The New England Masters Open (NEMO) T.K.D. Championship OFFICIAL ENTRY FORM Type or Print Legible - Fill in ALL BOXES (illegible application will NOT be processed) Entry Deadline: Postmarked by Nov. 7TH, 2014 Mail To: Lee’s Tae Kwon Do College – 71 Tosca Dr. Stoughton, MA 02072 We Reserve the right to reject any applicant Belt Rank Applicant’s Name Age M ale / F emale W eight (lbs) A ddress Street Home Phone City School Phone State Zip Name of M aster, Instructor, and School □ Forms Junior □ Sparring Division □ Breaking (4 – 17 Age) Adult Division (18 – 34 Age) □ Forms □ Sparring □ Breaking □ Power Breaking Senior Division (35 & Over) □ Forms □ Sparring □ Breaking □ Power Breaking (Individual Forms, Breaking, and Sparring) 1 Event = $75.00 2 Events = $85.00 3 Events = $95.00 Registration Fee: 4 Events = $105.00 th *** ( M ust be Postmar ked by Nov. 7 , 2014 ) **$5 penalty for every event after this date!! O N L Y certified checks or Money order accepted Total Amount of Participation Fee Enclosed: $ Make Check payable to: Paul H. Lee . “ALL FEES ARE NON-REFUNDABLE” Liability Waiver I understand that Taekwondo is a physical contact sport which involves the risk of injury I agree that I will be responsible for all case of accidents such as any damage, loss and any injury etc. which occurs during physical exercise and competition of Kyorugi(Sparring), Poomsae(Form) Gyukpa(Breaking) till the finish of the tournament. I agree that the Organizing Committee for the Lee’s Taekwondo College, and Host Facility including organizers, officials, staff and volunteers as well as referees, Masters, instructors, coaches, fellow competitors, Sport Arena, Sports Arena administrators and other except competitor herself/.himself will be indemnified from all accidents as above and release and forever discharge from any claims for damages. I, also agree that the medical treatment provided by the Organizing Committee and volunteers licensed EMTs, if necessary will be a First Aid type only. _______________________________________ Date: ___________________________ Applicant’s Signature (if under 21, Parent or Guardian MUST sign) E vents E ntering Junior Form Spar ring B reaking Power B reaking □ □ □ A dult Senior □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ ____________________________ F ull Name ___________________________ Name of T K D School _______/___________/_________ Age Rank/Belt Weight ** Please fill out all infor mations The New England Masters Open (NEMO) T.K.D. Championship M aster / Referee / V IP A ttendance Confirmation Form Sunday, November 9th, 2014 ► □ Referee O fficial □ V IP T K D Rank Applicant’s Name Age □ M aster Instructor M ale / F emale K uk kiwon Dan No A ddress Street City Home Phone State Zip Business Phone Name of M aster / Instructor Name of T ae K won Do School I fully understand that Tae Kwon Do is a full contact martial art and therefore agree to absolve the Lee’s Taekwondo College’s organization committee, its officials, and the participants from any and all liability. Signature: ______________________________________ Date:____________________ (If minor, parent or guardian must sign) M ail to: L ee’s T ae K won Do College 71 Tosca D r., M A 02072 Received by November 7th , 2014 The New England Masters Open (NEMO) T.K.D. Championship O fficial Coach Registration Form T K D Rank Applicant’s Name Age M ale / F emale K uk kiwon Dan No A ddress Street City State Home Phone Zip Business Phone Name of M aster / Instructor Name of T ae K won Do School ► Each Coach pass is $35.00 ► Pick up coach passes at the registration desk Mail To: Lee’s TaeKwonDo College 71 Tosca Dr. Stoughton, MA 02072 Phone#: (781) 344 – 7900, Fax: (781) 344-7902 ** Received by November 7th , 2014 Attach Your Photo Here I fully understand that Tae Kwon Do is a full contact martial art and therefore agree to absolve the Lee’s TKD College’s organization committee, its officials, and the participants from any and all liability. Signature: ______________________________________ Date:____________________ (If minor, parent or guardian must sign) Gyoroogi (Free Sparring) 1. Individual Division A ll Poomsae (form) and A ll K yukpa (breaking) *Power B reaking for 18 years old and up. Junior 4-5 6-7 8-9 10-11 12-13 14-15 16-17 All competitors must have head gear, chest protector, mouth guard, shin and in-step guard, forearm guard (fist or WTF qualified gloves), and groin protective cup (male competitor). A ny competitor without any of these required and mandatory pieces of equipment at the time of his/her match will be declared disqualified. 2. 1 minute 2 round for all ages and all belts. 3. 