sv. Jakoba kot romarja. Cerkev svetega Mihaela v kraju San Esteban de Gomaz je eden prvih in najbolje ohranjenih primerkov romanskih stavb. Na eni svojih strani se ponaša z izjemno pokrito galerijo. The Monastery of Santo Domingo de Silos is an icon of Spanish Romanesque art thanks to the architecture, and above all, the sculpture that is unfurled within. In the town of Cuéllar, Segovia, there is a beautiful Romanesque brick building, the church of Saint Esteban, which is an example of mudejar architecture. Within the Route of St. James of Compostela, a true Romanesque landmark stands out for its magnificent sculptures: the church of Saint Martin. To the north of Zamora, we can find an authentic Romanesque gem, the church of Saint Marta de Tera, which houses an image of St. James as a pilgrim. The church of Saint Michael of San Esteban de Gormaz possesses an exquisite covered gallery on one side. 29 interno gb-sloveno.indd 29 28/07/10 18.15 Castile and León is a region which offers a variety of cultural experiences including seven World Heritage sites. Among those are three cities, beautiful monasteries, castles, and cathedrals. Visitors can also find many museums, archaeological routes, natural parks and delicious and varied cuisine. Kastilija in Leon je regija, ki ponuja pester izbor kulturnih doživetij, vključno s sedmimi območji svetovne dediščine. Med slednjimi so tri mesta, lepi samostani, gradovi in katedrale. Obiskovalec lahko najde tudi številne muzeje, arheološke poti, naravne parke ter okusno in pestro kuhinjo. 1_Frómista, Church of Saint Martín de Tours/Cerkev svetega Martina iz Toursa 2_Frómista, Church of Saint Martín de Tours/Cerkev svetega Martina iz Toursa 3_Cuéllar, Church of Saint Esteban/Cerkev svetega Štefana 4_Zamanzas valley 5_Avila, view on town/Pogled na mesto Avila 6_Gumiel 7_Key /Ključ 8_Paraglider/Jadralni padalec 9_Zamora, carnival /Zamora, karneval Veliko je kulturnih poti, ki jih lahko turisti uberejo skozi Kastilijo in Leon, kot so Pot svetega Jakoba iz Compostele, Kanal Kastilije, Cidova pot, pot ob reki Duero, Vinska pot, pohodniške poti, Pot jezika in številne druge. There are many cultural routes that the tourist can take through Castile and León like the Route of St. James of Compostela, the Canal of Castile, the Route of El Cid, the Duero Route, the Wine Route, hiking trails, the Language route and many more. 30 interno gb-sloveno.indd 30 28/07/10 18.15 Castile and León offers a wide variety of tourism options. Its long history has left great artistic and archaeological monuments as a legacy like Roman villages, castles, palaces, and churches. In addition to this, there are many other cultural manifestations like Holy week, local festivals and traditional constructions that add to the wonderful personality of this autonomous community. Castile and León is also rich in natural areas, where there is a variety of fauna and flora. The visitor can contemplate the environment in national parks, reserves, and other natural monuments of great interest. Finally, this region possesses a rich and varied cuisine that when coupled with the wine of the area, offers a delicious and appetizing combination. Pokrajina Kastilija in Leon ponuja pester izbor turističnih možnosti. Zapuščina njene dolge zgodovine so umetniški in arheološki spomeniki, kot so rimske vile, gradovi, palače in cerkve. Poleg njih k čudoviti osebnosti te avtonomne skupnosti prispevajo kulturne prireditve, kakršna je