2015 Digital Advertising Rate Card Recordnet.com LimelightDeals.com ValleyMarketPlace.com ValleyJobFinder.com ValleyHomeFinder.com ValleyAutoFinder.com 2 PROPELMARKETING MARKETING PROPEL Bringing your business from outdated to updated. Who is Propel Marketing? Propel Marketing is a leading Internet marketing company that provides online marketing solutions to local businesses. Propel serves as a trusted, local expert to small and mid-sized businesses, connecting them with new customers and helping them grow their business cost-effectively. Propel utilizes a unique blend of leadingedge technology and high quality customer service to consistently deliver results. Did you know? Why Propel Marketing? We often hear of customers who have been ‘burned’ by companies who sell them online services then disappear. At Propel Marketing, we are your trusted partner. We help you get more leads and find more customers. We help you grow your business through proven internet marketing strategies. Today, customers use Internet marketing technologies to research local businesses through websites, display ads, search engines, social media and more. Propel can help. Our mission can be summed up in one word – Results. We believe our strength in internet marketing positions us to deliver the results you need and are the foundation upon which our business relationships are based. Propel Marketing is a trusted, knowledgeable company that helps business owners grow their business with Internet marketing. It’s All About Results. With Propel, you can track results of your online efforts in one centralized location. We offer a self-service dashboard for real-time results with client service managers available to assist you every step of the way. 97% of consumers search for local businesses online. GOOGLE, 2012 7 of 10 customers are more likely to use a local business if present on social media. LOCAL CONSUMER REVIEW SURVEY, 2012 We do the work so you get results. No Headache. No Hassle. Business Needs Are Not One Size Fits All. Benefits • Fortune 500 technology for small and medium-sized businesses. • Improved local visibility to drive more business • Affordable rates for your budget • Up-to-date info on industry trends, best practices and free ebooks Partnered with With a full array of online marketing solutions, we can create the perfect mix suited to boost your business. Our services include: • Web, Mobile, and Responsive Website Design • Social Media management • Centralized dashboard with Call tracking • Reputation management • OnTarget - Display Advertising • Search Engine Marketing 7.4 billion mobile devices are expected in the market by 2015 more devices than people! ABI RESEARCH, 2012 Are you a business manager who needs some marketing expertise? Give us a call today: To view a full list of our products, please visit: propelmarketing.com/products Visit us at propelmarketing.com to download the latest e-book. #OutdatedtoUpdated WHAT WE DO As digital solution specialists, we provide you with access to technology and resources that may be impractical for a smaller company to tackle on their own. We provide better data and results, delivered with continued support for your company’s success in the ever-changing digital landscape. RESPONSIVE WEBSITE DESIGN ONTARGET - DISPLAY ADVERTISING Create the best user experience on all devices. Shine a spotlight on your business. Say goodbye to spending money on multiple website updates. This cutting-edge technology provides one website that adjusts to the size and resolution for every device - automatically! Get all the features you need on one platform. Spend your advertising dollars where they count the most. Display advertising helps place your business in front of consumers where they spend most of their time: the web. MOBILE WEBSITE DESIGN Customers should be able to find you from anywhere. Today, more local customers are searching for your business with their smartphones. Are you losing customers searching for your business on the go? Give customers anywhere access to your website while generating more business for you. LOGO CREATION Make a strong impression. RETARGETING Regain lost customers. Don’t