International conference
Catchment processes in regional hydrology: from experiment to modeling in Carpathian drainage basins
Sopron, Hungary, 28-30 October 2012
Z. Gribovszki , K. Balog , N. Fodor(2), A. Szabó(2) and T. Tóth(2)
Institute of Geomatics and Civil Engineering, University of West Hungary, Sopron, Hungary (
Institute for Soil Sciences and Agricultural Chemistry, Centre for Agricultural Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Forest cover has significantly increased during the last century in Hungary from 1.1 to 2.0 million ha (nowadays on
average of 15000 hectares are forested each year) and most of the forest was planted in Hungarian Great Plain.
Hydrological effects of trees differs from that of crops or grasses in that, due to their deep roots, they extract water from
much deeper layers. It has been demonstrated that trees cause water table depression and subsurface salt accumulation
above shallow saline water table in areas with a negative water balance.
A detailed investigation of situation caused by the afforestation in the Hungarian Great Plain is being carried out through
the systematic study of all affecting factors, like climatic water balance, water table depth and salinity, three species,
subsoil layering and stand age. At the regional scale altogether 108 forested and neighbouring non forested plots are
sampled. At the stand scale 18 representative forested and accompanying non forested plots (from the 108) are
monitored intensively. In this paper dataset of two neighbouring plots (an oak forest and a pasture) was compared (as
one of the first result of this complex investigation). On the basis of the analysis it could be summarized that under the
oak forest the water table was 0.44 m lower, and the diurnal amplitude of water table fluctuation was twice as large as
under the grass vegetation in July 2012. Both results demonstrate greater groundwater use of forest vegetation.
Keywords: evapotranspiration, diurnal fluctuation, groundwater, vegetation
700 000 ha afforestration will be planned in Hungary the forthcoming 30 years, and this plan is also
supported by EU (Andrasevits et al. 2005). The areas available for afforestration are generally those which
have not enough good profitability for field crop production. On the basis of the analysis of Führer and Járó
(2005) it can be said that the Hungarian Great Plain can be the most important land for afforestration. This is
not only true because the forest cover is low there, but also true because the soil and climate protecting
impact of the forest can be the greatest in that lowland environment.
In the shallow water table areas forest vegetation can change the water and salt balance of the soil
(Heuperman, 1999; Nosetto et al. 2007) and these effects are manifested in the dropping of water table
(Major et al., 1991; Szabó et al. 2012) and increase of salt concentration of certain soil and subsoil layers
(Jobbágy and Jackson, 2004; Nosetto et al. 2008).
According to our general model forests evapotranspiration (both transpiration and interception) are
generally higher than the evapotranspiration of neighbouring grasslands, because of the enhanced LAI and
root depth of the woody vegetation (Calder, 1998; Schenk and Jackson, 2002; Nosetto et al, 2005). The
above mentioned properties of forest are especially true in case of the semi-arid climate Great Plain, where
the precipitation is generally not enough to support woody vegetation, so trees can survive arid periods if
they can use also the groundwater resources (Ijjász, 1939; Magyar, 1961).
A good example for comparing water balance of different land uses is the analysis of Moricz et al. (2012) in
Nyírség. In that paper can be found that a lowland common oak forest has approx. 30% more
evapotranspiration (758 mm) than a neighbouring fallow (623 mm) on yearly scale. The difference is
moreover significant (3 fold) in groundwater use of different vegetation types (oak: 243 mm, fallow: 85
Gribovszki et al., Impact of lowland forests on water table in shallow groundwater areas of the Hungarian Great Plain
International conference
Catchment processes in regional hydrology: from experiment to modeling in Carpathian drainage basins
Sopron, Hungary, 28-30 October 2012
Magyar (1961) analyzed the root growth of seedlings in a saline environment and found that in case of
moderate saline soils roots of seedlings can reach generally 3.5m deep water table in three years, but
seedlings of the elms can be detected in 5.15m depth after two years of planting.