Sveti teden, lokalni festivali in tradicionalne zgradbe. Kastilijo in Leon bogatijo tudi številna naravna območja s pestro favno in loro. Obiskovalec lahko občuduje naravo v naravnih parkih, rezervatih in drugih zelo zanimivih naravnih spomenikih. Regija slovi tudi po bogati in raznoliki kuhinji, ki v kombinaciji z vini s tega področja obiskovalcu nudi slastne in tek vzbujajoče kulinarične užitke. Tourist Information Centers/ Turistično Informacijski centri Municipal Tourism Office of Santo Domingo de Silos C/ Cuatro Cantones, nº 10 1ª planta 09610 Santo Domingo de Silos - Burgos Ph. +34 947 390 070/ 979 390 119 Fax: +34 947 390 070 Open April to October from 10:00 to 13:30 and 16:00 to 18:00h. Tourism Office of Cuéllar Castle of Cuéllar C/ Palacio, s/n 40200 Cuéllar - Segovia Ph. +34 921 142 203 Mobile: +34 636 997 368 E-Mail: Municipal Tourism Office of Frómista C/ Arquitecto Aníbal, nº 2 34440 Frómista - Palencia Ph. +34 979 810 180 Municipal Tourism Office of San Esteban de Gormaz Pl/ del Frontón, s/n 42330 San Esteban de Gormaz - Soria Ph. +34 975 350 292 Fax: +34 975 350 282 E-Mail: Romanesque sites in Castile-Leon/ Romanski vrhunci v Kastiliji in Leonu Benedictine Abbey of Santo Domingo de Silos/ Samostan svetega Dominika iz Silosa Santo Domingo, nº 2 09610 Santo Domingo de Silos (Burgos) Ph. +34 947 39 00 49 - +34 947 39 00 68 Fax: +34 947 39 00 33 E-Mail: The church of San Esteban/Cerkev svetega Štefana San Esteban – Cuéllar (Segovia) The church of Saint Marta/ Cerkev svete Marte 49332 Camarzana de Tera (Zamora) The church of San Martín de Tours/ Cerkev svetega Martina iz Toursa San Martín s/n – 34440 Frómista (Palencia) Ph. +34 979 810 128 The church of Saint Michael/ Cerkev svetega Mihaela 42330 San Esteban de Gormaz 31 interno gb-sloveno.indd 31 28/07/10 18.15 > Pombeiro Monastery of Saint Mary Samostan svete Marije > Ferreira Monastery of Saint Peter Samostan svetega Petra > Cête Monastery of Saint Peter Samostan svetega Petra > Paço de Sousa Monastery of the Saviour Samostan odrešenika > Boelhe Church of Saint Genes Cerkev svetega Genezija Pombeiro Ferreira Cête Paço de Sousa Boelhe Sousa Valley Dolina Sousa Pombeiro, Ferreira, Cête Paço de Sousa, Boelhe Route of the Romanesque of the Sousa Valley – An experience embedded in History. A Route embedded in the memories of the Romanesque, inviting to an inspiring journey around places with history, among unique monastic ensembles, churches, memorials, bridges and stately towers, matured in a land forged in green, full of wisdom and flavour - the Sousa Valley region. Deeply connected with the birth of the Portuguese nationality, the Romanesque of the Sousa Valley witnesses the important role this territory once played in the history of the Portuguese nobility and religious orders. interno gb-sloveno.indd 32 Pot romanike v dolini Sousa – doživetje preteklega: To je pot, vtisnjena v spomine romanike, pot, ki vabi na navdihujoče potovanje skozi kraje, ki imajo svojo zgodovino, na potovanje med samostanskimi kompleksi, cerkvami, spomeniki, mostovi in mestnimi stolpi, ki so zrasli iz dežele, odete v zeleno, polne modrosti in okusa – spoznajte pokrajino doline Sousa. Globoko povezana z rojstvom portugalske narodne zavesti romanska umetnost doline Sousa dokazuje pomembno vlogo, ki jo je to ozemlje nekoč igralo v zgodovini portugalskega plemstva in samostanskih redov. 