Dr. Matjaž Pavlič University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Dept. of Wood Science & Technology Jamnikarjeva ul. 101, SI 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia; tel.: 00386 (0)1 320 3621, e-mail: matjaz.pavlic@bf.uni-lj.si BIOGRAPHY / CV (till February 2013) Main areas of research: Surface finishing of wood, wood coatings, coating materials and coating systems for exterior wood, wood protection, wood modification, nano materials in wood coatings, liquefied wood, densified wood Education: 2004 - 2009: University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, PhD study of Biological and Biotechnical Sciences; Department of Wood Science and Technology (Doctoral dissertation: PAVLIČ, Matjaž. Lastnosti površinskih premazov v odvisnosti od njegovih interakcij s termično modificiranim lesom : doktorska disertacija = Properties of surface coatings in relation to their interactions with thermally modified wood : doctoral dissertation. Ljubljana: [M. Pavlič], 2009. XVI, 155 f., [11] f. pril., preglednice, ilustr. http://www.digitalna-knjiznica.bf.unilj.si/dd_pavlic_matjaz.pdf). 1999 - 2004: University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, MSc study of Biological and Biotechnical Sciences with direct transition to PhD study; Department of Wood Science and Technology. 1993 - 1999: Undergraduate study of Wood Sci. University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Department of Wood Science and Technology (Undergraduate thesis: PAVLIČ, Matjaž. Nove zmesi z bakrovim(II) oktanoatom in njihova fungicidnost : visokošolska diplomska naloga = New compositions of copper(II) octanoate and their fungicidal activity : graduation thesis, (Biotehniška fakulteta, Oddelek za lesarstvo, Ljubljana, Visokošolske diplomske naloge, DN 647). Ljubljana: [M. Pavlič], 1998. X, 71 f., graf. prikazi, tabele, ilustr. http://les.bf.unilj.si/fileadmin/datoteke_asistentov/mpavlic/Diploma_Matjaz_Pavlic.pdf). Academic and Research position: April 2010 – March 2015: College lecturer for the fields “Surface finishing and protection of wood”, “Wood based materials” and “Artistic applications with wood and wood based materials” at Post-secondary vocational school for mechanical engineering, environmental engineering, electronics, and transport and logistics, Novo mesto, Slovenia 1 March 2010 – March 2013: Assistant for the field “Wood working and wood processing technologies” at University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Ljubljana, Slovenia; November 2005 – November 2008: Assistant for the field “Wood working and wood processing technologies” at University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Ljubljana, Slovenia; November 2002 – November 2005: Assistant for the field “Furniture” at University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Ljubljana, Slovenia; September 1999 – September 2002: Assistant for the field “Furniture” at University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Ljubljana, Slovenia; Employment: November 1999 – : University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Assistant; Awards: 2011: Award Deserving member of the Wood Processing Association of Slovenia for the contribution to the development of information system for informing the members and wider public; 2011: Special recognition of the Wood Processing Association of Slovenian to the members of the organising committee of the event "Charm of Wood 2011"; 2010: Golden sign from the Wood Processing Association of Slovenia for the best doctoral dissertation in the year 2009; 1996: Scholarship from the Mond Foundation for special results at under graduation study at University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Ljubljana, Slovenia Memberships: Member of the