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Saita* Zmtituto de Desarrollo Tecnoltigico para la Industria Quimica (ZNTEC), Universidad Nacional del Litoral-Consejo Nacional de Inuestigaciones Cientificas y Tgcnicas, Giiemes 3450, 3000 Santa Fe, Argentina This work presents a technique for introducing the surface viscosity terms into the numerical codes employed in the analysis of viscous free surface flows,namely, coating flows. Also, it qualitatively describes the effects produced by the surface viscosity on the interfacial dynamic behavior of an incompressible Newtonian liquid in a steady-state flow. The teat problem chosen is the flow occurring in the slot coating process, particularly in the region where one end of a curved free surface (a meniscus) detaches from a stationary solid wall while the other end contacts a moving substrate. The governing equations are solved by the finite element method, and a limited set of computed predictions is presented to illustrate how the surface viscosity affects the flow domain. Introduction There exist a wide variety of processes where the fluid-fluid interfacial dynamics plays an important role, and, without doubt, coating processes are relevant among them. To a first approximation, these processes can be analyzed considering a two-dimensional steady flow of an incompressible liquid which is mathematically represented by the equation of conservation of h e a r momentum-the * Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Osaa-5sa5/92/2631-2222$03.00/0 Navier-Stokes equation for a Newtonian fluid-and also by the equation of conservation of mass. The mathematical description is completed with the appropriate boundary conditions; among them are extremely important those which are applied to the free surface and relate the interfacial properties (physical and geometric) to the difference between the fluid tractions on either side of the interface. A general formulation of this boundary condition was presented by Scriven (1960) (see also Aris (1962), and, for a more general treatment including mass transport, see Slattery (1990)) who derived the equation of motion for 0 1992 American Chemical Society Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 31, No. 9, 1992 2223 a Newtonian surface fluid and then connected this equation with the flows occurring in the adjacent bulk phases. By so doing, various interfacial properties enter into the formulation of the dynamic boundary condition: the surface tension, the surface density, and the surface viscosity. Admittedly, the surface tension is the most relevant interfacial property and is the only one that counts for systems in equilibrium and also in many flows with free boundaries. However, there exist occasions when the dynamic behavior of an interface cannot be explained on the basis of surface tension alone, viz., the stability of films under the presence of surface active agents (Whitaker, 1964,1966; Sparling and Sedlak, 1989; Ruschak, 19871, and additional interfacial properties must be accounted for. Surface active agents are employed in many industrial coating processes. As an example, we might mention the 'emulsions" used in the manufacturing of photographic films; there, the liquid to be deposited-actually a dispersion of particles of silver halides in gelatin-contains additives such as antifoggants, hardeners, stabilizers, and surfactants. Since surfactants reduce the surface tension, they work as spreading agents facilitating the coating operation; however, they also alter the interfacial properties which in turn may affect the shape and location of the free boundaries. In addition to viscous properties, the interface might show elastic properties which are not necessarily related to the interfacial structure but to the presence of a nonhomogeneous concentration of surfactants along the interface caused by a dynamic interfacial state (Malhotra and Wasan, 1987);i.e. the elastic behavior is of a compositional nature. When a coating liquid detaches from the coating device, it is accelerated to match the speed of the moving boundary; that is, the free surface suffers elongational strains, and the local concentration of surfactants diminishes. Consequently, certain amounts of the surface active solute should be transferred-from the bulk and/or from the interface-in order to restore the interfacial equilibrium; however, in most cases this equilibrium is not reached, and the system steadily operates in a nonequilibrium condition. A rigorous analysis of this problem requires that one solves the combined fluid mechanics and mass-transport processes in an unknown domain whose limits depend on both the shape and the location of the gas-liquid interface; additionally, the normal and the tangential stress balances on the interface will present locally varying coefficients since the interfacial properties (surface tension, viscosity, and elasticity) will depend upon the local concentration of surfactants. The problem just described is rather complicated and still awaits solution; nonetheless, under certain conditions we can attempt an approximate solution. The changes in the interfacial concentration produced by the dynamic state of the interface trigger several mechanisms of mass transport that tend to reestablish the state of equilibrium. Those mechanism are interfacial diffusion, bulk diffusion followed by interfacial adsorption, and bulk convection followed by