28/07/10 18.15 Church of Saint Genes of Boelhe, corbel/Cerkev svetega Genezija©RRVS Bridge©RRVS 3_ Irivo, Hermitage Memorial©RRVS 4_ Cête, Monastery of Saint Peter, cloister/Samostan svetega Petra©RRVS 5_ Pombeiro, Monastery of Saint Mary, west façade/Samostan svete Marije©RRVS 6_ Ferreira, Monastery of Saint Peter, west portal/Samostan svetega Petra©RRVS 1_ Boelhe, 2_ Espindo, Sveta Marija iz Pombeira je bila eden najpomembnejših benediktinskih samostanov v pokrajini med rekama Douro in Minho. Samostan v Ferreiri še kaže ruševine narteksa, zgrajenega v pogrebne namene, ki jasno pričajo o zgradbah te vrste. Samostanska cerkev v župniji Cête je ključen spomenik za določanje časovnih okvirjev pozne romanike v dolini Sousa. Samostan v kraju Paço de Sousa je mejnik romanske arhitekture. Povezan je z družino Ribadouro, eno najpomembnejših družin z začetka portugalske zgodovine. Nosilne podpore cerkve v župniji Boelhe krasi izjemna pestrost motivov, od bikovih glav do moških, ki nosijo kamenje. Saint Mary of Pombeiro was one of the most important Benedictine monasteries of the region between the Douro and Minho rivers. The Monastery of Ferreira still displays the ruins of an ante-church with funerary purpose, an excellent testimony of this type of construction. The church of the Monastery of Cête is a key-monument for establishing timeframes in the late Romanesque of the Sousa Valley. The Monastery of Paço de Sousa is a landmark in the Romanesque architecture. It is related to Ribadouro, one of the most important families of the early History of Portugal. The corbels of the Church of Boelhe present an exceptional variety of motives that span from bulls’ heads to men carrying stones. 33 interno gb-sloveno.indd 33 28/07/10 18.15 Portugal has been independent since 1143 and its borders have remained unchanged for centuries. But it’s the sea that has played a large part in its History. Situated in the far west corner of Europe and with a long coastline, Portugal has always felt an urge to venture across the seas and we were the first Europeans to arrive in India, Brazil and Japan in the 15th and 16th centuries. These times are recorded in the Gothic / “Manuelino” style of some of Portugal’s most distinctive monuments. Pay a visit to the monasteries of Batalha or Tomar or take a look at the famous window at the Convento de Cristo to see images of Portugal’s relationship with the sea engraved in stone. Portugalska je samostojna od leta 1143 in njene meje so stoletja dolgo ostale nespremenjene. Toda morje je tisto, ki je v njeni zgodovini igralo pomembno vlogo. Portugalsko, postavljeno na skrajni zahodni konec Evrope, je zmeraj gnalo za čezmorskimi pustolovščinami, ki so se začenjale na njeni dolgi obali, in mi Portugalci smo bili v 15. in 16. stoletju kot prvi Evropejci v Indiji, Braziliji in na Japonskem. Ti časi so zapisani v gotskem/ ”Manuelino” slogu nekaterih najbolj značilnih portugalskih spomenikov. Obiščite samostane v Batalhi ali Tomaru ali pa si oglejte slavno okno v kraju Convento de Cristo in priča boste v kamen vklesanim podobam portugalske navezanosti na morje. 