FAMILY TREE 229th Main Support Battalion Volume 1, Issue 2, August 2002 Annual Training Highlights In this issue, we feature many pictures and highlights of the activities and achievements during AT this past n e l l A e e r a D y b E L P SAM MSG Duke of HSC is reenlisted by BG Warren Sumpter on June 12, 2002 at Fort AP Hill, VA SPC Hartman of CO C is reenlisted by BG Warren Sumpter on June 12, 2002 at Fort AP Hill, VA In This Issue... Company Information and AT Highlights.................. 2-4 Benefits and Other Useful Information......................5-8 Family Readiness and Support......................................9 Coming to Terms............................................................10 Points of Contact............................................................10 SGT Trish of HSC is reenlisted by BG Carole Briscoe on June 17, 2002 at Fort AP Hill, VA Family Tree Company Information FAMILY TREE Recognition Corner Headquarters 229th Main Support Battalion 29th Infantry Division (Light) Camp Fretterd Armory Camp Fretterd Military Reservation 5405 Rue Saint Lo Drive Reisterstown, Maryland 21136-4540 We pay homage to these soldiers, who have recently enlisted, received awards, earned promotions, or participated in other noteworthy events. Congratualations and best wishes to you all! Note: Promoted soldiers are listed by their new rank. Only the names of those submitted as of August 15, 2002 are listed; any omissions are unintentional. COPYWRITER/ DESKTOP PUBLISHER Daree Allen-Woodard Welcome COPYEDITOR CPT Lessie Hill Welcome Back The 229th MSB extends a warm, hearty welcome to our new battalion chaplain, CPT Tyson Wood. SGT Delcine Ford, SFC Forrester, SFC Collins, SFC Segwick, SSG Mathias, and all others who recently returned from their mission in Bosnia. CONTRIBUTORS CPT Lessie Hill SGT Michael Cheese SFC Peg Compton SPC Anthony MSG Rudi Thomas n e l l A e e r a D y b E L P SAM The Family Tree is a quarterly publication of the Family Readiness and Support Group of the Maryland National Guard, 229th MSB. Its purpose is to educate, inform, and support Army National Guard family members of the 229th MSB. For article submissions, questions, and suggestions, contact the Copywriter. Congratulations • LTC Tendler and his wife, who welcomed their new son, Alexander, weighing 7 pounds and 4 ounces. • SPC Keysha Adams and her husband, who welcomed their new daughter, Kayla Marie, weighing 5 pounds and 10 ounces. Thank You To CPL G. Reid and CPL Pinder, HSC 229TH MSB, who did a wonderful job of handling the retention center during AT. UPAR Representative of the Month SPC Anthony, CO A (ORD MAINT) 229TH MSB, who did an outstanding job capturing our "AT Highlights" for this issue of the newsletter. Promotions - 229TH MSB • SGT Patricia Jones • SSG Tony Redd • SPC Chad Altiero • PV2 Marlow Talley • SGT Kirk Cleary • SGT Angella Vassell • SPC Tolson • SPC G. Smith • CPT Danita Ladson • PFC Cottrell • SPC H. Clark • SPC Z. Butler 2 Awards and Achievements - HSC 229TH MSB • SPC Chiedoziem Jordan – Completed PLDC • PFC Latia Adams – Completed BCT • PV2 Amparo Martinez – Completed RTS Awards and Achievements - CO B (TMT) 229TH MSB For supporting COMET inspection: • SPC A. McLamb (ARCOM) • SSG G. Brooks (ARCOM) • SGT M. White (ARCOM) Awards and Achievements - CO A (ORD MAINT) 229TH MSB For completing NCOES/MOS: • PV1 James Bailey – June 17, 2002 • SGT Peter Bieniek – June 27, 2002 • PV1 Bernard Ceo – Jul 23, 2002 • SPC Aaron Geisbert – July 20, 2002 • SGT David Penley– July 27, 2002 Company Information and AT Highlights • • • SGT Nyoka White – July 20, 2002 SPC Tawanda Mincey – August 2, 2002 PV2 David Spicer – July 3, 2002 Reenlistments - HSC, 229TH MSB SGT Terry Trish • • SFC Leonard Linton, Jr. • MSG Robert Duke New Enlistments - CO A (ORD MAINT) 229TH MSB PV2 McKnight • • PV2 F. Hyman n e l l A e e r a D y b E L P SAM New Enlistment - CO A (ORD MAINT) 229TH MSB • SPC C. Carr New Enlistment - CO B (TMT) 229TH MSB • SPC Francis Gray SPC Adams takes a well-deserved break in Hohenfels, Germany New Enlistments - CO C (MED) 229TH MSB • SPC Hartman • SPC Lee Awards and Achievements - HSC, 229TH MSB For completing NCOES/MOS : • • SPC Zachary Caster – June 28, 2002 1SG Jimmy Gordon – July 20 2002 In ranks inspect the 229th MSB and 729th FSB in