Amazing Alphabet Activities Alphabet Poster Chant- Lakeshore Alphabet Teaching Chart GG159 Blends and Diagraph Chart GG705 (Discontinued) Lakeshore Alphabet Chants Book- JJ957 3-D Alphabet Bags Word Wall- Alphabet with environmental Print Alphabet Homework Write the Room Alphabet Emergent Readers ABC Book- Phonetic Spelling of Words Practice letter formation* * * * * * * * * * * * * * Wikki-sticks or pipe cleaners- make laminated letter cards to put on shaving cream or pudding sand or rice trays yarn on tag cards templates ( commercial or make your own) play dough- roll out into snakes and make letters- have a book for reference ziploc bags with gel or finger paint paint with water on chalk boards or sidewalks tactile letters (sandpaper, glue, velvet, foam) make letters with cereal, noodles, glitter, salt rainbow letters- trace over letters with different colors body letters- small groups make letters with their bodies write letters in the air, on friend’s back or on leg baseball card writing- plastic card protector sheets Letter recognition* highlighters- highlight (can use different color highlighters for more than one letter i.e. yellow- k’s, green- g’s) or circle specific letters in magazines & newspapers * letter pointers – sticks with foam letters on for finding the letter Look for the letter____ How many did you find?_____ * cut out letters and glue on sheet * fun fonts- sort alphabets printed with different fonts ( or box fronts) * alphabet memory/concentration (name tags work well) * letters on lockers * turn out the lights and write the letters on the ceiling with flashlight * stand up for capital letters- sit down for lowercase letters * playdough stampers- match capital and lowercase or stamp entire alphabet * alphabet sort- sort magnetic letters, letter cards, die cuts by formation (sticks, circles, sticks and circles, short letters, tall letters, letters with slants, letters with tails, letters that curve) Reproducible letter practice sheets- * (free downloads) * (free download coloring book) Teach sign language along with letter recognition or even try making some Braille Cards with the alphabet on them. (use glue to make the dot arrangements. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Dr. Jean Sing to Learn- “Sing and Sign” Alphabet Tubs or Boxes- commercial or make your own Make a set of ziploc bags, 1 for each letter of the alphabet- send 1 bag home with a different child each day. Instruct parents to find for things at home that start with the letter that is on the bag. Some kids will not be able to find anything new when they get the bag, but it is good review. Store in deli 1 lb. containers. ABC Book Center- Make tapes of class reading alphabet books w/book collection. Q is For Duck - Elting and Folsum Tomorrow’s Alphabet – George Shannon A to Z Do You Ever Feel Like Me? – Hausman and Fellman Zoo Flakes – Will Howell Matthew ABC – Peter Catalanotto The Dog Arf! Arf! To Zzzz We’re All in the Same Boat – Shapiro and Davis The Mixed-Up Alphabet – Metzger Make your own book Alphabet Bag- ABC Song class book, magnetic letters, letter border, flash cards Alphabet Puzzles – Use 30 side alphabet dice to put in pieces Alphabet Bingo – get independent center Buried Treasure- Hide letters in sand or rice table. Kids have to find all of them. Have to name it and match it to alphabet strip. Lakeshore Sift and Find Alphabet Shells- EE256 Alphabet Tic-Tic-Toe- instead of x and o use 2 different letters. Juice Lid or Utensil Match Up- Alphabet stickers or letters on juice lids or plastic utensils. Match them up. RR741- Lakeshore Alphabet Picture Stickers Notepad Alphabet Puzzles or Lotto games- Use notepads for learning games. RR741- Lakeshore Alphabet Picture Stickers Make your own Stickers- Alphabet Activities pictures for Avery Labels Alphabet Dice Game- Write six different letters on a 1” wooden cube. Make a blackline master with the same letters (color code sheets and dice). The child rolls the die and write the letter in the appropriate column. Repeat until a column is full. ABC Jumble!