interfacial adsorption. Since the flow in the coating bead is intense, the mass transport by convection in the bulk must be much more important than the diffusional processes; thus, we might expect a homogeneous concentration of solutes in the bulk phase and a concentration jump in the thin interfacial sublayer where the adsorption step takes place. At this point we can consider two limit cases: (i) low concentration of surfactants, small rate of interfacial adsorption, and large values of interfacial acceleration; (ii) high concen- Figure 1. Schematic representation of the slot coating and the coordinate system adopted. tration of surfactants in the coating liquid, high rate of interfacial adsorption, and relatively small interfacial fluid acceleration. In the first limit (case i) the variation of concentration of the adsorbed species should be nearly proportional to the interfacial deformation (see Whitaker (1966)),while in the second limit (case ii) the interfacial concentration of adsorbed species must approach the equilibrium value (see Jaycock and Parfitt (1981)). In this work, we study the simpler case (i.e. constant concentration of surfactants) and we establish the procedure for introducing the interfacial properties, viz., the interfacial viscosity, into the finite element coating flow simulators. To this end, we analyze the flow occurring in the rear part of the slot coater; this device is sketched in Figure 1,and it consists of a solid die through which the liquid is extruded at a metered rate. Three different quasi 2-D flow regions can be identified in the gap shaped between the coating die and the substrate; one is the central or metering zone where the liquid turns direction as it enters the flow channel. The other two regions contain gas-liquid interfaces. One of them is the film forming zone which begins at a short distance upstream from the exit-where the flow is still 1-D-and ends far downstream where the plug-flow condition is reached asymptotically; the flow in this zone has been extensively analyzed by Saito and Scriven (1981). The second one occurs at the other end of the coating device and is delimited by the Couette-Poiseuille flow that develops upstream of the metering zone and the meniscus that bridges the gap existing between the die face and the substrate. The rear meniscus, and its neighborhood, is the region we chose to study the changes introduced by the surface viscosity; we restrict our observations to the cases where the meniscus not only is pinned at the rear edge of the coating die but also contacts the substrate with an angle OD (measured through the liquid phase) equal to 180'. The numerical technique we employed was formerly developed by Ruschak (1980); additional improvements were later incorporated by Saito and Scriven (1981) and by Kistler (1983). This technique uses the finite element method combined with a suitable parametrization of the free surface; a key feature is the manner in which the interfacial boundary conditions enter into the numerical code, they are easily introduced even if the surface viscosity terms are considered. In the section that follows we present the equations and boundary conditions to be solved; we also give a short summary of the numerical procedure employed. The way 2224 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 31, No. 9, 1992 the surface viscosity terms are treated in the dynamic boundary condition is particularly emphasized. Mathematical Formulation Governing Equations. We consider the steady, isothermal flow of an incompressible Newtonian fluid in the domain shown in Figure 1. The dimensionless governing equations are the continuity equation v-v = 0 (1) y Dw --F= Dt + + e)V*,(V*,*w)+ e[2H(w - mew) + X w) + 2(n X V*,n X n).V*,(n.w)] + n[2%u + 2 % ( + ~ e)V*,*w- 2 4 1 X V*,n X n):V*,w] V*,u (K n X V*,(n.V*, (8) and the Navier-Stokes equation (Re)v-(Vv)- V.T = 0 (2) + where T = -PI + [Vv ( V V ) ~ ]Since . the characterisic length is small, the effect of gravity can be neglected; therefore, the body forces are not included in eq 2. The foregoing equations were put into their dimensionless form using the following scales: the substrate speed (v) and the clearance between the die face and the substrate (d). Pressure and stresses are measured in units of the characteristic viscous forces ( p U / d ) ,Re = pUd/p is the Reynolds number, and p and p are the density and the viscosity of the liquid in the bulk phase, respectively. Boundary Conditions. The mathematical representation is completed with the appropriate boundary conditions; they are as follows: (a) On solid surfaces, the nonslip condition holds; then, on the stationary solid wall the components of the velocity vector are u=o, u=o, y=l, O I X I X S (3) and on the moving web they are u = - I , u = 0, y =o, 0 I x I Interfacial Dynamic Boundary Condition. A general formulation of the interfacial dynamic boundary condition was presented by Scriven (1960)who derived the following equation: XD (4) (b) Far enough from the meniscus, the flow is unidirectional, entailing a parabolic velocity distribution that must accomplish with a zero net flow rate and with the boundary conditions just stated; thus, u = -3y2+ 4y- 1, u = 0, x = 0, 0 I y I1 (5) (c) For the gas-liquid interface we have to apply boundary conditions at the points where the meniscus intersects the solid boundaries; either the location of the contact line or the value of the