Sustainable transport projects of Municipality of Velenje SEETRANS 2012 Transport Research Opportunities for South East Europe in the EU 24 – 25 September 2012, Ljubljana - Slovenia Introduction Marko Govek Senior project consultant Municipality of Velenje, public institution – local administration SLOVENIA Department: Department for development and investments, Development projects and economy office. Contact details: Mail: Tel: +386 3 8961 548, Fax: +386 3 8961 542, GSM: +386 41 783 652 2 Sustainable transport projects in MOV dedicated team of experienced EU project managers (currently ongoing 11 – EU cofinanced projects); MO Velenje Proven track of success with ecological projects and sustainable development… (Most energy efficient municipality in 2010 and 2011; The greenest municipality in Slovenia 2010) Presenting project BICY and GUTS; Personal Rapid Transit initiative; 3 Project BICY - Cities and Regions of Bicycles Velenje as a cycling city Project dedicated to holistic and sustainable planning of urban cycling policies, good practice transfers etc. Cycling popularization Investments in cycling infrastructure (Pilot action: implementation of city bike sharing system) 4 BICY – bike sharing system 5 stations, 25 bicycles (result of local knowledge) simple and modular design (highly adaptable, easy maintenance, movability) Usage free of charge, primary target group - local population 5 BICY – bike sharing system 6 GUTS (Green Urban Transport Systems) The GUTS challenge - To make public transportation: Efficient Attractive and accessible Sustainable To reduce PT disparities between Western and Central Europe 7 GUTS (Green Urban Transport Systems) • The GUTS specific goals - preparation of : institutional financial technical background for local implementation of as sustainable PT system, possible! 8 GUTS (Green Urban Transport Systems) The GUTS partnership: 8 partners - local administrations , knowledge institutions, manufacturers, PT operators, NGO‘s) 7 countries: Hungary, Austria, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland, Italy, Slovenia 9 GUTS (Green Urban Transport Systems) The main outcomes in MO Velenje: established firm partnership of various PT related stakeholders; Implemented local Pilot study: (possibility of usage of hydrogen, dual-fuel or bi –fuel technologies in local PT); Local Action Plan; Promotion of PT & Lokalc (smartphone PT info system) 10 GUTS (Pilot results: LPG) Implementation of LPG in PT: Economic benefits: fuel costs 10% lower compared to diesel; Environmental effects - lowered emissions: - 50% NOX; -10% CO2; -25% CO; -95% PM; - No HS‘s SOX‘s 11 GUTS (Pilot results: Hydrogen Implementation of Hydrogen in MOV PT; CO NOT, RCVT partnership Hydrogen filling station in MO Velenje eMOTION project cooperation (purchasing of 5 minibuses / 650 000€/bus, 49,5% co-financing) 12 MOV future projects / initiatives PRT – Personal Rapid Transit Personal, on demand travel, no stops Light, air-condtioned, fully automatized electrically propelled travel pods (cabins) Light, steel construction, travelling 7-10m above the ground Travel speed 50 km/h Boarding: street level Low energy demand (10% pass/km compared to Bus) High passenger capacities No onsite polution, no traffic jams Noise reduction No traffic accidents 13 THANK YOU FOR ATTENTION! Marko Govek Mestna občina Velenje Urad za razvoj in investicije Marko GOVEK, univ. dipl. pol. Služba za razvojne projekte in gospodarstvo Višji svetovalec za projekte Municipality of Velenje Development and investment office Senior project consultant Tel: +386 3 8961 548, Fax: +386 3 8961 542, GSM: +386 41 783 652 14
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