1_Sobrado, Memorial, cross / Spomenik ©RRVS 2_Paco de Sousa, Monastery of the Saviour, west portal/ Samostan odrešenika©RRVS 3_Aveleda, Church of the Saviour, west portal/Cerkev odrešenika©RRVS 4_Folk Dance/ Ples©RRVS 5_Sousa river/ Reka Sousa©RRVS 6_Rafting, Paiva River/Reka Paiva©RRVS 7_Codfi sh/Riba polenovka©RRVS 8_Green Wine /Zeleno vino©RRVS 9_Crafts Linen/Obrt©RRVS Od prvega tisočletja je bilo na tleh Souse zgrajenih toliko samostanov in cerkva, da so danes združeni v pravo pravcato pot romanike. Pridružite se nam na tej poti in odkrijte preinjeno preprostost njenih 21 spomenikov. Na vsakem koraku najdite ravne poteze, opazujte kapitle, stebre in arhivolte, ki vam imajo toliko povedati. So many monasteries and churches were built in the Lands of the Sousa since the first millennium, that today they are all combined into a real Route of the Romanesque. Join this Route and explore the sophisticated simplicity of its 21 monuments. Upon each step find straight lines, observe the capitals, columns and archivolts with so much to tell… 34 interno gb-sloveno.indd 34 28/07/10 18.15 In a territory of only 92 000 km², the visitors are sure to find a wide array of experiences close at hand - in the mountains or the sea, in cities or historic villages in the hinterland. This enterprising, cosmopolitan and hospitable country, blessed with a stable gentle climate, has now a great variety of high quality hotels and resorts, and Europe’s best golf courses. Portugal is a country of sea and sunshine, with a varied cultural offer, ranging from rich contemporary art collections in Lisbon and Oporto, to the cultural landscapes of Sintra, Guimarães, the Douro and the Atlantic islands of Madeira and the Azores, and the ancient rupestrian engravings in Foz Côa. The genuine Portuguese gastronomy includes fish and shellfish dishes, convent sweets and excellent wines (“Porto”, “Verde”...). Obiskovalci se lahko z gotovostjo nadejajo, da bodo na ozemlju samo 92.000 km2 našli široko množico doživetij praktično na dosegu roke – v gorah ali ob morju, v mestih ali zgodovinskih vaseh v notranjosti. Ta podjetna, svetovljanska in gostoljubna dežela, obdarjena s stalno nežno klimo, danes premore zelo veliko različnih hotelov najvišjega kakovostnega razreda in počitniških središč ter najboljša igrišča za golf v vsej Evropi. Portugalska je dežela morja in sonca z raznotero kulturno ponudbo, ki sega od bogatih zbirk sodobne umetnosti v Lizboni in Oportu do kulturnih pokrajin Sintre, Guimarãesa, Doura in atlantskih otokov Madeire in Azorov pa vse do starodavnih jamskih gravur v Foz Côi. Pristna portugalska gastronomija vključuje jedi iz rib in školjk, samostanske sladice in odlična vina („portovec”, vino „verde” …). Tourist Information Centers/ Turistično Informacijski centri Rota do Românico do Vale do Sousa VALSOUSA – Associação de Municípios do Vale do Sousa Praça D. António Meireles, 45 4620-130 Lousada – Portugal Ph. +351 255 810 706 - +351 918 116 488 Fax: +351 255 810 709 E-Mail: Web: Centro de Informação de Pombeiro Lugar do Mosteiro, Pombeiro de Ribavizela, Felgueiras Ph. +351 255 810 706 - +351 918 116 488 Fax: +351 255 810 709 E-Mail: Web: Centro de Informação de Vilar Lugar da Torre, Vilar do Torno e Alentém, Lousada Ph. +351 255 810 706 - +351 918 116 488 Fax: +351 255 810 709 E-Mail: Web: Centro de Informação de Ferreira Avenida do Mosteiro de Ferreira, Paços de Ferreira Ph. +351 255 810 706 - +351 918 116 488 Fax: +351 255 810 709 E-Mail: Web: Centro de Informação de Paço de Sousa Largo do Mosteiro, Paço de Sousa, Penafiel Ph. +351 255 810 706 - +351 918 116 488 Fax: +351 255 810 709 E-Mail: Web: Romanesque sites in Vale do Sousa/ Romanski vrhunci v dolini Sousa Monastery of Saint Mary of Pombeiro/ Samostan svete Marije Lugar do Mosteiro, Pombeiro de Ribavizela, Felgueiras Ph. +351 255 810 706 +351 918 116 488 Fax: +351 255 810 709 E-Mail: Web: Monastery of