miss out on lost business. Today’s customers take time to research and reflect before making a purchase. Now you can keep in touch and stay relevant to your customers throughout their buying decision. DIRECT EMAIL Reach the right people at the right time. Help your business become more credible and visible to potential customers with professional Logo Creation. Create consistent branding across all platforms and stand out from your competitors with a unique logo design. Build your email marketing campaigns and expand your customer base! Using your most current data ensures your campaigns reach active and high-quality leads. Direct Email will help to micro-target your audience and provide you with real-time email metrics. E-COMMERCE SOCIAL MEDIA OPTIMIZATION Manage your store from anywhere. How many places do you shine? Build, manage, and grow your online business with E-Commerce. With the ability to reach customers 24/7, you can expand your geographic reach, drive website traffic, gain more potential customers, and eliminate missed revenue opportunities to boost your bottom line! Social media is the new word-of-mouth. It’s no coincidence that businesses who engage their customers via social media grow faster than those who don’t. Now it’s easy to keep your loyal customers updated and gain new ones. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION Shine brighter than your competitors. When customers search online, are they finding you or your competitors? If search engines don’t know you exist, you are invisible. Ranking higher in search results helps customers find you, driving more customers to your website. LIST OPTIMIZATION Get listed. Get found. Get customers. Are you losing customers due to incorrect contact info? Get more customers by increasing your online credibility by maintaining up-to-date, consistent and visible business information across top search engines and directories. LOCAL PROFILES Be where your customers are. You should be the master of your local listing! When you are listed locally, it is easier for customers to find and choose your business. Claim, verify and upgrade your business pages to stand out to customers in your area. SEARCH ENGINE MARKETING Shine in the right places. Go from outdated to updated - search engines are the new yellowpages. Search engine marketing drives the right customers to your business and turns searches into revenue. Contact your account representative or The Record at 209-546-8200 | advertising@recordnet.com REPUTATION MONITORING Know what your customers are saying about you. Don’t let bad reviews shut you down. Everyone has an opinion and the Internet provides the megaphone. With 70% of consumers trusting online reviews, you can’t afford to ignore what’s being said online. CALL TRACKING Bring your business out of the shadows. How do you know your marketing strategy is working? Today, more than ever, phone calls are still one of the best sources of quality leads for your business. Now you can shed light on what leads you gain on and off line. INTERACTIVE VIDEO Make the most out of a minute. Interactive Videos are the easiest way to make an impression in a short amount of time, effectively marketing your services. Engage your customers with customized, interactive content for maximum optimization and conversions. LIVE CHAT LEADS Make website visits matter more. Now your business never has to close its doors! Let us deliver 24/7 instant gratification to web visitors by connecting them to a live person with no wait times. Engage more visitors online, off the phone, and easily convert them into leads. Live Chat offers immediate ROI! Partnered with 3 Rates PROPEL RATES 97% of consumers search for local businesses online. Google 4 7 of 10 customers are more likely to use a local business if present on social media. Local Consumer Review Survey SEARCH ENGINE MARKETING Search Engine Marketing SEM Landing Page $199 (setup) Custom / mo. $249 / page *$50 per 2 additonal changes DIRECT EMAIL Gold Package (50,000 emails sent) $1,600 $150 / 5,000 emails Additional Emails Sent Silver Package (25,000 emails sent) Additional Emails Sent $19 / mo. Additional Account