research programme group “Wood Science & Technology”, financed by the Slovenian Research Agency; Chairman of the technical committee “SIST/TC POH Furniture” of the Slovenian institute for the standardization Member of the European standardization working group CEN TC 139 WG2 – Coating materials and coating systems for exterior wood Member of the Slovenian national society of wood technology engineers, Ljubljana, Slovenia; Member of the Wood Processing Association of Slovenian Member of the Slovenian national society for the protection of wood, Ljubljana, Slovenia; Member of the organising committee of the show Charm of Wood 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, Ljubljana, Slovenia 2 Member of the organising committee of The Sixth European Conference on Wood Modification ECWM6, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2012 Member of the organising committee of the 5th Forest-based Sector Technology Platform Conference FTPC5 - Kranjska Gora, Slovenia, 2008 List of all scientific publications in the last 5 years (2009-2013) 1. Original Scientific Article HUMAR, Miha, PAVLIČ, Matjaž, ŽLINDRA, Daniel, TOMAŽIČ, Miro, PETRIČ, Marko. Performance of waterborne acrylic surface coatings on wood impregnated with Cu-ethanolamine preservatives. Bull. Mater. Sci., 2011, vol. 34, no. 1, p. 113-119. 2. LESAR, Boštjan, PAVLIČ, Matjaž, PETRIČ, Marko, SEVER ŠKAPIN, Andrijana, HUMAR, Miha. Wax treatment of wood slows photodegradation. Polym. degrad. stab.. [Print ed.], 2011, no. 1-8. 3. KUTNAR, Andreja, KRIČEJ, Borut, PAVLIČ, Matjaž, PETRIČ, Marko. Influence of treatment temperature on wettability of Norway spruce thermally modified in vacuum. J. adhes. sci. technol., 2012, p. 1-10. 4. UGOVŠEK, Aleš, KAMKE, Frederick A., ŠERNEK, Milan, PAVLIČ, Matjaž, KUTNAR, Andreja. The wettability and bonding performance of densified VTC beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) bonded with phenolformaldehyde adhesive and liquefied wood. Holz Roh- Werkst.. [Print ed.], 2013, p. 1-9. 5. Published scientific conference contribution PETRIČ, Marko, KRIČEJ, Borut, LOGAR, Anže, PAVLIČ, Matjaž. Selection of an appropriate coating system for wooden boats to be used in fresh water. V: IRG Documents 2009 : The 40th annual meeting of International research group on wood protection, May 24-28, 2009, Beijing, China. [Stockholm]: IRG Secretariat, 2009, 11 str. 6. BUDIJA, Franc, PAVLIČ, Matjaž, PETRIČ, Marko. Characteristics of self-crosslinked coating made from liquefied spruce wood. V: GRBAC, Ivica (ur.). Wood is good - new materials, quality and design of produsts : proceedings : 20th international scientific conference, Zagreb, 16th October 2009. Zagreb: Faculty of forestry, 2009, str. 165-171. 7. PETRIČ, Marko, BUDIJA, Franc, KRANJC, Matija, KRIČEJ, Borut, PAVLIČ, Matjaž. Utilisation possibilities of liquefied lignocellulosics for preparation of woodcoatings. V: PRA's 7th international woodcoatings congres, Netherlands, 12-13 October 2010: Reducing the invironmental footprint. [Amsterdam]: PRA, 2010, str. 1-15. 3 8. PETRIČ, Marko, BUDIJA, Franc, KRIČEJ, Borut, PAVLIČ, Matjaž. Premazi za les iz utekočinjenega lesa = Wood coatings made from liquefied wood. V: KRAVANJA, Zdravko (ur.), BRODNJAK-VONČINA, Darinka (ur.), BOGATAJ, Miloš (ur.). Slovenski kemijski dnevi 2011, Portorož, 14-16 September 2011. Maribor: FKKT, 2011, p. 1-8. 9. PETRIČ, Marko, KRIČEJ, Borut, LAVRIČ, Andrej, PAVLIČ, Matjaž, BUDIJA, Franc. Investigations of liquefied wood for preparation of wood coatings in the framework of the biorefinery concept. V: GRBAC, Ivica (ur.). Wood is good - EU preaccession challenges of the sector: proceedings: 22nd international scientific conference, Zagreb, 21st October 2011. Zagreb: Faculty of forestry, 2011, p. 155-164. 