Saint Peter of Ferreira/ Samostan svetega Petra Avenida do Mosteiro de Ferreira, Paços de Ferreira interno gb-sloveno.indd 35 Ph. +351 255 810 706 +351 918 116 488 Fax: +351 255 810 709 E-Mail: Web: Monastery of Saint Peter of Cête/ Samostan svetega Petra Largo do Mosteiro, Cête, Paredes Ph. +351 255 810 706 +351 918 116 488 Fax: +351 255 810 709 E-Mail: Web: 35 Monastery of the Saviour of Paço de Sousa/ Samostan odrešenika Largo do Mosteiro, Paço de Sousa, Penafiel Ph. +351 255 810 706 +351 918 116 488 Fax: +351 255 810 709 E-Mail: Web: Church of Saint Genes of Boelhe/ Cerkev svetega Genezija Largo da Igreja, Boelhe, Penafiel Ph. +351 255 810 706 +351 918 116 488 Fax: +351 255 810 709 E-Mail: Web: 28/07/10 18.15 > Kraljevo Žiča Monastery Samostan Žiča > Kraljevo Studenica Monastery Samostan Studenica > Raška Gradac Monastery Samostan Gradac > Novi Pazar Sopoćani Monastery Samostan Sopoćani > Novi Pazar Đurđevi Stupovi Monastery Samostan Đurđevi Stupovi Kraljevo Raška Novi Pazar Serbia Srbija Kraljevo, Raška, Novi Pazar interno gb-sloveno.indd 36 Serbia is a country of contrast, ofering its visitors a diversity of highlights, including wildlife, events, entertainment, clubbing and shopping. Situated in the Balkans at what was, for thousands of years, a troubled crossroads between Europe and the East, Serbia is a country of amazing culture and historic heritage. Serbian mediaeval art is characterized by a speciic mixture of elements common to the arts of Western Europe and the East – Byzantium. Serbia is still a relatively new tourist destination in Europe. It is a place of dynamic cities, untouched nature and friendly and sincere people, with many monuments and beautiful countryside. Listed by UNESCO, Serbia is attracting and thrilling the visitors. Na Balkanu, ki je bilo tisočletja nemirno križpotje med Evropo in Vzhodom, leži Srbija, dežela z osupljivo kulturo in zgodovinsko dediščino. Za srbsko srednjeveško umetnost je značilna speciična mešanica elementov, ki pripadajo umetnostma Zahodne Evrope in Vzhoda – Bizanca. Srbija je v Evropi še zmeraj razmeroma nova turistična destinacija, kraj razgibanih mest, nedotaknjene narave ter prijaznih in odkritih ljudi, s številnimi spomeniki in prelepim podeželjem. Srbija, ki je tudi na Unescovem seznamu, obiskovalce privlači in navdušuje. 28/07/10 18.15 Studenica Monastery/Samostan Studenica Sopoćani Monastery/Samostan Sopoćani 3_ Novi Pazar, Church of St.Peter and Paul/Cerkev 4_ Novi Pazar, Đurđevi Stupovi Monastery/Samostan Đurđevi Stupovi 5_ Kraljevo, Žiča Monastery, window/Samostan Žiča 6_ Raška, Gradac Monastery/Samostan Gradac 7_ Dečani, Dečani Monastery/Samostan Dečani 1_ Kraljevo, 2_ Novi Pazar, The Romanesque relief decorating the main church of the Monastery of Studenica stylistically ranks amongst the richest of Serbian medieval art. In 1219 the Žiča Abbey church, with its facade painted in red in the Mount Athos tradition, is known as the Coronation church of the Serb kings. The Monastery of Gradac was the endowment of the French Princess Helen d’Anjou, she was buried here in 1314. The Church in the Sopoćani Monastery resembles the Romanesque churches of the West, while Đurđevi Stupovi Monastery was built on the very top of a conical hill and represents the irst and largest monastery in the area of the ancient Ras. Romanski relief, ki krasi glavno cerkev samostana v Studenici, se stilistično uvršča med najbogatejše, kar jih je dala srbska srednjeveška