ISSN: 2277-3754 ISO 9001:2008 Certified International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT) Volume 3, Issue 5, November 2013 A Reliable Procedure on Performance Evaluation - A Large Sample Approach Based on the Estimated Taguchi Capability Index Gu-Hong Lin Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences, Kaohsiung, Taiwan Abstract—the Taguchi capability index Cpm has been proposed to the manufacturing industry for measuring manufacturing capability. Contributions of the estimated Taguchi capability index based on subsamples have been proposed and arrested substantial research attention. In this paper, investigations based on the proposed estimator are considered under general conditions having fourth central moment exists. The limiting distribution of the considered estimator is derived. A reliable inferential procedure based on large samples is proposed. A demonstrate example is also provided to illustrate how the proposed approach may be applied for judging whether the process runs under the desirable quality requirement. Key words: asymptotic, capability, Taguchi. obtained by substituting the sample mean x = in1 xi / n for and the sample variance s n21 in1 ( xi x ) 2 / (n - 1) for in (1) and (2). The statistical properties and the sampling distributions of the natural estimators of Cp, Ca, and Cpk have been widely investigated in literature (e.g., [2]-[8]). The capability index Cpk is a yield-based index [9]. However, the design of Cpk is independent of the target value T, which can fail to account for process targeting (the ability to cluster around the target). For this reason, the index Cpm was independently introduced (e.g., [10]-[11]) to take the process targeting issue into consideration. The index Cpm is defined as USL LSL . (3) C pm 6 2 ( T ) 2 I. INTRODUCTION Process capability indices, whose purpose is to provide numerical measures on whether or not a manufacturing process is capable of reproducing items satisfying the quality requirements preset by the customers or the product designers, have received substantial research attention in the quality control and statistical literature,. The three basic capability indices Cp, Ca, and Cpk have been defined as (e.g., [1]-[4]) Cp USL LSL , Ca 1 m , 6 d USL LSL C pk min , 3 , 3 (1) (2) We note that the index Cpm is not originally designed to provide an exact measure on the number of non-conforming items. But, Cpm includes the process departure ( - T)2 (rather than 6 alone) in the denominator of the definition to reflect the degree of process targeting. Some Cpm values commonly used as quality requirements in most industry applications are 1.00, 1.33, 1.50, 1.67, and 2.00. A process is called ―inadequate‖ if Cpm < 1.00, called ―capable‖ if 1.00 Cpm < 1.33, called ―marginally capable‖ if 1.33 Cpm < 1.50, called ―satisfactory‖ if 1.50 Cpm < 1.67, called ―excellent‖ if 1.67 Cpm < 2.00, and is called ―super‖ if Cpm 2.00. The above six quality requirements and the corresponding Cpm values are displayed in Table 1. Table 1: Six quality conditions based on Cpm ------------------------------------------------------where USL and LSL are the upper and lower specification limits preset by the customers, the product designers, is the process mean, is the process standard deviation, m = (USL + LSL)/2 and d = (USL - LSL)/2 are the mid-point and half length of the specification interval, respectively. The index Cp reflects only the magnitude of the process variation relative to the specification tolerance and, therefore, is used to measure process potential. The index Ca measures the degree of process centering (the ability to cluster around the center) and is referred as the process accuracy index. The index Cpk takes into account process variation as well as the location of the process mean. The natural estimators of Cp, Ca, and Cpk can be 359 Quality Condition Cpm values ------------------------------------------------------Inadequate Cpm < 1.00 Capable 1.00 Cpm < 1.33 Marginally Capable 1.33 Cpm < 1.50 Satisfactory 1.50 Cpm < 1.67 Excellent 1.67 Cpm < 2.00 Super Cpm 2.00 ------------------------------------------------------- II. ESTIMATING CPM UNDER THE NORMALITY ASSUMPTION A. The Estimated Cpm Based on Single Sample Assuming that the measurements of the characteristic ISSN: 2277-3754 ISO 9001:2008 Certified International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT) Volume 3, Issue 5, November 2013 investigated, (X1, X2, …, Xn), are chosen randomly from a m, j = 1, 2, …, ni. Reference [14] considered the following stable process which follows a normal distribution N( , 2). estimator of Cpm based on m subsamples of size ni each: Reference [9] recommended a MLE (maximum likelihood d estimator) of