Grafenwohr, Germany SGT Redd & SPC Marshall troubleshoot a generator in Grafenwohr, Germany 3 More AT Highlights n e l l A e e r a D y b E L P SAM Females in CO A Chillin-SGT Simonton, SGT Guess, SPC Clark, SPC Graham, SPC Rice in Hohenfels, Germany Soldiers works on the powerpack in Hohenfels, Germany SPC Anthony works on the Direct Supply Electric System Test Set (DSET) in Grafenwohr, Germany 4 Benefits and Other Useful Information Military ID Cards Military Time All NG family members need to have military ID cards. The ID card is the key to obtaining military benefits, such as: • Exchange privileges • Commissary privileges • Recreational facilities • Military discounts The military uses a 24-hour clock, rather than a 12-hour clock with “A.M.” or “P. M.” Appended as we civilians do. The abbreviated chart below is a conversion chart to give you an idea of the relationship between military time and civilian time. Military Time Civilian Time n e l l A e e r a D y b E L P While Guard members are on active duty orders, they and their families are eligible for additional benefits, such as health insurance (TRICARE). SAM All family members must meet one of the following requirements to be eligible to receive military ID cards: • Spouse • Widow/widower • Children under age 10 who do not live with the Guard member • Unmarried children aged 10-21 • Unmarried children over 21 who are disabled and unable to support themselves • Parents/In-laws if Guard member provides over 50% of their income When you apply for an ID card, be sure to bring the appropriate military orders, certificates, or legal documents to the military base with you in order to prove your eligibility. 0100 1000 1200 1300 2400 1:00 (a.m.) 10:00 (a.m.) 12:00 noon 1:00 p.m. 12:00 midnight For all hours (on the hour) that we call 1:00 A.M. through 9:00 A.M., the military calls “Ohone-hundred” through “Oh-ninehundred.” For times between each hour, the time would be announced as say, “Oh-nine-thirty,” instead of “ninethirty A.M.” For times between 10:59 A.M. and 12:59 A.M., the military members would say, “Elevenhundred” through “Twenty-four hundred hours.” Obtaining LES Information The leave earnings statement (LES) for each soldier was previously sent to the soldier's home by mail. LES information can now be accessed online by going to 5 Benefits and Other Useful Information Commissary Commissaries are supermarkets located on military installations. As part of the National Guard family, you can make up to 24 visits per year. You will be required to show your military identification and Commissary Privelege Card upon checkout. You can save up to 30% on your grocery bill by purchasing your groceries from a commissary instead going to a local civilian supermarket. USAA Educational Opportunities One of the benefits of serving in the Armed Forces is the range of educational opportunities available both while serving and after separation. More and more programs are being designed to accommodate active military personnel and working adults. If you are interested in pursuing your undergraduate or graduate degree, you can request free information on various online and offline programs at http:// n e l l A e e r a D y b E L P SAM United Services Automobile Association (USAA) is a financial services company that serves the military and their families, offering life, health, property, and auto insurance, annuities, mutual funds, banking services, financial planning, catalog merchandise services, to name a few. The private, memberowned company was founded in 1922 and headquartered in San Antonio, TX. USAA was ranked 224th on the 2001 Fortune 500 list of top U. S. companies, and is currently ranked 215th on their 2002 list. To request information, go to the Military website at Also included at that URL is a link to a customized webpage that lists specific benefits of soldiers, based on their service and status. Source: Sources: USAA 2001 Report to Members; May/June 2002 issue of USAA Magazine Soldiers Readiness Processing (SRP) What is SRP? SRP prepares, validates, and reports individual and unit readiness for deployment, or updates personnel/ finance records, receives medical and dental examimaitons, and/or completes Will and Power of Attorney documents. • Documents needed for SRP to update Soldiers' records • Employer contact info • Family information (DOB, SSN, Address, etc.) • Marriage Certificate, Birth Certificates of dependents, Court Orders for support, Mortgage agreement, lease agreement • Recent military documents • Civilian medical records/shot records (Continued on page 8) 6 Benefits and Other Useful Information Hotels Offer Free Stays to Returning Servicemembers The next time a servicemember returns to the United States on leave, the first night back in the United States can be a free stay in a hotel, thanks to a joint project between the USO and the Asian American Hotel Owners Association (AAHOA). The campaign, “101,000 Room Nights for America,” is meant to show appreciation for U.S. military members. If the program is successful, it will be opened to all USO centers overseas. The vouchers are good for a one-night stay, with no more than two adults per room, although younger family members are welcome to stay with the adults. The campaign offered 90,000 rooms for free nights. Resources Armed Forces Vacation Club Army and Air Force Exchange Service Army National Guard n e l l A e e r a D y b E L P SAM To date, 145 individual hotels are participating in the project. The hotels are located in 20 states and Canada. The contact information for our local participating hotel is: Quality Inn & Suites, 7200 Baltimore Avenue, College Park, MD Paul B. Patel (301) 864-5820 Go to for the complete list of participating hotels. Source: Corporate Gray Job Fair Military Deals and Discounts Military Living USAA USAA Educational Foundation Would Like to See This Issue in Color? Each issue of the newsletter is available in "soft copy" form using Acrobat Reader software. Receiving the soft copy version of the newsletter allows you to view the newsletter in color and print it using your own personal printer. To receive the soft copy of this newsletter issue, send a request by email to The newsletter issue(s) you request will be sent to the same email address that you made the request from. 7 Benefits and Other Useful Information Corporate Gray Job Fair Where: Ernst Community Cultural Center Northern Virginia Community College Annandale Campus 8333 Little River Turnpike Annandale, VA When: Friday, September 27 Job Fair 10am - 2pm Workshops 9 - 9:45am and 2pm - 4pm Who: All separating, retiring, former, and retired military personnel and their adult family members All Ranks (officer and enlisted) All Services including National Guard n e l l A e e r a D y b E L P Armed Forces Vacation Club SAM The Armed Forces Vacation Club (AFVC) is a “Space Available” program that offers Department of Defense affiliated personnel the opportunity to take affordable condominium vacations at resorts around the world for only $234 per unit per week. The AFVC uses excess inventory at condominium timeshare resorts. If you enjoy off-season activities in popular locations without the hassle of highseason prices, crowds, and lines or if you can travel on 10 days notice or less, the AFVC offers an incredible vacation value. All Uniformed Services Members (current or retired, active and inactive) and their adult dependents (ages 21 and up) are eligible to participate in this program. For more information visit the Armed Forces Vacation Club online at Special thanks to SGT Michael Cheese, formerly of 229th MSB (now in 729th FSB) , for contributing information about this web site. 8 Details: Corporate Gray website at AAFES Exchange Catalog The AAFES Fall & Winter 2002 Exchange catalog, available July 23, 2002, is divided into 18 merchandise categories, and is valid through January 20, 2003. Active duty military members, military retirees, National Guardsmen, and their family members are authorized to shop. Orders can also be placed by mail, fax or phone. To place orders toll free from the United States or Puerto Rico call 1-800-527-2345 or FAX 1-800-446-0163. You can also shop your Exchange Catalog on the Internet at Source: SRP (Cont'd) Location: CFMR Units: HSC, 229th MSB and Co C (MED), 229th MSB Date: September 21, 2002 (HSC) and September 22, 2002 (CO C) Time 0730 to completion Process: Soldiers sign in, receive briefing (45mins), process through each station. Family Readiness and Support Why We Need the Family Readiness and Support Program Benefits of Joining the FRSG During