umetnost. V opatijski cerkvi v Žiči, katere fasada je po tradiciji gore Atos pobarvana rdeče, so leta 1219 kronali srbske kralje. Samostan Gradac je ustanovila francoska princesa Jelena Anžujska (fr. Helene d’Anjou), tu so jo leta 1314 tudi pokopali. Cerkev v samostanu Sopoćani je podobna romanskim cerkvam na Zahodu, medtem ko so samostan Đurđevi Stupovi postavili na samem vrhu stožčastega hriba in predstavlja prvi in največji samostan na področju starodavnega Rasa. 37 interno gb-sloveno.indd 37 28/07/10 18.15 Serbia’s cultural identity is rooted in its people. Some of them have become world renowned – Mileva Marić Einstein, Nikola Tesla, Milutin Milanković, Mihajlo Pupin. The festivals of classical and avantgarde theatre offer visitors an exciting cultural experience. This includes traditional and contemporary dance, fashion weeks and music concerts staged in the open air or within the walls of fortresses. Srbska kulturna identiteta ima svoje korenine pri ljudeh. Nekateri od njih so dosegli svetovno slavo – Mileva Marić Einstein, Nikola Tesla, Milutin Milanković, Mihajlo Pupin. Vznemirljivo kulturno doživetje čaka obiskovalce festivalov klasičnega in avantgardnega gledališča, na katerih si lahko ogledajo tradicionalne in sodobne plesne predstave, tedne mode in glasbene koncerte na prostem ali v objemu zidov utrdb. 1_Raška, Gradac Monastery/ Samostan Gradac 2_Novi Pazar, Church of St.Peter and Paul/Cerkev 3_Mokra Gora, railway station 4_Ibar, rafting 5_Kraljevo, Studenica Monastery/Samostan Studenica 6_Raška, Gradac Monastery/ Samostan Gradac 7_Kraljevo, Studenica Monastery/Samostan Studenica 8_Folk Dance Testimonies of diferent cultures throughout the ages are reminders of Serbia’s rich cultural heritage illustrating its place between East and West, linking various civilizations. Tracing the path of culture of TRANSROMANICA in Serbia, you will learn more about the dynasty of the Nemanics, the Valley of Lilacs and Queen Helen d’Anjou. Pričevanja različnih kultur skozi stoletja nas opominjajo o bogati kulturni dediščini Srbije in slikovito predstavljajo njeno mesto med Vzhodom in Zahodom ter njeno vlogo povezovanja civilizacij. Na sledi kulturne poti TRANSROMANICE v Srbiji boste izvedeli več o dinastiji Nemanićev, Dolini španskega bezga in o kraljici Jeleni Anžujski. 38 interno gb-sloveno.indd 38 28/07/10 18.15 Discover the countryside of Serbia with its dramatic mountain ridges, deep gorges, meandering rivers, natural springs and meadows and forests. A vibrant and breathtakingly beautiful natural environment, traveling through Serbia is a journey through centuries of history in an unspoiled natural landscape. Experience new foods and wines while leisurely following the path of the Danube. Over two hundred monasteries bear testament to our rich heritage with many located in areas of outstanding natural beauty. There are many activities to be enjoyed including long walks, paragliding, cycling and eco-tourism. In addition you could rest in the rustic comfort of a rural farmhouse, with traditional hospitality or enjoy an invigorating spa treatment renowned since ancient Rome. With its unique location in the heart of Europe, Serbia ofers numerous possibilities for international congresses and festivals all of which embrace the genuine spirit of Serbia and its hospitable people. Romanesque sites in Serbia/ Romanski vrhunci v Srbiji Sopoćani Monastery/Samostan Sopoćani 16km from the city of Novi Pazar Ph. +381 20 445 