contact angle has to be prescribed there. In this work the gas-liquid interface is aasumed to be pinned at the rear edge of the die face (xs,l) and to contact the moving substrate at a given angle OD, i.e. n,m COS 8D x xD, y = 0 (6) where n, and n are the unit normal vectors to the substrate and to the interface, respectively. For the sake of simplicity we chose 8D = 180° so that the free surface velocity is continuous at the dynamic contact line and match- the web speed smoothly. Though the actual value of the dynamic contact angle is not known, and it might change depending on the dynamic conditions and on the physical properties of the phases that come into contact, some authors adduce evidences in support of our choice (Pismen and Nir, 1982; Mues et al., 1989). Two additional conditions must be specified at the free surface: one is the kinematic condition which expresses that no mass is transferred across the interface, that is, v.n = 0 (7) and the other is the dynamic boundary condition which relates the interfacial properties to the tractions on either side of the free surface. where w is the interfacial velocity, K is the coefficient of dilatational surface viscosity, e is the coefficient of shear surface viscosity, H is the total curvature, 7f is the mean curvature, u is the surface tension, and y is the surface density. The external forces acting on the interface are represented by F n and t are the normal and tangent unit vectors to the free surface, and V*, is the surface gradient operator. It must be remarked that eq 8 was derived on the assumption that the coefficients of surface viscosity are constant. In this work we make three additional simplifications: the surface tension is constant, the surface density is small enough so that the inertia terms can be neglected, and the gas phase is inviscid and inertialess. Thus, the left side of eq 8 simplifies to Dw y- F = T-n + &n (9) Dt where Tm is the traction vector in the liquid side of the interface and aG is the gas pressure which is set equal to zero. The right side of eq 8 also simplifieswhen one considers the characteristics of the flow we are studying. Since the free surface is a cylindrical interface, the total curvature (H) is zero, and because the flow is assumed to be 2-D, the interfacial velocity w can be written as wt. Consequently, it is straightforward to show that (n X V*,n X n):V*,w = 0 (n X V*,n n X X n).V*,(n.w) = 0 V*s(n.V*sX w) = 0 (10) and eq 8 (now in dimensionless form) reduces to Ca = p U / u is the capillary number, 6 = (K + c)/pd is the dimensionless surface viscosity, and dt/ds is the mean curvature with ds being the differential arc length along the interface. Equation 11 is the interfacial force balance that completes the set of boundary conditions to be applied to the present problem; notice that the frequently used version of the dynamic boundary condition is recovered when the surface viscosity is neglected. Numerical Procedure. The system of equations was discretized using the finite element method; this method combines subdomains-where simple basis functions are defined-with the Galerkin method of weighted residuals. Since the application of the finite element method to free surface flow problems has been thoroughly explained by Kistler and Scriven (1984), only a short summary of the fundamentals is given here. When the governing equations (1,2, and 7) are weighted with suitable trial functions (a’s and W s ) and are then Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 31, No. 9, 1992 2225 integrated in the flow domain (eqs 1 and 2) and along the free surface (eq 7), the following vanishing residuals result R i = sII.’V.v ds2 = 0 (12) n RMk = &(ak(Re)v.Vv W + Vak.T) ds2 X a k ( n - T ) ds = 0 (13) RKi = X@’([=O,&-n ds = 0 The boundary integral appearing in eq 13 arises from the second term of eq 2 when the divergence theorem is applied to the weighted residual of the Navier-Stokes equation. In the present problem the weighted residuals of the momentum equation are discarded on every portion of the boundary (except for the gas-liquid interface) in favor of the essential boundary conditions given by eqs 3-5. Therefore, we concentrate our analysis of the boundary integral of eq 13 on the nodes pertaining to the free surface; in such a case the vector traction (Tsn) is substituted by the dynamic boundary condition ( l l ) , yielding 1 h - T ds = 1 + V,(V,.W) t (14) 1 ds (15) Following the procedure suggested by Ruschak (19801, the right side of eq 15 is integrated by parts. Recalling that the flow is assumed to be 2-D, the last term in the second integral can be written as d V,(V,.W) = -(V,*W)t (16) ds then, once the surface divergence theorem is applied, eq 15 transforms to The last two terms in eq 17 are the interfacial tangential forces acting at both ends of the free surface, i.e. at the static contact line and at the dynamic contact line. However, those terms need not be computed because at the contact lines the weighted residuals (13) are replaced by essential boundary conditions (eqs 3 and 4). Additionally, if k is the node at the contact line, the basis function akis zero at any other free surface node. The preceding paragraphs show that the weighted residuals employed in analyzing free surface flows when surface tension is the only interfacial property considered can be readily extended to include the surface viscosity effects. Actually, the weighted residuals of