peacetime, the FRSG forms a network of families and service members. This network helps to prepare families for mobilization or deployment, and ensures that all arrangements are complete. • Family readiness = mission readiness • Develop relationships that enable effective ongoing communication networks • Foster a sense of belonging to all family members • Create forums for family members to develop friendships and support each other • Enable service members to feel confident that their family can take care of themselves, and are selfsufficient, during times of separation • Families are educated on how to get assistance if needed • Families helping families! During mobilization or deployment, the network supports families. The FRSG and the military work together to assist and support families with their needs and concerns. Service members can then stay focused on their duties during a separation, confident that family matters will be taken care of. Anyone interested in the military and its members can join the FRSG, including Guard members. Why should you join? n e l l A e e r a D y b E L P SAM In this way, the FRSG helps service members and families face the challenges of mobilization or deployment. Volunteering Volunteering is a way to be involved, to better understand the mission of the unit, and to relate and share coping strategies. If you have an interest in the FRSG, the Guard, and meeting others, check out the volunteer positions below (or create your own)! Note- you do not have to quit your day job to volunteer- if you give as little as a few hours per month, we’d love to have you! Military members can also participate as volunteers, so long as they do not have a specific title. • • • • • • • • Secretary Treasurer Publicist Historian Newsletter Production Volunteer Family Alert Roster Volunteer Callers Fundraising Volunteer Social Activities Volunteer To participate in any FRSG activities at the 229th MSB, contact DeLee Yaukey. Family Network Do you have a special skill or talent that may help others? Networking is a great way to share and help others. Share with us by contacting your FRSG POC (see last page). For detailed information on these positions, contact DeLee Yaukey. 9 Headquarters 229th Main Support Battalion 29th Infantry Division (Light) Camp Fretterd Armory - Camp Fretterd Military Reservation 5405 Rue Saint Lo Drive Reisterstown, Maryland 21136-4540 Family Tree Coming to Terms The military uses its own vocabulary to make communicating with other service members easier. This a list of military acronyms used in this issue. AAFES AAHOA AF VC ARCOM AT BCT BG COMET CPT CW2 FRSG HSC MDNG MED MSG MSB NCOES Army and Air Force Exchange Asian American Hotel Owners Armed Forces Vacation Club Army Commendation Medal Annual Training Basic Training Brigadier General Command Maintenance Evaluation Team Captain Chief Warrant Officer 2 Family Readiness and Support Group Headquarters and Supply Company/ High Speed Cobras Maryland National Guard Medical Master Sergeant Main Support Battalion Noncommissioned Officer Education System National Guard Ordnance and Maintenance Primary Leadership Development Course Private Private First Class Point of Contact Recruit Training School Sergeant First Class Sergeant Major Sergeant Specialist Soldiers Readiness Processing Staff Sergeant Transportation Motor Trucking United Services Automobile Association United Service Organization n e l l A e e r a D y b E L P SAM 229th MSB Points of Contact Company HSC NG ORD MAINT PLDC PV1/PV2 PFC POC RTS SFC SGM SGT SPC SRP SSG TMT USAA USO Commander CPT Danita Ladson 301-227-7824 First Sergeant 1SG Jimmy Gordon 410-592-3880 (H) CPT Denise Walker 410-319-9336 (H) 410-576-1499 (W) 1SG Alan Badeaux 301-753-4324 (H) 301-449-4800 (W) CO A CO B CPT Sandra Johnson 410-922-4240 (H) 410-686-3101 (W) CO C MAJ Leonard Kosicki 410-632-2828 (H) 410-641-9700 (W) 1SG William Horne 410-594-9517 (H) 410-539-5000 (W) 1SG John Bachmann 410-668-5262 (H) Family Assistance Center Points of Contact Fifth Regiment Armory SFC Larry Butts 410-576-6019 877-399-6221 229th MSB FRSG Points of Contact 229th MSB Lead Volunteer DeLee Yaukey, Battalion Bobbie Keegan, CO A Daree Allen-Woodard, CO C Phone 301-540-2981 410-485-1436 301-952-8858
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