10. PETRIČ, Marko, KRIČEJ, Borut, PAVLIČ, Matjaž, KUTNAR, Andreja. Surface properties of wood thermally modified in vacuum at 210 °C. V: JONES, Dennis (ur.), MILITZ, Holger (ur.), PETRIČ, Marko (ur.), POHLEVEN, Franc (ur.), HUMAR, Miha (ur.), PAVLIČ, Matjaž (ur.). The Sixth European Conference on Wood Modification, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 17-18 September 2012. Proceedings. Ljubljana: Biotechnical Faculty, Department of Wood Science and Technology, 2012, p. 367-373 11. PORI, Pavel, VILČNIK, Aljaž, PAVLIČ, Matjaž, KRIČEJ, Borut, STRAŽE, Aleš, GORIŠEK, Željko, ROZMAN, Nejc, OREL, Boris, PETRIČ, Marko. Hydrophobic properties and water-vapour transmission of surface treated and non-treated wood, modified with TIO2. V: GRBAC, Ivica (ur.). Wood is good - with knowledge and technology to a competitive forestry and wood technology sector: proceedings: 23rd international scientific conference, Zagreb, 12th October 2012. Zagreb: Faculty of forestry, 2012, p. 155162. 12. .PAVLIČ, Matjaž, KRIČEJ, Borut, PETRIČ, Marko. Coating materials and coating systems for exterior wood - assessment of resistance to impact of coating on a wooden substrate. V: PRA's 8th international woodcoatings congres, Netherlands, 30-31 October 2012: Science and technology for sustainable design. [Amsterdam]: PRA, 2012, p. 1-8 [pdf.]. 13. UGOVŠEK, Aleš, PAVLIČ, Matjaž, PETRIČ, Marko, ŠERNEK, Milan. Vpliv temperature in časa utrjevanja na površinske in kemijske lastnosti premaza iz utekočinjenega lesa = Influence of temperature and curing time on surface and chemical properties ofa coating made of liquefied wood. V: HUMAR, Miha (ur.). Gozd in les : gozd in les - izjemni znanstveni dosežki in učinki : znanstveno srečanje : zbornik predavanj ob znanstvenem srečanju Gozd in les: izjemni znanstveni dosežki in učinki, (Les, letn. 64 (2012), št. 5). Ljubljana: Zveza lesarjev Slovenije, 2012, p. 168-174. Published scientific conference contribution abstract 14. PETRIČ, Marko, BUDIJA, Franc, KRIČEJ, Borut, PAVLIČ, Matjaž. Premazi za les iz utekočinjenega lesa = Wood coatings made from liquefied wood. V: KRAVANJA, Zdravko (ur.), BRODNJAK-VONČINA, Darinka (ur.), BOGATAJ, Miloš (ur.). Slovenski kemijski dnevi 2011, Portorož, 14.-16. september 2011. Zbornik povzetkov referatov s posvetovanja. Maribor: FKKT, 2011, p. 194. 15. CHEUMANI-YONA, Arnaud Maxime, BUDIJA, Franc, KRIČEJ, Borut, KUTNAR, Andreja, PORI, Pavel, PAVLIČ, Matjaž, TAVZES, Črtomir, PETRIČ, Marko. Liquefied lignocellulosics as a renewable 4 alternative to oil refinery based components of wood coatings. V: CALDEIRA, Fernando Jorge (ur.). Ecowood 2012 : 5th International conference on environment-compatible forest products : abstracts book. Porto: University Fernando Pessoa, 2012, p. 21. 16. PETRIČ, Marko, KAMKE, Frederick A., KRIČEJ, Borut, PAVLIČ, Matjaž, KUTNAR, Andreja. Water and organic solvent uptake along axial direction of wood densified in a closed system. V: Current and future trends of thermo-hydro-mechanical modification of wood opportunities for new markets : COST Action FP0904 workshop : March, 26-28, 2012, Nancy, France : program and book of abstracts. Nancy: Nancy Université, 2012, p. 82-84. 17. PETRIČ, Marko, KRIČEJ, Borut, PAVLIČ, Matjaž, KUTNAR, Andreja. Surface properties of wood thermally modified in vacuum at 210 °C. V: JONES, Dennis (ur.), PETRIČ, Marko (ur.), PAVLIČ, Matjaž (ur.). Book of abstracts. Ljubljana: Biotechnical Faculty, Department of Wood Science and Technology, 2012, p. 94. 