110 - Fax: +381 20 445 111 E-Mail: Studenica Monastery/Samostan Studenica 11km from the settlement of Ušće Village of Studenica, Commune of Kraljevo, Raška District, Republic of Serbia Coordinates: N43 29 10 E20 32 12 Ph. +381 36 536 050 - E-Mail: interno gb-sloveno.indd 39 Odkrijte pokrajino Srbije, ki jo oblikujejo dramatični gorski grebeni, globoke soteske, vijugaste reke, naravni izviri, travniki in gozdovi. Živahno naravno okolje in lepota, ob kateri vam zastane dih. Potovanje skozi Srbijo pomeni srečanje z večstoletno zgodovino v nedotaknjenem naravnem okolju. Sproščeno sledite Donavi na poti, ki jo vrezuje skozi deželo, in pri tem poskusite nove jedi in vina. O naši bogati zapuščini priča več kot sto samostanov, od katerih mnogi ležijo na območjih zares izjemne naravne lepote. Uživate lahko v številnih aktivnostih: sprehodih, jadralnem padalstvu, kolesarjenju in eko turizmu. Prav tako se lahko prepustite rustikalnemu udobju podeželskih kmetij in njihove tradicionalne gostoljubnosti ali si privoščite poživljajočo zdraviliško razvajanje, znano že iz časov starega Rima. Zaradi svoje lege v osrčju Evrope nudi Srbija številne možnosti za mednarodne kongrese in festivale, ki vsi vključujejo pravo dušo Srbije in njenih gostoljubnih ljudi. Žiča Monastery/Samostan Žiča 6km from the city of Kraljevo Koordinate: 43° 41’ 46.68’ N, 20° 38’ 44.66’’ E Decimal 43.6963, 20.645739 Ph. +381 36 816 817 - Fax: +381 36 816 368 E-Mail: Web: Tourist Information Centers/ Turistično Informacijski centri Kraljevo Trg srpskih ratnika 25 36000 Kraljevo, Serbia Ph. +381 36/316-000, 311-192 Fax: +381 36/316-000 E-Mail: Web: Raška Nemanjina 1/II 36350 Raška, Serbia Ph. +381 36/736 085, 738-670 Fax: +381 36/738-677 E-Mail: Web: Novi Pazar 28. novembra 27 36300 Novi Pazar, Serbia Ph/Fax: +381 20/338 030 E-Mail: Gradac Monastery/Samostan Gradac 22km from the city of Raška Ph. +381 36 78 743 E-Mail: Web: Đurđevi Stupovi Monastery/ Samostan Đurđevi Stupovi 4km from the city of Novi Pazar Ph. +381 20 353 502 Fax: +381 20 363 501 E-Mail: Web: 39 28/07/10 18.15 Tourist Information Center/ Turistično Informacijski center Office de Tourisme Paray-le-Monial 25 avenue Jean-Paul II - BP 119 71603 Paray-le-Monial Ph. +33 (0) 385 811092 Fax : +33 (0) 385 813661 E-Mail: Web: Basilique Paray-le-Monial 71603 Paray-le-Monial Paray-le-Monial > Paray-le-Monial Basilica of Paray-le-Monial Bazilika Paray-le-Monial Paray-le-Monial interno gb-sloveno.indd 40 The tour of Romanesque churches in Brionnais starts at Parayle-Monial. Amidst Charolais-Brionnais, the basilica SacréCoeur is a masterpiece of Romanesque art. It is a reflection, unique in Burgundy and in the whole of Europe, of the great abbey church of Cluny III, the biggest church of medieval Christendom. Built at the same time as the great abbey church Cluny III, after 1088, the priory church of Paray shows its main characteristics: the systematic use of pointed arches, the three storeys of the nave, the decoration with fluted pilasters, and the masterly handling of light and shadow recreate the atmosphere of Cluny. Burgundy, the heart of France, is first of all known for its great red and white wines. About 1000 km long waterways are sliding through the mosaic of vineyards; from time to time you meet a flock of Charolais cows being typical for the region. In Burgundy are countless churches, monasteries and castles, which are worth a visit. The “Romanesque Road” program in Southern Burgundy aims at