both the kinematic condition and the continuity equation remain unaltered, while a new term appears in the boundary integral of the weighted residual of momentum; this new term accounts for the surface viscosity forces. The introduction of surface viscosity terms into the governing equations of the problem produces no additional features worth mentioning; thus, in what follows we briefly describe details of the numerical procedure employed in this work. (For a more exhaustive description see Kistler (19831.) The flow domain is tesselated into quadrilaterals; nine-node biquadratic basis functions 3and fourth-node bilinear basis functions \ k j are defined in each quadrila- X Figure 2. Spine parametrization employed. teral. Those basis functions are used to expand the velocity and the pressure fields: K v = Cvk@k([,o) k=l J p = CPW,,) (18) j=1 where vkand p’ are the nodal values of the velocity vector and the pressure, respectively; K is the total number of velocity nodes and J is the totaJ number of pressure nodes. The basis function 9’([=0,~)employed in the kinematic weighted residual is a one-dimensional simplified version of the biquadratic basis function ah([,?) when [ = 0. The polynomial basis functions are built in fixed Cartesian coordinates (5,~) on a standard square. Every quadrilateral element is mapped onto the standard square using an isoparametric transformation (Strang and Fix,1973). The free surface is represented by a curve of [ = 0; consequently, all geometric properties of the free surface can be easily obtained from the transformation. Thus, the normal and the tangent unit vectors to the free surface are y,i - x , j x,i y j + The free surface is parametrized by conveniently located ‘spines” which are defined (see Figure 2) by a base point xBi and a direction e’ (Kistler and Scriven, 1984). The distribution of the base points located on y = y1 and x = x1 is chosen so as to refine the mesh near the dynamic contact line. Figure 2 shows that some spines can change direction by pivoting on their base points; when the dynamic contact line displaces, the spine passing through X D turns about its base point and changes the angle it defines with the y-axis. The direction vectors e’ of the remaining spines which are free to rotate depend upon the value of this angle, which is an unknown of the problem to be determine together with the velocity and the pressure fields and the interfacial coordinates. The tesselation employed is shown in Figure 3; it has 56 quadrilateral elements, 250 velocity nodes, 70 pressure nodes, and 11 nodes which are used to determine the free surface location. The isoparametric transformation changes the real domain into the computational domain depicted in Figure 3. It should be noted that the computational domain becomes open along the segment D E i.e. this segment appears duplicated: therefore, the node numbering along DE must be duplicated too in order to preserve both the total number of nodes and the original connectivity among the elements. The final set of nonlinear equations was simultaneously solved using Newton’s method and a quasi Newton iteration, The latter was introduced when a suitable measure of the difference between two consecutive Newton’s steps was smaller than a certain prescribed value (lo-*in our case); we found this strategy to be more cost effective than 2226 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 31, No. 9, 1992 D C G 10 15 2.0 x Figure 4. Effect of Reynolds number on free surface profiles. A C D A F / tl F / m/ / G Figure 3. Finite element tessellation of the flow domain and the corresponding computational domain. using full Newton iteration exclusively. The system of equations was solved using a computer, VAX 11/780, where a complete Newton iteration took 3 min of CPU time while a quasi Newton step needed 9 s of CPU time. Also, with the purpose of reducing the computing time, the Gauss elimination was performed taking into account the great number of zeros appearing in the Jacobian matrix. Newton’s method needs good initial estimates to achieve convergence; once a solution is obtained, it is easy to compute solutions for other values of the dimensionless parameters using continuation methods. Here we employed zero-order continuation when either the Reynolds number or the dimensionless surface viscosity was changed and first-order continuation when the capillary number was varied. The convergence criterion employed was that the norm of the difference between two consecutive vector approximations should be equal to or smaller than 1 O P Results The results to be presented in this section were obtained for constant interfacial properties: i.e. we assume that the conditions leading to the limit case ii hold; therefore, the validity of the predictions-which illustrate the changes produced when the characteristic parameters (Re, Ca, and 6 ) are modified-should be considered under these restrictions. The discretization employed was shown in the previous section and, we believe, is suitable for our purpose which is a qualitative description of the behavior of the system. A more accurate picture would require that we solve the problem with a finer mesh, particularly near the dynamic contact line. When surface active agents are present, the interfacial viscosity can reach values close to 1 superficial P (dyn s/cm); however, in most of the cases the concentration of surface active agents determines