- Write letters on sides of 1” wooden cubes. Give each student 4 dice and order them alphabetically. Use an alphabet strip as a reference. Record the combinations on blackline master. Alphabet Rubber Stamps- Store in hardware drawer container. Make blacklines for stamping letters or pictures (Lakeshore LC699- 90 stamps) * * * * * * stamp little books- letter on each page and pictures to match stamp the letters in ABC order collage- 1 letter/page & all the picture stamps that start with that letter stamp a picture and name the picture using sound spelling graph paper vertical strips- stamp capital and lowercase letters blackline with 26 squares- write in alphabet but leave out some letters Alphabet Eggs- Use small objects collected. Put 1 object for every letter in a plastic egg. Use alphabet sheet to mark off all the letters found. Lights On! - This game is great to use with any skill. In small group, give each child the small round closet lights that you push on (Dollar Store?) Give each child light and set of letter or picture cards. Ask a question and if a child has the answer they turn on his/her light (no loud voices and it’s fun to push the lights!) Everyone shows their answer and then turns off their light. Spotlight Is On? - Turn off the nights. Briefly shine a flashlight on a letter on the alphabet chart. Kids can write it or say it out loud.- or give kids individual flashlightsfind the S etc. Overhead Trace Me/Erase Me - Put die-cut letter on overhead. Trace that letter on the whiteboard. Have the children erase the letter the way they write it. Alphabet Line Up- Give each The class has to line up cooperative learning. the door to match for child and alphabet card. alphabetically. Great Extension: Put letters by lining up. I’m Mr. Who. How do you do? I’m the wise old owl who watches the hall. I look to the front. I look to the back. I can tell who’s on track. I’m Mr. Who. How do you do? ©Sloane &Torkelson Song on Singing With Shari: School is Cool CD Red Feet for lining up and owl are from Flannelboard letter Games- “Pick a Letter ABC! What’s the Letter? Say it for me.” The Alphabet Grabber- Begin with five flashcards face up on the floor. The children study the letter and then the teacher turns over the cards. The “Alphabet Grabber” (any puppet) comes and grabs a card. Turn over the remaining cards and the kids try to guess the missing card. Increase the number of letter cards. Secret code- Put numbers on alphabet strip. Write a secret message using numbers. Alphabet Battle- Give each child a set of alphabet cards. Play like war. The letter closest to z wins. Both say letter name and winner must say “__ is closer to z than __. I win.” Alphabet Bead Bottle- Fill bottle with colored sand and a set of 26 alphabet beads. Using a blackline master, the kids should find every letter of the alphabet. Bonus challenge, find letters to spell words. Lakeshore Search and Find Alphabet Bags- EE356 Not only great for alphabet work, I love to have my kids sound out and write the names of the objects. Eraser- Write 10 or more letters on the board. Say a letter name or a letter sound and hand a child an eraser. The child has to erase the letter that matches the name or sound. The child passes the eraser to a friend and the game progresses until all of the letters are erased. For small groups I have the kids write the letters on lap sized write boards and the children erase the correct letter when I say the sound. Another version would be to write the entire alphabet on the whiteboard/chalkboard. Have the kids come up and erase the letters in alphabetical order. Each child erases one letter and passes the eraser to the next child. Beginning Consonant Relay- Give the kids in line a letter card. Kids run down and have to find the letter or picture card on the floor that matches their letter card. Alpha File- Expandable file folder- sort envelopes and flashcards Alphabet Freeze- Spread out letter cards on the floor. Put on dancing or walking