Creation $12 / mo. each Conversations Starter $299 / mo. Conversations Plus $599 / mo. Conversations Pro $999 / mo. Consulting Starter - 5 Hours* $800 (one time fee) Consulting Plus - 10 Hours* $1,000 (one time fee) $170 / 5,000 emails Consulting Pro - 25 Hours* $2,000 (one time fee) $249 / page Email Campaign Landing Page Creation (Choose 2 from Google+, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or YouTube) $900 $99 / email Email Content Creation SOCIAL MEDIA OPTIMIZATION SocialSuite (DIY Plan) $39 / mo. * over 90 days or less REPUTATION MONITORING INTERACTIVE VIDEO Single Video Seasonal Video Package 4 videos $39 / mo $139 / mo 1 Video Hosting Year 2+ $9 / mo 4 Video Hosting Year 2+ $29 / mo *1 revision during initial development *$50 per additional revision Online video users are expected to double to 1.5 billion in 2016. CISCO, 2013 Effective Date: August 2014 Minimum Agreement: 6-month for Search Engine Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Reputation Monitoring, Social Media Optimization – Conversations packages and SocialSuite (DIY Plan), and Live Chat Leads; 12-Month for Responsive Website Design, Mobile Website Design, List Optimization, Local Profiles, Interactive Video, Ecommerce, and Social Media Optimization – Creation and AdditionalAccount Creation. All agreements subject to Propel Marketing’s terms and conditions: propelmarketing.com/legal/ advertising_terms. Rates subject to change. Reputation Monitoring $55 / mo. Multi-Location Analytics $75 / business location 10+ Business Locations 20+ Business Locations $70 / location $65 / location CALL TRACKING Track & Analyze Results $40 / mo. LIVE CHAT LEADS Initial Set-up Fee $249 Bronze Package (up to 20 leads/month) $300 / mo. Silver Package (up to 40 leads/month) $500 / mo. Gold Package (up to 75 leads/month) $750 / mo. Custom Packages Available upon request 5 Rates 58% of global online consumers said they are more likely to trust a company with a website. 40% of business listings have missing or erroneous information. Universal Business Listing Nielsen Advertising Survey LAUNCH YOUR PRESENCE GET FOUND ONLINE Establish your business’ credibility with a web presence all while creating the best experience for your customers. Protect your internet identity. If you are not online, you are missing out on customers. Get more customers by increasing your online credibility. RESPONSIVE WEBSITE DESIGN 5-Page Website DIY $99 / mo. (first 12 months) 5-Page Website DIFM* $129 / mo. (first 12 months) Each Additional Page LIST OPTIMIZATION Business Listing Distribution $19 / mo. $5 / mo. Renewal DIY $49 / mo. Renewal DIFM* $79 / mo. *DIFM packages include 1 hour of maint. / mo. Each additional 2 hours of maintenance: $75. LOCAL PROFILES Profile Creation on Google+ Local & Yahoo Local $29 / mo. *includes List Optimization MOBILE WEBSITE DESIGN 5-Page Mobile Website Renewal Additional Mobile Website Maintenance Package $29 / mo. (first 12 months) Includes 5 changes $19 / mo. Includes 5 changes plus hosting $5 / mo. Additional 5 changes / 12 mo. period LOGO CREATION One-time fee 3 revisions allowed Additional revision SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION Basic Package $350 / mo. Starter Package $450 / mo. Plus Package $550 / mo. Pro Package $750 / mo. Deluxe Package $1,100 / mo. $199 $70 Partnered with Effective Date: May 2014 Minimum Agreement: 3-month for OnTarget - Display Advertising and Retargeting; 6-month for Search Engine Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Reputation Monitoring and Social Media Optimization – Conversations packages and SocialSuite (DIY Plan); 12-Month for Responsive Website Design, Mobile Website Design, List Optimization, Local Profiles, Interactive Video, and Social Media Optimization – Creation and Additional Account Creation. All agreements subject to Propel Marketing’s terms and conditions: propelmarketing.com/legal/advertising_terms. Rates subject to change. San Joaquin Media Group’s Websites Recordnet.com San Joaquin Media Group’sAudience. Websites Deliver a Prime Consumer Deliver a Prime Audience. As the San Joaquin Valley’s main source ofConsumer online news and information, Recordnet.com