values of the surface viscosity smaller than 0.01 P (Davies and Rideal, 1963). Considering the typical operating values used in slot coating, the values of Re and Ca explored in this work imply surface viscosities smaller than 0.01 P, except for the case when the capillary number is 1; in that case pa z 0.015 P. In order to solve the equations and boundary conditions that govern the flow in the rear part of the slot coater, a reference pressure (Po)has to be set at some location in the flow domain; for that purpose we fixed Po at x = 0, y = 1. Since we consider the region under study to be independent of both the metering and the film forming zones, the values of the reference pressure can be arbitrarily chosen as long as the resulting gas-liquid interface can be suitably resolved with the discretization adopted. The value of Po was chosen to be about 12 because this would be the pressure drop between x = 0 and x = x s if the fully developed l-D flow of Q = 0 were to extend up to x s and the capillary pressure were neglected. Figure 4 shows that Po= 12.17 is appropriate since the location and the shape of the free surface are properly solved at different values of Re; also, it shows for the nonviscous case (6 = 0) that the interface moves out of the slot as the inertia forces grow. This movement increases the value of the static contact angle (6,) and displaces the location of the wetting line toward greater values of the x-coordinate. In the results that follow we analyze how the interface and the bulk phase are affected by the surface viscosity. First, we concentrate our study on the neighborhood of the dynamic contact line; then, we extend our observations to the whole free surface and to the velocity field in the flow domain. Analysis near the Dynamic Contact Line. The way the dimensionless surface viscosity enters into the mathematical description of the problem is given by eq 17. This equation shows that 6 is multiplied by the surface divergence term which should be significant in the region where the liquid accelerates to match the web speed. Thus, we expect the presence of surface active agents to produce important changes on the free surface near the dynamic contact line. In order to illustrate those changes we solved the problem for certain values of Re, Ca, and 6 ; those values define a domain of dimensionless parameters where this coating device is usually operated. Thus, the Reynolds number was varied between 10 and 70, the capillary number was varied between 0.16 and 0.50, and the range of dimensionless surface viscosity was 0-1. Figure 5 shows the location of the dynamic contact line vs 6 for different values of the Reynolds number and the capillary number. A t low values of Re or Ca, the dynamic contact line steadily moves into the slot as the surface viscosity increases. However, when the dimensionless Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 31, No. 9,1992 2227 I I c 148 t xD 1.85 1.80 1.4 1I ao 1 ,75 - 170 - 165 - c 46 4 1 Po - 136 =io P o = 12.171 160 0.5 2) QS i44 I I ! ' ,,I "I' 124 10 Figure 5. Effect of dimeneionlese surface viscosity on the location of the dynamic contact line for different values of Re and Ca. parameters reach some intermediate values (Re = 45 or Ca 0.32),the movement of xD becomes nonmonotonic; i.e. the dynamic contact line moves out of the slot first, but then the direction of the motion is reversed. This behavior is clearly depicted by the curve of Re = 60 and the m e of Ca = 0.50; both show a maximum value of xD. The maximum just described occurs at some value (a*) which depends on the values of Re and Ca; that is, if 6 < 6*(Re,Ca)the value of xD increases as 6 increases and the opposite happens when 6 > G*(Re,Ca). Figure 6 presents the movement of xD vs 6 when Re = 70; from a comparison of this curve with the curve of Re = 60, our observation is that at greater values of the Reynolds number the maximum displacement of the dynamic contact line occurs at greater values of the surface viscosity. Thus, for the curves we referred to above, the fact is that 6*(Re=70) > 6*(Re=60); a similar situation comes to pass with the capillary number. The existence of a maximum in xD depends not only on the parameters just examined but also on the value of the reference pressure (Po). Assuming that the distance between the metering zone and the meniscus (in the rear part of the coating device) is large enough so that a CouettePoiseuille flow develops between them, the reference pressure Po is the only variable that transfers information toward the region under study. For example, a change in the reference pressure might indicate that the metered flow rate has been changed, thus, the shape and location of the rear meniscus and the flow field near it would change accordingly. Figure 6 shows that the free surface behavior is strongly affected by the reference pressure to such a point that the nonmonotonic displacement of the dynamic contact line practically disappears when Po is reduced. Although the results presented do not elucidate the ' mechamam by which the surface vi&oeityaffects the shape and location of the free surface and, under certain conditions,produces a maximum displacement of the dynamic contact line, we may conclude that it significantly modifies the interfacial location tending to move the meniscus into the slot. The surface viscosity also alters the free surface curvature, particularly near xD; close to the