1:30 minutes 2 rounds for all final matches. *A ny changes will be announced at the day of the competition. Adult Senior 18-34 35 & Older 1 2 3 Rank & Belt Beginner (White, Yellow, Orange) Intermediate (Green, Purple, Blue) A dvanced (Brown, High Brown, Red, High Red) Deputy Black Black Belt Weight All Weight Above divisions will be divided into males and females. Awards for first, second, third places and participation metal. Tournament committee reserves the right to combine or divide the categories if necessary. Gyoroogi (Free Sparring) Divisions The current USAT & WTF competition rules will govern this championship. The organizing committee may modify some rules to the local conditions. It also reserves the right to combine or divide weight categories depending on the size of the group. NOTE: Controlled head kicks for the juniors(14-17years) on black belt division only will be allowed, however, if referees and judges feel an injury was due to a malicious attack, (with anger and intent to injure) the attacker will be disqualified. Spar ring divisions Junior 4-5 6-7 8-9 10-11 12-13 14-15 16-17 Adult Senior Rank & Belt Weight Beginner (White, Yellow, Orange) Intermediate 18-34 35 & Older (Green, Blue, Purple) A dvanced (Brown, High Brown, Red, High Red) Deputy Black Black Belt Light Middle Heavy Black Belt Weight Division MAN (Pound) WOMEN (Pound) FIN under 110.0 FLY 110 – 118.8 Bantam 118-127.6 Feather 127.7-140.8 Light 140.9-154 Welter 154.1-167.2 Middle 167.3-182.6 Heavy 182.7 & Over FIN under 94.6 FLY 94.7-103.3 Bantam 103.4-112.2 Feather 112..3-121 Light 121.1-132 Welter 132.1-143 Middle 143.1-154 Heavy 154.1 & Over 1. Above divisions will be divide into males and females 2. All divisions are subject to change without notice 3. Exact weight breakdown will be announced on the day of the competitions. 4. The tournament committee reserves the right to combine or divide the categories if necessary. Master and Referee Registration Please complete the enclosed Master and Referee Attendance form and mail it as soon as possible, so that we may accommodate you to the best of our ability. For the safety of the competitors, only registered coaches, referees, and tournament personnel with appropriate passes will be allowed limited clearance of the competition floor. Rules and Regulations Current USAT/WTF rules and regulations will govern the championships with a few modifications to enhance the competition experience for all participants. Mandatory Equipment 1. White V-neck or traditional Tae Kwon Do Do-buk for all events. Black V-neck or traditional trimming allowed for black belt competitors only. D O N O T A L L O W C O MPE T I T O RS W I T H T-SH I R TS!!!!! 2. All competitors in the gyoroogi competition event MUST supply their own safety equipment – WTF approved white head gear, white elastic(cloth) shin and in-step guard, forearm guard, WTF approved chest protector (both red and blue colors), protective groin guard (for male competitors), and a mouth piece. Most equipment mentioned above can be purchased at the equipment sales booth on the day of the competition. Poomsae (Form) Competition 1. Any Tae Kwon Do Forms (WTF, ITF) 2. All competitors must perform a Poomsae in accordance to their level of rank. 3. All competitors must start from the designated area (start/finish box) and finish in the same area. SC O R I N G 1. Scoring will be based on concentration, balance, focus, grace, strength, and understanding of the Poomsae (Correct and orderly execution of movements). 2. Three judges will score. In the event of a tie, the highest score will dropped and the two remaining scores will be added to determine a winner Chayou Kyukpa (Free Style Breaking) 1. Regulation breaking board sizes for this competition are as follows: Juniors, adults and seniors (age 13 & up) 12” X 8” X 1” pine. Children & little tigers (ages 12 & under) 12” X 6”X 0.5” pine. 2. Free Style, NO more than three stations and W O O D only!! Competitors must supply their own board (Boards will be available for sale at the tournament). 3. Each competitor will be given thirty (30) seconds to set up and complete his/her routine. The clock will start as the contestant steps into the competition area. SC O R I N G 1 Scores will be based on the level of difficulty of techniques, power, accuracy, focus, creativity, and grace put into the routine. Degree of clean break and showmanship will also be taken into consideration. 2 Please see “2” of Poomsae competition scoring method. Power Breaking 1. Power breaking competitors must use 12” X 6”X 0.5” pine and must come up with your own boards. 2. Competitor have 1(one) chance to try starting minimum 5 boards for males, and 3 boards for females up to as you like. 3. Winners will be determined on who break most boards. 4. Will be given 1 chance to break as many boards as possible for first place tie. (Boards will be provided in house). The New England Masters Open (NEMO) T.K.D. Championship Sunday, November 9th , 2014 Norwood H igh School 245 Nichols Street, M A 02186 GENERAL INFORMATION Registration Registration: $75.00 for first event, $85.00 for 2events, $95.00 for 3 events, & $105.00 for 4 events. (M ust be Postmar ked by Nov. 7th, 2014) *Same day Registration: $5.00 more for each event. O N L Y certified checks or Money order accepted Payable to: Paul H . L ee Director: GrandMaster Hakjae Lee, 71 Tosca, Stoughton, MA 02072 Phone# (781) 344-7900 Fax # (781) 344-7902 A L L E NTRY F E ES NO N-R E F U N D A B L E ! Schedule of Event Registration Referee Meeting Ji-Jung Poomsae (Official Forms) Kyuk-Pah (Breaking Competition) 8:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:30a.m. ↓↓ Opening Ceremony & Lunch Power Breaking Competition Gyorugy (Sparring) All ages 11:45 a.m. 12:30 p.m. 12:45 p.m. Scheduled times may vary based on the number of competitors. Please be early to be sure that you