is a key part of the daily lives of the people who live and visit here. With over 19,800 average As the San Joaquin Valley’s main Media source of online news and information, Websites Recordnet.com is San Group’s daily uniqueJoaquin visitors and more than 2.6 million average monthly page views, San Joaquin a key part of the daily lives of the people who live and visit here. With over 19,800 average Media Group Websites are an attractive medium for your advertising message. Combine Deliver Consumer Audience. daily unique visitorsa andPrime more than 2.6 million average monthly page views, San Joaquin with The Record newspaper and extend your reach even further. Media Group Websites are an attractive medium for your advertising message. Combine As the San Joaquin Valley’s main source of online news and information, Recordnet.com is with The Record newspaper and extend your reach even further. a key part of the provides daily livesaof the people who advertising live and visitformats here. With overyou 19,800 Recordnet.com variety of display to help reach average the right daily unique and more than 2.6 millionYour average monthlyMedia page views, Joaquin audience for avisitors good return on your investment. San Joaquin Group San consultant Recordnet.com provides a variety of display advertising formats to help you reach the right Media Group are an attractive medium for yourthe advertising message. Combine can work withWebsites you to create a custom plan that includes advertising units that achieve audience for a good return on your investment. Your San Joaquin Media Group consultant withmarketing The Record newspaper extendgrowth. your reach even further. the goals for your and business can work with you to create a custom plan that includes the advertising units that achieve the marketing goals for your business growth. Recordnet.com provides a variety of display advertising formats to help you reach the right audience for a good return on your investment. Your San Joaquin Media Group consultant can work with you to create a custom plan that includes the advertising units that achieve the marketing goals for your business growth. Recordnet.com Visitor Profile Recordnet.com Visitor Profile Gender Recordnet.com Male Gender Female Visitor Profile Male Age Female Avg. Income $75,000+ $30,000-$74,999 1 Day Reach Less than $30,000 1Avg. Day Income Reach Sunday Stockton Record $57,500 21% 54% 25% $57,500 130,500 News Media: News Media: (Print & Online) Sunday Stockton Stockton Record Record News Media: Stockton Record Fox (Print (Print & & Online) Online) Fox CBS Sunday Stockton (TV, & (TV, Ch. Ch. 40 13 Record & Online) Online) 101,700 98,400130,500 (Print & Online) CBS ABC Stockton (TV, & Online) Online) (TV, Ch. Ch. 13 10 Record & 98,400 93,100 121,400 (Print & Online) ABC NBC NBC Lodi(TV,News-Setinel CBS Ch. 3 & Online) (Print) (TV, Ch. 13 & Online) Lodi Modesto News-Setinel Sunday Bee ABC (Print) (Print & Online) (TV, Ch. 10 & Online) Sunday Modesto Bee Modesto Bee NBC (Print (Print & & Online) Online) (TV, Ch. 3 & Online) Modesto Bee Manteca Bulletin Lodi News-Setinel (Print & Online) (Print) (Print) Deitra Kenoly: Director of Advertising (209) 546-8238 | dkenoly@recordnet.com Roger Coover: Publisher & President (209) 546-8243 | coover@recordnet.com 80,300 31,300 98,400 31,300 22,200 93,100 22,200 19,400 80,300 19,400 19,000 31,300 19,000 17,800 22,200 Sunday Manteca Bulletin Modesto(Print) Bee 17,800 19,400 (Print & Online) Jim Robbins: Multimedia Sales Manager (209) 546-8233 | jrobbins@recordnet.com 93,100 80,300 101,700 Manteca Bulletin Bulletin Sunday Manteca Sunday Modesto(Print) Bee (Print) (Print & Online) 130,500 121,400 121,400 101,700 1 Day Reach (Print & Online) Online) (TV, Ch. 40 & Fox (TV, (TV,Ch. Ch.10 3& & Online) Online) (TV, Ch. 40 & Online) 45% 55% 45% 55% 37% 42% 37% 45% 21% 42% 55% 21% 39% 37% 41% 39% 42% 41% 21% 65% 35% 65% 39% 35% 41% 21% 54% 21% 65% 25% 54% 35% $57,500 25% 18-34 Age Gender 35-54 18-34 Male 55+ 35-54 Female Education 55+ Age College Grad Education 18-34 Some College College 35-54 Grad HH Information Some 55+ College Homeowners HH Information Education HH w/ children