DRAFT 2015 Standard Benefit Plan Designs - Sample 10.0 EHB Changes in benefits from 2014 to 2015 are displayed in orange Summary of Benefits and Coverage COST SHARING AMOUNTS DESCRIBE THE ENROLLEE'S OUT OF POCKET COSTS Platinum Coinsurance Plan Platinum Copay Plan 88.62% 88.41% $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $4,000 $4,000 2/20/2014 Actuarial Value - AV Calculator Overall deductible Other deductibles for specific services Medical Brand Drugs Dental Out–of–pocket limit (includes $300 Pediatric Dental Out-of-pocket limit)1 Common Medical Event Visit to a health care provider’s office or clinic Member Cost Share Deductible Member Cost Deductible Applies Applies Share Primary care visit to treat an injury or illness $20 $20 Specialist visit $40 $40 No cost share No cost share $20 $40 10% $5 or less $15 $25 10% 10% 10% $20 $40 $150 $5 or less $15 $25 10% Emergency room services (waived if admitted) $150 $150 Emergency medical transportation $150 $150 Urgent care $40 $40 Facility fee (e.g., hospital room) Physician/surgeon fee 10% 10% $250 per day up to 5 days Mental/Behavioral health outpatient services $20 $20 10% $250 per day up to 5 days $20 $20 10% $250 per day up to 5 days No cost share No cost share 10% 10% 10% $20 $20 10% $250 per day up to 5 days $20 $20 $20 $150 per day up to 5 days 10% Hospice service No cost share No cost share Eye exam (deductible waived ) Glasses 0% 1 pair per year 0% 1 pair per year No cost share No cost share Service Type Preventive care/ screening/ immunization Laboratory Tests X-rays and Diagnostic Imaging Imaging (CT/PET scans, MRIs) Generic drugs Drugs to treat Preferred brand drugs illness or Non-preferred brand drugs condition Specialty drugs2 Facility fee (e.g., ASC) Outpatient Physician/surgeon fees surgery Tests Need immediate attention Hospital stay Mental health, Mental/Behavioral health inpatient services behavioral health, or substance Substance use disorder outpatient services abuse needs Substance use disorder inpatient services Prenatal care and preconception visits Pregnancy Delivery and all inpatient services Hospital Professional Home health care Rehabilitation services Habilitation services Help recovering or Skilled nursing care other special health needs Durable medical equipment Dental check-up - Preventive and Diagnostic Services Child needs dental or eye Dental Basic Services3 care 10% Dental Major Services3 50% Orthodontics (medically necessary) 50% Notes: 1 2 3 20% For members 19 years of age or older, the Pediatric Dental Out-of-pocket limit does not apply. Oral anti-cancer drugs are capped at $200 monthly maximum. See Dental Standard Benefit Plan Designs $250 see fee schedule see fee schedule $300 DRAFT 2015 Standard Benefit Plan Designs - Sample 10.0 EHB Changes in benefits from 2014 to 2015 are displayed in orange Summary of Benefits and Coverage Individual COST SHARING AMOUNTS DESCRIBE THE ENROLLEE'S OUT OF POCKET COSTS Gold Coinsurance Plan Gold Copay Plan 79.60% 79.22% $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $6,350 $6,350 2/20/2014 Actuarial Value - AV Calculator Overall deductible Other deductibles for specific services Medical Brand Drugs Dental Out–of–pocket limit (includes $300 Pediatric Dental Out-of-pocket limit)1 Common Medical Event Visit to a health care provider’s office or clinic Member Cost Deductible Member Cost Deductible Applies Applies Share Share Service Type Primary care visit to treat an injury or illness $30 $30 Specialist visit $50 $50 No cost share No cost share $30 $50 20% $15 or less $50 $70 20% 20% 20% $30 $50 $250 $15 or less $50 $70 20% Emergency room services (waived if admitted) $250 $250 Emergency medical transportation $250 $250 Urgent care $60 $60 Facility fee (e.g., hospital room) Physician/surgeon fee 20% 20% $600 per day up to 5 days Mental/Behavioral health outpatient services $30 $30 20% $600 per day up to 5 days $30 $30 20% $600 per day up to 5 days No cost share No cost share 20% 20% 20% $30 $30 20% $600 per day up to 5 days $30 $30 $30 $300 per day up to 5 days 20% Hospice