wetting line the = T,, = 2H( Ca + 6V8-W) - Near the dynamic contact line (s 1) the derivative of V,*W with respect to 6 is negative and large (see Figure 8); however, it is straightforward to verify that the product of the surface divergence times 6 increases as the surface viscosity does so. Thus, if the normal stress component were to remain constant for increasing values of 6, the surface curvature would decrease as indicated by eq 20. This is what actually happens but, presumably because of the curvature reduction, the flow becomes more parallel to the substrate producing an additional reduction on the absolute value of T,, (see Figure 9); this reduction generates a feedback effect, reducing even more the curvature of the free surface. Regardless of the explanation given above the fact is that R increases with increasing values of 6; in other words it means that, in the vicinities of the dynamic contact line, the free surface flattens against the web. As the interface approachea the wetting line, the existing air gap between the substrate and the free surface acquires a wedgelike shape; since the interfacial viscosity reduces the free surface curvature, one might presume that a sharpening of the air gap also occurs. This presumption is confirmed by the results presented in Tables I and 11; there we summarize the values of the interfacial coordinates and the surface velocities that were obtained for the following cases: Re = 10, Re = 70, Ca = 0.16, and Ca = 0.50 (each case was solved considering 6 = 0 and 6 = 1). The sharpening of the air gap is better visualized in Figure 10a,b which portrays the results for Re = 10 and Ca = 0.16, respectively; the behavior presented by the other two cases (Re = 70, Cu = 0.50)is qualitatively similar, though the relative sharpening is less pronounced. In addition, the free surface velocity is considerably altered when the interfacial viscosity is accounted for; parta a and b of Figure 10 portray this effect; there the modulus of the 2228 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 31, No. 9, 1992 t R R 1.0 1.2 0.9 1.0 't 8 0.25 0 0.1 0 8 0.25 0.1 Re=50' 0 0.5 8 ' Figure 7. Effect of the dimensionless surface viscosity on the local radius of curvature of the free surface near the dynamic contact line: (a, left) 0.0 Id I0.25; (b, right) 0.25 < d 5 1. -A 1.0 A IWI 0.5 IS.N - 0.4 0.5 0.3 10 0.2 0.05 0.0 O io (X-XD) 8 0.1 I 1 I 0.5 ClO s ' I I I 0.96 s I 1.00 Figure 8. Variation of the velocity surface divergence near the contact lines, for different values of 6. 1.00 0.96 05 0.92 Re 50 -1 2 -16 Tnn v 000 Po =12.17 t Figure 9. Values of T,,,, near the dynamic contact line for different values of 6. surface velocity has been plotted for 6 = 0 and 6 = 1. Both figures show a noticeable increment in the surface velocity when 6 = 1;this increment is even more remarkable when the Reynolds number increases (see Table I). The resulta presented heretofore can be summarized as follows: the computed predictions demonstrate that when the surface viscosity terms are introduced into the governing equations, the results obtained clearly differ from 0 05 O '0 ( x - XD) n "n " Figure 10. Values of the y-coordinate of the free surface and interfacial velocity modulus near the dynamic contact line: (a, top) Ca = 0.32,Re = 10; (b, bottom) Ca = 0.16, Re = 50. those which do not account for this parameter. When the dimensionless surface viscosity is larger than a certain value 6*(Re,Ca) the dynamic contact line moves in the down-web direction and the existing wedgelike gap sharpens. Besides, the higher interfacial velocities observed should increase the dragging action that tends to move the gas phase into the narrowest part of the air gap. All these events might favor the appearence of "air entrainment", a highly undesirable phenomenon in any coating process. Nevertheless, we must remark that the possible relationship between surface viscosity and air entrainment by no means explains the still unknown Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 31, No. 9, 1992 2229 Table I. Free Surface Coordinates and Free Surface Velocity Components (Ca = 0.32 - P o = 12.17) b=O 6=1 Re = 10 Re = 70 XES U u xps U u (2,l) (2.041,0.647) (1.923,0.324) (1.810,0.185) (1.669,0.084) (1.585,0.045) (1.500,0.018) (1.454,O.m) (1.408,0.003) (1.383,0.0007) (1.359,O) (2J) (2.286,0.725) (2.332,0.439) (2.292,0.292) (2.209,0.162) (2.145,O.lOl) (2.064,0.050) (2.012,0.027) (1.951,0.0098) (1.915,0.0024) (1.870,O) 0 -0.007 -0.0871 -0,176 -0,295 -0.378 -0.494 -0.573 -0.663 -0.749 -1 0 -0.020 0.00368 -0.0413 -0.074 -0.132 -0,202 -0.267 -0.340 -0.449 -1 0 -0.064 -0.140 -0.163 -0.161 -0.146 -0.119 -0,094 -0.069 -0.047 0 0 0.0407 -0.123 -0.0813 -0.0963 -0.101 -0.106 -0.093 -0.083 -0.056 0 (291) (1.964,0.596) (1.774,0.261) (1.626,0.135) (1.470,0.054) (1.387,0.026) (1.310,O.OlO) (1.270,0.004) (1.233,0.001) (1.214,0.0003) (1.195,O) (291) (2.288,0.725) (2.342,0.436) (2.302,0.288) (2.218,0.158) (2.152,0.097) (2.070,0.046) (2.016,0.024) (1.953,0.0076) (1.913,0.002) (1.867,O) 0 -0.042 -0.229 -0,396 -0.592 -0.700 -0.814 -0.874 -0.934 -0.967 -1 0 0.047 -0.0323 -0.124 -0.272 -0.395 -0.543 -0,657 -0.789 -0.885 -1 0 -0.138 -0.255 -0.268 -0.225 -0.192 -0.129 -0.097 -0.053 -0.030 0 0 -0.0807 -0.226 -0.280 -0.312 -0.299 -0.274 -0,217 -0.157 -0.078 0 Table 11. Free Surface Coordinates and Free Surface Velocity Components (Re= 50 - P o = 12.17) 6=0 6-1 Ca = 0.16 Ca = 0.50 XFS U u (2s) (2.032,0.636) (1.900,0.311) (1.776,0.174) (1.629,0.077) (1.545,0.041) (1.461,0.016) (1.416,0.008) (1.372,0.0026) (1.348,0.0006) (1.325,O) (291) (2.353,0.733) (2.422,0.451) (2.392,0.305) (2.319,0.173) (2.259,0.109) (2.181,0.055) (2.129,0.031) (2.067,O.Oll) (2.031,0.003) (1.982,O) 0 -0.0018 -0.0393 -0.0734 -0.146 -0.199 -0.299 -0.375 -0.475 -0.583 -1 0 -0.0029 -0.0040 -0.0542 -0.110 -0.176 -0.256 -0.330 -0.405 -0.519 0 -0.010 -0.0612 -0.0626 -0.0751 -0.0710 -0.0660 -0.0570 -0,046 -0.034 0 0 -0.0027 -0.165 -0.142 -0.151 -0.150 -0.149 -0.125 -0.113 -0.073 0 -1 mechanism that causes the phenomenon. Air-Gas Interface and the Velocity Field in the Liquid Phase. When the surface viscosity is very low, the free surface appears to be affected in the neighborhood of the dynamic contact line only; however, as the values of 6 increase, the shape and location of the whole free surface are modified. Figure 11portrays the free surface profiles for two sets of values of Re, Ca, and Po; in each set the values of 6 were fixed at 0.0, 0.1, and 1.0, respectively. When the capillary number is 0.16 (Re = 50,Po= 12.17), the free surface proflea for 6 = 0 and 6 = 0.1 are practically coincident except for a small displacement of the dynamic contact line; this result can be explained observing the variations of the surface divergence (V,*W) along the free surface (Figure 8). If the surface viscosity is small (6 I O.l), close to the dynamic contact line the surface gradient of V;W results large; in fact at s = 1the surface divergence presents values that are 5-10 times greater than the values it presents at s = 0.95. Since the surface viscosity enters into the mathematical formulation affected by the surface divergence and also by the surface gradient of the surface divergence (see eq 15), and both are significant close to zD, U u 0 -0.023 -0.156 -0,292 -0.481 -0.601 -0.740 -0.820 -0.904 -0.951 -1 0 0.078 -0.032 -0.131 -0.292 -0.421 -0.567 -0.680 -0.805 -0.894 -1 0 -0.087 -0.180 4.203 -0.187 -0.166 -0.116 xFS (2,l) (1.987,0.602) (1.807,0.268) (1.661,0.139) (1.505,0.055) (1.420,0.027) (1.340,0.0099) (1.299,0.0043) (1.260,0.0012) (1.240,0.~3) (1.221,O) (291) (2.325,0.731) (2.399,0.445) (2.366,0.298) (2.289,0.166) (2.227,0.103) (2.147,0.050) (2.094,0.026) (2.031,0.009) (1.990,0.002) (1.941,O) -0.090 -0.049 -0.028 0 0 -0.112 -0.277 -0.335 -0.364 -0.345 -0.312 -0.246 -0.178 -0.088 0 (Po. 12.171 Figure 11. Effect of surface viscosity on free surface profiles. the surface viscosity should modify the interface in that region. However, when one compares the free surface profiles obtained for 6 = 1and 6 = 0, the differences are noticeable; this behavior can be related again to the variations produced in the surface divergence. As the value of 6 increases, the surface divergence decreases near the dynamic 2230 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 31, No. 9, 1992 e..;Fl 0 06 n 04 o 1 L- 128 .- f ...” _,_.e- &,- t35 1 I 145 x .,L 118 ./ .- ’ /.+ , 125 ‘35 x Figure 12. Dependence of free surface shape and velocity field on surface viscosity. contact line; nonetheless, this trend is reversed at a short distance from the dynamic contact line. Figure 8 shows that the increments of V,-W with 6 are significant for s I 0.5, particularly near the static contact line (ns)where the surface divergence increaaea by 2 orders of magnitude when 6 is varied between 0 and 1. Thus,when 6 is large, the term SV,*W turns out to be of the same order of magnitude for any arc length value, and as Figure 11displays for Ca = 0.16 and 6 = 1, the shape of the free surface becomes modified all along its extension. The second set of results depicted in Figure 11 (Ca = 1, Re = 50, Po= 8) does not present new relevant features except for a more marked separation among the different interfacial profiles shown there; now, the curves of 6 = 0.1 and 6 = 0 are clearly distinct, and the differences between the curvea of 6 = 1and 6 = 0 are considerably more decided than the differences obtained in the previous cases. Theae results seem to be in accord with eq 17, which indicates that the effect of surface viscosity should become more evident at high capillary values, i.e. when the capillary forces are weak. However, we cannot assert that the changes o b s e ~ e dare only caused by the relative weakening of the capillary forces since the reference pressure has been reduced too. When the whole interface is modified due to the action of the surface viscosity, the static contact angle also appears modified. The results presented show that the static contact angle diminishes when the dynamic contact angle moves toward the slot interior and vice versa. Therefore, if the dynamic contact angle presents a maximum displacement, a similar maximum is observed in the value of the static contact angle, as Figure 6 portrays. Also, this figure shows that both maxima disappear when the refis reduced. erence pressure (Po) The surface viscosity not only modifies the interfacial velocities but it modifies the flow field in the liquid phase too, Figure 12 exemplifies those changes when 6 is varied from zero to one. The most salient feature is that the changes caused by the surface viscosity are conveyed from the free surface to the bulk of liquid; thus, near the interface the liquid layers augment their velocitiea in the flow direction while their velocity gradients in the same direction diminish. To conclude our description, we must point out that under