music. When the music stops, kids go to nearest letter and they have to name it. Lakeshore GG706 Alphabet Activity Mats Go Fish- “Do you have the letter that (kite) starts with?” Fly Swatter- Put letters on clip art of flys. Swat the B etc. Alphabet Puzzles – Use the 30 Sided Alphabet Dice Google or Alphabet Treasure Hunt – Lakshore or make your own Give clue and find hidden letter Jump – Flash cards with action word mixed in ABC Kids- Laura Ellen Williams Penny and Pals Sing-A-Sound ABC...XYZ- Kids Kollectibles “Ally Alligator” “Evie the Elephant” “Flying Frisbee” “Pig Parade” “Uncle Underwood” Halloween Candy ABC Community and Cabela’s ABC Ocean Alphabet Book and Thanksgiving Alphabet Book Chicka Chicka Boom Boom- _ told _ and _ told _ I’ll meet you at the top of the coconut tree. Chant- “ A told B I say /a/ /a/ /a/ B told C I say /b/ /b/ /b/” www.katieand flannelboard Velcro tree- Lakeshore Old Black Fly- Jim Aylesworth- paint splatter background Silly Sounds- School ABC’s- photos from around school - Letters and Sounds Alphabet in my Mouth- digital photo with mouth open Felt Lips on Sticks www.katieand Kiss Your Brain- CD “Letter Aerobics” “Who Let the Letters Out?” “Alphabet in my Mouth” ABC’s of You- R. Grammer Down the Do-Re-Mi or F. Penner What a Day! Letter Sounds- Discovery Toys Sounds Like Fun CD Singing With Shari School Is Cool- “Vowel Bat” “Sounds Around the Mountain” “Letters on the Bus” “Those Sounds” Jack Hartmann- Sing and Move at the Zoo- “Alphabet Zoo” “The Animal Alphabet and Cheer” (2 versions) Hip-Hop Alphabop- “Hip-Hop To the Alphabet” “Letter Sounds Yo Yo” “These Are the Vowels” Music in Me- “ABC Disco” “Learning Letter Sound” (chart) Shake Rattle and Read- “ABC Disco” “Learning Letter Sounds” Hands Up For Letter Sounds- Language Play and Listening Fun Flannel Board Chants and Songs or make your own Have a large pot with letters to put in it. Say this rhyme as you put in the letter. If you can, use the large witch puppet from Here’s the letter ____ To make our potion bubble We all know the sound it makes We’ll say it on the double We’ll drop this special letter in Our magic reading brew (stew) Letter are so magical Alakazam! Alakazoo! ©Shari Sloane 2004 (Tune: Happy Birthday) Here’s a big pot of stew. Here’s a big pot of stew. Filled with letters and sounds. Here’s a big pot of stew. All letters make sound. All letters have names. It’s fun making words. It’s just like a game. Pick a letter for you. Pick a letter for me Say it’s name and it’s sound. See how smart you can be. ©Julie Torkelson 2004 Sounds Around the Mountain - from Singing With Shari School Is Cool cd Here comes A around the mountain on the train /a/ /a/ Here comes B around the mountain on the train /b/ /b/ Oh we’re learning all the letters, we put those sounds together Here comes C around the mountain on the train /c/ /c/ © Shari Sloane and Julie Torkelson 2006 “Old McDonald had an alphabet, EIEIO And in his alphabet he had a (any letter). EIEIO With a (letter sound, letter sound) here And a (letter sound, letter sound) there Here a (letter sound) There a (letter sound) Everywhere a (letter sound) (letter sound) Old McDonald had and alphabet, EIEIO ©Shari Sloane 2004 Put letter rabbits in a hat and say the following chant as you pull out rabbits. Abracadabra! Alalakadabit! Reach in the hat and pull out a rabbit. What’s the letter’s name? (say the name) What’s the letter say? (say the sound) We’ll learn all the letters To make reading seem like play. © Shari Sloane 2004 Use a flashlight to shine on the bear. (teacher) Going on a letter hunt, (class) Going on a letter hunt (teacher) Look! What do we see? (class) Look! What do we see? (teacher) It looks like a nice letter (class) It looks like a nice letter (teacher) It must be a (letter name) (class) It must be a (letter name) (teacher) Don’t want to go around it (class) Don’t want to go around it (teacher) Don’t want to go over it. (class) Don’t want to go over it. (teacher) Let’s just read through it. (class) Let’s just read through