18. PETRIČ, Marko, BUDIJA, Franc, CHEUMANI-YONA, Arnaud Maxime, KRIČEJ, Borut, KUTNAR, Andreja, PAVLIČ, Matjaž, PORI, Pavel, TAVZES, Črtomir. Overview of possible uses of liquefied lignocellulosic biomass for surface finishing of wood. V: WIELAND, Stefanie (ur.). Basics for chemistry of wood surface modification : programme and book of abstracts : 25-27 April 2012, Kuchl/Salzburg, Austria. Salzburg: COST, European cooperation in science and technology: HTB-Forest products technology & timber constructions, 2012, p. 37-39. Independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph 19. PETRIČ, Marko, KUTNAR, Andreja, KRIČEJ, Borut, PAVLIČ, Matjaž, KAMKE, Frederick A., ŠERNEK, Milan. Surface free energy of viscoelastic thermal compressed wood. V: MITTAL, Kash L. (ur.). Contact Angle, Wettability and Adhesion. Brill Academic Pub, 2009, str. 301-309. 20. HUMAR, Miha, PAVLIČ, Matjaž, ŽLINDRA, Daniel, TOMAŽIČ, Miro, PETRIČ, Marko. Lastnosti vodnih akrilnih premazov na lesu, zaščitenem z baker-etanolaminskimi pripravki = Performance of waterborne acrylic surface coatings on wood, impregnated with cu-ethanolamine preservatives. V: HUMAR, Miha (ur.), KRAIGHER, Hojka (ur.). Trajnostna raba lesa v kontekstu sonaravnega gospodarjenja z gozdovi, (Studia forestalia Slovenica, 135). Ljubljana: Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije, Silva Slovenica, 2009, str. 125-134, ilustr. 10 most important scientific publications in the researcher's entire career to date (February 2013, by chronological order): 1. TIŠLER, Vesna, PAVLIČ, Matjaž. Lesne polioze listavcev = Hardwood polyoses. Zb. gozd. lesar., 2000, št. 61, str. 121-142, ilustr. 2. PAVLIČ, Matjaž, MIHEVC, Vekoslav. Zaščita lesa pred vremenskimi vplivi = Protection of wood against weathering. Les (Ljublj.), 2001, let. 53, št. 1/2, str. 15-20. 5 3. TOMAŽIČ, Miro, PAVLIČ, Matjaž, SOKLIČ, Franci, KRIČEJ, Borut, PETRIČ, Marko. Zaščita mahagonijevega lesa pred diskoloracijami = Prevention of discolourations of mahogany wood. Les (Ljublj.), 2004, let. 56, št. 9, str. 278-282. 4. PETRIČ, Marko, KRIČEJ, Borut, HUMAR, Miha, PAVLIČ, Matjaž, TOMAŽIČ, Miro. Patination of cherry wood and spruce wood with ethanolamine and surface finishes. Surf. coat. int., Part B, Coat. trans., 2004, vol. 87, no. B3, str. 195-201. 5. TOMAŽIČ, Miro, PAVLIČ, Matjaž, KRIČEJ, Borut, ŠTEFE, Primož, PETRIČ, Marko. Vpliv umetno pospešenega staranja na lastnosti površinskih premazov na nemodificiranem in na modificiranem lesu = Influence of atrificial accelerated weathering on properties of surface coatings on non-modified and modified wood. Zb. gozd. lesar., 2004, št. 74, str. 77-96, ilustr. 6. PAVLIČ, Matjaž, KRIČEJ, Borut, TOMAŽIČ, Miro, PETRIČ, Marko. Influence of biocide pre-treatment of wood on performance of exterior coatings. Surf. coat. int., Part B, Coat. trans., 2005, vol. 88, no. B1, str. 4148. 7. PAVLIČ, Matjaž. Lastnosti površinskih premazov v odvisnosti od njegovih interakcij s termično modificiranim lesom : doktorska disertacija = Properties of surface coatings in relation to their interactions with thermally modified wood : doctoral dissertation. Ljubljana: [M. Pavlič], 2009. XVI, 155 f., [11] f. pril., preglednice, ilustr. http://www.digitalna-knjiznica.bf.uni-lj.si/dd_pavlic_matjaz.pdf. 8. PETRIČ, Marko, BUDIJA, Franc, KRANJC, Matija, KRIČEJ, Borut, PAVLIČ, Matjaž. Utilisation possibilities of liquefied lignocellulosics for preparation of woodcoatings. V: PRA's 7th international woodcoatings congres, Netherlands, 12-13 October 2010 : Reducing the invironmental footprint. [Amsterdam]: PRA, 2010, str. 1-15. 9. HUMAR, Miha, PAVLIČ, Matjaž, ŽLINDRA, Daniel, TOMAŽIČ, Miro, PETRIČ, Marko. Performance of waterborne acrylic surface coatings on wood impregnated with Cu-ethanolamine preservatives. Bull. Mater. Sci., 2011, vol. 34, no. 1, str. 113-119. 10. LESAR, Boštjan, PAVLIČ, Matjaž, PETRIČ, Marko, SEVER ŠKAPIN, Andrijana, HUMAR, Miha. Wax treatment of wood slows photodegradation. Polym. degrad. stab.. [Print ed.], 2011, št. 1-8. 6
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