certain conditions the model predicts the existence of a stagnation point located in the upper part of the meniscus; one of these cases occurs at Re = 70 and 6 = 0 and is detected because the y-component of the free surface velocity is positive (see Table I). When the surface viscosity is increased (6 = O.l), no significant changes are observed in the free surface location; however the stagnation point disappears (or moves upward becoming undetected by the discretization employed), suggesting that substantial changes are occurring in the flow field. Though these observations seem to be real, we acknowledge that further analysis, with a finer discretization, must be performed in order to have conclusive evidences. The foregoing results, which are restricted to the conditions stated at the beginning of this section, can be summarized as follows: (a) The surface viscosity clearly affects the location of the air-liquid interface and also affects the flow field in the neighborhood of the free surface. The changes observed are prominent considering that the values explored are smaller (except for just one case) than 0.01 interfacial poise. (b) When the values of 6 are small, the gas-liquid interface is affected near the dynamic contact line mainly; however, as the surface viscosity increases the whole interface changes. If 6 is larger than a minimum value, i.e. 6 > 6*(Re,Ca),the static contact angle decreases and the wetting line moves in the down-web direction as the surface viscasity increases. Furthermore, the free surface curvature diminishes, particularly near the dynamic contact line. (c) Both effecta, the displacement of X D into the slot and the curvature reduction, sharpen the air channel shaped by the substrate and the liquid, especially in the vicinities of the dynamic contact line. In the same region, if we assume the lubrication approximation to be valid for the gas phase, the air pressure should increase due to a higher value of the free surface velocity. The features just described-ning of the wedgelike gap and increasing air pressure-might set conditions favoring the air-entrainment phenomenon. (d) The flow field in the coating bead might be affected by the surface viscosity too; nonetheless, more extensive analysis should be performed to confirm this prediction. Conclusion This work is a first step in analyzing a coating flow process when surface active agents are present; a general analysis of this problem is rather difficult because the momentum and the mass-transport equations must be simultaneously solved in an unknown domain which is determined by a gas-liquid interface whose physical properties change locally. However, there are two limit cases which are less difficult to study; they occur when the surfactants are transported to the interface at extremely high or extremely low rates. When the rate of mass transport is extremely high, the interfacial concentration of solute approaches the equilibrium value, while for the second case the interfacial concentration of surfactants should be inversely proportional to the local deformation suffered by the free surface. In this work we establish the procedures for introducing the interfacial properties into the numerical codes used in coating flow analysis and we study the limit case of nearly constant interfacial composition; in this way we set the stage for analyzing the second limit situation. This analysis is now being undertaken. Acknowledgment We thank the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y TBcnicas of Argentina (CONICET) and the Universidad Nacional del Litoral (UNL), Santa Fe, Argentina, for financial support. Nomenclature Ca = capillary number, Ca = p U / p d = gap width, cm F = external force acting on the free surface, dyn/cm2 7f = mean curvature, cm-’ H = dimensionless mean curvature, H = 7fd Yi = totd curvature, cm-2 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 31, No. 9,1992 2231 n = unit normal vector to the interface n, = unit normal vector to the substrate p = dimensionless pressure, measured in units of r U / d Po= dimensionless reference pressure for the liquid phase, measured in units of p U / d R = dimensionless radius of curvature of the free surface, R = 1/H Re = Reynolds number, Re = p U d / p s = arc length t = unit tangent vector T = dimensionless stress tensor, T = T d / r U T,, = dimensionless normal component of the stress tensor, measured in units of pU/d u = dimensionless x-velocity component, measured in units of u U = web speed, cm/s v = dimensionless velocity vector, measured in units of U u = dimensionless y-velocity component, measured in units of u w = surface velocity vector, cm/s W = dimensionless surface velocity, W = w/U x = dimensionless x-coordinate, measured in units of d xFS = free surface location measured in units of d ~ c D= location of the dynamic contact line measured in units of d x s = location of the static contact line measured in units of d y = dimensionless y-coordinate, measured in units of d Greek Letters y = surface mass density, g/cm2 6= t = shear surface viscosity, (dyn s)/cm OD = dynamic contact angle Os = static contact angle K = dilatational surface viscosity, (dyn s)/cm p = bulk liquid viscosity, (dyn s)/cmz = K + e, (dyn s)/cm rC = gas pressure, dyn/cm2 p = bulk fluid density g/cm3 u = surface tension, dyn/cm l '= stress tensor, dyn/cm2 Literature Cited Aris, R. 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