Under forest the groundwater level (if the trees are able to reach) can be detected all along the year deeper
than under grassland but the difference is bigger in the growing season (Ijjász, 1939). Jobbagy and Jackson
(2007) stated that these groundwater level differences can be manifested in even 75cm deeper water table
under the forest. On the basis of their measurements in shallow groundwater areas of Kiskunság Szodfridt
and Faragó (1968) found that forest vegetation descends water table generally with 50-60 cm comparing
herbaceous vegetation. But they also stated that on the sites where groundwater levels (in April) are found
deeper than 2.5m only a sparse herbaceous vegetation can survive under natural conditions. Major (2002)
observed that under a 2 km wide, mainly coniferous forest compartment in Kiskunság the groundwater level
can be even 0.8-1.1 m deeper than under the neighbouring non forested areas.
Figure 1 – Impact of forest vegetation on water and salt balance of a shallow groundwater site
(hypothetical model) after Jobbágy and Jackson (2004). GW groundwater, ET evapotranspiration, P
In the frame of an OTKA NN 79835 project detailed investigation of the afforestation in Hungarian Great
Plain is being carried out through the systematic study of all affecting factors, like climatic water balance,
water table depth and salinity, three species, subsoil layering and stand age. At the regional scale altogether
108 plots of forested and nearby non forested are sampled. At the stand scale 18 representative forested and
belonging non forested site (from the 108) are monitored intensively. In this article the dataset of two
neighbouring plot (a common oak forest and a grass site) was compared next to Jászfelsőszentgyörgy
(Figure 2).
Gribovszki et al., Impact of lowland forests on water table in shallow groundwater areas of the Hungarian Great Plain
International conference
Catchment processes in regional hydrology: from experiment to modeling in Carpathian drainage basins
Sopron, Hungary, 28-30 October 2012
Figure 2 – Geo-morphological map with land use and location of GW wells
GW wells are installed both in the common oak forest (F 13) and in the grass covered pasture (F 14) down
to 7 and 6 m. The geological layers of the pots can be seen on Figure 2. GW wells were instrumented with
vented pressure transducers (www. and meteorological station was settled on the pasture in the
first days of July. Pressure transducers have 15 minutes sampling frequency and meteorological station
collects standard meteorological parameters (temperature, relative humidity, net radiation, wind speed and
precipitation) with 5 minutes sampling frequency. Only the first month of the collected dataset was analyzed
as preliminary results in this paper.
Water table
Figure 3 shows the first month (from 03.07 to 07.08) of the collected water table levels above the sea level.
The water table is deeper and a groundwater depression can be detected under the oak forest. The difference
Gribovszki et al., Impact of lowland forests on water table in shallow groundwater areas of the Hungarian Great Plain
International conference
Catchment processes in regional hydrology: from experiment to modeling in Carpathian drainage basins
Sopron, Hungary, 28-30 October 2012
of water table levels is 0.90 m expressed in absolute levels, but only 0.44 m if we measure water table depth
from the ground surface, because ground level is also lower in forest. The water tables were continuously
lowering during the sample period in both sites with similar closely linear trend. The sinking of water table
is 0.37 m (from 3.09 m to 3.46 m) in case of oak forest and 0.35 m (from 2.65 m to 3.00 m) under the
pasture. In both sites water table levels slightly increase after a significant rainfall event. However this
intermittent rising of relatively deep water table is probably not caused by rain infiltration (PRE). It is even
more likely caused by the effect of increasing groundwater replenishment (QNET) becoming dominant as
evapotranspiration from groundwater (ETGW) was decreasing along and after the rain event. The effects of
these factors determine the groundwater balance of a site, which can be written by the following equation.
S R
 S y (t ,WT )
A  PRE  QI  QO  ETGW  A  PRE  QNET  ETGW  A
where dSR / dt [L3T-1] is the time-rate of change in groundwater storage (SR), WT [L] the average water table
level (above reference), Sy the specific yield, QI, the incoming groundwater discharge [L3T-1] to the site, and
QO, the outgoing groundwater discharge from the site [L3T-1]. The net supply/replenishment rate is the
difference of the incoming and outgoing groundwater discharges to and from the site, QNET = QI – QO, [L3T1
]. PRE, is the recharge to groundwater body from the infiltrated rain. ETGW, is evapotranspiration (directly or
indirectly) from the groundwater, A [L2] is the unit area of the site.