Homeowners College Grad Household HH w/College childrenincome Some $75,000+ Household income HH Information $30,000-$74,999 $75,000+ Homeowners Less than $30,000 $30,000-$74,999 HH w/ children Avg. LessIncome than $30,000 Household income Advertising Management Staff: 6 SOURCES: 2012 Clark, Martire & Bartolomeo Inc. Market Study, Manteca Bulletin 19,000 Sunday (Print) Omniture Site traffic: 3 Month Average (May–July 2012) 2012 Clark, Martire & Bartolomeo Inc. Market Study. San Joaquin Adults SOURCES: 2012 & Bartolomeo Inc. Market Study, (479,300) one day use ofClark, newsMartire media though print, online or television. Manteca Bulletin Omniture Site traffic: 3 Month Average (May–July 2012) (Print) 2012 Clark, Martire & Bartolomeo Inc. Market Study. San Joaquin Adults (479,300) one day use of news media though print, online or television. 17,800 SOURCES: 2012 Clark, Martire & Bartolomeo Inc. Market Study, Omniture Site traffic: 3 Month Average (May–July 2012) 2012 Clark, Martire & Bartolomeo Inc. Market Study. San Joaquin Adults (479,300) one day use of news media though print, online or television. Digital Display Advertising 7 LEADERBOARD 728 x 90 Pixels BIG BOX 300 x 250 Pixels HALF PAGE 300 x 600 Pixels MOBILE DISPLAY AD 320 x 50 Pixels Banner Ads Mobile Display Ads Banner ads are the foundation of online advertising and the standard for building brand awareness. They reach a large audience and provide a healthy return on your investment. Banner ads are available on all pages of Recordnet.com, but you can reach the audience that’s most desirable for your business with a Targeted Campaign, or promote your business across all areas of the site with a Run of Site Campaign (ROS.) Reach your customers wherever they are: At home, at work, or on the go! Ad Size Big Box (Home) Big Box (ROS) Half Page (ROS) Leaderboard (ROS) Rates (Based on CPM) 1 Month 3 Months 17.00 $ 11 .00 $ 15.00 $ 11 .00 15.00 $ 10.00 $ 14.00 $ 10.00 $ $ 6 Months 13.00 $ .00 9 $ 13.00 $9.00 $ Half Page and Leaderboard ads are not available on the Home page. Add 25% for video. Minimum 30,000 views for ROS. Minimum 50,000 views for Home page. 12 Months 12.00 $ .00 8 $ 12.00 $ .00 8 A Mobile Display Ad is a great way to put your business in the palm of your customers’ hands! Over 3,400 Daily unique visitors* 513,600 Monthly mobile page views* $ Rates (30,000 views per month) 3 Months $450/month 6 Months $405/month 12 Months $360/month *SOURCE: 2012 Clark, Martire & Bartolomeo Inc. Market Study, Omniture Mobile Site traffic: 3 Month Average (May–July 2012) For more information about digital advertising, contact: (209) 546-8200 | (800) 606-9744 | advertising@recordnet.com Rich Media Options 8 Sliding Billboard Ad • Your ad will be the first thing users see on the home page of Recordnet.com. • Limited to one advertiser per day.* PENCIL AD 980 x 30 Pixels SLIDING BILLBOARD 980 x 300 Pixels • Large billboard ad reduces to 980x30 px Leave-Behind Pencil ad that stays at the top of the page all day. 1 Day $ 475 2 Days $ 425/day 3+ Days $ 375/day Virtual Sticky Note • Your ad will be the first thing users see on the home page of Recordnet.com. PENCIL AD 980 x 30 Pixels • Limited to one advertiser per day.* • Exclusive Position! Your 600 x 300 px message hovers over the home page for 10 seconds, then disappears, displaying a 980 x 30 Leave-Behind Pencil ad that stays at the top of the home page all day. VIRTUAL STICKY NOTE 600 x 300 Pixels 1 Day $ 375 2+ Days $ 225/day *Only one Sliding Billboard or one Virtual Sticky Note is available per day. For more information about digital advertising, contact: (209) 546-8200 | (800) 606-9744 | advertising@recordnet.com Carousel Ad Unit Sponsorship Options Sponsorship Options INTRODUCING THE NEW CAROUSEL AD UNIT. This ad unit appears in our rotating homepage carousel and will be the only ad running in the carousel. The carousel is located above the fold among top new stories. Being the only ad located in this prime position, it is sure to get visitorsÕ attention and make a lasting impression that will connect with your audience. Carousel Ad Unit Carousel Ad Details: Carousel Ad THE NEW CAROUSEL AD UNIT. INTRODUCING THE