it. ((teacher) letter name, letter name, letter name) (class)(letter name, letter name, letter name) (teacher) (letter sound, letter sound, letter sound) (class)(letter sound, letter sound, letter sound) © Shari Sloane 2004 Sing With Shari: School Is Cool cd- Those Sounds (Tune: Dem Bones) Those sounds, those sounds, those letter sounds. Those sounds, those sounds, those letter sounds. Those sounds, those sounds, those letter sounds. Now sing the sounds with me. The a bone’s connected to the /a/ (sound) bone. The b bone’s connected to the /b/ (sound) bone. The c bone’s connected to the /c/ (sound) bone. Now sing the sounds with me. (repeat until) The y bone’s connected to the /y/ (sound) bone. The z bone’s connected to the /z/ (sound) bone. Letters and sounds are really cool We’re learning to read at school. Those sounds, those sounds, those letter sounds. Those sounds, those sounds, those letter sounds. Those sounds, those sounds, those letter sounds. Sounds we’ll never forget. ©Julie Torkelson 2004 Clipart from ALPHABET ART Aa- apple prints, fingerprint ants Bb- bubble prints, block prints, blue, band-aids, beans Cc- cotton prints, car prints, carrot prints, corn Dd- dot design (Dot Art Painters), diamonds Ee- elbow painting, egg shapes, wiggly eyes Ff- finger painting, draw faces or fish, feathers, flowers Gg- glitter glue Hh- hand prints, hearts, hay Ii- ice cube painting, ink (rubber stamps with a variety of inks) Jj- junk prints, jewels, jazzy J’s (decorate with lots of stuff) Kk- kite shapes, keys (rubbings), kleenex Ll- letter collage (rubber stamps or alphabet punches), ladybugs Mm- marble painting, mosaic, fingerprint mice Nn- nature prints, newspaper numbers, nickel rubbings Oo- O’s (toilet paper tubes), orange (the fruit) prints Pp- painted picture, purple potato prints. penny rubbings Qq- quarter rubbings, q-tip painting, quilt (squares of paper) Rr- rubbings, rainbows, ribbon rectangles, red objects Ss- sponge paint, stamp designs (rubber stamps), sand, stickers Tt- torn paper collage, toothpick triangles, tea Uu- upside-down picture, up arrows Xx- x-ray (q-tips) Vv- vegetable prints, valentines Yy- yarn design, yellow yo-yo’s Ww- watercolor, waves, wallpaper Zz- zigzags, zipper rubbing Alphabet Chart Today your child is bringing home an alphabet chart. The purpose of the chart is to help students make links between letters and sounds. The chart is to be used over and over again. This repetition will help the letters and sounds to be internalized by the child. The child then uses the links they have formed to aid them when reading or writing. The attached alphabet chart is a smaller version of the chart used in our classroom. The class reads the chart together at school. By using the chart at school and at home, your child will have consistency in the sound associations. The chart should be read as follows – A(letter name) /a/(letter sound) apple(picture name), B(letter name) /b/(letter sound) butterfly(picture name), C /c/ cookie, D /d/ dog, etc. Help your child to point to each letter and picture as they are reading the chart aloud. Chant the chart all the way through without stopping. While reading with your child it is often helpful to the chart. If your child substitutes the word “boy” for “man” you can ask your child, “Boy starts with the same sound as butterfly. This word starts with m like monkey. What word starts like monkey and would make sense?” Monkey is the picture word from the alphabet chart. When your child is writing you may also refer to the alphabet chart to help you child spell a word. If he/she is trying to spell “got.” Tell your child to say it slowly. For each sound, refer to the chart. “/g/(sound) like guitar; /o/ like olive; /t/ like tiger.” The child gets a picture in his/her mind and he/she is hopefully able to visualize the letter for each picture. Please use this chart often and keep it in a spot where you will remember to use it. Thank you for supporting your child’s learning! ! !
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