A Treatment Service One Price. One Treatment. www.ClusterFlyControl.com Five Results® www.LadybugControl.net Your Moneysaver, Your Community Connection at the click of a mouse! View online editions at: www.moneysaveradvertising.com MCKEAN COUNTY LIVESTOCK CLUB On March 2nd the McKean County LiveStock Club met at the residence of Kim Tanner of Smethport, Pa. There was one guest Tiffany Tanner, six members, and one leader. Due to the weather the members did a phone conference so that John Post could participate in the meeting. The American & 4-H Pledges were done by the club members. The members nominated new officers for the year, they are as follows: President: Stephanie McFall; Vice President: Harley Corle; Secretary: Mikayla Sallade; Treasurer: Morgan Corle; News Reporter: John Post; Game Leaders: Savanna Tanner and Dawn Tanner. The members discussed their ideas for their window display, community service, and fundraiser ideas. The members will be meeting on March 9th at 2 pm to get the items ready for their window display that they will be setting up on the 15th of March at 10am at the Carlson’s Store located in Turtlepoint, Pa. Snack was provided by Kim Tanner, (our leader). Snacks were assigned to Morgan Corle, and drinks to Dawn Tanner. Motion for adjournment was made by Stephanie McFall, and was seconded by Savanna Tanner. fb TWIN TIER CHRISTIAN RIDERS MEETING Local Chapter of Christian Motorcyclists Association- 2nd Saturday of the month, 9am at Fox’s Pizza, Eldred, Pa. Weather permitting, ride to follow. All visitors welcome! tffb Beauty Warmth Efficiency MARCH 11, 2014 THERESA’S TAX SERVICE- One on one service with a tax professional with 10+ years of experience. Call for an appointment, 814-225-2224. 6/18pb —————————————————————————————— PSYCHIC MEDIUM AND HEALER Call or text 814-598-7548. Readings are $25. Need answers? Call now! 3/25pb —————————————————————————————— WANTED: VINTAGE BUTCHER BLOCK in good condition. Call 814-697-7278. 2/4cb ANGEL KIDDIES RESALE SHOP Winter Clearance. Show this ad for 50% off clothing and footwear. Good at both locations. 719 E. State St., Olean, NY or 24 Pine St., Bradford, Pa. Call 716-373-9162 or 814-368-6186 for details. Valid through month of March. cb Heating Bills Going Up & You’re Still Cold? We Can Help. Wood & Pellet Stoves & Inserts 172 North Main Street, Bolivar, NY 14715 585-928-2530 • www.sissonstore.com Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8am - 8pm • Sat. 8am - 12 noon Quality Products Backed By Quality Service since 1981! Free installation, hopper DVR and 5 free premium movie channels! Call 800-597-2464. DIRECTV, internet, & phone from $69.99/mo + free 3 months: HBO® Starz® Showtime® Cinemax®+ free Genie 4 room upgrade + NFL Sunday Ticket! Limited offer. Call now, 888-248-5961. CASH FOR unexpired diabetic test strips! Free shipping, best prices & 24 hr payment! Call 1-855-4404001 English & Spanish www.TestStripSearch.com COUDERSPORT ALLIANCE CHURCH 7 Alliance Avenue Coudersport, Pa., 16915 814-274-8661 (phone) 814-274-8668 (fax) cmachurch@zitomedia.net Senior Pastor: Joe Lazurek Sunday Worship.............10:00am MONEYSAVER SUBSCRIPTIONS Know someone who lives outside our circulation area and would like to receive the Moneysaver? Just send name, address and $25 annual subscription fee to: Moneysaver Advertising, 218 North Main Street, Bolivar, NY 14715. Please specify Moneysaver Shopping Guide or Moneysaver Shopping News. tfb THINK MONEY...think Moneysaver reader ads! Buy you’ll save money! Sell you’ll make money! NOTICE Advertisers... Choose to be a part of our Spring Car Care Section. Your ad will appear in these special pages (in either one or both of our Moneysavers) surrounded by articles related to car care, car service, and car maintenance. Reserve space now with your sales representative or Phone: 585-928-2470; Fax: 585-928-2191; or E-mail: moneysaver@stny.rr.com Published: Tuesday, April 1 in the Moneysaver Shopping Guide and Moneysaver Shopping News Deadline: Thursday, March 27 Moneysaver Advertising 218 N. Main St. PO Box I Bolivar, NY 14715 Check Out Our Web Site... www.moneysaveradvertising.com MONEYSAVER SHOPPING NEWS Cluster Fly, Ladybug, Boxelder Bug, Spider, and Crickets. NATIONAL ADVERTISING NETWORK, INC. (NANI) VIAGRA 100MG or Cialis 20mg 40 tabs + 10 free! All for $99 including shipping! Discreet, fast shipping. 1888-836-0780 or PremiumMeds.NET HELP WANTED Earn extra income assembling CD cases from home. Call our live operators now! No experience necessary. 1-800-4057619 Ext. 2605. www.easywork-greatpay.com “UNSECURED” Business loans. “Up to $2.5 million”. All existing businesses. Any credit - fast funding. 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Find information or locate your local club at www.rotary.org. Brought to you by your free community paper and PaperChain. TOP CASH PAID for old guitars! 