Cpm by substituting the sample mean x = . (7) Cˆ * pm 2 n n 2 2 i 1 xi / n for and the MLE sn i 1 ( xi x ) / n for in 3 im1 nji1 ( xij T ) / im1 ni (3), which can be expressed as Cˆ pm For 0 < x < ∞, the exact cdf Fm(x) and pdf fm(x) of Cˆ *pm can USL LSL 6 sn2 ( x T ) 2 d , (4) 3 in1 ( xi T ) 2 / n be expressed as a mixture of the chi-square distribution and the standard normal distribution: where d = (USL – LSL)/2 is half the length of the specification interval. As noted by Reference [12], the term 2 n s + ( x - T) Fm ( x) 1 2 (8) [ (t N ) (t N )] dt , f m ( x) b N /(3 x ) * 2 2 2 2 3 u {[(b N ) /(9 x )] t }[( 2b N ) /(9 x )] 0 (9) [ (t N ) (t N )] dt , chi-square distribution and the standard normal distribution [12]: where b = d/, = ( - T)/, N im1 ni , U*(.) and u*(.) b n /(3 x ) 2 2 2 U {[(b n) /(9 x )] t } 0 (5) [ (t n ) (t n )] dt , f s ( x) * 2 2 2 U {[(b N ) /(9 x )] t } 0 in the denominator of (4) is the UMVUE (uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimator) of the term 2 + ( - T)2 in the denominator of Cpm, it is reasonable for reliability purpose. Under the assumption of normality, the exact cdf Fs(x) and pdf fs(x) of Cˆ pm can be expressed in terms of a mixture of the Fs ( x) 1 b N /(3 x ) b n /(3 x ) 2 2 2 2 3 u{[(b n) /(9 x )] t }[( 2b n) /(9 x )] 0 (6) [ (t n ) (t n )] dt , for x > 0, where b = d/, = ( - T)/, U(.) and u(.) are the cdf and pdf of the chi-square distribution 2 with n – 1 degrees of freedom respectively, and (.) is the pdf of the standard normal distribution N(0, 1). Based on the suggested MLE of Cpm, Reference [9] proposed two approximate 100(1 - )% lower confidence bounds using the normal and chi-square distributions for Cpm from the distribution frequency point of view. Reference [2] investigated the statistical properties of the MLE of Cpm. Reference [13] proposed a Bayesian procedure based on the MLE of Cpm without the restriction = T on the process mean . Their results generalized those discussed in Reference [11]. B. The Estimated Cpm Based on m Subsamples In real-world practice, process information is often derived from sub-samples rather than from one single sample. A common practice of the process capability estimation in the manufacturing industry is to first implement a daily-based data collection program for monitoring the process stability, then to analyze the past ―in control‖ data. Assuming that the measurements of the i-th production line investigated, (xi1, xi2, …, xini), are chosen randomly from a stable process which follows a normal distribution N(, 2) for each i = 1, 2, …, denote the cdf and pdf of the chi-square distribution 2 with N – 1 degrees of freedom respectively, and ·(.) is the pdf of the standard normal distribution N(0, 1). It is rather complicated and computationally inefficient to make statistical inference on Cpm from (8) or (9). Therefore, a general asymptotic study on the distributional and inferential properties of Cpm based on subsamples turns out to be most desirable. III. THE LIMITING BEHAVIORS OF Cˆ *pm A. Asymptotic Distribution and Large Sample Properties of Cˆ *pm In this subsection, asymptotic properties of Cˆ *pm are investigated under general conditions. The limiting distribution of Cˆ *pm is derived for arbitrary populations having fourth central moment 4 = E(X - )4 exists. Consequently, approximate manufacturing capability can be measured for processes under those described conditions, particularly, for those with near-normal distributions. Furthermore, consistent, asymptotically unbiased, and asymptotically efficient properties of Cˆ *pm under large samples are also presented. Let xi1, xi2, …, xini be a random sample of measurements from a process which has distribution G with mean and variance 2 for each i = 1, 2, …, m, j = 1, 2, …, ni. Under the normality assumption, ( x , s N2 ) is a MLE (maximum likelihood estimator) of (, 2) based on m subsamples, where x im1 nji1 xij / N , and 360 2 s N2 im1 nji1 ( xij x ) / N . By substituting x for and s N2 ISSN: 2277-3754 ISO 9001:2008 Certified International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT) Volume 3, Issue 5, November 2013 [12] P.C. Lin and W.L. Pearn, ―Testing process performance based Proof: From Theorem, we know that N (Cˆ *pm C pm ) d N(0, 2pm ). Under the normality assumption, 3 = 0 and 4 = 3 implies that 4 on the capability index Cpm,‖ The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, vol. 27, no. 3-4, pp. 351-358, Dec. 2005. N (Cˆ *pm C pm ) d N(0, N2 ), where N2 = (Cp)2/2. The information matrix is I ( ) 1 / 2 0 . Since the Cramer-Rao lower bound I ( , ) 1 /(2 4 ) 0 C pm C pm C pm I 1 ( ) N2 2 N C pm N 2 [13] J.H. Shiau, C.T. Chiang, and H.N. 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