are ready when your division is called. *Food and drinks will be sold at the C afeteria starting at 9:00 am Awards Medallions will be awarded for the First, Second, and third place winners in each division. All other contestants will receive participation metals Admission Fee All spectators - $10.00 (all day) (Children under 5 years of age are free) Competitors E L I G I B L I T Y : You must be a current 2014 athlete member of an organized Martial Arts school in good standing and/or must present an alternate health/medical insurance to be eligible to participate. You must sign the waiver form correctly and be sure to fill in all information on the official entry form. Coaches E L I G I B L I T Y : Must be at least 17 year of age and must include one ID size photo of you. Any officials and referees of the championships, per Championship Organizing Committee rules, hold the right to suspend anyone for general misconduct or unsportmanlike behavior from the competition floor. H ello, G randmasters, M asters, Instructors, and T K D leaders!!! It’s was great summer for us in New England and I know how much you and your student’s been waiting for a great championship in this fall. I would like to thank every school owners for your excellent support at my spring tournament every year!!! My father, Grandmaster Kangwon Lee is the first generation of TKD masters from Korea and one of the highest ranked and most dedicated teachers of all time. Grandmasters like him made biggest impact on spreading ARTof TKD and without his help and support, I wouldn’t be here. I would like to thank my father and other first generation grandmasters through this championship for what they have accomplished throughout many years. So, I’ve decide to dedicate NEMO championship in this fall for my father Grandmaster Kangwon Lee and would like to invite you and your students to participate in “New E ngland M asters O pen T K D C hampionship”. This tournament will be held on Sunday, November 9th, 2014 at the Norwood High School in Norwood Mass. I anticipate a competition that will bring together the style, spirit and sportsmanship of Tae Kwon Do as well as a time for us to come together in the friendship of our beautiful arts. With well-trained referees and Staffs, our tournament was a great success with no waiting time!!! Enclosed you will find important information regarding the The N.E .M.O. Taekwondo Championship and I encourage everyone to try to register early as possible to avoid any penalty on registration fees. We will also have same event day registration for the students with late decision on their mind. Medallions will be awarded for the First, Second, and Third place winners throughout the day in each division. Participation metals for all other contestants. We look forward to celebrating the Martial Arts with you and your Tae Kwon Do families. I will accommodate all requests from Masters and Instructors before and during the competition. Once again thank you for your support! Sincerely, Grand Master Hakjae Lee Director of The N.E.M.O. TKD Championship 2014. The New England Masters Open (NEMO) T.K.D. Championship SAME DAY LATE OFFICIAL ENTRY FORM Type or Print Legible - Fill in ALL BOXES (illegible application will NOT be processed) We Reserve the right to reject any applicant Belt Rank Applicant’s Name Age M ale / F emale W eight (lbs) A ddress Street Home Phone City School Phone State Zip Name of M aster, Instructor, and School □ Forms Adult □ Forms Division □ Sparring (18 – 34 □ Breaking Age) Junior □ Sparring Division □ Breaking (4 – 17 Age) Senior Division (35 & Over) □ Forms □ Sparring □ Breaking (Individual Forms, Breaking, and Sparring) Same Day Registration: 1 Event= $85.00, 2 Events= $95.00, 3 Events= $105.00 ** No Power B reaking for Same day Registrations O N L Y C ash will be accepted Total Amount of Participation Fee Enclosed: $ . Liability Waiver I understand that Taekwondo is a physical contact sport which involves the risk of injury I agree that I will be responsible for all case of accidents such as any damage, loss and any injury etc. which occurs during physical exercise and competition of Kyorugi(Sparring), Poomsae(Form) Gyukpa(Breaking) till the finish of the tournament. I agree that the Organizing Committee for Lee’s Taekwondo College Championship, MSTA, and Host Facility including organizers, officials, staff and volunteers as well as referees, Masters, instructors, coaches, fellow competitors, Sport Arena, Sports Arena administrators and other except competitor herself/.himself will be indemnified from all accidents as above and release and forever discharge from any claims for damages. I, also agree that the medical treatment provided by the Organizing Committee and volunteers licensed EMTs, if necessary will be a First Aid type only. _______________________________________ Date: ___________________________ Applicant’s Signature (if under 21, Parent or Guardian MUST sign) E vents E ntering Junior Form Spar ring B reaking □ □ □ A dult Senior □ □ □ □ □ □ ____________________________ Name ___________________________ School ___________________________ Age Rank/Belt Weight ______________________________________ Competitor Number
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