3rd International »YOM CHI 2014« Taekwon-Do Championship 6th December 2014 Velenje, Slovenija 3rd Internati onal »YOM CHI 2014« Taekwon-Do Championship 6th December 2014 Velenje, Slovenija We are honored to invite you to 3rd International »YOM CHI 2014« Taekwon-Do Championship DATE: 6th December 2014 PLACE OF THE EVENT: Red Hall, Velenje, GPS N: 46,3569 E: 15,1152 ORGANIZERS: TAEKWON-DO CLUB SKALA VELENJE, TAEKWON-DO CLUB UNIOR ZREČE and TAEKWON-DO CLUB SUN BRASLOVČE ENTRY FEE: 20.- EUR (includes a T-shirt and 1 warm meal on the day of the competition) ENTRIES DEADLINE: 3rd December 2014 on e-mail taekwondoklub.velenje@siol.net REFEREES: Every club must provide 1 (one) referee. The club that intends to come without referee must inform the organizer and pay 50 EUR on the day of the tournament. Referees on tournament will be paid. HEAD REFEREE: Master Emin Durakovič VII degree COACHES: Coaches must wear training suit and indoor gymnastic shoes. DRAFT: On the day of competition. RULES: ITF EQUIPMENT: All participants must wear official ITF dobok and protecting equipment according to ITF rules. SPARRING: YOUTH (year 2001; 2000, if competitor has not reached 13 years on the day of the tournament) Female: -30 kg, -35 kg, -40 kg, -45 kg, -50 kg, -55 kg, +55 kg Male: -30 kg, -35 kg, -40 kg, -45 kg, -50 kg, -55 kg, -60 kg, +60 kg Sparring time in qualifications and finals 1 x 2 min. 3rd Internati onal »YOM CHI 2014« Taekwon-Do Championship 6th December 2014 Velenje, Slovenija JUNIORS (year of birth between 1997 and 2000; also 1996 if competitor has not reached 18 years on the day of the tournament) Female: -40kg, -46kg, -52kg, -58kg, -64kg, -70kg, +70kg Male: -45kg, -51kg, -57kg, -63kg, -69kg, -75kg, +75kg Sparring time in qualifications and finals 2 x 1,5 min. SENIORS (year of birth 1996 and older) Female: -51kg, -57kg, -63kg, -69kg, -75kg, +75kg Male: -57kg, -64kg, -71kg, -78kg, -85kg, +85kg In case of 4 or less competitors (seniors male/female) in division, we will have sparring in league system (every competitor against every other competitor). Sparring time in qualifications 1 x 3 min, semi finals and finals 2 x 2 min. PATTERNS: Yellow belt 8,7 kup Green belt 6,5 kup Blue belt 4,3 kup Red belt 2,1 kup Black belt Black belt Black belt Black belt I degree II degree III degree IV degree YOUTH JUNIOR / / / / / SENIOR QUALIFICATIONS: 1 designated pattern FINALS: 1 designated and 1 optional pattern PROTESTS: The official protest note must be written in 5 minutes after sparring and presented to the jury president after paying an amount of 50 EUR to organizers official. WARNING: EACH COMPETITOR WILL COMPETE ON HIS OWN RISK. PRIZES: Medals will be awarded for 1st, 2nd and 2 x 3rd place individuals, best YOUTH (M, F), JUNIOR (M, F), SENIOR (M, F) and special awards for 1 st, 2nd and 3rd place for best clubs. Seniors can win money prize if there is at least 15 competitors in their fight division. Prize for 1st place is 100 EUR. 3rd Internati onal »YOM CHI 2014« Taekwon-Do Championship 6th December 2014 Velenje, Slovenija ACCOMODATION: Youth Hostel Velenje, Efenkova 61, Velenje, GPS N: 46,3629, E: 15,1238 19 EUR/person/night (without breakfast) – additional 15% off that price when booked by 21st November 2014. CONTACT PERSON: Mobile phone: 00 386 41 347 446 (Sašo Oštir) E-mail: taekwondoklub.velenje@siol.net SCHEDULE 07.00 - 08.30 WEIGHING-IN 08.30 - 09.30 REFEREES AND COACHES MEETING 09.30 -10.00 OPENING CEREMONY 10.00 -13.00 COMPETITION 13.00 – 14.00 LUNCH 14.00 – 18.00 COMPETITION 3rd Internati onal »YOM CHI 2014« Taekwon-Do Championship 6th December 2014 Velenje, Slovenija Welcome to Velenje! Organizing committee 3rd International »YOM CHI 2014« Championship Master Emin Durakovič VII DAN Peter Landeker V DAN Simon Jan V DAN 3rd Internati onal »YOM CHI 2014« Taekwon-Do Championship 6th December 2014 Velenje, Slovenija APPLICATION FORM CLUB: ADDRESS: CONTACT PERSON: INFO – TEL., FAX: COACH: UMPIRE: 1. 2. 3. No. 1. Name and Surname Sex M/F Birth date KUP/ DAN 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Date: Signature: Pattern Weight Sparing
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