NEW CAROUSEL MediaINTRODUCING Gallery Sponsorship 396 x 474 pixels AD UNIT. This Thumbnail LOCAL ad unit appears in ourCompanion rotating homepage carousel and will be the only ad running Media Gallery Sponsorship Dimensions: SITE top new stories. in theincarousel. The is located the fold among This ad unitadvertising appears our rotating homepage carousel and aboveNEWS Gallery appeals to ourcarousel visitors. ANIMATION: 600 to x 365 Format: Static jpg in this prime position, Being the only ad located it is sure get Pixels visitorsÕ willIt’s becaptivating the only ad running in the carousel. The carousel is to all audiences, entertaining VIDEO: 600 x audience. 340 Pixels File size: 50k max Gallery advertising appeals to our visitors. attention and make a lasting impression that will connect with your located above the fold among top new stories. Being the ANIMATION: 600 x 365 Pixels and engaging. COMPANION Ranked position: It’sad captivating to this all audiences, entertaining only located in prime position, it is sure to get VIDEO: 600 x 340 Pixels #3 on site(s) purchased BIG BOX AD visitors’ attention and makeBig a lasting impression that will and engaging. Includes a companion Box Ad. COMPANION 300 x 250 Pixels Carousel connect withAd yourDetails: audience. Pricing: BIG BOX AD 127 x 102 pixels Includes companion Big Box All Ad.pricing Dimensions: Autoplay amuted with user-initiated audio. is per site CarouselAd Ad Details: for 15 day cycle Carousel Please refer to page 2 396 x 474 pixels Dimensions: Carousel Aduser-initiated – 396 x 474 pixels. Autoplay muted with audio. list of rate tiers. Thumbnail Companion– -127 x 102 for Thumbnail Companion pixels Animation: 10 second MAX.Tier 1: $1,350 per site 127 x 102 pixels Format: Static jpg 300 x 250 Pixels LOCAL NEWS SITE Tier 2: $1,050 per site MAX. 800 Tier 3: $900 per site File 50k max $ size: Ranked position: #3 on site(s) purchased 800 /month Tier 4: $750 per site Ranked position: $ Format: jpgsecond Animation: 10 File size: Static 50k/month max Video$1,050. Pre-Roll:All15 seconds Pricing: pricing is for 15-day cycle. #3 on site(s) purchased 1,000 1,000 Tier 5: $450 per site $ Video&Pre-Roll: 15 seconds Tier 6: $300 per site /month Terms Conditions: Pricing: $ must be “Advertisement” Terms & Conditions: • Title /month All pricingPre-Roll: isads perare site • Carousel not included takeovers Video 30 secondsin site ¥ Title must be for 15 day cycle Ò AdvertisementÓ • Political ads not allowed $ Please refer to page30 2 seconds ¥ Carousel ads are not Video Pre-Roll: for list of rate tiers./month included in site takeovers • Cannot change ad content within 15-day cycle ¥ Political ads not allowed $ 1: $1,350 per site Tier • Standard limited inventory discounts DO NOT apply.ad content /month ¥ Cannot change No multi-site, no multi-month discounts within 15 day cycle Tier 2: $1,050 per site 1,250 1,250 ¥ Tier 3: $900 per site Tier 4: $750 per site Standard limited inventory discounts DO NOT apply. No multi-site, no multimonth discounts Site Takeover Tier 6: $300 per site Site Takeover Tier 5: $450 per site Take over Recordnet.com for a day with your message. Great for special events and sales! for a day with your ¥ Take Titleover mustRecordnet.com be Ò AdvertisementÓ message. Great for special events and sales! • EXCLUSIVE: Only one advertiser can take over. Terms & Conditions: ¥ Carousel ads are not included in site takeovers • EXCLUSIVE: Only one advertiser can take over. brand takes over the entire home page and ¥ • Your Political ads not allowed ¥ background, Cannot change content won’t be missed. youradmessage • Your brand takes over the entire home page and within 15 day cycle ¥ background, Standard limited inventory your message missed. • Includes: Leaderboard, Halfwon’t Page,be Background discounts DO NOT apply. image, Sliding no Billboard, No multi-site, multi- and Pencil ads! • Includes: Leaderboard, Half Page, Background month discounts image, Sliding Billboard, and Pencil ads! Take over for only $ Take over for only 1,600 PER DAY! $ 1,600 PER DAY! Recordnet.com | LimelightDeals.com | ValleyMarketplace.com | ValleyJobFinder.com ValleyHomeFinder.com | ValleyAutoFinder.com | eSanJoaquin.com Recordnet.com | LimelightDeals.com | ValleyMarketplace.com | ValleyJobFinder.com 9 Rich MediaDeals Limelight Options & Promo-Pak Sliding Billboard Ad What’s in it for YOU. • Your ad will be the first thing users see on 10 PENCIL AD 980 x 30 Pixels the home page of Recordnet.com. Risk-Free Promotion! SLIDING BILLBOARD No upfront fees.to“We moneyper when you make money.” onemake advertiser day.