connecting about one hundred churches and chapels that are entirely or partially Romanesque. Due to the great density of Romanesque buildings a so called “Romanesque Garden” emerged, that only waits to be visited and admired by you. Razumljivo je, da se pot med romanskimi cerkvami pokrajine Brionnais začne v Paray-le-Monialu. V tem mestu sredi CharolaisBrionnais predstavlja mojstrovino romanske umetnosti bazilika Sacré-Coeur. V Burgundiji in vsej Evropi ni cerkve, ki bi se natančneje približala podobi velike opatijske cerkve Cluny III, največje cerkve srednjeveškega krščanstva. Samostanska cerkev iz Paraya, zgrajena v enakem obdobju kot velika opatijska cerkev Cluny III, to je po letu 1088, posnema glavne značilnosti svoje vzornice: sistematična uporaba koničastih arkad, trinadstropna cerkvena ladja, okrasni žlebičasti pilastri ter mojstrska igra luči in senc pričarajo vzdušje Clunya. Burgundija, srce Francije, je v prvi vrsti znana po svojih izvrstnih rdečih in belih vinih. Skozi mozaik vinogradov se vije približno 1.000 km vodnih poti; tu in tam lahko srečate čredo krav pasme charolais, tipične za to območje. V Burgundiji so neštete ogleda vredne cerkve, samostani in gradovi. Program “Romanska pot” v Južni Burgundiji želi povezati okrog 100 delno ali v celoti romanskih cerkva in kapelic. Zaradi številnih romanskih zgradb je nastal tako imenovani “Romanski park”, ki le še čaka na vaš obisk in občudovanje. 28/07/10 18.15 K edinstvenemu doživetju potovanj po območjih TRANSROMANICE prispevajo naši partnerji: Our partners contribute to a unique travel experience in the TRANSROMANICA-regions: interno gb-sloveno.indd 41 28/07/10 18.15 Saxony -Anhalt Saška-Anhalt Thuringia Turingija Carinthia Koroška Slovenia Slovenija IMG – Investment and Marketing Corporation Am Alten Theater 6 39104 Magdeburg Ph. +49 (0)391/56283820 Fax: +49 (0) 391/562-83-811 E-Mail: Web: Tourist Information Thuringia Willy-Brandt-Platz 1 99084 Erfurt Ph. +49 (0)361 / 37 420 Fax: +49 (0)361 / 37 42 388 E-Mail: Web: Carinthia Information Casinoplatz 1 9220 Velden Ph. +43 (0)463 3000 Fax: +43 (0) 4274 5210050 E-Mail: Web: National Tourist Association Vosˇnjakova 5 1000 Ljubljana Ph. +386 (0)5 971 05 76 Fax: +386 (0)5 971 05 27 E-Mail: Web: Piedmont Piemont Serbia Srbija Castile and León Kastilja in Leon Sousa Valley Dolina Sousa Council for Culture, Tourism and Sport Via A. Avogadro, 30 10121 Torino Ph. +39 011.4321504 Numero verde: 800329329 (Italia) International Free Number: 0080011133300 E-Mail: Web: National Tourism Organisation of Serbia Čika Ljubina 8 11000 Belgrade Ph. +381 11 6557 100 Fax: +381 11 2626 767 E-Mail: Web: Turismo en Castilla y León Ph. +34 902 20 30 30 Web: www.turismocastillayleon. com Route of the Romanesque of the Sousa Valley VALSOUSA – Associação de Municípios do Vale do Sousa Praça D. António Meireles, 45 4620-130 Lousada - Portugal Ph. +351 255 810 706 +351 918 116 488 Fax: +351 255 810 709 E-Mail: Web: interno gb-sloveno.indd 42 Provinces of Modena, Parma and Ferrara Pokrajine Modena, Parma, Ferrara Province of Modena Councillorship for Tourism and Culture Viale delle Rimembranze n.12 41100 Modena Ph. +39 059 209488 Fax +39 059 220686 E-Mail: Web: Province of Parma Web: Province of Parma Web: Paray-le-Monial Tourist Information Paray-le-Monial 25 avenue Jean-Paul II BP 119 - 71603 Paray-le-Monial Ph. 03 85 81 10 92 Fax : 03 85 81 36 61 E-Mail: Web: 28/07/10 18.15
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