1920’s thru 1980’s. Gibson, Martin, Fender, Gretsch, Epi-phone, Guild, Mosrite, Ricken-backer, Prairie State, D’Angelico, Stromberg, and Gibson mandolins / banjos. 1-800401-0440. WANTED Japanese motorcycle Kawasaki 1967-1980 Z1-900, KZ900, KZ1000, ZIR, KX1000MKII, A1-250, W1-650, H1-500, H2-750, S1-250, S2-350, S3-400 Suzuki GS400, GT380, GT750, Honda CB750 (1969, 1970) Cash. Free pickup. 1-800-772-1142, 1-310721-0726. usa@classicrunners.com 10 ACRES FREE! Buy 30-get 40 acres. $0-down $188/mo. Money back guarantee, no credit checks Beautiful views. Near El Paso, Texas. 1-866-882-5263 ext. 81. www.SunsetRanches.NET ORDER DISH Network satellite TV and internet starting at $19.99! PAGE 5 1-800-726-0537 As you know, we run many reader ads for government auctions, job positions, earn money at home, cash loans, credit cards, etc. Most of these ads come through state and national ad networks. Most of them are selling directories or listings of where to APPLY FOR what is advertised. This information may be available at less cost elsewhere. While these ads are screened where possible, we have no way of verifying the authenticity of their claims or the value of their product. The buying decision must be yours. If you have problems with any of these advertisers, please let us know and we will attempt to get you a refund. Most of the companies we have checked will refund their fees to unsatisfied customers. Read the ads carefully. Some charge a fee, as noted in the ad, directly to your phone bill when you call them. Once again, we can’t verify claims for every ad. Please consider their offer and make a voluntary and reasonable buying decision. Moneysaver Advertising 2014 PENN STATE GROUNDWATER SYMPOSIUM ANNOUNCED In celebration of National Drinking Water Week, Penn State Extension and the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection along with numerous other sponsors have announced the 2014 Pennsylvania Groundwater Symposium at the Ramada Inn Conference Center in State College, PA. To register or learn more about the symposium visit: http://agsci.psu.edu/pa-watersymposium The Symposium theme: Building Groundwater Knowledge Through Monitoring will provide a forum for researchers, students, professionals and educators working in the groundwater field to exchange information and promote protection of groundwater resources throughout the state. Opening remarks for the symposium will be provided by Secretary Chris Abruzzo from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection. Morning and afternoon keynote speakers will address several important groundwater issues in Pennsylvania. The symposium will also feature several concurrent sessions with contributed presentations on groundwater monitoring, aquifer studies, tools for describing groundwater, and groundwater studies near shale gas drilling. An afternoon break and poster session will allow attendees to network while viewing numerous contributed poster presentations. Registrants can also receive continuing education credits or professional development hours for attending. Penn State is committed to affirmative action, equal opportunity, and the diversity of its workforce. fb KEVIN GUEST HOUSE Located in Buffalo, NY, The Kevin Guest House was established as a memorial to Kevin Garvey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Garvey of Sharon, Pa. Kevin lost his battle to cancer at the age of 13. The Kevin Guest House provides a temporary, safe refuge for patients and their families at a nominal fee, and extends its hospitality to families of patients who are receiving treatment at Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Buffalo General Hospital, and other area hospitals. For over 35 years the Kevin Guest House has been welcoming guests, and provides an atmosphere of caring which helps families focus on their loved ones without the stress of finding temporary, affordable accomodations near local health care facilities and services. Kevin Guest House, 782 Ellicott St., Buffalo, NY 14203. Phone: 716-882-1818; Fax: 716-882-1291 or e-mail General Information@kevinguesthouse.org tffb The Hoover Dam was built to last 2,000 years. The concrete in it will not even be fully cured for about another 500 years. 2007 Chevy Tahoe Lp, 4x4, Leather, DVD 2009 Subaru Tribeca AWD, Navigation, Backup Camera, Leather, Moon Roof, Every Option. 2008 Chevy TrailBlazer 4x4, Auto, Air, Cruise, CD 2005 Chevy Impala V6, Auto, Air, Tilt, Cruise, Pwr L/W, CD $5,995 1999 Jeep Grand Cherokee 6 Cyl, Auto, Moonroof, 4x4 $3,995 PA Inspection • General Repairs • Complete Diagnostics Seal's Used Cars Eldred-Portville Rd. (4 mi. from Portville) 814-225-4062 Mon.-Fri. 7am-5pm; Sat. 8am-noon.
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