* • Limited 980 x 300 Pixels billboard ad reduces to 980x30 px Paid! • LargeNew Acquire Customers, and Get Leave-Behind Pencil ad that stays at the Unbeatable reach! Your offer will be promoted to 41% top of the page all day. of the local market through San Joaquin Media Group’s audience.* Plus customers pre-pay for their deals, so 1 Day payment to you is guaranteed. $ 475 Reach your market! We Feature Your Business! 2 Days is featured on our Daily Deal Email Your business $ to an engaged audience /day looking for your deal. 425 Limelight Deals already has over 4,200 local subscribers waiting to receive your deal! Secure your date now! 3+ Days Others Promote Your Business! 375 $ Social networking will get your offer passed around /day to other potential customers. Now that’s “word of mouth!” Subscriber Gender Male Female Different than Other Advertising Channels! An easy, fast and risk-free way to promote your business, gain new customers, and increase revenue. 32% 68% Subscriber Age Virtual Sticky Note 18-34 35-54 55+ *Source: 2012 San Joaquin Media Group Market Study; Clark, Martire Bartolomeo. Base: Total Adults (18+) in Market (479,300) who have read 1 Daily, 1 Sunday, or visited recordnet.com in the past week. PENCIL AD 980 x 30 Pixels • Your ad will be the first thing users see on the home page of Recordnet.com. 15% 42% 43% • Limited to one advertiser per day.* VIRTUAL STICKY NOTE Promo-Pak • Exclusive Position! Your 600 x 300 px message hovers over the home page for 10 seconds, then • Enhanced business listing a 980 x 30 Leave-Behind disappears, displaying Pencil ad thatoffers stays at the top of the home pageetc.) • Promote 3 special (coupons, specials, events, all day. • Access to events calendar 600 x 300 Pixels • Upload PDF files to your business listing (menus, brochures, etc.) 1 Day • 24/7 Access to update your listing information $ • Featured in Deals Widget throughout Recordnet.com 375 2+ Days 12 Month $ $ 59/month 6 Months 225/day $ 69/month 3 Months 79/month $ Deal of the week 99/week $ *Only one Sliding Billboard or one Virtual Sticky Note is available per day. For Formore moreinformation informationabout aboutdigital Limelight advertising, Deals, contact: contact: (209) Tamra 546-8200 Vargas:| (800) (209) 606-9744 546-8227 | advertising@recordnet.com tvargas@recordnet.com 11 * CONFIDENTIAL Ð INTERNAL DOCUMENT * * CONFIDENTIAL Ð INTERNAL DOCUMENT * * CONFIDENTIAL Ð INTERNAL DOCUMENT * 2014 Digital Display Advertising Floor Rates GateHouse Media SW Region,Advertising LMG & LARGE DAILIES GROUP 2014 Digital Display Floor Rates 2014 Digital Display Advertising Floor Rates GateHouse Media SW Region, LMG & LARGE DAILIES GROUP GateHouse MediaDisplay SW Region, LMG &Video LARGEFacebook DAILIES GROUP Geo-Targeting Pre-Roll (solo) Facebook* 40,000 Ð 249,999 Imp $10 CPM $22 CPM $12 CPM $10 CPM Geo-Targeting Display Pre-Roll Facebook Facebook* 250,000 Ð 499,999 Imp $8 CPM $20 CPMVideo $10 CPM (solo) $8 CPM 40,000 $10 CPM $22 $12 CPM (solo) $10 CPM 500,000Ð Ð 249,999 1 MillionImp Imp $6 CPM $18 CPM CPM Video $8 CPM $6 CPM Geo-Targeting Display Pre-Roll Facebook Facebook* 250,000 Ð 499,999 Imp $8 CPM $20 CPM $10 CPM $8 CPM 40,000 Ð 249,999 Imp $10 CPM $22 CPM $12 CPM $10 CPM 500,000 1 MillionImp Imp $6 CPM $18 CPM $8 CPM Demo OR Behavioral Targeting Display Pre-Roll Facebook Facebook* 250,000 Ð Ð 499,999 $8 CPM $20 CPMVideo $10 CPM (solo) $6 $8CPM CPM 40,000 Ð Ð 1249,999 $12 CPM $24 CPM $14 CPM $12 500,000 Million Imp $6 CPM $18 CPM $8 CPM $6 CPM Demo ORÐ Behavioral Targeting Display Pre-Roll Facebook Facebook* 250 ,000 499,999 Imp $10 CPM $22 CPMVideo $12 CPM (solo) $10 CPM 40,000 Ð 249,999 Imp $12 CPM $24 CPM $14 CPM $12 CPM 500,000 Ð 1 Million Imp $8 CPM $20 CPM $10 CPM $8 CPM Demo OR