service No cost share No cost share Eye exam (deductible waived ) Glasses 0% 1 pair per year 0% 1 pair per year No cost share No cost share Preventive care/ screening/ immunization Laboratory Tests X-rays and Diagnostic Imaging Imaging (CT/PET scans, MRIs) Generic drugs Drugs to treat Preferred brand drugs illness or Non-preferred brand drugs condition Specialty drugs2 Facility fee (e.g., ASC) Outpatient Physician/surgeon fees surgery Tests Need immediate attention Hospital stay Mental health, Mental/Behavioral health inpatient services behavioral health, or substance Substance use disorder outpatient services abuse needs Substance use disorder inpatient services Prenatal care and preconception visits Pregnancy Delivery and all inpatient services Hospital Professional Home health care Rehabilitation services Habilitation services Help recovering or Skilled nursing care other special health needs Durable medical equipment Dental check-up - Preventive and Diagnostic Services Child needs dental or eye Dental Basic Services3 care 20% Dental Major Services3 50% Orthodontics (medically necessary) 50% Notes: 1 2 3 20% For members 19 years of age or older, the Pediatric Dental Out-of-pocket limit does not apply. Oral anti-cancer drugs are capped at $200 monthly maximum. See Dental Standard Benefit Plan Designs $600 see fee schedule see fee schedule $300 DRAFT 2015 Standard Benefit Plan Designs - Sample 10.0 EHB Changes in benefits from 2014 to 2015 are displayed in orange Summary of Benefits and Coverage COST SHARING AMOUNTS DESCRIBE THE ENROLLEE'S OUT OF POCKET COSTS Individual Individual Silver Coinsurance Plan Silver Copay Plan 68.74% 68.49% N/A N/A $2,000 $250 $0 $2,000 $250 $0 $6,350 $6,350 2/20/2014 Actuarial Value - AV Calculator Overall deductible Other deductibles for specific services Medical Brand Drugs Dental Out–of–pocket limit (includes $300 Pediatric Dental Out-of-pocket limit)1 Common Medical Event Visit to a health care provider’s office or clinic Member Cost Deductible Member Cost Deductible Applies Applies Share Share Service Type Primary care visit to treat an injury or illness $45 $45 Specialist visit $65 $65 No cost share No cost share $45 $65 20% $15 or less $50 $70 20% 20% 20% $45 $65 $250 $15 or less $50 $70 20% 20% 20% Preventive care/ screening/ immunization Laboratory Tests X-rays and Diagnostic Imaging Imaging (CT/PET scans, MRIs) Generic drugs Drugs to treat Preferred brand drugs illness or Non-preferred brand drugs condition Specialty drugs2 Facility fee (e.g., ASC) Outpatient Physician/surgeon fees surgery Tests Need immediate attention Hospital stay X X X X $250 X Emergency medical transportation $250 X $250 X Urgent care $90 Facility fee (e.g., hospital room) Physician/surgeon fee 20% 20% Mental/Behavioral health outpatient services $45 Prenatal care and preconception visits Pregnancy Delivery and all inpatient services 20% $90 X 20% X 20% 20% 20% $45 $45 Help recovering or Skilled nursing care other special health needs Durable medical equipment 20% 20% X 20% X 20% X 20% Hospice service No cost share No cost share Eye exam (deductible waived ) Glasses 0% 1 pair per year 0% 1 pair per year No cost share No cost share Dental Major Services3 50% Orthodontics (medically necessary) 50% Notes: For members 19 years of age or older, the Pediatric Dental Out-of-pocket limit does not apply. Oral anti-cancer drugs are capped at $200 monthly maximum. See Dental Standard Benefit Plan Designs X X $45 $45 $45 20% 20% X No cost share 20% Dental check-up - Preventive and Diagnostic Services Child needs dental or eye Dental Basic Services3 care X $45 No cost share Hospital Professional 20% $45 $45 Home health care Rehabilitation services Habilitation services 3 X X X $250 Substance use disorder inpatient services 2 X Emergency room services (waived if admitted) Mental health, Mental/Behavioral health inpatient services behavioral health, or substance Substance use disorder outpatient services abuse needs 1 SHOP see fee schedule see fee schedule $300 X DRAFT 2015 Standard Benefit Plan Designs - Sample 10.0 EHB Changes in benefits from 2014 to 2015 are displayed in orange Summary of Benefits and Coverage COST SHARING AMOUNTS DESCRIBE THE ENROLLEE'S OUT OF POCKET COSTS SHOP SHOP Silver Coinsurance Plan Silver Copay Plan 69.36% 69.07% N/A N/A $1,500 $500 $0 $1,500 $500 $0 $6,350 $6,350 2/20/2014 Actuarial Value - AV Calculator Overall deductible Other deductibles for specific services Medical Brand Drugs Dental Out–of–pocket limit (includes $300 Pediatric Dental Out-of-pocket limit)1 Common Medical Event Visit to a health care provider’s office or clinic Member Cost Share Service Type $45 $45 Specialist visit $65 $65 No cost share No cost share $45 $65 20% $15 or less $50 $70 20% 20% 20% $45 $65 $250 $15 or less $50 $70 20% 20% 20% Preventive care/ screening/ immunization Laboratory Tests X-rays and Diagnostic Imaging Imaging (CT/PET scans, MRIs) Generic drugs Drugs to treat Preferred brand drugs illness or Non-preferred brand drugs condition Specialty drugs2 Facility fee (e.g., ASC) Outpatient Physician/surgeon fees surgery Hospital stay X X X X $250 X Emergency medical transportation $250 X $250 X Urgent care $90 Facility fee (e.g., hospital room) Physician/surgeon fee 20% 20% Mental/Behavioral health outpatient services $45 Prenatal care and preconception visits Pregnancy Delivery and all inpatient services 20% $90 X 20% X 20% 20% 20% $45 $45 Help recovering or Skilled nursing care other special health needs Durable medical equipment 20% 20% X 20% X 20% X 20% Hospice service No cost share No cost share Eye exam (deductible waived ) Glasses 0% 1 pair per year 0% 1 pair per year No cost share No cost share 20% see fee schedule Dental Major Services3 50% see fee schedule Orthodontics (medically necessary) 50% $300 For members 19 years of age or older, the Pediatric Dental Out-of-pocket limit does not apply. Oral anti-cancer drugs are capped at $200 monthly maximum. See Dental Standard Benefit Plan Designs X X $45 $45 $45 20% Notes: X No cost share 20% Dental check-up - Preventive and Diagnostic Services Child needs dental or eye Dental Basic Services3 care X $45 No cost share Hospital Professional 20% $45 $45 Home health care Rehabilitation services Habilitation services 3 X X X $250 Substance use disorder inpatient services 2 X Deductible Applies Emergency room services (waived if admitted) Mental health, Mental/Behavioral health inpatient services behavioral health, or substance Substance use disorder outpatient services abuse needs 1 Member Cost Share Primary care visit to treat an injury or illness Tests Need immediate attention Deductible Applies S X DRAFT 2015 Standard Benefit Plan Designs - Sample 10.0 EHB Changes in benefits from 2014 to 2015 are displayed in orange Summary of Benefits and Coverage SHOP Silver HSA Plan COST SHARING AMOUNTS DESCRIBE THE ENROLLEE'S OUT OF POCKET COSTS 2/20/2014 Actuarial Value - AV Calculator 71.48% Overall deductible Other deductibles for specific services Medical Brand Drugs Dental Out–of–pocket limit (includes $300 Pediatric Dental Out-of-pocket limit)1 Common Medical Event Visit to a health care provider’s office or clinic $1,500 integrated Med/Rx Ded N/A N/A $0 $6,350 Member Cost Share Deductible Applies Primary care visit to treat an injury or illness 20% X Specialist visit 20% X Service Type Preventive care/ screening/ immunization No cost share Laboratory Tests X-rays and Diagnostic Imaging Imaging (CT/PET scans, MRIs) Generic drugs Drugs to treat Preferred brand drugs illness or Non-preferred brand drugs condition Specialty drugs2 Facility fee (e.g., ASC) Outpatient Physician/surgeon fees surgery 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% X X X X X X X X X Emergency room services (waived if admitted) 20% X Emergency medical transportation 20% X Urgent care 20% X Facility fee (e.g., hospital room) Physician/surgeon fee 20% 20% X X Mental/Behavioral health outpatient services 20% X 20% X 20% X 20% X Tests Need immediate attention Hospital stay Mental health, Mental/Behavioral health inpatient services behavioral health, or substance Substance