How to achieve indoor quality for our children with cost effective investition by nearly Zero-Energy Buildings (nZEB) standard? Thursday 12th March 2015, HOME Fair, Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre, Hall Urska, Dunajska cesta 18, Ljubljana, Slovenia AGENDA 9:30-10:30 10:00 10:30 10:45 Optional short visit to HOME fair Press Conference Welcome address; Ministry of Education, Science and Sport (tbc) Mr Igor Milavec. Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia Armin Knotzer. AEE INTEC, RENEW SCHOOL Coordinator Parallel panel 1 – Technical Workshop for Architects and Professionals Karen Bruusgaard, ASPLAN VIAK, Norway “Frontrunner – Rømsdal Secondary School” Parallel panel 2 – Technology Talk for School owners and Investors Gerhard Kopeinig, architect ARCH+MORE, Austria “Reconstruction with wooden elements – Best practice examples ” Dr. Marjana Šijanec Zavrl, BCEI ZRMK, Slovenia Armin Knotzer, AEE INTEC, Austria “Examples of Austrian timber-prefabricated school renovations” Dr. Miroslav Premrov, dr. Vesna Žegarac Leskovar, UM FG, Slovenia “Sustainable renovation of kindergartens in the Municipality of Maribor” Dr. Christian Anker Hviid, DTU, Denmark “Opportunities and Possibilities of Sustainable Assessment of Buildings Rupert Gole, Municipality Šentrupert, Slovenia “Experience of the investor in the construction of low energy wood kindergarten Sentrupert” Dr. Bruno Dujič, CBD, Slovenia “Low-energy ventilation in schools” Miha Tomšič MSc., BCEI ZRMK, Slovenia “Not only energy but rather an integral building renovation in wood” Marcus Van Praet, AGSO, Belgium “Energy Renovation – Turning Theory into Practice” Dr. Manja Kitek Kuzman, UL BF, Slovenia "Why is modular retrofit interesting for school building owners"? “Contemporary timber architecture in Slovenia” 13:00 14:0016:00 -- ENTRY TO THE EVENT IS FREE! ---- CLICK HERE FOR REGISTRATION --- Discussion Light lunch with buffet Frontrunner visit – Lavrica Kindergarten, Kamnikarjeva 8, 1291 Skofljica Discussion and individual talks and interviews -Introduction speeches of the School representatives and Investors -Guided tour around the building with the main contractor on the project Main Organizator: Wood Industry Cluster Slovenia, RENEW SCHOOL consortium and Association of Slovenian producers of prefabricated wood buildings. Co-organizators: CCIS-WPFA, Association of Wood Engineers and Technicians Ljubljana, Open House, Zavod Big, Faculty of Design Ljubljana. IEE RENEW SCHOOL Project ■ ■ The sole responsibility for the content of this publication lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. Neither the EASME nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein. 1 Kako doseči kvaliteto šolskih prostorov s stroškovno učinkovito investicijo po standardu »skoraj ničenergijske stavbe« (nZEB)? Četrtek, 12. Marec 2015, Sejem DOM, Gospodarsko razstavišče, dvorana Urška, Dunajska cesta 18, Ljubljana, Slovenija PROGRAM 9:30-10:30 10:00 10:30 10:45 Ogled sejma DOM Novinarska konferenca Pozdravni nagovori ---- VSTOP NA DOGODEK JE PROST! ---Ministrstvo za šolstvo, znanost in šport (tbc) ---- ZA REGISTRACIJO KLIKNI TU --Igor Milavec. Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije – Združenje lesne in pohištvene industrije Armin Knotzer. AEE INTEC, Koordinator projekta RENEW SCHOOL Paralelni panel 1 – Tehnična delavnica za arhitekte in izvajalce Paralelni panel 2 – Tehnološki pogovor za lastnike, investitorje in uporabnike šolskih objektov Karen Bruusgaard, ASPLAN VIAK, Norveška “Primer dobre prakse – Srednja šola v Rømsdalu, Norveška” Gerhard Kopeinig, arhitekt ARCH+MORE, Avstrija “Rekonstrukcija z lesenimi elementi - primeri najboljših praks” Armin Knotzer, AEE INTEC, Avstrija “Avstrijski primeri prenove šol z prefabriciranimi lesenimi elementi” Dr. Marjana Šijanec Zavrl, GI ZRMK, Slovenija “Priložnosti in možnosti trajnostnega ocenjevanja stavb” Dr. Miroslav Premrov, dr. Vesna Žegarac Leskovar, UM FG, Slovenija “Energetska prenova mariborskih vrtcev” Rupert Gole, Občina Šentrupert, Slovenija “Izkušnje investitorja pri izgradnji nizko-energetskega lesenega vrtca Dr. Christian Anker Hviid, DTU, Danska Šentrupert” “Nizko-energijska ventilacija v šolah” Dr. Bruno Dujič, CBD, Slovenija Mag. Miha Tomšič, GI ZRMK, Slovenija “Energetska prenova – Iz teorije v prakso” “Ne samo energetska temveč celovita prenova stavb v lesu!” Dr. Manja Kitek Kuzman, UL BF, Slovenija Marcus Van Praet, AGSO, Belgija “Sodobna lesena gradnja v Sloveniji” 13:00 14:0016:00 "Zakaj je modularna rekonstrukcijo zanimiva za lastnike šolskih objektov ?" Diskusija Diskusija in individualni pogovori Lahko bife kosilo Obisk primera dobre prakse – vrtec Lavrica, Kamnikarjeva 8, 1291 Škofljica -Uvodni nagovorov predstavnikov šole ter občine Preddvor -Voden ogled objekta z glavnim izvajalcem projekta (organiziran bo avtobusni prevoz) Glavni organizatorji: Lesarski grozd, projektni konzorcij RENEW SCHOOL ter Sekcija slovenskih proizvajalcev montažnih hiš pri GZS So-organizatorji: GZS-ZLPI, DIT lesarstva Ljubljana, Odprte hiše, Zavod Big, Fakulteta za dizajn Ljubljana. IEE RENEW SCHOOL Project ■ ■ The sole responsibility for the content of this publication lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. Neither the EASME nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein. 2
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