Behavioral Targeting Display Pre-Roll Video Facebook (solo) Facebook* 250 ,000 Ð 499,999 $10CPM CPM $22 CPM $12 $10 40,000 Ð 249,999 ImpImp $12 $24 CPM $14CPM CPM $12CPM CPM 500,000 1Behavioral Million ImpTargeting Display $8 CPM $20 CPMVideo $10 CPM (solo) Facebook* $8 CPM Demo Pre-Roll Facebook 250 ,000AND Ð Ð 499,999 Imp $10 CPM $22 CPM $12 CPM $10 CPM 40,000 Ð Ð 1249,999 Imp $14 CPM $26 CPM` $16 $14 500,000 Million Imp Targeting $8 CPM $20 CPM $10CPM CPM $8 CPM CPM Demo AND Behavioral Display Pre-Roll Facebook 250,000 Ð 499,999 Imp $12 CPM $24 CPMVideo $14 CPM (solo) Facebook* $12 CPM 40,000 Ð Ð 249,999 $14 CPM CPM $26 CPM CPM` $16 CPM CPM $14 CPM CPM 500,000 1 MillionImp Imp $10 $22 $12 $10 Demo ANDÐ Behavioral Pre-Roll Facebook Facebook* 250,000 499,999 ImpTargeting Display $12 CPM $24 CPM Video $14 CPM (solo) $12 CPM 40,000 Ð 249,999 Imp $14 CPM $26 CPM` $16CPM CPM $14CPM CPM Facebook Notes: 500,000 Ð 1 Million Imp $10 CPM $22 CPM $12 $10 Mobile GEO Content** 250,000 Ð 499,999 Imp $12 CPM $24 CPM $14 CPM image size to upload: $12 600x315px CPM Recommended 40,000 Ð Ð 249,999 Imp $10CPM CPM $12 CPM 500,000 1 Million Imp $10 $22 CPM $12 CPM $10 CPM Displayed image dimensions: 254x133px Facebook Notes: Mobile Ð 499,999 Imp GEO Content** 250,000 $8 CPM $10 CPM Recommended image size to upload: 600x315px Image aspect ratio: 1.91:1 40,000 Ð 249,999 Imp $10 CPM $12 CPM 500,000 Ð 1 Million Imp $6 CPM $8 CPM Facebook Notes: Displayed dimensions: 254x133px Text Limits:image 25 Characters for Headline ¥ 90 Characters for Body Mobile GEO Content** 250,000 Ð 499,999 Imp $8 CPM $10 CPM Recommended image size totrackers upload: 600x315px No changes view tags/click Image aspecttoratio: 1.91:1 40,000 Ð 249,999 Imp $10 CPM $12 CPM 500,000 Ð 1 Million Imp $6 CPM $8 CPM Re-Targeting Displayed dimensions: 254x133px Text Limits: image 25 Characters for Headline ¥ 90 Characters for Body 250,000 Ð 499,999 Imp $8 CPM (Up to 40,000$10 CPM Imp/Mo) Small Business Package: $199/MO No changes to view Image aspect ratio:tags/click 1.91:1 trackers 500,000 1 Million $6 $8 CPM Re-Targeting 40,000+Ð Imp/ Mo: Imp $5CPM CPM (Traffic confirmation required) Text Limits: 25 Characters for Headline ¥ 90 Characters for Body Small Business Package: $199/MO (Up to 40,000 Imp/Mo) No changes to view tags/click trackers Re-Targeting 40,000+ Imp/ Mo: $5 CPM (Traffic confirmation required) Notes:Business ¥ AdditionalPackage: discounts may apply for display campaigns over 1M available upon request. (UpIMP. to Rates 40,000 Imp/Mo) Small $199/MO ¥ Minimum Display Buy Ð $400 spread over a maximum of 13 weeks 40,000+ Imp/ Mo:tiers are for total flight. Maximum$5Re-targeting CPM Imp (Traffic confirmation ¥ Impression - 100K/Mo first 2 mos. required) Notes: Notes: ¥ Additional discounts may apply for display campaigns over 1M IMP. Rates available upon request. ¥ ** Demo and behavioral targeting not over available on mobile. Mobile Minimum Display Buy Ð $400 spread a maximum of 13 weekstargeted by GEO and Content ¥ Impression tiers are for total flight. Maximum Re-targeting Imp - 100K/Mo first 2 mos. ¥ Additional discounts may apply for display campaigns over 1M IMP. Rates available upon request. ¥ ** DemoDisplay and behavioral targeting notover available on mobile. ¥ Minimum Buy Ð $400 spread a maximum of 13Mobile weekstargeted by GEO and Content ¥ Impression tiers are for total flight. Maximum Re-targeting Imp - 100K/Mo first 2 mos. ¥ ** Demo and behavioral targeting not available on mobile. Mobile targeted by GEO and Content Recordnet.com | LimelightDeals.com | ValleyMarketplace.com | ValleyJobFinder.com ValleyHomeFinder.com | ValleyAutoFinder.com | eSanJoaquin.com 11 2015 Retail Advertising Rate Card 530 E. Market Street, P.O. Box 900 Stockton CA 95202 Phone: (209) 546-8200, Toll Free: 1 (800) 606-9744, Fax: (209) 547-8102 Rev. 12-2014 | Expires December 27, 2015 Recordnet.com | LimelightDeals.com | ValleyMarketplace.com | ValleyJobFinder.com ValleyHomeFinder.com | ValleyAutoFinder.com | eSanJoaquin.com The Record • Recordnet.com • ValleyHomeFinder • Vida • Lifestyles • San Joaquin Woman • San Joaquin Coupon Book
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