use disorder outpatient services abuse needs Substance use disorder inpatient services Prenatal care and preconception visits Pregnancy No cost share 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% X X X X X 20% X 20% X Hospice service No cost share X Eye exam (deductible waived ) Glasses 0% 1 pair per year Delivery and all inpatient services Hospital Professional Home health care Rehabilitation services Habilitation services Help recovering or Skilled nursing care other special health needs Durable medical equipment Dental check-up - Preventive and Diagnostic Services Child needs dental or eye Dental Basic Services3 care No cost share Dental Major Services3 50% Orthodontics (medically necessary) 50% Notes: 1 2 3 20% For members 19 years of age or older, the Pediatric Dental Out-of-pocket limit does not apply. Oral anti-cancer drugs are capped at $200 monthly maximum. See Dental Standard Benefit Plan Designs DRAFT 2015 Standard Benefit Plan Designs - Sample 10.0 EHB Changes in benefits from 2014 to 2015 are displayed in orange Summary of Benefits and Coverage COST SHARING AMOUNTS DESCRIBE THE ENROLLEE'S OUT OF POCKET COSTS Silver Coinsurance Plan 100%-150% FPL Silver Coinsurance Plan 150%-200% FPL 94.38% 87.44% $0 N/A $0 $0 $0 $500 $50 $0 $2,250 $2,250 2/20/2014 Actuarial Value - AV Calculator Overall deductible Other deductibles for specific services Medical Brand Drugs Dental Out–of–pocket limit (includes $300 Pediatric Dental Out-of-pocket limit)1 Common Medical Event Visit to a health care provider’s office or clinic Member Cost Deductible Applies Share Service Type $3 $15 Specialist visit $5 $20 No cost share No cost share $3 $5 10% $3 or less $5 $10 10% 10% 10% $15 $20 15% $5 or less $15 $25 15% 15% 15% Emergency room services (waived if admitted) $25 $75 X Emergency medical transportation $25 $75 X Urgent care $6 $30 10% 10% 15% 15% $3 $15 10% 15% $3 $15 10% 15% No cost share No cost share 10% 10% 10% $3 $3 15% 15% 15% $15 $15 10% 15% 10% 15% Hospice service No cost share No cost share Eye exam (deductible waived ) Glasses 0% 1 pair per year 0% 1 pair per year No cost share No cost share 20% 20% Dental Major Services3 50% 50% Orthodontics (medically necessary) 50% 50% Preventive care/ screening/ immunization Laboratory Tests X-rays and Diagnostic Imaging Imaging (CT/PET scans, MRIs) Generic drugs Drugs to treat Preferred brand drugs illness or Non-preferred brand drugs condition Specialty drugs2 Facility fee (e.g., ASC) Outpatient Physician/surgeon fees surgery Hospital stay Facility fee (e.g., hospital room) Physician/surgeon fee Mental/Behavioral health outpatient services Mental health, Mental/Behavioral health inpatient services behavioral health, or substance Substance use disorder outpatient services abuse needs Substance use disorder inpatient services Prenatal care and preconception visits Pregnancy Delivery and all inpatient services Hospital Professional Home health care Rehabilitation services Habilitation services Help recovering or Skilled nursing care other special health needs Durable medical equipment Dental check-up - Preventive and Diagnostic Services Child needs dental or eye Dental Basic Services3 care Notes: 1 2 3 Deductible Applies Primary care visit to treat an injury or illness Tests Need immediate attention Member Cost Share For members 19 years of age or older, the Pediatric Dental Out-of-pocket limit does not apply. Oral anti-cancer drugs are capped at $200 monthly maximum. See Dental Standard Benefit Plan Designs X X X X X X X X X DRAFT 2015 Standard Benefit Plan Designs - Sample 10.0 EHB Changes in benefits from 2014 to 2015 are displayed in orange Summary of Benefits and Coverage COST SHARING AMOUNTS DESCRIBE THE ENROLLEE'S OUT OF POCKET COSTS Silver Coinsurance Plan 200%-250% FPL 2/20/2014 Actuarial Value - AV Calculator 73.47% N/A Overall deductible Other deductibles for specific services Medical Brand Drugs Dental Out–of–pocket limit (includes $300 Pediatric Dental Out-of-pocket limit)1 Common Medical Event Visit to a health care provider’s office or clinic