Figure 3 – Water table levels of an oak and a pasture sites
In shallow groundwater areas vegetation can uptake water both from unsaturated or saturated zone. If
groundwater was used diurnal signal can be detected in water table hydrograph (White 1932, Gribovszki et
al. 2010). The amplitude of signal depends on the soil texture and magnitude of groundwater uptake. Figure
4 shows stronger diurnal rhythm of oak site (16 cm) comparing to pasture (7.2 cm) in the beginning of
August. More than a twofold amplitude under the oak forest means larger amount of groundwater uptake
because the soil texture of the two plots are similar (sand, sandy-loam).
Gribovszki et al., Impact of lowland forests on water table in shallow groundwater areas of the Hungarian Great Plain
International conference
Catchment processes in regional hydrology: from experiment to modeling in Carpathian drainage basins
Sopron, Hungary, 28-30 October 2012
Figure 4 – Diurnal fluctuations in water table levels comparing an oak and a fallow plots
Salt accumulation
Specific electric conductivity, what is strongly correlated with salt content was measured to evaluate salt
accumulation. The greatest difference in soil salt content between two land use types was detected in the
upper part of soil and in 350 cm depth. In case of the soil of oak forest in the above mentioned depths the
specific conductivity values were 127 and 70 μS/cm higher. The salt content of the groundwater was also
greater under the oak plot (conductivities of groundwater: oak-1023, pasture-960 μS/cm), so salt
accumulation can be a long term effect of afforestration in these kind of soil and hydrological combinations.
On the basis of this experiment it can be stated that vegetation has a strong influence on water and salt
budget of an area. Hydrological characteristics of earlier (during the last century) land uses (grassland,
arable land) in the Great Plain are significantly different from those of the forest. Larger biomass needs
higher amount of transpiration which can be uptaken from the groundwater by the deeper root system of the
forest if precipitation is not enough. Increased groundwater uptake results in water table depression under
forest covered sites in shallow groundwater areas as can be seen on Figure 1 and 3.
Larger amount of forest groundwater use is not parallel with salt uptake, therefore salt accumulates in soil
and also in groundwater. In the long run this process can result in the decline of biological production or
even the dry out of some part of the forest.
Table 1 summarizes the results of the above mentioned processes comparing oak forest and neighbouring
pasture site on the basis of the measured dataset of this experiment.
Gribovszki et al., Impact of lowland forests on water table in shallow groundwater areas of the Hungarian Great Plain
International conference
Catchment processes in regional hydrology: from experiment to modeling in Carpathian drainage basins
Sopron, Hungary, 28-30 October 2012
Table 1 – Summary of impacts of an oak forest on water and salt dynamic (EC=electric conductivity)
EC GW (μS/cm)
Salt cc. of groundwater increases
EC soil 0-20 cm (μS/cm)
Salt accumulation in upper soil layer
EC soil 300-350 cm (μS/cm)
Salt accumulation in lower soil layer
Groundwater level (asl [mBf])
Water table depth (m from surface)
Diurnal signal amplitude (cm)
Water table depression
Water table sinking
Greater groundwater uptake
This research has been supported by funds from OTKA (NN 79835), TÁMOP-4.2.2.A-11/1/KONV-20120013 projects and HAS Boyai scholarship.
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Gribovszki et al., Impact of lowland forests on water table in shallow groundwater areas of the Hungarian Great Plain
International conference
Catchment processes in regional hydrology: from experiment to modeling in Carpathian drainage basins
Sopron, Hungary, 28-30 October 2012
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Gribovszki et al., Impact of lowland forests on water table in shallow groundwater areas of the Hungarian Great Plain