Primary care visit to treat an injury or illness $40 Specialist visit $50 Preventive care/ screening/ immunization Laboratory Tests X-rays and Diagnostic Imaging Imaging (CT/PET scans, MRIs) Generic drugs Drugs to treat Preferred brand drugs illness or Non-preferred brand drugs condition Specialty drugs2 Facility fee (e.g., ASC) Outpatient Physician/surgeon fees surgery Hospital stay $5,200 Member Cost Deductible Applies Share Service Type No cost share $40 $50 20% $15 or less $30 $50 20% 20% 20% Tests Need immediate attention $1,500 $250 $0 $250 X Emergency medical transportation $250 X Urgent care $80 Facility fee (e.g., hospital room) Physician/surgeon fee 20% 20% Mental/Behavioral health outpatient services $40 20% Prenatal care and preconception visits Pregnancy Delivery and all inpatient services 20% Hospital Professional 20% 20% 20% $40 $40 Help recovering or Skilled nursing care other special health needs Durable medical equipment 20% 20% Hospice service No cost share Eye exam (deductible waived ) Glasses 0% 1 pair per year No cost share Dental check-up - Preventive and Diagnostic Services Child needs dental or eye Dental Basic Services3 care 20% Dental Major Services3 50% Orthodontics (medically necessary) 50% Notes: For members 19 years of age or older, the Pediatric Dental Out-of-pocket limit does not apply. Oral anti-cancer drugs are capped at $200 monthly maximum. See Dental Standard Benefit Plan Designs X X No cost share Home health care Rehabilitation services Habilitation services 3 X $40 Substance use disorder inpatient services 2 X X X Emergency room services (waived if admitted) Mental health, Mental/Behavioral health inpatient services behavioral health, or substance Substance use disorder outpatient services abuse needs 1 X X X DRAFT 2015 Standard Benefit Plan Designs - Sample 10.0 EHB Changes in benefits from 2014 to 2015 are displayed in orange Summary of Benefits and Coverage COST SHARING AMOUNTS DESCRIBE THE ENROLLEE'S OUT OF POCKET COSTS Silver Copay Plan 100%-150% FPL Silver Copay Plan 150%-200% FPL 94.42% 87.40% $0 N/A $0 $0 $0 $500 $50 $0 $2,250 $2,250 2/20/2014 Actuarial Value - AV Calculator Overall deductible Other deductibles for specific services Medical Brand Drugs Dental Out–of–pocket limit (includes $300 Pediatric Dental Out-of-pocket limit)1 Common Medical Event Visit to a health care provider’s office or clinic Member Cost Deductible Member Cost Applies Share Share Service Type Primary care visit to treat an injury or illness $3 $15 Specialist visit $5 $20 No cost share No cost share $3 $5 $50 $3 or less $5 $10 10% 10% 10% $15 $20 $100 $5 or less $15 $25 15% 15% 15% Emergency room services (waived if admitted) $25 $75 X Emergency medical transportation $25 $75 X Urgent care $6 $30 10% 15% $3 $15 10% 15% $3 $15 10% 15% No cost share No cost share 10% 15% $3 $3 $3 $15 $15 $15 10% 15% 10% 15% Hospice service No cost share No cost share Eye exam (deductible waived ) Glasses 0% 1 pair per year 0% 1 pair per year No cost share No cost share see fee schedule see fee schedule $300 see fee schedule see fee schedule $300 Preventive care/ screening/ immunization Laboratory Tests X-rays and Diagnostic Imaging Imaging (CT/PET scans, MRIs) Generic drugs Drugs to treat Preferred brand drugs illness or Non-preferred brand drugs condition Specialty drugs2 Facility fee (e.g., ASC) Outpatient Physician/surgeon fees surgery Tests Need immediate attention Hospital stay Facility fee (e.g., hospital room) Physician/surgeon fee Mental/Behavioral health outpatient services Mental health, Mental/Behavioral health inpatient services behavioral health, or substance Substance use disorder outpatient services abuse needs Substance use disorder inpatient services Prenatal care and preconception visits Pregnancy Delivery and all inpatient services Hospital Professional Home health care Rehabilitation services Habilitation services Help recovering or Skilled nursing care other special health needs Durable medical equipment Dental check-up - Preventive and Diagnostic Services Child needs dental or eye Dental Basic Services3 care Dental Major Services3 Orthodontics (medically necessary) Notes: 1 2 3 Deductible Applies For members 19 years of age or older, the Pediatric Dental Out-of-pocket limit does not apply. Oral anti-cancer drugs are capped at $200 monthly maximum. See Dental Standard Benefit Plan Designs X X X X X X X X DRAFT 2015 Standard Benefit Plan Designs - Sample 10.0 EHB Changes in benefits from 2014 to 2015 are displayed in orange Summary of Benefits and Coverage Silver Copay Plan 200%-250% FPL COST SHARING AMOUNTS DESCRIBE THE ENROLLEE'S OUT OF POCKET COSTS 2/20/2014 Actuarial Value - AV Calculator 73.18% N/A Overall deductible Other deductibles for specific services Medical Brand Drugs Dental Out–of–pocket limit (includes $300 Pediatric Dental Out-of-pocket limit)1 Common Medical Event Visit to a health care provider’s office or clinic $1,500 $250 $0 $5,200 Member Cost Share Service Type Primary care visit to treat an injury or illness $40 Specialist visit $50 Preventive care/ screening/ immunization No cost share Laboratory Tests X-rays and Diagnostic Imaging Imaging (CT/PET scans, MRIs) Generic drugs Drugs to treat Preferred brand drugs illness or Non-preferred brand drugs condition Specialty drugs2 Facility fee (e.g., ASC) Outpatient Physician/surgeon fees surgery $40 $50 $250 $15 or less $30 $50 20% 20% 20% Tests Need immediate attention Hospital stay $250 X Emergency medical transportation $250 X Urgent care $80 Facility fee (e.g., hospital room) Physician/surgeon fee 20% Mental/Behavioral health outpatient services $40 20% Prenatal care and preconception visits Pregnancy Delivery and all inpatient services 20% Hospital Professional 20% X 20% 20% Hospice service No cost share Eye exam (deductible waived ) Glasses 0% 1 pair per year Dental check-up - Preventive and Diagnostic Services Child needs dental or eye Dental Basic Services3 care X $40 $40 $40 Help recovering or Skilled nursing care other special health needs Durable medical equipment No cost share Dental Major Services3 Orthodontics (medically necessary) Notes: For members 19 years of age or older, the Pediatric Dental Out-of-pocket limit does not apply. Oral anti-cancer drugs are capped at $200 monthly maximum. See Dental Standard Benefit Plan Designs X No cost share Home health care Rehabilitation services Habilitation services 3 X $40 Substance use disorder inpatient services 2 X X X Emergency room services (waived if admitted) Mental health, Mental/Behavioral health inpatient services behavioral health, or substance Substance use disorder outpatient services abuse needs 1 Deductible Applies see fee schedule see fee schedule $300 X DRAFT 2015 Standard Benefit Plan Designs - Sample 10.0 EHB Changes in benefits from 2014 to 2015 are displayed in orange Summary of Benefits and Coverage COST SHARING AMOUNTS DESCRIBE THE ENROLLEE'S OUT OF POCKET COSTS Bronze Plan Bronze HSA Plan 60.87% 58.95% 2/20/2014 Actuarial Value - AV Calculator Overall deductible Other deductibles for specific services Medical Brand Drugs Dental Out–of–pocket limit (includes $300 Pediatric Dental Out-of-pocket limit)1 Common Medical Event Visit to a health care provider’s office or clinic Primary care visit to treat an injury or illness $60 Specialist visit $70 Preventive care/ screening/ immunization Laboratory Tests X-rays and Diagnostic Imaging Imaging (CT/PET scans, MRIs) Generic drugs Drugs to treat Preferred brand drugs illness or Non-preferred brand drugs condition Specialty drugs2 Facility fee (e.g., ASC) Outpatient Physician/surgeon fees surgery Hospital stay $6,350 Deductible Applies After 1st 3 nonpreventive visits X Member Cost Deductible Applies Share 40% X 40% X No cost share X X X X X X X X X 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% X X X X X X X X X Emergency room services (waived if admitted) $300 X 40% X Emergency medical transportation $300 40% X Urgent care $120 40% X Facility fee (e.g., hospital room) Physician/surgeon fee 30% 30% 40% 40% X X Mental/Behavioral health outpatient services $60 X After 1st 3 nonpreventive visits X X After 1st 3 nonpreventive visits 40% X 30% X 40% X $60 After 1st 3 nonpreventive visits 40% X 30% X 40% X Prenatal care and preconception visits Pregnancy No cost share Hospital Professional No cost share 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% X X X X X 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% X X X X X 30% X 40% X 30% X 40% X Hospice service No cost share X No cost share X Eye exam (deductible waived ) Glasses 0% 1 pair per year 0% 1 pair per year No cost share No cost share Delivery and all inpatient services Home health care Rehabilitation services Habilitation services Help recovering or Skilled nursing care other special health needs Durable medical equipment Dental check-up - Preventive and Diagnostic Services Child needs dental or eye Dental Basic Services3 care Dental Major Services3 Orthodontics (medically necessary) Notes: 3 $6,350 30% 30% 30% $15 or less $50 $75 30% 30% 30% Substance use disorder inpatient services 2 N/A N/A $0 No cost share Mental health, Mental/Behavioral health inpatient services behavioral health, or substance Substance use disorder outpatient services abuse needs 1 N/A N/A $0 Member Cost Share Service Type Tests Need immediate attention $5,000 integrated Med/Rx Ded $4,500 integrated Med/Rx For members 19 years of age or older, the Pediatric Dental Out-of-pocket limit does not apply. Oral anti-cancer drugs are capped at $200 monthly maximum. See Dental Standard Benefit Plan Designs see fee schedule see fee schedule $300 20% 50% 50% DRAFT 2015 Standard Benefit Plan Designs - Sample 10.0 EHB Changes in benefits from 2014 to 2015 are displayed in orange Summary of Benefits and Coverage COST SHARING AMOUNTS DESCRIBE THE ENROLLEE'S OUT OF POCKET COSTS Catastrophic Plan 2/20/2014 Actuarial Value - AV Calculator 60.56% Overall deductible Other deductibles for specific services Medical Brand Drugs Dental Out–of–pocket limit (includes $300 Pediatric Dental Out-of-pocket limit)1 Common Medical Event Visit to a health care provider’s office or clinic $6,350 integrated Med/Rx N/A N/A $0 $6,350 Member Cost Share Service Type Primary care visit to treat an injury or illness 0% Specialist visit 0% Preventive care/ screening/ immunization Laboratory Tests X-rays and Diagnostic Imaging Imaging (CT/PET scans, MRIs) Generic drugs Drugs to treat Preferred brand drugs illness or Non-preferred brand drugs condition Specialty drugs2 Facility fee (e.g., ASC) Outpatient Physician/surgeon fees surgery Hospital stay 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% X X X X X X X X X Emergency room services (waived if admitted) 0% X Emergency medical transportation 0% Urgent care 0% Facility fee (e.g., hospital room) Physician/surgeon fee 0% 0% Mental/Behavioral health outpatient services 0% X After 1st 3 nonpreventive visits X X After 1st 3 nonpreventive visits Mental health, Mental/Behavioral health inpatient services behavioral health, or substance Substance use disorder outpatient services abuse needs Substance use disorder inpatient services Prenatal care and preconception visits Pregnancy Hospital Professional 0% After 1st 3 nonpreventive visits 0% X X X X X X 0% X 0% X Hospice service No cost share X Eye exam (deductible waived ) Glasses 0% 1 pair per year Help recovering or Skilled nursing care other special health needs Durable medical equipment Dental check-up - Preventive and Diagnostic Services Child needs dental or eye Dental Basic Services3 care No cost share 20% Dental Major Services3 50% Orthodontics (medically necessary) 50% Notes: 3 X No cost share Home health care Rehabilitation services Habilitation services 2 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Delivery and all inpatient services 1 After 1st 3 nonpreventive visits X No cost share Tests Need immediate attention Deductible Applies For members 19 years of age or older, the Pediatric Dental Out-of-pocket limit does not apply. Oral anti-cancer drugs are capped at $200 monthly maximum. See Dental Standard Benefit Plan Designs
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